The 2023 Investing Plan

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all right guys welcome back Market Monday yes happy Monday to all happy Monday to all yes yes The Show Must continue we are on the road we've been on the road for a while we were in Columbus Ohio yeah to Columbus we were in Chicago shout out to the shop the west side of Chicago and now quick stop and now we are in Sunny Los Angeles California indeed shout out to L.A always good energy goodbye every single time there hasn't been one time Charlie and then after this we are headed to New York and we are on our way to London yes of course upon time London London so you know just well once again um this is the last call the last call Final Call um London will happen this weekend this weekend we have a VIP experience on Sunday we have a Halloween party shout out to Terence J this took a lot of work putting this together but um you know shout out to my guy dial yes for helping us with this and shout out to Terence J Halloween party will be at Kitty's Club kitties Club Central London Vibe everybody has a VIP ticket gets in for free if not it will be a bidding war at the door conversion not gonna help you this time only only the only the ladies will help you um if you're one guy bring three girls that's good you got to even the ratio three to one okay three to one three to one three to one but um now that's Sunday oh costumes mandatory you have a costume you got it ready you got you I got a little something yeah I got two just in case Two Joints oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know that's the time you're making a change when you go when you're you're married to someone it has to be something that makes sense for both of you and so we were debating for a while and we kind of settled on something and then she had one that she wanted I was like all right we'll just do both just in case I know night of what we gonna do so you gotta teach me I'll be stupid like I'm like this is my way of the highway no that's gonna it's gonna be fun man oh VIP let me just explain the VIP so shout out to Alice good energy yes shout out to Aristotle investment shout out to Caleb um shout out to I believe we got a few other people right uh we got arist will be there absolutely I don't want to say anybody but we're working on it it's gonna be a Vibe the whole the whole VIP thing is going to be a Vibe we got Beyond win Beyond win that's gonna be good yeah we got some UK surprises yeah for sure and then uh you know once you so it's a mixing we're going to have education we're gonna they're gonna present information then we're going to have like you know uh um mix and mango type thing some drinks and some food uh silver yeah yeah yeah Caleb silver will be in there that's a fact yes yes and then oh it's gonna be a legendary night and then the um the party everybody at this VIP is gonna have the party later on get changed get changed and and then Monday Halloween day yes the moment we've all been waiting for ladies and gentlemen Royal Albert Hall we've been talking about this for a very long time um the moment is here and uh it will be a night to remember man uh yes I'm excited man I can't lie Regal please dress accordingly it's going to be something that's going to be special man on the bill on the bill for tonight we have uh Anton Bella Dixon they call him the uh the Tyler Perry of the UK um guys absolutely killing it out there right now um then we also have Patricia bright don't forget about her legend legend in the game Tubidy Stevens will be great for his age yes shout out to be a good dude um we will have the master investing in Wall Street Trapper together shout out to the team first time only we will have eyo 19 Keys together shout out to the Kings another legendary situation we will have uh who else do we have mg the mortgage guys shout out to my brother mg mg the mortgage guy will be in the building um we will also have um and we gotta and Megan and Harry will be there at the end it's a surprise are we working on working on a musical surprise yeah we got a few of those we're working on a big big big big musical surprise so uh get your tickets it's not too late but it is quickly becoming too late so go to invest get your tickets um and meet us there man it's still not too late to come from America plane tickets are still under a thousand dollars so if you want to make the last minute American run you can do that then everybody in Europe everybody in the UK everybody in Africa tickets man we're gonna tell my fellas if you haven't found your Vibe here you may have to come to London like Eddie did and coming to America and meet your vibe there also I don't know anyone that's made Millions off of replays but I do know some people that have made Millions from being there in person please show up everyone's like hey what about the replay all the money's in the networking I can't feel your energy through replay or vice versa show up it's going to be the perfect time to Network build some businesses work on some Partnerships so see all that I'm excited I cannot wait yeah you said Tyler Perry so we I mean we'd be remiss if we did not shout out uh uh Miss Tina Knowles well I was going to talk about that later on we'll get there yeah so we just wanna I wanna give her a personal shout out um what an amazing event she had this weekend um at least tease him with it yeah yeah no no I just wanted to give a huge shout out um specifically to the young uh men and women that she's impacting I got to see that firsthand and that that was that was pretty pretty impressive so shout out to her I'm gonna be I'm not having smiling tonight I'm gonna find out what a Snicker to the truck I got you that's it the last thing is uh big episode tonight tomorrow uh shout out to storm Leroy and congratulations to the guys they just did a conference in Florida yes Ash Cash fam Marvin and storm Leroy and it looked like it was a very successful event so shout out to them so he will be our Our Guest on eyo very interesting conversation with him on real estate he's another one like these nine to five millionaire uh where he actually was working a job at for 20 years he was working for Verizon investing in real estate in Brooklyn and um built a million dollar multi-million dollar real estate portfolio wow act actually still working at Verizon so it's just like the the Jamal King when he was a cop very similar situation so you know a lot of times people say like you know um I'm not a millionaire I don't have time to do this like this is a blue collar person in a very expensive city in New York um so you know a lot of the excuses that people use this is a this is an episode to watch like if he can do it anybody can do it yeah yeah and Star's one of those guys we actually met him two years prior to doing this interview um and he was like I got so much information I want to share and I remember telling them like just keep grinding bro when it's ready the people going to tell us that you need to be in the chair and The Season's gonna be waiting for you and so to see him there and the way he delivered on this episode it's going to be one of those ones that's going to be remembered so shout down yeah and he's a great person and solid dude another thing he delivered on ask Cash's show inside the Vault that's another thing yeah boy he moved some numbers and told a compelling story he definitely did that he did that's what our attention blueprint a lot of people like hey can we do get on the show move some numbers it's like a half a million views yeah shout out to him um all right Troy yeah man I wanted to tell you about our good friends over at Ally right so if you're looking at Banker invest I want to let you know about Ally they're the leading digital Financial Service Company with passionate customer service Innovative Financial Solutions and I will honestly focus on doing it right for both customers and our communities deal with that Ally so that you can save invest and spend on the things that matter most to you for everything we need we are all better off for the Ally shout out to good Folks at Ally and shout out to our good friends at United masses uh Ryan and John and the whole team over there love is love and you know how this works this is disclaimer do your own research our content is intended to be used it must be used for informational purposes only it's very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent the financial advice from professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you hear on our show and what you rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise please people continue to do your research and when it's good sharing but please do not do not do not remix what you return here from the master investors did he did it Irv capitalized on it and now hit make is killing it as well maker oh speaking of that assets over liabilities yeah this week's a big one um burner Legend yes marijuana King Legend Village the legit BMF yeah um super super dope dude extremely humble if you don't know burning I'm sure you probably heard of cookies um have you frequent before no no no I haven't but um you know some people yeah great answer um cookies man okay you know I didn't know how he make he makes so much money off of merch so that episode that episode told me anybody anybody that's interested in the marijuana business which a lot of people are you need to check that out or Revolt shout out to our Revolt family tonight on the television station and then on Wednesday on there YouTube um platform bless you uh so shout out to burner shout out to the Bay Area anybody that's interested in that marijuana situation merch situation building a brand um need to check that out man that's that's a big one he's one of the real part of that blueprint on how to remove merch uh yeah yeah he gave a lot of information he gave a lot of great information he's one of the ones man and I mean I think well he's a second now person ever we've sat down with who's been on a couple of Forbes in the past year cover of four he's covered four he was a cover of marijuana at that that's the legendary special no he's special he was on it like that when we interviewed him it came out that same week exactly we went to the airport and he his face was all over the newsstands for all Forbes that is a fact all right and I love you guys uh no stock Club call tonight I would be traveling to London but I will have the presentation upload it for you guys and swing trading prices um if you want to join the stock Club Lincoln bio you can go to for everybody who's going to be an invest Fest I cannot wait to see you I'm incredibly excited um it's gonna be a show and shout out to the lobby boys you're gonna be up all night boys are back the only way the only way all right so now we are going to a presentation our Encore presentation um because he ended a presentation last week a lot of people was excited about that so we're going to start the slide in different we're going to start the show off for the presentation and then um we'll we'll finish off with some trending topics real quick let me give you the capabilities there you go my brother uh start the show get your notepads ready love y'all you guys tell me sliding in was different so I had to bring them back this week I appreciate you guys so much please tell me what was the biggest lesson that you picked up from last week announcements really quick if you are tired of losing in the market tired of not knowing where to get in where to get out I went to know when big changes in the market are going to happen go to and you can join the stock Club I appreciate you guys so very much let's get right into it um I want more than anything to be a voice of reason for you in the stock market to make this very easy for you um but I am at a place where I'm not here to convince anyone of anything you have every Liberty every right to do your own research I'm here to help you but as we go into this next year and these next two years will be incredibly important for your life especially financially you're going to have to decide whether you're going to follow the blueprint given here or if you're going to sit on the sidelines and be afraid please put in chat I will not be afraid I will execute effortlessly now my favorite segment of the show Ian told yourself I'm just joking in 2024 Apple has announced that they will launch an insurance company and shout out to everyone who tagged me in this post and commented on it on social media at the master investor on Instagram um you can look up Ian Dunlap on YouTube Etc but in 2020 some of you asked me like how did you see this company coming for this company and the real formula I will wait to probably give at Market money is live please go get your tickets but the next Evolution for Apple since they have dominated the consumer space obviously is B2B or Enterprise facing project and what is more important than Healthcare you can argue if anyone is doing a squat analysis and saying hey if I had to take out Tech out of my portfolio and replace it with something what sector would I replace it with and it would probably be Healthcare Eli Lilly is a company that I love um and it's performed incredibly well but if you're looking at the evolution of Apple how many more iPhones can they release how many more iPads can they launch um they are now getting to that wearable space to compete against meta and Zuckerberg but the real gold mine at the end of the rainbow is the healthcare space so since they've been Gathering our data off the Apple watch and all of our sleep data and having us more focused on eliminating distractions even from the iPhone they've been able to take their data compile it and launch a company around that I believe around 20 35 is probably when Tim Cook will retire if he can get this component done and I can even argue for those of you who work in the medical space for those of you that are doctors and nurses if Apple gets upset and decides to redesign the software systems inside of hospitals would it make the process just let's say for charting alone easier in comparison to the software programs that you use now there really only are a few business genres that matter health Financial or investing is another please put in chat what you think the other top three are based on Revenue globally smart move by Apple it will definitely give them a Competitive Edge into the landscape for the next 30 or 40 years and honestly since they have not innovated much on the technology side it's something that they need to move into relatively so and I got an amazing question um is there another way to increase my probability as a Trader by using the moving average most days I get the direction right so I'm checking the week I'm checking the day I'm checking the hour is there anything else that I should do um I've talked about this briefly at invest Fest in Atlanta um but also whatever your day trading time frame is so if you're using a 20 minute all of those will need to match up so like the week chart day chart our chart in 20 minute chart would need to match up before you're able to execute a trade secondly I know I've said it before but there's a difference between information that you hear and and I I really want us to stop getting high off of new information I know it feels amazing to get exposed to a new piece of information because the field the joy that we get from it the Elation that we get from it is amazing but if you don't apply it it doesn't matter um the only thing that is going to teach you how to trade is getting a certain number of Trades and if you have been watching the show for a year or two you haven't gotten in your 300 trades or 100 trades minimum now is the time to do so all your Revelation and honestly and it's not an attack on this brother anyone else but the more question a person asks me about any subject usually his representative of they have not done the work in that space to come up with a conclusion on their own so is there anything else that you should be looking for number one Global macro news so is the market tending to go up or go down this oil this year going up or down this corn going up or down is wheat and Palladium going up or down is the value of only fans girls going up or down everything has a direction it's either up or down there's no in between either a category or business is growing or dying once you know that now you can go through the weekday hour 20 minutes and you can fire away at your trade and then after that it's really just being faithful to your trading plan and also the person that you're following in terms of who is mentoring you or giving you that advice and I saw this amazing quote earlier this week it said if you do not separate yourself from your distractions your distractions will separate you from your goals and the life that you want please put in chat what is stopping you from taking your 300 trades whether you work or you go to school or you know trade and release into your thing isn't it a an amazing feeling to be able to pull money out of the market without having to sell a product service get on a whole bunch of calls a whole bunch of conference calls like it is a skill set that you need to add to it doesn't have to be your primary thing as it is for me I will say you are leaving a lot of money on the table and you're leaving yourself open to a lot of disaster if you don't have the skill set underneath your belt a lot of the reason why I don't worry because I prepared myself since the last crash and I want you to have the kind of calmness piece Serenity relaxation that I have knowing if anything else if no one wants to do business with me right and we've been talking about Kanye a lot and we'll talk about it later tonight one thing I wish I wish I would have been able to grab Kanye two years ago or show them how to trade the market so that way any liquidity that he needed to not be attached to Adidas or Nike he could have provided on his own so if you do not know how to learn how to trade you are always going to be at the mercy of someone else for your liquidity and your financial freedom and I don't want you to have to suffer that fate um prices um have fallen to one of the fastest places on record and I'm not telling you this for doing my Gloom but I want you guys to get used to some of these stats so from uh the National Bank housing price index punch 3.1 percent in September from August that's the biggest month-to-month plunge ever so a year and a half ago when I was telling you hey a real estate crash is going to come there are ways that you'll be able to take advantage of that and as a market has fallen so for those of you who have not purchased a home yet or you're waiting to buy your investment property now will be a good time to start marketing off the prices and real estate the same way you would in stocks if you want to hold for the long term I want to go to some key vix levels real quick for you and I want to give you a homework assignment um and please realize the vix levels for most people represent fear for you I want them to represent opportunity so the vix levels just really represent fear and it's an indicator for when people are worried about where the market is going to be even if you don't know when to get in based on the price of the stock even though I give it to give them to you here on the show if you mark off these levels you'll know when you should start to look to get into the market and before we get to these levels you shouldn't Panic so if you know when to get in because I'm telling you and these levels I think it will make your investing Journey a hell of a lot easier but let me guide you through them really quick so a really quick way when you go to the vets is to mark off the top five highest prices that you see in the market so of course this is the one this is one and then we have these three here that were hit so 85 47 and you can draw a range here so let's say from 83 to 85 if the market got to these levels This Is 2020 and that would be a place that you would look to buy second level would be let's say let me scoot this over for you let's say about 58.29 this would be another level here okay and then let's say hypothetically if we got to and these this is really interesting because here here and here this price was hit three separate times so if we look back here in 2015 2018 early in 2020 this price of 49 41 have been hit three times this is like a very key level that that has been hit three times this is what you would call a triple top this has happened three times and then of course in 2020 it broke through and went from the that 49 level up to 85. so when you see these vix levels let's say you set an alert and let's say you see that we get above this 49.41 level on the vix that would be a time that you wouldn't want to look to buy the S P 500 or any stock if it's in the top two office industry in this if it's in Tech Healthcare I want to be very careful because I don't want you to buy like marijuana company and then all of a sudden this strategy doesn't work so like a top three sector and by the top two companies and in it and if these prices push above so let's say hypothetically I think it will but if next week if we break above and go from 29.69 and we break above 49 and get to 60. this will be an area I would look to start to buy the stock market for the long term now the most important lesson for you and homework assignment is I want you to go back over the last 20 years and figure out what are the top five highest prices the vix has ever achieved so if the market is ever because a lot of times when the market takes a turn for the worst and people are surprised it's only because they didn't prepare while the market was doing incredibly well so if you have these prices marked off in advance they won't scare you as much and then you will start to have a certain level of excitement when it's at like a doomsday kind of level so if I got an alert hypothetically on Zillow and they told me a house in let's say Gary Indiana went on sale for six thousand dollars and normally that house is 35 000 to me that's a hell of a steal these vix levels really tell you the times that you should be staying and looking to buy in the market and when they hit lows as times when the market is not at a level on what you should consider buying let me go let me go back to the Chart real quick so I can show this thing so if you look down here this is uh April of 2020 this is here June of 2020. we were constantly at like 14 dollars 15 in the market down here across the board when the vix is this low and the low over the last five years is 8 56. that is telling you that when volatility is low that is the Calm before the storm then you can see in 2020 we stayed low because of quantitative easing and then once we had a little issue with Corona which was the canary and the coal mine scenario we shot up to 85 and then we slid back down Vicks came back down now we went back to these same lows again and if I compare to the S P 500 listen ERS alone we had all this upper movement consistently month over month and then when the vix starts to move to the upper side the market then slides back down so you don't ever have to guess you don't have to worry about opinion or conjecture or spin you really really want to look at these two things what is the price of the vix number two is it at a low if it's at a low that's when you have to start to get concerned about buying at a bad price if the victims that are high are close towards the high that's when you want to look to begin to buy high quality companies and that's really the easiest three-step system to be able to know when to buy in the marketplace so when I meet a lot of you uh guys in public and I can't wait to see you at Market Monday's live in Madison Square please go get your tickets and in London a lot of you are asking me like historically what are you looking at and now this is my going to be my last time saying it your best bet is to go look back 30 to 50 years on a stock because you really get to study the history of an asset class so if you look back here in 1987 it's my the Year my brother was born this is the year that I tell you that par Tudor Jones made all that money during the crash the vix got to 172.79 trust me the world was on fire and everyone this is like a hundred times worse than what the market is like right now if you look at all of these Peaks 2 000 excuse me 1987. if we go to 1989 here is October of 97 2001 and I know everyone I've told you this before um from 99 to 2001 things were really tough uh the attacks on 911 of course sent them the market spiraling because it was spider spiraling before then then if we go to 2002 one two three four five five times it hit this key level over and over again of 48.62 which is a little bit less than the area we called off earlier a 49 and some change so this 48 to 49 area is a really key level in the vix then we go to 2008 a shot up to 87 bucks nowhere near where the price we were in 1987 but doing all of these times if you would have bought and let's say you would have known to invest in the market every single year and each of these dips um excuse me in each of these Peaks and effects you would have historically made money a 100 of the time if you held for a seven year period if not that complicated but number one you have to go study the 30-year period over and over and over again for every asset class that you are invested in and then after that you want to look and identify what the peak of the market is and even for stocks you need to go mark off homework assignment the top 15 companies that you really love go mark off every Peak so you don't buy at those areas how many of you would have been better off if you would have done your homework on whatever five or ten companies and say hey once it gets ten percent away from this high I'm not touching it I'm not looking at it this is a secret that will help you forever and honestly for me five or six years ago I was sitting in the movie theater I was going through think or swim when I did the same exact exercise I marked off a certain amount of key levels in which it told me to buy and it helped my Trading tremendously and when to buy long term and I hope it does the same and quick question for you why are you not reading every single report that the top five best hedge funds are putting out I talked to the stock Club about this last week but when AMC and GameStop is on fire and you know the whole plan was for crypto to take over the banks and AMC and GameStop would revolutionize retail investing Barclays they put out a strategy to elicit retail buyers to buy more and the hedge fund would make money as the stock was going up and trading it on the way down Goldman Sachs Citadel JP Morgan Barclays every quarterly reports they put out on what they're doing you should read now that's for my Traders traders who like really are in the weeds really want to be great at this if you are not familiar with the strategy that they are running in this case it was a straddle strategy why are you not looking and seeing what your competitors are doing not only as a retail investor and you may think hey I don't need to know that I don't want to work for a hedge fund or trade for a prop firm but if you know how because in every trade there's always a winner or loser and there's always opponents that you have so if I know hypothetically that and a zero interest rate environment majority of all the the big money in the world is going to be invested heavily in Tech it does help my two Tech to index strategy tremendously and if I know when they've stopped buying that would tell me also when to stop buying for those you in particular that do options it would help you probably get anywhere from 300 to 600 percent more return over a two-year period if you knew what they were doing I would argue to say if you want to make any real money and truly have Financial Freedom if you're trading and you do not know what strategies they are running and I hate to say it and it will always be true the hedge funds and banks will always have more power than any retail Traders just because they're putting more money into the system you have to know how they're trading to be able to have an edge but what an amazing feeling it is to know and also be able to work that into your system um next year we're going to talk about it a little bit more in a market money is definitely we are but for sure I want you to be able to trade at least three or four ways you have to be able to make money whether the market is going down whether it is going up whether it is sideways and especially when we have a bunch of volatility like we do now uh talks about it at investments in Atlanta you need to be able to trade four or five things at one time to be able to produce higher gains in a shorter period of time and putting on multiple trades at one time also is a hedging strategy so if you're long oil short es NASDAQ short bonds maybe long natural gas I went into this in more detail stock Club this past Tuesday but please write down what or are the six instruments or assets that you would trade in 2023 to be able to give you wins regardless of what the market does the truth is you have to produce especially for the man man I don't care if the market is down if the market is down for five years what are you going to tell your family when it's time to pay bills baby I can't pay the bills because the Market's been down and now my trading strategy is effed up no it's not gonna fly it is not going to fly in any Market condition if you if they're playing two three Zone you got to learn how to shoot if they're guarding you close man you better have some hand don't be able to go by and finish if they're sagging off you tween tween step back boy light their ass up this is no different right now are you and your trading strategy calibrated to be able to make six figures in a year and a month in a week in a day when you want to if not that's what you have to fix and I'm not big on inspiration I think inspiration is is overrated but there are four documentaries going to 2023 that I need you to check out number one is call icons documentary you can check that out on HBO Max um I would argue with our without car icon and for those who don't know trap told us when he was on uh buttons podcast and a lot of investors know but I want to give my guy credit shout out to trap I can't wait to hang out with you in London and be able to kick it and kill it on stage please get your tickets to invest fast uh Europe but the movie Wall Street is based off of the actions that car icon took in late in the early 1980s so without that inspiration we wouldn't have a diddy Jay-Z P from QC Birdman he was the first person in American history to kind of be known for taking the business breaking it down selling it into parts um fascinating story for all of you that love investing and have true aspirations of doing something incredibly big his blueprint is one that you need to look at and take notes on and follow number two inside job if you have not seen that documentary please do so I know I sent it around what happened in 2007 and 2008 but the lessons are applicable here in this market number three Breaking the Bank another great documentary about the crisis of the last recession and even for my creators I know sometimes when I go through these Financial docs some of people are like I don't need to know that because it really doesn't apply I'm trying to work on XYZ every business that you are in is centered around finance and either you're going to learn some of these tactics and tricks for your betterment or you're going to be on the other side of the table complaining that you are getting robbed by people who know how to use these tactics you gotta pick and especially in a recession it is even more entrenched in the mind of every company who can we Prey Upon to get the most gains from and it's usually those who have not equipped themselves with the information to Shield themselves from being robbed we have a lot of talks about culture vultures and people taking advantage of the community and meanwhile shout out to the good folks that matter everyone's like yo upload my reels I said it earlier the only reason we have so many entrepreneurs right now is because the American Business System cannot support the number of people that we have in the United States of America and these companies cannot fulfill enough jobs I remember when my grandparents talked about this thing called a pension and in this generation I don't even think most people know what the definition of a pension or pension fund is social security is being ran into the ground and I believe and 30 or 40 more years the whole 401K system is going to blow up as well you have to protect you nobody's coming to save you if you end up broke no one gives a damn trust me you don't believe me attacks five people right now and say man I need five thousand dollars for these boys coming to kill me and watch how many people just say baby I'm gonna pray for you God gonna make a way they won't make a way to cash happy but God Gonna Make A Way no one cares you come save you and a lot of times when you do the work gotta for real find a way but you got to put in that work for I wish I can get a person credit for this question uh my apologies for not taking it down but I did get an incredible question of what what I tell myself at the age of 21 it's a popular question like amongst shows and podcasts um so I broke kind of broke them down into categories number one any fear that you have that does not kill you usually is an illusion um I want and anyone around me will tell you this I'm really big on going from the idea or being given that inkling of an idea what y'all call a child to execute an opponent because sometimes it can take so long to execute upon an idea that we end up aborting that greatness out of fear [Music] um what else would I tell myself as far as life Man map out what you want a lot of times I hesitated to do things worrying about what other people um yeah truth be told you just have to map out and go after what you want like if you couldn't fail if no one would tell you no what would you push to do um and I know it's easier said than done but I will be honest with you it sucks to have a goal where you were like this wasn't the real goal but I hit it and now I should have put the same effort into achieving the real thing I was going after um relationships love love with your head now with your heart and fellas Please be aware the person that you picked to be in a relationship with will have one of the biggest impacts on your life whether you know it or not um kudos to anyone I've encountered prior to but I'm just telling you honestly man if some of the people that I was around or dated were still around I would not be able to hit these new benchmarks um that I did in my life so if and a lot of times people ask hey like how do you know if a relationships work I don't know I don't I'm not the expert on the relationships um I'll leave that to other people but if you feel I'ma just be real if you were by yourself and your your business and you were single and you were doing better and all of a sudden you got into a relationship and things are slowing down opportunities are slowing down it's usually a sign of per that that person is insecure of your success whoever you date and it's not just about the money it's not about just about that but you should be able to look at your bank account or your business or your life and say hey I got with this person on this date and then as a result went a hell of a lot better everything is either grown or dying um and as far as health put more time into health happiness Wellness the origins of wealth came from Health First and over the last hundred years that has gotten perverted but most importantly on boundaries I would tell myself at 21 set incredibly hard boundaries and under no circumstances let anyone violate them I got an amazing question um is it okay to buy 200k worth of s p and cash out in 15 years the answer is yes you still want to wait for the right price but if you have a chunk of money and if you can hold for 15-year period man I'll tell you you are going to have some of your best days ever financially for sure you want please everyone please put in chat safety and a stock is sexy so even if it only grows at 10 to 15 percent it is better than being down 40 50 and having to worry about it because you still have to look at the return on time that you're getting for these Investments as well and on the fundamental side when you're looking at what you look at when you're evaluating the company these are some things I want you to add so number one I want you to look at the net margin of a company I like companies with higher net margins for sure number two do they have a superior product or service that their customer base feels is superior and they will not easily switch to another company based on price so we talked about this with Apple's ecosystem crowdstrike as another example but you don't want to heavily invest into a business that easily loses customers over small or incremental price changes number three market share in that space what percentage of that pie do they own number four price and model pricing does matter and I'm even seeing people pop up now saying hey man if uh Netflix is charging 350 for password sharing and it's 6.99 a month for ads I'm not going to subscribe and I in my mind I'm like they're paying 40 million dollars for a TV show is that not worth sitting through one ad but that's the logical enterprising side of my brain and this is why I always say if you are going to start off based on price being low you're going to die based on a low price unless your distribution system is absolutely incredible and those margins are incredibly High next uh what is the percentage of probability of expansion into another territory that no one sees coming so Apple going into the health care and health insurance space as a prime example of that and anyone who's been familiar with apple or Microsoft or Amazon so Amazon has decided to go on the pharmaceutical pill side of it Microsoft I think on the Enterprise side will probably push into that software component more so that Apple will Apple health insurance great um and finally what is the institutional ownership in that company so when I'm looking at a company if a bunch of Institutions Banks hedge funds governments are not invested in it I don't think it's a wise investment to pursue all right so let's go through Warren Buffett's portfolio real quick number one and I'm gonna go buy the percentage that he owns in each Force portfolio number one is Apple of course my baby um I love this stock a lot so yes our number two is Bank of America I don't love uh Bank of America but he has a considerable position in them the price of which he got in was pretty good so um first portfolio strong but I don't love it overall but it is smart to have some Bank exposure in times like this when interest rates are higher Coca-Cola these hat is forever is not a primary company that I would invest in long term but um so I would say no Chevron really hard to argue with the performance of this company over the last couple of months and of course this month has been on the tear it went from 148 to right now 173 19. damn that's that's a hell of a return over a short period of time for oil and gas and this is the thing when you have interest in the company so for a long period of time um Chevron was was flat the state within this range forever so from 1 34 towards the top to 71. it stayed there from 2014. to pretty much 20 20. that's why I tell you guys I want you to buy the Deep edges so if you know the best times will be able to buy down here like let's say just at 71 bucks anytime you were buying at 128 or 130 terrible if you loaded up from 70 to 75 bucks great and I also have 173 anything past that of course you can't touch I would not make a new entry into it right now and then going out a little bit further if we look at 2008 the top was 105. so he got in that one of the best prices and if you can see going back to that theory of Market off the five biggest highs 104 was one of them if we look here 108 was another up here 134 was another so in 2019 it got back to that same level and if you look for Chevron it always has these kind of bottom out moments so here here once again in 2020 here and then the tremendous move to the upside I mean it's been a hell of a range for a long period of time if you look here was the top these were the bottoms these built up a nice channel so when prices just ranged through and we finally had a breakout move to the upside and those channels you need to make sure that you're buying at the best prices and being patient and waiting no matter what anyone else says let's look at American Express American Express yes I like for the long term all of these are five year holes American Express is a pretty good company uh craft don't love this much I understand why you guys expose you to it but I don't like it oxy petroleum great trade great moves great swing to the top side um if we can see back in 2011 that high was 117.89 I couldn't tell them what what to do but if I was talking to second command over at Berkshire I will probably say to get out around 95 bucks with the size that they have I mean if they got in that 25 bucks or 15. they've had a great return um but if you look that high bid that 117 would give me a lot of trepidation to look to hold it past that period of time it's like a US Bank Corp you know uh US Bank Corp don't love solid but I I don't love uh can someone put in chapter primary reason why Warren is heavily invested into the banking sector it looks like the Activision Blizzard I like Activision Blizzard but it probably will slide back down to maybe like that 45 area more than likely 41 is what the area I would like to look the boat long term I like it but with spending down retail pressure down I don't love it um definitely not at this price but Activision I do like for the long term HP I don't like don't like ticker of DBA DaVita is in a healthcare space I do like a ton of upside if we go back to 1999 the the lowest price it was that was 69 is currently at 89.99 and over the last few years has has had a remarkable run up so if he's had this for a while he is doing pretty good in that City don't like City now of course this is just the stock split but if you look throughout the course of time this is since the last recession um city has really stayed within a range of 60 excuse me 81 bucks to like 32. this is the famous trade that I told you art got in back in 2008 but that is a hell of a range a decent swing trade but I would not hold it for a long period of time it's a good Kroger Kroger solid do not love for a sign look at that first time the solid uh you guys can put this on your watch list um stock club members if you're interested in it I will put a price in for us next week but verisign is a good company it's a good Charter [Music] uh has potential definitely has potential it's at 3 30 40 now communication Telecom and communication companies are very tough as a sector I'm not the biggest fan unless I comparemont global no this is hell no right now GM don't laugh um if we get a so companies like GM Ford RC level companies if you are going to buy into a sea level company you have to buy it at the absolute best price possible and in this case um definitely have to go class this year it's like Ford had a nice run up that started to slide down nah GM I don't love I wouldn't recommend putting into your portfolio Visa you guys know historically I do like a lot with Liberty iron ironically enough um I need to do more research on this company but this is the reason why I love doing these exercises and seeing what people are buying um of course great run in 2020 but this is a sleeper that not many people have talked about um I have to see what percentage he oh this is used in this portfolio but um this is one I have not heard talked about a lot you can definitely put this on the watch list let's go to MasterCard I don't know if I have to pick between American Express and Visa and MasterCard I'm definitely going to go ah Visa first just because the number of users in the ecosystem then exp is not really reason to use this right now um let's go alien hey when is a solid move solid move you can definitely put this on your watch list let's go to the next one ticker symbol CE I can see the reason he has in this portfolio he's gotten beat up solid company needs to do some more research on the financials but I will put this one as a maybe as I'm going through these what are the main categories now this is a sleeper ticker mck and since 2019 it went from 109 108.79 it is now at three hundred and seventy dollars and sixty four Cent and three out this year it has been just absolutely kicking ass across the board um these white candles represent upper movement and you can see see that we have clear upside movement and it doesn't seem like we're going to be stopping anytime soon and once again uh Power Player in that Healthcare space uh if we look at United Healthcare I don't think this is in this portfolio United Healthcare is doing well it's going up Eli Lilly going well up into the right let me look at Pfizer Pfizer's down so if you're looking at McKesson and you're looking at United Healthcare I know they're not true comps you don't think apple is looking at four or five of those players and saying hey if we put our branding our loyalty time energy effort resource money um all the trucks we built over these last 30 or 40 years and we've occupied the space that we would not be able to take a considerable market share so if UNH right now is at 5 33 and apple is at after all the stock splits 147. you don't think that then potentially get 19 to 28 market share in that Healthcare space which I'm sure they're aiming for more wouldn't push that stock up to the four or five hundred dollar March absolutely um of course let's go to Ally I lost taking a fall recently um foreign fifty one is a mark where I like to load up the boat shout out to Ally um let's go to snowflake snowflake I don't like I don't see I like the idea of I get this stock has not proven itself out yet um but this is positioned for a moving all right let's go to T-Mobile T-Mobile surprisingly has done the well for the Telecom space this one is one that I do like let's go to Globe Life ticker GL oves again what category is Globe Life and ticker GL has done incredibly well um I would definitely add that one to the watch list [Music] took her mko foreign Restoration Hardware let's go with the tower [Music] even though it's on the higher end in the lower interest rate environment I like it better um but no but it does tie well what business do they currently own Berkshire that pairs well with this business please put that in chat that's the quiz question for tonight I don't love it for the long term um and Retail normally does great after economy recovers it's not one of the first things I will look to invest in as the market is falling part second Johnson Johnson is doing relatively well Mandalay talked about that before I would argue it is a sleeper that most people have not focused on because it is an international stock but I did talk about this one in 2020. um [Music] and let's look at PNG to close out solid solid can you guys see why I often say to focus on the top two in the space you really don't need four or five stocks in inside of the same category over and over again um at some point it's redundant and once again in a recession there's only a few companies that are really going to bounce to the upside but you really need to keep your attention on the companies on the institutional side the hedge funds the banks what they are looking to buy but once again I want to tell you I love you I appreciate you thank you guys so much um what was the biggest lesson you learned tonight and it's most important after this take notes then go apply um all the answers that you really want you are going to get revealed to you by doing you're not gonna learn by endlessly asking questions it is up to you to go do for my Traders find one new age a week look at that beautiful ass wave As We are continuing this down cycle find one new Edge per week that will allow you to be a better Trader to get more gains in the marketplace I know for some this is a terrifying time study wave patterns more moon cycles more um anything regarded I'm telling you wave patterns are going to help you understand the cycles of the market and the bigger the wave the better foreign one of the top 15 companies that fell apart and how long did it take them to recover by sector so if you're investing in banking and you're saying hey the bank should do well in this recession great compare what the interest rates were by decade to know and get an average win banks are going to recover when Tech is going to recover and your answers will be there I love you all there's really nothing else to teach it is time for you to go do for those of you that I will see in London I love you I appreciate you I cannot wait to connect and I cannot wait to link Stockholm stock Club family I'll be sure to drop a whole bunch of voice notes and gems um I cannot wait to see you there I cannot wait to see you at Market Mondays in Madison Square I feel I have given my all I'm in every instance to teach you every secret that I know now I need you to go do the research on your own and bring me back the information that you've ascertained from doing the work for my Traders trade less with bigger size and heart for a bigger Edge I don't want to see you in three or four months and you're still saying hey I'm trading five contract 710 opportunity is too big and I know I know a lot of you hit me and say everyone's not meant to go but you can't you can't I feel you but damn I'm gonna try and at least throw a lie about to something and say hey do more do do better be more fearless and approach trade and investing is not hard and once you have your trades on please get up and walk away because those same trades you can get up and walk away from will allow you to walk away from some opportunities projects that you want that you don't want to be involved with choice is yours like I said at the top of this presentation I'm not here to convince you or anyone else if anything you can do whatever the hell you want I am just going to tell you what I am going to do in the process what's the number one goal that you're looking to achieve over the next 10 years mine is still the same to get the highest returns of any investor or Trader on Earth excluding nobody once you have your clear goal that'll be your compass another make putting the time on this journey a lot easier for you I love you guys over and out all right that was amazing yes outstanding presentation in yeah that that's the it's the common voice I almost forgot how calming the voice is over these presentations it makes it feel like oh I can do this or is it en presentation in presentations that kind of Rhymes Ian prison Ian presentation that's that's a new name in presentation try thinking about it audience what do you say I'm thinking presentation the presentation it's like it's like it's like going to the Rucker like you got to have a name like the presentation that's your name the presentation okay the Indian presentation the presentation man I can't wait to be attract good on stage boy it's gonna be three in a row unlike the Lakers 0-3 shot a day shout out to him shout out to LeBron James you might have seen us we went to the game um the referees actually did them with this service by um calling that that wasn't a flop that was actually oh you're talking about the offensive foul that was actually a foul yeah I looked at you I told you it was Dame Tom shout out to brownie who recently passed uh NBA ref yeah it was a good brother absolutely sure for sure um all right so that was an amazing presentation per usual so we just we got a couple of uh uh trending topics that we're going to talk about but before that Market Mondays live Madison Square Garden um let's just talk about this briefly Madison Square Garden November 27th November 27th I understand what's going on here that is Black Friday weekend we got Josh Brown we'll be in the building we got um we got the Einstein of Wall Street Peter tuckman will be in the building yeah shout out to the brother yes yes yes we have Don Peebles yes legendary billionaire real estate developer shout out to Don he just received his uh Lifetime Achievement Award at the the Grio Awards so shout out to Don congratulations um presentation yeah presented him with the awards so shout out to him um shout out to my guy mouse Jones I love Mouse gonna have me so hyped up boy trap karaoke we have secured a performer but I can't say it oh I can't say it yet I can't say it yet just understand that everybody in the chat please put drop the name right now when it comes to news when it comes to New York City let's just say this when it comes to New York City and when it comes to lyrical assassin highly respected never lost never lost a promo for this it was very clear that's actually a good clue yeah because that's that's you probably just gave away a few people have lost even the most highly respected people of all time right just say it might have lost now I can't say his name I'm talking about who you're saying the highest respected people that I've looked I'm just saying I know you talk some people have lost but this gentleman I got stronger has never has never lost I I told y'all jerseys will be hung yes on 27th of November banners will go up it's gonna be nice to remember man I don't know if I'm not sure why you would not want to come um yeah you know if you don't come you don't want to be rich I mean real basically definitely pretty much basically pretty much your choice yeah we got next week next week hopefully by next week we'll be able to announce the musical side um and the big boy well yeah we got to get the update on that too oh yeah as soon as we send it over we'll be yeah okay oh yeah um oh yeah this is the part usually where I ruin the surprise I'm not this week tune in next week though when we announce this boy there will be no tickets we may have to do a night too [Laughter] prices ticket prices will be raised inflation yeah 900 per ticket gave y'all six weeks inflation will kick in at some point probably next week so yeah Lincoln bio Market Mondays live show the last show of the year A Night to Remember Madison Square Garden whoa all right Ric Flair whoa let's get into this let's get into this uh q a uh I gotta ask y'all y'all look like y'all had a great time y'all going y'all went and got your facials chemical peels right magic was there so y'all with Jalen shout out to me what are like the three big lessons that you took away from being in the room because we all have a globe when we be around people we're inspired by right both of y'all are like Pikachu beaming right now what are like three big lessons you took away uh from the event yesterday yeah for sure I think um once again relationships is extremely important and you know we met a few other people that we what that we didn't take pictures with like Ben Harwood that was my first time actually meeting him he probably was the richest person there absolutely if you don't know if you don't know what's in hallway says Ben Harwich is the CEO co-ceo of um address which is one of the the top potential Capital firms in the world I think he's worth like um 20 billion dollars like that his net worth is like 20 billion dollars um he's the one that got nods into Vinci Capital he's the one that got Kanye like a lot of the artists because he's a really big hip-hop he's a hip-hop head we actually had a conversation with him uh last month at um at the clf event and we talked about KRS one Chuck D and MC Shin for like 20 minutes I know we always talk about people who invite to the cookout Ben is cooking at the cookout oh yeah I was like I was blown away he was just like yeah and then we ran into Fab Five Freddy and he's like that's what I'm my best friends in the world I'm just like yo this is crazy yeah yeah so shout out to him but it was a bunch of people there shout out to the tavio shout out to um a bunch of people the tabios ahead of evolve you know it's great great guy by the way but one long story short I learned that um you know just relationships is extremely important and that's the real key because even the magic situation how that came about was you know we saw magic and um Jalen obviously we know Jalen Rose because we just interviewed Jalen wrote so I'm like all right you know you can always walk up to somebody and just introduce yourself but it it doesn't really it's not this it's the same as if you get an introduction so I'm like yo Jay can you do me a favor he's like what's up I'm like can you introduce us to Magic he's like yeah that's easy so you know he introduce us to Magic and Magic was super cool and we actually had a conversation with him like we was talking he was talking about financial literacies like it's important business let's chop it up he's like and then he did something that he did a few things that was very um very stuck out to me so I had a glass of wine in my hands I'd be like let's take this fish he's like he's like but put the glass of wine down he's like you're a businessman like you always want to be seen in the proper light he's like don't let anybody discredit you and they'll use they'll use anything to discredit you so he's like just put the put the glass of wine and we can take the picture so I'm like okay that that's something that you know stuck out to me because I wasn't thinking about it but I understood where he's coming from with that and then he did something that a lot of people do that even I do afterwards so Jalen's introducing us he gives us the whole plug magic like you know we talking to him and afterwards he's like um he's like Jalen like link it up and once again that goes back to a relationship like you know what I'm saying it's like so now Jalen they tell me like yeah I'm gonna link it up so you gotta have if let's say we did some bad business with Jalen Rose or we put out a clip and tried to you know sensationalize something just to get some views it might have helped us in the short term but look at the bridge that we would have heard in the long term yeah you know what I'm saying so that relationship is extremely extremely we always preach that all the time but people don't I don't think they get it yet like yeah can I add to your Bridge yeah you can ask one quick question for you before you jump in because I think this is yeah yeah relationships in comparison of stock are how much more valuable if you have to put a multiple on it 10x 100x yes it's 100. it's never the highest multiple it's everything yeah it's highest multiple it's everything my bad trouble go ahead but I need to take it out because I mean so that was the bridge right if we're climbing up the bridge right or the ladder in that sense right jail in the magic like you know what I'm saying just having that relationship but also we put out an episode last week with Mario Kelly who's from Detroit and we actually ran into him in Chicago and he was telling us about the impact that the episodes had and all the feedback he's been getting from it and he said you know one of the things I would love to do is to get with Jalen like yeah I want to clean his school so I was telling Jalen I'm like hell we just put out this episode with this guy from Detroit you know he has every arena in the city and I said he's trying to connect with you he was like that's crazy because the first thing I thought when you said that he has a status and you see in the cleanings I want him to come work at the school so now we're going to be able to bridge that now so now like that's fine we just put out an episode from the same city and both can add value to each other and now they're going to do that so that's that's what that's just the power relationships and the power of just networking just being in the right place at all the time man it's incredible and then I'll add a few more things to the relationship thing so we see magic but we also see Tyler Perry I was gonna go there oh yeah yeah so so the power relationship but the power of of keeping your being in uh have an Integrity um and it goes to a long long way so the first thing we did when we got to the the event is um I just happened to run into uh one of his assistants uh Chantal and she recognized us and said hey I love you guys you guys are so great so professional I love all the stuff that you did for uh Mr Perry he's about to show up I'm like oh wait wait he's about to show up this is perfect we just walked in and now he's coming here and um as he you know he he came to the event and she ran into us again she stopped him and said hey there goes earn your leisure and he was like oh my gosh like it was just that automatic hey I'm connected with these guys I you know we did this obviously we didn't investors and that was a huge success but the fact that we treated every email every interaction with integrity and we were uh people of our word with everything we did with him yeah she was like look you have to stop because that's on your legion right everybody that wanted his attention but she was like no let's just stop and he was gracious enough to have a brief conversation but doesn't take the picture and you know in exchange that you know what if we ever need anything in the future just let him know now it was actually a good conversation because when I told him he was you know he was talking about him that's fast and he was asking us you know everything was going on and I said you know congratulations he just put out a movie I was like congratulations and I'm gonna give us anything that we can do to ever help you just let us know and he stopped for him he stopped for a minute he looked at me and he was like yeah nah I'm gonna hold you to that he's like he's like I'm gonna need something like he's like like the way he said it was like he didn't expect me to say that because most people don't look to help yeah but he was always looking to take but it's like now that you do say that you actually can add some value so let me think about how you can add value and and then whatever he gonna ask us to do I mean of course that's nothing to do but I just feel like you know that's once again invest Fest that comes from so that comes from invest Fest but invest Fest relationship comes from Steve Harvey Steve Harvey relationship comes from tabidi to that comes from Nicole and I heart so yeah domino effect domino effect domino effect so it's like compound interest on relationship and you don't know who you don't know how that's going to spin like you know what I'm saying so it's like all right if we just said Nicole and you might not you never know that Nicole is going to introduce you to this person that's going to introduce you to Steve Harvey and Steve Harvey's going to introduce you to Tyler Perry like let's say we would have just been like nasty to Nicole right none of that happens yeah you never know who knows that's the butterfly effect that you don't see like you know what I'm saying like you don't see you just think you're talking to one person but you don't know you're talking to 10 different people people yeah yeah it's 1 000 true and that's the thing like just even and it's not just about like hey she can help us book Talent like I we I call her just to check in to make sure everything's good it's like having those type of relationships is extends far beyond any type of show or podcast it's a positive relationship and so if there's anything that ever comes up oh hey I got this situation in Jamaica that you know you guys might be interested in of course we're going to be at the top of Iman just based on that relationship but another relationship too just talking on that was uh we did we went to Howard uh in April and we were on the panel and uh you know representative from shea moisture was there and uh she actually was at the gala again last night and that relationship that we just established with her she was like you guys are great we have to do something with you we have to let alone you know a month prior we would just with the CEO of shea moisture Rich Jenison was like he was saying the same thing fast forward we met the the CEO of Essence Festival last night or the other night and it was just like wow this is like 360. this thing is happening it's like a revolving doll of just every time we step into another space with meeting somebody and we're networking again and now more relationships are being enforested so when people like yo you guys are everywhere you guys are everywhere yeah we're very intentional about being everywhere because you never know who you're going to run you can't connect with everybody via DM or on replays no no you got some things you got to do in person man and it's like today this was a good week because this this summarizes the whole journey for us like yeah we we in Hollywood and we connect them with all of those people but we also in the same week was in Columbus Ohio at a high school at a high school in Columbus Ohio the furthest thing away from Hollywood as possible right and then we go to Chicago and so it's like you got to keep that balance too because ultimately the grass with the people have championed us and the people have elevated us to even be able to reach Tyler Perry's Steve Harvey different things on nature so we can't just can forget about that that's important yeah yeah that's that's just as important as us going to a Gala I would argue because if the people Champion you yeah for sure that Groundswell can push you to the doors that you know why you stopping and talking I'm like you have to no you have to and um so yeah so I just want to put that out there too because we we're saying this and this you know you can't forget what else happened and you know like I said even now we're in high schools in Columbus Ohio on a Wednesday night and shout out to everybody Columbus the love was amazing and shout out to everybody in Chicago but you know you gotta do it all you gotta do it all it's like it's like a politician that's why I always give the politician like a politician don't give like a speech in you know Huntsville Alabama and then they'll be at a black tie dinner in New York City for ten thousand dollars a plate with every single billionaire you know because they're both important they're both important you got to be able to hit all spectrums yeah and chat why you say Columbus Ohio shout out to the Maurice correct you know just another another this relationship that she's been forced he actually introduced me to somebody that you know I grew up just watching and it was one of my favorite players of all time Clinton Portis and so we connected just because exactly and you know he's he's had some his story's just so compelling I just about that but you know I often just you know if I can add value to anything you're doing if you need help with something just let me know and he was like yo bro I appreciate that whole Harley like this is somebody I used to wear to Jersey and go to like I drove to DC to watch these guys play so it's incredible man you never know man you just never know and for everyone at home listening if you feel like you can't you know I've recently saw this on drink Champs in a good tip that meat gave me ghosts if you can't fly across the country become the hottest in your city or neighborhood and just help there a lot of people always want to know like what's the easy formula to help those around you if those around you get traction you never know who they may know and it is spread so don't feel like this is impossible for you to do as well but if you can get out there and kiss babies shake hands like we've been doing get your tickets to invest fast y'all haven't seen me hopping on planes going like you have to show like people can't feel your integrity and spirit online I'm telling you a lot more doors are going to open in person so please write in chat how many people or events are you going to go to in 2023 and have your best year ever and when you do it when you add value don't look for anything in return Yes just do it like that was one of the things like I watched Richard Lawson and and Miss Tina Knowles Lawson the impact that they were having on these young people's lives it must have been 50 young men and women on stage like I would not have known that that was happening if I wasn't there they're just doing this every day every week every month all year adding value to Young people's lives and encouraging them to be the authentic selves we had a young lady who gave a a just an amazing uh Speech she actually uh is a poet now she said she was reading on a second grade level now she's in front of a thousand people just reading her poem that she just wrote it was just like that type of impact is not being highlighted but it's happening and so just add value don't look for anything in return just figure out how many people you can impact on a daily basis the last thing I want to say about this this is Rick Ross said probably the realest thing I ever heard in my life he was like yo y'all ask y'all y'all y'all what like people that's like super successful you know to help you out he said the analogy that he gave is like he was like I don't know if he said a well or ocean he was like but like if you want to well like on like you at the bottom he's like somebody that's super rich super successful they not going down to get you they're not he's like they might not even they're probably not even gonna look at you he's like you gotta get to the top like almost close to them they might stick their hand out like a little bit like a little bit like a little bit yeah so that's so real because you gotta do the work to put yourself in the room just like now I'm saying like a lot of times people look at it the wrong way where it's like I gotta get in the room yeah that's half the battle but you gotta actually provide enough value where you're invited in the room yeah so don't even worry about nothing else just put the blindness on folk I promise you once you get hot everything is the law of inertia once you get hot everything will happen for you then people are gonna wanna work with you they're gonna reach out to you're gonna be able to rub shoulders with different people I promise you nobody on that level is coming to save you they're not going down they're not going down to get you I promise you that won't happen like I said like he said like at the very least if like if you little below them they might like a six inch little nut but I may throw a little line out to save you that's it and people say why like even if you take Boosie and young blue situation Boosie found blue blue blew up now all of a sudden that's not as artists it happened with Meek and other artists A lot of times when people are up here they're afraid to reach down because once they pull you up what if you're not loyal it happens a lot 2001 I was in grind family Studio Shadow C boy he was like get so hot that nobody gonna hurt me until you know it's the best piece of advice that if for those you that are trying to break out forget the algorithms forget funnel hacking and all that that's the secret it gets so hot that nobody can ignore you undeniably guy that is a fact all right so let's talk about some investing what is your investing game plan for 2023 um I want to ask you guys first but since you asked me um I'll um Kick It Off I think 2023 will be like in a rebound year I think we'll be good I'm gonna go a lot heavier on the buying I plan to at least double or triple the amount of shares that I bought for 2023 on a long term side and then put more Automation in when it comes to swing trading and day trading so those are the three things that I'm really focused on I'm I want to like run the table this year and get like 72 trades in um and go undefeated that's my goal for 2023. um and also find one or two companies that are bound to break out so if a this is a good homework assignment is the CEO of the company that you're invested in a good CEO when we don't have zero percent interest rates and if you can start to weed out the companies that have never been through this cycle before it will stop you from investing in 95 percent of companies if you look at like beyond meat they're down 95 percent from its high right um that team is not battle tested in a high inflation environment so those are my three um automation on a trade in The Swinging trading side double or triple the amount of shares so by the time we get 27 we'll be okay and um go on undefeated for the year what about you guys um yeah long term you know buying that extreme dips buying dips long-term uh Index Fund um ETFs that I believe in and you know maybe wanted to stocks but other than that pretty pretty just you know back to the basics really um of long-term just wealth building and I feel like you know you don't necessarily have to take risks especially once you have some level of you know cushion um it's not really a good lesson yeah it's not really necessary to take risks um and you know you compound interests and seven percent that's that's what you start talking about real money over the course of time so a lot of times you know you kind of um get Jaded by trying to you know hit home runs every single time but it's really not probably the best way to go about it um buying opportunities for things that you know are pretty much sure bets like the S P 500 um and you can just hold it for a very long period of time um I think that you know we're in position to do that even now but you know if if it continues this Rocky path then you know that's a long-term strategy where you know it's just it's opportunity just to put money in if you if you have money but me personally you know I'm definitely looking to to just do that and just keep adding to that something I've been doing like I put money in Microsoft S P 500 um like xly stuff like that where I just feel comfortable you know it's not going to keep me up at night and I'm not even worried about what's going to happen in the next year or two because I'm looking at it for you know a long-term play 20 years down the line so it's just you know that that that safety net as far as you know not not risking not risking a lot of capital yeah uh I'd say just just more strategic investing um adding to some of the companies that I I'm trying to get to a thousand shares at I've done that with a few already um and so I actually ran into a young gentleman he was like I finally get why you're doing a thousand shares and he was like I was like wow why are you why you think I'm saying do a thousand shares he was like because now I could do cover calls oh my God well you could do that with a hundred but if you get to a thousand now you can actually have ten of them and so that was part of the strategy and I'm glad that some people caught that and we're doing that so added to a few more companies getting a thousand shares and hopefully getting up to 2000 at some point um but I'm really especially in like right now obviously uh uh building my custodial accounts for my kids is one of my main focuses going into 2023 yeah obviously I I've set the long-term Investments for myself and they have some shares of some other companies too but putting more focus in theirs um because we're talking about when we talk long term obviously in the custodial account we're talking maybe 15 to 20 years yeah so they can you know they can never see any type of return not not any type of return or hopefully they don't take anything from it in that time so that's going to be a main focus of mine um and just more strategic uh investing uh finding sectors that you know are going to have some type of value in this this economic downturn like we said that there's going to be a bull market somewhere yeah and so just you know pay attention to that and finding you know spots finding spots like we said a few weeks ago when when I heard that OPEC news okay there's a spot there let me see what we you know with the right research and the right technicals if there's something we can do um to make a great trade so just doing that real strategic about it we'll calculate it yeah well what what the interest rates adjusting and going up how has it affected your options trades and have you taken less trades this year in comparison to the year prior uh yeah for sure it's been one of those like sit back and wait and that's kind of how it was set up anyway you know when we were trading our options we were doing leaps out to two years and so a lot of those those leaps are still in play obviously with the pullback the percentages have gone down because yeah uh you know like the NASDAQ has pulled back like we said 30 and the s p is down 23. so we we're aware of that um and sometimes you know your options trades that you do they don't pan out that well right like I had a TSM call I was just looking at my portfolio of the day you know I had had a number that was that was in in uh the green and it was like all right well we see that just pulled back coming let's get a lower number that that would that seem like we're working it didn't um so you know that's what I said when I said about being more calculated and being more traditional things like that like so yeah less trades definitely though this year let's change for me this year for a few different things obviously because the stock market is down so but more important not even an interest rate thing I think would really it's um it's hard to do two things at one time so obviously you know our schedule has you know dramatically increased as well so it's like you know you guys see what's your focus you know that's important so my focus is is growing a media company and you know billion dollar valuation these are things that I'm really focused on I'm not necessarily focused on trading so what happens is that even if you have a skill set if that's if you're not focused on it you can make mistakes yeah and so it's like and in this level you can make mistakes that can cost you a lot of money so it's like you know people that's focused on it like if you focus then you're looking at the market every day all day and you're in front of your computer but I'm not doing that right now it's impossible I'm traveling I'm doing different shows I'm doing interviews you know doing our show doing remote show doing Market Monday so yeah that's why it's like all right what's the most intelligent thing to do for me the most intelligent thing to do is grow the business make as much money in a business as possible and then do safer long-term Investments and not have to worry about because I don't I'm not like I need the money like you know what I'm saying like so it's like everybody's situation is different yeah but you know I feel like you know you just have to be careful and this goes for anybody be careful trying to do too many things at one time like you're trying to be you know a real estate agent and you're trying to be a day trader and you're trying to be a social media uh influencer and oh boy on the side certified lovable yeah just you know just understand like you know it's better to be a master of a one trade or a few trades and a jack of all so yeah that's that's kind of been you know my situation and then like I said of course with the with the whole Market going down I sold I've been I think I told this story a few times before but I sold a lot of my options months ago which was very beneficial I wish I actually would have sold all of them but I sold a lot of them I accident once I saw this situation I said I'm not playing this game yeah exit exit um and just hold money and then I put a lot of that money back into the market just long-term place so you know long-term investing safer place that's what I'm into right now but um you know still have the skill set to trade if I want to but right now it's not a real problem I'm not it's not focus on the main thing yeah yeah I think on the last episode of this year I'll tell the trade that I made on January 3rd I think I told you in on January 3rd of 2020 uh to the one of the most historic days in my trading career yeah yeah yeah all right [Music] um so all right so Elon plans to lay off 75 of Twitter um this will make the company Better or Worse what do you think I hate to say it um Elon is going to get on this car icon corporate Raider thing I think it's a brilliant move I think Twitter has been too comfortable with not having to perform at a high level Shadow 19 keys um I think as a result those that are there and that remain they are going to have to bring a tremendous amount of value because if the company's been flat pretty much eight to ten years if everyone's comfortable and we see it a lot in tech companies um they're especially when interest rates were at zero people are hiring too much like even when I went to meta I'm looking I'm like okay lunchroom beautiful layout view is amazing I'm calculating this lunch probably costs 15 million dollars a year though where have these resources could have gone and we all know of course we want to employ but to everyone that works I I've said this since the beginning of the show you have to know if you're paid what multiple are you giving the person that writes your check the easiest way to have job security is to say hey you're paying me 115 000 a year as a result I'm returning you six hundred thousand dollars in gross revenue you'll never get fired uh most people at Twitter cannot tell you right now and shout out to everybody that's what I love you um what value they are bringing about multiple they're bringing for their paycheck and as a result with Elon taking it over in order to have a chance to survive during this recession I think yeah um this is a smart move and they're not the only tech company that needs to lay off majority of the staff so you're taking the lessons more approach absolutely yeah because I mean when when the article obviously you know people who saw the news of it and a lot of the feedback was how does it help the company grow right like if you're you would assume with Elon coming on board obviously it's going to be an influx of people that follow him just because it's like oh well he's on Twitter it's going to be free speech again yeah larger influx of people less work for us will it be will they be able to facilitate and handle the bandwidth that comes with that they're going to have to right now we're gonna have to but is it going to be done efficiently yes I was gonna like honestly in a recession I didn't want to have to learn about mogami XLR cables 4K 60 frames per second lighting right I didn't want to have to learn how to deliver information mess up in this interview give bad attitude come back and do calm voice voice over and master during a recession you have to learn how to do more things like imagine if I said hey I want to do the show but I want to do any lights I want to do any presentations I want you all to master the audio you're like bruh let me get Michael here I'll give him the talking points right people have to learn to do more with less in order to survive the storm so everyone that's on that ship at Twitter and Google and snap oh man I'm I'm afraid snap if they don't write this that they may go under if they don't get more funding everyone on the team has to do more and in my personal experience I see everyone wants the goal or the championship or the Rolex or the Bentley in the car and don't want any of the workload how has Twitter a company with that reach in almost every celebrity using it stay flat for a 10-year period during a zero interest rate environment but parlor takes off when yay buys and we can talk about that later and then uh only fans comes out and takes off to the upside and be real takes off and Twitter is flat Snapchat comes and have their Glory Day huge mistake I think people got too comfortable with just having a seat at the table and not having to do anything we'll see we'll monitor this situation all right well last question before we wrap uh the one tactic That Grew your business the most this year tactic I'd just say I would probably just say for us uh it's just been non-stop man consistency and yeah we're gonna say it and until people really embedded in their brains like and this this week this past week is one of those it's just a testament to it like we just don't believe that people are going to be able to operate our travel schedule's been crazy we just we just don't feel like people are going to be able to out workers um and we we know the tasks that's on hand there's a bigger Mission and we're at the Forefront nothing and we can't stop now and so just being consistent and Relentless about this man being relentless and Relentless pursuit of the next thing and never settling um they did I wouldn't say any tactic it's just been that um so yeah yeah just consistency man absolutely Relentless y'all have done that McDowell shout together look like you better not get a real answer but give the people something they can use and honestly I want to tell everyone like I'm not just trying to get you guys to come to the events but sometimes when you get to see us interacting in these circles it gives a perspective on if you're doing enough or not so you have to be there to feel the energy see some of the systems even seeing like a b run around Matt run around trap run around I know everyone thinks the travel part is fun it is not it is grueling but it's definitely worth it for me um just keeping my focus on speaking the truth and focusing on results um I know sometimes people will see the clips and if you're only seeing eclipse of me even like when the first David Chan the clip came out I was like you couldn't have put the part about me talking about Xander in first because I sound crazy In that clip but he was like it worked out brother I'm like all right um so you you have to have a result behind the sensationalism but for me it's just focusing on the result and then you guys have seen it this year of me being on the road shaking hands and kissing babies a hell of a lot more um but the result is always the number one thing you have to focus on figure out in your space how you can help people get a better result than everyone else a bunch of doors will open up I promise you yeah yeah and uh for me I would say just um collaboration probably the best thing that we've done since day one yeah and have continued to do last year we collaborated with 19 keys that was extremely beneficial for all parties involved we collaborated with Steve Harvey that was extremely beneficial uh uh you know of course this is an ongoing relationship an ongoing partnership with Market Mondays um yeah a bunch of people you know more stuff that we're looking to collaborate on um working with uh UTA shout out to them shout out to them um United Masters yep great collaboration with them uh uh who else clf shout outside yeah so yeah I mean it's just a matter of just for I think you know working with people man collaboration is key collaboration um Partnerships doing different you know situations and just finding a way to you know building that because you can only go so far by yourself so you can run fast by yourself but you can run far as a pack so gotta pick which one you want to do these are these are these are wise words from a decent London we are on our way see you in a few days um shout out to all the good folks of the UK get your tickets best a weekend to remember this is gonna be one for the books um all of the the culture we're gonna bring the culture London Bob's Halloween party VIP experience Royal Albert Hall partying you're not doing what you did last year right you're not doing something in the room right we don't have enough days do we have enough days to do that yeah I always got enough days man might end up in Paris I'm my son will be on the trip that's his first it's gonna be his first time traveling across no he's been across Seas before but it's been his first time in in Europe in London so um he's excited he's excited about that so um saying that I'm definitely staying out oh yeah we all saw yo we outside but I just want to have travel uh travel Mercy on everybody that's coming from the United States that's coming to the UK um to join us in this this uh historic event um I hope everybody gets there safe um and obviously the UK you know it's a beautiful place they're gonna welcome us with open arms but I want to make sure that everybody that leaves from here gets their save y'all gonna be in for a tremendous a tremendous experience man we had a great time in London in February it's going to be even better this time around so I'm excited to see everybody and uh be outside with everybody the lobby boys will be there we will be there it's going to be his story I can't think of another word I would say it's going to be I can't wait yo historic is probably the most fitting I think it's going to be a Regal situation A Night to Remember um yeah man what y'all looking forward to the most uh just getting back out there man you know I'd love to travel man I love traveling is my favorite thing in the whole entire world so last time we was out there the energy was just such an amazing Vibe connecting with the people um seeing people travel that's a good thing like people travel from all over to come and they just talk to you and you know London is one of those cities man I wanna get the restaurant Bob going get the you know the club Vibe going get everything man so I'm just looking forward just to being back in London being back you know across another girl fight too I'm I'm definitely looking forward to uh stepping inside that Royal Albert Hall um I think actually she just keeps teasing us with these videos and yeah and it just looks so incredible um I mean she had to she had the the span of the people who actually performed it on the wall and I'm just looking like that's gonna be us next week so I'm just looking to feel that energy walking inside that space I I'm excited for the soundtrack I like the show I'm obviously but I just want to walk in that building and feel that energy so we can really grasp what was happening because people are just like yo y'all performing with so now I just want to I want to feel that energy like for myself that um billboard legendary yeah let's do that don't forget that that's a all right that's Manchester act like that's a regular everyday thing check your local train station if you're in London second build second largest billboard in the continent of Europe legendary oh my WhatsApp got hacked so if anybody's asking you to cash out them or anything crazy that is not me uh before please let Zuckerberg know I need to get my account reset my dumbass I'll text him back just send me a WhatsApp code I'm like I don't speak Spanish boy it was over with foreign so I gotta learn but uh don't reply to any whatsapps if you get them for me UK family hit me on uh DM IG so we can connect do you have it ladies and gentlemen um once again shout out to everybody that was at uh the galley yesterday extremely beneficial um shout out to the goat Hove was in the building he definitely was in the building and Beyonce was in the building shout out to Kendra G we'll put on the performance Kendra geesh paid fifty thousand dollars for a Beyonce show uh yeah International did she yeah it was a bidding war it started at 10 000 and it ended up at 50 000. the market remove Kendra been cooking though like shout out to everybody back home power 92. Kendra been cooking the last year yeah yeah yeah that was that was a performance and talking about performances uh let's see what some of these these stocks do this week it is obviously it is a big week for earnings uh so we'll just run down a few that are happening obviously uh tomorrow we have Microsoft and alphabet and chipotle reporting and Spotify on Wednesday we got meta shout out to the books Ian that's when you do the wave right there to the good Folks at meta yes uh Thermo Fisher it will be your point on Wednesday as well Thursday we got Shopify Amazon Intel uh McDonald's will be reporting MasterCard so we got some heavyweights in there and then on Friday we got the the big oil companies we got Exxon and Chevron W reporting so it's a big earnings week make sure y'all y'all pay attention if you're in some of those positions uh you should be paying attention all right so that is our earnings calls of the week and before we go we got to give a quick shout out to all our people at Ally I want to let you know about a great choice if you're looking at bank or invest allies a leading digital Financial Service Company with passionate customer service Innovative Financial Solutions and our relationship focus on doing it right for both customers and our communities get with allies so you can save invest and spend all the things that matter most to you for everything we need we're all better off with an outline yeah yeah all right guys we will see you tomorrow shots of Leroy storm big episode storm Leroy storm Leroy big episode and uh London we're on our way yeah we'll see you there make sure you got your costumes ready Lobster and truffles that's a fact that's what someone's menu tonight what y'all doing I like La y'all I'm I'm like what y'all doing yeah we on our way yeah we outside of course y'all be good Love Is Love peace
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 174,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: fw_OAS9P9lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 28sec (6388 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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