10 Tips To Start Freelancing On Freelancer.com

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Why are you here? Perhaps because you want to  start freelancing but do not know where? or maybe   because you know you can do better? If any of that  applies to you, it's time that you discover my   million dollar success story because I'm planning  to reveal it all. I do not have any courses,   I don't have any Discord groups, just free and  relevant information. And my promise to you is   to make my free content better than any of the  paid content you can find anywhere else. Hey guys,   I'm Matt and I'm about to close a single 500 000  project on freelancer.com, but just three or four   years ago my maximum deal size was a hundred  dollars one. In those three or four years I   managed to get from zero to being number one on  freelancer.com amongst millions and millions of   other users.At the same time I watched countless  freelancing courses and channels and some of the   things that I'm going to show you have never been  shown before because it's free and for me to keep   making this content make sure to subscribe and hit  the notification Bell so you can always stay up   to date this content will be coming out on weekly  basis I'm going to unpack a lot of things here so   make sure to go over everything at least a couple  of times the value will gradually increase with   every new tip so be patient with me because first  tip might be a little bit boring but everything   after that will be super exciting and super  relevant for you and here are the things that   we are going to cover freelancing Journey profile  Prodigy portfolio possibilities rate wizard the   bid Champions formula five minutes to close the  Royal introduction quotation book communication   with clients preferred and verified why and how  reviews a guide to Brilliance if you are new to   freelancing my absolute recommendation would be  edx.org it's a free site that collects relevant   courses from some of the top schools in the  world like Harvard and MIT if you already have   skill let's start with the one that you know  about but it still needs to be covered when I   started I was bidding 16 hours per day and for  me this is not a get rich quick scheme but an   exciting and a life-changing Journey however I  made countless mistakes and I will show you how   to automate and reuse the work and what you can  do to skip the hard part first of all you need   to create a profile right because most of my  audience knows how to saw or has already done   it I'm not going to go into that I'm here to  give you motivation I'm a hard worker and by   following this channel you have more than enough  to be at least as successful as me I will be your   accountability partner and you can always shoot me  a message when you get stuck we are here to do it   together so let's do it regarding profiles I know  what works because I heard it directly from the   member of the freelancer.com team and today I have  this unique opportunity to share it with you they   told me that based on their data a profile photo  should be a clear headshot on a white background   and this makes sense when you think about it  right employers would rather connect with a person   than with a logo or a company for this use a tool  like removal.bg and then if you feel experimental   go to canva and a different background I still  prefer to stick to white but that might change   soon regarding taglines and descriptions in the  era of AI it wouldn't make sense to only rely on   our knowledge right if I were you I would go into  chat GPT and ask it to write brilliant and custom   taglines and descriptions for myself and here is  how you do it we are a software on demand company   number one ranked team on freelancer.com and  some of our clients are Rita Ora Sky News Airbus   Freelancer and many others we like to keep our  communication professional but casual write us a   60 character long tagline and a 500 character long  description and make it unique most importantly be   as specific as possible you do not want to rely  only on AI but tweak it and make it truly yours   I'm going to talk about portfolio section next  which is a make or break part of your profile   have lots of examples and most importantly make  it visual if you are in a niche that is hard to   visualize make sure to have either before or  after pictures or some results that can prove   it these can be divided into two you either  have previous work or you don't in case that   you do have a previous work there are two things  I would recommend number one ask industry experts   for feedback because there is always room for  improvement and number two make sure to use   a portfolio template generator so that you can  produce a unique looking Style on the other hand   if you do not have a portfolio there are great  sites online like sharpen the design or you can   go and get a list of project tasks and build one  you cannot fake a portfolio but it will provide   you with a list of project ideas to sharpen your  skills as the name says and important make sure   like the first group to volunteer with different  brands and collect relevant experience I will be   honest with you on this one and let you know that  there isn't a specific answer it can vary greatly   by your Geographic locations skills what clients  are willing to pay for and numerous other things   however there are great tools online like ruul.io  and their freelancer rate calculator tool and the   freelancer rate calculator sheet so make sure to  use one of them these tools count in your living   expenses taxes working days and many other small  factors when putting together a final rate please   note that these rates are only suggestions and  it's mandatory that you do them correctly as   otherwise they will provide you with a wrong  estimate as I have a large team now it's a bit   different for me but I still use the principle of  price cards bidding is the way to get projects in   the beginning customer inquiries are rare so  make sure that your bids are fast but custom   to the client and how do you do that always be in  the first 10 Freelancers that put the bid in but   make sure to not autobid because your bids will  eventually get reported and banned and here is   how to automate it and still be safe make sure to  have pre-made templates for every single service   you provide and just change the introduction  affirm to the client that you understood the   assignment and connect it to one of the previous  examples that is the most similar to what client   is after have your templates ready use Clippy or  any other clipboard manager app it is an absolute   Lifesaver also here is how you can use chat GPT  into your advantage let's say that the client is   looking for an animator that can provide him with  a style of Brad Bird . editing for to the tool and   ask you to analyze the style and provide a reply  which covers a few lines on what it knows about   that style and how you can help them do it in a  similar way. in the meantime always monitor the   bid insights section on freelancer and make sure  to add those bids into chat GPT and then ask it   to analyze it and let you know what works and  what doesn't work and then you can simply redo   it based off of that feedback in the following  video I will break down my bid winning formula   that helps me win five times more projects than  all of the best Freelancers on the site so make   sure to stay until the end this one is a bit of  magic which I been saving for later sorry about   that I've closed numerous large size clients  in as little as 5 or 10 minutes and it comes   down to a three-step process again you can use  AI to write it for you and here's what I usually   write in case I was introduced by the preferred  team which I will cover in the rest of the video   here is what I write hello my name is Matt and  I was referred to you by Joe who is a recruiter   at freelancer.com how are you doing today if  you're just a regular client pretty much the   same just appreciation plus introduction plus  inquiry and here is how it usually looks like   hey thanks for reaching out my name is Matt and  we are happy to have the opportunity to chat with   you about the project that being said could you  share some more information about yourself the   project and anything else that you might find  helpful next on the genuine interest plus an   occasional joke I cannot explain how important it  is to not only show genuine interest but actually   be interested in the client and their project  spend a couple of minutes ask relevant questions   and if you're a humorous type of person even  crack a joke or two it will make them relaxed   and get a bit of trust in it and last one the  close I always always always ask clients for a   deadline and a budget and how do I explain why  I need it number one I want to understand what   is the level of quality they are after number  two I want to understand the creativity and   urgency they want to achieve and number three I  want to be able to plan our resources and that's   how I explain it to them remember in sales whoever  speaks first loses and you didn't hear this from   me but in case they speak first there is always  a bit of room for an improvement right clients   always want to see a structured and a detailed  offering because we're an agency now I usually   send custom quotes which require a very detailed  breakdowns but do not worry because freelancer.com   has got you covered here their Quote system is  easy to use and gives you the option to give an   accurate description of your project and set  out deliverables in the list item section of   the quote this is great for clients especially  when they have a document to share with the rest   of the decision makers in their team if it's great  for the client it's great for you as well another   excellent element of the quote system is the valid  until section it will give your clients a sense of   urgency especially if you give them a discount  remember the faster you close the better you   are this one deserves a bid on its own but I  will give you a couple of major points if you   are planning to build a successful freelancing  career it comes down to honesty dedication and   quality honesty rather under promise and over  deliver than the other way around if you get to   a roadblock make sure to communicate it with  the client because it will be so much easier   to sort it out together dedication always but  especially when starting out dedicate thousand   percent of your being and your existence to the  project I know it's hard but it will result in   so much additional work that it's going to be  well worth it and quality this one speaks for   itself always ask for feedback provide the best  work you can and make sure to make client happy   it is your moral obligation to give it a short  answer getting into the preferred program is the   biggest game changer on the platform while getting  verified is more or less just a necessary step in   the right direction getting verified will give you  higher credibility amongst clients and give you   the ability to bid on better paying projects at  the same time getting into the preferred program   has certain prerequisites that you can check on  the link below but you need to to collect about   10 reviews which need to be excellent and  you are on your way to becoming a preferred   freelancer and why is it a game changer because  now you will get the recruiters to do the work   for you instead of browsing through numerous  projects you will have recruiters that will   send you messages when there is a project that is  matching your skills how cool is that and number   two it gives you premium credibility and access to  the big bucks from the moment I got my preferred   freelancer status majority of my clients are from  the preferred program for me that's the big boys   league in freelancing I've always said that the  review is King it's the number one thing clients   are looking at When selecting a freelancer  to work on their project and nobody can just   buy a five-star review you need to earn it when  you are starting out take projects that you can   actually over deliver and make sure to have great  and timely communication with your client to earn   a five-star review make sure to put everything  on paper either a contract or a written paper   Google Docs it doesn't matter so that both you  and the client can sign it off and that both you   and the client know what will be worked on as I  said earlier it's always better to under promise   and over deliver trust me guys but it doesn't end  here in the next video I'm breaking down my custom   bit winning formula so that you know exactly what  I do and what tools I use to make it the seamless   process it is yours you just need to click here  let me know down in the comments what you think   about this and make sure to subscribe to get  a lot more of these see you in the next one
Channel: Matt Starky
Views: 26,139
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Keywords: freelancing, freelancer, freelance, digitalmarketing, workingfromhome, #business, #socialmediamarketing, freelancers, affiliatemarketingtips, onlinebusiness, graphicdesign, developers, programmers, freeelancingdevelopers, freelancingtips, freelancercom, upwork, toptal, fiverr, 99designs, peopleperhour, custombids, customproposaals, sidehustle, work from home jobs, how to make money online 2023, freelancing for beginners 2023, work from home jobs 2022, working from home vlog
Id: NtE5ZX-E3-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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