Make Procedural Scratches in Blender 2.82

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how's it going guys so in today's Central I'm gonna be showing you how to procedurally make all these scratches you're seeing right here it's all done in the nodes but before that let me get into today's sponsor alright so the sponsor for today's video is skill share scale share is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning with so much to explore real projects create and the support of fellow creatives Skillshare empowers you to accomplish real growth skill share also offers classes designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold you can learn and grow with short classes that fit your busy routine there are tons and tons of category it's just in the artistic field here just an illustration there's Illustrated lettering digital illustration graphic illustration tons of stuff like that you can check out and see and learn whatever you want to learn a personal favorite of mine is a blender course by Remington Marcum it's called blender 3d your first 3d character you can get in and design and rig and shade your first character tons of really good stuff in there and a really good teacher behind it skill sure is also incredibly affordable especially when compared to the pricy in-person classes and workshops it's an annual subscription that is less than ten dollars a month now the first 500 of my subscribers to click the link in my description you will be getting two months free of a premium membership so you can explore your creativity and have a lot of fun so there you go that's today's sponsor now let's get into making some scratches alright so we're back and let's go ahead and start a new file and we'll make this from scratch all right we're in blender 2.8 - and that's very important because if you're just using blender 2.8 the nodes specifically the Voronoi node is gonna be different which is why i'm making this tutorial there have been some scratches tutorial made in the previous versions but because the node has changed we need to do some updating so today is the new version of these scratches material and how to make it so you can do this because it's procedural this works on any object you want to apply it onto I'm just going to be making a simple sphere now let's hop on over to the shading tab and start doing this imma click new make it metallic and then let's go ahead and get a bump node right here and we're just gonna be using the bump but you can apply this to other things to scratch away paint but I'll show you that when we are finished here so let's go ahead and get a color ramp and that's gonna allow us to crunch everything behind it so let's get this color and plug it right there into the height and we'll bring the height down a little bit the first thing I want to do is add in a noise texture plug the factor into the color ramp here so let's plug it right there all right we'll bring the scale up just a little bit maybe around there and then we'll get the detail and bring it up to 2.6 and we'll leave the distortion alone so we just edit it a couple things here now let's add in a Voronoi texture let's get this Voronoi texture and keep it right here and change it to Mackowski and plug the distance into the vector now we get this crazy ornamental looking thing so what we're gonna do now is take the color ramp and crunch it in like this just like that and I'm going to invert the bump node because we want to be cutting in right at the time it was extruding it out so if we change the invert now it's going out we these are scratches so obviously they're gonna be going in so we already have some basically you get the concept here with the scratches now we need to cut that up so let's get the Voronoi texture and add in another Voronoi texture and we'll keep everything at default and plug the distance into the vector now if you have the the node wrangler add-on and able hit ctrl t add that texture set up and change it to the object coordinate and actually we're gonna take this object coordinate plug it straight into the vector and delete the mapping we don't need him so now we get these really cool little circles and we don't want that we actually want to only use some of this Voronoi texture to affect this actually I made a mistake you need to be using the color not the distance all right so now we have just some random things going on and it's not scratches at all so we need to do is get a mix RGB and what this is going to allow us to do is only use some of this texture by taking this object coordinate and plugging it into the color to socket now to demonstrate what that does if you bring it all the way all the way over here it's as if the this Voronoi texture was not being used if you bring it over here it is using all of this so what we're gonna do is just take this and slide it over a little bit and now we have that and then we can bring this color ramp and slide it over and voila we have scratches everywhere and then you can bring it in just like that and you can change the detail to make them smaller or bigger just like that so by changing the detail the noise texture you can get thinner smaller scratches and then you could play with this mix node to get different things I'm gonna be maybe bring it around right about here and we get a bunch of scratches all over the place now all right so what you can do is really cool is say I want to make a paint material so I'm gonna duplicate this move it over and I'm gonna make a new material so I'm gonna click new and I want part of it to be just a very red paint and then I also want some scratches to reveal some a very shiny silver metal underneath that you know the paint would have been sprayed over so what I'm gonna do is get a mix shader' here just to show you how they scratch this material would be used in a practical sense so I'm gonna get in another principal note and I'm gonna move this over here plug this into the other socket of the mix shader' make this metallic and just a little bit of roughness so what I'm gonna do is bring this up here get in a color ramp and then plug the color ramp right here into the factor now we're gonna click back on over to this shader and we're gonna highlight everything except in this color ramp right here ctrl C I'm gonna go back over here control V and I'm gonna hit G to bring them up and it will place it right here into the color ramp now what that's gonna let us do is changing it from linear to constant we're gonna be able to see those scratches get revealed in the paint and then of course we can also take it let's get a bump node right here into the I believe the red one it could be both actually and then just plug this section right here into the height and invert that node and now we have paint with a bunch of silver scratches in it so you can apply that to anything you want and get a bunch of different scratch Chiz and you could take this and say just a couple scratches and just like that and you have a bunch of nice scratches in your material to mess with it and add some detail and things like that so there you go that's how you make those scratches thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed it
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 95,312
Rating: 4.8973584 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, lava, Blender Rocks, Blender Procedural, Blender nodes, Blender node, Blender Procedural Shading, Blender Cycles, Blender Eevee, Easy Blender Tutorial, Blender 2.8, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract Tutorial, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, CG Cookie, Blender Scratches, Scratches
Id: 1iBEwV0BgCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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