An elementary chess mistake | Superblitz Arena

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hi everyone it's Jerry I am going to play an hourly super Blitz Arena 57 minutes of 3-0 all right matanzas okay we have played lots of games all right let's go with C6 here oh actually recalling a game we had I think it was this opponent now I could be mistaken okay let's see they have space yeah I was thinking of a game that I lost with a Catalan opening but this is no Catalan and I didn't lose my last game against this guy Okay so I flicked this A5 move in because I don't want to see a quick B4 P4 B4 B5 and they're going for that I'm actually thinking I should have maybe played this instead of Bishop here try and get this Exchange in and then clamp down on the B4 idea but the timing is not there I was threatening a trick there if they pushed Knight takes Pawn was available in fact it's still there if they play in that way um it seems healthy going here okay so they're getting out of that trick wondering if I should try this I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna get a weak Pawn one way or the other to watch over this guy and now this guy so I guess it turned out rookie 8 is pretty much a waste and now they have a nice grip there yeah I'm really not liking my decision there to play H6 this is going to be a problem isn't it I do have a square here this is my only Square Queen is close to out of squares oh I missed well actually they missed something here I didn't see that that was hanging and they didn't see that their Knight was hanging okay uh let's go for this one I guess or I guess I could exchange I do have the Knight supporting this way down on the clock I don't think my queen is getting trapped and with this tension between the Rooks no Rook C2 okay and now they're Queen what if I threaten mate can have a Perpetual no they don't have a perpetual okay back they go I guess let's start here sort of seems like an improvement a queen exchange do not mind that being up the piece dropping a lot of stuff let's try and get this guy off all right what's the cleanest way to approach this bring my king over stop King there for a second you want to round up this poem very shaky start here now two on this no Pawn push here in fact Let me let me just come up like this my king could scoop them up not sure exactly where I'm going to watch out for Forks all the time okay oh well they're dropping a lot of stuff yeah that's too much just have to watch out for stalemites tricky pawn moves I really lucked out with this one this is a Bad start I'll be able to bring home the point here or will I oh stalemate just as I was saying that I got too confident there I'll be able to bring home the full point I say ah man such an elementary mistake okay I got that bad start out of my system I guess I hope I hope I got it out of my system I should just threw that Bishop in the corner I normally do that if you have too much material just demote the pieces so that they have no Mobility ah unfortunately that Bishop was a contributor taking away a key Square from the King all right that's a long game a close to nine minute game one and I got one point okay that was messy for both of us really okay hmm maybe I can hop around that E6 Square it's looking appealing I was expecting them to capture and then play Knight to F6 I'm ducking the Knight exchange because I don't want this guy to see the world so easily I guess I don't know I can't can I still work my way into this Square I guess I could feels a little weird doing it like this but I know you know what I could play here first I was thinking that my knight could be kicked but I have pressure here so this is this is far more harmonious running it like this it's not going to be hitting with check but that would be a huge weakness to play H6 with these two here and all right now now it can't be played because I it's no longer a check but it's might as well be check okay Simba is my opponent Simba 2002 first time playing don't know from where all right I'm tempted to just jump right in here I'm wondering a bit though about exchange sacrifices Maybe uh maybe I could push this guy around I was thinking about B3 as well okay night's not doing so good here I guess I guess I could jump in uh it's an exchange sacrifice here I got the F4 Square covered I don't think they have enough if they go for that this Knight doesn't really have anything I could glue The Rook in there I think I like that idea now there's no exchange sacrifice with the queen is the leader for the battery pretty stable Rook this guy's not gonna bother The Rook this is the only one that could bug The Rook I guess I could have even considered Knight G5 I could revisit this and why not in fact I got a lot of stuff Happening Here don't he so there's there should be a good move for me Knight takes h7s looking appealing I got these squares covered Bishops have them Colleen has this that's the important one I'm surprised they didn't play this yet is there some other move but they think about Queen takes and then maybe bishop here possibly and I'm gonna go for this one and no light Square bishop and I have an unopposed light Square Bishop tactics should be there or they're more likely to be there unopposed light Square Bishop a lot of stuff here okay so my first thought was just chop that night I don't have to though I could take the material and circle back if Knight takes Rook now I'm gonna hold off from saying this should be a smooth conversion you'll learn my lesson we'll see let's give the queen a kick no rush in taking this guy still doesn't have a square Queen is almost trapped out here like to take here with Tempo if possible I'd prefer not to move my F Pawn okay let's take the pun with the tempo and Bishop is pinned I have good coordination uh um I guess let's get this guy in the ball game plenty of time in the tank that night has a square now not the not the greatest square but I want to open up my Rook size Queen's defending the Rook up and over Queen takes I have this where's the me one two okay all right some lengthy games there first two is in first Dragon Sword ooh running with some all-out berserk sm-46 okay let's try G6 um try this one we'll go with the double theme kiddo and grab some space uh go and let's just continue to develop and I thought there might be some pressure on that guy soon I'm there to recapture all right my knight is pinned how concerning is that uh let's just take oh okay let me cancel before there's maybe this okay how about oh wait a second though if I play Knight here this bishop is having a tough time yeah I'm tracking this guy down soon I believe unless there's some night move here because my Bishop is unprotected okay so I could take this guy but I could also still not take it it's like my Knights pinning the bishop in this case all right I'll take them now that he's ready to run away and let's complete development Bishop's now defended there shouldn't be any wonderful tactics about this one as a start that seems good too how can I get my dark Square Bishop working is it worthwhile to flick this worthwhile to flick that one in I think it is don't let you don't let this guy begin to improve um maybe here I don't mind the queen exchange or even The Rook exchange I think I think in the end I wonder about Rook A4 how's that playing out is my a pawn just gonna fall I wonder okay I guess I'll go there maybe just just play it where I centralize the king back to Back to Basics I'm not sure exactly where I'm going though honestly what should my plan be okay this night is kind of stuck I don't know let's going over here if I move my knight there's going to be that push Maybe this Square opened up still gonna get that pushing okay I guess I could take I don't mind that I feel like this guy was a liability if I attacked am I gonna be able to defend him easily let's go somewhere else maybe I should have played here can't push here I could take away and then in the end land a fork I might have this on the cards okay oh there they missed that I'm on that pawn that's a huge Pawn huge also there's a huge clock Advantage for white so my knight is stable I have all the important pawns covered maybe I could try to drive this guy up here okay maybe improve my king actually I wonder why did I why'd I take that Bishop off that diagonal so easy to miss a fork I can't push this Pawn okay I don't mind that oh I could have made things so simple King and pawn ending could have got the Knight there if the night moves I get I gain some ground are they in a pickle here I'm not exactly I guess they have to play King there they're not doing that so their Knight is under control I should be winning the second Pawn the good coordination with my bishop and structure okay I have that pawn keep the night offset just shuffling making back to a a decent Square there that's the one I should have played earlier bringing it to a King and pawn ending okay this time no stalemates little stalemates that is not stalemate plenty of time okay long games man I don't think I'm gonna do any berserking just trying to play some decent games just shy of 300 in here cause I'll try you for ah I get a little wild it's as Wild As It Gets with me H4 that'll scare them all right I don't mind I know it's a my good Bishop for their bad Bishop however I wonder about let's try something a bit different just to mess with their structure I don't want to allow that that would be a rock solid structure there so we'll see positional Pawn sacrifice this guy here I may even be okay giving up a second upon they might go after one of these two I might might get there okay this seems interesting Knight B5 or maybe Knight C2 reinforcing D4 I'm pretty sure I'm gonna Castle kingside I don't like going in that direction but I really don't have many options wait a second what if I take here and take here get the pawn back I think I'm good with that I still have control over this Square maybe maybe they back off and they get this going maybe I jump in though let's try this oh I'm on this Pawn as well oh they might miss that they're thinking they might miss it and now they didn't miss it okay and then they the Nike block if I took there right away okay uh you know what I don't know if I want to Castle I think I'm gonna get my King out of here though that Bishop has stopping castling over here maybe I go Queen side uh okay I yeah I guess I go here go after this Pawn be very very careful okay oh yeah oh okay this is going to be a problem okay I guess this is my way to defend the pawn it's not fun I could have played B4 but I guess I'm caring a bit more about about what exactly a bit more about improving my night I have this move that's why I went here to keep pressure on F5 I don't want to see this get going okay they have a push but I have this Rook wait a second I could take here there's no Bishop check let's get off of this diagonal now their Bishop is pinned I have this covered would I take it they'd be unpinned if I take it maybe I wouldn't want to take it okay where do I put my Rook probably here just stay super coordinated this could fall with check I could also flick this in with check it's still a pin along the G file the watch out for Bishop here and queen here that would be mate okay let's start with that one defend here I could take even if there's a push now I think I'm ready to go with this one could take with check they probably should have played here maybe still losing if they go there but now it's much easier to calculate any bishop move its check aside from Bishop f8 okay I didn't see that one I think I could scare them away now uh is there a cleaner approach uh what about this actually it's targeting this I was thinking about the checks and then here and then and then a check here it's probably winning but I think this might be easier to calculate I just want to pinpoint this guy okay and the checks I could take here Omega one Bishop here I could take I could take with the queen there's no accident happening on G2 no Perpetual no stalemate ideas I got Pawns I guess that's the only try yeah it might go for Rook takes I guess they have to try that okay let's just go here on that okay we got this one okay that was sloppy that's what I get for H4 okay man time flies 33 minutes I got nine I got fire that was my first four my first round opponent is cruising 24. okay let's see what opening we could play here first of all what's white throwing at us D4 okay how about well maybe we try a xinji Indian opponents playing like I did the last game all right I want to meet H5 with G5 that's all I'm saying with H6 this square is a bit weakened so pins could be irritating all right now now I think I want to challenge with this guy I don't have to worry about going uncastled with this guy in the way okay this is this is a welcome site I don't mind the bishop check I still don't mind being being on castled here um it's not forced being uncastled uh let's start with yeah I think that Bishop's gonna be pretty good no matter what oh fancy okay okay are they I mean are they really going for oh no Queen here I'm covering I'm thinking something like this and here queen queen here straight away with some double attack forgetting my knight is covering it from F6 all right what's the story with this guy I want to wait for Knight F6 before I go here uh is this okay or I guess I'll go here something like this in here I don't know if it's really a big deal I could always play this one that's what they're going for I don't mind weakening my light squares so much I'm covering it my Bishop's watching over C6 that's the main weakness maybe I could even soften up a square or two okay actually I was waiting for a move like this um Knight G4 is extra appealing going after this is the this is the good guy going after the good Bishop so and similar to that that earlier game I'm in this position where I see the Knight is I should be a bit patient there with the capture or maybe not actually because Knight here and then if I'm capturing the Knight gets to recapture an eye up that square so I wonder if I should flick that in now although this guy might be extra hungry all right I have two paths into this super weak Square I think now I want to take before they have that maneuver okay and now I think I'm cool with castles I guess The Bishop's gonna go here no matter what swatching over my knight getting to this Square this move I'm playing here there's no sacrifices that's a scan I did before castling I do not want the H file to be peeled open I don't want a knight for two pawns being exchanged they would only get one with my queen around here this guy is in a pin this guy is unprotected this guy could do something better maybe I should have considered this move okay they're castling okay so I'm kind of drawn to this one actually yeah because if the Knight moves I could take the pawn now and I'm also stopping H5 altogether okay that's weakening though um okay I'm gonna go here knowing that I could get pinned my Rook will be out of place out of play okay they didn't go for that I should probably look to exchange my knight if they go here I should duck The Exchange okay get to the open file oh I'm just realizing hmm okay my Bishop could be in a little bit of trouble after G4 but I'd still have Queen takes H4 maybe I just go all the way back or no this is my favorite piece so far I think they should challenge it okay now that now that isn't a move I'm gonna try this giving this square up but I have a plan of here here uh I have to be careful night there is hitting my Bishop okay let's do this first this and then this oh I want Bishop H6 yes just staring at my own pawns here okay I'm on the queen don't have to move the bishop just yet I could take the Rook as well and why why not yeah I'm gonna take that just come all the way back okay that Bishop is really good okay these pawns control the night okay there's a check that Bishop is really good maybe I should be playing a five or willing to give up some material to open some lines I gotta go faster much faster watch that doesn't fall now after a queen Exchange stay focused not sure what I'm doing exactly with that check I'm not afraid of okay they were spending a lot of time there that was messy um you know what if I might my first thought here is I should have went for the material Bishop takes Rook don't like that decision it felt it felt like an environment there that was more suitable for minor pieces still very locked my Rooks were really clumsy there at the end what was the their productive role I don't know okay one chess player more quick pressure here in my Center all right I'll keep it still keep the tension I was gonna say that I'm okay with being on castled I think I think that's correct but I I'm not forced to to play in that way I could take once and then if they're capturing take once and then do something like that is it worthwhile to play here I don't think so I think those two ponds are pretty good if I'm going to take I'm going to take this guy because there's fewer options on the recapture there's three three ways black can be recapturing I think it's best to take with the pawn but that's my reasoning with that decision okay that's got to be a good move open file I'm just gonna go here I know hmm now let's not do that I'm afraid of Knight exchange Rook exchange Bishop D6 and F4 okay some light Square weaknesses now Maybe maybe this actually I wonder if I should be playing with my F Pawn there's a big difference here actually on the e-file E5 is a whole E4 is not a whole well maybe I don't have to play F4 now if I could why would I want to play F4 it's to stop black from playing F4 but if I currently it seems like I'm cool with piece play um let's go here some restriction way down on the clock I'm restricting the Knight it's my big idea there all right let's go for this now there's going to be some pressure on okay it's gonna be some pressure on D5 the bishop takes Knight takes okay uh take I guess take that Bishop here is going to be played isn't it okay it's getting chaotic here takes F5 okay maybe I should I was also on that a lot no let's play in the center actually instead of f4 the more committal if I'm kicked and I now have this Square uh we're these are now both holes okay they're cutting that one out let's try and stop this idea if this I can take once and play here uh I guess here am I prepared really to give up my light Square Bishop for the night I may be I think I should be able to maintain my knight okay didn't see that one oh they they're not controlling this anymore take their my time though okay I think I want to play this yeah can't allow a light Square Bishop exchange and then that night to jump in there and go after this guy I guess queen of two I could unpin shouldn't be any problem if they form a battery with the queen Knight C2 okay Queens the one putting pressure here Knight here King H2 prefer not to play this um let's just try to blunder okay let's go here time I don't mind the doubled Pawns I'm on this this point maybe I should have played that Queen E5 next okay I don't see how their Queen gets active my time now I'm seeing how their Queen can get active clean check gets the Queens off I'm gonna go for that try and make life simpler they're not taking my oh they missed the queen whoops yeah I was wondering they're taking some time there why am I going on a light Square foreign totally unnecessary they're having some serious connection issues they keep blinking let's not stalemate okay 20 minutes to go Where Do We Stand oh just barely page one this guy first round opponent is cruising pretty good berserk right there 90 percent okay it's still possible to get top three not catching him okay David uh go e45 okay C3 you say all right I don't have to worry about Knight C3 so that's why I feel a bit more comfortable bringing my queen out early okay early coin exchange I don't think he could really take advantage of the king so let's just continue to develop okay let me flick this in I don't want to see this guy get going anytime soon so Center Fork tricks I don't know that they're gonna be there these seem like all healthy moves what I'm doing here I don't think I'm doing anything wrong um how about you know they've they've cut out any Bishop G4 so [Music] okay that seems healthy as well um keep developing uh this this move has been crossing my mind for many moves now I feel like it could get hit with the pawn advance this is unprotected okay you're not moved I'm gonna I'm gonna move too we're back to fighting for similar squares wow that is that is a super weakening move am I not ready though right now to chop here should be able to enter you have to take with the Knight otherwise I win the night okay okay let's take and I guess enter I don't know if I'm am I really able to track something down maybe I am yeah I think I might be close to winning a pawn I think in some some lines I have to be careful of Bishop B5 if I take here okay that I didn't expect okay because now it's different I could take the queen and now it could take on e4 Bishop here I win the full piece okay so now I want to get out of that although no let's keep the foot on the gas here keep moving forward F2 and this one let's go with this one too oh oh okay actually on this one I have Bishop here or no what am I talking about if the bishop The Bishop's pinned F2 okay and now maybe move my knight yeah this seems like a good Square Bishop is still pinned where is it hmm okay well that's a good move it's a really good move I'm just going to be losing something now okay I think I have to give up my Pawn ah after I recapture I'm defending this bishop oh they missed that idea on this night too right here defends everything I have the exchange I'm of the exchange their night is under control here I guess watch out for passers I feel like it should be close to May and it takes pawn and Rook here is a mating pattern 33 seconds Knight is still under control back rank mates no problems maybe maybe this is the safer spot okay I'm on the bishop I got a night check Bishop's covering it at the moment do they see that I'm on the bishop this was also a move okay I guess let's just collect a pawn check night here is a mate oh okay the King was Super Active there 14 minutes to go 21 with fire I might be getting him I think he just jumped up no he's in a game against the I am I am FM playing a game right now okay somebody anybody dragon sword let's try C4 game or berserk I guess we'll try oh have I got the berserk and we'll try one berserk so bullet and get a bunch of exchanges in take with this my king could step over okay keep the diagonal open oh uh let's let's let's do it let's just go for some play on the structure it's not allow him to go anymore oh Rook here [Music] um I think it I don't know shouldn't I win the tempo game with their their structure yeah they get it's very active play I don't know is it a one king and pawn ending I feel like it should be I don't want to see that guy go any further put a little pressure here I'm just allowing them to undouble seems like like my pawns are more fluid oh okay this should be I should be getting the Rook Pawn now is that really a catchable Pawn okay we have to I just want to circle around my queen is defended it'd be very difficult for them to find a perpetual Queen's covering everything she's golden right here stop that okay yeah you know uh that Rook pivot on D6 was very good I should have it I should have anticipated that typical idea we'll put it on a square where if I make the decision to initiate the capture the pawns are straightened out okay 11 minutes to go uh all right how about a King side fiend kiddo King's Indian question this guy maybe let's try it like this let's go hunting for a an imbalance continue to follow this path of not taking that Bishop so soon um yeah let's go with this I'm not gonna recapture I'm gonna play Queen A5 if Pawn takes Pawn so I'm playing it I'm playing this position as if I already have the imbalance I guess there's Queen A4 in reply didn't really take that into account all right let me change course I guess I'm gonna go for um okay let's let's do this Queen A4 I'll exchange take on C5 Knight takes C5 I take B2 two point pawn bishop pair open position should be compensation ready to take twice here maybe I didn't even consider that they could be capturing like this all right hmm yeah I guess you could just take like that can you messy messy game still keep the PIN right here is going to be so strong where am I supposed to Castle the person in the coin exchange would not mind that okay I'm going here because I want to try and tame this Knight as soon as the pin isn't there that's my way to tame the Knight okay I'll go here maybe repair the structure I don't mind night there so much well I guess I'm gonna go this way feels safer there's no dark script Bishop maybe a four is a move yeah I am oh I'm forgetting okay I have this Square covered what am I doing I want a queen Exchange okay anticipating that there's going to be some pressure here not down anything am I no even material let's get out of that pin Queen here no fancy Knight Forks feels like an evenish position queen of six there's no way my queen is better than theirs okay are they going for not sure what they're going for let's go here I guess they're going here I want to be able to play here okay a check get this in maybe a pawn here some mate check is that anything try this check maybe Queen here even I was hoping they went King H1 so that I'm threatening a queen exchange and to win this Pawn not going for that oh my goodness I missed that that was even a move oh man no I think my queen is just trapped and my queen is just going to be trapped now oh I don't have another Square no I shouldn't moved that pawn I would have had some resource here lucky to be alive right now oh man this is lost they could have just pushed there floundering I gotta go for time burners ah I deserve to lose that oh man my queen got tracked right down oh I was lucky to even get their Queen back like that what was I thinking there with the queen yeah that idea with F4 F4 G4 hmm or actually even going back to that that that check was just way too short-lived that was my initial feel but I still went with it like she wasn't connected with anything else is what I'm thinking so she just turned out to be one piece out there trying to attack not coordinate with anything though okay black already has an excellent position in this one easily get an E5 I wonder if I should yeah let's play here let's not give them a second chance to track that guy down may run away not not captured now uh let's get a little crazy F4 let's go with this one if my Knight's challenge I'm prepared to play F4 okay and on that move let's try this it takes Knight he could take the bishop with check I don't know that this one's gonna finish probably not two minutes left okay I could take here and then the king is overloaded after the recapture got this guy I don't think my Queen's getting trapped in this one ah but that move there is very good castles I guess could have thrown in the check okay why not I think about these squares sooner this is a poison Pawn probably Rook h8 to get my queen out of there and then where do I go Queen C2 D3 I wouldn't mind if this is in there because then this is strengthened let's continue on this path Bishop's in a pin Knight F5 Knight H5 also go here still pinned my Knight's covering F1 I'm up the pawn okay now I'm gonna have to move my Rook I guess here I have this Square available start with this I guess watch out for a pawn break restrict The Rook under a minute in the tournament Knight F5 has been a move for a while if I don't want to play this too soon because this all right this is hitting with Tempo though get my king on a light Square I'm gonna try for H5 I could have also maybe tried E4 here now but then there's a bishop check and Rook takes Pawn all right so this could be a move oh also this could be a move simple doubling up Oh I thought they might try Bishop A7 I have a good enough grip over that okay seems like an improvement just a hair threatening Knight takes Pawn Rook is defended but not well enough C6 Pawn is pinned A6 Pawn is pinned well the B Pawn is pinned so these two are up for grabs is what I'm trying to say let's go one Knight's covering a lot of squares okay let's go back here to reroute King on F3 feels very good I don't like being on the same color but I don't want to see The Rook enter stand still here with the B7 Pawn I could try for this maneuver oh okay they're down on time in the end Mr deep blue okay and up and up and down event not the not the cleanest play that is for sure where did I finish ninth played only nine games counted for the tournament okay 26 points Ninth Place first tanza 67 52 he was cruising Jean Valjean is in there they're very berserky player as well 75 percent shows it there well let's see 475 in there top 50. there's your top 50. okay fun event it's been a while since I recorded one for the tube good games all right Feel Free as usual to leave any feedback to this video in the comments section below hope you enjoyed it and maybe took a thing or two away that's all for now take care bye
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 23,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Superblitz arena, chessnetwork blitz chess, chessnetwork superblitz arena, an elementary chess mistake, chessnetwork, chess network
Id: eOCcJAOH2_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 48sec (3588 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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