Dead Bones, Skulls and Artifacts Found In Millionaires Abandoned Storage Unit!?!

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welcome back to grimes finds [Music] in this episode gina and i are going to do more unboxing in the millionaires abandoned storage unit that we paid 510 dollars [Music] guys so far in this unit we have found ten plus pounds of silver and six plus ounces of pure gold baby we're going to show you more of these in today's episode but guys these are silver this is not included in the 10 pounds how much more silver will we find guys in this unit you may remember those four green tubs that were labeled artifacts and here's the truth i seriously all i've done is peek down at the top of it so me and you and gina let's unbox those things guys i think we're already at twenty thousand dollars on profit on this unit how much more will we go in these four tubs of artifacts let's find out [Music] [Music] all right guys so hey welcome back to grimes fines guys if you are a first time viewer hey welcome welcome to the family so hey here's the dang deal if you're 70 or plus i just want to give you a little news flash youtube it's free oh so what does that say pole vault oh that's kind of cool third place commercial so i'm going to check these guys because hey here's what i want to let you know a lot of old like military world war ii and like earlier and even like metals we're going to have some we found some light early light yeah we did 1914 and 1908 like sterling silver track metals and they're on chains now they're really cool those will be in the high bid but what i would tell you is don't just assume these aren't precious metal because the older ones a lot of them actually are so i can't make too big of a mess y'all because mom and pops are coming over gina's uh folks my mom and pops or my dad too uh but they're coming over so i can't make a mess y'all y'all want to know a secret like me and jane have realized like over the last five years how much we've neglected ourselves pouring ourselves like into the business and i really think man god really wanted us to slow down because we're realizing right like our house was always a wreck like we didn't take care of ourselves like we don't like i you know i barely i'm just always running you know and so like i might take y'all around in a minute you let me know in the comments you people who come to all the live chats every night let me know if you want to go around oh did y'all see the baby rats in the freaking intro yeah so we're still kind of getting them we hold them a little bit we named him mrs splinter and april o'neal april o'neil is skittish as crap she's the dumbo uh she won't let you hold her they're really sweet though they still they come up to the cage and stuff so anyway hey i'll update you on the rats every day i'm just waiting for them to get bigger so i can take them to storage unit auctions y'all y'all know why y'all hadn't seen my christmas tree in a while because this room was like it was full it looked like a storage unit but look we vacuumed and like for real me and gina are having time for ourself and like our our minds like do you feel better mentally like healthier yeah i do i feel healthier like i feel more just i feel excited about life to be honest like i think i needed to slow down but look hey check it out there's a christmas tree it's a christmas tree this i've seen these before we've sold these before babe oh no that's like porcelain oh that's hand painted look you can tell it's hand painted because of the brush strokes yo do you want to keep that that's cool all right guys so hey i'm going to start laying out all the items here but look it's an alligator too and hand painted for a look you can tell the brush strokes look how cool is that those are beautiful hey guys remember that all of this stuff is going to be in the high bid cell coming monday monday night y'all i decided i'm not doing any reserves like this is going to be all the like the the uh the sports memorabilia the history it's like from the negro leagues like the first african-american coach jackie robinson one of my faves oh man shout out to the black panther dude like that actor he was yeah chad he was like becoming like denzel washington is my favorite but he was getting up there so that's very sad that he was only two years older than me he passed away of colon cancer that's very sad so i know he's just an actor well he's not just an actor he's a person so y'all might just say a prayer y'all may not even know who i'm talking about just maybe say a prayer for peace for his family and he had a wife and i think his i don't know but it's just sad so y'all pray for his family all right guys so this is this is i can't remember the name of this isn't like a it's not a swordfish it's a thing i can't remember it's not a chainsaw they're called um somebody said it in the chat i just can't remember but y'all look at that i don't know what these go for but how cool would it put a handle on that and like i'm just playing like a good weapon right there well i'm just to tell you like some of these fools are getting brave like on these on the news and stuff and i'm just saying y'all go to my instagram check out my freaking uh post and tell me i'm lying i'm not going to tell you what it is just go to the grimes finds instagram give us a follow check out that post and ask me if i'm lying ah yeah okay so look babe another one but hey here's the deal y'all these say these say silver on them in spanish uh and the only reason i know that is because devon told me he's puerto rican i had no idea i don't know he's puerto rican yeah he's porter and his name's josh by the way i i know that we already have to stop uh but y'all look these he said he said yeah that says silver but look uh that what he paid 210 dollars for that there it is okay so he paid 210 for that oh let me show you the other ones all right guys i'm not keeping these i just set these here for the intro but look so that's the smaller horse okay and that's the one he was selling for 133 but these all say silver and they do they're hollow you can tell they're kind of hollow so that that makes me think it's silver right because they're not gonna do a solid like thing of silver but look at these so i believe i'm gonna look these up because the the designers names on there but look so far we got four silver freaking statues yo babe there's more in here say this dude we how many pounds we're over 10 pounds of silver i'm just putting that out there he had 42 dollars oh it's a silver pig look at that hey stop it then we're going to focus on him y'all look at him you know who that makes me think of who kim wright kim wright does she like pigs she does she loves pigs i don't know i always see her post on facebook i i don't know she's she's a nice person but hey they love pigs so hey kim if you're watching i don't know if you watch our channel anymore but hey look so there's a cocker oh a little like hound dog puppy but y'all for real these are silver they're i mean yeah that plate i mean they're it says sterling let's let's go digging let's let them dig with this what do you think that's gonna end up being i don't know what that is uh by colin ryan 2008 y'all look at that oh it's just i don't know what's going to go in this but that's hand painted babe it's a falcon i think but it's hand signed cool all right guys check this out here's another cat oh man look at these those look those are handmade for real you can tell they're hand done all right guys and here's another one of these hand-painted uh like i don't know what you oh look that one's alicia painted that thank you alicia you do a good alicia we're proud of you hey good job on this way to stay out of prison alicia wait or do you think she made these in prison this might have been she made it in prison this might have been some kind of like prison outreach program it could have whole thing said artifacts see babe look i'm telling you some of the stuff i'm gonna have to get looked at okay look i can look it up and do the general like um the general like find out what it is and i can look to see how to authenticate it and stuff like that but at the end of the day this stuff like there's people who do this that like heritage like they have experts on this stuff like in-house like this is what they do so i'm gonna snap some pictures of stuff and send it over to heritage because look at this oh that's cool what is this yo is that some kind of like lantern no [Music] i mean it wouldn't be made out of wood y'all that's solid wood look at that do y'all know what that would be used for is it like maybe i don't know look at this that's wild to some oh look y'all i got to look up this dude's company because i think this was very important and i actually might be able to find some stuff on here but y'all some of this stuff really might be worth like who knows all right y'all check this out so i guess this is his tail y'all i love these yeah we've sold these before look this one signed on the bottom by the person who made it we got the antlers look at this y'all these are so pretty do you care if we keep one of these well i mean i don't care what we keep as long as we make y'all y'all notice like my house is weird like people think my house is weird but i just have so much random stuff in it i do one day i'll take you on a tour of the house but that's another thing like i've been having i've just been cleaning yeah i just been cleaning like today y'all probably saw on the intro like i just got in there scrubbed the fridge did that for you actually i did it for the whole family look at that boy i like that if y'all look down in here with me uh y'all can kind of see where we are now y'all i'm hoping to find some chloroform in this joint how cool oh this is cool clark's sherry wine bitters sharon mess oh my gosh blue glass that's cool y'all check that out it's blue glass it's still got the cork in it i love this kind of stuff y'all check this out oh these are the ears of that thing oh and look oh freaking uh dead pablo over here we got his freaking his arm uh his arm too so hey that's cool look you see what i say what is another silver thing it's a silver what a silver butt yeah boy a silver butt y'all found summer but i have i was gonna i thought it was gonna be a dog what did you think it was gonna be some type of animal y'all for real it was like a butt like for real like it was a butt i got two silver butts that's cool all right guys so he was either selling or bought that for 224. look at oh what's that one it's a little baby silver elephant y'all we gotta look these up we gotta find out what hey some of y'all right now see if you can find out who this maker was all right guys there it is that's as good as it's gonna get but see what you can find out on that i'm gonna look it up too after this video all right guys this is kind of cool look we got some primitive tools here like primitive stuff used to do good i don't know now like after the rona like you know the market's changed a little bit but so look here's like a primitive like fishing line fishing pole and some kind of like a wooden plunger plunger all right y'all look at these so look here's bags of shark teeth genuine shark tooth oh that's cool uh toothlesses uh y'all look it's oh it's a silver snail oh is that a napkin holder or no that'd be like what would that be like hey man would that be like but a silver snail whoa all right guys y'all look at this what is that i think it's like amish weed you think i don't know i would hold on that's right [Music] molly no brush no lather for quick easy shaving wash face i don't know if that's really what's in there is it i don't know yeah no wait hold on what if something like grab my finger and suck me into the jar oh that would be scary you even went along with that that's weird hey look i just stuck my finger down in the dust hole watch watch looks like it's going to be pretty i'll drop it oh shoot i did oh never mind it says asp 2000 it says dad on that kind of made me just sad for a second hey let's take this bag over here okay hi guys hey y'all look look at all this freaking beautiful stuff hey y'all wanna say hi to freaking splinter in april hey guys so if you missed the video go back and watch it but these are my new two or our new two family members y'all we like them don't we we do i never thought i'd like rats but like it let me give them little kisses and stuff so this is mrs splinter and april o'neil right here all right look so uh this is hi baby this one right here is that april oh yeah dumbo this is uh april o'neil's dumbo and the non-dumb but wait no that's the don that's dumbo yeah yeah this is dumbo so this is april o'neil and this is mrs splinter and mrs splinter is my favorite she's sweet she's very she'll let you hold her and like give her little mouse kisses it's pretty cool and if you're interested in rats having a uh pet rat or if you have a snake you need to feed uh yo this is really pretty um rumbo and sun rumbo and sun's radar so hey go uh actually i'll try to remember to put the link down in here again but just go to facebook look up or you can go to rumbo and rad rumble and go check them out all right y'all look at that wow that's so pretty it's got like mother of pearl inlay look at that that's all inlay you can feel it like all of that's inlay what like multiples in here look oh another one yeah so i wish maybe we got to find stands for these these would be pretty just to have like individuals there's like a bunch of like oh look it's all eggs oh look little baby ones y'all babies look a little baby baby eggs little baby inlay eggs all right look at this kind of cool it's like a that's solid oh no that's not wood i don't know what that no some kind yeah but look it's got dry yeah skin on it probably had handles on it or some point but yo that's pretty cool oh check it out there's some oh what's that this is a silver duck i would just something is signed on the bottom yo that might be a silver duck what oh oh it's number we gotta look this up all right y'all check this out i do believe this to be silver and it's 13 of 50. so look that's actually kind of cool but yes i do believe this would be solid silver all right guys so check it out i was only going to do like one tub per episode but it was like look right there like that's a ton of great items like look at all those how many silvers do we have i don't know one two three four five six seven eight nine nine of these statues that look like they have that symbol i'm wondering what we just got in those if any of you found it let us know what you think our little uh silver statue collection's worth all right but y'all like for real like this business has like cracked me so look there's the tub we were in we're gonna go ahead and crack into the second tub because i just can't wait yo you know what these are yeah you know like that that rainforest music that's like the prettiest music it is you probably have to do flute lips you what is that probably alligator guards probably with oh no maybe those are like a dolphin i think this is a dolphin y'all are these dolphins all right guys so because we saw the things in there like he had all these pictures from the rain forest y'all know how nice and clean my garage was empty it was it's literally packed we got so much great stuff to go through y'all check this out alligator or crocodile uh no it's probably a cayman what is that man you don't watch national geographic i don't watch the national tv okay down in south america you more have like cayman like the black caimans and stuff like they're just smaller like you know i think they get like they're real small i think maybe his biggest egg is like six foot that could all completely be false but y'all i'm an animal geek i love animal shows so guys for for real like i'm for sure sending some of this to uh to uh heritage because for real like seriously this like i know this business could be nothing but from what we found in the unit like pounds of silver ounces of gold the guy was rich he was you know i found receipts and stuff the dude was a freaking millionaire so he could have had million dollar items we don't know what whoa [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,205
Rating: 4.9127274 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, Googan squad, Googan baits, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, challenge video, dumpster diving, #business, excellent, found treasure, scrapper joe
Id: 7IwgeNkMs9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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