Make a CLOTH REVEAL ANIMATION IN BLENDER in just 10 minutes. Complete Blender Tutorial. FREE Assets.

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hi guys today we're going to create this fantastic cloth reveal animation in blender in just 20 minutes using only fre assets and free software we're going to cover fabric simulation and how to get great results where to get free models lighting camera animation and loads more Pro tips you can use this reveal effect on logos products anything you can imagine what's more I'm giving away the blend file so you can take a look to see how it works yourself let's get [Music] started okay back in blender press a to select everything X to delete everything shift and a we're going to add in a mesh plane s to scale I'm just eyeballing this kind of about that's sort 10 squares across that's roughly let's have a look yeah roughly 10 m square that should be fine to start with tab into edit mode we're going to going to go to Edge select or you can press number two on your keyboard we going to select these two back edges here press e to extrude zed to constrain to The Zed axis and we're just going to up extrud it upwards like this we're going to quickly select those three internal edges just there and we're going to do control and B to give them a bevel and just roll your mouse wheel a few times till it looks something like that that's going to give us a lovely seamless back background tap back into object mode right click shade Auto smooth and you can see we've kind of got a nice seamless background there which can be a good start for us okay next hop into blender kit if you don't have blender kit already I'll put a link in the description below it's free it's got loads of free assets you can pay to kind of unlock extra stuff but you don't have to for this um tutorial but it is really well worth it I love it in blender kit we're going to just press the little eyeball and then we're going to type in in Corvette and if you hover over these you can see we've got Chevrolet Corvette 2014 you can just drag and drop into there uh just select it in the outliner and then press R to rotate Z to rotate on the Zed axis and type in 180 just to flip it around brilliant okay so what we're going to do let's just change the view mode here High blender kit before we add the cloth Sim imulation we're going to try and simplify this model for the cloth simulation okay the easiest way to do it is to kind of go to the outliner hold down shift and select all of the items under the Chevrolet Corvette we're just going to go to object we're going to convert it to a mesh and then we're going to press control and J and that is going to make it into one single object which you can grab and move around we're going to basically duplicate this object so press shift and d and then X just to move it across in the X AIS and what we're going to do now instead of the cloth modifier working on like quite a complex mesh Just Tab into edit mode so you can see that you can see how sort of complex this mesh is lots of vertices and points we're actually going to make like a proxy a low resolution proxy and we're going to do this using the remesh modifier so click add modifier search for remesh and now we've added the remesh modifier you can see we've kind of got a low quality sort of low resolution copy of the model now this is going to be great for the cloth modifier because it make it much simpler to calculate where the where the cloth collides with the model so we're just going to tweak the settings just a little bit so I don't know if you can see but we've got quite prominent Wing mirrors here sticking out and the remesh modifi just kind of made them disappear so we're just going to decrease the voxal size just a little bit just so we can see enough of that sort of wing error to work let's just go one more yeah I think we'll go with that so 0.05 on the voxal modifier then we going to apply that and let's name these up here so this is going to be our car and this is going to be Collision model right so you're actually going to hide the Collision model so it doesn't actually appear in the renders but we'll leave it on for now we just going to press seven on your number pad just to go to Top View Press G and then X just to grab it and move it on the x- axis so it matches up over the old model right we're just going to press s to scale I'm just going to scale this model so so it just covers over the original model so that way we won't get any of the original model poking through the cloth modifier shift and right click on the top of the car that's just going to move our 3D cursor to the top press shift and a we're going to add it in a mesh plane and this is going to be our cloth so we're just going to press s to scale we want to scale it bit bigger like that can you see that clearly and then we'll press s to scale again and Y to scale on the y- AIS and we're just going to pull it across like this so it kind of covers the car so it's like a giant rectangle covering the car okay going to press contrl a to apply all of those transforms just press G to grab and just move it just slightly up on the Zed axis just so it's hovering over the car like that so we're going to tab into edit mode going to right click and we're going to click subdivide and down here this little popup up down here we're going to have the number of cuts we're going to change that to 60 and that basically is how many faces we're going to have in our cloth uh simulation if you want to have a more accurate simulation you can increase the number of cuts say 100 or more um obviously the more quality we have in the cloth the slower the simulation is going to be so for the purpose of this tutorial we're going to leave it at 60 if you go down over here to where where you can see your vertex groups going to add a new vertex group and this basically is going to be the Hulk for where we kind of pull the cloth away so let's call this group um Hulk for cloth and now we need to assign some ver vertexes to this group so if you click on the vertex up here or press number one on your keyboard press a a couple of times so everything's deselected and then what we're going to do we're going to select a few of these I'm going to press seven on my number pad we're going to select a handful of these at the top doesn't matter too much how many and then we're going to assign that to our vertex group and you can see actually if they've been assigned by by pressing select or deselect it'll show you which vertexes are in that vertex group okay Tab out of edit mode what you can do next just on the right on the edge of the cloths if you press shift and right click so it just appears so your 3D cursor appears just on the cloth then press a to add an empty doesn't matter which one you can choose arrows and I'm going to name this this is going to be the Hulk empty let's name the cloth as well while we're here so this is going to be the cloth then what we'll do we'll assign all the cloth modifiers to this so we can start to see this working so click on your cloth then click on the physics properties and select cloth uh there's some presets for different types of cloth up here we're just going to choose silk let's just scroll down and make a few of these other things work so under where it says shape choose the pin group group to be the hook for cloth and then go to collisions we're going to increase the Collision quality to six and decrease the distance for the collisions to 0.01 M and add self collisions on right let's just play that and see what happens okay so nothing happens because we haven't told blender which objects to collide with so you can see the hooks working that basically is pinned up there in fact we actually need to add that in so just go to your modifiers tab add in your hook modifier let's just search for that and choose the hook empty as the object and make sure that uh the hook is at the top of the modifier stack so that works before the cloth object right so now we're going to click on the Collision model make sure we got a collision model and not the car selected and we're going to go into the physics properties and and we're going to click collision and we're also going to do the same for the floor that's going to be a collision as well now when we run the simulation you can see the Collision is colliding with the car pretty nicely right to make this look a bit prettier we're going to add in another modifier on the cloth so if you search for subdivision surface and let's add a couple of those in maybe three and then also right click and shade Auto smooth that's looking a lot nicer okay so next we're going to actually have the the hook which is this empty here we're going to animate the position it's almost like an invisible hand holding the cloth so if you start here we're going to add a key frame by pressing I a location key key frame we're going to move forward to about 30 frames press G to grab Z to move in the Zed AIS move it to the floor then press I to add another location key frame now instead of the cloth hanging up here when we play the simulation again it's not working okay I've just remembered in the cloth modifier although we've added the hook modifier and we've selected the hook empty we also have to choose the vertex Group which is the hook for cloth right now so when we play the simulation again now you'll see the cloth stays with the empty so we're going to just move this empty now it's going to fall down for the first 30 frames and then the next let's say 160 frames it's going to move backwards so with the hawk empty selected press G and then y to move on the y- axis move it back behind here so about a good car's length away and then press I to add another location key frame and right I can see this is going to be a problem because the cloth is going to hit the edge of this background so if we press s to scale and just scale that up bit further so we can see the empty at the edge right now if we Replay that animation now cloth Falls on the car and the hook pulls the cloth off the back of the car looks really good but can we see what the big problem is it's this this Wing Mir is poking through so what can we do about this it's probably quite an easy fix if you click on the car collision object itself uh let's just hide the other car the actual Wing mirror itself is quite small it's probably difficult for blender to C uh to calculate the CL accurately so just tap into edit mode we're going to select let's just go into face select press three on your keyboard we're going to hold shift and we're just going to select all of these sort of vertices on the bottom of the wing mirror I just select some of those bottom vertices G to grab Zed to move on the Z x let's just pull it down quite a bit here yeah that's working great okay so we can hide our car collision model now go to our original model and you can see actually it looks really nice we're going to add in a light for the scene and a camera so shift and right click on above the car press shift a let's add in an area light G to grab Z to move up let's move it above the car eser scale let's make it nice and big and give it a rectangular shape s to scale y to scale on the Y AIS let's change the strength of the light let's have a look in uh I'm going to choose uh Cycles to render this in device GPU compute if you haven't saved yet make sure you save Max samples 32 should be fine and we're going to let's just change the the World Lighting needs to be nothing so we're just get all the light from this light above it this area light let's increase the power of that maybe 500 let's also add in a camera so press shift a add in a camera um if you sort of get the viewport about right way you want it to be then press contrl alt and zero on your number pad um you can actually move the camera to your Viewpoint matches up with the camera view Port uh shift and tilder okay just to move the camera nice and easily select the camera and just go to view navigation walk navigation and then you can move your camera around with the mouse and just use the W and D Keys just to move in uh move it in a nice angle so you can't be kind of covering the front of the car like that let's add a quick material to this so with the cloth selected press the little I in blender kit so you can see everything go to materials and search for silk let's just grab this first one here drag it and drop it onto the cloth it's made the physics go a bit wonky let's just change the material color so from a blue color uh just click on the material here toggle that little arrow down next to color and we're just going to change this to a red and this one to a red maybe a little bit darker red give it a bit of a Sheen let's just have a look at that well that looks pretty nice I think the final thing we need to do is just add a little bit of movement to the camera so we're going to add let's add an empty so right click on the top of the car sort of in the middle of the car press shift a add another empty doesn't matter what it is plain axis we do let's name this uh camera rotation so we click on the camera then the empty press control and P to parent keep the transform and now you'll see if I press R and Z on the empty the camera actually orbits around the empty so a really easy way to make a nice orbit animation with the camera rotation empty selected press I and rotation and we'll probably start the animation from here from frame 30 um so let's rotate on the Zed just a bit here maybe come around to the front of the car a little bit more press I rotation and then we'll come to frame 200 press R and Zed to rotate on the Zed axis let's rotate so we got a bit more of the C view I and add a rotation key frame so now let's just hop into a different view you can see that in fact let's get rid of the first key frame there so select that press X to delete it so we start here ignore the animation cache let's just hide the cloth for a second so you can see we actually just subtly rotate around the car as the cloth is pulled off of it just adds a little extra movement to the render okay so with that in mind let let's render it out and see how it looks if you're not sure if you render settings I'll just quickly whis through them choose a folder to Output to choose your file format as ffmpeg video encoding can be MPEG 4 output quality can be perceptually lossless and that's it to render your animation go to the render Tab and click render animation if you found that some of your cloet simulations AR rendering out quite right then click on the cloth and go to the physics properties and just scroll down to where it says cache just change the simulation start and end frames again just to clear the cache and then click B all Dynamics once this is done you'll find that you can quickly go to any key frame in any part of the animation and the cloth simulation will still be there well this looks pretty nice just a tiny little problem with the wing miror still just poking through the cloth a little bit okay I've just spent another 5 minutes on this I've basically all I've done I've changed the material I've given the planer material it's very simple just a red color uh with zero roughness I've added two extra lights one here on the side just to give the nice kind of sage line across here and another one just here at the back and that kind of gives this nice little highlight across the wind screen just here and just on the edge of the the Bonnet I've also on the actual uh cloth material um I've added a solidify modifier just after the cloth modifier with just a little thickness and that basically just stops anything poking [Music] through [Music]
Channel: MediaWay
Views: 44,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, cloth simulation, blender cloth simulation
Id: HCiGDcSzrG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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