Mail Time #7: Four Mini-Reviews!

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welcome back everybody today is my seventh mail time video where i take a look at four items that were sent to me in the mail it's actually been about nine months since my last mail time video so i got a pretty good collection of items for you today the first item came from a company i've actually reviewed in the past which is dream farm they have a lot of unusual things this came to my p.o box unsolicited recently this is the spinner and let's see how that worked [Music] all right here is an item called the spin-off from dream farm i've actually done some dream farm products before in the past i was not expecting this one so i was happy to see this arrive in my p.o box it's supposed to be a spin and strain colander kind of a hybrid here let's crack this open and see how it works all right so here's the way it's supposed to go here is uh the handle can be locked in this position or in this position but according to this very basic instruction sheet here it looks like we're supposed to move it upward and lock that in position like that and then this uh this bottom goes on the bottom of the sink oh wow that's kind of fun oh yeah it's kind of fun all right well this uh seems seems simple enough reviews are pretty good on amazon for this one so i'm looking forward to trying out let's move to the sink and get started all right it's time to get started let's put some greens in here and see what happens all right there we go oh we got some wet greens in there now let's see what happens now we're supposed to just kind of lift this up and start spinning oh wow it's spraying to the edge of the sink [Music] wow that was they're oddly satisfying for sure try it again not much water is coming out the second time so i think it's uh it's probably good to go very nice i kind of like that first test was kind of fun let's try something different now i'm gonna put a bunch of grapes in here let's see how i can put in there all right it's pretty full of grapes here let's see how it works with these step two spin oh at first you can see just spraying the water out [Music] oh very fun probably get your kids to do this just because it's so fun to do after a couple spins it doesn't seem like it's spraying much water i wonder if i wonder if i move it around and try again if i'll get more [Music] all right i think so far we're kind of on a roll here so let me keep going let's do a quick capacity test on the last one we'll see how much of that can actually hold i'll overflow and see how much comes out and how much actually stays in there very full of broccoli let's see what happens oh oh some came out awesome's coming out well as i kind of expected you cam overflowing imagine that huh oh wow that one's just ejected out of there too but you know what though for as much as i have in there it's actually a lot of it stayed in there but really it looks like you can go just below the surface that's pretty good that was definitely unfair test but i still think it did quite well this is probably more you need to go but i'm kind of enjoying myself very fun no more is coming out so i would say this is your capacity all right well that was pretty fun and it worked exactly like it's supposed to no no real problems with it it was kind of fun to overfill it and see how much it could actually hold i guess to take away from that is not to overfill it or will come flying out of there but overall i think dream farm did a good job with a spinner i think this one actually works i've actually tried quite a few dream farm items in the past i've been happy with them so i think this one is a worthy addition to the dream farm collection [Music] this actually is a organizer for your car couch bed they actually sent me two of them the one that holds five items one that holds three i tested both of them out and here's what happened it's the cup cozy pillow this is an organizer for your bed your couch rvs picnics they sent me two of them this one holds five things and this one holds three they sent me a letter here they say it's uh it's on amazon but it's been featured on zoo lily good morning america hsn so it's no fly by not operation i can tell let me crack this open here's what we got very interesting it looks like two of the five cutouts have cut out so it can accommodate a handle for a cup this is what they're showing i'm going to try to imitate this and see how it works just kind of sit on the couch like that now that website does say that you have to be careful getting on and off the couch because it could spill so not making any crazy claims it's going to keep everything in one place by the way don't mind el ell's taking a nap here i don't want to disturb it so i just i can film around here let me start off something small like a water bottle okay well it does hold that pretty firmly it seems like it kind of it did kind of expand a little bit i've got an empty cup here because i don't want to take a chance spill anything yet but it looks like the cups will go this is a pretty large cup i got a smaller cup here well the smaller cup doesn't feel nearly as as sturdy actually as the bigger cup does the bigger cups wedged in there smaller cup not so much how about something big like a tumbler the tumbler will fit in the center it doesn't seem like you wanted to fit in this one this one seems a bit a bit small maybe i could wedge it in there i'm not sure though the tumbler will fit in some of them but it seems like some more than others i'm just going to leave it right there leave my big cup in here i do have my remote i have to fit in here somewhere i'll put it right there i got one more thing how about a can of soda can of soda's kind of kind of loosely in there but maybe it'll work you know i have had a need for organizers like this before i have some couches have a built-in console where you can pull it down if your couch doesn't have that and you always want one this might be a good alternative i think i found an error on their packaging that says rv is campers it shows them on a couch and down here it says couch and it shows them in the car whoops speaking of car i'm going to take this out of the car and see how it works there that's next for the car i'm going to try the three hole version see how it looks now my car actually has a console right here with two cup holders in it but this one is a little bit more stylish and it's got a third hole in it so let's see we got here all right so let me see let me put it nice fountain drink in here it seems to hold pretty well a bottle of water how about some snacks in the center all kids uh have snacks in the back seat right all right that's pretty good actually all right so this is what i'm seeing it looks pretty steady i think removing things isn't really a problem it's gonna work so they say there's multiple uses for this so far it seems like it's working everywhere else i've tried it let's try a quick driving test and see how it holds up now they didn't make any extraordinary claims about how this is going to not tip over anything in fact they warned you to be careful not to tip it over but it seems to be holding up quite well in that respect regardless so i think it's as far as the car goes working quite well i've actually got both of them in here to see how they work uh you know i don't think you'd normally do that but i've got two of them here i'm just gonna test one for right now all right first the most important when you're on your bed is a remote control i guess it works half drank tea from starbucks let's try that how about a coldest water bottle i don't have anything in this cup but it is pretty big let me see if it fits in there oh it does but i don't think it would fit over on this side so i have to put the coffee mug here i have to kind of rotate i can put that there coldest water bottle may fit there i'm not sure why two people would have all that stuff in bed but hey if you if you needed it this is a good place for it i kind of feel like a bed for two might be this might be a little bit more realistic a drink for each one of you and some in the center but hey you have options right well i mean it's you know it's it's pretty solid it's holding it in place it's not really going anywhere i mean it's not supposed to be like spill proof but it better than having it sitting there by itself or even on a tray so i would say in the end the the cozy cup holder is actually not a bad idea especially if you are one that don't have a console on your couch or in your car and you actually always wanted one they don't make any outrageous claims so i do think this one works as advertised [Music] alright next up this is not a pair of shoes i'm reviewing but actually these no tie shoe laces i've reviewed two other shoelaces in the past this is the third the first two i liked these did not disappoint let's flash back to how my tests of the no tie shoelaces actually went these are actually silicon shoelaces i actually got quite a few of them as you can see right here all different colors it's kind of interesting i wasn't sure i was going to use these i got these several months ago i let my son try a pair he's actually been using them said they kind of work so i figured i'd give them a shot and see how they do for me i've got a relatively new pair of shoes here i'll try the white since they'll stand out better on these black shoes let's crack them open now there weren't really instructions with these but i guess i can kind of figure it out all right laces are removed i believe what you're supposed to do is go from the biggest up to the smallest you might have some left over so we'll go one on each shoe now we're kind of separating like this now this shoe has one two three four five holes and we got one two three four five six seven eight so we have i'm gonna have some left over but that should shouldn't be a problem do next uh is just kind of um line up the laces uh with the uh the holes and get one that's kind of the right size here i should also point out the laces do have a little tiny number on there i found it easier to do it by eye than trying to read that it's it's i can't even really see it i'm not sure if you can see on camera but there is a number there you can go by order as well if you like so really all you have to do next is to just fish this through here and through this side all right we've got one lace done we only have nine more to go it really isn't that hard once you once you get the hang of it though let's try the next one now there's kind of a textured side or a smooth side i guess you could really use either one i'm going the textured side up i assume that's right but you could certainly choose either one now let's speed this process up just a little bit here all right now we're getting somewhere i think rather than trying to show you all of these i'm just going to kind of speed up the video a little bit while i do this and then show you when i'm done all right well the installation is done that took a little bit more finger strength than i would have liked i ended up using some needle nose pliers to finish the job but hey if it works it could be worth it right let me go try these outside some real world tests and see how they actually hold up all right here we go real world situation we're gonna try these shoelaces see how they go i'm gonna switch with my other shoes and get started they're kind of just slip-ons at this point oh yeah feels nice and snug okay well let's see let's see how it feels i guess i gotta do some walking around and test these out they feel pretty comfortable at first all right let's go check them out first test they feel pretty nice they feel kind of tight but i'm liking it so far so [Music] [Music] so [Music] this small but heavy object is actually a cord organizer this one sent to me a while back i'm finally getting around to it let's take a look at the unboxing and then get started got some cable ties and we got the cord organizer itself it looks like it's got seven slots all them slightly different sizes so you can put different types of cords through there it's very heavy so i'm kind of curious how this is going to work they also included some cable ties in there for you as well so i've got a pretty big mess around my desk and i'm always switching cables back and forth so i decided to pair this up with another item that i've received in the mail not really part of this video i'm just kind of throwing it in there it's a usb hub but let me head into my desk and show you what i got here we are at the command center i had to put down this white poster board because my cable organizer is black my cables are black my devices are black and my desk is black hopefully the poster board helps out i also pull out this item right here which is a seven port usb hub that was also sent to me i haven't reviewed it i was hoping to eventually work into a video so here we are this is a color coded usb port which has three fast charging ports all of them fast data ports i'm going to put this underneath my desk plug in all the cables i use regularly feed them in the back of my desk and try the cord organizer so let's get on the desk and get started kind of down here in no man's land i currently only have four devices i really want to use for this it can hold to seven both the usb hub and the chord organizer but for now we're gonna go four and see how it works so i do struggle with my usb cord management i've got cameras i have to plug in to get data off them i've got audio recorder i've got phones i even have things like my ray-ban stories which i still use we're gonna try this out and see how it goes snapped in there pretty easily it seems to move pretty well so now i want to charge something i should be able to pull them out and kind of retract them as well i've got all my cords fished through the bottom let's see how it works first up a lightning cable pull that through and connect to my phone next up my audio recorder uses this one i'll pull that through how about my ray-ban stories on my usbc cable and finally my rx100 five there we go pretty organized and pretty easy now let's disconnect these i just kind of slide that back in there and disconnect that slide it back through that tags a little bit of a problem but i'm working with it ray-ban disconnect and audio recorder disconnect all right well it's a little bit heavy which i think is a good thing uh stays in place pretty well i mean it's not gonna be perfect it might move a little bit but otherwise i think it actually works pretty well well i'm actually pretty happy with that i mean it's pretty basic but it does what it's supposed to do i've been struggling with cord manager for a long time especially having all these different cables all these different cameras so this might actually help quite a bit so i think this cord organizer plus the usb hub will actually be a very nice pairing all right so that was a fun collection of gadgets i would say my favorite of those is probably the shoelaces i've been using them for a while i'm actually quite happy with them it basically turns your shoes into a slip-on pair of shoes although i do think all the items in this collection are pretty good if you've used any of these products tell me what you think in the comments below i appreciate you watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 101,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spina, spina dreamfarm, mailtime, mail time, mail haul, cable organizer, cup cozy pillow, mini reviews, silicone shoe laces, no tie laces
Id: NaqGvuDrd_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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