Magnus Carlsen meets a shark | Early Titled Tuesday

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hi everyone it's Jerry I am going to track Magnus Carlson in the early titled Tuesday Blitz June 20th 2023 he's currently in there along with icaro nihal sarin mvl Nico Theo kramnik grishuk okay stacked field as usual okay we had a slow start to this first one uh Carlson's opponent did not move until a minute 35 remain so all right maybe connection issue we have a French defense all right staying strong on D4 oh okay some aggression out of this French wants an open G file if the Knight was picked up with an eye on the guest Queen side castles but the g-pawn was not picked up so and this diagonal is weakened you can grab a Tempo against h7s doing just that so now already in a predicament because of Chief G6 you're asking for H4 H5 we do have this this should be a winning attack very clumsy Rook some possible tactic clean pivot here clean here for mate probably coming up next this probably probably no matter what if you take like this these two points would be hit should be almost pretty much game over yeah it's just a full Rook well that was quick round two International Master opponent that first round felt like a bye opponent got the late start and dropped a rook there's our standings we have in this game Scandinavian okay the queen D6 guess white is prepping Bishop F4 I was going to say with A6 black is prepared to play B5 so much for that with Queen B6 is he gonna grab a pawn no developing the bishop in the natural way this guy on the other hand not so natural case of opposite sides castling coming up it's looking like blacks hanging right it's going to be this increased pressure on D4 very soon you don't have to react to this threat D5 you could Queen side Castle yeah black gets castles in it's already he's already threatening E5 somewhat uncomfortable it already feels for white can you bother the Queen Annie Knight A4 it seems like you dropped the bishop back Queen side Castles nearby Queen wouldn't be getting trapped or anything she has two squares if you want to maintain Queens I guess you could go here in in reply to Knight A4 this could be sensitive as well okay he is going for a knight A4 and we are going to get a queen Exchange so this can hang could get this guy or this guy though is the Knight going to be trapped if C3 Knight takes Pawn King here um there's always Knight D5 though hitting the bishop defending the pawn if you don't want to calculate oh but he calculated hitting the rook and the bishop or the yeah the The Bishop's hitting the rook in the night nice Fork so this that your structure is destroyed this Pawn will be poisoned in the end because it's skewers all right we're gonna see the Magnus conversion also The Rook is hanging okay so that's stopped there's this is still probably poisoned because of this one and after the bishop moves there's going to be discovered check uh he still doesn't care about this Pawn huh oh because of Knight to D5 there I guess oh he was on B4 as well okay so a huge structural Advantage here for black this night is Clumsy there's a square for it now though E4 Clumsy Night is being attacked maybe continue pushing the pawn yeah Pawn on dark Square ties in well with this guy there's maybe even a rook lift on the cards this could be a move in some cases probably not right away because of B5 so this Advance is Paving the way for a knight to possibly be irritating on F4 although Bishop backing off there and they come to a bit of a standstill what's the intention exactly I would expect the Knight exchange to be proof that no he's still going for oh he's breaking down the structure like this yeah so more weaknesses are being created in White's Camp we're gonna have a rook and pawn ending very soon split pawns here they just maintain the tension maybe this one now he's keeping the light Square Bishops around so what's his idea to just circle around with this guy no it's going to be just to play defensive role for right now he's going hunting probably after these guys three isolated Pawns the king can watch over too he's gonna do something like this or maybe like that how do you make progress it feels like the king needs to come over here won't be surprised if he yeah like yeah so he is taking down the double isolated pawns and then he's going to come over here maybe after flicking that one first to stabilize the King when he gets to F5 there's no progress to be made on the queen side what's the time situation whoa down to 30 seconds team White okay give the check yeah he's gonna mop up everything now oh yeah you might have a resigner here Rook takes Pawn he's debating on whether to take this one or that one oh so fancy Rook takes Pawn King there and The Rook is going to be trapped here here advance there take the pawn and you're there in time to take the Rook before your king is bothered oh yeah this is short-lived oh he could do it this way too and then go after this guy get the Rooks off we're gonna have a resigner nice conversion fancy move there Bishop C2 tactic that was nice ending The Rook hitting the Knight two out of two round three here are the standings some of the other players with two out of two Grand Master opponent all right D4 Bishop F4 is a start simple chess oh okay he's shooting for a quick E4 so those first two rounds first two rounds ended up winning a rook both games smooth conversions Bishop here for white does he try to activate this guy right away no he's going after the King again round one and now three he's launching this G Pawn G and H Pawn blacks prepping E5 okay continue with H5 do we put an emphasis on Queen side castles are we okay with giving this guy up because it seems like this guy's gonna get here after E5 takes first or maybe a back off and keep this guy here yeah maybe he's gonna hide on F1 after the capture wants to keep this Pawn on D4 controlling the Knight doesn't want to give up the E5 Square guess we're gonna have that this is a Cozy home and the bishop is pretty good here okay so she seems like she's sort of close to maybe being trapped in some cases oh no there's there's pressure here what am I talking about and you can't play Knight to E2 to defend what is white doing about this it's actually pretty irritating the king would like to be here right about now so 92 it would be available the king defending the bishop but he's gonna have to stir up some trouble because it seems like this guy is toast so he's given up on some attack at this stage and he's establishing upon with some depth some possibilities for back rank issues maybe for black Pon on H6 so no time for Queen takes Queen Rook takes rook in between her now he's taking and then how is he going to stir up trouble and the sacrifices here don't seem like they're doing anything and this is a really strong structure that negates both bishop and Knight huh let's see if he could come back in this one it's not looking okay he is oh this is where he's now pouncing so what's the story exactly if Bishop takes Bishop first gonna flick in a check and then take here okay I guess that's the idea might have two minor pieces for The Rook okay and on this one Rook takes this and this or hit all right he's he's found a way to stir up some trouble here after this there's Knight there but then there's Rook here hitting both night and then Bishop okay he's a wizard also this could be a point of attack very soon as well once you get the piece back F7 and this remains a thorn he needed to find a tactic and he did smashing away at D5 so how do you save this what's the best continuation for black you go after this guy yeah what am I saying about Knight C5 by the way okay so if this may be maybe this one straight away going after this Pawn what is black considering go after this guy yeah he's thinking he's getting the piece back he's getting a lot of Pawns though it's gonna be three pawns very soon I wonder if B4 is being considered first because this guy's in a knot yeah he's going with B4 he's cutting out the Knight C5 move and then maybe a three and then take the Knight this piece could be completely dominated very soon how do you activate this is a candidate passed upon but it poses no threat even if it gets going okay so first oh he's just going after the nail with the bishop there is a square here maybe go here yeah B4 so this Knight is cut out this Rook these pieces are all tied down the bishop has a responsibility plan here I guess take the pawn and push the a pawn I don't know how you stopped that maybe black has to pick a moment to activate the rook and now this is going to follow a check if the Rook does that wow yeah I don't think it's anything scary to have this file opened the king could always hide on H3 and here we go to an outside past Pawn yeah getting cut off he's he's not he's not getting cut off in fact he's attacking the bishop so there's already Maybe okay he's taking the palm of check it's gonna say there's maybe already some ID where you could be down or rook and getting this Pawn here threatening the Knight and queen he's got the queen this one's over wow he fought his way back with that tactical shot in round number three and then he takes D5 okay three out of three round number four still a ton of players with three out of three another GM okay another Scandinavian as black all right last time we saw Queen D6 again Queen D6 all right again A6 okay now that other game it was the Knight on E2 and there was a quick Bishop F4 Queen B6 not here though so he's gonna shoot to try and offset the light Square Bishop this time he is okay so how to approach this also G3 is supporting Bishop F4 here I think Queen B6 and reply to that the queen probably feels a little Cozier on V6 though I'm wondering the queen on B6 some idea of A4 B for A5 might be available to White okay so standard move E6 this guy needs some breathing space already feels pretty comfortable for black areas we're going to find out where the queen goes so Queen B6 now we might have this sequence flicked in there but yeah I think we're maybe gonna have that yeah so now this that in betweener there with A4 is giving this Square to the Knight who's now able to eye up C5 this guy is poison or is it or is it goes further because Bishop takes pawn bishop takes Knight Queen takes if you take here in the end The Rook is hanging Okay so he's down upon but he has some active play on the C file he is working with this furthest Advanced Pawn this is a big Square for the white pieces to be sure Bishop B6 Knight B6 well light Square Bishop exchange is likely Queen's still on I think I think think black would want to keep the Queens on for two reasons down the pawn and safer King no light Square Bishops some Knight Queen maybe could take advantage of these squares more long term wow clock times approaching only a minute here for y didn't seem like he and Carlson skipped a beat with the bishop takes Pawn so is this some line already familiar with this one how to improve here is white tough to get going with this you know the extra Pawn that he has so light score Bishop exchange or do we play here to watch out for a night jump on D5 maybe an exchange and then Knight D5 uh you gotta watch out because Knight takes Knight if you have to take with the queen then there's going to be a fork here so you have to keep these night nights around to watch out for Knight B6 it's not quite a fork because you could get out of the fork if you take here you have Queen C6 once his approach gonna be if you take with the Knight then there's maybe D5 so he has a way out of the fork one of these two Queen C6 it is Queen there you could always exchange queens and then take on C2 as long as this Pawn doesn't follow what black should be fine black should be better I'm not seeing how white gets at this point so first things first where do we go with the Rook sensible some pressure here is making me think that maybe Queen B7 should have been the check so you don't have to tend to this threat now I don't think you want to allow these two to be exchanged because this guy becomes a runner alright so he's giving this guy up but he has a nine smashing open the king side under 30 for white is he really able to whip up some trouble here like suppose you still just take Knight takes Pawn takes it looks crazy but the queen can maybe come back and defend I don't know that there's enough pieces around to coordinate as ugly as that would look all isolated pawns that would be really a really really dangerous uh passed upon Rook ideally placed on its home Square supporting it all right well he's still on this probably needs to be defended now wow still doesn't care just doesn't care why doesn't he care about that pawn huh going for this idea wants to give maid on G2 better get a move on under six seconds here for white three plus one though he said a gonna go with B is taking the pawn now okay and he is now it's even material strong Knight better Bishop is the big thing I'm seeing here still continuing with H4 now he's ready to take twice here Rook B8 now Bishop to F6 is he ready for this right now I don't think any any move like H3 is anything special maybe with the queens or light Square Bishop around not here though King Improvement still keeps this tension still has an idea of maybe this and tracking this Pawn down or long term night maneuver oh well I was in pre-move mode close to primove mode it seems like this guy is going to be toast very soon he's got all his pieces on it wow problem there problem there problem here he's picking up that pawn he's now up upon two Pawns how did this happen Rook here defending everything now he's going on the offensive check here and you can't take the pawn because the skewers Rook F2 uh he just won on time but it's a winning position here he has his one base point covered this is the only sore spot in Black's camp in this final position it's it's secure wow another win four out of four round five eighteen players still on perfect among them mvl Grisha sarin Hikaru shigalko world's strongest NM Valera B5 all right another Simple Start to this one D4 Bishop F4 all right this time though no no Knight C3 first getting the C Pawn involved no Bishop B4 checks are the knights probably both go to their favorite squares it's going to take a time out to preserve this guy now that this is a Little Bit Stronger this diagonal Knight c390 Knight C3 Knight H5 okay he's prepared to put the bishop on G3 I would expect if the Knight goes hunting he's now going hunting still doesn't care about this idea maybe even has an eye in Queen side castles swatching overnight jump into E4 okay Queen on E2 is the natural post International Master opponent turkey hanging Pawn structure now he's taking with the bishop probably gonna take with a piece keep this diagonal opened a piece or a pawn get some trades in Knight takes D5 there's this Fork is there a problem here though if Knight takes Knight takes Queen takes Bishop takes Pawn King takes Knight G5 I'm gonna find out if there's a tactic here Queen takes is that actually working though because I think on the night check the king can maybe Step Up Queens are intention the queen is also watching out for these squares yeah he's hitting it from a different angle no no Greek gift apparently not working so what about this one neutralize the pressure on the night welcoming Exchange a slight lead in development here for white no structural defects for either side what other movies he considering besides this one oh we see that right now he's going after this bishop after this is defended he has an ion 94 or even Bishop to E4 fancy okay yeah this is a strong piece it's the only way normally I'm thinking about bothering it is with a3b4 but this Knight maneuver is interesting grab a Tempo on your way to maybe the E4 Square Bishop backs off maybe the queen even enters wow sharp stuff here E5 so is he gonna lose a piece okay watch where you go Queen so you could exchange queens now and then and then take here you're gonna get hit with the fork but then there's a check oh this there's a check and watch out get a rook on the H file and it might be mate oh that's his way out he could take a piece on B8 not seeing these monster night so in the end he has won a pawn after all of this not taking too fast these Rooks would become really strong on the C file Bishop pair for black but white has the extra Pawn very active Rooks as well white still needs the flight Square what what flight square is best probably this one I would say improve the king bother this best piece for black at least maybe at this point you go with these two moves Bishop might be backing up to F5 we could have a case of opposite colored Bishops hmm this is the the first move it's Crossing in my mind Bishop F5 and then this one okay Bishop A6 wants full control over the C file so Rook exchange and then Rook here uh we could have Rook C8 we could have both Rooks come off nope putting the Knight on a healthy Square needs to find another Square now okay now we have F3 this Pawn will probably be poison the king could step up there's a pin here on the H file oh ideally I think these guys would prefer to be on dark squares to tie in with the bishop he has F4 in and this guy that was the only Square for the bishop wow it's cornered check go here okay you can go to these two now amazing the bishop it looked like it was doing so much in the center and then it's sidelined in a second Rook is hit opposite color Bishops yeah nice move there avoiding Rook Rook D2 getting the Rooks off keep winning chances these guys need to stick around and oh man this Rook is toast put the pawn on H3 King here you're playing Rook vs Bishop he's up the exchange you can't rescue this guy well you need this Pawn okay he's saying that if you insert he went if you go what would that this idea then Bishop to C5 would have been there to cut off The Rook from getting activity okay he's getting that in now how do you make progress though how do you make progress he's starting with some pressure here he's going after the pawn he's gonna win that pawn the going after the weak point he's hanging on to all of these guys or is he there's some defense now with Rook D6 Pawn play though he does have an extra Pawn over here in the king side living after the increment both players keep going with this guy this one's covered the king is stable Bishop D4 this one's still E5 he can't give up another Pawn okay he's trying oh is this savable it seems like these pawns are maybe a bit too far advanced yeah here here and then we're ready to go he's not even he's not putting the pawn there just yet resignation next up this one or this one and the bishop will be one and there's no wrong colored Bishop stuff to rely on as a resource there for black winning end game very nice game kicking off with that Knight G5 move round number six and then there were only eight players with five out of five okay D4 D5 what do we have in this one thing Keto more simple chess light Square Bishop out and about okay that's that's a little fancy prepared to recapture with the Knight after this Pawn advances he may be going for two E5 chop and then E5 shop and then E5 maybe he's gonna go like this queen side castles idea no okay that seemed like a reasonable approach too he's gonna hide on G7 say things are cool Cozy home no docs dark Square Bishop around you could play this seems harmonious so light Square Bishop versus knight imbalance these seem to be all healthy moves might this one be flicked in at some point space probably not probably wants to keep the tension maybe strengthen this point okay all pretty standard moves Happening Here G6 King on G7 Rook on E8 pressure here by white sensible you're playing with that light Square Bishop break down black pawns that are on the light squares okay can this be maintained okay he's saying it can Queen is defending now pressure here pressure here maybe if the pawn takes play Within the structure keep this guy right where he's at playing within the structure Bishop or The Rook well if you take with the Rook you're getting hit with a fork so I guess this one is coming up very soon no matter how the well if the bishop captures if you take with the pawn then there's split so 95 do you take this bishop first you have to move the queen where to back home staying active F4 okay Knight takes Bishop he's considering taking with the pawn it seems I don't think it's a connection issue okay peace it is and in the end black is better because they're on the Rooks are on the open files as long as things are cool here okay I was gonna say the king is also a a hair better Black's King is a hair better already being off the back rank so watch out for the Rook entry now oh isn't this gonna be a wild Rook Rook D2 to B2 how do you tame that Rook also this could be an ID in some cases huge advantage how do you win this three versus two on the queen side majority for black on the queen side starting with C5 he's working on maybe bothering this Rook doesn't want it to activate it is the candidate passed upon as well can't play this one here you're going to get kicked okay the Knight Improvement stops Knight C3 jumping Knight on this you could play B5 this would be poison he is going for that so Rook C2 Knight here or do we go for something like this now he's improving the king first that tactic is still there with night here F4 might be an idea now okay and on F4 oh he has it all figured out in between her okay is it a one king and pawn ending I think it would be because this pun will end up backwards you could play here okay he's clamping down on this I think white should no if you play this now you could exchange and take here but then he's getting this but then the king is going to enter Maybe the king improves first wow monster King we're gonna have a race put on your calculation cap two outside past Pawns past Rook ponds how is he always there first as soon as the Knight moves oh okay really oh it could be stopped like this I was thinking this is a runaway Pawn it's not a runaway Pawn this is a runaway Pawn we might have resignation we do a one king and pawn ending six out of six round seven three players on six out of six Carlson mvl grishek five and a halves Camp uh commsky Hikaru and draken to name a few okay on board Ray Lopez symmetrical structure night movement shooting for this soon the knight's gonna recapture on Rook takes Rook and will white try to go for space okay we play here strengthen the center okay I think we're in for a an end game a lot of maneuvering coming up it's gonna try to gain just a little something will black allow this Pawn to be planted on his side of the board he says no and I want to give you an inch so what what exchanges are helpful to White here I'm looking at the center pawns to determine this dark Square Bishop Exchange tough to say because we have both pawns fixed on light and dark now Where Do We Go From Here improve the Knight right now it's under control by a pawn it's not the greatest thing okay he's looking at maybe C5 or C1 C5 could be cut out it's looking a maneuver to this Square so a light Square Bishop exchange may be within putting the Knight on D3 okay for the moment he's saying he can't move just yet also looking at this Square as well be Knight to E6 getting rid of the knights Knight E6 it is Bishop D3 okay now I'm just looking at maybe one of these two if the queen abandons this diagonal Bishop to G5 squares opened up for The Rook okay Bishop D3 first game of inches this could maybe be a Target in some cases so do you want to exchange star Square Bishops rookie won first seems like it's going to be Queen Bishop Queen in a bishop or two position very soon this exchange is likely with the only with there being only one open file oh maybe not all right I didn't see that maneuver coming what's the idea I don't know Rook F3 feels awkward what so what exactly is going on on the f file he's gonna come back over here one day so you're really trying to do something here Queen F4 H4 H5 this is his way to establish a Pawn on black side okay dark Square Bishop exchange all right queen of four babysitting F7 all right in the end comes back over to the E file Rook exchange or not this queen you get really active here I mean queen C7 Queen C7 you okay with the pawns being split going after this guy if the boat if both majors are exchanged I would expect a draw blocking on D6 how could black be worse yeah I don't see either side winning that with both Majors exchanged Queen C7 is going for it so now what this could be vulnerable Queen G5 hide over here maybe this Bishop's not the greatest that your plan I think he should have maybe stepped over here I don't know this is wow okay really going for it yeah it's like if you go after one of these pawns you're you're all in with the pawn grab and then this queen becomes Super Active H5 is a nice move sky is unprotected okay double double duty here attack and defense so he's saying if you take the bishop you're not going to be in time to stop the pawn there is a queen exchange but that pawn would be too fast can't be stopped can't get on this diagonal the king's not inside the Box okay now he at least gained a little something he forced The Black Queen on the defensive right here in the corner still maintaining pressure on the bishop and pawn maybe given a chance this guy goes here or no what am I talking about there probably this it's looking smooth also the bishop shelters the king from any perpetuals on this Square it's continually going after the Pawns Queen B6 seems strong or maybe still you can you go to the corner pocket oh what a nice move he's getting a past a pawn with B4 ah so nice and the queen is there assisting wow he's giving up a pawn to get this passer that was smooth okay is there a perpetual he's taking the bishop and his check he's going to take no he's not going to take why not oh The Queen Is there defending the pawn wow I'm gonna have resignation soon yes we are seven out of seven that was a nice one that was really nice round number eight one player with seven out of seven it's Carlson two at six and a half no it's three at six and a half out of seven jasp him commsky mvl French defense against mvl all right oh in exchange French so it's looking like a similar structure to the last game different color this time for Carlson different approach here though early tension so if the bishop blocks you're gonna take here this is a threat okay he's out of the pin he's ready to take here next if B4 how are things shaping up here A5 no A5 so isolated Pawn position officially how to approach this flight Square first ask that guy question Queen B6 is there something with that quick pressure on B7 I think Knight C3 would be a good reply threatening this threatening these things that's being threatened right now capture takes or is it is in the end this two-point Pawn would fall and there aren't any wonderful night jumps from D5 okay development securing the pawn if Rook here I think I think there would be Bishop takes Knight shot care so with Bishop there you're defending D5 Rooks connected where do we go from here this seems like it's maybe a healthy move this Pawn is pinned healthy because it cuts out Knight B5 some night maneuver into this square there's another path where do we go from here how do we get out of this pin first of all maybe the bishop comes back do you want to play G5 your ass actually Queen D2 is stopping G5 because of the captures then Queen takes G6 check and you win the Knight so forget about that okay pushing in the center he's got some space he's prepared to fall back here now does white go with this first or this first we're going to have an exchange one minor piece should be coming off soon thinking about something else some night maneuver here okay he's going with this sequence two minor pieces are off space the only difference here the structure really these guys offset both fighting for the dark in the center Queen on F4 is a nice Improvement okay that is a strong piece isn't it so without this guy around maybe this starts to be possible Target for black ooh play sharpens further so and have some night some fancy Night Moves coming up seems like this guy's gonna be one very soon no Queen Rooks are applying just yet Bishop takes Bishop if Pawn takes this guy could go back here to defend k oh that's a fancy way to do it Queen takes Pawn is a blunder you lose the queen Knight takes Knight with Chuck so major P specific ending and in the end yeah it's looking like this will be a draw I would guess yeah it's going to simplify quite a bit okay maybe put this guy here now you have to have to actually watch out because then the white Rook will be there first to win this pawn and defend this guy it's a nice move defending this one not allowing this Pawn to easily be picked up and where'd he go from here because on this there's C3 it's black it has to be careful here white has the pressure on this Pawn white is better coordinated both have the flight squares symmetrical on the king side what's the approach okay oh that's nice so this you're taking on C2 there's no time to take the pawn because the Rook has pressure and next up we're looking at this move fancy probably probably should take here okay Queen takes C2 if any side is better I would say it's white with these pawns a little further Advanced White Queen better positioned watching over a sensitive Square in the center now more active here on the D7 Square under a minute for both sides mvl up on the clock no B6 doesn't want this guy going any further watch over These Guys these are these ones are easy to defend the king is the convenient Defender not easy to coordinate okay you could get the Queens off but then there's gonna be a check Rook here why it would be for choice crawling up into a ball oh fancy fancy fancy you have to go here threat is to take the rook and then give mate after the king recaptures if you take here Queen takes check you're losing this guy so Queen there it is you have to take with the queen but then there's okay so he's prepared to give some Perpetual good luck holding this might end up losing now say there's a very good chance there's only one base point you have to watch over oh nice the queen is staying on this diagonal checks here check here and now he's trying to pry open some other line this makes life a little bit easier to land perpetuals now there's a possibility to this is this is the diagonal to do it on here we go with some checks and I don't know that you could really duck them all or maybe we're gonna have a king walk all the way over here that's the try because the queen on B6 is covering the two base points yeah not going to be easy three seconds for Carlson I don't know how you hold this you have to be a computer yeah that's that's way too tough to hold very nice conversion his first loss he is now at seven out of eight mvl seven and a half out of eight round nine of eleven two at seven and a half out of eight commsky and mvl Gregory o'parin next opponent he is definitely a fan of D4 Bishop F4 in this titled Tuesday early title Tuesday to play with C4 or not not okay where to go hanging on to the dark Square Bishop pressure here fended strengthen the center no G4 we've seen this a few times now so okay he's prepared to put this guy here he has given up a pawn in what way is why benefiting well this guy isn't so great night Bishop is hit I don't think you want to move this because you give up this Square you still want to work on bothering this guy probably keep the no I was going to say keep the tension okay got a grip on the dark squares dark Square Bishop exchange go in for mate this guy still needs to be activated okay he is going for this idea to exchange dark Square Bishops black not so fast to welcome the dark Square Bishop exchange I guess White's headed for Queen side castles it's defending this what if these guys get going I guess on that move there's Bishop C5 and then after Rook there oh it's not forced maybe Knight D6 I guess that would be the reply otherwise these pawns are all going to be going and it's a strong Knight to be sure I think black is better you have the pawn strong night I know long term this guy is feeling so comfortable with this guy around yeah maybe maybe even in a position where there isn't a queen this is still a a liability feels like the number one priority here should be to get rid of this knife I don't with this move I'm not really looking at this capture it brings up brings to Life The Rook Queen A5 as a reply so what is black considering me a push here or a capture could capture um yeah you're probably asking for trouble takes how's that working out takes King takes check there's Queen F6 to block okay E5 it is feels like a poison Pawn Bishop C5 now there's Knight takes there would be a pretty active Queen okay sack aroni oh okay so the plan here is Bishop C4 guessing wow so takes Bishop C4 Bishop E6 there's Queen takes Knight Han takes Bishop takes Bishop check you're in a pin you get the queen back he is going for this what a shot oh okay he might have missed this one though you have to take like this or you take here still Maybe I don't know how this one's playing out Rook F4 was missed in his calculation I'm guessing by the pause here there's also a square for the king now so this isn't as effective if the bishop does drop Rook takes what is that Rook takes D5 okay it's just a fancier way to do it I think that other continuation worked as well Down The Exchange this guy doesn't have a square this guy needs to move black should be converting this and this Rook is going to be really active I think he's going down again no fancy sacrifices here Bishop is a good defender of the past Pawn he's getting this guy Rook takes it's it's maybe feeling a little bit more like two minor pieces versus The Rook I don't know that black wants to take here yeah a knight on e4 pretty strong okay so maybe f394 I don't think he gets he can't save that pawn can you Knight back to F3 there's King here The Rook could go like this you have to give up this guy okay looking to activate The Rook where exactly though first and 94. perfect square for The Rook King Improvement if he could get something like this in and not going to be easy what's the clock situation 40 seconds each call it the bishop is rescued now strong Knight it's about it it's down upon and the exchange he's looking to get this guy here I think and then maybe try and go after this guy this square is covered okay there is some nice coordination here on the queen side next up though there's Rook there denied it was the threat it is parried so he has found a way to coordinate the Rooks cannot enter so easily it's got this Square covered he's cutting out the second time now these Rook moves to these intersection squares okay pressure on this King Improvement look at the entry points covered under no call 12 seconds Knight C5 defending this this is under Fire this could fall and this could run too black is not coordinated black is down in time under five seconds yo cutting it close here Bishop takes Pawn is nearby okay watch out for discoveries uh there's gonna be something good here for black how does he do it there's a check there's another check here are we getting anywhere Carlson under 10. five goes with the check jumpy night here here coming up okay that's cut out he's prepared to give up the two The Rook for the two miners scary night he wants to get behind the pawn where's the fork oh cannot yep I think everything is coordinated now where is it gonna be down a full Rook tricky night check he's got he's going to be three pawns versus The Rook soon unbelievable you kidding me like he could no he's not gonna win this one could he draw it yeah that was a big Pawn to lose for sure and that one's gonna fall resignation what a game Carlson down again back-to-back losses now at what is it eight out of ten or check that seven out of nine two more rounds to go round number 10 up now Dimitri and draken next opponent so there are no players here on perfect eight out of nine five players eight out of nine gonna be difficult to hit top three with back to back losses oh that had to have been a mouse slip what's that about Bishop E3 you don't block in your Center pawns like this what's the plan there It's gotta be Mouse slip he's either being silly I don't see why we want to be silly Xeon tilt is this some tilt move Bishop E3 okay yeah it must have been a mouse look I don't think he would play like this against Mr and Drake and okay very unusual start so how do we work with this okay Knight D7 is looking for a quick F5 what's the story there maybe F3 Bishop F2 and E4 could be a way to reorganize okay and with this move what is black prepare to do in the play with B5 I think there's something wrong with the board okay something weird just happened there I don't know what that was about got some glitch going on this is how this game actually went and it's still running live I thought Bishop B3 looked really weird Knight D7 and A6 none of that made sense so when it doesn't make sense here's your tip just hit the refresh button everything is going to be back to normal so we actually had a sicilian hyper-accelerated Dragon variation weird okay I don't know what that was about glitch town there got the bishop pair for Carlson where do we go with this guy I don't think you want to take here now if you back off I guess he's concerned about this bishop knifing in so you have to part ways with the bishop no okay so you're staying on this diagonal this is my knee-jerk reaction Bishop F2 but I think that was going to be the irritating move he's also opposite the queen here jumpy night nearby 94. maybe a B4 push look at these Knights scary nights okay 94. still the bishop here I don't know how you're getting rid of this guy possible Target on the A6 weak Square here on C6 I think as soon as this guy's no longer around there could be a a rook C6 move okay Queenie two are things cool with that we're gonna take and then take here that Queen's gonna be really active though what are your options okay exchanging a pair of Rooks then taking here outside past a pawn I guess is what he's looking forward to he's on the Rook for starters oh he doesn't have to give this Pawn up as with that in between her it was about that initial Rook exchange now he could guard his base points you can do with the queen but I would think he is still yeah Queen here there's maybe the check you need to keep a major piece around to try and win this flight Square I think will be G3 and then the king hiding here I don't think you're any safer with the H3 flight Square the bishop is around to watch over that so maybe some improvement like this though on G3 Queen here hmm maybe Queen F3 the bishop does stop the entry points maybe Queen F3 you know Queen F3 Rook C1 yeah maybe you hmm It's Tricky it's under 30 seconds okay G3 it is Queen F2 seems so active stops King King G2 hiding on H3 yeah what are you doing after Queen F2 35 seconds more active black pieces whites up the pawn but really active Queen Okay so it seems like an improvement King G2 could hide here white is staying strong on the dark squares try and tame the dark Square Bishop okay he has an eye in this diagonal also the bishop on C5 would be fantastic okay Queen exchange coming up there he is now now black has to watch out you don't want these to double the f file so he's getting of The Rook off okay he has an eye in this Square I think he could still take though Bishop F6 on Bishop E8 Bishop F6 ah looking to scare the bishop here and there's no oh nice okay this is this is gonna be a draw nothing happening over here oh he's a he's even allowing that perfect diagonal we're gonna have a repetition here no progress wow okay a super weird start to this one because there's a glitch all right in the end with this one we have a draw so where does where does that put him seven and a half out of ten now okay tough going final round Becca 95. all right D4 how's he reacting to D4 in first we have commsky V pranav nine out of ten all right nimso Indian classical and this uh some sharp stuff coming up here 94 nearby and on H4 Bishop has a square on E5 take and then play Knight G4 actually there's a tactic here the check to watch out for this unprotected Bishop if you're going in for this sequence be losing okay so he's gonna have to flick this in first I guess oh he's able to cover the check with Knight D7 attacking the pawn from a different angle ah ah fancy okay preserving the bishop further maintaining the pin I should say possible Target that's a really wild move to play there hangs hangs on to E5 but you've created a huge Target now for the unopposed bishop Knight takes Pawn though what's wrong with Knight takes Pawn Knight takes E5 Sharp Knight takes Bishop there's Knight takes Bishop here or even that's actually working out Knight takes D5 Knight takes E5 Knight takes Bishop Knight takes Bishop check King E2 Rook is hanging Knight is hanging so what's the story there all right we would we're just not gonna find out okay take on E3 or take here and secure the center and say things are cool here he's securing D5 at this point Knight takes here Knight takes E5 as a move enough to take here I think you get rid of this guy first the more invasive Pawn Pawn takes Queen takes G5 okay Knight takes E5 Knight takes E5 it is this would be excellent Queen ng5 coordinates with unopposed Bishop Queen side castles is likely for black star piece dark Square Bishop say black is for Choice here okay also Knight G4 if you're not taking the Knight coordinating on E3 octopus Knight okay he's running into Knight Bishop takes Pawn check but I think maybe Knight G4 is even better yeah this could even be a move at some point just to open up the H file okay that's his home he's on the queen he has the fork Queen on F6 might be Knight H7 move okay Knight is gone H3 at some point is an improvement this structure does an excellent job controlling the Knight and just taking away a ton of a ton of jumps here to E4 look at all the different pieces that might want to make use of this Square it's covered this could maybe be a move um there's probably some Knight H7 25 seconds okay running in reverse so he's okay with Knight here he's going to give up the exchange and shoot for this one I guess he's okay giving back some material Bishop G4 Bishop G4 it is H3 now still okay with the giving up the exchange keep the Knight sidelined it's dominated base points covered where do we enter now King G7 now there we go with the H3 Rook takes or Bishop takes okay I could see either one being played Rook is under Fire oh wild Rook Queen in the corner something more forceful here saying this just to watch out for any of this but the bishop has that covered so more active with the queen queen H4 Queen H6 nope looking for a rook exchange here looking for a queen Exchange you could take here I believe the idea to play here next yeah nice and clean rookie one gets the queen double attack against the queen will have a resignation here I would expect yeah nice finish to that one um back to back losses and then the draw keeps him out of any shot at top three we'll see what the the final standings are at the end of the day for this early titled Tuesday June 20th 2023 all right there it is top three to this event lion Beast first Mr mvl commsky and then V pranav one two three nine and a half you needed to get top three for this event where did Carlson finish eighth at the end with eight and a half out of 11. okay anyhow Feel Free as usual to leave any feedback to this video in the comments section below hope you enjoyed it and maybe took a thing or two away that's all for now take care bye
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 37,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magnus Carlsen, Magnus Carlsen early Titled Tuesday, chess tournament, chessnetwork, chess network, early titled Tuesday june 20th 2023, magnus carlsen meets a shark
Id: R1LRI0h2iF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 33sec (4533 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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