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so today we're going to look at her gerta verbs and we're also going to look at something else which on some other verbs which are called ambi transitive verbs but these are not Agata verbs although i wanted to talk about them first anyway and it's useful this information just because it's confusing not to know it sometimes I often hear a mistake something like the weather was changed and this is because change is a negative verb and the most common way of putting it is not the weather was changed because immediately you think the weather was changed by whom that you normally just say the weather changed and so there are mistakes concerning this Herget of verbs and if you've never heard of them don't worry a lot of people haven't they're not in every grammar book by any means and I only heard about them for the first time recently but it answered a lot of questions because I had wondered about this change and start and stop and I had thought how confusing it was for me to think in another language because I wasn't fully aware of Agata verbs so let's get going and be transitive there are two types of verbs you can have transitive verbs which always have an object so he gave me a book gif has two objects yeah here two objects which means it would be called Dai transitive yeah it takes two objects but most verbs are a lot of verbs only take one and if you say yes he told me here we've got one object me of the verb tell so both of these verbs are transitive verbs in these sentences they need an object intransitive verbs they have no object so we if you're talking about when you're on the in in your car on the motorway the car stops working we say we broke down yeah no no no object at all we don't need an object so it's intransitive or we say if you sneeze we say hey chew here sneeze I sneezed we don't need an object in this and so these are intransitive verbs well ambi transitive verb a verbs which are sometimes they can take an object and sometimes they can get away without having an object yeah so I've read the book here we have an object of read and I've been reading for ages there's no object for the verb here and so read is an B transitive as is another verb like understand it's an be transitive as well you can say I understand or you can also say I understand you and that's how you test a verb you see if you can put an object on there however there is another type of verb called ergot adverse in fact there were many of them and you know lots of them already and the with these are getting verbs the strange thing is that the object of the transitive verb can be the subject of the intransitive verb now what does that mean sounds a little bit technical it's actually very simple it means that we can say a and B and C so we can say in an active sentence Dave closed the shop or we can say the shop closed now that should already be a bit strange for you guys you might be thinking hang on when we make this the subject of the sentence we should use passive we should say the shop was closed by Dave if we want to mention the agent well that's what's so weird about our 'get of verbs you can just use them actively with the object of the ordinary active sentence as a subject yeah it means that the verb works both ways round and I you know it should it does actually cause some problems and this is where the mistake of the weather was changed is where it came from we can just say the weather changed even though change can be used in an active sense with an object okay so let's look at some other verbs which are eager to verbs the first one which came to my mind was increase and again this causes some problems we say we increase the price of our product or we can say the price increased of our product yes oh we can use it we don't have to put it in the passive the price was increased of our product in fact see here sounds a little bit clumsy and it's it's the same here the shop was closed by Dave it sounds a little bit clumsy and so I would try and use a and B rather than C rather than putting it into passive and I would just it's just unnecessary and it avoids mentioning the agent and so it has a certain effect on the listener but all of these verbs which I've written up here are the same and so try to use these two rather than the last one when you use these verbs but the verbs of movement yeah you can say I moved I moved the ball to the left or you can also say the ball moved to the left you don't have to say the ball was moved to the left okay that's how this is how we can tell if it's a negative verb this is a test really if a and B both sound good and B sounds a little bit nice of and clearer and simpler than C then it's a negative verb okay so these verbs of movement spin shake move bounce skid turn yeah we turned left or we can say we turn to the car left or the car turned left and also these ones with change in starting stopping beginning finishing opening and closing as well which you know open would be exactly the same as closed and increase in decrease damage is another good one and brake being one which I've forgotten to write here yeah you can say I broke the VAS or the VARs broke and it's the same as the VARs was broken by me so many verbs of damage and many verbs of cooking so I hope this reminds you of some of your verbs of cooking roast fly boil you can say I fried eggs or the eggs flied for five minutes or the eggs were fried for five minutes and same with roast boiled baked warm burn and fries okay I hope that this small lesson today has been quite clear it's nothing to worry about but it is something to be aware of it might answer some questions that you've had in the past concerning how some of these verbs work or some odd sentences where you found it weird that they were working the way they were that they were being used in active when you expected it to be perhaps passive anyway if you enjoyed this lesson please give me a like and I hope to see you all soon thanks for watching you
Channel: MrSkypelessons
Views: 37,906
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Keywords: ergative verbs, ambitransitive verbs, verb lesson, verbs lesson, english lesson, english lessons, english classes, english course, advanced verbs, advanced english, learn english, study english
Id: zMNt9HpjgOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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