Magnus Carlsen most SAVAGE moments

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you do you have female support for this match i don't think so women hate me i repel them two weeks to flow come on come on come on you hurt you want to drop no draw for bad friend [Laughter] simple simple ah you're taking my rook come on what do you want to play do you want to play okay big news huge news magnus carlsen has entered the confessional booth [Music] whoa is that like a lebron james i'm a homeboy the hair is i just don't think you understand he's super slavin's man he's better than sedan we got to meet reports [Music] as i was researching you what's odd to me is like you're totally normal person people think about chess geniuses as hanging out in their basement and obsessively like chewing on their own skin and you know maybe bodies hidden somewhere in the house well you know i'm only 21 years old so give me some time to develop the crazy could you tell us some secrets and what do you do to impress and surprise your opponents um well i mean it's just small small tweaks unknown ideas or chess wise chest wise it's not like or something to surprise your opponent yeah i'm i'm very happy obviously uh as happy as you can be beating a 16 year old what did you feel when ironian blundered his queen happy oh man i took that guy down with my rook i'm so badass and your dad was like magnus remember where you come from that was the worst norwegian accent ever ah a crocodile a crocodile yes why it seems to to have a good life crocodiles just lies there and and relaxes and and it can more or less kill any other animals so what would the first sentence of your autobiography be i'm not a genius and what would the title of your autobiography be minus carson chess genius six and we're done oh queen eight h8 wasn't even right it was rook d8 first hey hi so i wasn't even close only about 2000 rating well fortunately i'm better at tournament chess but i gotta work on this stuff is uh the best dancer uh i've been fortunate not to uh to find out who's got the best jokes me i think everybody agrees that was a joke by the way
Channel: Slot Leyla Mecnun
Views: 1,421,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: keJ2HVbA0PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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