Make Guy Fieri's Quick BBQ Brisket - How To

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Oh fuck this is everything I ever wanted from Guy Fieri and Action Bronson meeting up

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/drummingdude21 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

This kind of makes me want to get a pressure cooker, although it sounds like a lot of the slow things that I cook (chili, stew) would not stand up to it. I would probably make stock more often if I had a pressure cooker.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/pfizer_soze 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Should've ditched the Vice head and just had it with Fieri and Action Bronson

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/senoravery 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] nice to meet you got that we have a look to saying unimpressed I heard rumors but I'm now in person it's like it's legit this is beautiful well done heard rumors [Music] here we are Guy Fieri from the Food Network diners drive-ins and dives guys big bye guys kosher games with the boss in charge of this this is her house Farraday who we normally have beers before we come in this is vices like a few beers all day know how like the whole time so I really appreciate you guys having me because this is a big deal for me I'm a I'm a pressure cooker fan and I've been cooking with pressure cookers since I was a kid I am a low and slow barbecue guy I'm in the barbecue Hall of Fame that's my barbecue teams logo really advertising cuz you have you need it you ever just do that I have no ink money what no I know I'm gonna need to swap some this is great because what we're gonna do is we're gonna make a barbecued brisket in a very short period of time so pressure cookers have this reputation of being really loud really mean really making all the steam all the sounds and people are always worried that they're gonna explode totally and they won't and then the great thing is especially about the new ones because they have so many different controls to them about how to release the steam that gasket will blow out to the side and also there's a valve that will release and it'll blow off the steam so we're gonna make a little dry rub first a little paprika granulated garlic granulated onion a little salt let's see that pouring to the camera like Vanna White a little little chilli powder look I am fresh cracked black pepper there we go so a simple dry rub something that you could make ahead of time and if you make an abundance of this you know keep it in a cool dry place we'll take this we have some brisket that's been trimmed down just a touch liberally dry rub now if we had the choice of letting this go for a day and sit there with this dry rub on it we would do it but we don't have that because the idea here is that we're trying to make this dish quick and fast making sure it's all the way coated we'll drop it right in a nice hot pan don't worry about that smoke that's not real delicious I love it so what's happening now is we're really just trying to put a little crust put a little bark on both sides okay where are we perfect okay so that's good and pull those two out it's kind of a little bit of a faux bark but we're getting that texture we're getting that color let's get into breaking this down doesn't have to be anything super sexy because we're really using this for flavor veggies don't survive inside of the pressure cooker real well well do you understand how pressure cooker works it cooks everything a lot faster under pressure yeah get a higher temperature and it cooks faster what's on here so what we did we cooked off the meat put a nice sear to it on all the sides now went in with some red and green bell pepper and a little onion drop that in gonna sweat those for a second I would drop the brisket back in go ahead and deglaze with some of the beer so we'll let it cook off a little bit then we'll add a touch of the stock we'll make the barbecue sauce I always like to start mine off with a really good premium commercial barbecue oh you guys have mine here Wow how odd that's interesting it's the only one we use so a little barbecue sauce now we don't have the opportunity to put any smoke on this okay and we do use a little liquid smoke and when I say a little I mean a little we'll just go with some straight-up old ketchup touches some Worcestershire Worcestershire sauce a little ACV for a little extra vinegar and then we're gonna do just a touch of mustard and a little red chili flake we're trying to infuse a lot of flavor really fast into this dish and to do that we're gonna have to fortify this a little bit more than we maybe would man please oh the mustard and the vinegar shop pushes it so think about the intensity of the flavor of that a little of the barbecue sauce will reserve a bit we go ahead and lock her up lock it on one push it to close it and there this should roll for about 3035 minutes nice so we'll kind of wait until we hear the steam coming up here do you see it that'll really start to tell us that it's doing its magic so we're building some good steam so our time has expired we've got enough whistle here's the great trick yeah have you taken right now and you just kick this go take you forever pick it up put it the sink run cold water over it and believe it or not you'll see how fast that whole mess stops okay screaming hot how many seconds ago yeah thirty okay so there we go we release it there's all your flavor I can tell just by looking at it like if we just give it a little pinch it'll start to come apart but if we found that we weren't really happy with the tenderness of it we're still at boiling right now so it'd take us nothing literally no time at all let's just take that barbecue sauce pour that over the top you've got that beautiful wood stone oven in the back we'll just throw it in there let that glaze up on top a little bit now we'll get into making the slaw good that kale from the garden yes your garden I was out there for a little tour this is our our roof so how does our kale shape up to your kale well it's good looking yeah it's not as big but you've also been going through it it looks like the key is is just not to take too much of it I have a monster garden quarter acre and it's all raised beds and we do we do it on because we're in California and we get a pretty good growing season I start tomatoes at different stages just so I have them all the times they'd all come up at one time because this kale is so baby and so tender I'm not too worried about taking these Center ribs out roll it up so easy and here's the thing I love about kale is if you slice it that thin and give it that little ribbon it just takes dressing or vinegar or marinade or whatever you do so incredibly well from yogurt fantastic the more sour the yogurt the better a little bit of honey a little mustard now that's a Dijon mustard right yep tried one of the most important things that we all miss in food everybody misses in food is the zest this is where you're gonna get your really fantastic lemon flavor and rotating it as we go and not going too far into the pit because that'll really fit the off there we go gotta juice is loose look at it go I like juice is yeah go ahead let's go let's dump them all in yeah so some red cabbage carrots in here absolutely a little broccoli florets the younger the broccoli the better and I love that you're using the brush Lise tells everyone always throws away but I think that's the best part so much flavor inside of it and they've got great texture okay dried cranberries too we can have too much dressing we remember you got the salt in there and so forth so we're gonna generate a little bit of our own liquid so I don't think this is too much give that a little stir for me I mean if I really want to do this I would ha they're gonna shake it shake the Dickens out of it is what they say right who put the Dickens in here oh I've had this go wrong before look at that see how it just cooked right up on top dried it out a little bit so we're doing garlic butter on the buns absolutely then we're gonna take a brioche bun hit that with a little bit of garlic butter and just grill it off real fast in a cast-iron pan okay nice little toast to the button I got those buns all buff those buns and you could like just like pull this apart right if you wanted to what I was trying to do is show this in a little bit more of traditional Texas brisket style and there's something about you know that it's all texture the whole game is texture huh tell me that wasn't a pretty shot no I'd spent - oh good well load it up nice healthy portion so look at that you that reduction and the beauty about this you know it makes this so anxious is all that fat that was coming out of that brisket is now liquefied into that all the veggie it's super strong don't get me wrong this is not soup but tuck that right there that's the money shot you are a rice las' a little bit of the slaw on top not wanting to compete but just a refreshing the palate my sister from another mister there you go now you've seen Triple D enough times let me show you what we call the hunch mmm note the hunches do you know what the hunch is going like right on into it I don't know the ideas and I watch this when you go to Philly and you watch those guys eat the cheese steak and they're in the business suits is they have a thing where they keep their arms up like this okay so it doesn't go running down and sneak inside of their suit coddle and cradle here we go take a bite that's good that slaw is amazing on this the brisket when you put in that sandwich no one's gonna know that that was knocked out a half an hour there's awesome real deal not bad way to end your workday is this guy do it right I think we did it more than right where's that one dude the guy in the car with the glasses it's running it about me this is Action Bronson we're gonna take you to flavor ville there he is so many things I love you oh brother I love it no because I love you I think you are spot-on with that how are ya I hear about you and your appetite you didn't bring any shades huh I didn't that's a day I'm bummed out I want looking for my eyes I wanted to well at least they're halfway open and not that bloodshot all right so I'm gonna make you a sandwich your boss please there we go I'm just trying to make you the petite dancers bigger oh yeah please okay there we go do you cook yourself I do didn't you know how to get it done with the broccoli slaw huh yeah would the broccoli slaw broccoli slow roll those sleeves up and stuff gonna get a get after this do it alright there we go you show me the hunch you watch the show punch okay see this how you get into proper position you got it locked in there hands underneath arching the back arts in the back she's got this like if deadlifting deadlift that's the barbecue brisket done in a pressure cooker 3540 minutes with the slaw with the toasted bun the whole enchilada I'm believing that could make this every day of the week [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: Munchies
Views: 2,482,894
Rating: 4.8903632 out of 5
Keywords: how to, cooking, Munchies, food, eating, action bronson, Guy Fieri, flavortown, guys american kitchen, brisket, pressure cooker, BBQ, diners drive-ins and dives, food network, fuck thats delicious, Triple D, brisket shortcuts, donkey sauce, diners drive ins and dives, guy's big bite, guy off the hook, farideh, celebrity chef, best brisket recipe, how to use a pressure cooker, pressure cooking demo
Id: KOr8pRQrWf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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