4: Pressure 2 / Practical Cloth Sims in Blender Pillow Hot Air Balloon Bean Bag Letter Number Logo

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[Music] welcome back this is part three of my practical cloth Sims tutorial series in this video we will use the pressure feature that we saw in the last video and we will create some real-world objects with it so let's start with a pillow maybe right so we start with a cube we have to go in and subdivide this just like I'm showing this before now we might want to scale this down make sort of a pillow shape now we have more resolution going this way than this way but let's ignore that for now so right away I'm going to bring this up a little then add a ground plane switch on collision on the ground plane take this and make it into a cloth simulation and enable pressure five not fifty six five okay what happens what's happening now this is not cloth this is collision this is cloth with pressure set to five okay whoops something is not working right here okay so well the first very basic pillow is basically already done shade smooth and again maybe add one level of subdivisions so you would have a little throw pillow or something like this and that's really super simple to do all you have to do is apply the cloths simulation with some pressure on the inside now maybe you wanted to add a button in the middle of this pillow so we have to go into edit mode find maybe take those four in the center but also on the other side so I'm going in to into edit mode here or into wireframe mode pick those then switch on proportional editing set it to sharp and then s on the C axis and bring this in I'm just making a little pinch in the middle and with these vertices still selected I'm creating a vertex group call it pin assign those vertices and now I can go to my cloth simulation and find the shape pin use this and pin those that the locations of those selected vertices to where they are now start a cloth simulation and you can see we have this dent in the middle now all we really have to do is create a UV sphere scale it down squish it down on the C axis like so and put it in there and we have a button pillow with button and we get the nice wrinkles here you get more detail in the wrinkles if you have more mesh for the cloth simulation to work with so let's try that select all of it subdivide it once more go back and start the simulation now it's much slower but we should get more wrinkles you can see here and also now it's really gonna be slow we want self collision on so what happens now it's very slow oh you know I can't wait for this to calculate so I'm just gonna have some self collision you get the idea with more mesh to work with the cloth simulation has can calculate nicer and more wrinkles okay so we have a pillow pillow is done you could use this for throw pillows like maybe this one or you could use this for a couch you know for the cushions and you don't need to do any sculpting it's just a very very fast simple cloth simulation okay let's make a hot-air balloon so I go into front view I found a reference image online I'm just going to drag and drop it in here and it's also not straight rotate the quality is not very good of this image but that doesn't matter I just need it for the shape trying to straighten it out so that the axis here is in the middle and down here and then the perfect mesh for this is going to be a UV no yes UV sphere right because it already has all these lines going down like this from the North Pole to the South Pole and that's basically what the hot air balloon looks like so let's bring this up and now we're going to go into edit mode scale it up to the width and able proportional editing up here and then try and shape this thing good wireframe GC with the mouse wheel we can change the the radius of the influence basically for the proportional editing then I'm gonna take this bottom one and pull it down okay and now still with proportional editing I will probably take this loop scale it in like so and take this loop scale it in so I'm just gonna try and get the shape right like this and take these pull them down a little take all of these and remove them and they're just gonna take this down here and shape this like so okay that looks pretty good you can spend more time if you want I'm also going to take this know this edge loop and pull it down here scale it in turn off proportional editing scale it in because it looks like this whole part down here it's perfectly round so I'm gonna take those go over here to the vertex groups at a new vertex group rename it pin and assign these vertices okay that's looks pretty good then I can switch off the empty go to top view and now I'm going to do this I'm gonna select this edge loop going all the way down here okay and then this one this one and this one and then I will go three the fourth one three the fourth one leave whoops leave three take the fourth one and just keep going all around here so that I can then use the pressure feature to do this one on two three and in the middle here let's see so you have all these loops selected now let's add those also to the pin group I I don't like it I don't like it there's something weird here I still have to shape this a little make it rounder yeah that looks better and now we go over here I mean over here turn this into a cloth go all the way down to the field weights turn off gravity so it doesn't float away then we go to the shape here and pin our group and we have to enable pressure and give it I don't know pressure of 10 now when I hit play we get this already looks like a hot air balloon very nice so if we want more of this effect we can turn the pressure up it's space and it goes and pops out which is cool also I think I'm gonna go to the first frame go into edit mode and remove this vertex up here it's spacebar again because then we can go in here and just add a single face at the end if we want now the cool thing here we can shake this smooth if we don't have enough geometry we might want to go back into edit mode and maybe subdivided once more so we get a nicer surface here and well the cool thing here is that we started with a UV sphere so this is perfectly UV unwrapped now and you can very easily add like a logo or your texturing but well that's the basics of creating a hot air balloon with the pressure feature and the cloth simulation now we're going to create a beanbag chair so let's delete everything get a plane in here turn this into a collision object and then for the beanbag chair we have several options we have the UV sphere but that usually has the issue with that pole up here and if you want to use a subdiv modifier this usually gets very ugly the other option would be an eco sphere but that's just triangles which is really not good if you want to address up the modifier so I think the best solution for this is to use a round cube there's two ways to do this you could add a cube and then use a subdiv modifier and subdivided a bunch of times and apply it and you have a base almost a round cube another way is to go to the preferences go to the add-ons and look for extra and there's add mesh extra objects you can enable that and then when you hit shift a you now have more options in here and there's the round cube what is a round cube it's a sphere made out of quads so we don't have weird poles at the top and the bottom and we also don't have triangles we have real almost squares it's all quad based which is very nice if you want to add a sub T fortifier and then of course you can either go in here to increase the resolution and we're gonna do that we know we need a lot of resolution for our cloth modifiers let me just turn this up to I don't know something Oh 30 okay now I'm gonna move this up above this plane because I want to drop it down a little so that it gets squished at the bottom so this is going to be my beanbag and I'm also going to go into edit mode and scale it on the C and make it a little bit of a more over an egg-shaped thing and also rotate it a little now I already know that I want this to fall down and basically stick to this so it doesn't slide away so I go into my collision object the ground plane here and turned the friction up and then I go in here and turn this into a cloth simulation oh of course use the pressure feature I don't know how strong yet I do want gravity I just leave that on in here because I want it falling down let's see what that looks like okay that's what that looks like it's pretty nice now of course if somebody sat in it we would have this dent in here how do we get that we're gonna get maybe an eco sphere it doesn't really matter back to the first frame and move that up scale it in a little move it up above my bean bag turn this into a collision object and now I'm gonna play the simulation right about here where this kind of settles I want to move this guy down to here oh you know what frame 26 okay I forgot I have to go to frame 1 move them up here and add a keyframe here on the location now on frame 26 I'm gonna move them down maybe in here on the side so make it look like somebody sat in it and then add another keyframe and now let's look let's see what that looks like so if I hide the psychos fear now we get this nice tent like somebody sat in it but this is much too round I think I want to change this up a little so I'll play with the keyframes here basically unframed went is 25 I'm gonna move them up and add a keyframe here and then just 1 2 3 4 5 frames later I'm gonna move them in and add another keyframe so we get this animation which just pushes it in faster and probably gives us nicer looking wrinkles yeah one looks pretty cool so we have a beanbag chair somebody sat in it and we have the nice wrinkles and it's all still quad based topology I'm gonna set the end frame to 50 and quickly bake this go to cache and frame 50 and hit bake okay now if I go to frame 50 this is the beanbag chair that I have and I can add a subdiv modifier to get more detail in here nicer wrinkles and it still looks very nice because it's all still quad based because we used the round cube now all you have to do is give it a material give you the color I don't have any lights in here but that doesn't matter turn down the roughness a little or keep the roughness and turn up the clear code that looks really plasticky well you get the idea we used the cloth simulation to create asset for architectural renderings maybe a beanbag chair all done with just very simple cloth simulation and two collision objects and finally let's create an inflatable or inflated letter you know you can buy those balloons for like birthdays you know in the in the shape of numbers or digits or I think they even have letters so how do we go about that let me delete everything just add the text I'm just gonna do one letter maybe I'll just do an a root 3x 90 now we can go in here and take the geometry babble this and extrude it a little I really want quite the bevel on this to have a nice round shape here okay I think we can work with this now I'm gonna right-click and convert to mesh and when I'm going to object or edit mode you can see the mesh that is created is not really usable for a cloth simulation it's it's quite weird we don't have enough even if we subdivide this now it's gonna be subdivided in a very very strange way so instead of using this mesh like this I'm gonna use a new feature in blender which is the voxel remeasure now we have to check out the size here how big is this object it is roughly 76 centimeters in width so maybe I'm just gonna scale this up to make it 1 meter on the X dimension here bring it maybe to the center like this so I know this is one meter and I want to subdivide with my voxel remeasure and I'm gonna do one centimeter so I'll have 100 subdivisions going on the X I hope this is not too much detail let's see voxel remesh and now we get this mesh and this is of course very nice for cloth simulations so in fact I think that the cloth simulations really really profit from this new rematching tools that we have in blender 2.8 now now right away I think I want to go in here and change some stuff around here because think of it if this is a balloon we wouldn't have hard edges like this so I'm just gonna select can't I sit like this I'm just gonna select those and with proportional editing switched on this is not good maybe sharp just bring this in a little so we don't have it looks like more like a balloon is what I'm trying to say so of course we can do this up there too now hmm how about we create a crease down the side here so what do we want we have to take this edge maybe we don't really have one that's going right down the center that doesn't matter I'm just gonna take this one or maybe this one and then I hit alt s which is a scaling on the normal I'm still in proportional editing mode so I'm using the mouse wheel to take this down to a smaller circle and bring this out just a little bit so we get this like it's made out of two pieces stuck together okay so let's see what that looks like if we now go into a cloth simulation apply pressure and also I'm gonna switch off gravity so it doesn't fall down and hit the space bar and there we go this is what we get our crease kind of almost disappeared maybe we should use some pinning for this let's see let's play this out a little this is what it looks like okay looks kind of cool now let's go back into edit mode and maybe pin a few of those on our crease so I select random go down here and choose a deselect so I'll just keep I know 25% oh no I deselect 75% so I just have a few of those selected on the crease I'm gonna create a new group vertex group assign those selected ones and let's see what that looks like now if we apply pressure oops of course I have to pin this in my cloth simulation so what do we get now hmm not what I expected maybe we have too much pressure so let's play with these values a little what if we turn up the pressure and get very very high okay now let's try something more radical go in here and subdivide this so we get much more mesh data and then let this render out or simulate out usually you'll get a lot of nice-looking creases with high mesh data high poly mesh is what I'm trying to say so we have an inflated a and this is what it looks like and it really looks like it's inflated because with these all these wrinkles and creases we even get them here you can make those pop more with a subdivision modifier on top and of course with a material that has a little bit more like a metallic effect maybe a make it golden like this turn down the roughness now you can really see all these creases and wrinkles so this is how you inflate a letter or of course you can do this also with the logo and you can even animate it if you enjoyed this tutorial of the practical cloth Sims series please smash the like button below and consider subscribing if you're new to the channel I read all the comments so please drop me a note and let me know what you think thanks for watching see you over in the next 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Channel: Chris P
Views: 87,988
Rating: 4.9608974 out of 5
Keywords: cg, 3d, blender, blender3d, b3d, tutorial, how-to, training, learn, eevee, cycles
Id: QxQ1GIGwslk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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