Making a NETHER Portal with RANDOM Drops (Minecraft Randomizer Survival #2)

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hey what's going on guys log-odds if here and welcome to the randomized special data pack that changes the loot of every single block and mob drop in minecraft to a random loot table episode one went up a couple days ago if you missed it but in today's episode we managed to start things off right with an insane oak pressure plate drop we also make some amazing discoveries using the silk touch enchantment and we even end things off with a bang all in the name of getting to the nether all right our main goal for today's video is to get to the nether using random items in Minecraft because obviously all the drops are randomized but to do that we're gonna need three things obsidian a flip for flint and steel to light the portal and we need silk touch pickaxe more than likely as the first thing because I was reading a whole bunch of comet section comments and they explained to me that if you break certain objects with silk touch these drops will actually change which makes sense some items need silk touch in order for you to grab them and since all the drop tables have been randomized well we're gonna have to try to use a silk touch item on like every single block in order to know what everything drops and speaking of certain drops tons of comments in the comment section as well tell me about birch leaves and they drop diamonds I'm here to tell you ladies and gentlemen every single different random loot table data pack has different drops I have completely separate drops from any other youtubers that you guys have been watching play this data pack which by the way you want to get your hands on my specific type of randomizer data pack the link is now in the description below so you can play along with me now even though I want to get silk touch there were a couple recipes I still wanted to try because they're easy to make and it you know we're just gonna give it a try so here's an eye and pressure plate okay nothing here's a gold pressure okay and by the way someone said if I use a gold pressure plate to go in my house that it will actually mobs can't trigger this or it moves so fast that it won't work for them and maybe we have to mess with the button anymore hi Jones Stone drops Oh a lectern Hey that'll go right there now here's the big one anvil what do you drop huh let's see Oh useless backpack well I mean me hey bones okay well that wasn't a good trade and then a dark oak pressure plate you drop more wood hey I guess that's good to know we now have a source of anyway remains we'll see what this type of pressure plate drops to huh we've got an instance what whoa hey wait a second this could be really good Oh diamonds in my house instantly dude I think we just got desert loot and then Oaks away second look look I think we have infinite diamonds now no way check it out because if we break this yeah and then we could turn this into wood and we get two pressure plates and we break these puppies look what happens I'm thrilled by the way we don't need to wait for these crops to grow they will drop sand at any growth level so just worth mentioning I guess oh and by the way I heard that different colored sheep actually have different drops so the white sheep has been dropping us anything and let's just go to bed nice I just found the recipe for dirt you break the lectern and then you get terracotta and you break that and you get dirt but anyways here's what we're gonna be doing getting silk touch will be chopping down oak trees in order to get in shamit books from oak trees and then we're gonna use the new drop we know about the oak wood pressure plates to get even more enchanted books and so to spray all the time I'll just let you know when we've gotten our hands on the right books okay I do want to show you how this one goes though because we haven't done this yet oh my gosh you must be joking me look at this this is all from pressure plates and we got a lot of books to get through let's see what we got our hands on I am surprised we picked up most of that that's awesome yeah this must be a desert temple ooh ok sweeping edge channeling ooh punch - oh so touch we got it wow it was really quick I want to see what other books we just got hold on a sec we only broke 10 pressure plate see how much time I spent getting the 10 pressure plates to do this it's kind of like painfully long to be honest hey we got alkalinity - we did Jones we're so fast here beast with me - what I really need is a cactus so that I have a trash can somewhere because this is starting to get ridiculous okay so I'm just collecting more diamonds so I can start making all the tools Diamond and then we're gonna get silk touch on this puppy wow we got mending too and I'm not even done looking all the different books oh it's fishin see five all right silk touch pickaxe new name satin and not only that we're gonna go ahead and add mending to this chubby and we're gonna add efficiency five to them as well I've heard it all before we'll be fine okay so let's test this out on something what can we do okay great so look here's what we've got here's a nice test perfectly right off the bat I remember a potted flower plant like this it doesn't wait huh oh it's just a flower pot that doesn't normally drop anything so if I break away ooh hello there what do you give me bricks okay oh oh and I found out what this recipe is by the way so every time you see a furnace in wool it's it's the drop of a furnace dropping wool in it so that sure so then what is grass drop this grass huh those drop anything I know I remember someone saying in the comment section that some some items just don't drop anything like bats they don't drop anything when you kill them so the grass might have the bat loot table Jones I got a juicy bone block for you I wonder what it drops nothing how about you three ooh does it do it did do emeralds drop oh do emeralds drop treasure loot hold on let's see something here they drop I can't tell I actually I think it's like cartography like from a village loot from that we're also adding I'm breaking because why not all right Jones we're on the hunt it's time to get ourselves some Flint and some obsidian we've got our silk touch pickaxe ready we're gonna crush it Jones all right Jones the two main things we need to look for today are obsidian and we also need Flint for flint and steel actually I'm wondering what did these guys drop I haven't actually what no way never wait actually Oh say you Jones dude I can't believe we just found him sitting that quickly it literally grows on flowers blue ones okay and there's a swap nearby and I'm pretty sure the blue ones they drop or they spawn in swamps like all the time oh those are different blue ones I don't know what these ones drop whoa what kind of what are you gonna give me baby a button a button okay well what is that drop a book see but oh but see look the blue fly oh wait no I dropped a button okay so let's see what we get using satin another book huh weird so we need to find corn flowers these are not corn flowers they're lily of the valley think but hey now that we have a silk touch maybe the Sheep finally dropped something what do you died okay that's still indirect baby maybe cheaper just the worst and maybe sheep just suck how about you will you drop me something did it hey ooh hey look Oh dropped a spruce fence what do we need this for what did we need this for from before that's what I'm wondering about arrows I thought I remember it dropping something else we should probably get ourselves a horse by the way because we have like endless saddles now there's two other ways we can actually get a nether portal to light and that is using either a fire charge which we need blaze powder for and I don't know if we can actually get blaze powder what are you guys all looking at it I know we can get blaze powder as a regular drop but the other way we can do it is by using the help sitting it's by using lava because if we use lava and then place wood on top of interesting if we place wood on top of the nether portal there's a chance that it will catch fire next to that lava and cause a fire block to appear when speaking of I hear lava somewhere I think it's below us y'all hear that oh hey owner with the East drop let's see what you got for me baby useless okay Jones is stable look at you stay put I hear lava that is beautiful okay we will need to come back with a bucket no perfect we actually have everything we need to make that right now so let's just grab some lava and we're gonna try my lava nether portal plan instead because who knows how long before we actually find ourselves some Flint but that means we need blue flowers Oh nice look we were we were literally just over there blue flowers good so every blue flower that we find is a is one piece of obsidian cuz the dark oak how funny I like how sampling is give us obsidian the easiest thing to break with your hand instantly give this obsidian I mean let's just stop and appreciate what we're about to witness right here okay so now we have enough to make the portal I want to make our portal area pretty so I'm gonna put it left pretty it's not gonna put it right on the side here I'm gonna do some excavating Big Dig alright you guys are gonna think that this is awesome because I think it's awesome and I have great taste I'm also quite modest so check this out y'all ready hold on a second we got the nice portal area okay here we go y'all ready tell me don't love it tell me to love it we we broke some extra flowers some nice blue boys and so now we can get a little bit of a whoa a little bit of a wider portal so that is now ready oh well that doesn't look good wait what's the recipe for dirt again I guess I could just use stone we now need to place down a piece of wood right okay and then here's the key let's um let's do like this this lava is going to have to cause this wood to set some fire now I don't know exactly how we need to do I think we actually need to do it like this and so the idea is that maybe some fire appears see like that except it needs to appear to the left of it which is possible it just might take a long time so I'm gonna come back and see what else we can get done in the meanwhile and hopefully when we come back there's a portal oh it's about to start wait I gotta break this break the block please did it do it is it oh no actually it can't make the portal if there's a block right on top of it we literally need to like mmm we need we need some wood to like somehow catch fire next to this oh man this is gonna be hard okay maybe this will do we got two different pieces of wood there the lava please burn for me baby I guess in the meanwhile we should maybe look for gravel or Flint actually hey was thinking about it we can stain all of the glass panes that we cooked up a while ago I know I have a whole bunch of them and we can print where are they I knew it here they are okay and we can get our hands on a decent amount of dyes I think well actually hard to say I guess because we can't break the flowers like normal let me see so let's let's just see what yellow pains get us huh what are you gonna get me baby you gonna drop well that sucks who actually that carpet eventually drops a smoker and what does that drop okay useless I love the guessing game it's fun but it's also like not that fun oh this one dropped a brain huh well that's my new uh-huh the only thing I could think to die would be sheep and I don't know they seemed to be giving me trouble here we go we were doing it wrong again the lava should be on it like a lower level cuz now look and now look how close it's getting so what does a beacon drop I have an extra one I'm very curious to see if we get anything decent from this best loot watch happens I've been trying to find out what is going to drop me Flint for ever and I'm not having really any luck we're getting a lot of furnaces but that doesn't do me much good and as far as I can tell I still haven't gotten the port of the light on its own anyways ooh hey blue ice what are you gonna draw me a sign yeah well that sure is a sign why don't we put the sign right here okay now I just need bone meal and we're gonna turn that bone meal into dye so we can dye our sign hey you click join below the van to become a member of Kjetil hey thanks no really there's lots of cool perks hidden videos special polls to release content private access to my survival only server check it out whoa I know it drops grass now green wool but we don't have any more I think if we had sheep we could shear them and we'd still get the specific wool as long as we right-click them here Jones this is this is for you I know like to dig around in the grass well it came back and they're all burned so we need to replace that okay so here's an idea I had an awesome idea here's what I want to do we're gonna put wood over here as well and maybe the sides of that wood will catch fire because I think that that would work that might be what we've been doing wrong oh that's so funny that's super awesome though like I can't believe like I managed to catch that while I was actually recording because I try and skip and avoid all the grindy parts of this stuff cuz it's not as fun to watch but it's always so sweet when we get our hands on them man I could have used that grass block Jones you better be loving it it hasn't even moved okay let's make a few different stained glass panes though cuz I want to see what we can get our hands on that special here we've got three different ones now place your bets in the comment section which one of these is going to be the best one I have a feeling that none of them will be that good alright let's do it light grey let's see lantern okay pink what is the Acacia logs and the acacia bark and then potato a potato is that what is that real that's that is for you that is a potato may as well see what all these drop huh okay we got ooh hello a block Oh quartz for that one and a horn coral block whoo red stone okay that's another good one to know now what are you gonna drop me huh work with me here uh red another brick wall well that's funny because we did just unlock the nether but this isn't particular Wow hey that's useful pink pink wool is a block of iron I mean we already had access to iron before but that is super fast and I think we get pink tulips from breaking furnaces and so if that's the case yeah all we need to do is go kill a whole bunch of sheep and then we have like infinite iron and we already get mad iron drops I mean this is insane alright last thing I'd like to do before we head into the nether I just wanted to cause an explosion because explosions are fun to cause and we have so much access to gunpowder and sand for free with our oak pressure plates drop that this just seems like a no-brainer to me here we go yeah now I don't think it's gonna drop anything but I mean hey I just I just love explosions all right what's the dommage as expected oh hey iron actually thinking about it member coal from before whenever we tried to mine coal before it didn't drop anything I think and it's cuz we didn't have silk touch okay actually look here's some coal so look this now see before I didn't drop anything right do I have it I don't have a pickaxe something so now it drops cut sandstone okay so what does cut sandstone drop me exactly let's see leaves spruce leaves okay oh and then all right and then I forgot and then we get emeralds for it but now we get him other Wars where we normally got an emerald so then what is this drop can we a jukebox actually and I think we've got music discs from the loot tables okay so then i shouldn't've plays both what is this drop app it drops the beat it sorry anyways what are you gonna give me you give me don't and then you still lead to nothing well I'm gonna keep one of those for a jukebox later for now my friends we head into the nether sea on the other side
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,960,837
Rating: 4.8777761 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, randomizer, randomiser, minecraft random, random loot table, survival, secret minecraft, minecraft 1.14, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, new minecraft update, secret, village and pillage, minecraft secret, logdotzip, no swearing, minecraft logdotzip, no cursing, ender dragon, 1.15, blocks, features, random minecraft, random loot, loot, loot drops, challenge, datapack, sethbling, random, minecraft survival, nether portal, random nether, nether, minecraft nether
Id: gJ-sSe_7cKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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