Magnus Carlsen fights for $1,250 | Bullet Titled Arena, August 2020

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okay late start for mr magnus carlson and myself tracking the doctor titled arena august 20 20. big square in c4 he is streaming right now hanging pawn structure black seems to be in control down a pawn at the moment too has a nice grip over the light squares queen trapped no not quite close to it there's a piece in the light square bishop gonzo looking for some trick ah nice rook to e1 hello in the chat msrx hello back to you okay white resigned with that one where do we stand the standings here the doctor i'm catching i missed the first three games he is four for four so far a lot of big guns in there okay here's game five using 49th place currently i played the first few games of this tournament and then out of the corner of my eye i saw in the top games that the doctor was logged in he pulled a sneaky one so let's see the word they're playing for some big money i think uh the the biggest first prize thus far for titled arena one thousand two hundred fifty dollars first prize i'll double check after this game how's it looking white has the exchange pawn for it though to watch out for the back rank so rook uh bishop takes you get mated on the spot these guys are coordinated well so some defense of queen a1 hitting the queen the queen is very very active seems like black will be getting a piece oh well that was really slick this this doesn't seem like it's going to end well though for for team carlson yeah he goes down okay let me see the standings yeah there's your payout 1254 first 250 125 75 50. next opponent he's in 80th fresh off of his match against nakamura he's back on the bullet he's back on the bullet tournaments hello those of you just tuning in to the chat andy is yoda very low sodium cheddar spielmann nulani kiba i see you all there okay i didn't even have time to throw out a tweet maybe i could do that as well right after this game black looks to be in the driver's seat f file pressure wins upon maybe rook to f1 one day okay queen g1 resolve this check duck and now threaten this how are you defending you're not you're resigning okay he gets the w streaming now at twitch all right arm sevens let's see what we get here space advantage for black immediately putting pressure on c3 extending the scope of this bishop made that's a white c pawn flinch once the file making life difficult for fiance this could be sensitive okay rook exchange nice pressure still here by black pressure on this pawn making a life difficult for a d4 advance okay this is a weak link better bishop for carlson keeping the pressure maybe f5 95 no he's hunting right away for this base point why not it's knights dead easily converting tried a sneaky move that's all black uh white hat at that point hoping for a pre-move b2 wasn't happening so where does that put them i don't know yet we got penguin in there i believe ali raza is in there rebecca harris let's not miss too many moves of this game huh okay next game up fm opponent pressure on the b file this pawn is isolated the queen is under fire c3 gonna fall and then some no it's defended just in time offer a queen exchange hitting the knight first doesn't care about the structure cares more about a knight jumping in here whoa he's getting two minor pieces for rook knock out the b pawn blocking with the bishop it's interesting to me just thinking of the knight keeping this diagonal okay this is a little tricky here for white now knight on h4 can be problematic we're simply removing the knight with this to follow yeah you have to run over here uh even then it's a problem king here knight takes knight and then rook down here and you're in trouble so he's pro oh wow that's a cool defense i didn't see that one coming the rook coming over here to defend the bishop on f1 yeah it's not it's still not a fun position for white but he still has this piece at least you know this rook he's he is all bottled up black knows it and his king has come quite the ways can you make further progress probably capture here and capture there incoming simplify still going to try to hang into a piece and now it's a one king and pawn ending no trickiness left here for carlson he goes down surprised he was even able to no i shouldn't be surprised that one caught me off guard there temporary resistance okay fighter man 91 next opponent he's hunting the dark square bishop in this one some early speed bumps for the doctor trying to make this guy a monster any white pawns on dark squares let's break them down extend the scope of this guy he's still trying for that he's got a square for the bishop maybe this pawn moves he is a passer queen is hit where does she go where's the cozy home she'll be questioned on the c file this with the knight jump in here shuts down the bishop a great jump nearby rook is under fire i'm gonna give up the exchange okay white is i think doing well i'm gonna win a pawn can't take here just yet that pawn would not be able to be stopped but the king scoots over the bishop is shut out of the game trouble here you know g3 here uh white is in the driver's seat this pawn should fall he's gonna maybe get oh that's slick you can't take twice that pawn is dangerous so the bishop has been freed balanced material knight vs bishop the rook has gone wild two passers rook pawns the knight hates the rook pawns this guy is flying the bishop is uh it's the right color bishop to have to support this rook pawn you like to be able to promote that or control that promotion square i think he's got this one he could take yeah clock time is the big one he's gonna play on nope okay there we go white resigned where are we at penguin 34 30 upper 30 rebecca harris in there 27 arca in eighth ali reza in 10th paul from sp spb next opponent first time playing against this guy uh let's see establishing a pawn on the e file fourth ranked pawn battle you get the bishops doesn't want the bishops some pressure on f6 more pressure on f6 where do we go from here trying to disrupt the structure h5 queen exchange these pawns are mobile now g file is open the rook hops right to it preparing now to double capture and then a check and then you take the knight big problems here a check and then capture here yep bishop is hit are there mates nearby something like this can we make that happen or just uh yeah that's looking pretty sweet here this brook is hungry a lot of good options here for team wipe it's going for the mate is he getting the mate he's looking for a mate bishop here first or can you check your way to checkmate yes you can check your way to checkmate very nice king in the corner knight on f7 king nf8 knight h7 okay where does that put him it's not in the top 10 yet he was in 69th place still a lot of time to go universe 64 next opponent national master universe 64. hello to those who are just joining here on twitch late start i started playing and stopped when i saw him playing i want to track him let's see i think we will get some games this time between the doctor and ali reza okay so what to do here i don't think you want to allow an isolated pawn so the knight ducks some accident is bound to happen on these light squares black does not have a light square bishop knight is hit okay he's taking there's that accident on the light squares position opening up the light squares are super vulnerable for black how do you crash through however bishop takes queen takes okay you're taking like this first threatening check and then mate okay once we have something happening here you have to part ways with this this rook you gotta swipe the light square bishop so in the end white emerges up two pawns does not want to block because queen takes pawn would hit with check queen's going hunting throwing some checks getting the rook in the ball game mate nearby a rook lift was nearby so you need to get the queens off to save your king and in the end we have a king and pawn ending two versus one easily converted nothing fancy over here for black to create a past pawn well you could but it would cost upon yeah he's gonna push on it through plenty of ways to do it you could do this and then after this the old zug zwang okay got 14 seconds in the tank as well an hour 34 remaining where does that put him ali reza 38 with fire ali reza said i'm not gonna let you get a second win in a row with this titled arena we can't have that penguin yeah we have we have all the sharks out here what an awesome event whoa we have a wild e pawn with this one that f-pawn got swiped real quick the king is now on g8 how did that happen we blinked okay shouldn't be a problem i don't think this guy's a good defender of the king side oh discovered attack against the bishop he's getting sharp very sharp he's up a pawn can it be held on to a little vulnerable here the black king without the dark square bishop around try to remove this knight before the queen and knight can converge somehow on let's say the f6 square white wants to keep the knight problem on f2 okay possibly queen takes b7 with check if this knight budges so what's the story here chop and then uh chop on this square what was i missing there oh there would have been a devastating night fork that's what i was missing the bishop had a responsibility still upon minor peace and balance no check that now black is up a minor piece and upon knight and pawn slight edge on the clock as well centralized queen targeting f2 maintaining pressure crash through on f2 to be a little careful here still pawn is pushing through okay it should be clean free up the night unpin the knight could have maybe captured there although no there would have been a rook on f1 game over no good checks g2 is collapsing the queen is hit it's over what a weird start to that one huh e4 e5 e6 capturing f7 after five moves the king is on g8 okay ricky kitts ali reza foot's still on the gas right let's see what we get here many exchanges playing within the structure both sides doesn't care about knight f3 no fear of knight f3 queen is hit queen on f3 gets rid of the knight okay no no issues on the light squares now it's just the queen that could take advantage but is that enough maybe the knight's a sturdy defender can rely upon this guy maybe the queen weasel's over get rid of the queen some sacrifices nearby yeah you're gonna have to lose a pawn in order to save your king black up a pawn i don't know how well positioned this rook is it's going on the offensive you trade you could probably trade rooks and then get this other guy active he has cleaned house on the queen side okay black's getting some counter play this pawn is soon to be mobile do you break down this are there checks and then here this is going to get activated okay this pawn is pretty fast though you have to try for this this is too slow is it not you're on the rook main two threat yeah there's nothing good here here here here you just take they're far advanced but they're just a hair or two too slow where does that put them 15th 15th okay double fianchetto let's see it's an odd deployment for the king knight not used to seeing that all right light square bishop's gone is this king a little vulnerable free pawn knight's gonna go here i think he wants to be right here he gets there with tempo now he's gonna stick around here he's looking at the d3 square now d3 d3 f3 light squares who would have thought no light square bishop around you find good homes for your pieces on light squares problem on f2 gonna try to tame the knight first how do you do that here if the could get there that's maybe a problem i would like to get the knight here it takes a lot of time though he's looking for maybe that black is going to break things that break things down though can't get here need some support some lateral defense of h3 is going to keep it a little close this knight not such a great piece looking at d3 again now with the rook ready to push with check that's a resigner any queen move that pawn is going to be hungry even if the rook blocks the pawn continues to march take the knight or promote okay he gets the w does that put him in the top 10 it does with 36 fire alireza however up 15. okay everyone is out for that 12.50 first prize opera is in third do not forget about oper i believe he took second the last arena the last bold arena all right let's see wipe down a pawn but with a nice center unopposed light square bishop e6 can be super disruptive this pawn is now whole oh bad mouse slip man bad bad mouse slip he certainly did not want to play queen e5 oh look at that black must have offered a draw what a sportsman okay all right so what do we got here 38 it could have been a zero if not for that draw offer okay manchester united pro another im that will give every player a run for their money oh oh a beginner trickeroni or what no queen f6 defends i mean you could get here and f6 they get c2 in the end that's sneaky that is sneaky queen f6 is a defense you take the bishop the queen would have captured the bishop on b2 cool defense there all right what is happening a lot take the bishop you're going to grab a pawn first that would activate the rook so it's taking right away in the end what do we have black is oh i lost track here black is down black it black is up excuse me a knight versus a pawn way too fast i lost track of the material knight on b6 more material for black incoming white needs to keep this rook around he's going to target this guy he lives though he's in time this guy's passed his king has that responsibility to stop him though this knight is wonderful knight on f4 super good here here here and we start to think about mates doesn't even want to give this pawn up just yet okay yeah that's that's clean a full piece up the knight is super good doesn't have to worry about both wings no no queen side pawns soon okay so a draw and now a loss 38 ali reza 55 ali reza has lost one game against temp 006. there we go ali reza number eight versus number one this is a big game look at their score nearly 200 games between these two 201 to 183 a one and a half to 183 and a half okay queens are off this guy is past white is up a pawn and has strong night a very strong night white i believe is going to easily convert this even on the clock i love this night he cannot be dislodged yeah this rook is now super active white's going to activate the king easily convert i don't know about that i should i should drink rethink that line can't take here that that pawn was poison because of a check the rook would fall upon his okay yeah probably a resigner here a resigner ali reza with the w extending his lead 59 with fire okay slow down ali reza come on man make it a little close okay opera number five oper 2909 let's see i'm gonna shoot for a c5 break okay opera's he's coming right after your king you want to go you want to go queenside let's rip open the a file this is a super cozy home for the white king not so sure about the black king's home black is up upon okay probably good news for uh black here that the queens are off less fear of the king getting mated or anything he could uh get a little excited with these dark squares and have a rook and pawn ending yay or nade to that this pawn can fall soon there can be a problem on the second rank possibly uh white is the one i feel playing for two results nope he's going to get the the big result white wins the rook will fall next oper with the w the doctor is uh falling back here not having a good streak that's uh that's three three goose eggs in a row international master like a gin okay he's he's going a little a little wild here with the g h pawns rook is hip swipe the bishop nope doesn't want that he's going to put the rook on g3 okay you got to give the light square bishop up now otherwise you drop the bishop on b2 the queens off take move the rook where does he go black has the bishop pair white would like to get rid of this pawn not easily to track it not easy to track it down rick could be defending if knight to e5 you have to take okay is he getting it he's getting it now i think what about this okay he wants to hang on to this pawn here and then rook here no to f3 maybe he's gonna try for something like that this it's easily defended okay these guys are in motion can you get this pun okay the white king is really good this pawn restricts these two he's gonna get this guy next you have to play here if you want to try and hang on to it okay he's just pushing with the pawn i didn't i wasn't i wasn't considering this approach i don't know if i like this approach yeah this this feels off this feels losing this is losing that is just how it is he's hoping for a stalemate he's getting mated though i could have made it there he's getting mate next um it seemed like you scoot over grabbed the pawn and your king would be in time to get that other one but i don't know i wasn't considering that that approach in that ending what is that four losses in a row now how's ali reza doing i didn't i didn't check it out let's see i'm seeing in the chat ali reza is on fire still yeah when is he not on fire look out for me bishop he's getting here uh i don't know here white's white's looking pretty good he's up two pawns he has uh sensitive points covered queen she's far away but she's covering that his pawn continues to march this bishop is excellently placed defending the king side supporting this passer white wants a queen exchange then you could feel comfortable approaching with the kings very nice coordination so far for white you want to be careful you don't want to allow queen to e4 now all right black's making some progress this pawn can fall this rook is ideally placed behind the pass pawn you certainly don't want to see this this pawn uh get here and the white bishop somehow control the promotion square there i think this is a nice check flushing the king away before you can even approach this pawn was he getting mated he's getting mated king here bishop here mate he resigned okay so he stopped the bleeding can he get on a streak he's in 22nd okay i wanted to quickly see the top 10 there it wouldn't let me go to that page one i'll try it again after this one hanging pawn structure most commonly seen on the queen side the hanging pawns but okay the king ponds king side of the board hanging pawns and what do we do from here queen exchange first in the end white is up a pawn black has some pressure on c2 okay no bishop here okay let's see the conversion four versus three on the queen side this pawn could be targeted okay he's mopping up another pawn two pawns up like a gin goes down okay where are we at ali reza 76 what kind of performance is that 31.45 whoof ali reza oh man impressive very very impressive 31 3145 can't block with the queen she has a responsibility i have to maybe try this but then there's that okay bad structure incoming problem city for team black not looking good over here on the king side how do you get to safety there goes the dark square bishop there's something better okay taking advantage of the pin on the d file first a check and go hunting bishop takes pawn queen check something else bishop simply backs off doesn't want to allow white any counter play potentially on the a file he's getting to the a file himself now problem on b7 queen exchange now you could take here saves this pawn first he was passed some exchanges challenged this pawn and the conversion should be squeaky squeaky clean up three pawns it's a okay well white has a time edge i was going to say a bit surprised not to see a resign but maybe still playing for the clock there probably not a pawn to to have given up let's see pawn is flying okay now he resigns the doctor is still out of page one ali reza with 80. okay chess warrior chess warrior04 next opponent 12th place the doctor okay two bishops for white maintain this tension no okay he's gonna put the knight on that square maybe no he's watching over this throwing an attack against a2 queen side castles bishop opposite the queen does she have to budge yet okay she goes right away so white is now undermining the f5 support can take here take with check and grab this pawn some activity for the queen white is up a pawn offering a queen exchange okay the rook is he's actively placed and try and hang on to that rook let's it's under control so far trying to get some squares for the rook that was a nice sequence by white right there okay is this now a draw it's looking like a draw yeah also with the clock i'm going to say this one turns out to be a draw bishop should stay here you don't want to see the king get to this uh c5 square white could uh go on to win if that's allowed oh maybe in some trouble okay so here's the thing if the king goes hunting for this pawn you get this one eventually you sack the bishop for the pawn cannot afford the bishop exchange there this will be a well white could i any result is still possible black could still win this okay black can now not win this okay can black hold on to a draw does he have enough time oh man time out the doctor goes down ali reza extending his lead 88 31 71 who okay jatsugi national master jasoogy they've played 24. jizugi has scored six i'd say that's pretty good very strong national master and jatsugi hanging pawns no no hanging pawns white is winning upon he's gonna try to get the light square bishop with this sequence flush the knight from defending b7 and then go in for that problems for black yeah chop chop down a second pawn and pressure mounting still against the black king quick win ali reza still with 88 the doctor still out of page one out of paid now he's on fourteen fourteenth place hour thirteen to go okay this is demetrian draken four and a half one and a half match score let's see what we get all right better bishop and yeah that that better post for the bishop has resulted in the win of a pawn black queen side pawn where's the safe square for the queen if you go here you're asking for trouble with e5 so interference move e4 so now we have some tricks whoo some serious problems i'm here for white to solve he's in multiple pins the queen is short on squares white is really underdeveloped on the queen side this is defended with the knight okay he's ready to smash through now on c1 and there's a check here black uh producing a square for the king white is up a bishop okay i think the worst is in the past now for white i thought crashing through with c1 would have been the way he wants to invite the knight he wants to get that g4 square white does not want to give him that oh he's barely hanging on right here he's crawling up into a ball but i believe he has defended he's down the exchange uh oh knight f3 oh that could be painful okay he's asking for a double check game over queen takes rook i next you had to go here no no then you would just drop the rook wow very cool sacrifice buying drake in there pulled that king right out more accessible to the other pieces yeah very nice very nice pressure buying draken gets the w the doctor goes down again 17th place know who's in first okay problem on c7 or excuse me f7 a lot of stuff hanging here huh queen bishop knight not quite the knight over here feels like this is maybe close to mate all right if if you uh there might have been some some queen takes h6 there couldn't quite calculate it but the king would be getting pulled out rook h7 anyhow we're away from that now black threatening mate on f2 hitting the bishop queen has been very activated now super active queen on d2 defended by the knight how to improve rook is hit do we care about that okay we care more about h6 apparently can't take here the queen is defending rook is hit okay rook takes f2 very nice deflection he gets a pawn be careful he doesn't even want the knight he's once more eyeing up that f2 square some more checks and then a checkmate who how many of you would have grabbed that night raise your hand my hand is raised i don't need to take that knight oh okay and draken again yeah he wanted more he doesn't want to just grab that knight nope nope nope okay quick pressure by the white queen a fork defended with queen f6 okay knight is hit this square if you if if black can get to this square that would be lovely can we get there with the knight it's not easy oh maybe now it is an opportunity for that he missed it pretty sure oh he's getting the two minor pieces now oh that's rough white is looking pretty good now the threat was this and then that so some security over this point yeah it's tough if these two pawns were traded that means the knight has a fantastic square black trying to hang on to this he has a passer two passers now present this rook is stopping this guy this construction is very good to stop this okay some defense of the pawn was threatening maybe a check he's hitting the knight threatening this and then that maybe white could even allow that tough to find a move for black okay white picks up this pawn two passers now two rook pawn pass two rooks rook pawns are passed now and from here what do we have okay maybe a time scramble coming up all right exchange mike is up the exchange has a pawn as well yeah he could take here he's winning on the clock in position now all right ali reza whoa ali reza what happened arka got ya all right 3160 though okay uh 96 66 64. we're nearly at the halfway point rebecca harris is in there at third we'll probably get that pairing at some point as well you gotta get into first page though he's still in six he's still in page two land okay this is nice this bishop is not feeling too good now have to stare at this brick on d5 how do you break that down and maintain material all right is there gonna be a problem soon takes here queen takes here white's gonna have a an active piece just thinking an active major piece soon knight on d5 f6 super vulnerable the king here and then there what is he going up with knight to g4 trying to get to f3 control some dark squares f3 it is both knights standing really well some pressure on f6 maybe h4 no the knight jumps in the rook is rick's eyes are opened up maybe rook d6 nearby the queen is hit rook d6 now queen exchange bishop is hit it's defended though plenty rook and bishop are hit the knight cannot move defensive role b5 break or not rook here rook exchange upon falls this knight is amazing the a pawn is passed and he gets rolling immediately okay three passers that's three passers too many rook is there in time the king is there in time okay he gets the w an hour five to go alireza back on fire rebecca harrison's second the doctor in eighth 56 playing against the wizard the wizard 44-9 their match score okay what do we have some hippo white white hippo looking for b5 one day meets either pawn advance with the pawn advance of his own keeps it locked in the center he's looking to play in the wings the queen side in particular maybe doesn't care about giving up a pawn he's got some open lines for these guys to roll has some square now for the knight soon on d4 if bishop takes bishop black avoids that white stops an h file break light squares are sensitive doesn't care about losing uh castling privilege castle by hand this is a very strong bishop immediately removed queen has a responsibility here light squares careful careful careful setting up a capture and a capture light squares are broken down queen takes the queen is lost she's in a pin okay capture on g6 very sharp now threatening capture here maybe what else has a follow-up if you do this what's the trick okay no good checks here for black you could afford this check could probably crash through on this square with the queen i have to watch out for queen f5 and then here so rook takes bishop no good follow up after that white is still setting up a discovery and there it is check the rook falls a resigner wizard goes down doctor goes up four again sixty with fire back forty-four ali reza with 104 rebecca harris next opponent look at all the games they've played nearly 800 that's a lot of chess a lot of hyper now probably all most mostly i would say 1-0 chess okay black would like to get the night here it's a beautiful home for a night balanced material past pawn for white the knight is on e5 cannot be dislodged we'll look to play on the queen side remove the knight super night pawns with a nice grip on the dark squares one rook exchange did he keep one rook around hmm okay he's moving forward he will take that pawn but now the rook is getting activated we can have some repetition be careful this pawn is can be unleashed at any moment okay we have a repetition there yeah okay one hour two minutes to go no fire for the doctor or rebecca harris 108 ali reza in first drop stone next opponent duos are strong black is striking at it with c5 this guy is strong as well he's in black's house challenged with e6 white should be able to get castled black is in this pin how to get out of that pin he's inserting a check whoa okay that's pretty slick hitting the queen he's going to get this guy and then maybe a rook we'll see currently it's a knight for queen and balance dark square problems for white you know take with the rook or the knight the knight says no soup for you no castling and thank you for the rook okay now things have changed it's a rook and two miners versus the queen this bishop is a super defender i love that bishop on g6 okay there should be something really good here we have mates nearby hitting the queen now don't go too far queen you have a responsibility you have to go here but then there would have been what exactly could she have been flushed away from defending rook to d1 it's still bad even if white is able to stop an immediate mate okay ali reza gotta knock out ali reza if you have any chance of coming back an hour in an hour and change remaining so he's going to play with this space invader pond will this guy be challenged soon queen drifting towards the king's side now f5 break nearby whoa he's closing things up over here on the queen side f5 on board let's clear the way let's get some lines the bishop on board in exchange for white knight is repositioning to where exactly okay queens are off technical phase that's oh this is rough now the dark squares have completely collapsed in white's camp ali reza is now up two pawns and the rook is going to enter on b2 you have to babysit that square oh oof rook there he was in pre-move mode with knight to e3 ali reza takes him down again and only builds 116 3210 performance the grizzly bear next opponent are we just are we just watching to see who's gonna take second place in this event by this point with an hour to go i mean 30 40 point advantage kind of a lot man okay what to say about this one slightly better for white better queen better night ready to enter pressure on a2 yeah night quality queen quality all pieces are currently better structure is solid for each side but white controls this only open file pivots on this square g6 f4 can be a good one as well yeah i'm reminded of a game by alekhine badvinick versus alekhine this knight is completely dominated rook is gonna go into pac-man mode rook exchange it's a one king and pawn ending gonna push through g5 get rid of the g-pawn one of the doubled pawns and then go here and try something else maybe push the a pawn first now g5 it is who's winning the race i think uh black will be queening first if knight takes knight could still go i think both sides will queen if the knights are exchanged there and the pawns run grizzly bear grizzly bear down on the clock down three down to less than three okay the doctor gets the w 120 for ali reza the doctor has 66. okay what was i saying 40 no more than that okay rebecca harris i guess this is a repeat of their uh of their first encounter in this tournament sneaky move pinning the bishop to the queen trying to control the dark squares okay this pawn is super annoying how do you get rid of it trying to eliminate the bishop first of all okay it's gone white has some nice pressure though okay the white pieces are on in good news to have the queens off the knight can be a good defender okay the rook is a good defender as well did not see that one the knight is now under control i think the tables have turned slightly seems like the worst is in the past for black the knight oh hang on the knight is eyeing up the f5 square maybe trying to get a pawn here control the knight the knight needs some different post okay can you play here f5 pawn's running brook takes pawn king and pawn ending probably push and then take on this square clock situation rebecca harris up a little bit this is winning for oh man not a good decision there he's in pre-move mode i think he was expecting rook takes pawn that's what it was ouch the doctor goes down rebecca harris takes over the second spot 124 alireza incredible only two losses 32-22 mr manchester united pro won the first one let's see what we get here neither side wants to initiate the queen exchange valuable to have an opened rook file all right oh the d-pawn is gone the b-pawn is gone things are sharpening up here for sure queen gonna be trapped whoa okay that was a mouse slip you wanted something else i'm not quite sure what that something else was though this somehow but mistakenly played queen there i don't know tough to say not sure what was really intended there 128 81 78 ali reza again okay here we go so we have a dragon sicilian dragon this is a big square it's getting upon temporarily i think the d-pawn will fall soon this guy can fall at some stage he's going to hang on to the c pawn he wants to win this and not give up the c pawn is this guy close to trapped a little short on squares can these bishops control all the squares by the rook shoot for b4 rook here bishop b3 queen b2 the rook is officially running out of squares rook a3 queen b2 hunted he wants it for free okay he's doing it under and he's doing it in a different way there structure is broken down but this is still look at this is a bishop in three pawns that's a lot here or or what you don't care about giving up this pawn you want this bishop to stick around defending here you're prepared to play four versus three on the king side can this pawn be hunted it's black's position to try and win it's looking good on the clock and i would say position as well you have to be a little careful about these checks there still are two rooks around possible mating nets can be nearby such as this point right here oh you need to play that rook move and have this block in mind a little scary for the black king this pawn is a super thorn a check how do you get rid of this pawn oh boy three seconds the bishop is around to help uh oh he's in a pickle time it's draw barely wow okay ali reza ran out of time but the doctor did not have any material draw is the result okay 51 in change queen on a1 i always like these little maneuvers rook on a2 something about it that queen is beautifully placed on that corner square okay black pressing on with e4 disrupting king knight huge square now on e3 what to do challenge the rook that's on that square okay very solid for black this knight is pouncing bishop is the big one big threat he's defending now knight is hit queens are gonna be exchanged nope bishop is defended he's getting rolling with the b-pawn breaks the pin on the knight queen is hit very active play by the the black miners lights up a pawn but it doesn't really feel like it this pawn is under control the passer tough to get in b6 a lot of pressure on white that's maybe why he's down on the clock some one night exchange black still with the two bishops open position still can't get rolling with this guy bishop on c5 i think is a best piece here stopping b6 now all together are there any tricks this knight is under control bishop's dropping back to shelter the king a square produced for the king now he's targeting the knight hitting the bishop now threatening mate taking advantage of a pin crawling up into a ball offering a queen exchange blocks with the bishop rat race check on board offering a queen exchange declined i think black will get this one or not he's f white is fighting back on the clock here we go who's better with the mouse we're gonna find out whoa just barely got rid of black's last pawn the doctor no time uh his opponent no material draw on that one okay ali reza so far two and a half half their score in this tournament black lost the b pawn white lost the e pawn nice center for black white's looking to regroup bishop on maybe the main diagonal this is a nice square for white some black pieces there to control that square okay c5 right away like going to try and hang onto this pawn swipe the knight no if you swipe the knight the pawn captures and then the knight has to move okay black seems to be doing pretty well here i think it's a solid king side of very sneaky if queen takes rook there would have been a fork black pieces are in there the rook steps aside so queen h7 is not mate don't forget about that bishop he's doing a good job king is being flushed out you could play here okay he's he's cool with that as well g5 he could lose a pawn the king's gonna find safety somewhere okay he's dodged forest mates and we have mates probably right around the corner he's stopping queen here for right now that's a bishop though and this is going to be a win for black okay alireza goes down but he is still the pack leader far and away 1 30 right it just didn't register zero yeah okay there was a little delay the doctor did get that one he's in seventh another game against ann draken the bononi by white let's see can you get in b5 knight takes b3 pressure on the bishop now winning a pawn on b4 black seems to be doing pretty well here that's going to be a great square for black knight takes bishop takes a knight jumping into c3 a bishop there where's the counter play yeah he's really looking at that c3 square now there will be a night arriving here and it's going to be painful for white i expect hitting the rock hitting the queen within checking distance of the king a lot of problems nearby can't get the exchange all right maybe he was looking at a mate and two potentially if knight takes rook a check followed up with knight g6 mate oh is he still gonna kind of get that no this knight is temporarily uh well he's still there controlling the d5 square he's managed to stir up some trouble white that is and he is now up the exchange white has a pawn for it knight is defending the rook this night in a way could maybe be out of play in this situation seems like he's under control now up a clean exchange queens are still on board down on the clock the doctor bishop takes there's a check and you take here he's getting some material queen takes knight in the end he's up a minor piece a bishop versus a pawn but the clock the clock the clock wants a queen exchange he's got that can he convert it he has the wrong color bishop hang on to the f pawn don't let the f-pawn go he's gone and it's a draw and he's lucky to get the draw okay where are we at ali reza of course uh the doctor is in six 132-73 rebecca harris with 105 having a very good tournament all right let us see what we get here no e5 i guess if you're playing d5 you're you're giving up on d5 or or are you are you giving up on e5 no we have the f6 e5 advance so an unopposed white center right now great strength for white how are you gonna push him that's the right way coordinates well with the bishop this guy is not having fun staring off into space okay now this knight is under control one point to watch maybe knight into maybe the d3 square no he backs off best piece for white so far this guy that's jumping around causing problems swiping a b pawn got a runner here goes the bishop yeah he was cooked over there on h4 wasn't he two pawns for the bishop in bounds wants a rook exchange he's getting that guy with check hitting the rook defending the pawn look at that i know i could get out of the pin and just hit your rook things are cool all right the i am throws in the towel bmw hero next opponent dr noun sixth 134 top okay gonna get in c5 soon to watch out for the king side stopping bishop h6 the h6 move grab the bishop or maybe think about g5 g4 with a fork it's not going for that this break is nearby now okay first to check no time for this two pieces on it black uncastled white with the bishop pair does he have control it's white gearing up for this break it would seem like the the right way to go the queens are now forced off that was with check so technical phase going to be looking at this advance at some point get this pawn marching a little bit get him to the h4 square probably should shut things down if you don't play this the rook is going to be wild the rook is wild targeting this so this guy is now passive he's gonna break down this structure soon with g5 g5 soon to activate the king no one king upon ending kicking off with g4 the majority it's balanced material but these two are not so great maybe this first you have to calculate how to win the tempo game tempo game is not he missed that oh is he really pushing through with this oh that's so slick i love it i love it ah that was awesome boom boom boom these guys are marching the black king's gonna stop these guys oh oh no it's still it's still gonna be a draw oh i thought it was just gonna be i thought those pawns simply couldn't be caught i didn't see the king sneaking over like that okay he was there just in time what a cool try with that pawn sacrifice okay let us see white is up upon in the exchange okay now just up upon black with some nice pressure better bishop gives the gives the pawn back and is going to look to this uh majority on the queen side long-term advantage two versus one let's get some exchanges in there okay what's the story there okay queen takes real queen takes knight white is winning a minor piece uh 136 109 the doctor is 78 only 41 minutes to go i mean it it seems like at this rate alireza has a chance to hit 200. yes i'm aware rebecca harris is daniel narditzky i see that in the chat perpetual against the queen no it's not going for that i don't know if it was there um rook is hit rook is defended oh is that game over not quite not quite queen could enter here soon bishop takes pawn takes knight the queen getting into this square can that be allowed okay f6 stopping the queen from getting too active f6 is a problem oh boy white has a lot of pressure on the on the king side here look at these killers can't take here the knight would have fallen with chuck two minor pieces versus the rook these guys are still absolute killers okay is there going to be a mate here okay this is big trouble take the take the rook with check white is now up a night and upon and mating that was a fast pairing okay the doctor lost that one drop stone next opponent okay the doctor was in pre-move mode and now he's down a minor piece this one is not going to go well knight for a pawn and bounce let's see d5 pressure okay he's giving that up he's now looking at this pawn down a rook a rook for two pawns that's where we stand avoid some exchanges no now avoid it okay he's open to this position okay he does have a lot of pawns can they really get rolling try for that but it's okay he's trying to pull one of these guys away so these guys could can roll he has a square he can step up to put the rook here and then no that's not really working black's got this one yeah no no great tricks i don't think okay he was setting up this but the rook is there in time to kick the king away all right white resigned ali reza again two and a half one and a half what is he going to do against ali reza king's indian defense playing with g4 so where's the break f6 f5 none of the above something else this is dangerous king is opposite this rook a little scary for black this pawn is really good both of these pawns are really good nice space advantage for white now black has to take serious care over h7 white not prepared to double the bishop has to back off no he's going to try and hide behind this pawn king h7 if allowed king h7 no rook h7 does he really intend tend on grabbing that h6 pawn okay what do we do here are there tricks there wasn't a good follow-up there night discovery against the there wasn't a night move with check okay black just resigned and for what reason oh night here next the bishop will fall the night will fall ali reza takes it in 28 moves benefactor alexander morzevich okay he's in ninth benefactor 44th coin exchange black doesn't want to help white to develop oh that's nice bishop here followed up with e5 the knight will be one oh he was expecting this this is probably resigner white goes down again in 16 the doctor in 10th with 78 142 117 don't forget about rebecca hares what kind of performance 3093 still a lot of time to go okay temp double o six very strong gm see temp likes to go for this setup i know from experience okay he's going to swipe this pawn or not does he want to allow black to have a file to work with okay queen on h2 there was a mate threat there rook here soon bishop is not kicked from f3 strong strong post for these pieces defending some king side squares trying to get one rook off problem on f2 knight takes f2 nearby how do you defend that to pull the queen back king over there's checks okay now the rook looking for rook g6 not there in time still looking at rook g6 where'd he go queen short on squares only has one okay he's giving up the queen doesn't want the queen it's up the exchange or a bishop in three pawns he's looking at mate is this a resigner i think it's a resigner rook here you take and then it's mate next no other way to defend g2 temp double 06 goes down green knight next opponent alireza 1441 1786 cinderella in third was the opening here scotch i believe nice maneuver this knight is very good white has a grip over the d5 break now fantastic nights white with some space control over e4 looking to get ready with f4 f4 f5 f6 if you back off you drop b3 f5 f6 on board oh black threw in an inbetweener white is down a rook i got ahead of himself but there's still some pressure um this will be defended rook is very good even if you get this rook yeah black will gladly give up this rook for a night not upon a knight knight on g7 there we go giving up some material blacks up a knight and a pawn and more soon all base points covered for black pressure on the rook queen can't go too far unless it's to h4 with mate the green knight gets it 148 121 the doctor just barely in 10th penguin just outside of page one that's how you know it's super strong oh man too many pre-moves an eight-move kill to ali reza okay jagalcon next opponent jagalco on page two the doctor on page two these players are not used to being on page two okay what is he throwing at him we got some wing gambit action to b4 trying to overtake the black center where's the queen going landing a check block eventually a tempo with the bishop the knight the knight is rattled 95 bishop back queen is hit again as a poison cooked queen rook h2 may be expecting only that move queen was dead after this that square is covered alright so the queen's a goner queen is hit pin a resigner an 18 mover okay he's back on the horse and gets the w there 156 ali reza just shy of a 3200 performance narditzky 3092 all right he's gonna go with the wild e pawn again look at that he loves throwing that epon out there i've seen seen this player do this against me i felt that okay knight on c4 super good he's gone though this guy is really good on e6 cannot castle he's out of a pin no night pin anymore light squared problems for black i'd get castled mate threat defended the bishop's under control the white rooks are super active how do you get this this rook in the ball game king up checaroni flush him right back white's in control i feel a mate nearby queen snaking in right here how do you stop it you don't you resign okay you throw in one silly check first whoa what just happened there oh he could afford to give up the queen for a bishop at that stage he was still winning okay the next opponent somebody who likes sevens seven sevens let's see uh minority attack majority for white feels like a sicilian dragon a reversed sicilian dragon this guy's a weak link queen on c4 knight on e4 light squares are vulnerable in black's camp it'd like to maybe crash through like crash through like this but f2 could have fallen this is super solid now for white where does this guy want to stay okay i can't go too far there's a pin it's not we're not just attacking the pawn and white is up upon how to convert this ah very nice queen takes bishop queen takes bishop white is now up two pawns and will convert this king will get to that e4 square f white will eventually be able to construct f6 e5 king on f5 yeah no problems there are no dark square weaknesses okay here we go another game 161 25 the doctor is in sixth let's see opposite sides castling queen on a5 bishop hinting uh you know hinting at d4 problem here on a2 possibly in betweeners might be there main two threat the queen could take the king can run how far do you want to go one of the set up a mate in one threat queen is hit getting this pawn back the knights are controlling these squares and in the end black is up a minor these guys have played a lot shy of 200 two nights base points covered by this guy past h pawn soon enough black is in a position to sacrifice a knight for one of these if they turn past only one pawn to stop okay white resigns ali reza two losses in a row lost to rebecca harris arka in third doctrine fourth fishing for third place i would say at this point cinderella got him the first time syndrome one okay f5 it makes me concerned about the the e6 square pawn on f5 controls this knight this pawn helps control the knight as well oh very nice take you take the rook and in the end there's also a bishop hanging so white i think is our black is winning the exchange he's going to get the queens off as well seems like it white does have a healthy structure though it must be said not so great over here white wants to rip up in a file he's prepared to shed a pawn so it's a knight in two pawns but now the rooks are are sprung to life without this pawn on d3 there's some action here now the rook is pinned will be one next white throws in the towel 26 minutes to go the doctor with that is now at 96 96 with fire is there is there a chance for maybe second okay penguin first time playing against penguin in this tournament nearly what yeah they've played a lot of games approaching a thousand games between these two okay white would like to get this majority going if you can it's tough to get it in right now a lot of pieces watching over that b4 push uh long-term wise i feel that the white king is safer i like this group of pawns you know white i think will do well to keep the queens on the board threatening h7 right now there's some squares there is a hole on e5 currently defended well with miners the king thinks twice about moving forward goes back home basically no he's he's moving forward now he wants to get out of some pin there's a check the queens are off okay so there should be a draw even on the clock no a slight edge on the clock to the penguin okay so he's banking on this knight being able to hunt this pawn how do you how do you pull that off not easy the bishop's controlling the knight okay black okay that's maybe how you get this guy rolling first to check uh maybe this first but then there's a knight check okay he is getting at that pawn he has managed to hunt the h pawn but now this knight is a bit stuck oh if you take this pawn pushes through queen versus two miners okay he's going to get this one white is going to get this one black resigned the penguin goes down the penguin was in 7th arca is in third okay we have four players with a hundred or more 23 minutes remaining i am straw next opponent 51st place uh what was this a grunfeld i believe this pawn is very weak black is up a pawn it's on the defensive now is this collapsing move the bishop prepare to throw the king in the corner yeah bishop d4 i give me a square please rook stops the night discovery okay now the the exchange white has the exchange it's just a matter of when doesn't want to cash out just yet on f7 to keep my opponent in a pin for a move or two okay this knight how good is he really white can be white is uh i believe going to convert this yeah these pawns are pretty good two connected passers is a very active rook soon the rook can hunt that pawn okay he's getting the queens off first and stopping this guy from gluing this one in he's gonna pick up this next there are no fancy forks rook on dark can light no forks nearby 22 in change remaining still at the hundred mark cinderoff gm let's see focusing on the d5 square this break is under control white with the two bishops white uh black with the solid structure both sides solid structure where will there be a break c5 no okay c5 only after b5 fighting for c4 a little bit okay looking to close the position this bishop does not feel too good on b2 open a file now one rook exchange at least nearby try and get a bishop off dark square bishop's off bishop d6 into f4 this is a a sensitive square pressure on c3 where is he going with this guy oh just lost a piece he wasn't able to recapture there there was a rook hanging white has won a knight pressure here push rook is hit this pawn is passed the bishop is hit fish will be there in time white should be getting this one however the clock is this going to be an issue he's back about seven he's gonna be up two miners he's hunting the f pawn trying to get the f pawn there the knight is hit knight is hit again f pawn can fall clock situation this pawn is running he stopped there's another passer around though two passers i'm gonna say black gets this one there's just not enough time three seconds oh he got the he got the uh the rook off can he get this one he got it whoa one more move white needed that pawn was gonna fall next that's how it goes sometimes oh okay the doctor wins and 20 on the nose remaining c4 defended preparing to feed keto as well a knight on d5 or not or not doesn't want to fiend keto he he sees something right here he sees a weak link on d6 a backward pawn he's hunting that knight takes g3 was a threat f2 was pinned exchange queen centralized get out of this pin pressure on d6 soon enough first overtake control of this uh d4 square get rid of that dark square bishop okay here we go now d6 problem on d6 okay it's defended easily white now has control the knight could go to d4 i would not be surprised to see a sacrifice at some point of this night and lock down on these two pawns first he's gearing up for a sacrifice for sure he's ready for it he's also ready to undermine the knight that's an approach as well he's under control okay yeah he's going with the b4 move this knight cannot stand here for long and here we go it's a it's a winner already he's winning this rook okay black resigns mario goes down ali reza 167 141 rebecca harris ali reza here we go four and a half one and a half he's going with a wild g pawn what is that g5 and move what on move three g5 what kind of opening is this no idea okay in bounds two bishops versus a rook and two pawns get this knight here that's where you want to be look at these look at these moves there isn't one natural move that has been played just yet okay we got a passer here oh two passers white seems to be doing pretty well these guys are kind of clumsy i don't know how well coordinated they really are this king is going to hunt this pawn and push through no no passers for black okay now there's a passer but this knight is way out of bounds is he not ali reza is in the tank okay he's hunting that h-pawn first oh my goodness that's got to be painful that is mate folks oh i guarantee that one stung okay the doctor gets that one that probably felt pretty good for carlson and pretty bad for ali reza the old mate and one out of nowhere ouch always a painful experience all right ollie reza is still gonna take it but uh yeah that's that's a painful one ooh speaking of painful moves that's that's a painful move to see black just netted some material looking looking pretty here rook and two pawns versus a bishop all right and try to do something on these on these light squares but i don't i don't see how you're gonna do anything great beefy center trying to punch a hole in the dark squares with f4 give me a square please black is there to control it rook is going hunting white rook is going hunting a check nearby trying to advance the pawns flushing the night away there is a check eliminate the night no scare him away try to scare him away what about that toast black is toast oh no the rook was able to take there and save the night like that white is up on the clock still down material and exchanging two pawns down is he finally gonna tame that night okay he's finally gonna get a rook exchange or win some material yeah okay white finally has had enough with that one the doctor resigns ali reza looking to just set a record probably at this point the doctor's in third zavin chess mood seven and a half half zavin's looking for his first point it's down upon white has really nice control this knight soon to be flushed to a square it does not like like didn't even want to move that night it's now down a bishop and a pawn light squares exchange the bishop keep this knight here giving up that pawn who cares about it still up a bishop exchange queens by force yes okay he's gonna try to keep the queens on so he's giving up some material a rook now versus pawn black king position broken queen hit think out of the knight knight dead the knight is dead so now it's a knight in three pawns versus a rook so something has clearly gone wrong for white better at this point a past pawn he wants to take care of any checks against the king i would imagine block with the rook this check is covered trying to open a diagonal towards the king hitting the queen queen on f5 queen f8 this knight is a pretty good defender do you get rolling with the a pawn now are we secure yet oh we go after the queen i blinked i missed this rook d1 to d7 move okay 13 minutes to go uh doctors looking to stay in uh top three land okay rebecca harris mr narditzky will be taking second so let's see scandinavian on board playing with d3 not d4 okay what are we doing here missed that move it's not fun queen e2 you have to go back home and now there's problem city oh this knight could still move there is a check it's also you know the queen on h5 is defended black wants to keep the queens on board he's looking to hunt that king on c1 on f1 excuse me all right maybe get the h-pawn up to h4 now he's going one step he's stopping maybe a queen exchange in betweeners soon no lean back on f3 f4 has collapsed there's now the e5 square maybe for a knight okay the queen is hit bishop has hit queen exchange soon yes chop chop bishop and pond versus two knights in bounds these pawns are connected and passed and very deep in black's camp but under control okay now it's a night night in rook versus bishop and pond how do you get rid of this guy close to mate really close to mate oh mate threat king has to run rook is hungry go after this sacrifice the rook for this pawn or this maybe i could just hold hold his ground okay now he's going for that time get rid of these pawns it's gonna be a rat race well i could still win this draw wow what a fight that one was 175 149 113 penguin slipping in to third place here we go big game here for penguin e4 f4 what is this or it feels like a reverse latvian gambit it's not a gambit in this case white is not down any material very good bishop an important defender i should say okay opposite sides castling f5 d6 oh fork it's over 16 mover penguin goes down still up four points over the doctor ali reza towards the end showing that he is human are we in timeout mode no no pause for the doctor bmw hero next two and a half half let's see i'm gonna get an e5 can't get an e5 just yet the knight angling for g4 no f4 now okay we have a very locked position king has to step up to defend the knight of what's the story here okay if you whoa how cool is that i love that move hitting the queen the rook is defended i'm gonna win this now this knight is a bit stranded okay it's one the queen rook and knight versus queen and bounce bishop a3 yeah this queen is going to have a lot of fun on the dark squares probably taking on uh a7 was a was a thing as well no he's hunting this knight who is trapped just like that no no dark square bishop by black around to to rescue that guy officially hunted okay jagalko who has stepped up here he is now in sixth place i think their their first game he was he was on page two twelfth or something chigalka loves the c3 big fan of c3 oh was that on purpose okay and there's a check here white is up a pawn i don't know how great that bishop is okay yeah he needs to do something about that bishop he's giving a pawn up just to get the bishop out just to develop the queen side okay security king position i don't care about knight g5 i still don't care about knight g5 and look for a rook lift okay he's getting activated like this no h6 h5 possible possible way to activate the rook would have been h4 rook h5 white stops that plan he's still going for this rook lift looking at the f5 square rook up and over pressure on the bishop his pawn is pinned his this knight is pinned 22 to 25 he's threatening the knight there there's a check oh that hurts this is a resigner it's a resigner the rook will fall next doctor goes down he's in one 115 117 still fishing for third yeah any yeah it's gonna be a fight those top six okay jizugi what did i miss a wild h-pawn okay white with the bishop pair not anymore black with a very nice square on f4 fully compensates for being down upon i prefer black here pressure on b2 you can't castle problem on f2 another rook lift this pawn is poison be a pin and then a win breaking down the king side here trying to at least there can be a sacrifice something here yes uh every piece is pointed at this square and there should be a mating attack check rook lift there is a check but still these guys are simply not playing you have to give up the queen the knights are pouncing and what do we have get another another piece on up here night here threat wiping out some kingside pawns to be careful of a knight check and then rook here this knight is a tricky guy king here there could have been a check okay this night is gonna fall but this night could fall first to check maybe a fork it's getting some material finally wow surprised that uh white fought back like that i thought uh there was going to be mate the game continues huge time edge to carlson but yeah very good resistance trying to defend like that just to simply prevent mate like that i think is very good found some nice defensive moves because carlson had a lot of aggressive pieces there 118 117 five minutes to go can he get third he's going berserk now these final few minutes let's see just a few more games remaining okay it is simplified technical phase ending once more looking for b5 c5 the knight has something to say about that i'm going to have a lot of knight jumps in this one i expect okay these two restrict these three black is just gonna say is black doing better okay needs to move he needs to move fast i don't i don't think this one's going to end well for black why am i a pawn i want another pawn time this should be a pretty easy time burn no 27 to 5. mate the doctor goes down jagalco sneaks into third penguin fourth the doctor fifth shigalka wins another one he's probably gonna take second three and change getting another game rebecca harris just over three thousand let's see two to one in naraditsky's favor in this tournament game four now um i like black it gets this minority attack going this knight right here is out of play black knight stand very well and now he's winning a pawn and it's a really big pawn is taking with the pawn opening up a square for the queen the knight knight's currently pinned but soon we're going to have a passer with c3 he has black has wiped out the white queen side and now is cruising along with the sea pawn just a baby sit upon oh really he's keeping it real really simple stopping any possible sacrifices here these rooks are optimally placed cutting off the queen from seeing this so now night here or here is nearby the rook is hit back off okay no look at how white is stirring up some trouble okay he can afford to give up either of these pieces he's trying to push through he's blocking with the rook h6 is nearby wow how do you come back from that that's so crazy did that not look like it was squeaky clean for narditzky what is going on we still queens are still around the queens are off north key's going to take this one 1.4 seconds you're not going to see that dip maybe he's putting mate on the board wow crazy game that is really impressive what a back and forth that looks so smooth i was really liking his uh rebecca nardiski's approach there and then i don't know he's carlson was stirring up trouble with that pawn rattling the king position a pawn in a queen we're being disruptive enough to make uh to make it not so smooth okay this here is going to be the last game and probably will not count for the tournament will he be able to maintain fifth and stay in the money what do you get 50 bucks all right let's see upper final opponent seven to four what a good player oper finland really okay fork watch out for the fork it's looking still for a fork it's up upon black is up upon cutting off the defense of the bishop right now it's this guy next pressure on the night what's the story why did why do black resign there why did black resign i'm a little stunned here black resigned just to resign and give him give him a win was that before the tournament clock or something what am i missing i'm a bit baffled i just don't know okay uh carlson resigned there at the end and with that the final standings the doctor falls out of the top five so no no cash for the doctor who takes it who else ali reza 185 156 rebecca harris taking second narditzky penguin g i am one mr andrew tang taking third zav and chess moved fourth and sergey jagalco taking fifth all right uh let's check out the top 100 665 entered there's your page two three four five whoops manchester united pro finishing in 41st place yeah sharks were all out for this event i love it great to see and there is your top 100 the cable box cable box has played for team chess network for the the battles a time or two taking 100 spot okay this is as usual a very fun event good games all awesome you
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 126,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen chess games, world champion magnus carlsen, world chess champion, magnus carlsen blitz chess, chessnetwork, chess network, chess, blitz chess, lichess titled arena, bullet titled arena, bullet titled arena august 2020, bullet chess tournament, magnus carlsen fights for $1250
Id: 6urh1d-SNUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 7sec (6607 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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