Bobby Fischer's SHOCKING Move Terrified the Soviet Union!

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this was a game that shocked the Soviet Union Bobby Fischer had never beaten a top Soviet Grand Master before he had played them but now he's facing the Great Hall Karis one of the greatest players in the history of Chess it's in the depth of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union and chess has become a symbol of intellectual dominance and the Soviet Union was winning on the chessboard and in comes this one player Bobby Fischer against the great Paul Karis and this game is a real fight and it includes a brilliant and somewhat shocking move I think you'll enjoy it Fisher has white Paul Karis has black let us Jump Right In E4 E5 Knight F3 Knight C6 and we see Fisher play his famous rui Lopez system which he played almost exclusively A6 Bishop A4 Knight to F6 castles Bishop E7 and we get the standard rui Lopez starting position white plays C3 with the idea of playing D4 and getting a full Pawn Center maybe he can tuck the bishop back at C2 if it gets attacked these days we'll often see D5 the Marshall attack where black gambits upon for for an attack uh but D6 is the absolute main line and that's what Paul Karis plays in this game H3 to keep the bishop out of G4 so this Knight can better support a D4 push Knight to A5 the standard idea and what's known as the chigorean system for black you play the Knight to A5 game space with a C5 and then bring the Knight back into the center of the board Bishop C2 The Bishop's much more valuable than that Knight C5 black gain space on the queen side although he does leave a weak weakness on D5 he has a bit of a hole here that fisher might be able to exploit later D4 getting that Center Queen to C7 helps defend E5 it also creates some potential pressure down the C file that would open up Knight B to D2 and CD4 CD4 and that C file does open up and uh the queen aims down that file Bishop to B7 there's also Bishop to D7 is also a Mainline move but Bishop to B7 directly attacks the E4 Pawn uh sometimes white can play D5 and blunt that Bishop that doesn't happen in this game although Fischer thought maybe he he should have taken that Approach at a different point a knight to F1 the Knight reroutes can go to G3 or E3 aiming at these D5 and F5 uh light squares in Black's position Rook a to C8 and Kara's already has a threat to win the bishop at C2 so Bishop to D3 uh Fisher steps out of the way Knight to C6 re-centering the Knight and attacking the D4 Square now Knight to E3 Fischer isn't quite worried about that pawn on D4 and black or to take he can play Knight to F5 attacking it twice and black has Pawn weaknesses the same if he takes with a knight just take same story so Rook after E8 was played by Paul Karis opening up this F6 excuse me f8 Square perhaps the bishop can tuck back but now if he does take on D4 The Rook will be applying direct pressure to the E4 Pawn back to F5 jumping into that nice Square putting some pressure on that Bishop which then does tuck back to f8 and now Bishop G5 Fischer is threatening to take the Knight which would permanently wreck Black's kingside Pawn structure it would be very bad in this position it's a black cannot allow that so Kara's plays Knight to D7 to avoid that pawn weakening Rook to C1 Fisher pins the knight uh against the queen and we can see move after move Bobby Fischer is building his pressure he doesn't have a winning position he hasn't played a brilliant tactic he's just building and building and building leading to the moment where he's able to have that great tactical shot Queen to B8 this is the novelty of the game there was a much lower rated game actually this would have been the novelty it wouldn't have been played before Queen to B8 Bishop to B1 the bishop uh can potentially attack H7 now obviously there's a pawn in the way right now but uh this position is such that this Center could open up and if it does this bishop is going to be in a prime position to attack Knight takes D4 Knight 3 takes D4 Rook C1 Bishop C1 and we see these Bishops that have tremendous potential the arrangement of these Bishops is a reminiscent of a great game between Kasparov and karpov or Kasparov attacked using these Bishops uh ed4 and now Fisher has built his positional advantage and here comes a shocking move uh now someone of Paul Kara's level I'm sure saw it uh an advanced player could see it but to most people to see this move is really quite a stunning stunning move he plays Knight to H6 check looks like he's just giving up his Knight if the king were to just move the Knight takes F7 check King G8 the Knight moves back Queen D4 pinning the G7 Pawn in other words Black's got to take that Knight Pawn takes Knight and then Queen to G4 with a double attack on the king and the Knight on D7 and he's wrecked Black's kingside Pawn structure he's down a pawn but he has plenty of compensation for that King to h8 Queen takes D7 and uh now let's not forget how strong Paul kariz is he's not just going to fold he's going to put up the stiffest resistance possible so for Fisher to overcome that is going to take a real real high level of skill Bishop to D5 already we see Paul kariz is very strong he uses the pin on the e-file to reposition this bishop in a place where he can defend the F7 Pawn a very strong idea the queen goes to F5 Rook to E5 if the bishop goes back to E6 then just Queen to H5 he's taking on H6 and just has a winning Advantage but Kara is very strong plays Rook to E5 hits the queen the queen goes to F3 and these Soviet Grand Masters were really really strong watch this next move from Paul Karis F5 so there's pins on this diagonal and a pin on this file really impressive play from Fisher's opponent uh Bishop to F4 from Bobby Fischer threatening to take the Rook with check so Harris has to do something about that The Rook moves back the queen goes to H5 creating a lateral pin so Pawn takes Pawn then the queen would take the bishop at D5 so Bishop takes E4 and now F3 so Fischer now has the the pin on the e-file so Kara's Retreats the bishop to C6 so it can defend the uh The Rook 88 Rook to C1 hitting the bishop Bishop goes to D7 now Bishop takes H6 Rook to E6 hits the bishop twice so Bishop takes f8 Queen takes f8 so Fisher is down a pawn but he has a safer King and keras's pawn structure is quite weak I mean he's got these double isolated Pawns in the D file and isolated Pawn on the f file and the H file so Fischer is better here even though he's down a pawn he definitely has uh the better position because of the other positional issues Queen to H4 immediately attacks the D4 Pawn threatening to take it with check Queen to F6 uh defends that pawn and also offers the trade of Queens now even though Keras has a king that's a little bit less safe Fisher goes ahead and takes the queen because he knows he would have to move his Queen to a worse position and he still likes his chances in this end game Rook takes F6 now this end game is a bit better for white because of the pawn weaknesses but he has to play with Incredible Precision the kind of precision that modern computers are going to show some mistakes there's just no getting around it and no one could play this perfectly uh but Fisher feels good about this end game so he goes into it the computers recommend the move Rook to D1 immediately putting pressure down the D file Fischer plays King to F2 and even in his book my 60 memorable games he says this was an error it gives black a chance to to get more active um and he should have played F4 according to modern tech um the idea of course is you're moving upon off a light square and you're fixing these King side ponds for uh for black so King G7 Rook to C7 pins the pins the bishop at D7 Rook F7 defends it now here F4 preventing black from playing F4 first would have been a probably a good idea fixing that pawn weakness on F5 uh Fischer plays King to E2 he wants to come into D3 maybe and Munch that pawn with his King but then Karis plays the strong idea F4 um again we're talking about a what today we would call a super grand master I mean that's how good Karis cares is uh so now Fisher cannot play King to D3 because Bishop F5 check would crush him he'd lose his Rook or he could lose his Bishop he could lose everything so he has to play differently so he plays Rook to A7 attacking the A6 Pawn um here Keras could have played B4 which would have indirectly defended A6 because if he takes him Bishop to B5 check with him in a double attack but he plays King to F6 instead Rook takes A6 rookie seven check King F2 Bishop to E6 um Bishop to F5 is what modern computers show is a better move uh after Bishop F5 King F5 um it believes this is Black's best chance to hold and is almost sees this almost as equal uh but for a human being excuse me let me get this position back for a human being with this many Pawn weaknesses the idea that this is an equal end game it just isn't very realistic I I think Fisher would do have done very well in this position but Karis instead plays Bishop to E6 now Rook takes D6 and Bobby Fischer has a clear Advantage again at this point uh having recouped that pawn he's now up a pawn and uh he has a pin on the bishop at E6 Black's King goes to E5 The Rook comes back to C6 now it looks like Beast Rook to B6 is the more natural move attacking the the uh the pawn of B5 but after Bishop C4 B3 D3 Pawn takes Pawn takes black would have these two nice pawns that would be worth the minor piece and black would be in very good shape in that case so Fisher anticipating this doesn't go directly for the pawn but plays Rook C6 the bishop goes to D5 hitting the Rook The Rook goes to eight six now the H7 Pawn is attacked twice by the rook and the bishop The Rook goes to C7 Rook to H5 check notice in end games the rule is you want to play as slowly as you can take as many moves as possible to achieve the result you want a move like this pushes Black's King back uh before he takes the Pawn King D6 he repeats moves and now here Fisher is obviously not going to play Rook to age six he doesn't want to draw by a three-fold repetition um so he plays Rook to F5 going after the F4 Pawn um B3 is a computer's recommendation but again this is stuff that human beings probably are not going to see and the computer really likes White's position here attacking H7 B5 also with the threat of Rook D5 check and winning D4 uh he would have had a very strong position then Rook to C1 Harris begins to get active with his Rook Bishop to D3 Rook to D1 King to E2 defends the bishop goes to G1 King F2 Rook D1 and they repeat moves again and again Fisher wants to avoid the threefold repetition so he plays Rook to G5 defending the G2 Pawn with his Rook Bishop takes A2 Bishop takes B5 Rook to B1 attacking the B2 Pawn King to D3 attacking D4 H6 hitting the Rook Rook to H5 Rook takes B2 King takes D4 Rook takes G2 and Rook takes H6 check now this is an important check because it pushes the king back and that is a major component of this end game this is really where a high level players shine now this particular game uh had um adjournments so they actually were able to study this end game a little bit in between uh re-adjourning the game and they play the end game really brilliantly King to E7 King to E4 obviously going after this Pawn on F4 uh Rook to G5 counter-attacking the bishop at B5 so white can't take that pawn because he loses Bishop the bishop goes to A6 Bishop to F7 now this is an imperceptible mistake uh that fisher takes advantage of modern computers give his next move Bishop C8 an exclamation point they really like that move Rook to G6 now here this is very important to understand this in game if he takes the Rook this I think as far as I know is a theoretical draw because of the position of this King at F6 and we'll look at this end game a little bit as we go because uh it's a very important end game to understand Fisher wants to push this King back before he makes that Exchange so he plays Rook to H7 King goes to f8 Bishop to G4 Rook to G7 Rook H6 Rook to G6 and now the situation is completely different because karis's King is on f8 this is the kind of subtle play uh these players are really focus on Rook takes Bishop G6 check King F4 King G7 and now King to G5 the key idea he controls the F6 square and that will help Fischer uh immensely in this end game um for those of you who have some end game uh training you will notice that if this F Pawn were off of the board this would be a textbook draw for black and we'll see why here in a second uh Bishop to D3 F4 Bishop E4 and if Fisher played F5 here that would be a terrible mistake because after Bishop F5 Bishop F5 King to h8 this is an absolute draw because his Bishop is a different color than the queening square this King will just move back and forth and if the pawn advances all the way to uh to H7 it would be a stalemate this is called the wrong colored pawn bishop and pawn end game and uh Fisher's not going to allow that obviously H4 Bishop D3 H5 Bishop E4 H6 check King h8 Bishop to F5 he needs to find a way to advance this F Pawn where Harris's Bishop can't capture it so the bishop moves Bishop G6 Bishop B6 obviously again he wants to stay in contact with that square Kingda F6 hits the bishop of F5 we must be a draw as we've seen Kingdom F6 Bishop moves back King G5 Bishop E6 Bishop H5 he has to use tempos obviously Bishop G4 Bishop C4 and now F5 is able to advance the pawn without it being captured Bishop F7 Bishop H5 any exchange of Bishops obviously would be winning for white Bishop C4 Bishop to G6 check King G8 F6 and a very very strong move Bishop to D5 and uh in this position avocara's resigned uh and here's the reason why here's why this is the winning process that both of them knew so they didn't play through it uh but after Bishop D5 the king basically marches all the way to this Square then controls this Bishop's access to F7 so let's look at it boom boom boom boom boom boom now Bishop F7 to keep the bishop out Bishop to B1 Bishop to E8 Bishop comes back to A2 again wanting to control the square but after Bishop D7 Bishop B3 Bishop E6 blocking off that Bishop's access to F7 and if King H7 F7 and the pawn could not be stopped so this unbelievable battle between two strong players shocked the Soviet Union because an American Bobby Fischer finally defeated one of their best I hope you enjoyed the game see you again soon at chest dog goodbye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 267,352
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Keywords: bobby fischer, chess, paul keres, Bobby Fischer vs. Paul Keres, bobby fischer best game, bobby fischer games, bobby fischer teaches, bobby fischer best games, robert james fischer, fischer vs keres, fischer vs keres 1959, robert fischer, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer best sacrifice, bobby fischer chess game, bobby fischer chess, bobby fischer chess games, bobby fischer vs paul keres, fischer chess, bobby fischers best game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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