Make Money Online in 2023 with These AI Tools!

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to be completely honest with you I'd like to share  a secret over half of my business is not managed   by me or my employees after years and years of  freelancing I just realized that there had to be   more I've bid on many projects I got great results  and eventually I ended up on number one spot on among 65 million other users which  was absolutely insane however I was constantly   striving to automate our business above what our  small firm could accomplish and today I'm sharing   with you a list of unique ideas that can automate  50 or more of your business if you're a freelancer   working freelancing sites and I'm willing to bet  that you won't find anything like this anywhere   else most are all of these tools include Ai and  I will show you very specific ways on how to use   them and how to leverage them to your benefit if  you are serious about mastering your craft make   sure to subscribe and hit the notification Bell so  that you do not miss on this valuable content let   me show you what can be done if you haven't  yet make sure to check my previous video in   which I cover ways to automate your profiles and  descriptions and today I will move straight into   bidding I'm really trying to keep boasting to the  minimum but there is one thing that I do really   well and that is bidding check this out first  I'm going to bid insights on and   despite my bids being quite large so 90 dollars  per hour 50 000 Euros fifteen thousand dollars and   so on I'm still ranked as number one for so many  different skills number one number one number one   two two and so on and for logo redesign PowerPoint  presentation website redesign UI ux mobile   app development WordPress site and many other  different skills and how do I do that so first   I copy the job description from freelancer then  I paste it into chargept by using clippy that I   mentioned previously which is a clipboard manager  app I check that everything is correct then in the   job post section I simply copy and paste the job  post and then in the bit section I paste one of my   previously saved templates and this is how I do it  and I just wait for the reply another great tool   to show something extra to the client is Loom  especially if you're in a niche that is visual   this way you can show your potential clients your  live comments and comment on something they have   done while still keeping a little bit better  personalized with your image on the side or you   can go crazy and create templates of the most  common issues in your Niche and then have your   AI in video format to Showcase it to the client  check this out let's take my agency's website for   example there is currently no clear call to action  prompting visitors to take a specific action on   our site additionally there is no visible phone  number which can make it difficult for potential   customers to get in touch with us lastly there is  no option for a lighter color scheme for those who   may find the current dark format unappealing funny  right it is 100 there yet but I'm certain it will   be soon is advancing very fast and until  then just create the video or Loom of yourself   chatting with clients can be time consuming and  I lost so many plans because of this I often have   tens or even hundreds of conversations per week  and I had to find ways to automate my chats and   that's why I use Chrome extension called jgbt  writer to automate my chats and how do you do   that you provide a very simple brief suggestion of  what you want to say and then jgbt writer does the   whole big thing for you and what you do you copy  that answer and then paste it into the chat with   the client this way you can have very detailed  responses in just a few clicks if you want to be   more advanced use again previously mentioned  clippy and then copy or paste your previous   introductions to the client this combination can  be used in many different ways to ask structured   questions automate your conversations or enhance  ideas so be creative about it or you can use this   tool or chegept itself to create the next steps  for you and the potential client and this way   it will give the client extra level of security  and Clarity and make them go a bit more towards   you so I strongly recommend that during client  meetings it's crucial to take notes and remember   what was said but I must tell you I'm horrible  at remembering what was said and even worse in   writing notes down because of so many distractions  I use to transcribe my meetings and   if you do not want to pay for it there is also a  free option on Google meet and then the next step   is to copy all of that conversation into chatgpt  and ask it in bullet points to summarize that   meeting once it's summarized you can go ahead and  write an email to the client based all of that has   been summarized and this way the client will be  super impressed because you delivered something   very early to them and super automated and now get  ready for some Brilliance after the call has been   summarized in structure GPT to provide additional  ideas on top of the client ideas and then send it   to the client they will be super impressed I  also found a fantastic new AI Edition called and is a software which allows  you to create beautiful presentation in matter   of minutes powered by Ai and how it works you just  type in what you are working in what you need and   then let it do its magic and one more brilliant  thing it has integration with Delhi and with Dali   you can create mobile mock-ups different designs  and then simply add them into a presentation you   do not need any design skills anything How  great is that if you are well on your way in   your freelancing journey your quote system could  be quite complex however if you're just starting   out it might be beneficial to use an all-in-one  system like get accepted this platform allows you   to easily send out quotes your Milestones terms  and conditions and even the contract itself and   saves you a significant amount of time and effort  and let me show you how to use it I really like   the valid until section because it gives your  clients a sense of urgency and it is known that   if there is a sense of urgency they are more  likely to go ahead with you in the project   then you have the Milestone system and lastly  the description system and for the description   system you can go and summarize your previous  project specification and ask you to create a   bullet points and the only thing that you have to  do is to copy and paste those bullet points and   you have already made quote system you can use  plenty of tools here but I mainly use chegebd   writer or sometimes Merlin or compose that AI even  though those are paid additions these tools are   great to use when you have a long message to  answer or you want to create a super enticing   email and they can be super helpful this is one of  my favorite tools which I use on daily basis and   it's insane how easy it is to use it the tool is  called and you can just go as simple as   write a follow-up to John to see if there is any  news about the project and then Merlin cast its   spell and just writes a perfect reply and another  tool that you can use here is also jgbt writer   that we mentioned previously it's a little bit  more detailed and that's why it's great and then   you can say is client ready to go forward with  the project or any kind of query that you want   and it will create for you a detailed and wealth  structured response it's absolute Game Changer and   now a couple of ideas that could be started today  and that could earn you money as early as this   of next week number one becoming the AI consultant  you are here before 90 of other people so it is   very easy to become a consultant today however it  is important that you perform your own research   to understand truly how these tools behave and  that you'll find how you can bring significant   value to either individuals or organizations  then reach out to your connections on LinkedIn   or social media networks use freelancing sites  or use cold Outreach tools like number   two small chunk of work on freelancing sites  this is a great idea for Freelancers that know   how to leverage these tools to their advantage  simply go to any freelancing site list out all   of the projects that fit into your criteria and  you will quickly realize that there is a lot of   jobs that can be done fully or almost fully  by these tools start applying for these jobs   and offer competitive rates because now you will  be able to work a lot less and learn more which   should be the ultimate goal note and number  three copywriting or research papers even if   you are not a native English speaker you can still  own a great copywriting business Google recently   announced that it will be banning content produced  by yeah so simply go to any freelancing site and   my biggest find a partner in terms  of another copywriter and then just perfect the   output of GPT I'm planning to make my next video  about how to run businesses on autopilot so if   you are interested in that one make sure to  write autopilot down in the comment section   and I will create a specific video on the topic  if you haven't yet make sure to subscribe hit   the notification Bell as I will be producing  a lot more of these see you in the next one
Channel: Matt Starky
Views: 6,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freelancing with ai, chat gpt, artificial intelligence, how to use chat gpt, ai tools, how to make money with chat gpt, chatgpt tutorial, freelancing for beginners, ai for freelancers, chatgpt for freelancers, freelancers, freelancer,, freelancing, freelancingtips, freelancing tutorial, how to start freelancing for beginners, how to start freelancing with no experience, how to make money online with chatgpt, best ai tools 2023, best ai tools for digital marketing
Id: KKy_fvgzuaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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