The Magnus Carlsen Gambit

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ladies and gentlemen Magnus Carlson is a good chess player I know that might come as a shock to many of you but in fact he is so good that he frequently cannot play other Grandmasters on equal terms what I mean by that is a lot of the time that Magnus Carlson plays games online he's drinking a lot of the times that Magnus Carlson plays games online he's got loud music he's surrounded by friends and a lot of the time that Magnus Carlson plays games online he plays ridiculous gambits absurd openings and is frequently dead lost in the first 10 moves according to the computer he gives his Grandmaster opponents odds during live games and still wins over 80 if not 90 percent of the time in today's video I will be showing you a Gambit that he played against three very good people who will go nameless just to preserve them um in this in this video I'm going to show you three times that Magnus nerfed himself to the point of being completely lost in the first five to six moves and still made a comeback um and he won all these games if you like videos like this I I already have a few that I'm thinking of making in the future um of Magnus playing complete like just getting to dead lost positions and then making comebacks um the first one was against the European IM now speaking on behalf of all International Masters in the world I will be our spokesperson we suck there's a reason we're not Grand Masters uh unless we're young then we're going to be grand Masters in the future now I'm sure the person playing Black is a fantastic player uh this is the Magnus Carlson Gambit Pawn to C3 and you would think oh well you know he's gonna die Queen A4 check Queen H4 King to D1 Pawn to F3 Queen to E1 this man Magnus Carlson spent the first six moves of his game rearranging the king and the Queen you know I gotta tell you man that's hard that's not Tetris you can't just hold it here and then jump around and jump around and jump this man dedicated six moves to get this he is completely lost I mean it's not close now his opponent has to win that's a it's a Speed game it's a faster time control it's not playing this in the world championship but it's so fascinating what comes next his opponent principled man develops the bishop now Magnus doesn't you know what can he do he can't really fight in the center and if he plays moves like D3 he's gonna really sabotage his long-term development so instead of that Magnus plays G4 he uses what he has he plays G4 and H4 and now he's kind of threatening to trap the bishop not exactly because the bishop could always take the Knight but you know it's move 10 almost and Magnus hasn't made a single peace move his opponent plays H5 so of course Magnus goes here and now Magnus does in fact play D3 because even though the bishop is blocked this way it's going that way it's -3 and Magnus hasn't moved the piece and he's rearranged this king and queen I mean this is this is utterly dumb stuff right this is just dumb stuff Knight C5 Knight D2 Knight H3 his opponent is playing a perfect game by the way I mean just completely restricting him all right Magnus plays Knight to F2 now the opponent plays Queen D7 and Bishop H3 and now does Magnus TR does his opponent want a light squared Bishop Trader is it better to keep your light Square Bishop on well E4 and now the queen cannot take the pawn because of the odd configuration of the white position Queen to E2 Knight goes to E6 looking to jump to F4 Magnus take take and goes for a queen trade now if you trade Queens in this position almost all of the advantage for Black is gone which is nuts so because of that the opponent says no I'm not trading Queens with you I'm gonna try to get my knight to C5 the problem with putting the Knight there is Magnus now plays Knight C4 and then plays Bishop E3 and the advantage has been nearly cut by like 50 percent black Castle short white plays Rook G1 now now Magnus has attacking ideas opponent seeing that decides all right I'm gonna go Bishop C5 now now even more of the advantage might be going away and Magnus to his credit despite having a king in the center now I would here play King C2 I would not even think because my king is in the direct line of sight like this just takes the upon completely unafraid of what's coming down the end files he's like look this guy just can't beat me he just it must be an insane feeling to sit down at a chessboard whether virtual or real and just think they can't beat me 95 Queen E5 a big trade and Magnus puts his Knight in the center he's not even worse anymore his King hasn't moved off D1 he played the whole game without moving his King and he's up apart now black is still better make no mistake black is still better Black's still better because uh White's King is in fact in the center A3 and things like that can can shake things up but after Rook d8 King C2 black is almost not better at all and at this point as a player with black you are completely demoralized uh black plays Queen D5 centralizing uh Magnus now plays Rook G2 the computer here for White Once white to play A3 which seems nuts uh Magnus plays Rook G2 he doesn't make pawn moves that are not necessary opponent plays Queen F5 trying to put the Knight on F4 and if you realize this is the first time in the entire game since it started that the position is equal uh rookie one of course it's a Speed game We're not gonna have a perfect conclusion by any means king B1 though and that's it uh black plays B5 Magnus plays A3 black is now never gonna play B4 and Magnus is better officially fully has Consolidated and now the Avalanche will roll back the other way so first D4 and uh that's a problem it's a problem because if black plays the move C4 he's permanently admitting he will never break through Rook here GG so he takes on D4 Magnus takes with the Rook we net five pinning the Knight King moves out of the way now Magnus is not even equal he is better Rook D4 Queen D4 uh Queen D4 was an inaccuracy because the computer likes rookie for I don't know why the computer actually preferred uh that in this position uh you don't take the rook and instead you have a very nice tactic after root takes Rook you have a Switchback just missed he missed the tactic in a Blitz game it happens uh of course as a human you just snap take but here you should always look for checks you're only checking the position just so happens to lead to you winning both Rooks it's a very nice tactic so you can find a tactic that Magnus Carlson missed Queen takes D4 though and now a fork we need four forcing a queen trade exactly how you simplify the position and um Rook before and uh he wins all of his opponent's pawns Rook stops the H Pawn from advancing and I mean this is so unnecessary the pawn is two squares away from queening he doesn't need to do that he could have run back this way but he wanted to stop Knight H4 Magnus calculates that he can sack his Rook and the pods cannot be stopped by the Knight this is sick stuff he is a sick man I mean look at this is this is this is disgusting I mean this is this is heinous what he just did look at the position after 10 moves this is ridiculous this is this is a title player with black who's like nearly 2500 feet now the craziest part about this was Magnus wasn't doing this with white only he was he he had done this with black too I mean this is unbelievable to do it with black is just even more utterly disrespectful and uh and and this is a GM all right this is a GM uh with white and again these are Speed games so it's not that serious but I mean to do the reason it's forced to do with black is you're you're inherently down to move with the black pieces so you're like there's an extra move now for the opponent not the other way the other way at least it was a little different um here white decided all right I'm gonna not let Magnus consolidate I'm gonna try to attack the center right away uh Magnus immediately locks the center right he plays D5 what's funny is that his position is so bad the computer thinks Knight D5 just wins like if White had found Knight D5 probably this would not have been a game included in this video um and the idea is that you we want Queen A5 check if King D7 I think there's like a force made somehow Queen D5 King C7 uh but if you play B6 it's like a Scholars Matrix so after an 85 Magnus wouldn't have taken so Magnus went E6 and now is still losing but at least the center is harder to get through so the opponent plays G4 taking space where possible and H4 all right Now Pawn takes C5 Pawn take C5 and the central situation has been more or less clarified so nothing can take nothing is going anywhere of course there are sacrifices possible I think white is going to try to play for C4 or F4 F5 Magnus plays King and then he plays this one who plays Knight G5 and Magnus just goes H6 he's like what do you want oh well the idea was not to go back to a three was to go here and the opponent is ready with the Cannons right but look at the eval now magnus's next move is utterly ridiculous like of course in this position you play B6 right you played B6 Bishop B7 Rook d8 that's what you do of course in this position you play King B8 you try to hide your king this man Magnus in this position takes the pawn in the center of the board I mean this man is a lunatic this is deranged chess completely utterly completely because now you just get pinned Max is like so what but then there's Knight E4 I mean surely you're dead lost right if you take this it's Queen D6 it's made in a few moves literally by the way geometrically you get forced back and you get absolutely brutalized so you cannot take the Knight on e4 and you have to play Knight F7 now here white of course takes with the Knight take take but how does white going to break through here it turns out it's not so easy uh and uh you know rookie one is possible Bishop B5 is possible Queen before ideas uh White plays C4 to try to play for C5 which also makes sense but Magnus now Strikes Back E5 white should go all the way back to H2 because in the game he doesn't do that white goes here and now Magnus is not worse he's not worse because the way you have to relieve the pressure on your position in this position is you have to trade pieces 94. that night was the Achilles heel of the black position just a moment ago that night was going to be hunted mercilessly by every piece and now that night has come alive and that Knight is gonna capture its attacker Knight takes G3 and when the dust settles Magnus is not worse anymore and this is the moment in the game where I imagine all great players looked at god-level players on a field like how players might look at Messi or Ronaldo or Holland because he's the greatest player of all time uh or how you know you look at LeBron on the court and you go uh oh that's probably something's bad about to happen or how you look at when Nadal or Djokovic hit another level white plays rookie one Magnus plays Knight E4 and it's time to take over all right and uh why tried to keep his Focus white tried to keep his Focus Rook is coming down the Knight is coming back to protect the king but Magnus set a trap and unfortunately his opponent fell into the Trap the best move here for white was undeveloping the bishop to put pressure to give up this for this his opponent unfortunately took on D5 I went here and that move unfortunately loses on the spot or fortunately depending on who you're cheering for loses on the spot to this check King the first tactic of the game came 26 moves into it and Magna spotted it immediately and that's that like this it's over and you know you gotta you gotta kind of give credit considering he's fighting back from a position that looks you know like like this Like You Gotta Give the man a bit of credit because he gave his opponent castling Central domination expansion on one full side of the board and he took a pawn which basically started an avalanche and he still won the game now what happens when you try to disrespect the sensei this is the last game I will show you what happens if you know what's coming and you do something extraordinarily peculiar to stop it you see magnus's opponent knew what was going to happen so what did he play B5 B5 that stops Queen A4 what happens if you stop the Magnus Carlson gamut Magnus Carlson will go to ridiculous lengths to achieve this Gambit F3 and now you stopped Queen A4 Queen H4 what you failed to realize is the Sensei always has a backup plan thing F2 King E3 King D3 King situ Queen E1 King D1 this is disrespect this man Magnus Carlson walked his King up and around the position against a grand master and then he won this game D3 in fact he hung his H2 Pawn but I personally think he saw this and was thought that Pawn's not worth saving if I try to save that pawn I'm sh I'm sacrificing my own activity in fact look if you play Pawn G3 and stop Bishop takes Pawn it's minus four this is only -2.4 that's very instructive that you can lose a full point of material but because your opponent wanders into your position there's things like Queen H4 and Bishop G5 and E4 and that's exactly what he does Magnus uses this moment where the black position is a little bit uncoordinated to strike down the center we have Bishop to G3 getting out of the way and attacking the Queen the queen goes here to try to play the G5 and the opponent should kind of relax here black is feeling a little bit jumpy like a young martial artist all right trying to fight you know the person that's not striking like try to fight against the person with their hands down you feel like you got it you know so he plays D4 the problem with this move d4 is that you are completely relying on Magnus to do this and open up all of your lines and then allow Knight C6 but when you play D4 that's your only idea and this is now Rock Solid which you saw in the last game what happens when Magnus gets to have this Rock Solid formation in front of his King now he just plays Queen G5 his opponent plays Knight bd7 gambiting The Pawn on G7 so Magnus says okay F4 now I trapped your Bishop good job remember how a few moves ago you thought you were stealing from me you thought you were breaking in to my farm and stealing one of my livestock yeah well now now you're locked inside the farm now you're the animal yeah in a cage so now or I don't know maybe pasture raised maybe Magnus has a pasture-raised farm F4 the bishop goes here the Knight now comes out with Tempo and black has to go Bishop E3 so what does Magnus do take take and look at this his Center has survived so he slides back to win this now here to his credit black did not get overwhelmed black played the best move there was one Pawn holding together the White Center and it's the pawn on D3 so black of course being a grand master played the move C4 a great move and now Magnus is still fighting back all right he's definitely still fighting back in this position he's trying to consolidate again if the people play perfectly this video doesn't get made black plays Knight C5 not a perfect move Knight back to F2 defending this black plays rook d8 and this man Magnus in this position plays the move G4 he is still attacking to his credit wounded in a bad position sabotaging his own play he does not care B4 his opponent tries to walk him down C4 closing down the center of the board black plays E5 Magnus plays F5 no you can't get at me Rook D4 Bishop G2 defending everything in the position by the skin of his teeth black continues trying to get in Rook B1 you you can't touch me now in this position apparently you should sack the Knight which would lead to this position but even here a Magnus could potentially be able to defend himself it's not good but it's possible Right black plays Queen D6 though Magnus plays G5 pushing the Knight back and this man Magnus in this position runs his King runs his King and the opponent plays Knight C5 opponents on everything right Max plays Rook H3 safeguarding the third rank and now the opponent's like I don't know what to do this is ridiculous I've put all my pieces on the right squares I can't break through his position your confidence wilting all right your self-doubt growing your anger at Magnus for playing like this against you Sky High so he tries to break out on this side of the board that's the first mistake that he has made in 27 moves of play F6 immediately punishing him immediately punishing him because you can't actually take this because of the pin and if you take this I'm gonna get an outside pass Pawn so this guy goes G6 Magnus plays this take take oh my goodness that pawn is two squares away from queening Magnus plays Queen H3 ready to escort the pawn to promotion King E7 Knights you for the queen look at Black's position look at the pawns encroaching but the Rook goes back to d8 now if Magnus makes a queen in this position black is going to play Take Take and this King just can't survive he just can't survive so what does he do he doesn't blunder he just plays Knight E3 his opponent plays Bishop C8 but failed to realize the move Knight E3 set up h8 why because the bishop goes to attack the queen but takes its eye off of that D5 so if the move h8 is played now and Rook h8 is the response white can play this because the bishop that now attacks the queen no longer hits D5 oh this is just sick this is sick this is sick and now Magnus brings the queen back and is up a piece black plays King f8 Knight D5 take take now Magnus is up a rook Against All Odds and now Here Comes The Rook infiltrating Rook G8 check and black loses the queen and the only life lesson here folks is don't stop Magnus Carlson from playing the Magnus Carlson Gambit in this position black resigned as there are three possible checkmates four if you count both of those being promotions oh my God ladies and gentlemen that's the Magnuson that's the Magnus Carlson Gambit now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,576,460
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Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: vlaar3KY6sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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