Magnus Carlsen goes 94% BERSERK in Blitz Titled Arena

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so my uh my setup if you're wondering for showing these games that Carlson played in this event I have 51 tabs opened already I'm just going to be going from tab to Tab and clicking on real time and we're gonna get to see his games played out in real time I know the results of the event but you know it's not going to have the same feel to it of course knowing the result but I do want to see his games I don't know how any of them played out but I guess we're gonna find out right now so this was his first game he entered the event rated 31.98 so this is a trio Blitz event three hours of Blitz let's see okay so both of these are holes and have some Pawn break on the queens or on the king side I would expect no berserks by the way for this first game you'd probably like to see Knight takes Bishop here this is a dummy piece Pawn takes you know that's this does repair the the hole on D5 okay F5 on board and he's ready to take and then take here there would be three pieces on that Knight takes his appealing oh I didn't see that one coming oh that's sharp so if takes Queen takes if the bishop reacts then you're on this in the end does he take that though no he doesn't take it that night is really strong oh this is gonna be huge Knight on E5 this guy's pinned Knight takes first if the Rook moves it's a mate and two he's winning at least the exchange here at least the exchange now the center's collapsing as well as they're better than taking the Rook I guess not yeah if this wasn't flicked in he was going to secure a connected pass Pawn it's a nice move to flick in so he's up the exchange this is not available what's the time situation 149 to 224 big lead on the clock this is covered you know that square is given up now they're ready to take there no he doesn't want to push the pawn just defending what the piece is maybe looking to exchange Rooks as well and this is going to be his comfy home this guy might get rolling with a fork not sure what the purpose of that one was tough to find a good move I guess maybe Rook here now oh there's Queen check uh no Queen check here no problems King takes this Rook takes rook and then Pawn takes oh you're on the queen I never resigner he had a resigner there all right game one down game two let's see do we have rodeberg international Master on the black side is this a berserk game no berserk game three minutes apiece for this one okay space invader E5 Pawn and then challenging this Duo straight away and there's this increased pressure as well with Knight C3 and then if D4 the Knight has a good Square here on e4 this is a nice reaction E5 C4 very good structure here for white kind of like to see this move here I mean sometimes I think what could be tried is Knight D4 Knight D4 takes yeah so right here 94 takes then this Knight is a little bit clumsy I've been in this similar position before and I've withdrawn my knight not exactly though with this Knight right here all right so he's going to B5 and from there where after this prepared to hmm let's see he's not immediately recapturing so this is a threat got a pin on the G file once again up a ton of time 244 2. no this guy looks a bit clumsy what is black doing to defend here just King in the corner no H5 could take that so there isn't a follow-up Bishop H6 here but this is looking pretty scary Bishop E4 maybe bishop E4 right now Bishop B4 now he's prepared to sack and can you get a rook involved Bishop here Rook there another check and only then Bishop H6 so now he's threatening a maintenance two similar to the last game now Bishop was here threatening to put a piece on the Knight file for mate same story here let's see minute 25 to 2 30. black still in the tank no time to take the Knight what do you do clean here okay that's the way to defend but what about this check and then here and then take the rookie up oh I didn't see that one coming probably resign resigner here oh you have to give up the queen all right that one's done game three Pavel Mart feed a master okay this is a berserk game not not a double berserk so a minute and a half to two minute and a half to two minutes excuse me three minutes all right open e-file pressure here on C6 speedy okay and pressure on C5 defense of the Knight as well clean is out this is secure this Knight is pinned problem on F7 oh F7 Falls oh and it's just leading straight to mate okay that one's done it was only a 12 second game for Carlson All Right Moving On I forget what number this is for I'm not going to be able to keep track is this another berserk another berserk game against project hardcore International master and that is a big Square yeah does not want to leave so fast it is a hole and okay nearly every move here is directed at that D4 Square directly indirectly pressure on B2 as well white already in the tank poison to capture with the knight at least and probably not a good idea with the bishop either also what is black what is black doing here maybe Queen up Queen D2 defends there Queen D2 it is and yet another move gluing that Knight in it's going nowhere it's a pest it's a very difficult situation for white because difficult to work around the night and if you're if you don't want to work around the night you take the Knight and then you have to deal with the connected pass Pawn so either way tough spot already for white white has this space but it almost feels like it's not a it's not really a factor like the the one the one of the main squares it takes away C6 you know the Knight has already pivoted on C6 it's not a bother to the queen Knight Pawn on D5 will be bothersome frequently to the queen Knight on an E5 bothersome to ignite uh Knight F6 move okay huge space no connected pass Pawn Knight on his back foot what's the time here evening out on the clock this is again a berserk game okay and from here he's giving up a pawn for what reason exactly because there's gonna now be two connected past pawns very shortly I don't know you'd even need the castle he does Castle though he's not afraid of the PIN and B2 if this Knight moves okay Knight F5 both of these are covered yeah bishop and Knight are watching over this if you need some more safety here should be good I wonder if this check could be thrown in either stop castling or allow Queen takes B2 50 seconds for what that's all you got push just to open some lines maybe you don't mind having this Knight out of the way so you could get this one in he's going with that straight away you could probably still take oh he's going with the check first what a killer oh oh we got discover check nearby it's all crumbling the queen could even come back here there's a lot of pressure here how's he getting out of that Queen B6 uh of King here they're cut off maybe swipe the rook and then swipe the Knight oh now he's taking I forgot that that was still hanging Pawn takes Rook with check another queen in that forces resignation okay moving on next game against fide master a berserk game another berserk game okay let us see is he gonna go fishing no fishing just a small pond Center he's playing a reverse reverse Sicilian he is still working with that h-bone after all okay no no Queen C2 just yet Bishop E2 okay to take or not taking brings this look this Rook to life so hmm Under Pressure here three on it I wonder if takes here and then F4 is a move possibly might see that or even Knight F4 is available this Pawn is in a pin all right Knight F4 played no castles oh oh is it really that strong it is really that strong we have resignation oh man if you play here you could just take this guy's pinned and then it's going to be made on H7 next and there's none of this it's pinned wow okay moving on another one down feed a Master with this one another berserk game okay let us see ing keto it's going after C4 okay C4 C5 tension between the bishop and queen Pawns how to recapture first I think frequently you see this capture before this one you see how white recaptures First You're Gonna Go with the pawn you're gonna go with the Knight then I'll make my next decision okay you can't go too far just yet okay so there's gonna be some Pawn he's working with here he's working against the structure unopposed dark Square Bishop but structure structural problems okay so he's taking on the isolated Pawn he wants to have a grip over these two a knight on this Square will be fantastic also this is stopping a quick H uh or excuse me A5 here ah there's another path as well yeah that's that's much more appealing for two reasons you're more Central and you're hitting the queen now this bishop very clumsy if you go here you're cooked this Knight has this Square oh look at these monsters there's no Knight here either the queen has that stepping up a hair defending the queen now this move would have maybe would maybe be threatening Queen takes Knight this Knight is not pinned in this position okay Rook lift looking for aggressive stuff on the king side it's the first thought that crosses my mind here and this should never be enough enough compensation for a queen there's that flight Square as well oh did he miss a fork he missed a fork I think yeah that was missed what's the time 140 to 50. oh and then that one was flicked in there I didn't see that one coming Knight C3 ah now this guy's in a pin defended attacked Safety First what's the material count he's up upon 46 seconds down a lot of time is there a way to take advantage of the King on this diagonal I'm not seeing it is ready for maybe this move for now this guy's in a pin unpin now no great Rook moves take advantage of the queen now the Queen's defend it as well okay Brooks come off ah now the Queens are coming off too time should not be a problem 38 seconds is enough uh this guy is just getting tracked right down yeah and now this is going to be captured and defended and white knows it throws in the towel another w moving on next game against ganicus Grand Master okay scandi Queen D6 scandi and Bishop here there's Knight there now is the time to give the Knight a kick now he's going with the pawn so oh interesting breaking at the duo with E5 okay is this going to be undermined right now yes C6 he can't take this would fall counter-attack against the bishop it's staying active the Knight is pinned this is under Fire now and they might have some underdeveloping how is he defending this something like this Bishop G5 okay taking first I wonder why this wasn't played first and then capturing away on that square going about it like this so this is a passer he's blockading straight away this guy's sort of out of bounds feel like something might happen on H2 and stopping Queen H4 staying flexible with the Knight for a minute ah see if this Knight was here straight away there's a couple things this might become more vulnerable and you might be subjected to a pin straight away there could be a problem for sure along this diagonal if you're chopping away Bishop C4 Queen's there now but you could take B4 excuse me B5 stops Bishop C4 Bishop pair for white but black is up a pawn this is another berserk game minute two to a minute 51 call it King up King up defends The Rook unpins the bishop this guy's defended okay and where do we go here how to improve for white okay in here seems cozy that's not a squared you see a bishop here defends this and still on that one activate the Rook now this is going to fall maybe a break here activating along the C file okay I don't think this is anything scary I could always go here too so he has tracked down a second Pawn now minute 23 to just under 50. and the plan here is what exactly this is threatened yeah don't have to take that pawn take here that falls next up E3 only staying strong in the light squares he'll get this guy later this one here this all this is also not really a scary Pawn you got the bishop and The Rook watching over that promotion Square he's gonna have two passers very soon or a second passer this one's already passed Rooker Pawn takes take here and then go ah he's ready just push away King takes you promote are you stopping that you're not white resigns okay moving on who's next chess master 2006 another berserk game no double berserks yet just a berserk by Carlson in between her there no reaction straight away clean night King Night Exchange monster Bishops adjacent diagonals even more pressure now threatening to take and take okay productive for sure if this exchange happens these guys are stripped they look super weak double isolated C puns okay maybe Rook here next up and these are always healthy moves although I don't know her straight away because this this guy can maybe go here but do you want to see that Nike out there all right stopping Knight F4 allowing this in some cases not so fast though there's a pin tension is remaining here for a bit clock situation black is up a minute now what let us see I don't know what black should be playing here maybe this oh he's closing things up so do you want to see this it's the first move that crosses my mind okay C5 played now this battery is here really don't want to see connected past Pawns okay both Rooks Gonzo and he's cool with simply exchanging Queens this is gonna fall in the end all right taking now this one here how's that playing out he goes with this Bishop takes Pawn I guess we're gonna find out and point at this Square maybe then Queen takes C6 Queen takes Knight Queen takes Bishop okay threatening mate threatening the queen have to exchange Queens oh you don't have to exchange Queens there's a check now this and this are threatened so the Queen stay on board going after this guy next Maybe good coordination here all these guys are defended and this is right around the corner this queen is out of bounds okay you have to go on the defensive F2 is hit there fancy Queen takes Queen Bishop takes Queen okay clock times 110 to 44. okay I really want to play F4 here this Knight yeah this queen this queen is very good this Knight is very good wants to get the Queens off she's that good there's also pressure here on C5 black was threatening to win a pawn clock times here 35 to 50. okay Queen D4 and what this feels like a healthy move okay looking to get h5n got these light these pawns on light to control the light Square Bishop Knight F4 might be nearby Queen is attacked check first then falling back defending the bishop F2 has some pressure on it Knight F4 this is a possibility not right away pressure on F2 again now Knight takes Pawn is there taking advantage of the PIN now we're gonna have a lengthy game our opposite color Bishop position still prying at these light squares bishop and pawn are x-rayed oh deflection The Bishop's gonna fall time 16 to 20. oh another pin recognized straight away winning position you can't even rely on some wrong colored Bishop stuff is this guy could be deflect oh no the king is there just in time the bishop stops these two yep it's a winner time six seconds to eight and he's got this one Swatch out for stalemate stuff ah that pawn could move otherwise it's otherwise it's stalemate okay whoa he recognized those pins so fast right there moving on who's this another I was just gonna say another titled opponent of course titled Arena another berserk game double berserk game contra all right let's see he doesn't mind taking on that doubled pawns because that's going to increase his control over this Square this Pawn picked up this one's gonna follow you just be trading B Pawns in white would end up with a very active Rook on the seventh rank okay breaking down the center passer here back up get prepared to blockade that pawn this is going to be the most efficient block hater okay seems like black is going to be in control over the a file very soon how do you get this guy activated this square is not defended could challenge the queen like that Queen takes Knight there's that trick okay so he is weaseling around is he looking for something like this or oh he's looking for this one yeah that's how he's fighting for the a file black does not want to give that up just yet time both of them under a minute neck and neck better Bishop for white as well Queen B4 straight away yeah Knight here good coordination this is still defended now go on the offensive Queen A7 how do you get her more active you can't queen here though that seems irritating Knight is pinned a threatening Bishop takes Pawn there Queen takes Bishop okay that was a fancy maneuver that's a golden Square for the night good coordination I feel for black fighting Elsa over this Square I think he made me dive in here okay not right now breaking in the center this is nearby Bishop here and then this next keep the Queens on almost think you want to keep the Queens on you are opposite the king there no he is pushing he's gonna track this guy down maybe go after this Pawn moving so fast 26 seconds to 33 path for the king now gonna shoo this guy away G4 now he has to have the king in position to stop this Pawn most efficient Defender now the Knight is defended this square is given up hang on here this Falls um black is in a good spot here I think time time wise and position wise okay he didn't take his chance there to grab the pawn how do you get this guy though not easily tracked oh it's I think it's over Black's gonna win this one black wins this one the doctor is down moving on all right Constantine for short International Master another uh another berserk game just by Carlson here okay feels sort of like a Gingy Indian with some weird H4 flicked in there so these endings should be I think pretty good this factors in a real lot just have to be careful of this guy make sure he doesn't end up Super Active night maneuver this Pawn is ready to fall and just like that Knight B6 how do you defend this actually yeah he he's resorting to this approach here giving up the exchange otherwise yeah I mean it's a good practical decision the alternative is you're just going to be down a big Pawn that's a that's a very instructive uh point right there I think okay rather be down the exchange than simply down a pawn okay I think that's sort of good news there for black clamps down on this you don't have to worry about the the H file being peeled open anytime soon probably don't want to take with the King yeah taking with the pawn or taking with the taking the Knight with the pawn Landing a check looks good could take no time to take advantage of the pin this is covered King is out of that though this is on very good this should be winning for black um um even with the pawns clock situation one minute on the on the nose setting up what next pushing here white is in the tank this Knight cannot move that guy's gonna fall The Rook is going to be hit okay oh he's going after this guy so now this is sideline this is defended now if you get pushing this Pawn just throw him in here Bishop takes Pawn take this Pawn takes discovery seems appealing though that's going to drop that pawn it's just gonna double up maybe here Bishop takes Pawn you could come back over and there's going to be a pin okay another pin over in direct he's out of that in a blink Bishop C4 is not there for two reasons same story here it's poison Pawn Rook C8 follows minute nine nice ready to be scared away just taking it it's okay giving this Pawn up huh Rook takes this is still poisoned in the end after Rook Exchange in fact after the Knight recaptures it's defending directly okay trying to get here um there's a bit of a pause there now he's able to take there no pin in this case with the Knight on C4 only 20 seconds check within what is the follow-up 50 seconds is a lot for white to think this through oh he's taking the bishop and then connecting Knights and this feels like it should be winning for white up these two well one Pawn now both of them are past all pawns passed just getting rid of that right now trying to survive hang on to a draw oh no he's getting that piece back or Izzy now he's there to defend good luck holding this one not seeing it passer up of a full piece up a bishop check met with counter check and in what next time six seconds to 16. yeah you might be able to move well okay some checks in here three seconds not looking good check right here two seconds to ten another check thrown in Gotta Move two seconds to four really two seconds check one second are you kidding me black one on time oh I know it's showing 0.4 to 0.5 but he won that on time okay all right moving on that was quite the fight back on the clock and position okay this one here night King we have ourselves a bullet game this is a double berserk okay what to do a lot of pressure here Pawn advance oh Bishop here what's happening after Bishop there oh I'm forgetting that the queen could go here is this anything C4 okay I was forgetting that the queen actually had a way to move and still be defending the bishop okay Queen Exchange if Pawn takes we're not going to have this that's going to straighten out the structure so maybe bishop here no counter-attacking first this guy is a passer now King's gonna be stepping up here opposite color Bishops this Knight is under control if Knight here there's this and this Knight is a bit of a struggling piece he's playing this straight away the night moves there's maybe even a check okay getting rid of that strong Bishop I thought it was a very good piece hanging around here supporting this passer this guy could fall now after this or even that he's kicked away from defending here clock situation 40. 40 for white minute for Carlson it's a big time lead cut out the night moves although night here now is possible this is going to get tracked maybe this stopping the night maneuver yeah all the forward moves are covered by the Knight don't take here you allow this that okay Knight here this guy's basically pinned this Rick's gonna be super duper active how do you improve now as black just going to be a rat race 26 seconds to 47 what does that even do oh if Rook takes here maybe that idea doesn't want to see him get any further we're going to get this maneuver in now where's that Bishop going exactly it's a weird last couple moves I don't know the story is there yeah this is looking really scary now really scary 16 seconds to 34. on his back foot now um where are you where are you going exactly with that seemed like there was some lost Tempe seven seconds though only for white he's not going to repeat he's going to flick that in some more checks right around the corner this could even be yeah this could there's good uh two seconds is not enough a bunch of checks take here another bunch of checks should be able to burn enough time you're getting the queen in the end so sneaky this game is still going on Bortnick is flying Mr night King how is he still pulling off these moves okay at the end of the day a white I ended up resigning here okay not a loss on time he was able to resign just before he flagged moving on okay rasulo sudo another berserk game no double berserk this time all right don't move night we got we got a battery here and just like that we're in an ending okay are there any tricks with this unprotected Rook okay things are connected here for black no jump here for a night getting off of this diagonal opening up The Rook size all right abandoning that diagonal okay going for an imbalance okay so he's getting a file or a square an active Rook that's the big thing here Rook here can't be disruptive the Knight also controls this guy pretty good these are covered the knights if this Knight moves this Knight can move this is under Fire maybe we see that now even a Night Exchange so if there's the counter attack yeah we get this Knight exchange also this square is covered not so easy to get to the seventh or second drink I should say 207 to 107. all right Rook C6 Rook D6 oh no Rook D6 bit surprised by that much more active defense of the pawn now this is nearby Knight C5 Rook B6 no he wants to work on King position not so quick with moving this Pawn this is a very good Defender Of The Night control this file if you if you maintain this construction right here there's no way to activate the Rooker along the D file and now nearby there's this Knight returning to E5 putting pressure on F7 much better pieces for white here better all pieces better for white and these guys are now Frozen now he's going in for the kill on F7 This Could Fall In some cases with check but I think these guys are super vulnerable it's going to go after those next he's not playing here because of this bishop here though is threatening me there are ways to defend oh that's one of them cut it off straight away ah the King is approaching no Rook B2 the Knight has that another Pawn track down now this guy is free to move Knight here next grab this Pawn push this guy through night there first also Knight takes is threatening Rook here winning the bishop time under 40 for the doctor and what are we doing Rook takes Pawn Knight takes Pawn the rook's gonna have to come back here to defend against Rook to B8 some other idea here he's oh he's starting with the PIN very instructive Rook B8 first doesn't allow the defensive resource rookie 8. Knight takes Pawn Rook check King here think things run out this is gonna fall how's that playing out exactly uh we're gonna see oh that's a fancy move Knight takes there's this check and then here is going to be Rook takes pawn and then this is going to fall on the end okay it's going to be a one rook and pun ending anyhow if he went straight for the night time situation though 12 seconds for way 12 to 41 he should be able to get this though here here here here King is cut off throughout it all just have to watch out for the sneaky moves 33 32 31 G5 King up threatening mate Brooke defends Rook here King there check it's pushing through and that's gonna do it six seconds in the tank black resigns moving on next game contra again and another I see that right yeah another scandi it's been playing the scandi a lot when I checked out one of his recent um titled Arenas on he played the scandian many of the three plus two games okay it's one of the more interesting scandi positions opposite sides castles down upon candidate pass Pawn rolling see going for a pawn break with G4 looks like it he wants to dislodge this bishop first a very strong piece he's conceding this square but he wants to go in for this as a follow-up and why did well he doesn't want any of that wow so this was a very strong idea I guess if you if you capture there this and these uh this diagonal is going to be a problem I guess okay so it's turning more technical if Bishop takes Pawn Bishop takes upon what's happening there maybe Rook here need this guy around I guess it's the in the end this bishop is going to be the most efficient Defender against this past Pawn blockades it also is an aggressor exchange nights yes all right you do want to take that pawn oh you might be maybe just getting trapped in this case earlier you took and you're on the Rook taking here maybe there's C3 and then the bishop could be rounded up 45 seconds for black now this is a double berserk game is there anything with that he's going to do something on the f file there is a pivot here Bishop watches over that 37 might have these just exchanged you push first no push looking good for white in position in the clock call it even trying to sneak over here is there time for that uh King here there's a check it's going after the bishop it's defended how do you get at this guy maybe threatening this now this now The Rook would have to block it's not blocking though why not he's throwing in some checks first okay check you can't go in the back gonna get skewered if you win on the back rank there exchange Rooks and then this guy is kind of struggling oh he's taking there first he cannot take here he has to worry about this passer if you took with this Rook in the end where we add 11 seconds for black down to the wire it's ready to get mated how do you stop mate there is no stopping mate oh killer the bishop watches this the King has these even if the king steps over that's me oh and then one of the last thoughts I had was this one here trying to block but the bishop has that oh okay the doctor is down moving on Ohanian International Master double berserk for this one okay bullet um bullet chess not going after the dark Square Bishop straight away pressure on this guy maybe wants this or even this to cut out some night jumps not yet now he's taking the dark Square bishop and then flushing the Knight away Bishop pair for white straightened out Pawns maybe this maybe even that could be a move in the end this could be hanging one minute for black two minutes 17 okay C5 is hitting so if takes takes Knight takes you could take straight away Queen takes uh you're gonna you're gonna win that Bishop in the end what a strong piece this guy's ready to fall oh boy this one's ready to run clock situation looking real good okay oh that's such a efficient move right there forcing a an exchange of Rooks still got this passer and taming the Knight first before getting before rolling with the a pawn defend it with the Rook you're golden yeah we should have a resignation I would expect 29 seconds to nearly a minute okay this one continues almost mate yeah Rook check here next king here check another Pawn Falls this guy yeah they're all bottled up and we do ever a resigner here black down for the count another win for the doctor okay who's this player another double berserk Raz for short all right I was missing these first few moves Sicilian playing again with that H Pawn looking for these fishing pole ideas you're in this pin not really a great way to take advantage of it I'm thinking you'd Dive Right In Here he is diving right in so takes here push there's something I think with captures Queen captures push Maybe definitely fuzzy on that line this is his pocket this is his safe home right here he's castled King on E7 okay opposite color Bishops past H pun Fearless King this is threatened not anymore watch your back rank okay he's just pitching that pawn this is pinned Queen takes Pawn not a move because a rook takes Bishop check and then you could take here almost a move is it there now you could do it now Rook takes and then there's that okay he's just going directly at f2 oh you know what on this there might have been some check I don't believe Rook takes Bishop would have been working so he could start with this um he is starting with that Queen exchange Bishop takes there isn't a wonderful bishop move for a discovery okay [Music] clock situation 37 to 32 call it not easy to get this guy going with this guy here he's going to get out of the pin uh he is able to get this in here takes here if there's some check King could step up to C5 Bishop is stopping the pawn why did he straighten those guys out oh okay if takes no there's a fork so The Rook is needed here now the king steps up King right here better King position for black 22 for white 17 for Carlson Bishop's hit there's also this idea we're getting behind the pawn Bishop here hitting the Rook just in time to watch over the promotion Square also giving white something to watch out for this passer King up what do you do here five seconds only to 14 not looking good yeah not looking good can't take the bishop well you could take this bishop oh he should be winning now but the time does he have enough time check for second three another check another check and oh black timed out with that one oh he was so close I wonder what move he was trying to pull off there there's I guess there was no pre-move in there maybe yeah I don't know what movies maybe trying maybe he was expecting the king to go here and he he had that on primove and The Rook was blocking okay we don't know moving on oh sorry so this is a double berserk game okay let us see oh that was a mouse slip he meant to meant to play here to stop the B and the bee Pawn advance to bother the Knight okay so in time white could give this Knight a kick black has to take some action some way with some Pawn break he's going with F6 there's F6 or C6 wow what a move giving up a piece to get these two past pawns you get the piece back but do you want that maybe you want that something like this and doing something on the light squares is an idea he's giving this one a think maybe starting with this deciding on which one to to play First bishop takes Knight or F6 okay he's deciding on that move order 94 played check defended could break the pin this Knight is out of play there's a check here I don't know that you want to go in there also this is a pretty good Square as well maybe glue everything together Pawn on F3 okay going after this guy a nice reroute of the night challenging this bishop so I like black black is for Choice here Pawn up King up safe safe King position there's one idea to watch out for if you're playing this the queen could snake in to C6 so where do we go from here maybe this move this is just going to be captured this is falling though uh Queen exchange if you take with the Knight I think Rook here maybe they tried to get the Rooks off first he's taking with the Knight and what's the idea ah Rook here there's Knight here the fork yeah you got this okay he's getting it back here to defend and then go after this guy clock situation 33 for Sauron 34 for Carlson under 30 now for white whoo okay if you took here you're gonna be in a pin after Rook to F1 so fast there's a path now for the king to enter he doesn't mind pivoting on a light Square for a second and watch out for Rook C6 I might have to run in Reverse for a bit and then the Rook is a little bit misplaced okay he's going after this guy I would expect yes this one and then this one this one here now the king is entering he still wants this Pawn 10 seconds connected passers sack right away know that first oh he wants to promote with check he could block with the Knight or The Rook he's going with the Knight check and then here no The Queen Is there defending the bishop there wasn't Rook C2 there clock situation five oh man okay he should get this yep as the pawn should be able to pre-move this one out check another check sarn is so fast a draw not enough gas in the tank for that one Sauron too quick okay moving on next game against chess bras a double Berserker okay let us see maximum tension in the center okay at the end very close to symmetrical structure I was going to say a little bit different here on the king side a couple squares for the knights this could be disruptive if this queen is not watching over A5 Queen getting out of the way so The Rook can play here okay and from here 95 95 it's happening if more pressure is applied to the Knight Bishop to D6 or Rook here Rook there first okay that's how he's dealing with the Knight this one's getting tracked right back though is it not what other movies are you considering okay deciding on maybe one of these two Queen defends both Queen side Pawns Bishop ready to move and there's a threat here maybe bishop G5 unopposed light Square Bishop Queen sticking around on the light squares pressure here pressure here this is defended super invasive Queen clock situation 42 for black Carlson with a minute Queen A5 there's a lot of pressure here the Knight is hit this is no longer hit three times where does the Knight go anywhere maybe Queen here Queen going into a pin ooh so what's the story here I'm not sure why Queen takes wasn't played straight away I missed something there too fast knights in a pin out of the PIN get to the back rank I was just taking here there's not any perpetual check here yeah no further for this one King G1 and it's a resigner there for black what was the what was the trick here oh if you dummy if Queen takes Bishop there's Queen takes Bishop totally missed that okay next up Doctor Stranger all right just a berserk by Carlson in this one another scandi pressure on the night pressure on the pawn and he's just up upon it's the best piece look at how quick it was challenged Knight here oh there's the pin now no time for this that guy falls more exchanges I don't think does he ever lose these positions if he does it's it's super rare he's up a clean Pond no counter play it's going to be simplified even more very shortly yeah this bishop is under control might be tempted by this many players but he's going for security stabilize the night it's a strong piece let it stay strong in this Square you don't have to worry about G4 any exchange should be helpful to Black here you could improve here the Knight is re recapturing if there's a check on the e-file okay he wants this he wants that King Improvement so maybe next up this idea guarding the back or the seventh rank Maybe this first and then sneak in here I'm guessing oh there straight away ah so Rook here he's gonna play Rook here I think that was the plan uh not the I mean it's still going to be good enough but it seems like it's not the smoothest technique to even allow some something like this where the pawns could maybe flush the king back but I guess on the pawn Advance maybe you could step up that's maybe a bit scary he is there in time to defend G7 clock situation under 40 a minute 40 some for what check babysitting the night first this is covered by the bishop wants to keep the king cut off he's going for a night check ah The Rook is hit there's also this white is stopping that one pushing with the Pawns probably wants to snake the king up here maybe he goes for that no he's no he's Landing the check first wants to track the bishop down there's no check there's no Rook pivot here with the Knight on G4 white is in the tank Here Comes The King here here okay he's going after this now the bee Pawn is in the crosshairs another Pawn One check here start pushing the pawn stopping a check on B6 a minute for white 22 seconds for Carlson not going to be easy it's as good as it gets for the bishop and Rook they have to keep a watchful eye over this Pawn advancing here comes the king another check thrown in it's a good thing there's no skewer this is covered another check this one's gonna fall I think another check wow you found a way to hang on to that pawn okay 45 seconds to eight uh you might want to just grab that Bishop yeah he's grabbing that Bishop there's a check here if the Rook ah but then there's King here oh they allowed to push there two seconds okay you got the Rook could he manage this one two queens one two whoa barely with the second oh man wasn't there let me go back for a second yeah he pushed there and then oh I'm forgetting if you capture here there's a fork hahaha he has it all worked out okay moving on Ohanian again a double berserk game and speaking of doubles a double-think Keto okay doesn't want to see Bishop H3 I guess can't cancel so soon that's gonna fall Bishop's defended so this guy is now free to move uh you could exchange okay probably doesn't want a castle now yeah look at that F4 King F2 how quickly white is for Choice here the the better Center pawns this Knight is sort of clumsy soon to be in a pin as well once the Rooks are doubled there's these ideas to attack the pinch piece yeah also it's pinned in multiple ways really B2 Pawn he's really in the tank black is here 52 seconds to a minute 13. still giving it a think okay so here we are and these guys are going the Knight could look to improve now there's going to be an accident happening very soon I don't know that you could defend this oh that's really nice an in-betweener with check double isolated pawns but you're up a pawn here Bishop takes Bishop is a threat maybe you have to play here so that this doesn't fall yeah this this and it's defended but it's a passive State for the rook and now the King enters doesn't go here because that's going to hit with check and then this is going to fall and he'll be defending the a pawn very active Rook two past day Pawns okay you could step over here that check here outside pass Pawn wins the king and pawn ending he knows it resigns moving on chess today next opponent is this a berserk game it's not a berserk game okay three minutes a piece and this one here all right we got some weak squares here D5 and D6 are weakened oh boy this is gonna fall very soon thought you would take with the Knight he wants to preserve the bishop that this could also be nearby as well G6 some pressure here he's advancing night jump here is covered by the bishop he wants Knight here Knight F3 check and then what Queen check here it's nearly made this queen can't go too far she's still watching over this I wonder if you could step up here maybe okay there's a check here you step up no problems then you'd even be threatening this the king gets to G2 The Rook is ready to move follow up here is what exactly hmm Down The Exchange you have a big Center this is nearby there's the queen go can't really afford a coin exchange um maybe here and you don't have to worry about this you'll be delivering mate Queen E6 it is two minutes 12 to 202. offering a queen Exchange hmm he's stuck here you're getting hit with this one and then the Queens will come off it's backing off no check here problem here if you defend like this Knight F5 you cannot allow that double duty stop night here stop Rook takes Pawn still nothing here just yet surprised this Rook hasn't well I was going to say hasn't moved yet but in this situation it doesn't have a good move I wonder why maybe the this other Rook didn't go to the D file white is in the tank under a minute 40 slightly lead on the clock for the doctor breaking down the center nice he wants this point Han takes this is this push anything maybe this push Knight takes Pawn takes Bishop Knight check something like that might be nearby because if this and the bishop simply moves you could take here Knight here and then you get on this diagonal it's fancy there's a check in the position wait is this how do you save the queen you don't okay it's the two Rooks now is King here possible you could take that Knight clock call it even wow okay two Rooks and a knight versus a queen king is on the edge but I don't know how you get at the king gotta watch out for checks as well check King here King here looking for how many moves this Knight is never allowed to get to F5 if it gets there becomes a rook it's way too good okay very good coordination for right now a bunch of Pawns ready to be tracked pin very good coordination here very good it's the plan there after King takes not sure what the story is the queen takes Rook Rook takes Pawn maybe and then start pushing this guy and yeah it's perfect coordination in the end and there's a clear plan white or black resigns here I want to go back for a second though after this if Queen takes Rook yeah I don't know Queen takes rook and I guess just get this guy and start Pat pushing with this I don't know winning I guess no matter what good coordination in this end position here moving on next game against vetranio double berserk game okay he has pitched upon let's see black has given up a pawn he's he has a bunch of squares to work with now these are all holes opposite sides castles whoa exchange sacrifice a lot of stuff going on here it's cutting out the fork on F2 and he's got some dark squares to work with both of these Knights aren't or uh in holes here E4 and C5 okay challenging the night soon doesn't mind giving up that half dead Pawn Rook is hit babysit that good coordination here breaks the PIN Knight takes Pawn was a threat and after C3 though just getting out of the line of fire Queen check here there's this have to watch out for this Square The Rook currently has a covered Queen can't go too far has to Watch Over The Rook looking to dislodge the bishop looking to break down the king side want some exchanges this is under Fire now Rook takes Pawn is available Queen D4 nearby pawn takes Bishop Rook takes Bishop some fancy bishop move first he's allowing that now he's getting to the file there's a check here watch out oh wait wait the queen was hanging oh they both missed it under 40. 140 for black oh man oh that was a big Miss back to back blender in the end black is just up a night completely winning no perpetuals oh he tracked down that Rook I didn't see that all right is there anything here the rook and block if there's a check under 21 seconds to 31 okay watch out for this watch out for these as well how do you defend it all oh you can't def you have to play here Queen takes Rook here that's not working because there's this one's over Carlson resigns here oh man no defense these guys are way too good this square has opened up you could watch this one stop the queen from getting on the diagonal but can't watch both of these and your back Rank and your second rank look at this guy super cozy over here in the end moving on who do we got next res again for a double Berserker and another double Berserker another another double fee and kiddo okay let's see could jump in here either night Rook takes her Knight takes Knight takes it is C Pawn Advance straight away otherwise you constantly have to babysit this Pawn so right now this is a much stronger structure to work with he's not going here I wonder why oh Queen here watches over the bishop that's a difference it's gonna say better night right now what about this Knight here challenge this queen straight away okay Queen F5 a minute for white minute six Carlson ready to give this Knight a kick not so fast wants to stop maybe an idea of G4 stabilizer he did that earlier with when the Knight uh when a night was on F5 fancy maneuver Queen takes the night circles back to recapture Queen was unprotected paved the way for that tactic and now how's this working exactly ooh double check though Queen here with check no matter what Brooke follow-up check yeah it's almost me where's the mate ah no mate I guess under 40 for white ah this goes no further he's up 10 SEC Carlson's up 10 seconds in this final position he's going to wipe out another Pawn we got these passers these two this is a passer okay moving on Ohanian again a double berserk double fiend keto this time I don't think so okay they're playing I think is similar opening as they had before okay no there was a queen Exchange though not this time Knight is eyeing up C5 fantastic Square again playing with this H4 trying to soften up some squares on the king's on the king side there we go already a trick Knight takes you just take here Pawn takes this Falls minute five for black okay breaking in the center should be welcome to exchanges light Square Bishop exchange this queen getting in here in some positions should be really strong if this straight away I think you get that arrangement in there capture once no fancy discovery here I guess there's a queen exchange no not quite Queen takes Rook takes and then you drop this all right maybe maybe just the queen for two Rooks would be the reply there if Knight takes B form now we're offering a queen exchange taking here does this Knight have a good Square maybe you take on F6 first takes on F6 first now exchange Queens are still just play with them on Queen exchange first and welcoming more exchanges C6 F5 hit takes C6 clock situation 40 to 40 or 45 for Carlson under 40. for black look at these Knights jumping everywhere it's under control with this bishop here scary though working around this piece there's no pin on the night The Bishop's defending this square is covered as well oh this Pawn this Knight is falling next yeah black resigns threatening The Rook you move the Rook there goes the Knight moving on Raquel me another double berserk game grab like play here with G4 okay so some very quick space it seems nearby there's Knight F4 that that guy can't be maintained there can he in coming we have F3 Bishop G4 F3 F3 it is he's been pushed around and now back on with development do you want to go one or two two to stop this breaking up in the center and this is nearby once you have a bit more development in maybe this right now stopping Knight F5 no Knight F5 watching over H4 now comes E4 Pawn takes I guess you take with the Knight so that this is defended or can you afford to give up that pawn not sure how that's working out uh watch out for skewers oh you forget that the he forgot that the bishop was defending the Rook it wasn't like a mouse slip um I don't know maybe it is did he did he really intend to go here form a battery because this wouldn't have been a a good idea I don't know what the story that's that was a big Miss okay moving on chess today and just a berserk here by Carlson okay let us see trying to gain some space he has that and now let's regain the pawn secure the Knight if you secure them if you want to secure the Knight then you're giving up this Square C5 I guess he doesn't want to play in that way oh there goes the d-pawn freezes this guy for a second he has grabbed a pawn this is the extra some peace sacrifice cut out Knight C5 now he's flushing the bishop back first now stopping this stopping it with a piece also threatening the B Pawn doubling Rooks from here I feel like this might be a sacrifice very soon yeah I think he's anticipating that with the Knight Retreat also the bishop is hit Queen's staying very active raking this whole uh fifth rank doesn't want to see this invasive Pawn Yeah Queen there doesn't mind the doubled pawns Knight here in the end there's a fork uh same color Bishops pawns on ideal squares coordinated well up the pawn perfect position here looking to double in this way he couldn't go in the natural way this Bishop's covering d8 Rook is Frozen rook and pivot on B3 yeah Bishop takes Pawn is a threat Bishop takes Pawn is still no it's not there right now because of Rook takes ah there's that one as well unprotected Rook where are we at with the clock 210 for white oh this one goes no further 40 48 seconds for Carlson white simply resigns in this position he's down a second Pawn plan from here get back on the B file push the a pawn no counter play at all wow okay moving on Contra again this one's for double berserk and on board and open Sicilian with the c Pawn contributing in a wild G Pawn h4g5 in time straight away first defending this so I wonder why not this one is his idea to put the bishop on H3 Maybe yeah this could be sensitive so first uh Rook there he wants this immediately to justify these moves okay and nearby there could be this hang on you have to watch over this Pawn this is hit do we care about that okay this could be a bit more sensitive now this square right here the bishop this is a scary diagonal nearby though there is F4 F4 maybe maybe this first yeah this first so that you could next play F4 he's threatening to win a piece F4 The Bishop's pinned or the Knight is pinned to the bishop what are you doing about F4 Bishop needs to be defended I don't know can you cause trouble here okay he's defending with the King now move this Knight get the queen on C3 it's very good uh controller for the dark squares getting the Rook of clean over here this guy could follow this queen can't go too far maybe this is a counter attack okay Rook here maybe threatening I don't know if this is a big threat but also the queen is opposite the king here the king is returning but Queen takes D6 check now Queen here hitting a bunch Bishop Knight Rook guess you just back off no you can't back off the rook's gonna fall oh what is that move does that really work no he's down a rook I almost believed him I did believe him what is that what's the clock here under 30 seconds to 33 car Carlson is 33. I'm reading the clocks in the wrong way I should be reading a White's time first I'm going top down okay is this guy gonna get rolling uh 24 for Carlson call it even on the clock it's just gonna be a rat race are we ready to start pushing the pawns yet he's going to maintain the tricky Knight here it's nearly May okay now these guys are going Carlson's up a few seconds take with check he's gonna pull this one out isn't he he may just be winning now he's winning the night is Frozen it's a king upon ending okay yeah no stalemate's happening don't Mouse slip there watch out for stalemates watch out for stalemates no stalemates checkmate with three in the tank wow okay moving on tigrin a double Berserker I'm enjoying these double berserks this this event is turning out to be a blend of Blitz Blitz and bullet more more bullet than Blitz really okay that's I feel like that's sort of Welcome sight there for black light Square Bishop exchange the re yeah it's very good structure now for for black better Bishop have this is your active plan I mean I I think should be trying for a dark Square Bishop exchange and then going after this Pawn kind of like that approach oh he's going with the F Pawn break he's going to attack the king is he is this working smashing through here withdrawing the queen queen D7 it's Rook better not go too far ah this is a threat Rook takes there's this in between and then you can recapture what are you doing about this cannot allow a queen here 50 seconds for white okay the king steps up to defend maybe reroute the bishop here oh he's going straight in for a check why reroute why reroute when you could just go here straight away Knight takes you could take the Rook Rook takes you have this check first and then you're winning the the exchange at least and we have a resigner after Rook takes F3 down for the count team White moving on think fast move fast double berserk okay let's see oh I thought after this move isn't this okay maybe there's a problem here but I thought attacking that pawn for a third time would win the pawn okay and if you push here I think the Knight could capture again taking advantage of this pin okay Bishop pair now for team black simplifying he has a big Square here for the night yeah he doesn't want to see the night oh I'm forgetting that the E Pawn drops okay black is simply up a pawn here time Carlson's up about 12 seconds has a file this Pawn is pinned this Pawn is hanging no it's an unprotected Pawn right now some pressure on it so what do you do here F4 this have to watch out for oh it's a good thing the queen is there how to get rid of this Knight as soon as possible okay and then here next you don't want to allow the Knight get oh it can't actually go here so it's going to be sidelined now G4 drops this Pawn but this Knight is sidelined grabs the two point Pawn 30 seconds for black doubled up on the clock what do you do okay this square is covered Black's gonna pry open the B file just to get the Rook activity here we go Rook there first no good follow-up checks have to watch out for this it's taking first scary major pieces here for black 17 seconds though coin exchange should be good for white he's going for that needs to tame that Queen black cannot afford a queen exchange Bishop takes now Queen here going after this point is it available maybe stay more Central you pin you could block with the Rook oh he's what is he opening up Queen check there okay he's keeping the Queens still around here to recapture and prevent follow-up checks no good checks here only four seconds for black this one's yeah this one's an easy one to time burn your way to Victory it's also winning objectively take a note just keep pushing your Pawns yeah this one goes no further black resigns moving on hitter a berserk by Carlson only let's see working with some space immediately unmasking this bishop so if Knight takes Pawn it's probably Bishop takes Pawn I already like White's position wow opposite sides castles Just Launch a bunch of ponds seems like a decent approach don't go here you hit with the fork as tempting as that might be the threatening Mega won Knight A2 all right A3 and then Bishop D3 nearby monster Bishops I wonder if he's gonna take take care now he's gonna try and tame the dark Square Bishop it's going to turn technical could undermine the support of this Pawn I wonder maybe go with A6 A6 B5 Knight's gonna be kicked soon maybe take the pawn some issues here on the king's side to be sure a night night on F5 how do you deal with the Knight on F5 like a knight on F5 and some Rook getting involved there kind of scary black is in the tank he is taking the a pawn now he's gonna be a sidelined knight now he's flicking in the in-betweener and tracking down the d-pawn meanwhile White's going after that weekend at five square look out two checks super strong Knight okay and next step okay back rank mates could be a thing now it's only one check by this Knight no longer back rank mates because of that last move the King has a path forward trying to pry open the a file I'm guessing no good checks here you just end up getting trapped after King G7 also this was stopping the knight from being glued in there this is a new square for the night yeah this Knight right here okay so this might have been an idea to undermine this point if you went in for this straight away not entirely sure on that okay so if you take twice there's gonna be a no there's not going to be a fork that little hesitation right this hesitation right now by black makes me think he missed that this Square was covered by the Knight he just lost a pawn and now the king is ready to enter King on V6 tracking down this Pawn perfect coordination here quit trying to defend these pawns Maybe and go after this guy and he's hanging on to this as soon as the king moves maybe that move oh watch out now the Knight is looking for that F4 Square what a monster tracking the a pawn the Knight is hanging the Knight moves this Falls exchanging Knights first there that was a check it's a one rook and pawn ending up the pawn even if this Falls he knows it he throws in the towel Carlson wins moving on Angelito RT next opponent just a berserk by Carlson okay tracking down the dark Square Bishop but not so quick to take normally would prefer to see castles first and then the chop Queen is hitting the Knight so he's only he's only doing that after white has made some concession the capture here castling takes under developing the Knight unleashing an attack okay fine I'll take and now with this unopposed dark Square Bishop trying to break down the dark squares this guy here C Pawn wasn't contributing just yet these guys had some roll have some roll it's going after this point next shoeing the night away if he's on the edge he's under control the forward movement forward movements in fact the Knight here gets in the Rooks way as well taking with the Knight I think it's a nice Improvement also helps out complete development of the queen side go for the two Bishops duck this Knight exchange or maybe leave the tension maybe support the Knight that seems a little bit too weakening it's keeping the tension the bishop here straight away is probably getting hit with some Knight A5 oh more defenses needed over D6 wondering why that was played okay night check he's cool with this I guess and they'll probably want to undermine this this Pawn very soon very soon oh this is under Fire do you have to play this first hmm wow what a f what a fancy way to defend a very active defense there okay very fancy it also is stopping castling here cleanside castles for white clock situation is what 147 for white 42 for Carlson going after the uh going after the E5 Pawn now this can collapse in a in just a second here for for white if this Pawn Falls I mean what are you doing now also with the Rook here whoo Bishop takes E5 this is hit a bunch what move is he gonna come up with he's really in the tank here okay opposite color Bishop position he is now up upon light Square Construction yeah oh he's just kicking that Bishop off of this diagonal first okay these guys are there yeah there's his pocket get out of this pin it's defended right now okay he's pinning this bishop down and now going after the G2 Pawn Pac-Man mode take on G2 hang on though he has to play some defense if you move the Rook this this could fall Bishop was hit Queen back here one step watching over this so now the bishop can move this is secure and this is secure there's no fear of The Rook returning here now I feel like we're coming to a bit of a standstill 22 seconds for Carlson 45 for white pushing the pawns taking more light squares away looking for this intersection Square Rook here exchange Rooks and then get the queen here Rook check Queen is defending the bishop now if the bishop moves okay they're threatening made on what square is that B2 try to do something over here also Bishop takes pawn bishop takes pawn queen takes Queen takes Bishop a rook takes Bishop Rook takes Bishop takes 25 seconds for white opposite color Bishop position he's on this guy 12 seconds a queen here exchange queens and take here now he's taken there first two passers time 18 seconds King up here put the king here and start pushing he should be able to get this one seven seconds there's no there's no drawing tricks left mate no it's not mate right away that's mate though Bishop for his mate with five seconds in the tank a berserk game for Carlson takes that one wow moving on GM opponent another double Berserker and he is going right after that D4 square is a hole that those in there and more break in the center okay fancy Rook lift there do you really want to take that pawn oh that was the idea behind Queen f8 you're supporting Bishop H6 didn't see that one all right is this any good though here for black it seems he's a little bit on coordinated okay this is a really good Square now for the night hole isn't this a good Square can you afford to go into a pin he's not going into a pin trying to address this Knight here get out of my house Ganzo is this Rook close to trapped okay so this it has a square I believe that was the point behind this timely bishop move the queen is defending H4 there it's going so fast this is not a threat but this with then Bishop D4 was this is not a stable piece I'm surprised this guy has not dropped into this Square yet is he gonna fall in there no this guy could jump in here though and there he goes clock situation 43 a Piece call it no time to support this point the Rook is there and if you take here is this a problem here you're just barely defending okay next up we have this and then that Queen takes this drop C4 no C4 just taking advantage of the Knight and this should be over recapture and it is over there's no fancy move here to get out of the PIN white resigns moving on doctor X stranger a berserk by Carlson only okay B3 game what to do this Knight is pinned take the Knight and then break in the center no break in the center more development still no break in the center why do I want to keep doing this I'd like to get this Exchange in and strip lack of this Pawn have the double isolated pawns Queen on F5 again this is a scary Point probably need to take oh if you take the Knight though then this Rook is right here I wonder if this Knight could still jump I guess Pawn takes and you can't get to this file straight away uh getting a queen Exchange okay playing against the structure don't allow this oh he is allowing that he's going after this guy okay Rook is stopping it now okay this is probably in the crosshairs yeah if I had to guess you know white is for Choice more active Rook 2 minutes 10 seconds for black a minute Advantage for black okay this could be secured this is hit twice how are you defending it I guess in the end you have this idea going after the a pawn so now this is a threat okay and from here he's grabbing space on the king side G4 H4 H5 it seems like this move here is always met with this one but at least the Rook is cut off that's one of the benefits you don't have to worry about the Rook targeting this point for instance continuing to press he's not going to be so quick to move this Rook now there's this Square I almost want the king to get to D3 C4 yeah watch over this point as well there's not a really quick way to do that though it takes forever minute 35 for Black 47 for Carlson very very passive black Rooks here take ones don't take twice I don't think get to the file okay King Improvement okay he's he's going about it like this I guess yeah takes a while but this is the way to improve the pieces here while these guys are babysitting the pond eventually you're gonna have to babysit everything look at this so passive and now upon break the king wants this Square in the end oh you're also undermining this it should be broken a minute nine for black yeah Rook check Bishop takes Pawn next 36 seconds for Carlson to check here these are all falling Bishops hit this is gonna fall oh man like dominoes [Laughter] connected passers no problem you could probably go into a a discover check if you want welcome a rook Exchange look at this guy just sticking around here the whole while Bishop there first he wants to play this and not see that okay he should be in there is he there in time to stop this Pawn always threatening mate and you can't stop it that happened to him in an earlier game this idea okay black resigns moving on Gods gods have two thousand four just a berserk game here a berserk by Carlson no night B5 he says oh he also says how do you like that fork you don't have that as a move anymore watch out though careful careful careful watch out for the discovered checks yeah Bishop here even if the bishop goes here what's the story with that fancy Rook move yeah I would have expected just the oh that was his plan just to watch over the bishop he wanted a castle without Bishop to E6 let's see the conversion Bishop versus Pawn he's got the flight Square he's watching out for any pushes he's threatening a pawn as well nothing against the the back rank here he's grabbing the pawn he is on The Rook probably TR uh Trenton threatened threaten the Knight next he is up a rook surprised not to see a resigner here honestly a minute in the tank here to two minutes that is a passer it's a very good position to offset the Night Moves diagonal from the Knight the plan here push the pawn how are you gonna stop him there goes another piece there goes another Pawn and mate should be nearby night check coming up minute 53 43 seconds for Carlson plenty we got a mate and two how do you stop that check thrown in there's no stalemate ideas in mate right away either Rook would have done the trick okay moving on um let's see a double berserk game here let's see are they repeating their game from earlier feels very similar okay no in an earlier game it was this night Retreat and then we had this capture I was wondering something happened here we're watching the same game again no okay that Knight here I guess wasn't anything super scary here you simply step over things are closed in order to get any progress here I think this guy has to get going yeah must a challenge this Knight doesn't want to budge with this yeah this guy has a nice grip over the queen side not easy to dislodge this Knight G3 is a break it's going after this guy first I don't think you have to react to that maybe this could be a thing okay defending it directly Pawn isn't a pinned I don't know that you could take advantage of it though okay actually the bishop may be snaking in here oh he's doing that but first with the exchange and then planting the bishop here fancy okay where does the king go here seems like the safest oh forget about that he castles he's not afraid of this or that he's getting on this file what's happening here oh oh is this just over he's gonna get it A3 can't take the pun get out of Queen takes Pawn with check you would like to the king to be here so that this is here and you can't get the Queens off can you make that work under 40 seconds for white 30 seconds for Carlson we do have a queen Exchange okay he's gonna try and Advance this Pawn push here you could push shouldn't be anything dangerous so he's grabbing the a pawn first guess he's saying I'm gonna need this guy to distract you really close to me really close you do have one square though like this Pawn wants to be here right now but no there would be this Square for the king it's not working out eyes pushing through time so you have enough time no he has more time and he's better in position is it Perpetual it's not a Perpetual The Queen Is there stopping that move oh it's a good thing promotion guarded G5 there the time is close to even now The Rook is defending the pawn this guy is running wild could keep going he's going he wants Bishop here he's got the bishop there and the conversion should not be any problem three seconds should be enough no stalemates and mate with 0.9 wow okay next up here we go chess today again another berserk game by Carlson okay three of the four Bishops are feeling kettled how to recapture the bishop okay could take with the queen threaten a mate Bishop F6 Queen D2 symmetrical structure for the most part piece play from here some flight square at some stage okay you got the flight Square more exchanges where would the Knight be best placed on this Square he's eyeing it up or some fancy tricks the fancy tricks here not seeing the fancy tricks maybe E4 it's doubling Rooks okay this Knight is pinned this idea B form b4a4 B5 it seems hmm how do you get out of the pin actually if this Rook goes somewhere else then there's wow look at how fancy there is a trick there Knight takes B5 okay if you took the Knight straight away there was this and then you take the Rook on C7 he's up a pawn and ideally placed here behind the passer he could get back in time with the Rook but then it's a really passive State probably a one rook and pawn ending Rook takes Pawn push he's gonna get there just in the nick of time on the B8 square and now it's uh look at the technique who is he going after the weakest link right here this Pawn as soon as it falls this guy is instantly passed okay how do you make progress this oh he's going with this as a breakdown I guess yeah definitely with this one there's no turning oh no you could still turn back you could come over come around this way uh he continues to push he's gonna freeze it entirely oh this is how he runs out of moves the King has to move and give up the pawn any stalemate resources is he going for a stalemate resource he is here there's this wow oh there was even this idea to to take and if you take back it would have been stalemate there was a stalemate resource so tricky time 25 seconds for Carlson black is not making it easy uh he's gonna snake in though King right here yeah okay smooth road ahead from here he knows it no stalemates in this position no stalemate ID is left in this position black resigned so in what was it real quick here so after check here if the king simply goes back you you take the pawn so if you promoted here there's Rook takes Rook takes and it would be stalemate so sneaky I was thinking this but you could take okay next is scheme against Dr X stranger a Berserker for Carlson only let us see another reverse Sicilian this is the setup of connected Knights Bishops on the second rank small pond Center it's been working out really well for him he's these tricks getting a knight to that's C5 Square okay break in the center where to go with the queen don't go too far Knight pressure on G7 and from here okay Bishop pair unopposed dark Square Bishop got your flight Square in more exchanges Knight D4 Knight D4 maybe Queen here do you want to give that square up so easily okay wants to give this Knight a shove this Knight can't go too far there's one you know okay there's two squares but you don't have to move the Knight stopping Knight here this is covered where to go with the queen One Step back pressure on A6 giving some direction to Black something to think about I might just take that pawn and then have a a candidate passed a pawn okay clamping down on the C Pawn this Knight has to make a decision how many options do you have this is ready to fall and well this is now ready to follow any night move the queen would be defending the Knight is falling back to defend Queen here uh This falls in the end Queen D6 feels stable ah he's going after the a pawn minute 50 for black two minor pieces for The Rook beautiful queen no more pressure here no more problems on G2 the knights ready to hop in this is also nearby Queen has a job here on F7 minute 33 for black 45 for Carlson exchange Queens take the pawn this is covered this is going to fall okay there's Bishop here as well take this Pawn now he's going after this one first Bishop takes Pawn check and then this one okay make sure you get rid of that oh and you're just you're there initially I was thinking the night moving over but Bishop is far more efficient look at how quickly he finds this perfect coordination everything is just defended in a blink 117 for white for black excuse me 32 for Carlson awesome Fork it's going after this and then that's going to fall oh man felt like Checkers right then some kind of triple jump oh man one minute 27 seconds here for Carlson check check push next what do you do Gonzo no stalemates King has a square and goes no further black resigns moving on here we go zigalko a berserk for Carlson another scandi another queen D6 scandi Knight here seems like it's supporting Bishop F4 okay immediate pressure on D4 now okay he's got some space so how do you complete development going with a fiend Kettle now he's going to track down this Pawn he's going to go Queen side yay or Nan the queen side no giving the Knight a kick he's gonna win this pun next where is he nice move flicked in there check-aroni now take and you have to exchange Queens okay you don't okay the Queens are gonna be exchanged you don't have to initiate the exchange I should have been saying no good check here this Knight is under control this and then this you get those two Moves In beautiful slightly underdeveloped here black but this one okay sneaky if you play this it's not so you can't really defend that so now he's going to part ways with this Pawn I guess he's going after this maybe his counter play Rook f8 I hear Rook f8 knight move Knight to one of these two and this is hit three times and defended zero defended once feels like zero anything happening here I'm not seeing it what is the clock time a minute nine for Carlson okay white is really having a think here Knight takes F7 Rook f8 some other move what it what is the other move he's considering here Bishop E3 Bishop E3 played and now Rook f8 defending everything this and then C5 maybe C5 straight away I want to get this bishop out of here so there's King B7 you could rely you could rely upon this Square for a second this straight away like if the bishop was here this you could just take with the Knight on F6 what's happening on this move okay a check oh he's considering was he really considering going there I guess he was what other option do you have here do you now if you take here there's a rook check so what other move Carlson's in the tank here okay and now white is for Choice here even material or an isolated Pawn but look at how active these Rooks are king of two watch over the pawn and you're still on this guy Oh weird seen that one okay still on this one seems like he's going to be able to defend the a pawn now 4 47 seconds for white I gotta get running with these guys just one step now Rook activity is going after the C Pawn C Pawn CBA white is on the defensive back here stop Rook entry and then okay he doesn't want to see this guy these guys go any further breaking things down he's got a hole here 21 seconds slight time Advantage here for team White seven seconds uh it's evening out call it 20 seconds each 18 seconds each he's still in the tank he can't find a move he's gotta move oh he's going after this Pawn that was a lot of time to spend on that move right there oh he's got the connected passers they outweigh these guys for sure he's not even gonna let this guy get going should be a win nine seconds a piece three connected passers oh he never even took that doesn't care about that Rook get the two pawns on the sixth in your golden check he wants that Rook off two queens and and where are we at oh it's a draw it's a draw at the end oh man okay that was a Berserker he needed another second okay next up chess is not fair Grand Master chess is not fair four uh well we got another double Berserker here okay ah nice in-betweener you're on the clean so he just won a pawn there now he's got a Super Pawn on E5 it's defended defending with defending with the peace no Pawn upon now if this guy moves this guy is gonna be on e4 okay Knight C3 to e for yeah this this should be a one position up a pawn no he's not up a pawn in this position but he has a super Knight the night quality the big difference that I see here everything is crushed it seems the minor pieces are under control because of this structure alone and how you're defending this point it's a queen check here oh my goodness he missed that one wow that was a big Miss okay so what do you do here 31 seconds black was really giving that one a think yeah I was expecting night there much sooner so he's gonna go for this plan it's not going to be easy because these two restricted these three it's almost like white is playing uh two pawns versus the Knight position uh how do you disrupt this I don't know it feels like you come to a standstill these guys can't do anything you would like to challenge this Knight but The Bishop's gonna just stick around here you can have a repetition or a 50 move rule uh I don't think you can't move these two only 10 seconds maybe White's gonna go for something sneaky he doesn't want to see a a draw here ah you could push does he want to push though he doesn't want to push because there's going to be a sacrifice and then the bishop could Round Up This Pawn the king position would be superior on the F5 Square so he's mixing things up now I was wondering if you could push there yep playing on oh there goes the Knight only a minute he's got uh it's 33 seconds there goes a bishop too there's just no time for chess is not fair chess was not fair in that one okay moving on next opponent is chess today for a berserk game what I keep saying for a berserk game it's a Berserker for Carlson again okay what is this and some I think it's the freak attack this Rook G1 stuff very caveman like the freak attack okay taking with the bishop okay yeah I guess you still want to keep this file open if you already spent some time to play Rook C8 he's working on the light squares here and he wants to push with F4 makes a lot of sense where's this King gonna go you'd like to have some open file here on the king side time to reroute your worst piece he says okay Knight D3 hmm Knight F5 is a thing too don't move the pawn pressure here is out of the pin next up Knight F5 okay is there gonna be an accident happening here I don't think there's anything exciting happening on this if you try these moves Queen takes C2 hmm wow it's a big decision well that's the wrong way to say it I thought that that night was really strong there stronger than the dark Square Bishop maybe even Rook takes D6 is crossing my mind so if Rook here this okay Queen going back to defend um night if this Knight gets activated it should be over is this a move looking at this one no he's going after E4 oh okay the Knight could cover if this move is there getting out of the PIN bothering The Rook again opening up a square for maybe what am I talking about a square he doesn't want this he wants queen here mate and there's just no defense what a killer a queen and a pawn is all that's necessary to weave a mate in this position black resigns next up feed a master for another double berserk okay a lot of berserks in this one Bishop is unprotected this guy is pinned the sky is passed now two past Pawns okay what role is this guy gonna play we got some really nice squares here for the black pieces it's hopping right to it there's pressure on D3 and the bishop the bishop is hit again this guy is past dark Square weaknesses Pawn push you take the Knight and then take here and play the opposite color Bishop ending here we are tall Pawn really if you cannot get rid of this bishop this is just a dead piece okay put pressure on the Block hater oh he wants one Rook off first interesting I guess if this straight away this is a nice active defense maybe that would have been the way so he wants one Rook off and now approach with the King approach with the King this Rook is gonna have to they're gonna have to do something else this Rook is gonna have to okay he gets to that square this is a much he could take there straight away a much better way to put pressure on the bishop Rook on B2 rather than A3 here just drops the pawn and here goes the pawn if you come back over here there's Bishop there threatening mate 30 seconds for white a minute for Carlson call at 55 for Carlson there's no time to go after this stuff gonna be defending here there's still also this idea how does he want to play it I think this King here is threat yeah this straight away I think because King here it's me he had to be resigner very soon 17 seconds okay he's flicking in a fancy move maybe hoping for a pre-move okay mate right around the corner here moving on oh Rebecca Harris four four what keep seeing four it's another double berserk okay no pin doesn't want to see a pin castles no challenge right away okay so double attack Knight takes Pawn ooh oh this defends both Knights fancy fancy okay blacks up a pond but it feels a little weird over here with the Knights Queen is kicked to D5 though he gets the pawn back can't take twice here the bishop would hang has to watch over this okay in the end isolate the pawn position even material clock situation about even okay that square was covered there was pressure here this Knight is really good connecting Rooks first G4 G4 in there Rook is hitting the Knight this is a square doesn't want to see Knight D5 that's why a D5 push these Knights are so jumpy oh man okay what do we do here couple checks I don't think they're anything special going after the B Pawn breaking down the B Pawn with A4 Rook exchange ah very nice okay this Knight is really strong do you give him a kick first do you play here and then a kick uh Bishop is good here on C3 do you step up can you step up it's close to me he's testing that one going after this point next uh this is going to fall one way or the other with check okay watch out Bishop this Knight is so jumpy takes the pawn minor piece exchange black is very close to winning I think and more active Rook up a pawn and have a really active King breaking down this position further this is past no it's not passed this is the pass Pawn oh these guys are playing so fast 33 seconds for black Carlson down 10 seconds check if it feels like a draw feels like a draw rook and pun or yeah Rook versus Rook position I would expect a draw here not by uh agreement okay they're not gonna play out anymore just a rook Exchange in the end whoo Wild game there were some jumpy nights there this one is a double berserk okay Raquel me all right what kind of structure benoni benoni structure undermining the support of the E Pawn he wants this point take my knight Pawn I get your Center Pawn okay A6 defending the B Pawn there's a hole here he's developing and watching out for something like this proving the Knight we're really working on these dark squares okay doesn't want to see this I think a queen exchange is welcome here for black doubling the Rooks okay he's gonna push this Knight around oh this is his way to focus on this Square so one of these two is I think almost always going to be available to the night like sarin played in an earlier game there might be some night drop in here to have these two pawns threatening a fork this could be nearby okay there was some pin here on F2 White's watching over that and now going with his majority here three versus two he's gonna have a passer very soon oh what's that move oh that was a piece was captured with that move Knight capture on F3 I blinked I missed it this isn't as appealing now with fewer pieces on board but maybe do you still try it I mean okay if you take it the night there's a check wants to keep this defended what a monster piece knight on G4 where does The Rook go or the Niko oh he's diving in here looking for this check maybe you come back to defend are you scared about that Queen comes back here these tricks not good enough black will be there just in time take here there's Queen takes Rook let me just come back defend everything and you're threatening this or are you no because there'd be that many idea and if you go here there's this one okay so he's going for The Rook exchange saying I'm not scared you're Queen and Pawn offer a queen exchange defend the pawn as well bring this Rook back to defend yeah no time to take this this Pawn would run uh is there any counter play against the F2 Pawn maybe Queen here the king is approaching Queen here now mating two threat he no he didn't miss it the queen is defending he Tracked Down The Pawn what's the time I wasn't even looking at the time now it's going to be a main two only four seconds for white oh it's forgetting that one was a double berserk moving on next up Elda double berserk game King's Indian defense he Mouse slipped some A6 in an earlier game A5 is the way A5 Knight C5 pressure here if C F3 is in then you could feel more comfortable about moving your knight to H5 now Bishop takes Knight there and you eye up this Square F4 the night okay now he's diving in he should be tracking down a bishop okay he Tracked Down the better Bishop with that sequence so this guy watch out for him if he could get here fantastic this Knight is under control by a pawn this position is for Choice both nights you might as well say are under control by Pawns all right oh this is under Fire defended actively with the bishop okay white wants to remove this guy he's too good maybe this guy defend this and you're ready to retreat is there something better he is going with Knight D7 could fall back reroute the bishop no flush the night away this Knight is still under control now kicking the queen back like to get a rook here any any piece really besides a queen a knight Rook Bishop idelia Knight watch over this this guy has to be such a pest look at how you have to put all your pieces on light squares because of this guy let's go with that unopposed Bishop does to the pieces sometimes and now a huge gap here oh he's winning upon or is he fancy two oh okay I was gonna say two minor pieces for the queen how is this one turning out actually he's just saying take the Rook okay so rook and a knight call it for the queen clock 33 for white 27 for black now the queen is going wild what do you do here there's a fancy night move and the bishop is hit first hitting the Knight second ranked Knights oh the Knight is on that square and we have resignation whoo okay moving on hitter Carlson berserked this game let us see all right Knight D2 unmasking the light Square Bishop straight away castles Knight C3 what does black play here he's giving this one a thing he does have the time after all he's got oh going after F2 going after B2 active defense there also you're there in time to have this move in here both Knights are controlling C3 now you could flush that guy away and just barely there it seemed to defend both of those threats F2 and B2 and now there's the offer of a queen Exchange the end game should be better for white I feel um why do I think that exactly I'm not sure something about this Knight having a great post connecting well well it connects good with the uh their furthest Advanced Pawn okay that was a strong Queen in the center does weaken the king side playing like this but guess he's saying things are cool it's more important to get rid of that Queen on E5 black going into another think okay Queen D2 Queen D2 it is there are no in-betweener ideas this is defended even if it wasn't defended you can't meet Queen takes Queen with Knight check let's say if he was here because there's always this counter-attacking King f8 all right how to complete development this is almost certainly met with E4 alright he's prepping D5 I guess what about E4 here uh E4 maybe this okay you get this Square I get this Square 94. all right now this is a different in-betweener Queen takes Queen there's Knight takes Knight King G7 Knight takes Pawn check and only then you recapture can't go for the queen exchange there now Knight C3 controlling this the Knight on C3 controls the D5 break and white should be for Choice here this Pawn kind of backward you got everything on this bishop Knight pawn queen Rook perfect centralization these guys are still camping out on home base okay there's a square to work with maybe oh this is a square to work with he's x-raying this hole in F6 is there any other fancy moves no maybe setting up this though with then the queen returning here doing something on F6 yeah he did white uh excuse me black doesn't want to see that with Tempo he's going to go for the doubling and then think again about this move and then here this move right now this move right now you need to do something about this Knight he's probably going to stay around on the king side he's not he's going after this Pawn if he advances you could just take he has enough on that I was thinking maybe play here first this one should be a goner the D5 Pawn 42 seconds for black 31 for Carlson this was a berserk game but now they are evening out on the clock I did not even see that that pawn was hanging okay he's now at the exchange and look at these two Rooks controlling the two open files this is covered Queen's probably gonna get kicked soon she's too good on this Square carving out a square on B4 he's going after the H4 upon 22 for black 22 for each call it there's F6 or excuse me G5 it's got the H4 upon going for F6 now going to break down G6 actually are there perpetuals I don't think there's a Perpetual he's going for mate and two threat and what do you do really isn't a good oh okay on a check you could take the bishop he's really thinking this one through is he gonna move whoa he moved with two seconds okay this one's definitely a goner and mate just before blacks flag fell okay next up who do we got chess weeb another berserk game another scandi for this one okay things look healthy here for black yeah you got some golden squares okay now that's that actually changes things significantly because if black had the time to get that in there and this Pawn was still around the Rook doesn't have movement the bishop doesn't have movement it's a night black uh black would have a nice grip on the position if there was still a white Pawn around on F4 not the case here it is much more open more things to worry about active play for the Rook it's taking on E6 here doesn't want to see this Knight get to this Square so easily so these forward moves are covered now he's undoubling upon he's undoubling upon this Knight is sidelined too check it's taking the Knight and then taking here do you even get this Pawn back think you do because here you lose the Knight this is covered well enough just go for something else okay he's going for something else keeping a strong Knight around this is a passer now he's kicking the bishop this is a jump this is another jump look at these jumpy Knights that's a fork yeah the king active defense instead of moving the pawn King Improvement cuts out a jump here The Rook is hit again where are the forks okay he's taking the bishop there's no good checks here well it's covered anyhow Pawn the Knight has it covered these guys are offset 44 seconds for Carlson and is he gonna go for this kind of push what's the story here if there's a night move you can't take here you're gonna end up losing the Knight after Pawn takes days off of the C file out of the pin there are no night checks no any checks for white this guy is pinned a knight right here could be strong Maybe maybe an exchange sacrifice it's never going to be enough he's going for it though stay on a different color Square than the night next up there's this and hide defending that one it's grabbing the a pawn first oh he's getting a fork there's a way out with this one and go for that the rook and pawn ending is winning for sure minute 13 to 31 this is plenty of time yeah in fact you're just not stopping this right now rook h8 and that's actually the final of the game white resigned before black even made the move D2 moving on who's next chess master 2006 we have a berserk game for Carlson okay let's see Carroll Khan land capture on C5 in this line so if we have these captures I see frequently this this idea where you're just you know okay fine your Center is a bit more weakened this is maybe a bit more vulnerable I'm okay with having my Bishop inside of the pawn chain let me put some quick pressure on C5 all right as it stands now though white is up a pawn still has all Pawns okay he's taking that out and now breaking down the dark squares trying to do something with this guy well there's two two Bishops he's working with now two Bishops versus two knights do you care about Knight here you can always cut it out right now doesn't care about that move it's different if this and this is threatened right away okay he is going here so actually if now G6 there's Knight F6 almost certainly try for this stuff okay where is that Queen going exactly the extra Pawn white has it's tough to get it going it's not a an asset I don't think in this position the queen is always there to defend the king side squares now that she's on this diagonal even a bishop if he somehow had Queen A6 getting the bishop around here very good Defender I would almost prefer to be the the bishop on the king's side defending somehow but I don't think there's anything exciting happening on the the king side here Bishop here provokes maybe an advance and then this guy is going to be a Target maybe with this one some pivot here there might be an accident happening on the the third rank this Knight can't move white is really pinned up here I feel one minute 30 for white 55 for Carlson what do you do he's really having a think here okay backward Pawn targeted right away keeping the Rook on the C file this square has opened up for a night is threatened here also this queen okay no back rank mates this bishop could always block if that happens Queen E4 is looking pretty good very soon no check first oh watch out for this check oh one minute for white 45 for Carlson oh what do you what am I talking about you're winning this Pawn next wow this Rook is a dummy then C3 he wants the queen Exchange now he's getting both pawns got a passer here he's on this as well at that point you could probably even give up the queen if you wanted start pushing the pawn you could take here as well and you're on the Rook okay that works too you're up a piece in this variation he's now up on the clock okay I did not see what just happened there no Queen but it's a rook and two Bishops versus the queen no perpetuals yeah this covers everything yeah Rook is perfect Bishop is perfect move the bishop check 22 seconds for white 31 for Carlson you could go here you have this next where is the mate where's the mate starting with the check grabbing another Pawn setting up a discovery ah look at how pretty mate next after King here white knows it throws in the towel next up who do we got Ohanian it's been a while since he played this opponent here double berserk game let us see okay both pawns going two in the center just winning a poem looks like he's just winning upon he's winning a phone this is covered doesn't want to play with F3 probably could have okay he is just up a clean Pawn and what a pawn it is okay it's challenged this is the the extra Pawn now oh black has the better Bishop King up feels natural okay King up now unpins the bishop exchange first go after this guy next okay oh he's gonna go with the d-pawn and gotcha okay ah look at the maneuver doubling in this way he wants to keep a close eye on Queen F3 check that's his way to advance the pawn this move can also be there okay and he he's saying I'd be there in time or where would he be there in time I think he would be there in time maybe not if you have the the queen exchange the king stepping up like this not sure exactly how that plays out Queen F6 is nearby Queen has to watch over this he'd like to take with check if here there's a check and then you get to take the pawn with check although maybe the bishop is going to block ah this is the good coordination although I wonder if in some cases there's Bishop takes Pawn there and after Pawn takes queen queen takes the bishop on E3 once the queen Central if you take here it's going to be it would have been a perpetual now you could take and you could take here with check the queen will be back in time to defend everything like this more active defense his Queen here yeah this is more active I guess instead of this one keep pressure on this a pawn is pinned you got this check the king hugs the pawn queen E3 check defends Queen F3 he's gonna get going with the V Pawn time situation 21 for black 25 for Carlson and what'd he do he's winning a pawn giving a check defending the pawn ah look at how quick grabs the a pawn he's now up two he has one base point to watch over Queen here support the pawn check you could probably step over maybe maybe a check here and then this many ways to do it defend this constantly or put the king here defend the diagonal and that's one way to do it right there get the Queens exchanged and this one goes no further black resigns moving on these GM a berserk game for Carlson another scandi okay a very early C4 here Queen staying active here on the fifth Rank and he's able to take advantage of this pin huh with E5 I would guess because it helps out the bishop hmm oh wow what's the story there oh would it have what's the story exactly if E5 was played was their Queen here counter-attacking against this point if the king moved in that position there would be Queen takes Pawn check and then that's how you get the piece back well that was a fancy maneuver this is his way to get the bishop back I think that was maybe the idea this this idea to get out of the pen and go after B7 felt so awkward put the queen on that square but I think that was the reason why it was played okay this isn't the first time that it's been a case of opposite sides castles in the the scandi openings okay this guy is pinned F2 Pawn is pinned this guy cannot move Queen's still a pest also Rook here is maybe nearby active oh oh it's just over now you can't defend against Queen H2 if you play G3 you lose the bishop was he gonna try sacked he's giving up the bishop for a pawn and now he could play here okay he's gonna play on it's down a piece down a piece and a pawn wow okay clock situation Carlson just under a minute and now wants to pry open the H file the queen is stable right here no fancy Night Moves we got this covered he's still gonna try for it maybe do something with the pawn but he's sniffing that one out too Knight C5 you just take this Pawn is pinned now speaking of pins we got a pin here just wants to remove that pesky Knight Rook takes Bishop here there's nothing fancy you're still in a pin ing the queen or at least trying to scare the queen away let's offer a queen exchange if you duck it I'm just going in for the attack there is nothing here for white a minute nine 50 seconds for Carlson plenty of time off for a queen exchange move forward he says why go to the why go to the side defending this one point after a coin exchange we're ready for this H5 will be peeled open shortly 53 for white 44 for black he's having to think What's it gonna be he's really in the tank here really in the tank okay in the end Queen exchange so this one's been dead for a while but I guess they're gonna play this one now winning on position better on time here he's prepared to sack the Knight nor not I mean that was an approach for sure but he doesn't want to give up any material it's going to track down all these Pawns there goes another okay 22 to 28 . yeah just get rid of the pawns here give a check plenty of ways to do it that's a way to do it I'm really surprised to see this one still going on just white doesn't have a resign in him in this game okay finally a resignation only after move 50. all right moving on another game against Rebecca Harris Mr narditsky double Berserker okay that last one went right down to Kings each had I don't know was it 15 seconds to 11 seconds narditski had more time in the drop drawn position okay gearing up for B4 King sniffs that out opposite sides castles here okay that's a pretty irritating Pawn I gotta say this night well now the bishop is covering the light squares okay he wants to get rid of that pawn and he has not something you really go for if this queen was maybe over here but he has the time to grab that pawn and then get back to safety okay he's given up a huge Square D4 um this bishop this bishop feels like a dummy this queen though very strong piece okay you are watching over the night moves towards the king side at least this Pawn up for grabs might be up for grabs he cares more about this big Square D4 flight square at some point here for black what is going on okay that's a big Square for a bishop challenged right away now there's a pin okay the Knight was attacking the queen and if Queen takes Rook there's Queen takes Rook mate 41 seconds for black um all these fancy in-betweeners man wow Queen takes Rook Queen takes Rook would have been leading to mate oh and he made it so that it was Knight takes Queen with check so fancy and it goes no further a resigner here D7 d8 right around the corner no checks here for black what a game wow so sharp both of them chess today another berserk game been many games I believe against this chest today opponent where just the berserk on the one end okay this guy's poison you can have Bishop F4 Bishop F4 uh I guess Queen B6 only four A4 B4 and in between are there with Knight C4 what about this what's going on there you have to try that advanced yeah because the Knight is threatened there was mate threatened he had to give up a pawn in order to save the piece there so D5 was the way and now complete development if you can okay how can white take advantage of this make use of this lead in development let's see light Square Bishop is tracked ooh okay so now this night is very strong I was thinking you'd take maybe with the piece and try to get in C4 but there's no C Pawn around this guy is super stable Bishop here Queen side castles you don't think keto in this case I think you think more about controlling the Knight okay this there's that one and The Rook is hit King takes maybe this nearby doesn't want to play that okay if you take here for very fancy there's Knight F6 and you can't take here Queen would fall poison Pawn that was offering a queen exchange also watching out for this maybe you're taking H4 if you're if white is not careful minute 55 for white 35 for Carlson um not looking good the extra Pawn he has really isn't felt in fact yeah okay he's getting the pawn back and then another one Rook A6 and you try to give this Knight a kick he goes here it's gonna be really good on one of these two squares that's just how it is white is for Choice white should be winning here oh there goes another pawn and a fork on top of it all and takes the Rook with check and it's a resigner Carlson down for the count moving on coming up think fast move fast a double berserk let's see okay A6 should be useful oh fancy move there night was hit and C6 this guy is in a pin I guess you could could have still moved it if you wanted to you you're on the queen there Bishop takes I'm not sure exactly how that plays out I thought Knight C6 might have been a move time to kick this Knight away A6 A6 into B4 makes me A3 and B4 major P specific white still needs the flight Square oh another in betweener he's up a pawn now white is up a pawn and this is in the crosshairs Rook D7 53 seconds call it even on the clock Rook here defend your one base Point okay this is now Under Fire the queen defends this Rook defends that Rook could now go more aggressive this is the new base Point look at how quick as soon as that's in there unprotected let me attack this Pawn is pinned this is a threat it's out of the PIN now Rook takes B now he's going after this setting up a discovery defending the queen side squares the king not having too fun here not anything too much fun oh man Rook B7 is stopped Queen is Central challenged Rook D4 Queen D4 look at this Rook spectator babysitter mode the whole while 27 seconds okay now we're getting the Rook Exchange watch this queen in the center oh you gotta watch out for H4 Queen G3 ideas ah look at how quick he's covering the Perpetual idea he just has to watch over the E1 Square everything's covered Queen on F4 now defends everything pressure on here as well covers the King on the diagonal golden square right here Queen on F4 check and then here you go check and then advance it's always this check maybe gonna land it now oh that forces the queen exchange and with it resignation for black moving on we don't have any more to move on it's over okay [Laughter] that was 51 games it was a crushing result at the end of the day it wasn't even close those of you who caught it live were all well aware final standings there 185 for Carlson Rebecca Harris and noraditsky taking second third top five get something wow okay let me look at some of the stats here that's your top ten in fact let's just go through the top the top 50 who are the top 50 finishers of this event it's page two page three page four and page five let's look at some of the stats here okay I do know some details here there was a streak of 15 consecutive berserk wins okay uh at the end of the day performance rating 3097 win rate 82 percent berserk rate 94 percent for this Blitz titled Arena it's tough to track him down it's been a while since he played in any uh in any events on Lee chess so nice to track him down even if it isn't uh live I would have liked to have caught him live but it I wasn't able to make it so this was the the next best thing in my case making use of this real-time feature okay good event as always I wanted to see those games and we got to see them foreign
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 104,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magnus carlsen blitz chess, magnus carlsen goes 94% berserk, magnus carlsen lichess titled arena, magnus carlsen is drnykterstein, magnus carlsen goes berserk, magnus carlsen blitz titled arena July 2023, chessnetwork, chess network
Id: RkBgf06G89E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 43sec (9883 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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