Blender - 3D Bottle Design 100% Procedural + Shading and Lighting

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alright so today's control I'm really excited about we're gonna be making bottle designs and everything you're gonna see is completely procedural so let's get right into it so by the end of this tutorial you'll be able to make tons of models similar to these right here now if you are not interested in the tutorials you're just looking for assets this is an entire pack all procedural all kinds of cool stuff you can buy that it's all linked in the description go check that out as well for patreon everybody on tier two and three will be getting this pack for free so you can go and check out the patreon if you're not on there already and get to exclusive tutorials and things like that and also this pack completely free alright so the way you make these bottles is you hit shift a and you go down a curve and you select path so I'm gonna hit our y 90 and here is my path so what you can do is you would hit tab and say select this guy right here and I'm gonna pull them out and I'll pull this guy out a little bit and so now we have it it's a little bit curved now how do you make it a bottle go to the modifiers add modifier in add screw now it's all messed up looks like a plate you would actually go to access and change it to X and now you have like a raindrop or something so you go back to hit hit tab again say i'ma hit shift and drag these two here and bring this guy out and I'll bring this guy out now you have like a flask so making these bottles it's a little bit annoying and frustrating to make off the top of your head so I'm gonna hit and I'm just gonna go to the front here I'm at shift a and I'm gonna actually add an image I'm gonna click a reference and I'm gonna go and pick a image reference so I'm gonna pick this bottle here as a reference so now what I have to do shift a go ahead and add a curve and select my path I'm hit our y 90 and I'm gonna take this picture here bring him back a second and then go back and so now I have so now what I'm gonna do is I'm scale them up to fit these edges here and then I'm gonna hit tab and now I'm gonna go about actually designing this so right here I'm basically out of points to use see this is the design here but I'm out of points I need it to be basically more flexible so what I'm going to do is hit tab again I'm gonna hit select this point hold down shift and select this point here right-click and subdivide and now I can go about actually going back and fitting this to our design here and now we have more vertices I'm not subdivide it again so that I can get a little bit more control here on this vase and start actually mimicking what this guy looks like and so just bring it in just like that so now we have the basic design that can delete this so we have this guy add the screw change the axis to X but we're not done yet because this looks pretty bad so what I'm gonna do is add a solidify and make it solidify twice and then I'm gonna add a subdivision surface and then we could put the viewport at two so now we have this guy the bottom is open so we're gonna go back to tab and what I always do is I click this one right here and I'm gonna hit for extrude II and then Z to just bring it straight down II Z one more time and hit E X and I bring it in just like that and now the bottom is closed off now for the top we want a nice lip now this is a nice lip already but I want to get it a little better so I'm gonna do the same thing I'm going to hit e Z the z-axis E Z and then II X bring it in and now we have a much nicer lip here on the bottle so this is how you make these procedural bottle designs alright so now I'm gonna show you two different shaders for this just for fun should give you a jumpstart on being creative with this so I'm going to turn off bloom I'm gonna take this guy and bring off the background so I'm gonna go ahead and click new here and I'm gonna open up a color ramp add the color ramp right here so I'm gonna hit this plus icon to get a guy in the middle and I'm like imma get a fairly dark color so I'm gonna go ahead with a nice orange or brown looker looking and bring it up and say bring it about that dark and then I'm gonna go to the hex here and I'm gonna hit ctrl C copy the hex paste that hex code on the last one and I'm also going to paste it here in the middle one but after I paste it I'm gonna bring the color up here pretty high up so now we have these two Dark One's so let's add an ingredient here's the gradient texture plug it in here and now we have the dark here the dark up here in the dark in the middle and that we can go in and we can tighten that now this is cool all on its own but I want to go farther with this I want to go farther with this and add some bump action so I'm gonna add a bump node right here but that there I'm adding color ramp plug that here to the height let's add a noise now if you have the node Wrangler add-on selected you can hit ctrl T add a quick texture setup and I'm going to switch it to the object coordinate here and then right here I'm going to add a separate XYZ plug that there now it circles around my object like this and we've got a nice look here on the strength I'm gonna bring it down and now we have this really cool thing so you can bring up the detail some bring down the strength some more and now we have this design now the last thing I want to do is play with the the roughness so Co L color ramp let's add the color ramp here to the roughness and add this noise texture to that color ramp now let's just bring in the black portion just like this so we can just tighten it up so we can just tighten it up now we have a little bit of fun happening here now let's light this guy so let's bring them up to the bottom and let's add in a simple cube and bring it down just like that so now we have the cube and I'm gonna shift a at my camera just like this and for the camera I like to go to the camera settings down here now at 85 millimeter lens zoom this guy out and bring it up now I'm gonna go ahead and add in a background our X 90 to flip him back go back here and we're gonna scale it all the way up so now we have this I'm actually bring it farther back because I know what do here with the lighting really quick so I'm going to stay here in cycles for the cycles engine and let's go ahead and add in a light so we're gonna add an area light bring it all the way up here and scale it up pretty far and then we're gonna hit render and see how that looks really nothing's happening and we go to the world settings and bring my light all the way to black I think oh the light settings I'm gonna give it 300 on my light settings now we're already getting something really nice let's add in another color color ramp sorry a area light and I'll just bring him bring this guy this direction if you hit R twice you can try to rotate these lights wherever you want and I'm gonna give this a strength of 300 as well give this guy over here scale them up just a tad bit more and let's see how that looks all right it's already looking nice one more we're gonna hit shift D and get this guy I'm a scale him down a little bit hit R twice to make it point and I want to have a really bright light here in the back so I'm gonna actually take this guy and I'm gonna scale him up this direction and I'm gonna give up strength of 1,000 cuz I want a really skinny I want a skinny but very very bright light hitting this highlight here on the back of the vase just like this it's kind of overpowering my background here it's hitting it I don't like that so I'm gonna bring him back some more and just like this so now we have a really bright highlight here and then some nice lights go in this direction they're not quite bright enough for me so I'm gonna go here I'm give a strength of 500 and render that and the one above of course give it a strength of 500 as well and now we have this setup right here and it looks really really nice here on the background we're just going to give it a simple dark shader and we're gonna put that same shader here on the box and we have this simple lighting setup now I told you I was going to show you two shading setups so I'm going to show you one more that's really cool that's fairly similar to this one which is with that separate XYZ here so I'm gonna go to the lighting here and click scene world scene lights so they can see what I'm working with all right so now I have the bottle I'm gonna just X out on this material and I'm gonna create a new one plug this here I'm gonna go with a nice green right in this area probably look bad maybe you're out there and ctrl C whoops some control C and copy this hex and then we're gonna add another one so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna control paste that green in there but make it pretty dark so we have a lighter version a darker version and then a white so now what I want to do is same thing add a noise and this noise texture right here and I'm gonna hit ctrl T to add that texture setup and put it in the object coordinate here alright now I'm gonna add a gradient gradient texture here plug this vector into here at a mix RGB and plug this gradient texture into this now before I play with anything more now so now we already have one cool shader yet you could actually stop here one thing I'm gonna do one thing I'm gonna do real quick is bring my roughness all the way down so now we already have a really cool really nice shader but I'm not done yet what I'm gonna do next here is on the noise texture at a separate XYZ right here and plug it right here in the noise line so we get this here now this is cool but back here let's just play with it again add a noise texture and add a mix RGB plug it in here and then add the object coordinate so we can tell it how much of this noise to use is right now it just looks crazy so let it load and now again we already have another cool shader let's bring the detail all the way up already have another really cool shader here but I'm gonna bring the factor all the way back over here and just bring it a little bit and now we have this all I'm gonna do all I have left to do here is add noise texture I mean sorry bump I've been saying noise a lot let's add a noise a bump plug that into the normal here plug this mix into the height let that load and then all we have to do is bring down the strength once that's finished bring down the strength and now we have a really nice ceramic kind of interesting shader here and now we have this really cool design now the beauty of this being completely procedural if you want to go crazy say I'm a subdivide this again and I can go and add some more detail to this so like this here bring that out say subdivide that take this one subdivide that and then we can just bring this back in a little bit and now I have another completely new vase design so because it's all procedural you can have a lot of fun and you make some really cool designs and using references and having some fun so there you go that's a tutorial I hope you enjoyed something and go grab that pack down in the description if you want to see all 21 models all 21 procedural materials and things like that so thanks for watching and hope you learn something
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 87,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Design, Blender Package Design, Blender Bottles, Blender Bottle, Blender Procedural Modeling, Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Text Animation, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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