Ancient Civilizations, Multiple Dimensions, Aliens & Time with 19 Keys & Billy Carson

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

You understand me? Lost me about the 12th.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/incognito7917 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nah man, ya understand me?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aknownunknown πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

From the thumbnail, I know these dudes are just dying to talk about Yakub.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/koine_lingua πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
what we tend to not understand is that time really doesn't exist clocks exist time doesn't exist right and like you said we've been given this functional arrow of time which puts us in one specific direction so that we can organize our thoughts in our days and our years and weeks and what we're going to do and where we're going to meet up with somebody and everything else so we have this ability to coordinate and collaborate with each other like how we're here today at this specif specific time however if you understand that time is also an illusion it's something that you can use as a tool but if you also understand it's an illusion then you can actually master time and you can you can maximize what you're doing on this planet [Music] tap in with the guys [Music] peace family welcome back to another high level conversation today we have a powerful presentation a very powerful energy spirit man guy scholar polymath intellectual executive actor producer arthur you understand me tv hoes academia a man really whom those who have seen needs no introduction you understand me a very extraterrestrial intellect you understand me a person that can dive in multi-dimensional areas you understand me and um a person that i don't have to hold back with whatsoever you understand me this is a man who has you know secure funding to build underground cities in georgia you understand me a person who is a two-time best-selling author you understand me of what doesn't mean broke and of the emerald tablets and also the founder of forbidden knowledge you may have seen him on a travel channel you may have seen them on the history channel you understand me you may have seen them in another dimension when you just happen to be popping some shrooms or something and traveling through somewhere and billy carson was right there floating next to you giving you some guide you understand me this is a powerful brother not only has he found things here on earth but he's actually found things out in space you understand me and we're going to dive deep into exactly what that mean so today i want to introduce you to none other than the most powerful prolific brother known as mr billy carson hey thank you man appreciate you helping me out thank you for the great introduction absolutely man uh yeah you know i make sure i have very um intelligent people you understand me um who require a great introduction understand me for those of course like i said who know you you don't require any introduction you understand me you are a man a great platform you understand me that that stands on his own merit based on the knowledge that you possess research investigate and deliver to the masses thanks man uh today man i want to have a roundabout conversation about multitude of different subjects here at high level conversations i like to have an actual cipher you understand me where we build and we collide and create new universes you understand me a university of thoughts and first thing i wanted to talk about was time itself yeah you know um and the ideas of time there's a lot of people that trapped into increments of time that they have to work in you understand me from a 9 to 5 position and they have to live within windows of hours and dissect their days based on that yeah you understand me and the unfortunate reality of it is is that most people will never have a true understanding of life because they're living on borrowed time yeah you understand me and so i'm always working to help present um perspective and observation on where people can understand the laws of time a little more you understand me especially as we enter into fourth and fifth dimensional phases here you understand me on this planet earth you understand me or the universe as we will you know human beings you know uh are we very interested in you know beings yeah you understand me like just the idea that we allow someone else to decide what time is force is a very interesting thing yeah right from julius caesar to the roman pope with this papal bulls deciding you know what is a 365 calendar what is uh uh talking about uh seven day weeks and uh 60 seconds and 60 minutes and we say okay let's go along with it yeah you know and we don't realize that it speeds up you understand me the process from being born to when you leave this place yeah you know and then we already have expectations on what life is going to be because there's other people that tell us what it is when we're going to die when we get old we're going to feel a certain way so it sets up a curation for us to die a certain way and at a certain speed can for i want to hear what your interpretation of what time is first yeah well you know this is a this is a very deep deep question and i've talked about this so many times in in different uh so many times lectures and workshops you know because what people in the third dimension we're in the third dimension what we tend to not understand is that time really doesn't exist clocks exist time doesn't exist right and like you said we've been given this functional arrow of time which puts us in one specific direction so that we can organize our thoughts in our days and our years and weeks and what we're going to do and where we're going to meet up with somebody and everything else so we have this ability to coordinate and collaborate with each other like how we're here today at this specif specific time however if you understand that time is also an illusion it's something that you can use as a tool but if you also understand it's an illusion then you can actually master time and you can you can maximize what you're doing on this planet because if you go any high in all the higher dimensions you know we're in the third fourth fifth sixth all the way up for the layman that don't understand what being in the third dimension means can you give us a breakdown okay sure so if you draw a line on a piece of paper that's the first dimension if you then connect those lines and and uh create a house on a piece of paper that's a two-dimensional structure or you can move it into a computer anything you see in a computer that looks 3d is actually 2d all right so and because we're in the third we can see down into 2d we can see all the way down obviously into 1d and we can manipulate those dimensions from our higher selves now if you if now there are beings in fourth fifth and sixth dimensions just be people above us now because of that they see us and they recognize the past present and future operating all at the same time everything's happening at once right there is no separation between the past present and the future the error doesn't exist because they're higher than us they can look down into the third and they can see into what we're doing so so who are huge before because hey hey we gotta unpack a little bit we gotta unpack okay it's high level but i wanna make sure that people can follow along with it yeah so you know talking about third dimension right you know they say uh ants are not third dimensional banks right because they can't see upward right they're not uh horizontal you understand me uh they exhibit a plane where they're looking forward right so when you're moving about the rest of the world that is higher up to them they have no access to that no perspective on that whatsoever you understand me for them everything is straight and in front of them for human beings we have the ability to look upward to look inward to look outward to look around right so therefore we're connected into different angles different perspectives and different dimensions you understand me and then what i wanted to get though with next though so let's say we got the third dimension right now we're talking about the fourth dimension right what is the fourth dimension the fourth dimension is something called a tesseract and if you go into the ancient text it's metatron's cube meta meta meta obviously you know that had a burst right they got that from metatron's cube uh it's a fourth dimensional substructure now this fourth dimension is really something called a quasi crystal and this quasi crystal in the fourth dimension it casts a shadow and the shadow that it casts it creates the realm that we're living in here we're living in a shadow of a higher dimension that shadow creates a third dimension it actually creates a fractal of it creates this fractal holographic matrix that we're actually maneuvering in in the third dimension right now so would the the fourth dimension be considered a dimension of time uh you can address a fourth dimension of time like albert einstein was saying if you're just looking at a third plus a fourth being the arrow but when you actually move up into another dimension we now now know in quantum physics that there is actually a fourth dimension so all dimensions are in 90 degree angles of each other and according to uh quantum theory right now we're really anticipating that there's at least 11 dimensions or otherwise the universe will collapse so there really is truly a fourth fifth sixth seventh all the way up not just the error of time that's just something extra they try to make it make sense back then by saying the fourth dimension is time but time is actually not a dimension at all um so now that's that's a very interesting because it's a lot that i'm sure that everybody's like all right i thought i was smart and then i tried to keep up yeah and then i got left behind right you understand me and what i want i want to bring people up to speed you understand me and the ideas in correlation to the analogy of how we're moving as a collective human species specifically with technology right because i think it can be um connected to you know cellular technology right going from 3g to 4g and you know going from 3g to 4g to 5g which allows us to be able to do different things that we normally weren't able to do that weren't possible yeah right you know let's say you got 3g phones it's hell you make better faster cars you understand me connected then you get the 4g and you're talking about now applications and streaming right and wi-fi right being able to connect within systems and the internet of things and then 5g allowing completely new systems of possibility and this was where i think a lot of people missed the point in 2020 when everybody was going through the craze though where the 5g was killing them and it was more so what was 5g going to do right so the mfts and the web 3 right and you talking about you know ar vr spatial reality all these different things are not possible unless you have 5g being in connection so it was representing a new world being produced outward and it wasn't just an accident that nfts came after the pandemic and this technology came after there was something happening at that same point in time that for me it was entering into a new phase of the world a new dimension a new speed yeah right and that speed you know can be known as time if you will and a lot of people without that ability to process at a high level right like you got bandwidth you got landline speed you got wi-fi speed you got 5g speed you get left behind yeah so everything seems that it's moving fast but that's only because you're not moving as fast right everything stands still when you're moving at the same speed yeah you understand me and so what i've always tried to do is keep people up to speed where we act in the dimension that we're currently in or a little bit above so you can be ahead of your time as a visionary yeah because the fastest speed is the mind you understand me being able to travel in your thought right that can trap you that can take you into time that can take you ahead of time if you will oh yeah but the ideas of time itself i love that the concept that it being an illusion because you know even the era where time is connected to language right that i wrote in my book about how when we speak in the english language you know it's a very future tense reference right so we're always referencing the future as we speak i will be there i'm going to do this and we have so many different phrases within the language we're always pushing ourselves not connecting to the present but at a later point in day and time right you understand me and i think that learning to be present connects us to the power that we have in control over yeah and then once you have that power then you know how to create seats that can control the rest of time but um you said something about beings right now we always look at ourselves as a people but then when we talk about people you're talking about human beings right the being part is not something that the average person understands yeah right and then when you're saying that there are other beings who are these other banks i believe personally just based off of my research and i've gone through now over a thousand scriptures texts papyruses uh cuneiform tablets from all over the world they all have a very similar story and all these all these uh ancient civilizations talk about beings not just beings who came here from other planets people that look like us and we look like them in other words not identical but very similar in other words a bilateral bipedal hominid of some type that can maneuver around that has appendages that can manipulate the environment because without that you can't move out into space in other places and they also talk about multi-dimensional you get into like the non-commodity and stuff like that you're talking about multi-dimensional beings and so in physics and quantum physics in particular they started theorizing on these dimensions and were able to even analyze and discover some that they actually do exist and on top of that they realize that the dimensions are stacked so packed so tight on top of one another that if you can phase shift your atomic structure your subatomic frequency you can walk right into another dimension and so they started postulating what if being some higher dimensions are some of these apparitions and these paranormal phenomena that we're seeing are they able to maybe take a glimpse or a peak are they phasing through uh into our into our universe and so from higher dimensions and so they started really theorizing it seems to be and based on my research that there's people living everywhere not just and i'm talking about little green men with antenna i think that there's people living all throughout this universe in the third dimension and i think there's people living all throughout even higher multiple dimensions maybe at a certain level a certain height in those dimensions maybe they don't have a real corporeal body right not physically not physical you know i'm saying but i believe that the consciousness is there then that now that part is interesting the non-physical aspect because i i understand that and i can believe in that idea and that concept it's like what people think i think of angels as angles yeah right right um because you know angels are opposed to existing between dimensions you understand me and angles you understand me are dimensions right and so it's like perspective is your angle in which you see things and view things and oftentimes angels come and gives us new perspectives new thoughts you understand me arriving from a different completely dimension of thought that we couldn't arrive at ourselves correct you know but at the same time when you're talking about non-corporeal bodies or non-physical bodies understand me i like that concept because when you're talking about time talking about light you're talking about all these different ways in which light or energy can exist within and consciousness right the awareness of you know uh output you understand mathematical output right do you believe that the universe is mathematical oh absolutely the unit the language of god is mathematics because mathematics can literally explain everything that we experience every and everything also that exists even the fact that we're existing in a light matrix can be proven through mathematics so we're living in a matrix uh that's basically written on written on mathematics called adinkra codes and these dinker codes go all the way back to the dogons the dogon tribes out of mali africa they actually originated these codes and they were given these codes by the nomo and they learned them they drew them out as art forms but now and they put them on clothing and blankets and everything else so the dogon tribe very interesting tribe you know that was able to discover you know uh systems before telescopes and things of that nature yeah so how did they arrive to be able to because i know a lot of people i posted about this not too long ago people want to understand how the hell did the dog tribe arrive to it right you know i you know i i just subscribe to you know us being you know gods melanated beings on this planet earth we connect it in a way that we just don't understand anymore you understand me and being multi-dimensional i think about physics in that aspect where you're talking about things being entangled you're not willing jade but quantum entanglement right right yeah and um you know it it once you understand that being multi-dimensional to me is easily understood from the fact that you can break us down to atoms right and then cells and then we get into our skin and we see our physical but from an atomic level those are different laws yeah right and we're made up of atoms so that an aspect of our existence is obeying different laws of the universe and then our cells are obeying different laws gravity and magnetism right and flow but then we as human beings are being different laws right of gravity and magnetism in the universe and then we start to we forget about the universal laws of our multi-dimensional self because we only know man's law exactly you understand me so i think being multi-dimensional is easily understood as as above so below you understand me but um the idea of the dogon people being able to charge systems how were they able to figure that out you understand me before the europeans had an idea of what was out there right well to be honest with you uh if you go all the way back to the ancient dog history before they got to mali they were in the land of chem they were the original inhabitants of the land of kim before it was called egypt and so kim meaning the land of blacks atlanta blacks correct exactly land of blacks cam was black it's all black that's in the tablets so kemp so you guys there's so much jewels in here but so in kim you understand me that's africa yeah right i know everybody called the middle east as if you know it's africa it's probably the middle east is the most funniest made-up concept magical idea on the planet i know because it's like you have in africa but no this is like the middle east africa it doesn't count for sub-saharan africa and northern africa east africa but it's africa right it's africa yeah so uh cairo is in africa cairo is in africa i know people still get it wrong until this day that's crazy it's surprising but so they according to their uh their records and their handed down verbal history their records are uh etched into caves and stuff like that uh they the nomo came here from sirius b okay so there's a there's a trinary star system that we know of called sirius the serious star system a b and c yeah b is a fail so in other words it ran out of fuel turned into a white dwarf these beings were orbiting on a planet that orbited that star according to the dogon not me came here they called the nomo the dogon called them the nomo taught them all about the star system the orbital pattern our entire solar system their names the shapes the sizes the colors of all the planets in our solar system all the planetary alignments and they even knew that that white dwarf star was so gravitationally heavy that one spoonful couldn't be left by over one million men they even knew that we learned that in quantum mechanics and quantum physics in the 1970s 1980s we you know we hypothesized it and obviously we couldn't even see that star until the 1980s uh 1970 i'm sorry so when did they when did they uh record it thousands of years ago thousands of thousands ago we're talking about over six seven thousand years they've had depictions of them and everything else and they taught them how to make these dogon masks but they also gave them the indica codes now these the dinker codes look like designs on clothing and patterns when you turn these uh designs into three-dimensional structures there they become something called error correcting codes and professor james s gates a black professor who used to be the um the science advisor for obama when he was in office he's now the professor i believe at the university of maryland in uh supersymmetry and theoretical physics he discovered these identical he rediscovered him obviously and he turned him into three-dimensional objects and then from there he found the error correcting codes he was analyzing and accessing information about the ether of space-time and he discovered that the entire ether in other words everything this soup that we're operating in without the throughout the entire universe is running on a specific code it's called a dinker code it's called error correcting codes the same exact kind of codes that run search engines and web browsers that's what's running the universe so listen man at certain points in time an interview the glasses got to come off this is one of those points in time when we're talking about indica codes and going into multi-dimensional aspects of thinking you know this episode is brought to you by goldwater but you know being connected to the stars you understand me and being connected to the universe is a very interesting aspect of thinking you know uh i grew up you know in the nation islam okay and um in the nation islam um there is a lot of you know astrology or astronomical teachings you know about astronomy and sizes of the planets and this that was one of the first things we had to learn wow right where the the distance between the planets the the speed of light the speed of sound right um you know uh uh the total square mileage of the water earth land mountains rivers lakes right everything so you know deep into the teachings of mohammed is astronomy yeah right he wasn't really into astrology because he said it was too much guesswork but astronomy he was into because it was mathematical yeah and you're talking about you know 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s for black men to be teaching astronomy especially the poor black people in america it was it was it was like years ago it was an interesting indication of you know um where he got his knowledge because he had a third grade education but he was teaching about astronomy yeah right and he would dare the scholars of the world to prove him wrong of course none of them did right because he was talking about pluto back in those days before they would recognize pluto yeah right and um i used to always think about why and one of the last books that he wrote was called the theology of time oh wow and the theology of time was it's it's it's not a book for the beginner initiate you understand me it's definitely more novice when you get into your understanding and then that's when he proposed and he talked about alien life on mars right he talked about the different planets who can and who can't go there yeah what they were doing and building like he has very detailed composition of thought on uh uh extraterrestrial life yeah you understand me and the origins of the planet itself and the universe itself you know and it's very interesting because we often believe that our connection to you know the way that the dogons were able to chart the stars is lost yeah right you know but that knowledge has always been within our dna and always been passed down within us there's just certain keepers of that knowledge exactly right and those keepers of the knowledge are not often listened to because especially today we are very static distracted low-level way of thinking so it's like you have to think about the mind and it's not even to say that they were the most intelligent people on the planet yeah but connected you understand me as being different like that's a different type of intelligence yeah because we only measure academia or scholarship intelligence that you get from universities but we don't measure the intelligence you get from the universe yeah yeah you understand me i want to talk about you know uh i don't want to leave time in the star system just yet but i do want to talk about uh your relationship with astronomy and whether you believe astrology to be a true science or not well i'm actually an amateur astronomer okay i've been doing that for a long time yes sir and i have a real nice telescope i have a celestron uh slr and it's a real nice telescope you can actually see the rings of saturn you can see jupiter you can see mars yeah i took a famous picture that's been circular circulating for years about of mars during the summer when you take a picture of mars during the summer it actually has green it has blues it's not a red planet you can see that the ice caps are smaller which means they've melted there's a lot of liquid water on the planet and a lot of those greens i believe is vegetation you know and now all the science that is coming back out from nasa now all of a sudden press releases are coming out the soil on mars is better for growing crops than on earth now they're saying this oh there's billions of tons of liquid water on mars now yeah you know i can't believe that and they're also talking about the fact that there's an atmosphere that is equivalent to being like 18 000 feet above sea level but that's like going to peru i'm going to prove in a few weeks right so same same thing you got to acclimate to that height to that low at that low oxygen but you can still breathe as long as you stay close to the ground once you go higher up it's going to be very dangerous but if you're within like 10 feet of the ground you can actually breathe you just need to acclimate so all of a sudden all this is coming out because why they're getting ready to you know to to build the infrastructure up there in my opinion and do a breakaway civilization that's what elon musk and all that's on mars is all about so i got really into it now one of the reasons why i built the underground shelter that you mentioned called fort terra nova that was back in 2012 was because i was analyzing the procession of the equinoxes the movement of the stars across the sky the constellations across the sky i noticed that they were speeding up based on my calculations it was moving instead of 27 000 years for one cycle it was actually averaging around 25 000. i'm like are the books wrong are these all these great astronomers wrong or what's going on and the more i dug into it the more i looked into it i realized the only thing that can explain this is if our sun is orbiting something it would need breakaway speed and it would you know it would speed up and it would slow down speed up and slow down so i started digging into that i found out that they had something they were calling nemesis out there something that they couldn't exactly say what it was but they were saying there was a huge object out there orbiting our sun and our sun was orbiting it and they found it about three or four years ago they labeled it planet nine but really really is a brown dwarf star they found a brown dwarf orbiting our sun so we live in a binary solar system we don't have one zone we actually have two one's a brown dwarf which you can only see with uh two mass infrared mode on your uh on your telescope you have to have a digital scope to see that because it's so dim you can't see what the naked eye is the sun black or white the sun is white it's bright white so it's not black actually if you actually were able to go out and look at the sun above the um the atmosphere you'll find out that it's actually bright white light when it hits our atmosphere it scatters and when the light breaks down we see more of the the yellows because the blues are kept up there so uh the sun actually is bright white why some say that the sun is black but it's the you know charge of light that gives it the appearance of white well it's a nuclear explosion now what's interesting about the sun is that a lot of the light doesn't even get to the surface for like 100 200 000 years so it could be both a little bit of both it could be that it is a dark sun but the light is what we can see for example the the the sun is eight light minutes away from earth so if the sun went dark right now we'd have daylight for eight minutes now the light and that's 90 million miles away 90 million miles away right and the light and the the light that's formed on the inside from the collision of the atoms uh on the inside the nuclei's when they when they're colliding and splitting that light doesn't go straight from the center core right out to the outside of the sun it actually meanders through the inside of the sun for thousands and thousands of years before it releases itself and leaves the corona then it takes eight minutes to get to earth so the light that we're experiencing right now is hundreds of thousands of years old before it even got to us i'm saying before it left our sun so light is very interesting you understand me i want to talk about light and water for a second look like we might get to the whole elemental period by the time we're doing this conversation so you know i remember before i got on a journey of you know teaching in the financial literacy and liberation aspect you know my deeper studies was into quantum physics and science and psychology and you know a multitude of different things that i believe would help guide enlightenment you understand me yeah and so studying light i started studying the fourth phase of water right where in between you know for those who don't know you know water has four different phases some people say five but we're going to the folk you understand me solid liquid gas you understand meat and i used to think about that because i say the only difference between the water in each structure is the proton arrangement not the proton count right so it's not something new that's happening to the water that is entered into it that changes its state it's the arrangement you understand me of its energy and so when i thought about that and then of course you know light is energy so we can say that it's light that changes and then waters has the most different states out of any other element and so i liken that to consciousness right yeah that our consciousness can be in rigid states it can be in flow states right um and but what changes your consciousness going from a lower consciousness to a higher consciousness is enlightenment yeah right it you know when we read right i always say we re-add right we're re-adding knowledge that is already in us because we're not actually nothing physical is going in there nothing is going to tinkering and changing with your brain it's literally electricity changing the arrangement you understand me in the structure of your state of consciousness and you can see a symbol right and gain enlightenment yeah right and it can cause an inner knowing that can have your mind you know uh um raising this vibration right and you know that's not something that we ought to think about a lot of people be like oh this conversation ain't going i love for real right uh but i say the four phase of water on purpose because you know everything around us emits energy every single thing we walk into a room we say damn the vibe is off right we don't realize we speak in a scientific terms you understand science yeah it's true science the vibe is off but you have an intuitive connection on what that vibe is yeah right that there's friction in the air that the ions you understand me are positive or negative charge when you go into different environments yeah and so if we understood that then number one we will create a more conscious sensitivity to the environments that we go to yeah but we are in environments that are often very austere to you know our uh um embodiment our or you understand me and who we are because you know for those who don't know we admit an order from our heart yeah you understand me and when that is pierced that's when we start to get sick and we are in environments we not supposed to be in that are in friction to whatever our vibration is that's when we feel off right and there's only certain people that i'm going to miss louis vuitton said somebody asked them once they said how are you able to go into all of these different type of environments you understand me and not be changed by them or not feel sick by them sometimes you're around all these different type of people and he said i bring my own atmosphere that's right you understand me like i bring my own atmosphere yeah i know exactly i know exactly what it means yeah yeah i walk into a place and i put a bubble around myself yeah i just literally put an energy bubble i just see it coming out of my head and wrapping myself up and i walk through i got my energy bubble yeah you know now that's super key i mean so even so when we go to water right we 70 to 90 water some people say i'm basically almost 100 because even those things can be made up of water yeah but when we're talking about water and the effect that light has on water right because you know water is charged by light yeah and water has memory in it that's right understand me i think it was dr john pollock that was given a breakdown on the four phase of water and it was one of the same doctors who discovered i believe hiv back in the day who's trying to figure out ways to utilize uh um sound waves to create medicine yeah you understand me and basically that every disease has a frequency and if he can counteract that disease with a dominant frequency of the cure then he can cure that person right because water traps frequency and his protons yeah you understand me so that if our environment is a certain vibration then we take on that vibration of that environment yeah absolutely it's the same study about rice and water when you speak over certain things you're trapping that right so that's why nobody who's angry should ever serve you food exactly or they dislike if you make a white or mad don't eat the food from there anymore got to keep them happy and pleasant otherwise they can give you food poisoning just based on their negative energy right right but i bring that up to bring this um you know as human beings the things that we should know the most about we know the least about yeah and that's being a human being right right you know water and light right we are light beings and we are water beings you understand me holy so i studied that to understand the effects that environment has on myself that's knowledge itself to the knowledge of cells you got to do that so you know what is it about light itself as a messenger of information that is important that we observe from the things that we eat besides the breakdown just gay right where we go to but at the same time being a way for our brains to be able to travel yeah right like and then can you correlate it into biophotons you understand me um you know when i be thinking i'd just be having thoughts that they jump over that's that's why i had to call this show a conversation yeah yeah um so as light beings what does that mean well one thing people don't understand is that we are all made of actual light well everything in the third dimension is made of life uh and so we are light and light is us we know that the illusion of this avatar body and this chair i'm sitting on and the table that you're sitting at the illusion of it's there but what that what that what what is this this is slowed down light waves when you slow light down and then consciousness interacts with it it collapses it into what we call solid matter because solid matter is actually an illusion right for example the only thing stopping my hand from going through this chair is the repulsion of the electromagnetic frequencies i don't actually touch the chair i don't touch anything yeah and so if i can phase shift the atomic frequency of my hand to match the same frequency of the atoms in this chair i'd pass my hand right through it because atoms are 99.999 percent empty space right like pouring liquid into liquid exactly you know that's why when galaxies merge together like we're merging with a galaxy right now called sagittarius you don't see any real collisions happening or anything around my sagittarius out there yeah because you know galaxies are mostly space just like atoms everything is a fracture so we are light beings and also because of that we're a fractal we have consciousness which is also light what is a fractal a fractal is when you take for example if you look at a uh a hologram and you go to one part of the hologram one tiny piece and look at it you'll see the entire image in that smallest piece the only thing you lose is a little bit of resolution okay and so it's important for people understand that this entire realm is a fractal of a hole in other words as above so below so if you look at an atom it gives you the whole thing it gives you the whole thing absolutely so human beings would you consider a fractal of the universe we're a fractal of the universe and our consciousness even though it's one consciousness it's also a fractal main master of consciousness and it's really incredible that every thought that you think in your skull it leaves your skill as a form of a light wave every time you think talk to them yeah man every light way every time you think we know this because we could put a cap on your head and a laboratory put a little electrodes on its sensors and tell you to think about something and it's going to show up on the computer screen because the computer is reading the light waves coming out of your skull we can't see those waves because we can only see one percent of the light spectrum as human beings right we're limited we don't see gamma rays we don't see right ultraviolet what affects us the most yeah exactly those are the things that are all around us that are really in uh uh you know interacting with us all the time in our brain right and that's what i was getting to with the water because the ultraviolet radiation is what causes that four phase to flow like blood flow within our bodies and things of that nature by creating a separation between positive and negative charge and in between that small space right there is where it creates that charge and flow and it was doing a study where they tried to take two uh prods put one on the other end to create energy yeah right but uh go ahead yeah so that's what it is so you know we we have this power to of thought which you're talking about having the ability to even travel through light with leaving your mind and traveling light every you can actually connect to other realms other dimensions through conscious thought quantum entangling your light waves or other light waves that exist in the universe not only in the third dimension but even multiple dimensions right so like quantum entanglement for those who don't understand are two basically atoms that are entangled with one another even if they are at fast distances right right and einstein caught it you know spooky right because he didn't understand what was going on right right but we understand he said a spooky action at a distance yeah you can entangle atoms you can entangle photons which are lights right so do you think that's what happened when people fall in love they consider to be soul mates i think it happens well your mind can entangle with somebody on the other side of the universe a lot of the times you know you can say i came up with this great idea right but you really didn't you just downloaded that idea because you entangled with the information entanglement that's all it is [Laughter] all information actually exists and now like big time mainstream quantum physicists and theoretical physicists are admitting that this is true now yeah like it's not woo-woo science no more this is like what you're getting taught in university when i was at mit studying applied neuroscience uh one of the things we learned about was this exact thing the fact that not only can you walk in the room like you were saying earlier and you can uh sense survive and you can actually transmit negative or positive energy to somebody somebody's at a at a low frequency and you walk in positive and high high frequency enough your light being can actually raise their energy level right right and if you're not high enough and they're then they're low they can actually drop your energy level right it depends on how strong you are consciously uh and then also we talked about the fact that we can entangle with information throughout the entire multiverse so information can even come from other universes into your own mind if you're able to discern that information you can actually if you can put the action behind it it could be one of the greatest inventions it could be web three it could be you know i'm saying whatever whatever you got going on now nfts or whatever all this stuff comes from other places um so biophotons is what i wanted to get to um because bio photons to me is very interesting because i think it's like taking the concept of science and physics and being able to apply it you understand me in a real world sense and connect you know um yourself and your willpower right you know um it was dr wesley he has the book of god and he has a very very dope book very amazing book i uh everybody should study it um but he gives a breakdown about photons and this is one of my first introductions to it when um he was talking about a study that was done at the university you know to study uh biophoton levels which is basically for those who don't know is light within the human body right and so one of the things that they studied was the fact that during time that a patient was sick you understand me the light that they admitted glowed brighter right and of course that was because the body was working to heal itself and the thought process was that if you go back to ancient human being origins that those human beings were just light beings complete light banks and as you know as i'm positing this thought right now as melanin you understand me overtook those bodies uh and you're talking about you know that very dark melanin and then you have light you know piercing out of that which used to be where hair follicles are you understand me then you're talking about a blue or a blue hue right and so in ancient texts where you see a lot of the blue representation of gods or beings there were the representation of the original man and woman as light beings now the way they are connected to science more so is the idea that you know our mind has light within it right and it communicates directly with the light outside us and that this is scientifically proven that we can think things and bend the wheel of reality around us like the matrix play with the concepts and ideas the spoon doesn't exist idea exactly but more so is you know each one of us have different levels of consciousness and conscious power yeah and the ability to bend and and change reality around us which is also a very masculine trait because testosterone increases that biophotonic energy you understand me within the body so depleted testosterone depletes willpower as well so it's saying that for me i always say that one act of masculinity is willpower the ability to take thoughts outside your mind and produce them into reality yeah so if you have a people who are not able to produce their thoughts then those people are lost without that will right without that power without that godliness and so that's something that i think about often as i see our brothers and sisters hoping and wishing and trying to bring things forth but they just can't because that light inside them is dead plus a lot of the male in in this society right now they're being emasculated oh yes sterilized and so you know in a lot of it's it's chemical based yes it's the food chemical castration chemical castration man it's all these micro plastics that are uh you know we're inhaling them we're eating them it's in the foods and everything they did a test on those micro plastics they were converting frogs in male frogs into women right right right you know this is just crazy stuff so that's a hell of a leap it's a big league but it's so true you know and so uh it's it's taking away the the testosterone levels in men are the lowest it's been since they've been recording right and so to that effect what you're saying is you know the levels are dropping and the ability for people to make men to make a lot of logical decisions is also dropping right you see men now operating more off of emotion versus logic right that balance of logic versus emotion isn't there anymore right uh a lot sometimes there's a lot more men are more emotional than women yes so their their plan is working out you know and the plan for them really is to not let us discover our light body now let us discover our like consciousness and the power that we really truly have inside of us to change and bend and mold this matrix to our will and overcome and supersede where where they where they are right what they want us to do is just continue to stay in these small little pockets fighting each other over scraps and not really ever getting to the higher levels and realizing that we're supposed to be able to bring our heaven right here to this earth right now and see that that reminds me when you talk about the beings that can see and they look down right like you imagine somebody in a tower looking down on the people playing the game with the rat race but they can see dimensions they can see where the people are headed they can see all different angles right and those are the people the what considered to be the one percent you understand me and then of course that can be translated into multi different you know uh names and forms and species and things of that nature but the ruling class if you will you understand me uh the manipulating class those who practice technology and deceit on the rest of the population to not know their power right like the greatest tricker the devil is to get you to not know that you're a god that's it you understand me because the moment that you have self-realization of your power number one you stop looking at them to help manage you discover it exactly because if we go to shadow slavery times and i like to say shadow slavery just because it's such a different form than the rest of the slavery yeah but chattel slave rules are all about breaking that knowledge of self and that knowing of who you are because how can you make a slave unless he is completely dependent upon your will exactly and the test tossed around field masculine slaves were the hardest ones to break the ones that have their own faith and belief systems because they weren't going to relinquish that power to someone else right no they fought and there were insurrections all throughout times because that will power was fighting another will yeah you understand me you know uh and so now what we got is more so chris rock where you don't fight the wheel no more you just let it slap you around you understand me i just had to drop another one [Laughter] i couldn't help myself i couldn't help myself [Laughter] but the lack of making high level jokes y'all i love the jokes i love comedy but no for real though because you know here we are in present day when we talk about chemical castration man this is very important like we've went through so many different phases um fighting those beings you understand me who bring in drugs who bring in guns who bring in propaganda you know who bring in you know uh uh mk ultra yeah you understand me and toxins poisons on the air yeah to every single thing there's not black people doing that no definitely not we ain't got that type of we ain't got that type of control unfortunately that's the issue right so you know like you can take that back to it it's unfortunate that you know the greatest minds are producing destructive things their greatest minds are producing destructive things you know and now what we are in this phase of reality is figuring out who we are because that's still always the biggest key to all of this yeah because the hardest thing is to teach another black man or woman who you are right let me teach you whether you want to call yourself black original you understand me more hebrew israelite you know alien whatever you want to call yourself you can describe yourself as an anunnakian yeah but understanding at the core you understand me that being of godliness that you possess right and that that is unstoppable once you truly recognize who you are yeah not just from literature not just through paperwork i'm talking about through spirit things that can't be talked that have to be known deep within you have to you have to walk in your own power when i walk places when i go places i expect the the universe to unfold from action absolutely i expect things to open up for me and things that just happen for me when i walk into places i can just be going to the grocery store i'm walking in power people if they can jump inside of my body and feel what i'm feeling they'd be like god damn yeah yeah yeah this guy really i'm walking everywhere i go i'm walking in pure power i i act like i'm commanding and wielding the universe to my will and that's something that scares us the reason why is because we've been programmed to think if you do that that's of the devil and that's evil and you you got to beg somebody else to give you this power you can't just walk in this kind of power but the same power that created everything we see in this entire universe and this multiverse is the same power that's inside of my body that's a fact yeah you know i want to talk about something because when we talk about power torture is probably our culture specifically which is getting to our spirit powers this world we are the battery yeah you know i mean melanin is a battery itself yeah right and when we talk about that i was studying you know years ago the kardashian scale okay right when we talking about type zero to one three four civilizations and when i was studying back then i would relay everything i learned in physics and science to black culture and how it could be an analogy to where we can utilize liberate ourselves so for those who don't know this carter's your skill is a model of you know how civilizations can grow if you will right into uh um more efficient system and models more control right so we are currently what i believe you know like 0.5 but yeah type zero civilization right type zero we crawling though we're trying to crawl we try the concepts are getting out there yeah yeah it is it is you know the politics in the way to be honest that's what happened the poly tricks yeah the polytricks so type zero is saying that we get our energy from dead coal and plants you understand me that you know our energy systems number one are inefficient you understand me and that's why we steady have these energy wars you understand me that we are dependent upon these resources that we don't have the ability to reproduce ourselves you understand me and or have control over supply and so you know that's why human beings are always at risk for extinction ideally is because we don't control external things outside you understand we can't control the meteor hitting this planet we can't control the sun exploding we can't control any of those things so that's why a man now just wants to jump to another planet you understand me because he don't believe that he will be able to gain control before it's too late right but a type one is more so talking about the ability to control weather control earth control the sun or at least in a sense being able to absorb all energy from the sun and utilize that to power the world that is today and then you have the analogy of type one type systems right uh type one language would be what would be considered like english english you know there are language that's going to stinks every day yeah you understand me and english is rapidly fast growing all across the planet earth to become a type one language where everybody on the planet speaks english so that is a method you understand me of energy transfer communication and translation that all beings planet earth will be in understanding yeah then we'll be talking about systems like music hip-hop is a i consider hip-hop a basically a type 1 system when you're talking about music yeah because hip-hop produce beings number one and tones and frequencies and rhythms that are known all across the planet earth yeah it's mathematical right and then you have other beings the beyonces of the world the kanye's of the world who are known by people all throughout the entire planet earth you understand me from a one-world system these are very identifiable symbols right because they're not you don't know the person yeah so the person is the brand is a symbol which is a representation of a energy you understand me that has a translation that creates feeling right from each person that knows it in their perspective and their connection to it but after i say all of that i said all that to say hip-hop culture is the most powerful energy that exists on this planet earth you understand me because it can move reality in ways that we don't even understand yet because it's a one-world communication system to all melanated people across the planet earth that we can literally put everybody on the same vibration and frequency you understand me by exporting torture throughout the diaspora yeah and if we understood how powerful that concept was we have the ability to leak paths and make quantum leaps over everybody with this system that we created called hip-hop and this is why we have so many cultural watches because culture watchers understand this expressway throughout the world if i connect to a rapper if i'm a white guy and if i'm a smart white guy i need to if i can afford it i need to get close to the rappers the rappers don't realize they have more leverage than i do they're the big influences of the world big world i've never seen a rapper understood their value so much when they stand next to a white guy and give them their presence because what you're doing is you're giving them an entry into torture and you're giving them an audience where you're spreading their message and connecting them to hip-hop right and it's wildly known that there are a lot of cultural vouchers we just don't speak on it yeah you understand me because people are you know favored for this favor for that but once you really understand it there was a i'm not gonna name a name at this point um famous i think he might be a billionaire yeah maybe a couple hundred million or whatever um but i was speaking in the same arena he was speaking and he was speaking right after me yeah you know when i i kept trying to rub shoulders i'm giving him the cold shoulder yeah i don't want no pictures no nothing right because what i realized that he would get more value if i took a picture with him than he would get from me right because now he's connected to top thought leader in the culture he seems down you understand me he seems connected history will look at that picture and say we had a relationship yeah you understand me how could he be other than you know in a way we trying to depict his morality if he was connected to 19 keys at that time yeah so why wouldn't i utilize that as leverage why would i just allow somebody to absorb my value connect to my culture but we don't think about time we don't think about our true power at all energy vampires because yeah energy vampires yeah and we utilize our dead leaders as our coal and our energy you understand me so we're not operating in the present system controlling our weather controlling our culture controlling our time controlling our language our mind our music so for me it's about taking you know melanated people from a type zero civilization to a type one civilization yeah and then you know type two and three the old civilization you talk about controlling planets oh yeah yeah all kinds of stuff we don't even need to go there yet we're far off but it's an interesting model and it's an interesting idea when you're talking about measuring progress of the people that have been trapped under another people's thumb you understand me and working to increase the aggregate efficiency of our output yeah what we put out based on the energy that we get back yeah and how do we increase that as a people right you know for a revolution yeah right but i want to talk to you about something else why are you talking about ai now i look at uh we know we are in a time of declining population yeah right uh specifically in america anyway you understand me when elon musk said that you know we need population growth and bill gates say we need population decline yeah but what i realized they were talking about two different places you know i'm also talking about america bill gates is talking about africa yep so bill gates was saying that they're gonna have another two billion people by 2050 we need population decline over there yeah elon must say well listen we already have fewer uh births than we do deaths you understand me so therefore we're on a decline yeah we need more birth right so he's trying to get out of here yeah yeah yeah he's trying to get out he's about man party too crowded you feel he grew up in south africa so you know what it's like where seven percent of them over there you know so it it's interesting because i look at those who are in power of course power wants to maintain power yeah right so it only makes sense that the people that are in power wants to continue to see power and they don't want to conceive power to anybody else so when you're talking about playing god that's what they want to do if you can't have the population size we have to figure out another way to maintain control yep and ai to me is one of those ways to be able to maintain control you won't have the brain trust anywhere because people outside are no longer just coming in and saying well we'll give our brain to america spark invention and innovation yeah there's decreasing innovation and intervention in this country yeah so not only you got ai in the form of artificial intelligence and i'm 19 key so i break things down into one nine but a is normal uh uh one and i is numerical nine and that 19 is representation of male female math uh conscious subconscious you understand me uh um god itself because everything is between that one through nine collapse back into a one when we talk about artificial intelligence it's more so not even just ai of artificial intelligence artificial insemination artificial ingredients as well right and these are all the ways that i see that those are in power are working to maintain power utilizing ai can you speak upon the future of ai and where we headed yeah definitely the ai is uh it's dangerous if you look into the ancient sumerian tablets you'll discover in the epic of gilgamesh gilgamesh who was considered to be half human half god they call him a demigod his father was enki and he had a human mother according to the tablets yeah uh and they wanted to send and lill who was his uncle sent him on a journey a hero's journey this is the original story of noah's ark by the way this is where the bible got it from sumerian for those who don't know the anunnaki uh first civilization first civilization uh the cradle of civilization they call it the cradle of civilization coming out of mesopotamia what did they invent uh roads city city grid streets uh bicameral congress uh plumbing systems i mean you name it everything you could think of schooling and uh chemistry and mathematics and they even had a metric system back then you're talking about you know thousands hundreds of thousands of years ago yeah the metric system and so they literally the whole modern society we have today came out of sumer there's a tablet that where enlil is speaking and he's showing his sister this crystal tablet by the way is what it's called and he's showing her his plans for all time on this planet he said these plans i have here these plans are going to last for all time and that's where we still we're still in it today we still got the same poly trickster program he put in back then they had their own numerical kingship the way they ran their their selves but they gave humans the uh the political system that's a very and they also installed inflation at that same exact time yeah yeah and that's a very very very very interesting idea uh that so in that system right i know that children who are born you know anytime you're born in any time you succumb to a dominant paradigm the dominant frequency win yes right and so do you believe that based on you know the annunaki or in lille having this crystal tablet you understand me where he wrote down his uh his plans for time dominance yeah you understand me so that he can conquer ages of time do you think that it's possible to go against that plan you understand me and create our own will for the planet yeah it can the program that he put in was so good you know we're born we're given a name of racism and religion and we're basically we we grew up defending that whole identity it's a fake identity it's not really us we've kind of forgotten and relinquished who we really are and giving it up to this system this and this um this institutionalized system that were put in place thousands of years ago but if we really come together that's the biggest part we got to do we got to come together inside of stop office divide and conquer uh you know you're this religion i'm this thing or you're this light-skinned and i'm just dark-skinned all this stuff we gotta you know black people black men want to fight black men all the time we want to attack each other socially now on social media because you're doing too good and i'm not doing as good as you we got to drop all of that we got to stop all of that and we got to synchronize we got to realize that we're better together than apart not tearing each other down fighting each other slapping each other it's kind of crazy we got to come together and we got to realize man how can i bring a piece of the puzzle how can you bring a piece of the puzzle you know i'm saying just sitting here talking to you you've got pieces of the puzzle that i don't have and i've got pieces of suppose that you don't have we can start building a whole dog on pub we can put a puzzle together and you add more people next you know that picture that painting is amazing yeah we can make a mosaic yeah and so um until we get to that point though we're always going to be bickering and fighting and arguing over resources and pocket watching and hating and worrying about just worrying about that because that's the program they instilled into us we got to now override this dna in this rna programming code we got to say you know what we got we got to talk to ourselves you know what i'm being a hater right now i'm being a troll right now i'm i'm pocket watching right now i'm being jealous right now why am i doing that and analyze inside of ourselves why am i doing this why do i feel like this and work on our internal self and learn how to not be that way learn how to give somebody the benefit of that learn how to try to work with somebody learn how to ask better questions so you can understand better instead of getting angry and uh you know learn how to control your emotional state and when we can do that and we can link up and we can make big power moves together that's when the world's going to change that's very powerful you understand me and of course it's something that you know we've known but not been able to do yeah so we talk about dna right because uh really in order to give a breakdown on you know the anunnaki and the sumerians we need to dedicate an entire oh yes right breakdown for that story and we can you know say that for another day and time but i want to go and talk about dna and the ability to upgrade our dna yeah you know one of the ways that i upgrade my dna is through travel you understand me and through meditation and eating and environment things of that nature but can you talk about dna and our ability to upgrade our dna and some of the methods that we can utilize practically first of all people have to understand that dna is a storage medium it actually stores data and information so when we say things like your program code and you're operating off your code it's actually a true scientific statement one gram of dna can hold for 433 petabytes of data this one scientist george church replicated his ebook 80 billion times and downloaded it onto one gram of dna which is one drop on the tip of your finger 80 billion 80 billion what he did was he realized that dna stored information he was like wow our body is full of data the whole human body is full of data billions and billions and billions of petabytes of data and what he said was he realized you can take the data from a server a computer i mean and convert it from zeros and ones into ac's t's and g's which is what your dna reads and then you can actually download the data into the dna and store data in a volume instead of storing it linearly linear linear like time one arrow but when you can store it in the bond you can store much more information so then he replicated it 80 billion times and then he transferred from dna from ac csgs back into zeros and ones and uploaded it back into a computer so he recognized that dna is also a server he's like man this is incredible so we have this ability in us to move data and information now because of something called epigenetic memories we know that 15 to 20 generations before us that programming code was downloaded into our body so you're born with this hard-coded information already in your body most of it is only though this is the sad part it's only trauma that came from previous generations all the slave beatings and whoopings and the separation of loved ones and the buck fighting all that stuff it's in your body that's why when black people start feeling like i'm depressed i got ptsd but they don't know why i'm feeling uh you know i'm feeling down or ill or angry or whatever a lot of it is it's the epigenetics so to overcome this what scientists realize you can actually start to re-encode that dna by doing simple things simple one thing is write down 10 positive affirmations about yourself and then speak goes out loud three times a day out loud for 21 days and your dna begins to change and rewrite itself you begin to start to believe those scimatic frequencies coming out of your mouth that your body is actually listening to the information like you said before the body is mostly water the water has memory the water in your body speaks conscious energy so when you are releasing that conscious energy into the atmosphere your body is in absorbing it back into the water and then the light forced energy is rewriting your dna and so we can actually rewrite our dna we can change the way we think and see and feel about ourselves just by speaking out loud like you said meditation and i love travel that's all i do is travel non-stop you already know that that's going to enlighten and open up broad all your horizons it's going to make you see things from other perspectives and understand it's going to raise your consciousness traveling i tell people all the time leave your zip code you got to no that's a fact because you got to think about the making of a slave if i want to make somebody a slave i don't want them to see the world right you understand me i need them to only see from my perspective yeah you understand me because therefore they're going to have my same biases engineered within them and i can control the radius of where they go yeah you may think that oh if you walk over here you might die somebody's going to attack you but if you actually travel there's no way a person can make up that lie that causes you to hurt yourself within fear yeah right and most people god is fear you understand me everything that they fear creates the radius the circumference the diameter of their thinking their movement right their entire being and so breaking away from you know those connections of fear allows you to be restored into who you really are to walk around as a child a child doesn't know fear a child is programmed into fear child is programmed into civilization you understand me coming under jurisdiction and code to operate in a manner of behavior that allows them to you know be so-calledly uh a free within the world of this social contract that we have but the reality of it is is that for us to be able to develop and to grow into who we are and to be able to transition out of these thought forms that control this world you understand me um and to break these cabals of power it has to start with this realization that becomes a field or you talked about unity you know muhammad say our unity is more powerful than an atomic bomb but then when you think about what is an atomic bomb you understand me the breaking of those atoms you understand me and you know when we build you know the guys always talk about you know we're cracking atoms yeah you understand me we create new worlds but what we think about all of that energy coming together because you know human being energies are jewels yeah you understand me and if we were able to bring that electricity together it literally would be an atomic bomb oh yeah and that sort of energy has the ability to create atomic shift on this planet yeah you understand me that i can create new paradigm shifts on this planet earth so anytime anything is observed through the collective a shift happens at that moment there's no collective observations or world events that don't change the world because once the whole entire world gains a collective perspective on something it creates a new dimension a new angle a new inventions innovations realities everything starts to happen from that moment and we've been through many of them in our lifetime already yes just in the last 10 years yeah we'd have been through recessions paradigm shifts different new presidents we've been through 9 11. we've been through so many different things today during the timing of this filming there is a terrorist attack that happened and april happens to be one of the most observant uh months of white terrorist attacks right from timothy mcveigh from the oklahoma bombings to the uh uh uh columbine how come right and it's a few other ones april is one of those you know it's the fourth month it's a lot of things that happened on the force yeah and once we understand that we living in this world of a four corner contract you understand me that you know paperwork rules this world and it lifts us off of being attached to the land itself yeah that when we walk around we don't look down at our feet and say we own the land we have dominion over the land we think that we are always on someone else's land we are always under someone else's control and that mental observation to please the soul of being able to have a real connection with the earth itself it does when you look around you there's somebody who has sky rights and land rights not ownership but rights rights right and once we realize we live in we're living in someone else's plans as you say whether you believe it's the annunaki whether you believe it's one percent whether you believe is these families of control you have to know that we're living in somebody else's time system and it works very well oh very well very well way too well matter of fact you know and we are controlled by invisible forces yeah and if you don't think you do you stop at that stop sign you you stop when there's a street light you understand me and you don't cross that line because something may happen to you in a visible force no police around no people yeah but you still listen yeah you understand me that is i mean you talking about some people it may not be cars for miles yeah and they will still follow that system yeah right i want you to touch on the ideas of systems you know because institutions is what i focus on like the reality of we building institutions are only things that can dominate existing systems right but what is the energy form of a system to where it actually has real power and control over human forms yeah well the way that they built all these institutionalized systems that we have that are controlling mankind they're all predicated on fear you'll find that fear is the biggest thing for example you go to school if you don't get good grades you're going to get in trouble you know you won't pass the next raid if you act up in school you might get you don't stay in line or whatever you might get spanked with the ruler or the paddle or whatever you know obviously on the street is follow these exact rules or you're going to go to prison you know so they have all these systems in place and these systems that they put in place when they when they have these little fear factors built into them even religion has a lot of fear factors put into it absolutely people fall in line because why fear is the body pays attention to fear first the mind is always okay there's fear i gotta stop this fear i gotta do whatever it takes to not allow this whatever this fear is to happen i don't want to happen to me so the body goes in the fight or flight mode and then it's just it starts focusing on the fear once the body does that these people who rule the ruling elite they know that we got them with the fear now we can manipulate them to do whatever we want so they always do the same thing they create the problem okay they wait for the reaction and they then they provide the solution to that problem so they're actually manipulating all sides of it based on fear the fear is a key thing all these institutions that has us locked in because people when that fear hits them they don't recognize that fear is not real false evidence appearing real that's what fear is right the acronym and but for them it's as real as it can be but in true reality fears of choice yeah fear comes from ignorance yeah you know once you know something there's nothing to fear because you have all the data you know exactly how to move what not to do exactly what it is what's not you know and once you come to that realization it gives you so much power over all yeah right and so becoming fearless you understand me is key yeah our bodies are automatically store systems to tell us fight or flight that in moments the situation is giving us a signal that you are in danger yeah so this danger needs to teach you to make a decision exactly either this tiger that's coming right now you understand me you're gonna stand very still and hope that it doesn't attack you or are you going to run right or are you gonna fight yeah you understand me because they're fright flight then fight you understand me and i think that that's one and the fight is the decision that you have yeah that even if this tiger is so close there's i can't run i can't stand still now not here i have to figure out a way or i'd rather go down fight yeah and i think that that's the part of human decision making that is never deposited as an idea of this is an option that you can always choose to fight every moment in every situation right even if the certainty is death yeah you understand me because at least you would die being alive exactly you understand me exactly but to freeze and or just to run because there's times where you know flight is the most you know intelligent option that you have right the fighting yeah there's something so powerful and majestic about that because that's the human spirit colliding with whatever force that is in front of it yeah when you see two boxers fight those are spirits going at it right and whoever has the most will will win you understand me not even sometimes we have the most skill or better technique sometimes it's all about who got that greatest spirit because the fight is often won before you get into the ring that's right there's one spirit that's already decided whether it's deep into their consciousness subconscious where they don't even know it yet they've already decided that they're to lose it yeah you understand me and sometimes you can try to overcome it with confidence right what you know about yourself and my training my skill your overcoming with your ego you understand me well i can do this even if i can't do this you understand me yeah but then there's mathematics the mathematics of this person's skill level confidence will all of this is higher than your frequency yeah and when these collide this one is going to win yeah and that's why i like the idea of mathematics because math matters really sets us upon understanding reality in a very practical logical capacity yeah their spiritual intuition is spiritual intelligence yes 100 and i think that wholly on this planet earth men and women are disconnected between the feminine energy that exists men are completely disconnected nowadays from the masculine energy but the feminine energy because we talk about a woman's movement but there's not a lot of feminine energy involved in the movements and the feminine energy you know mother tonetta talked about it she talked about the nine planets right and the feminine okay and then the connection with you know the astronomy and the feminine energy and why that nine you know circulates that one well they totally will get to them one nine yeah we always find on one knot but we talk about them that nine circulating that one that consciousness circulating subconsciousness and and uh 1995 the honourable minister louis farrakhan opened up the million-man march speech with the secrets of the number 19. and he talked about the idea that when that one is next to the nine it represents something to be uncovered you understand me um and then he went on to break down that these monuments that was there representing the 16th and the third president is 19. and he said that this monument up here is 555 feet high you put a one next to that represents 1555 when black people came over here and he said that on these shores in these steps you understand me where a trade of black bodies representing some of the masonic secrets of how they first produced this country yeah you understand me and he was given that breakdown in front of of course almost two million black men future president future billionaires of the planet of everybody yeah that was a world-shifting event but when i listened to that i thought about the fact that you know the body itself our bodies you know uh you know atoms are called a lot of the original man atom you understand you know i said agtc allah god the creator yeah you understand me but at the end of the day our bodies are our carbon bodies our melanin bodies we are electric you know frequencies they understand me we are the most powerful electric conduits you understand me just based on our physicality and i think what happens with society number one jealousy but two is the lack of appreciation of our parties we're supposed to play on this planet right you understand me that yeah we gon always be dark melanated beautiful shiny sheen beings you understand me but when you allow things like the hematic prophecies that talked about you know uh uh um you know when human beings developed so-called developed intelligence those were white human beings and that being spread across the ecosystem of planet earth creating a white supremacy and then validated people like man we was charting star systems and speaking in geometry and using mathematical language you understand me before we ever seen a light-skinned person on this planet earth yeah yeah but you can't if you want to do anything for race relations you cannot forget about the story of time you can't and i ain't going to ever call it history history is just the lies the story of time is about what happened on this planet true history true history and if you ever if if a white person or black person brown yellow orange all these frequencies of colors that represent subscriptions to different cultures ideologies values norms rituals ever want to have a place where there's commonality and trust and alignment you have to accept the truth of reality yeah not the stories that was told by the winners and conquerors that fit the propaganda of the controllers and rulers but the true story on this planet earth that's the only way we get to a true compromise yeah between the people on this planet earth that have a treaty of understanding the understanding tell people to pass this prologue to you people say why do you always study the past why are you into this ancient text and ancient books and all because when you until you understand what happened back then you won't be able to build a future the future is going to be built based on what you know about your true past your true history if you can't figure out at least as close as possible to what was happening back then the future is still going to be a gray area aliens yeah let's talk about alien yeah i can't have mr billy carson on here without talking about aliens my theory is aliens of black men yeah that's my theory now uh that of course this comes from many different sources but i remember i was reading something or watching it rather i can't tell you the difference where it was talking about you know spacesuits human spaces how human beings would have to change if they were traveling in space yeah right number one there's more radiation so you're going to have to have darker melon skin lack of gravity you will have a smaller less dense body so you're going to be a skinny dark-skinned big head black man or woman you understand me so you know these are spacesuits right i mean we we deal with radiation that's what the melanin does yeah you feel radiation in the heat yeah yeah absolutely so what do you what what is uh do you believe in aliens i believe in aliens uh are you an alien well you know we're all aliens you know i'm saying so haley i might answer like that some people say this brother be thinking man he might be an alien a lot of people say that but i think that we are the aliens you know um when you talk to the aboriginals i went to australia i went on a walkabout yeah miles out into the into the dog on nowhere nothingness i mean just yeah out there man with the fires yeah okay this is right before the lockdown came and uh i'm out there looking for these ancient egyptian hieroglyphs in uh carry on nine in australia which we found them we sent those glyphs to the board of antiquities of of egypt and they authenticated them as being authentic proto-egyptian hieroglyphs and so my conversation with the elders was you know what is your homegrown handed down verbal history because they have a verbal history and the aboriginal elders said that they were seated on this planet they said that the pleiadians brought them to earth and they were the first people on earth those are black aboriginals who are the pleiadians the pleiadians if you look up in the sky at night there's this area of the sky where they call them the seven sisters homer's early it talks about them they're talked about in the bible talk about the sumerian tablets uh the greeks the romans they're all look up to the pleiades uh it's actually we call them the seven sisters because only seven bright bright stars you can see with the naked eye but there's many more stars there but in that region of the sky according to so many ancient texts and so many ancient civilizations there was advanced civilizations there before this area had any inhabitants that was the regional sector of the galaxy that had a lot of life but a big war broke out and in this war there was something being used called the brahma honda weapon okay the brahma honda weapon which which actually could destroy planets and this weapon would would blow up planets and imagine if you're in a star in the star system and this planet's blowing up debris planet-sized debris is crashing into your planet so this created a space refugee situation kind of you know spacecraft yeah space refugees and they started fleeing and going out to different stars orion aldebaran zeta reticulus you know all these different stars has some sirius uh draco this one had the draco oh yeah the draco stars what's up there that's what the the great pyramid and giza in cairo is aligned with those with draco uh aldebaran orion and sirius and so uh we were like man what's going on here so the more you dig into the text it's like man these people fled from war re-establish themselves on other planets and eventually found this solar system and came down here and created another breakaway civilization these were the atlantean people now when you analyze the text it gives descriptions of these peoples from time to time and if you look at for example the sphinx in egypt you look at the features on the sphinx you can see this it's the face of a black person right and what's interesting is some of these anunnaki they were more uh albino not all of them someone had albino type skin they weren't caucasian white but they had albino skin but they had the african features some of them had blue eyes but they had the knotted hair like prometheus right kind of like that but for me these are still kind of really more almost like milk white if you look at a black mulatto yeah a black or a black person that has that you know that brown glow yeah yeah and um but they had to knot it here not it blonde here and blue eyes a lot of them like the aborigines yeah like the aboriginals and also the people of melanesia right here you know in asia and so i did a whole story on the whole tv show on those before so i really dug deep into it i was like wow these people are really potentially not from this planet and so the more you analyze it and realize wow then other people from other star systems brought humans here this is like this earth is like parents abandoning their kids no no what it was is like they were trying to find a place to keep their the you know their their their civilization going i mean that's not something like the species going okay and so that's why you have people that look asian and people that look caucasian and people who look black and people look there's a mixture of people according to what i've read that appear to be dropped off here this is like an abandoned seed colony this planet interesting that's you know and then after that much later these other people showed up these other anunnaki people showed up took advantage of a situation where people were in a lower state of consciousness they were uh not technologically advanced we were more advanced spiritually so when they were dropped off you saying that they're the races were dropped off or were they are dark-skinned melanated people the first people on this planet were all black and then you find something interesting in emerald tablets after thoth comes to the land of kim to help rebuild civilization because the great the flood had destroyed him after he does it he tells his people that he brought with him he brought people with him from other planets and they went around the planet he said go around the planet and duplicate what we did here now this is my personal belief this is not in any text i always tell you the difference between what i believe and what i what i've read now these people for example if i'm now going to be the king or the ruler of asia and i have i look i'm a being from a place that looks asian i'm going to brand those people i think they genetically branded people to look in other words these are my people look at them they look just like me and the reason why i say that is because if you go and talk and look in the genetic books the geneticist actually discovered that the difference between a black person a white person an asian person a native american person two percent variance in genes but that two percent that makes a different race altogether couldn't happen in 200 000 years that's the only amount of time we've been here so they're saying it would have taken millions multi millions of years for that to happen naturally now for my studies there's no records of caucasians past six thousand years caucasians are the newest race on the planet they're the newest race if you look at the submarine tablets the caucasians came from out of the caucus mountains it says something to the effect of when they were in the caucus they then uh he said that the exact terminology was that they um there's a certain term that they used for that uh not manufactured the caucasian but they said that they had uh uh the word will come back to me it's a it's like they made them in a way it's something it's uh it's a terminology that they use it'll come back to me that how they made the caucasian but that they're the newest being on the planet according to these texts the other races were already here we had blue people green people you had uh you know black you had uh yellow yeah this would be a great movie yeah now there's a belief that based on studying anunnaki that they are coming back you understand me can you tell us a little bit about that well in all the texts they always say that they're going to return the reason why they left was there was a pyramid war it was the second pyramid where armenra also known as marduk you can look up marduk's name in the torah he's in the bible he's in the sumerian tablets these guys everywhere he's on monroe um he started a war because he wanted to uh extend his kingship he wanted to take over kingship and other areas that he wasn't supposed to on the planet and so forth so on and so that war was nuclear they used weapons and the reason why you know it's nuclear because the description of the way that the people were dying it was that they said the black people this specifically says that their nails were falling out their hair was falling out blood was coming out of their eyes this is radiation sickness obviously and so we know that it was a nuclear war when you go into those regions the the mohenjondar and the indus valley the buildings there turn to glass they're still sitting there the bodies are laying the bodies are laying in the street holding hands nobody's no animals have scavengers on those bodies they're still laying there you go to africa to cairo and you go to giza if you put your hand in the sand and pull up every now and then you pull up balls of glass that's what they used to carve the scarab beetles out of because they're making a odd to the gods for the war that happened so uh to turn sand into glass you have to have three thousand degree temperature blast right so we know that there was a war that happened uh that created this situation you know so it's just really amazing man the technology we have now is just a copycat of what they already had back then and that war is what really caused them to want to flee in one of the tablets uh anki goes to anew and says can you please stop the evil wind that's what they call that's nuclear fallout he's like there's nothing i can do for bold and getting your ship and so he told him like turn around man getting that ship we got to get out of here because this thing is coming and they said that the evil wind covered the land and killed all the animals the people and everything else um and a lot of these people never came back but they said that you know that they'll be coming back and there's two ways to look at it one way is some of the offspring is still here on this planet uh you know probably most likely maybe that ruling elite class and then it's said that there will be some type of a future situation where they will return and take back claim of the rightful kingship of this planet so and in the emerald tavis it says the same thing which is interesting because it's even older than those tablets it's always like 36 thousand years old and it says that far in the future an enemy will come from deep space so it's pretty interesting no it's definitely interesting now what are the different type of aliens you know because you got the grays you got the blacks i want to know what's a different type of aliens it's all kind you know you have black people i think most of the ufos that are flying overhead are being piloted by black people that's my personal thing now that's very interesting because honorably mohammed said decades ago that there was a mother ship up there you understand me and he gave a full description of the mechanics of the mothership how it was piloted you understand me how the people lived wow um and he said i believe it was made in uh japan you understand me during that time and you know he was the first to introduce the concept of aliens and telling the government you understand me that the mothership was going to destroy them with these different type of bombs that they had and he gave a breakdown on how many baby planes that were there and that there were black men and women up there like it's a very detailed account and then after that in the 1930s is when they started to create those programs towards uh uh um observing ufos and then started to create counter stories of why they were ufos yeah yeah right yeah but the underbalance mohammed maintain his knowledge of ufos and the account of their existence and so does the honourable members lose far khan today and number one i don't believe the ufo community gives any real reverence and appreciation to what the underbalance mohammed was doing back in those days and that he was ahead of his time oh yeah surely oh he was ahead he was breaking it down back then he understand me he was he was he was like listen man here's the people of mars we got the mothership up there you understand me there's black people in the mothership they got the baby planes they got these certain type of missiles when they drop it's going to do this that in the third like it wasn't without detail you understand me and he told them this is how it worked this is how they were able to build it this is how they funded the sources to be able to build it they were a collective of scientists that was able to come together like why how long it stays in the atmosphere how long does it have to come down here like it's a very detailed account wow and it's funny because many things that are controversial towards the nation islam i've never seen any like scot i've never seen the government itself attack that aspect of the there's only nothing about that which i would think would be the most open part you would talk about like hey this man talks this that in the third let's attack this he's crazy yeah but that's never been wow you understand me uh um something that they use as a point of attack yeah yeah right which is very interesting to note so i've always grew up uh with the idea of ufos and aliens you understand me um just as you know a knowledge in the household yeah yeah people just get scared they think that we're talking about little green men yeah now we're talking about men and women people that look just like us yeah the majority i think of people that we call an aliens look just like us yeah in my opinion i would imagine and if you gotta understand if i'm an alien i'm up there i wouldn't want to come to earth yeah like if i got a little alien tv you know what i'm saying and i'm watching the reality earth the reality tv earth that's what it was called it called reality and i'm flipping these different channels and y'all tripping yeah yeah i'm oh man that's what the blood is doing that's what the pharmacist i don't ever want to come down there if i get caught they throw me in the prison for life if i don't know all their rules and i trip off nah guess what i'm not coming down there you understand me that would just make sense to me yeah it does see it was easier for them to interact with people when we had less technology and we were more green so to speak because there was no there was no immediate threat on their life there was nothing we could do matter of fact we just we saw them as gods right now with all this technology and and the military industrial complex wanting to weaponize anything they can get their hands on right they want to take them down they want to shoot them down they want to get get their hands on that and see what they can turn into weapons right what kind of technology can we convert into weapons for ourselves how can we reverse engineer this stuff that's all they're focused on yeah i mean human beings are not nice right you understand we like we want to steal their technology and then use it for ourselves and if we get them most likely you'll capture them and study they did the science of their biology yeah who want to come to earth with that treatment you put them in a zoo yeah we wonder if aliens are hostile but we're already hostile we're the hostile ones we host down to aliens of other countries yeah all right so i know we're gonna be hostile to aliens from other planets it's crazy it's like a guarantee you understand it'd be like you don't want to let a human being to uh over one border to another so you're telling me i'm coming from another planet and y'all gonna let me come kick it and share resources in life ain't no way no not gonna happen especially but but the old saying is that you know if aliens have the technology in which we believe they have and the abilities to travel and that means that number one they're much far advanced than we are yeah which requires a greater level of intelligence and so they would have more capabilities of wiping us out than we ever could imagine oh yeah you understand me in ways that we wouldn't be able to see yeah right as much as the human intelligence has evolved collectively because you know i don't think that the average human being is that much more intelligent than somebody in the 1800s right besides the fact we have more access right but when we talk about true human evolution we talk about upgrades of our dna right we're talking about upgrading and the processing of information and how we output that to solve daily problems and issues and the average person is not that intelligent no that's why well the smartphones are making us dumber yeah that's a super fat yeah you understand me and the radiation is destroying our ability to focus yeah and human beings collectively need focus in order to grow you understand me like if you don't have no focus in your life you're distracted to the point you can't give birth to none of your ideas that's right you understand me so it's like um you know uh you know aliens i feel like they they the concept of them are interesting and i think that the world needs mysteries in order to give us more reasons to be alive yeah they understand me because the moment we figure out everything else there's nothing else to do yeah you know we know why the cosmos was created how it was created at every single point in step that the reality of it is is there's an impossibility for certain knowledge to be known we can theorize based on our level of intelligence but who's to say that the math that we have is like not babies math right you know and then we discover a completely new type of math that allow us to phase through things and open the portals and create different versions of reality and different colors to see like let's say that there's not a science like that that exists but the same way we can only see a certain spectrum of the light maybe our minds can only uh um compute a certain spectrum of knowledge that's so true we can only compute to a certain amount because it's only based on our level of consciousness right but and then but that also means to me though that i don't believe in the idea of impossible you understand me i think that there's something that exists that i don't measure size based on value so it's like let's say human beings are just a a cell you understand me and uh the bacteria the universe you understand me that doesn't mean we don't have value because the way that we experience reality is our value in itself oh yeah absolutely you understand me that we are energy and then we wouldn't be in existence if we didn't have a level of value yeah it's just that i think we come up with more system to devalue ourselves than anything right we think about how vast the universe is only to think about how small we are right human beings need to constantly downgrade themselves and constantly demean themselves to put themselves in their own place right and in that thought process we are becoming our own gods sitting ourselves saying that humble yourself humble yourself yeah always we all we try to find a million different ways to humble ourselves always always because that would mean to tell me that our brain is working to control how powerful we really are you understand me and let free and and really understanding who you really are that's when you just start creating more and more everything any when you get to that level anything that you think of you just do yeah i mean i just bought an electric guitar i never played guitar before i'ma learn how to play the electric guitar you know my girl was like you bought electric guitar i said yeah i just wanna learn how to play it yeah i bought a violin i played the violin i whatever i want to do i just i just do it yeah because i see it as we are this um you know we are this uh entity here and the universe is vast but i see it as i'm being part i'm a part of something huge where other people say see it as i'm just a speck in the dark right you know what i'm saying but so let me ask you this oh you discovered a black satellite the black knight satellite i didn't discover it it's already up there but well you know how you know the rules on this planet yeah you know we're going back we're going by christopher columbus law yeah yeah you discovered this man yeah yeah of course and so what happened was i had heard about it and researched it years ago well first let's say what is the black knight satellite okay the black knight satellite is they sound like an object batman got his it's crazy this is real crazy so this object orbiting the planet and it's well documented it's actually on the space agency servers it's on the military servers it's on university website servers the the object is that they've labeled it space junk so what they're saying is this object which was detected all the way back in the in the late 1800s by nikola tesla first he picked up a signal from it then the 1950s ham radio operators picked up the signal again and actually decoded the signal 1960 duncan lunan wrote an article he was he's a journalist for time magazine wrote an article about the uh the object at madetime magazine uh and then many more consequent articles came out about this object because why it was changing its own orbits it was in the first equatorial orbit then it went to a polar orbit when sputnik was launched in 1964 it followed sputnik to the moon this thing is under intelligent control it's about 15 tons 15 000 tons and so what happened was the united states saw it up there russia saw it up there russia thought it was us we thought it was russia then they both said wait a minute we can't launch nothing like this we don't even have that kind of technology and so they were like damn what is this so they really started looking at this thing and analyzing it and we finally got a chance to see it close up personal with sts missions the space shuttle missions took hd quality video and photos of this thing and they were like wow we're going to call it junk because we don't know what this is they're afraid to touch it they're afraid to move into it and and try to you know take a piece of it to see if they don't know if it's going to have a defense mechanism or whatever they just know this thing is orbiting the plant in a way that it shouldn't be orbiting and the fact that it is giving off a signal that has been decoded as being the epsilon boltz's constellation but that's not a big deal but the big deal about that is it's giving the location of the constellation where it was in the sky 13 000 years ago so this thing potentially could be 13 000 years old and so what i did was i created a documentary which is coming out in june june the 5th that hits the movie theaters uh this object um is um it's still moving around still making its own course corrections and it is still giving off a signal and the signal is still giving up the location when you look into the sumerian tablets you find out that and lille owns the epsilon both this constellation the same constellation this thing is saying it's from um so that's probably one of his ships just up there chilling yeah it's a it's a it's it's his all-seeing eye he had an all-seeing eye in the tablets that's where they got it from for lord of the rings and all these things all saying i came my tablets he had an awesome eye so he could see what was going on on the planet at all times see when you have a planet that's why you consider it a satellite yeah when your planet planet is spinning on its axis and you have something orbiting this way it's able to take scans of the planet in a way that give you a view of the entire planet in so many hours right versus doing this way you can only get what's going around the equator but when you do this way you can see the entire planet and so he had that all-seeing eye and what happened was michio kaku made an amazing statement that made me want to make this documentary he said in in epsilon it's about 10 years ago there's a void it's called the epsilon bulges void it's the largest empty space inside of a constellation they know of in the universe he said but it looks like light is bending around something he said this looks like a type 1 type 2 civilization that's cloaked in epsilon so when i found out about the signal coming from epsilon and lil owns epsilon in the sumerian tablets he's the annunaki i said i think this is all linked and then i found i found cylinder scrolls that show the black knight in ancient cylinder scrolls so all this is going in the documentary which is coming out very soon fascinating man i got one last thing to ask you about you know you've searched through thousands of pictures from the mars rover yeah and you've actually found a face face anomaly famous face though yeah on mars oh yeah tell us about that brother well there's this object in cydonia ironically they call cydonia on mars uh you know this area where there's this face in this this these pyramids on earth cydonia in ancient ancient times was is cairo so they really know what they're doing they're giving they're hiding truth in plain sight for us but there's a gigantic four mile wide face there and the face is right outside of a city a pyramid city with a five-sided pyramid now that the city the pyramids and this other debris which looks like a like a collapsed structure is in a format which there's an angle of 19 degrees okay now before you go to arrive to your next thought process most people don't know about the number 19 that there are phenomenas all across the uf the the universe that are angles of 19 degrees that's right including jupiter's red eye you're talking about yellowstone park different volcanoes all throughout the universe yeah that's true and so this is like 19 degree angles making this triangle right where these landmarks are on cydonia on mars the face the the uh the the five-sided pyramid and this other this other area where it looks like a collapsed city and so a very in the uk on earth right by stonehenge you have this city there where there's these artificial structures built up from dirt mounds they call them and these paths through the through the land if you take that avery ordinance map from the city which is downloadable online and overlay it on cydonia where the face is located it's a perfect match so somebody on earth mimicked what was already on mars but the only thing is this was like in the 1600s it was terraforming you understand me and replicating what was on mars yeah that's what was happening well that's some interesting that's some interesting dynamics right there yeah yeah i think one thing about what we can all agree about this planet earth is that we don't know everything no you understand me and there are schools of mystery thoughts of mystery that maybe marry mystery for all eternity yeah you understand me or maybe we know but we don't have verification and the unfortunate aspect of now is that we need to verify everything so that it becomes evidence is fact exactly because i don't believe the dogon people actually went to the constellations understand me and mapped it out and then it came back i think that they had a connection and an intuitive knowing and understanding that was downloaded transferable knowledge you understand me and they didn't have any reason to question it they wrote it down this is what we've seen because this is what came to us yeah why would information come to a people who are pure uncorrupted from all of the images information the information that we get now in society when i tell you what's a picture of you know an alien or picture of a mountain or picture of this place you're usually going through an image that you perceive as a reality yeah but a color corrective filter may never be what you actually think it is until you go and experience right so unfortunately we have all of this data and information in our head which doesn't allow us to truly think like human beings connected to reality yeah we are connected to the digital structures and they inform us on what reality actually is you know but i wanted to jump off of earth for a second you understand me look above and see things from a different dimension now one thing that i do know is that i don't believe we have a beginning nor ending you understand me i think that the beauty of human soul and human spirit is that it is limitless and we find different ways to go through experiences over and over and over and i think that memories are too heavy to be carried over into whatever other phase that we exist throughout life as energy transfer so we go through those things consistently but i believe that you know we are we are a source you understand me which gives us that same power yeah and that regardless of wherever you were on this planet earth whatever condition level system you know whatever you believe in you have the power to produce change yeah and that can be measured scientifically it can be measured theologically it can be measured spiritually there's enough evidence if you need it to showcase that you have the power to change whatever condition that you are in on this planet earth you understand me and at the same time we have to realize that there's a game being played on our backs and the only way that it's going to change is if we stand up that's it you understand me and we tap into that energy that inner intelligence that allows us to rule over our spectrum of reality yeah so my brother i appreciate you tapping into a high level conversation thank you most definitely are an alien yeah i appreciate your extraterrestrial presence you understand me um can you please tell the people where they can find you so you understand me um and where they can tap into more of the knowledge that you have definitely well they can find me on forbidden knowledge dot tv yeah it's the website it's a streaming tv platform yes sir uh 6 000 shows up there right now 20 000 subscribers great platform if you want to go there and get a lot of knowledge based content conscious content everything from cooking yoga esoteric wisdom teaching my mystery school is up there which you attended before in person it's all up there on forbidden knowledge tv and you can get my apps on uh roku apple tv amazon fire tv the ios store or google play store the forbidden knowledge tv app and they can check it all out right there or they can go to forbidden knowledge dot com and see everything we have to offer there you have it people i appreciate y'all tapping in until next time make sure you're not over consumed by low-level conversations so this was a high level tap in 19 keys and this is high level coming back [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 5,056,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, 19 keys, Forbidden, Eyl, Hidden Truth
Id: n70EmdrECn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 10sec (6670 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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