Procedural Scratched Metal (Blender Tutorial)

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in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to create this procedural scratched metal material in blender now if you'd like to help support the channel and also get the project files for this tutorial as well as my other tutorials then you can do that on my gumroad store in my patreon page the links are in the description so here's the procedural setup that we're going to be creating and so i will walk you through the entire process on how to create this now i'm also going to be using the node wrangler add-on in this tutorial so if you don't have that enabled you can just go to the edit and then go to the preferences and then over here on the add-ons the search here you're just going to start to type in node and then just turn on the node wrangler add-on if you don't know how to use this i will show you how to use this it's a really great add-on for working with procedural nodes in blender now real quick before we continue i wanted to show you the setup that i have so i just have an icosphere and i subdivided it and just stuck it in the middle of the world and i also shaded it smooth and then i also added this plain light here to get some lighting coming down on the sphere now i also added an hdri to get very realistic lighting so you can see right here i added in this aerodynamics workshop 1k hdr and this is on hdri haven so i'll leave the link in the video description if you'd like to download the same hdr that i'm using so i just downloaded the 1k version and then i added this in as an environment texture into the world settings and this will help to get some very realistic reflections on our sphere and then one last thing before we continue i want to thank sketchfab for sponsoring this video buy sell and even upload your own 3d models on sketchfab my favorite feature of sketchfab is that you can preview 3d models in your browser and even view them on a phone tablet or in ar and vr they also have a huge 3d asset store where you can purchase 3d models and assets check out sketchfab with the links in the description all right so let's get started so i'm going to hit new right here and then i can just call this scratched metal and then here are the nodes so we have the principled shader on default alright so let's first make this a metal shader so the metallic i'm going to turn this all the way up so that it's a metal shader and then we can just turn the roughness down and you can see already it's starting to look pretty cool now i want to add just a tiny little bit of like grain or rust or something on the metal just because i think it looks pretty cool so i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a wave texture i'm just going to drop it right here and then using a feature from the node wrangler i'm going to select the wave texture and press ctrl t that's going to add the texture coordinate and mapping and i'm just going to plug the object up to the mapping and that way the texture is going to be placed around the object more evenly and then using another feature from the node wrangler i can hold down the control and shift key and click on the wave texture and that'll preview it all right let's go ahead and work with these different settings here so the scale i'm going to turn this up to like a 0.1 and it does look really big right now but we're going to play around with some of these settings which will make it smaller and you can also totally change this value later if you want to now the distortion i'm going to turn this to something like a 78 so that it has a lot of distortion and you can already see that you can start to see those waves a lot better now the detail i'm going to turn this up all the way to 16 so that's very detailed and the detail roughness i'm going to turn this up to like a 0.75 and there we go now you can really see we have a lot more detail with that detail roughness so if you want to go back and change the scale now you can do that if you'd like to all right so i want this wave texture to go into the color and i also want to put it into the normal so first i will just plug it up to the base color and then i can control shift and click on this and you can see what it looks like but i don't want it to be this dark i just want it to kind of be a subtle thing so to change the colors i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a color ramp i'm just going to drop it right here and then we can change these colors so this white one right here this white tab i'm going to just make this like a light gray and then this one right here i'm going to make this a pretty light gray too but it's going to be pretty close to the first one so if i control shift and click on it you can see that these colors are actually pretty close to each other but one of them is just a little bit darker and one of them is just a little bit lighter so when i preview that now you can see it's just a subtle texture but it does look pretty cool all right now i also want this to affect the normal so i'm going to drop it into the normal and then we need to press shift a and we need to search for a bump node to convert it to normal data so we're going to plug this in right here and then we just need to put the color up to the height and now you can see it's very very rough now that is way too strong so i'm going to click on this and just turn this down to a .07 so it's very very subtle but you can still see it but with how this looks currently you can see that if i just like look around here all of this noise here it's like all over the place and i just want to be in some areas but not all of the areas so to do that i'm going to press shift a and search for another color ramp we will just drop the color amp right in here before they bump and then we can play around with this to make some of the parts not bumpy and just keep some of the parts smooth so i will control shift and click on this to preview it and then i actually want to switch these so i'm going to switch the white and the block values and then you can see if i just ctrl shift and click back on this when i start to turn the block up you can see that some of these areas there's now some patchy areas that are smooth so like right there there's a patchy area that's smooth there's some smooth areas right there so now if i control shift and click on this to preview the final material it just looks a bit nicer and you can turn this up even more if you want so you can see there's just a little bit of areas here and there which don't have that noise and are pretty smooth so just play around with this value and get it to how you like all right now we're going to add two layers of scratches on top of this we're going to add just some random scratches that are all around and then we're going to add some big scratches which are going up and down so i'm first going to press shift a and add a noise texture here's the noise texture we'll just drop it here and then we want to plug the vector up to the vector here i can now control shift and click on it now the scale i think for now i'm going to turn this to like a 10 we can change that later if we want and then the detail i'm going to turn this up to like a 10 as well now the roughness i think i'll turn this up to like a 0.8 so that it has a lot of roughness and that adds even more detail and then we can turn this distortion up and it's going to just make it a little bit wavy so i'm going to turn the distortion up to like a 12 and you can see that's what it's looking like so it's got all this distortion in here and that'll just make some random scratches that are kind of going in different directions so the scale here i think now i'll just turn this to like a three so that is pretty good now we want to plug this into the bump as well so that it looks like we have scratches so this bump right here i'm going to press shift d and just drop it right here so now we have a duplicate bump so now the factor i can just plug this up to the height and this one it's already being converted to normal data through the height so then the second one the normal will just go to the normal and then this noise texture is going to go into the height so that is how we can add multiple bump maps together so we have this one right here this is just the subtle one and then i can control shift and click on this and you can see there's those swirly bits added right there now it's very subtle so i'm going to turn the strength of this one up to like a 0.3 so you can see it a lot more but now it's just all over the place and i don't really want that i just want some different little parts that are scratchy but most of it i actually don't want it to be affecting it so to do that i can just take this color amp and i'll press shift d and just drop it down here and then we can play around with the values to tell it where we want the scratches to be but then the rest of it will be smooth so i'm actually going to switch these back and then i can just control shift and click on it to preview it so i just want to put these very close together so just something like that so you can see that where the black values are that's where the scratches are going to be but then the white places there's not going to be any scratches so i just want to make a few scratches here and there so that's why i'm pushing these two together very very close so now if i control shift and click on this you can see that when i zoom in there's only scratches here and there but not all over the place now i think the scale is actually a little bit too small so if i just turn this to maybe like a one that is a lot better now those scratches are a lot bigger and there's not quite as many so i can just control shift and click on this to see where the scratches are ctrl shift and click on this and then there we go if you want to make the scratches a little bit more deep you could turn up the strength here but now i can just control shift and click on this and there we go so we have all these little random scratches here there's like some there and some there but they're all pretty random which looks pretty nice alright so now i just want to add one more layer i want to have some scratches which are just coming down so to do that i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for another wave texture i'm just going to drop the wave texture down here and then i will just plug the vector up to the vector right here and i'm also just going to bring the text recorded and mapping down a little bit all right let's control shift and click on the wave texture to preview it and then we can play around with the settings so the scale i'm going to turn this to like a 4 so there's not quite as many i'll turn the distortion up to like a 4.5 something like that so you can see the more you turn the distortion up the more wiggly the lines are going to be so however wiggly you want your scratches to be you can turn the distortion up to make it more wiggly all right so this is going to be the texture for where the scratches are going to be but i actually want to make a different texture for the details of the scratches so i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a musgrave texture and we'll just drop it down here and then i can control shift and click on it to preview it now the scale i think i'll turn this to like a two or a three something like that and then i'll turn the detail up pretty high to maybe like a 14 so there is more detail and then the dimension i'll turn that to something like a .56 and you can see that now that we've turned that up there is a bunch more detail here that looks really great all right now this is a cool texture but the problem with it is it doesn't actually have the scratch marks so what we're going to do is we're going to tell the musgrave texture only to appear where the wave texture is so how i'm going to do this is i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a separate and we're going to use the separate x y z so i'm just going to drop this right down here underneath the wave texture and then the mapping here i want to use the object mapping so i'm going to plug this up to the vector right here and then if you want to add a little dot in here you can hold down the shift key and right click and drag over and then let go it's going to add this little dot in here i just like this and then that way this wire isn't going to be going over the wave texture it won't change the node setup but it looks a little bit nicer so now what i want to do is press shift a and i'm going to add a combine x y z so if i control shift and click on this you can see here is the x the y and the z so i want to combine them back up so i'm going to take the z and just plug that into the z the y plug that into the y let me just move this over and bring this down but then what i want to do instead of using this y one and putting that into the y i want to add the wave texture in so i'm going to take the color and put that into the y and there is the result that we get so now we've added that wave texture in so instead of using this object vector if i control shift and click on this we've created this new vector and we're going to use this for the musgrave texture instead so you can see this is a purple one and this is also a purple one because it's a vector so we're going to plug this vector up to the musk grape texture and then i can control shift and click on it and now you can see what's happening so it's taking that musgrave texture that we've added but it's making these little streaks with it so that is exactly what we want now if we added this into the bump right now there would be tons of scratches and we don't want this many scratches so we need to add a color ramp to tell it where we want the scratches to be because we only want some scratches here and there so i'm going to press shift a search for a color ramp we're just going to drop the color ramp right in here and then i can control shift and click on the color wrap to preview it and i'm actually going to switch these so i'm going to drag this one here and then drag the white one over here and you can see that now that we've done that if you drag this closer and closer you can kind of sharpen that up so if you want to bring it over here there's going to be more scratches or you can bring it really close and there's only going to be a few scratches so just play around with this if you want a bunch of scratches you could drag these both over i just want a few scratches here and there so i'm going to bring them over like that and you can see now there's just a little bit of scratches here and there so now that we have this scratches map i can just add this into the bump so the bump here i'm going to click on this press shifty to duplicate it we'll just drop it down here and then again this is already converted to normal data so it can just go through the normal and we want to add this one so the color is going to go into the height so if i control shift and click on this you can see here is the first bump ctrl shift and click on this and there is the second bump added with the little scratches here and there and then i can control shift and click on this and there is the third one so now we have three layers of bump and it makes it look a lot more interesting and then if you want to play around with the strength you can do that so if you want to make these scratches a little bit stronger you could do that all right i will control shift and click on this and there we go there is the finished material looks really cool there's a lot of detail which i really like all right i'll just render this out and we can check out the final image alright there we go that's the tutorial that's how you create this procedural scratched metal shader i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and thank you for watching and again if you'd like to help support this channel and also get project files for my tutorials and also get artwork project files procedural materials and 3d models and assets that i sell you can check out my gumroad store and my patreon page the links are in the description but thank you for watching and i will see you in a future video
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 10,464
Rating: 4.9749608 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan King Art, Blender Tutorial, Blender, Ryan King, Art, Tutorial, procedural, shader, material, 3d, scratched, metal, rough
Id: qMCuDjXjsZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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