We made a REAL HOLOGRAM Desk like Tony Stark's!

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I think augmented reality is vastly under utilized in manufacturing. A HMD with CAD software integrated could really give the engineers more hands on control with the process. The engineer could highlight certain things for the technician and even give them guides and procedures for proper integration or repair. Think of it like ground control giving instructions to an astronaut. The astronaut may not know exactly how to complete the procedure but they are connected to someone on the ground that is dedicated to the task.

In a scary but cool way an engineer could be host to several slave technicians working on the same project from multiple different perspectives.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ace_Marine 📅︎︎ May 23 2023 🗫︎ replies
Tony Stark has the ultimate engineering workshop and if I want to fulfill my dream of building a real-life Iron Man suit well I'm going to need a setup just like him I've been turning this company into a real life Stark Industries for years now I mean our new property is even shaped like a giant Avengers logo wow but I call it herc hacks with engineering research campus anyway it's been a long time since the first Iron Man movie a lot of the Avengers level Tech we saw in the movies well it just exists we really do live in the future with transparent displays precise 3D scanners incredible 3D printers and hand tracking technology that actually works heck Edith glasses are actually possible and AR Tech has come a long way speaking of augmented reality if you remember in the first movie Tony uses fancy holographic engineering desk to design his second Iron Man suit so it only makes sense for us to start we're heated and make the ultimate engineering workstation but I'm getting ahead of myself the first step in this journey is to get kidnapped by bad guy okay right I guess it falls to me to make this desk so let's get started in the MCU it seems like everyone has a hologram computer system can't superhero without having the drawings floating in front of your face and thin air we want workspace that lets us scan in models adjust them in software in a 3D intuitive interactive interface say that five times fast and make them real all in one spot flexi spawn this project would not be possible without this video's sponsored flexispawn but more on them later what we're going to need is a 3D scanner a 3D display and 3D printer and a kick-ass PC to run the whole ship tie all those together in one workstation I'm going to use bamboo Labs X1 Carbon 3D printer an einscan HX scanner at a top of the line workstation PC that we had Logan put together to support all this heavy Tech we're going to be using the plexuspot E7 standing desk if we want to make this suit reality we can't go having back problems like Tony will it'll keep us comfortable whether we're sitting standing designing or really anything you do on it for that matter first thing we're going to need table [Music] this is our table top well actually this is a sheet of maple veneered plywood but it holds a tabletop hidden within and I'm going to attack it with power tools until it spills its secrets as it stands this thing's a bit thin we're gonna need to glue two of these together to make our full inch and a half a tabletop luckily I've already gone and prepared the second piece now that we've got the bulk of our table top together we need to cut out the hole for our main TV 3D scanner our 3D printer okay uh let's set this aside hey look a nice convenient desk so supportive yeah getting way more support from that table than I am from you Dara so this hole is where our 3D printer is going to sit and this hole is where our 3D scanner is going to sit this big hole in the middle is where our main display is going to sit now we just need to sand veneer and stain this whole thing and look awesome now if you go onto YouTube you can find tutorials on how to make yourself a hologram it's actually fairly straightforward however odds are every hologram you've ever seen was actually a static image that only appeared to move as you change your perspective or the lighting because that's like the definition that was so much louder than I expected there's also fake Holograms like Pepper's ghost lenticular displays and rear projection but those don't actually get us the change in perspective as we move your head around there are some companies that are working on light field displays and volumetric displays and we wish them the best of luck but until those are available we're gonna have to cheat a little so we are going to be using the next best thing a transparent TV oh is this what we're lifting this is that's a little nerve-wracking isn't it yeah why is it so handy this is unreasonably heavy it's like we're gonna stand it up like this here we go so this is a really fancy uh unique TV it's a transparent OLED screen and it took some doing to get our hands on this thing this doesn't actually make us a hologram however it makes any trick that we do with the display look far more compelling imagine if I use your grandpa's tube TV anything we drew on it would be framed in washed out gray and decrepit plastic this display is the most Stark Industries thing you can get but it alone won't do the job so making something look like it's there versus on a screen comes down to one fun trick perspective 3D image looks great right up until you move your head and the illusion of this ruined but what if you can have a display that always knew where the viewer was looking from and it could draw the Right image for what you would expect to see from that angle well then you could have a perfect view of an object floating in front of or behind or inside of the display and that's exactly what we're going to do now we pretty much got tracking people's heads down to an exact science when we're throwing mjolnese around the room a couple months back so we'll use that seller display software exactly where our heads are we're going to use the Z2 stereo camera to track where the person looking at the screen is looking from here goes nothing [Music] I don't know if this extension cord is plugged oh yeah that's really cool dude that is six whole thing is transparent and actually it's pretty bright too now the other thing it should be is a touch screen and so it is let's see what it looks like with the lights off wow yeah that's so cool we don't really want this big fragile expensive TV just hanging out on top of the tabletop at all times blocking your line of sight so we're going to build it into an elevator on the desk I said it can be brought down and then with one grand hand gesture raised back up to make our models real I'm also going to add a 3D printer to the desk sure it's known Machinery but with how fast these new bamboo Labs printers are you can iterate on a part five times in a day 10 if sleeping is optional and since I've already got the parts to make elevators well we'll just make the printer get out of the way when you're not using it the other end of that pipeline we need input so I'm going to include a high resolution 3D scanner in the other end of the desk from the 3D printer for the elevators this is what I'm thinking imagine this is the back of our desk we want our TV to go right about here when it's in use and right about here when it's not to do that the TVs can be attached by its bottom to these linear rails those rails are going to be attached some wooden frame that's going to go onto the underside of the desk and then we're going to have a winch of a kind of pull on a cable and lift the whole thing up and let it back down so here this piece of aluminum Extrusion that we're going to use to actually give some frame and structure to the bottom of the TV so these are nylon bolts which are kind of fancy but we want them so that we don't scratch the TV because scratches and big chunk of tempered glass turn into cracks in a big chunk of tempered glass which turns into a really disappointing and frustrating talk with Ian and James when they ask why the project isn't finished now that our 10 V is bolted to our aluminum we can attach the aluminum onto our linear guides that's Dylan saying there's like chocolate chip cookies or something yeah you heard that's all right yeah you want to take a cookie break you know what yes I think to be a great time for a cookie break that's my cell phone [Music] kind of busy right now yes I'd love a cookie oh I did the thing I wasn't supposed to do well I think when I dropped that Rail and didn't lose any balls from the bearing wow I used up an entire week's worth of luck but luckily I did in the last two hours of the week that's in the middle of that stud right next up we gotta bring the pain of plastic yeah so just drop it all the way down okay this is good okay now that's all put together we can lift the TV up and down all smooth like and even with this sloppy piece blaster it actually stays pretty close to Upright which is great now of course this little model isn't going on the actual desk but it does show us how it's going to all go together and let me know that I'm going to need to try a bit harder to make this thing light we have a bit of a chair problem here at hacksmith Industries which is say all of our chairs are either broken old or decrepit flexi spot is not only making this Iron Man build possible they're saving our backs by giving the whole team new chairs thanks guys chair time that looks stable we have chairs you get a chair we come bringing gifts and guess what license bought is also upgraded all our desks and they're on their way you get a chair you get a chair and last but not least I get a new chair because I really really need one my current chair leaves a bit to be desired oh God it's in my life plexus phone would never again for free in your eye one of these new chairs let's get back to the building our next step is to assemble all the under cabinet bits Logan's already done up all the woodwork for that now we need to install all the motion Hardware [Music] that is so smooth at long last we have our tabletop finished as in we put a finish on one little design change this hole is now a circle but there's one catch the table doesn't fit through the door to James's office so we have two options either we tear down this wall make the door bigger or we assemble the table in here where it's finally going to live number two sounds easier so let's do that now these legs are great and they're made out of an awesome high carbon steel which is actually a bit of a problem for us because I want to cut off the last couple inches of either of these edges isn't that pretty that is going to sit right there yo can you give me a hand we gotta get ourselves some wood glue on here and we gotta put some pegs in them now that these are attached we've got to move to James's tiny cramped office and finish the building [Music] coming soon Flex the spot wheelbarrow Edition way better than I had any right to expect [Music] repeat it oh was that not secured in no I thought it was but it wasn't ah there we go and the tabletop mounted to the frame got the rails for the transparent TV mounted to the table top yeah now this is all coming together smoothly good morning it is a bright new day and today we are mounting the cabinet for the 3D printer on the underside of the tape you know that means the Montage of me lying on my back cursing at things [Music] can you find a bit extender this is going to sport a 3D printer and it's going to eject at the top and then slink back into do this you need a second set of hands yeah we need somebody big and strong to help move a TV this is the aluminum rail that we're gonna Mount the transparent CV to so we put together most of the elevator system in the Prototype but you haven't seen the winch and motor go on yeah and frankly neither am I this rope is going to be what's attaching our winch to our elevator and this is really nice Kevlar rope so we've got both the elevators installed oh all right go again and action oh my God and up [Music] okay okay let's we've had our fun sometimes we do this a bit violent but mostly okay I don't think we need to test it at that speed you want a strap an 8 000 TV demo no I don't Daryl probably gonna do it anyways the base of our 3D scanner is this turntable and this turntable is going to be sat and this here oh we're gonna cap that off with this nicely finished wood disc that's actually pretty freaking cool it may look like a mess right now but just trust the process I don't trust the process we've got the printer installed all the cables and tubing and lighting now runs straight through the bottom of this platform is it TP time and it's TV time if you want to uh help I mentioned the All In all in TV is finally installed that is the ultimate piece of this whole thing can't wait to see this thing move and I can't wait to tell James well it's going [Music] James Charles how's my desk coming I had some ideas James where are you uh I think I'm in a cave or something what yeah I think they want me to build some lightsabers or something I think they stole some mini saber Gen 2 blueprints I'm not too worried though I'll Escape in a few months it'll be good for my character development anyway how's my desk coming uh yeah I mean the desk is coming along great and hero send you a photo uh Charles where's the industrial design the pieces are just hanging off the bottom where's the front of the desk oh well I mean the video has to come out soon and we ran out of time damn YouTube videos don't worry I'll whip something up hmm yeah okay nice yeah there we go oh damn that's awesome hey what are you doing [Music] so we need to implement all of James's Cosmetics on top of getting the elevators to work smoothly we're going to be cutting it a little tight here the reason everybody's working on the table right now is that we are out of time we have to get the photos of the Prototype sent off to our sponsor literally today it's 10 30. we have six and a half hours not good not good not good not good yeah they are totally they're they're out by almost 180. I'm getting from this as we're shafted let's drop the left Joy coupler off drill a hole through it add a Cross Pin uh that engages with the thing uh let me turn the motor off James ordered some of these really cool RGB kind of like strip neon lighting we have these plates for the front and there's some slots in here so what I'm doing is just kind of pushing our neon strip lighting stuff through those slots do that on these and the side panels and then it's gonna be pretty cool we're just working heard TV is in the air all right let's bring her up are we hitting on the right nope we're waiting on the left no are we good Go full height what's full height one was five I think more no oh we're slept good well you guys troubleshoot that I'm gonna go check on Locker sounds good arrived at the perfect time look at this I think if I move my head it's kind of hard to tell what it's fitting I like how you're you're very very professional camera mount is that a just a box it's a little Lagos model they're gonna need a little more powerful computer but it's a good thing that Logan put that together do you know what's uh going on inside it or anything well all that I care about is that graphics card yeah that's a uh Quadro I think RTX 4500 and that is a really nice graphics card especially for 3D rendering and SolidWorks and stuff like that so uh currently if you actually check out my computer uh almost 100 CPU 100 GPU one 75 memory you're no stress in here yeah stress at all in here you're having a great time it is so polar opposite to everything that's going on outside of this room our culprit s this shaft adapter right here that goes from a d shaft coming off the motor to a keyed shaft to go into the gearbox 3D printed it and turns out that can't take the torque so we're gonna use one of the store-bought ones that I got but didn't install in this because time had passed and I didn't want to go back and change things [Music] all right the moral of the story kids is never 3D print drivetrain components sharks racist hey there oh hey he's bad back it's uh it's all the electronics for our transparent to split it's crazy because I can just see Ben through there oh this is weird man next up let's install the PC like I said we would Ogden you're still stress free in here I mean my software's working oh God well you know what that looks pretty damn good nice little man looks fantastic but we are in the home stretch here how much weight we're putting on these things it's kind of incredible that they're staying this stable this is the back panel this is going to cap it all off and make pretty beautiful finished products well Beauty [Music] as you know while I've been putting this all together Bogdan has been writing the software that's going to give us the Epic effects move let's bring it all together I'm really excited to test this on the actual screen because even on my screen it looked pretty good how am I supposed to work in here I need to run this wire down as well for now we could put it like what they said like here would probably be the best spot to put it if I can even set it there resolution too like ideally we've mounted like right here I have something that could work hooks onto the like cross beams this is like a perfect way to do it so now we have a brand new computer with a completely different graphics card completely different drivers and a completely different version of unity so I doubt my code's actually going to work stressed yet no what do I have to be stressed about I can fix my code in like 15-20 minutes okay what's the problem I don't know about you but I don't think it's supposed to be doing that while bogdan's working on his saying what would you describe your activity as fine-tuning um I'm not sure I'd call it fine tuning heck yeah okay okay how many people can fit in James's office right now so one two three four just get in here five wow [Music] you turn the lights off they look really good [Music] they actually really smooth no they've got Falcon software integrated into the test the only way to test it is to show you a real demo all right Jarvis it's time to wake up good morning it's 7 A.M the weather in Malibu is 72 degrees with scattered clouds working on a secret project Army sir foreign [Music] this looks great Jarvis send it to print [Music] it's an incredible setup I mean sure it's not quite as fast as you're going to see in the movies but between this amazing einscan HX 3D scanner from shining 3D this amazing one-of-a-kind transparent display and this Ultra fast bamboo Labs X1 Carbon 3D printer and of course it wouldn't work at all without the support of these amazing E7 sit stand legs from flexi spawn we can work at any height seated or working right up here at a comfortable leaning level this desk is going to help us bring our Ironman suit to life now how about our hologram well I'd say it's working pretty darn well we have our Zed camera mounted up on the ceiling tracking Darrow our cameraman's every move and adjusting the view on the screen to show what he should be seeing from that perspective and yours because he's holding the camera it's really compelling I wish we had this in more software like look at that it really does kind of feel like you can look around and peer at the model from all the different angles and the cherry on top is that you can actually reach in grab and pull around money just like Tony Stark okay maybe a bit flaky but still it's pretty sweet when it's working nice what I love about it is how we can look at our model in a bunch of different formats we can have a regular or exploded or a wireframe view of the original model like all of this but with the same interactivity and tracking it's kind of awesome I want this in my life all the time thank you to flexispot for sponsoring this video we couldn't have done it without you guys don't miss out on flexispot brand days May 23rd to 25th get up to 60 off your order and use our exclusive discount code hs50 to get 50 off your order of 500 or more and if you want a desk this cool you can actually buy this one it is getting auctioned off by Flex the spot after this video is up plus they're running a free order campaign so good luck and finally make sure to check out hacksmith.store where you can get all sorts of cool marks including the mini Savers which aren't just 3D models and they come with red flam changes too so you can live your sit dreams now if you like this build you'll probably love the rest of our Iron Man build so go check them out we have a whole bunch of them
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 3,482,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, engineering, iron man, marvel, stark industries, make it real, the hacksmith, workshop, superhero, stark, tony stark, pepper potts, iron man gauntlets, iron man armour, electronics, workstation, science, unboxing, build, avengers, super powers, laboratory, creating, helmet, suit, tour, iron man 3, arc reactor, metal, robots, jarvis, building, marvel comics, comics, marvel cinematic universe, mcu, war machine, electricity, microscope, scientist, disney, stem, engineer, diy, workspace
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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