BEGINNERS Guide to Rendering in Blender (it's really simple)

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so i've said this many times before and i'm gonna keep saying it because it's a very important thing that i really want people to understand you can be the best modeler in the world but if you don't know how to present your work in such a way that clients and customers and followers you know get attracted by it you're gonna just your stuff's gonna be lost in a sea of other artists that do know how to present your work and i don't want that to happen to you so in this video i want to show you a very simple and easy way to set up any scene for rendering so even if you're still learning how to render and present your work this should work for even complete beginners so let's get started so there's a million different ways to learn how to render if you haven't gotten our rendering university product you can pick that up we go into way more detail though i'm going to show you in this video but i want to show you just a complete beginner way to do this it's going to get you results immediately so say you have a piece and you just want to get a good render the first thing you need to do is you need to give your um your object you know material or a set of materials in this case just a single object so i just want a very simple material on this now you can go into look dev mode and just kind of preview it this way so we'll go in here we'll add in a new material and since this is kind of like a mechanical looking piece i'm going to give it a little bit of metallic kind of like that i'm going to give it a little bit less roughness because if you have like you know mechanical pieces like this they're a little bit more kind of glossy then i'm also going to drop the base color a bit now in the materials panel the only sliders i'm really ever adjusting are the base color the metallic value and the roughness value metallic is either going to be set to zero or one there's not really an in between and roughness you can kind of choose depending on what your object is most of this other stuff i don't really touch sometimes i'll use some clear coat but that's really about it the next thing you want to do is hop into rendering mode like that i'm going to be using cycles it's the best one in my opinion what we're going to do here is we're going to load in a little bit of lighting so there's a few different ways to do this but the quick and the quickest and easiest way to do it is with an hdri so head over to look at some of the different hdris on the website a really good one that you can't really go wrong with is a nice overcast so the one i use is called abandoned slipway so you can grab that one but basically if you head to polyhaven all the hdris there are free and i'm just going gonna load in here an environment texture we're gonna click on that and then open up our hdri so i have a ton but like i said i'm using abandoned slipway we're gonna load that in now you're gonna see we just have some very neutral lighting here and if you want to see how this actually looks we can go here to the rendering panel and under film will turn off transparent so as you can see with this hdri it's a very cloudy day there's it's not too strong of an hdi it's very neutral and this is good lighting for a basic rendering setup so it's pretty cool basically what i want to do now now that we have the materials and the lighting setup all we need to do is get a nice composition so the way you can do this with pretty much any model as you can add in a plane you're gonna put the plane right below the bottom of the model don't go too high just right below it it's like right there scale that up and you can scale this up pretty large and what i want to do is find a decent angle for where i want to render this thing i'll spend quite a bit of time on this but for the sake of the video just quickly find a nice position maybe i'll rotate this a little bit so it looks a bit more natural because obviously this thing you know gravity is going to kind of make it sit in this position so we'll do that and we'll just find a decent angle for this thing like i said you should spend more time on this than i'm doing now but just just for the sake of the video cool so now that we're kind of angled down looking at the object we don't really need to add in a backdrop if you wanted to get like a low angle kind of like this what you might want to do is add in an infinite backdrop which is basically where you extrude this edge up really high and then you just bevel this edge and give it like a lot of segments we'll do like 100 and then you can shade it smooth and this would be an infinite backdrop is what we call this at least in photography and you can also scale that really wide like that and there we go so the last thing you really need to do is you need to add a material to this backdrop so we can go in here for the sake of this backdrop i'm going to make it metallic we'll kind of have like a nice um nice little reflection right there we can also drop the roughness a little bit the only issue is the lighting is going to be quite a bit changed so maybe instead of metallic we'll just make it dielectric and just do something kind of like this maybe a little bit more natural in the background we can make the base color maybe just a little bit darker and there we go and that is all you need to do to set up a really quick and simple render and at this point you just have to add in the camera and render it out so i'm going to press shift a and add in a camera i'm going to be rendering at 2560 by 1440 which is a 16 by 9 ratio so we're going to go to view align view and then align active camera to view so this little rectangle is going to be where our render is like that so you can always rotate your object a bit if you prefer but i actually think we kind of have like a cool angle just get something done kind of like that and if you had like a more wide shot you could also do a 21x9 ratio like this but for most of my renders i'm using 2560x1440 resolution and that is really all you have to do to set up your render now there's a few optional things i quickly want to point out sometimes you'll find some different lighting positions by simply rotating the hdri and to do that we just pull out a new panel we go to world and then all we need to do here if you have the node wrangler add-on turned on it comes with blender just turn it on node wrangler you can press ctrl t right there make sure you're in world once again and then what you can do and i'll show you how it works if you rotate the z-axis what this is going to do is it's going to actually rotate the hdri see that so it's going to get different lighting positions depending on where that's rotated so you can see the difference between 90 and 180 it's kind of subtle but it does make a difference so you can usually go in here and find a good angle that works for you in this case we'll do like let's do like 30 degrees maybe or even 20. you know all of these are decent options i don't have enough time to go into all the specifics of lighting and camera angles and framing i want to make this video short and sweet for you and i think we've accomplished this so this is all you really need to do as a complete beginner or even an experienced user trying to get better at rendering to set up a decently presentable scene and it only took me a few minutes to do so if you're one of the people that just you know finishes a model and slaps on a render and doesn't really put much work into it please think that over twice because it's not going to be good for people looking at your portfolio you have i think it's around 1.7 seconds to catch the attention of people scrolling through social media and you want to make sure you do that by effectively creating a clean looking render it might not be the best in the world but at least it'll be better than what you would have originally had and this is a nice way to do it so i wanted to make the video short and sweet give you a little bit of value here and hopefully just help you beef up your renders a little bit because it doesn't take that much work so that's it for today's video hope it helped you out and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Josh Gambrell
Views: 242,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginners guide to rendering in blender, blender tutorial, blender rendering, blender cycles, blender hard surface modeling, hard surface modeling blender, blender mesh machine, blender hard ops, blender box cutter, hardops, boxcutter, 3d modeling, hard surface modeling, blender how to render, blender composition, blender guru, blender donut, blender eevee, blender bros, josh gambrell, ponte ryuurui
Id: APmw2Q8kBOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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