How To Create Custom Stinger Transitions - 100% FREE WITH TRANSPARENCY For OBS Studio

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it is good to see a creator i'm going to teach you how to create custom stinger transitions using davinci resolve which is incredibly powerful and 100 free we're going to take the output file with alpha transparency and import it into obs studio so that it can be used as a stinger transition this tutorial is going to empower you and teach you how to make modifications to the file so that you can add your own logos and your own color harmonies to your own animations for your live stream this one is gonna be good let's get some well i'm sure you've popped around the internet and seen many tutorials on this subject and most people are talking about using after effects as the primary way to generate the alpha channel file for obs studio in my opinion after effects is not the best solution for two reasons one the software is complex it is powerful but it is extremely difficult to learn number two the software costs twenty one dollars a month and uh adobe just keeps on billing you every month after two years that's five hundred dollars that is a lot of damn money for a software program so why not learn a program that is free davinci resolve it's free it's powerful and it's a lot easier to learn than after effects so if i can get you through the process of developing this file importing your assets right adjusting the way the the the logos and the shapes move around adding some sounds in there getting it in exporting it out using the correct codec so that it can be used properly by obs if i can get you through that process you can circle your wagons and go back to the beginning and make adjustments to color and movement add your own assets in there and make your own custom stinger transition so this is a this is going to be a simplistic learning experience to help you get started making your own i'm excited about doing it let's get into it right now here we go okay i just clicked the davinci resolve start icon and it presents you with a project screen i'm not going to worry about existing projects i'm going to click new project and name it alpha video okay create and it presents us with a blank screen and the first thing that we need to do is add our assets i'm going to add a transparent ping which is a youtube logo and i'm going to add some audio files so that it adds a little bit of sound effect to the motion here so first what i'm going to do is i'm going to click the edit icon in the lower part of the screen okay this is the primary editor location so as you can see on the left there is a media pool that's where we want to drop the assets in here so i'm going to click my explorer folder and i'm going to go in and grab the youtube logo i'm going to drag that in there and i'm going to drag an mp3 and a wave just so that i can prove to you that both formats will work with this process you can use mp3 or wave minimize that and the first thing i'm going to do here is i'm going to drag the youtube transparent ping into the editor okay just let it go now it defaults to being fairly long in size see this little scroller here this makes the the visual area of the timeline big or small so i want to just make it so it fills the screen here and i'm gonna hit my space bar and count to two because that's how long i want this animation to be one two so it looks like two seconds is right there and i'm gonna click the blade and cut it right at that two second mark and then i'm going to hit the a key and select the piece that i just cut and hit the back key that's how you delete the right way in davinci not the delete key because what happens if you hit the delete key it will delete all tracks at that point which you don't want you want to hit the back key i want to make that distinction it's very important okay now that we have a transparent ping at two seconds it would be nice if i could fill the screen with that time span so i'm just going to hit the plus bar here and make it a little bit wider there we go that looks good just so that we have more room to to look at this thing but what i want to do here primarily is i want to instruct davinci to make this logo move and we're going to make it move according to size so if i click the logo i want to make sure i'm in the inspector tab in the upper right hand corner not mixer not metadata the inspector and there's a group of parameters here called transform this thing allows you to resize position rotate graphics all that kind of stuff okay and all we want to do now is make this thing start from zero which is you can't see it to really big to back to zero within the span of two seconds and the way we do that is add a keyframe so i'm just gonna put the playhead on top of the logo make sure it's highlighted and i'm gonna click the keyframe next to zoom now i want you to pay attention to the actual clip in the lower right hand corner of it you'll see something appear when i click this keyframe button boom it adds these icons in the lower right hand corner and this is crucial so i want you to click now these um handle this handle icon and it opens up and it shows you how to add handles to this thing motion handles okay so if i you can see there's a blue line here and if i make it go up it makes it go larger in size and if i bring it down it brings it down to nothing so we want to manipulate the size over time this is the easiest way to do this not to make the alterations in the transform area of the inspector but to actually manipulate the timeline to make the movement this is the easiest way so what we're going to do is we're going to add keyframes in the middle the beginning and the end so we let's do that now so we have one in the middle already that little red dot there i hope you can see that there it is right there you can delete these keyframes by making sure it's red and hitting the delete key okay it goes away and as you can see there were no other keyframes so it completely removed all the keyframes so i'm going to add it again by clicking the little button here and opening it up again but again if you hit the alt key just click on the blue line and the key frames will be added if you want to delete it all you have to do is make sure that it's red by clicking on it once okay i'll do the middle one here and hitting delete and that deletes the keyframe very easy so let me add that back in so now if i drag the middle i want the logo to be full screen because that's what we want this transition to do is full screen color and i want to make that play triangle just about that size and in the beginning and the end i want it to go to zero so i'm going to just drag down that keyframe so it's zero now let's do the other side too make that zero there we go now as you can see the keyframes on the left and right still show the icon it's small but it's not completely removed now just click the keyframe and make sure that the zoom is reduced to zero so now i'm actually putting my cursor on the zoom parameter and moving it to the left and making it absolute zero let's go to the other one highlight it make sure that that's also zero yes is it yeah there we go so if i hit the move the playhead all the way to the left here and hit the spacebar and play it you can see that it went to full screen and one back to zero zero to full screen to zero again now the motion is a little bit robotic it doesn't have a humanistic feel to it it's just like one speed and it's kind of if you want to modify how the rate increases so slow to fast to slow again it's very easy to do click a keyframe that you want to manipulate and you have these handle controllers here i'm going to click the second one to the right here and it's going to add these handles now you can adjust how this thing moves in speed okay so now it's a little bit more smooth it slows down when it gets big and then it speeds up again when it goes out it's pretty slick you can adjust this in any way that you want right you can do all kinds of neat different envelopes of speed any way you want i like it just to be kind of like this yeah like that's kind of cool this gives you more middle time here let's try it there you go yeah that's really nice okay now i'm just going to close this back up by hitting the handle controller here closes that back up now i'm going to add some swoosh sounds to this thing so i'm just going to put my cursor on the layer divider here and just drag this up so i have more real estate below it and i'm going to add the first swoosh sound which is an mp3 let me reduce the size the view size of the timeline here so i can grab this corner to lengthen or shrink the size of a asset you can just put your cursor on the far right of the edge of this asset and you'll see that icon right there and then you can just click and hold your mouse and drag it over all right that's how you do that and now i'm going to add a wave just to demonstrate that both file formats work with this demo do the same thing bring it in and make it one size just so that the whole timeline all the assets are the same size now if i put the cursor to the far left and hit play it's all ready to go so there's the animation that's what we're going to apply to obs studio now the question is how do we make the background truly transparent and it's it's a it's not going to make much sense to you but just bear with me and follow along exactly what i do and it's going to be fairly easy to to pull off click the transparent ping asset okay the logo here and what i want to do is right click on it and select new fusion clip and what that does is it creates a clip for the fusion part of the program which is this magic wand so if i click the magic wand you'll see that asset show up in here that's all you have to do you add this to the fusion part of the program by doing what i explained and confirming that the background is transparent so if i hit the play button in fusion did you see that there's a there's checker there are checkers in the background that that is telling you that the background is truly transparent that's what you want to confirm that's why i asked you to do this part where you're making this a fusion clip okay the next thing that you have to do is something that really threw me off for a long time and that is you have to highlight all the assets right click again and select new compound clip and i'll explain why let's see this is called stinger i'll name it hit create i'll explain why we did that notice that the two wave file assets combined into one we have a video and we have an audio track just two that is absolutely crucial i'll explain while in just one second let's move over to render so we click the little rocket icon on the far right at the bottom of the program here and this is another absolutely crucial aspect of doing this properly pay close attention i'm gonna not available okay i want you to select individual clips now this is the reason why we combine them into one you know video and audio asset without doing that this would not work so click individual clips now we want to select the format of quicktime codec is not dnxhr you want gopro cineform that is what you want you want to select rgb 16 bit we want to export alpha make sure that your resolution is i wouldn't recommend going 3 38 40 by 2160 it's just going to create a large file probably in over 20 megabytes which is ridiculous for a two second file my best choice is 1920 by 1080 1280 by 1080 makes a weird aspect video that doesn't work out you could go with 1280 by 720 that creates a very small file but it's only 720p your best bet is 1920x1080 hd that's the best solution there quality is best alpha mode doesn't matter can be straight or pre-multiplied or whatever doesn't really matter advanced settings click advanced settings and make it open up and select the data level full that's crucial as well audio linear pcm channels 2 bit depth 16 really doesn't matter what you do there for the most part now click add to render queue oh i didn't i didn't select the folder i was like what the heck so make sure that it outputs to the right folder on your computer in this case i will put it in the downloads folder select folder now i can click add to render and it adds a job on the far upper right hand corner of the program gives you all the details tells you it's one clip at that point click start render and it won't take long it's only a two second file now let's open up obs and go and make sure that your stinger is selected okay if you haven't already created a stinger you can do that by clicking the plus sign and adding stinger okay and renaming it blah blah blah i've already done that so i have one called stinger it is a stinger transition i'm going to click the gear here and go into properties and it gives you this screen right here and i'm going to select that file that i just created in downloads okay there it is right there stinger zero zero one dash blah blah blah blah hit open and now we can preview this thing to confirm or deny whether or not it works cross your fingers preview and transition yes transparent with sound alpha channel that means it's not chroma key you can uh decide when the transition from the a scene to the b scene occurs you can manipulate it in time in this case i've selected time or you can designate the transition in frames you're telling obs studio when to switch the two scenes it doesn't necessarily know when your logo comes into full screen and covers the entire screen right you have to tell it when when to do that so you can manipulate that there as long as you understand that and the reason why i can hear sound while i'm demonstrating this video is that i have monitor and output selected if you don't have that selected you will not hear the sound so that's important as well boy oh boy i have gone through a heck of a lot of work to figure this out it was there were some videos that explained it and some that didn't i went through probably 14 different videos to pull this all together for you now you can go back now and add your own logos add your own transitions add your own layers and make these really elaborate stinger transitions for your streaming videos i wish you all the luck stay strong and keep fighting this is scott victor from blue fox creative oh get some [Music] you
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 25,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create custom stinger transitions, how to create custom stinger transition, how to make a stinger transition, stinger obs transition, stinger transition, stinger transition after effects, stinger transition after effects tutorial, stinger transition obs, stinger transition streamlabs obs, obs stinger transition, obs transitions, slobs transitions, twitch stinger transition, davinci resolve alpha channel, obs studio, obs studio setup, streaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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