How to Model a Car - Ferrari 308 with Fusion 360 Forms - Part 1 #Fusion360 #CarModeling

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in this video we're going to get started modeling a ferrari 308 in fusion 360. [Music] hey everyone this is matt with learn everything about design and in this video we're going to get started on a new fusion 360 forms project we started a forms project and it ended up being a subaru wrx and we modeled a good bit of that now that had its own challenges there were some complications and really it's not a great fit for the level of control that we have with fusion 360 forms so i wanted to tackle something that had a little bit more of a streamlined shape something a little bit more classic and hopefully something that we can replicate a bit better now i chose the ferrari 308 for a few reasons one because it's an absolutely beautiful car i love the way it looks it's a great looking car the second reason is that recently on youtube there's a channel that goes by stance works and he's been building a honda k-swapped ferrari 308 now i've been following along with the build i know that this guy mike uses fusion 360 to design some of his parts so it was kind of a cool idea for me to start modeling the car so it could be something that he could use if he ever wanted to continue to model or add his parts to it so again it's kind of like twofold i wanted to do another car something that was maybe a little bit easier and this hopefully will fit the bill we'll have to see i will take a slightly different approach to modeling this car than how we started the subaru we started by focusing just on the hood when we started the hood we really worked on just a few faces and then we worked our way around face by face sort of building the rest of the car what i want to do in this case is take a slightly different approach a more classic approach to surfacing and i'm going to start by doing the entire sort of midline of the car we're going to go down to this you know the door seam we're really going to start by working on the front fender but ultimately we're gonna take a little bit of a different approach to this one and see how it works out that's something that as you begin modeling more complex projects you really need to be okay with and that's trying different things what you do will not always work sometimes you will have to make changes to your strategy so what we're going to do is you can go to the link in the description and you can download the fusion 360 data set that already has these blueprints in it or if you want to take your own shot at it just google ferrari 308 blueprints find one and in this case i found one online that i was able to sort of hack up into side front back and top views and then we can get started with all of that out of the way let's go ahead and dive into fusion 360 and start by creating a form the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to create a form by using the plain option now keeping in mind that we have both plane and face and there are some different you know implications to using either of them let's go ahead while we're getting started let's take a look at both of them so by starting with face i'm going to just simply rotate around to a top view and i'm going to select my top or my xy plane when we use the face option we have a simple method an edge method or a chain method we have a number of sides sticking to four sides which is important when we're modeling with fusion 360 forms or we can use multiple sides if we use the simple mode and we get started at the origin and we start drawing a rectangle as soon as we get to four sides it will finish that rectangle for us then we can carry on adding more faces as we go we can use the edge approach and the edge approach will allow us to begin on an edge and continue modeling and again we can sort of pull these out and then we also have this chain approach and the chain approach will actually let us do a very similar method but it'll continue to build off of the selected chains and so on so i'm going to hit escape i'm going to use control z to undo and get rid of all of those because i'm not going to use this method what i want to do instead is use the plane method the plane method allows me to again select a plane i'm going to use a rectangle this time i'll use the center rectangle and i'm going to start by simply drawing a rectangle it doesn't matter how big if you want to start by doing the entire car you can i'm going to start by doing roughly the size of the roof notice that i've got a number of divisions here i've got four and four that's going to be okay for us we can do more or less if we want but i am going to turn on symmetry when we turn on length symmetry it might be kind of hard to see but there is a green line that appears if we expand the canvases you can hide the top canvas you can kind of see that green line so we want to make sure that we do have symmetry if you happen to forget and you hit ok before you add symmetry you can always go ahead and use mirror internal and just select a face on either side and again we want to look at the mirrored faces if we happen to have accidentally made some changes to this before we got to that point let's say i pulled this edge out if i go to mirror internal and i select this face and this face the second selection is going to be adjusted to match the first selection so keep in mind that they don't have to be a perfect mirror or symmetry if you're using this mirror internal but it it does have its limitations the number of faces will need to be the same and it has to be able to adjust them so now that we have this let's go ahead and bring our top back let's go to the top view i'm going to box select everything and go to modify edit form i'm going to start by bringing this down and because we have symmetry notice when i move my translate it's actually scaling things out and this works to our advantage in this case and the reason it does is because the style lines on the hood the center section of the hood is actually fairly flat there's not a lot of curvature and then the fenders begin to flare up it might help if you see what the car looks like so again just look online for some pictures but you can see that the hood here this is actually the engines in the rear so this is actually just a storage plus you know some cooling and some brake boosters and stuff like that are hidden in there but you can see this section is fairly flat and if we look the fenders start to curve up a little bit before they roll over and come down so we're going to build the center section and we're going to work it all the way back and i'm going to do that by again trying to match those lines once we get it pretty close the next thing i want to do is i'm going to come down and start to move these vertices to slowly match the curvature up front in a case like this because we're dealing with very gradual changes i'm not too worried about being in box display or smooth display right now the smooth display is going to be fine but we can always use alts in one or alton 3. we also have the selection options that let us do it in here as well so we're getting pretty close i'm going to move some of these vertices and again i'm just trying to replicate where these edges are we're going to do a lot more of this slightly modifying these these vertices and these edges as we go but then i'm going to double click this back edge and i'm just going to bring it back to about the edge of the a pillar or where the door seam meets and this leaves one division in the middle here and it leaves one here up front i'm going to go ahead and move this one as well i'm going to pull this one back and the reason i'm doing this now rather than later is because we're going to begin to try and match some curvature so by moving them now while the entire piece is flat it makes it a little bit easier for us because we haven't moved anything yet it's still flat so we haven't really modified any curvature because we're solely looking at it in two dimensions but at this point let's go ahead and go to a side view box select everything and then let's move it up so i'm going to move it up until we are roughly in line with this front nose not going to count the bumper i'm just looking at the body lines and then as we hover over this you can kind of see the different divisions i'm going to box select from the side here to grab all of those edges and i'm going to pull this up i'm going to find the next one i'm going to do the same thing and don't worry too much about how the shape or the curve is coming i want to get those vertices roughly at the right point and then we'll pull this one up as well so that looks pretty bad so far right if we go to our box display let's see exactly what we've done and this is a good reason why it's a good idea to get comfortable and use box display so with box display we can tell that we kind of made some some really crazy decisions here so what i'm going to do is continue with box display i'm going to move this vertex over the center line of the wheel that'll be important because once we build out the wheel arch i want to have an edge or a reference that i can connect to that wheel arch then i'm going to take the next one which is right here and i'm going to put this a little bit between the the wheel arch so if we think about this as being a complete cylinder we're going to probably put eight divisions in the complete cylinder which will be four on the upper section so we got maybe one in the middle two three and then 4. so we want to make sure that we mimic those connection points so that the layout of the form is nice and smooth so now that we have all of those sort of moved into place let's go back to smooth display and now you can see the smooth display looks pretty good so that's a good indication that we should really be continuing on in box display to make these curvature changes now that we have the curvature what i want to do is i want to move some of these down and and this is going to represent sort of the hood being flatter and flaring up to the fenders so we're okay with the location of this outside edge and this back edge if we look at this from the side the back edge matches up with roughly where the a-pillar comes in and the outside edge is the upper edge of the fender and this is something we always have to remember in blueprints when we look at it from the front this upper edge of the fender is is what we see from the side but the curvature actually dips down a little bit so we want to be again mindful of that when we're making our changes and decisions so i'm going to pick probably these uh these two faces so this one here and this one here i'm gonna go to the side and i'm gonna just pull them down i don't have a really good image from the side of what this looks like but i'm going to pull them down a little bit and then when i view it from the front i'm going to turn the back one off when i view it from the front what i'm looking to see is that the center of the hood is low and it sort of flares up if we go to our smooth display it doesn't look like much but in the box display we can see that it sort of flares up so that's looking pretty good so far but there are a couple little changes that we want to make for example we probably want to pull this vertex out and we want to try to match those body lines a little bit better this one here up front is interesting because if we look at the front blueprint it's fairly straight and then it sort of curves down and on the real car this transition rolls not only down as we're looking at it from the front but it also rolls back sort of transfers back into the fender flare so we have to keep that in mind so that's why i'm sort of going to this point where the curvature hasn't changed yet and then i'm going to try to essentially just make a straight line for the rest of these and i don't know where that vertex needs to be just yet but this is a good start now we can take a look at this from the side again it doesn't look like much because we don't know what the rest of the car looks like but what i'm planning on doing for this model is something i've seen done on a handful of cars and it's honestly it's not a workflow that i've ever really approached but i'm going to take this back edge i'm going to double click on one of them i'm going to take this back edge and i'm going to start extruding it back and following the the hips or the main body lines of the car so with that selected i'm going to hold down the alt key and i'm going to begin following the line of the door and the rear quarter and i'm going to let go of alt about where this triangle window is and then i'm going to hit alt again what i'm looking at is the change in curvature so there's sort of an inflection point here and then the door kind of gets wider and i'm going to do it here at the c pillar i'm going to actually i'm sorry the b pillar i guess it would be the b or the c pillar this is basically a little window here there's uh the c pillar is kind of all this one section but i'm gonna hit alt again i'm gonna begin extruding and i'm gonna put this one about where we would expect the body line to come down from this window and then i'm going to put another one sort of in the back and then one more right where the little sort of ducktail spoiler is so i can flip that up now if we rotate this around and go back into our smooth display what we've done is we've essentially built the midline of the car and if you view this from the top even though the car has quite a bit of curvature i mean 1970s ferraris and supercars these have all sort of had very classic lines but when you look at them from the top they're very much a brick they obviously taper in the front and taper in the back but there's really not a whole lot of curvature that happens in the in the midline it all really happens at the fenders and it's really more of a side profile thing so what we want to do from here instead of taking this vertex i'm going to take this edge and i'm going to bring it in until the end matches with the sort of the sail panel or the c pillar i'm going to do the same thing with this edge the reason that i'm doing these with the edges instead of the vertices is because i want to keep this a consistent width so the inside section is sort of tapering in and out but i want these other sections to be consistent widths you can also do this with the scale tool so for example if i take this edge and i use the scale tool i can shrink or stretch it and i'm going to do that here as well i'm going to shrink these so that i'm following the hood line and while that is not strictly required for this one i'm going to take the vertex and move it and simply because i want to stay on that front edge but it's not it's not strictly required that we follow those lines but it is helpful in the overall design of the layout of these patches so uh we're sort of starting narrow flaring out in the cabin and then we're narrowing at the back and that's what we would expect to see all right so a lot of this is actually going to end up being deleted so we're probably going to um delete this section for the hood or we might actually um pull the roof line up i haven't really decided yet but that's that's going to come a little bit later right now we're focused on getting the main body line so at this point we've only really used one tool we've used edit form and we've gone back and forth between our box display and our smooth display but just using edit form allowed us to create a little bit of curvature we followed the body line and and now we've got sort of the the main section of the body and we can continue to build out the fenders from here the next steps that we're going to follow we're going to carry on doing the front fender which means that we're going to start by creating a cylinder and then after that cylinder we are going to begin building the fender out from the cylinder and then we're going to begin carrying the hood down to the cylinder so that'll be a tricky part because that's really where we have to blend two unique shapes and again the way that the ferrari works there is a section where it appears we might have to have a triangular patch i really won't know until we try but we have to be really concerned about this body line here so we want this this really tight body line on the front and it's going to flare out it's hard to tell because of the reflection the reflection there is the background image but it sort of goes it sort of flares out and becomes smooth and then this section here i'm hoping we can take four sided patches all the way back and we don't have to use any triangular patches but that's going to be the intent we're going to really start by working from this midline and we're going to take this midline up and then we're going to worry about the lower section later so at this point let's make sure that we do save our work we don't want to lose anything that we've done so this is a great time for us to save our work we are going to stay in the forms contextual environment or workspace or whatever you want to call it so we're going to continue to work on this if you if you find this ferrari more interesting or more challenging than the subaru please let me know in the comments if this is still a little bit too advanced if you want something more simple start at something basic then please let me know that as well i want to make sure that the content is is going to be helpful and i think modeling cars it's always been a fun thing for me i've modeled them various ways with different software but it's always been a fun challenge because you have a really big end result and something that you can sort of customize and make your own but if you'd rather see something a little bit simple like like a spoon or a bottle or something else that's certainly something that i can cover but please let me know in the comments what you guys want to see and if you like this i'll carry on with the ferrari if not then we'll abandon it and we'll we'll move on to something else but as always thanks for watching and we'll see in the next one you
Channel: Learn Everything About Design
Views: 13,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, Ferrari 308, Fusion 360, Fusion 360 Forms, Tsplines, SubD, Subdivided modeling, car modeling, car design
Id: icJpnqozz6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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