Magic Tattoos in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks ted from nerd immersion here and let's talk magic tattoos in tasha's cauldron of everything we received these originally in the form of an unearthed arcana and while there wasn't too many changes from that there was one significant change that we're gonna talk about but before we dive into that let's talk about today's sponsor and that is hero forge hero forge if you don't know is a tabletop miniature creator although there is some things for virtual tabletops now as well where you can basically design a custom miniature with a wide variety of different options and then export them to stl files to print on your own printer or a friend's printer to get them printed and sent to you painted and sent to you or possibly just use it for a token creator so if we jump over here i can just show you uh currently we are in their adventure calendar which is sort of a play on the advent calendar where every day they release a new asset into the game you can see here we've had multiple cocktails released we had these new horn patterns different gauntlets we've now added horseshoes in a variety of different ways a large fluffy tail for all of you folks who want to have that then like a modern style shirt but something i did want to discuss is this they have now announced the launch of 3d virtual tabletop downloads so you can possibly use these using unity to work with a variety of different like it looks like tabletop simulator is the example and you can see here's your color preview in hero forge versus what it would look like in tabletop simulator so a bunch of new options including what i can show you here is the sweet new crocodile tail on a mini that i had made so you can make a pretty sweet looking wear crocodile also as i was saying if you want to just use it to make minis they do have a booth or you can just use it to design and capture different things if you want to use these for character art or you can use it to make different kinds of tokens for things like uh you know roll 20 if you want to have more of a top down mini an isometric mini you can change the different frames the backgrounds and so on so there's a link in the description if you'd like to go check out hero forge for yourself so thank you again to hero forge for sponsoring this video and be on the lookout for some more fun things coming with heroforge in the distant future also one of their kickstarters rewards was our stretch goals was to unlock tattoos of four characters it's not available yet but soon we'll be able to add tattoos to our minis as well so that being said let's jump over to tasha's cauldron of everything we can see this art right here of orc giving an elf friend a tattoo here and it says magic tattoos blending magic and artistry with inca needles you can give somebody a tattoo that gives them magical abilities it could look like a brand scarification they're basically saying it doesn't have to look like a tattoo right it's basically it functions the same way but whether this is scarification some sort of body modification or piercing something some sort of what it says any cosmetic alteration to your character but it provides some sort of subsequent magical effect uh and then it says how large they cover the area here and you can see it's based on the rarity common is one hand one foot or a quarter of a limb and uncommon is half a limb or the scalp rare is one limb very rare is two limbs or the chest or upper back and legendary is two limbs and the torso i think this is what it's saying is i guess it's fundamentally trying to limit you to how many tattoos you could have just due to the physical available space of your body and whether or not you're fully tattooed from head to toe or just like a chest piece or a back piece or maybe a couple sleeves i don't know i've already stated before that i don't love the way they organize the natasha's cauldron of everything by sort of calling it out as its own thing at the start and then just intermingling it with all of the other magic items like we start with absorbing tattoo and then we go to the alchemical compendium so what i'm going to do is just go to a search function where we can just i searched for magic tattoos and we'll just go through all of them that way but there is one fundamental thing all of the magic tattoos have a section down here called or at the start here called tattoo attunement and there's a change from the unearthed arcana and that's the one thing i'll focus on and then we'll just talk about the tattoos um so the tattoos which i i think myself and i know a lot of other folks don't seem to enjoy is the tattoo itself is held in the needle uh so it says to attune to this item you hold the needle to your skin where you want the tattoo to appear pressing the needle there throughout the attunement process so an hour long uh when the atuman is complete the needle turns into the ink that appears on your skin as the tattoo uh if your tuning on the tattoo ends the tattoo vanishes and the needle reappears in your space so i guess the thought process is like you can't detune in theory if you had this magically tattooed onto your body onto your skin permanently unless you're some sort of race that can shed their skin you can't detune from that i guess you could and it's just taking up space on your body in that way so in this way they made it tied to a needle so you touch the needle to your skin it transforms into the tattoo and that's that i guess that's also fundamentally a way for you to change the tattoo after the fact is to detune from it it pops back into a needle then touch it back to your skin and then reapply it maybe change what it looks like uh which one of the tattoos gives you that option to change it all the time this might be a way to get around that if you're like oh i use it to be like my dragon command you know familiar and then your dragon familiar dies and it's too painful for you to look at so you want to do a tune but the most disappointing thing is originally the tattoos had another line in that tattoo attunement um it still became the tattoo if uh but here's the line if you have multiple magic tattoos that count as a single magic item with regard to the number of magic items you can attune to and i still have the same thing where if the needle would come back so i know i've seen in the comments from folks a lot of folks don't love that they take up an attunement slot as like you know i mean this is sort of a thing you could do in older editions to get around like attunement um and like in an rpg you know like video games we're used to like slots like head slot chest slot hands you know arms whatever in older additions that's was how it was right you could only wear two rings and you could wear gloves and like bracers and so on so a magic tattoo would sort of get around that by not taking a spot on your you know your slot list it was just on your body and in fifth edition we're stuck with three attunement slots with the exception of a couple of things like artificer they let you break that uh so people are like i think it's kind of dumb that it takes up an attunement slot uh but at least the benefit was if i take the time and effort to track down all of these magical tattoos and i basically cover myself from head to toe and magic tattoos well hey now at least it only counts as one a two min slot i think i i get that i get why they didn't go that route because some of these tattoos are super powerful but again that's limited to the dm allowing you to do these kind of things um but uh now if you want to have three magic tattoos you have just used up your three attunement slots rather than using them and then like maybe if you found every single magic tattoo you could attune to all however many there are uh but just using one slot and that might have been why because you could in theory attune to two legendary tattoos and only takes one slot i don't know let's go through them though right so we have the absorbing tattoo um which gives you damage resistance to a type of damage so you have resistance uh it's basically you either it's determined randomly or the dm chooses and it's mostly elementally types but it has some others right so acid cold fire force lightning necrotic poison psychic radiant and thunder and then this is the color of the tattoo i guess right um the dm chooses the color yeah so i guess that's the color of i think that's the ink is that color uh and then it has one other feature here which is damage absorption uh when you take a damage of the chosen type you can use your reaction to gain immunity to that instance of damage and regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage you would have taken once you use that reaction you can't do it until the next dawn however again the benefit of that being uh it always provides the resistance so this may be an instance where you'd want to say maybe take fire uh or poison to super common damage types you'd always have resistance to them and then if you had this tattoo uh this also could be an interesting way for you to get some healing while your party is damaging enemies right if your wizard drops a fireball and you're in it you could use your reaction to gain immunity to that to heal yourself at the same time while the fireball damages all of the enemies pretty cool concept there i like it it's very rare i guess that kind of works i think that sort of is around what the rare armors are the very rare uh armors that provide resistance so i'm all right with that then we have the barrier tattoo this is sort of your ac boosting tattoo while wearing it that grants you an armor class depending on the rarity so the uncommon version is 12 plus your dexterity modifier the rare version is 15 plus your dexterity modifier which is a maximum of two and the very rare version gives you uh 18 armor class so uh it says the ink resembles liquid metal which is pretty neat because it's supposed to be armor-like uh so again if you're looking at this you might say well who's this for well i would argue this is for like casters that don't get armor i guess because if you were to look at it right so 12 plus your dexterity modifier the uncommon version is essentially like wearing studded leather armor the rare version is basically like wearing half plate and the very rare version is like wearing full plate however these all are non-armor so they don't you know physically look like armor which is nice because that means you could wear clothes over top of your tattoos and people would know that you're in full armor it also does not provide any detriment to stealth or climbing or swimming or anything like that no benefits for heat metal or things like that because they don't provide those opportunities but like again if i'm a rogue let's say uh i rather would just wear studded leather armor and save my tumen slot rather than taking the uncommon version again if i'm going to be a wizard or a sorcerer let's say i could have mage armor which is 13 plus my dexterity modifier but if my dex modifier is 2 or below i might go for the rare version or even the very rare version if i have an option uh because that's going to make my ac significantly higher than it would be even if i were to do something like take light armor mastery like if i could get a very rare tattoo that gave me an ac of 18 as a wizard well now i'm already sitting there probably around 23 with shield right because i'm going to have if i if i have access to shield uh and you know it does require me to use in a 2-minute slot but unless my dexterity is super high uh as a wizard or sorcerer the very rare barrier tattoo might do it i don't see like i feel like a lot of people want to take these like in my head i feel like oh put it on a monk put it on a barbarian but their unarmored defense is usually better i guess something else to consider is this could work on say a druid and that has the weird benefits of when you wild shape your armor class might still remain 18 if you have the very rare version so something to consider next up we have the blood fury tattoo i love this one uh so this is a legendary tattoo um and it has evokes forms and fury uh fury in its forms and colors it says so it has 10 charges which come back daily at dawn and while it's on your skin you can use a charge to do one of the following when you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can expend a charge to deal an extra 46 necrotic damage to the target and you regain hit points uh equal to the number of necrotic damage dealt now it says when you hit a creature so this means you could wait until you crit that creature and then use a charge therefore increasing that 46 necrotic damage to 86 necrotic damage and you gain 100 of the hit points uh the damage you dealt in hit points back so if you manage to crit you're essentially dealing a single target fireball to someone that heals you for the same amount of damage which is pretty cool or when you creature uh when a creature you can see damages you you can expend a charge to use your reaction to make a melee attack against that creature with advantage on the roll i will point out that if someone hits you you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against that creature with advantage and then assuming you hit you could still then yet again because you have hit them with a weapon attack expend another charge uh and then use this opportunity to deal extra damage and heal yourself so that can synchronize with itself it says with a weapon attack uh so i don't know if this technically works for monks this is always falls into that weird thing where a melee weapon attack is an unarmed strike but an attack with a melee weapon is not this just says weapon attack so i don't know i think this works for monks but this is a useful tattoo for just about anybody really just about anybody but definitely any martial type you could make serious use of this tattoo if you were able to find access to it but it is legendary so that makes sense all right then we have the coiling grasp tattoo uh has inter intertwining designs as part of it uh while the tattoo is on your skin as an action you can cause it to extrude inky tendrils uh which reach for a creature within 15 feet of you they must make a strength save or take 3d6 force damage and then be grappled by you as an action they can try and escape with a dc14 athletics or acrobatics check and the gravel also ends if you halt it no no action required uh and if the creature is more than 15 feet away from you or if you use this tattoo on a different creature so this does not what's interesting about this is this does not have charges this does not really have limitations in any way other than the distance so uh you can just as an action cause a have a 15 foot reach uh i was gonna say i wish it was an attack and not a saving throw because if it was an attack then it could crit and i think that that would be cool but you can force a creature to make a strength save or take 3d6 necrotic damage and then i'm sorry 36 force damage and then be grappled so this is a potential grapple and damage although if they succeed uh nothing happens they're not grappled and they take no damage but it is uncommon so this may be more accessible uh this is almost better than a cantrip especially this is definitely better than a cantrip at early levels it's even better than some first level spells potentially the only downside is it is a solid dc 14 forever it does not scale at any point all right we have the eldritch claw tattoo this one also has a lot of interesting uses um so while this is on your skin your unarmed strikes are considered magic for the purposes of overcoming immunity and resistance to non-magical attacks and you gain a plus one bonus to attack and damage roles with unarmed strikes uh which is great because this is one of the only ways that you can get a bonus to your unarmed strike attack and damage roles other than the uh what is it insignia of claws which is technically only found in the horde of the dragon queen uh adventure module uh so this is a way to get immunity or sorry overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and a plus one to attack and damage roles with your unarmed strikes so this is useful on a monk which is nice but it's also useful on anybody that wants to deal punches so whether this is someone that took the new unarmed fighting fighting style as a fighter or access to a fighting style that will give you the benefit to that uh if you have if you were a race that gives you some sort of interesting improved unarmed strike like a minotaur or an aracopa or something that helps you out there and that's not even it it also gives you the eldritch maul feature as a bonus action you can empower the tattoo for a minute uh that gives your melee attacks with a weapon or an unarmed strike a reach of 15 feet which is awesome uh as inky tendrils launch towards them in addition your melee attacks deal an extra d6 force damage on a hit once you use this bonus action can't be used until the next dawn this is fantastic for i this is definitely shines for a monk it's giving you plus one to your unarmed strike damage you're getting 15 foot ranges on your punches or your weapon attacks each one's going to deal an extra d6 so if you have means to get multiple attacks this is big uh because it also says it says melee attacks with a weapon which then obviously qualifies you to deal weapon attack with a weapon or unarmed strikes but then it says in addition your melee attacks deal an extra d6 force damage on a hit so your your web attacks with a weapon and on arm strikes have 15 foot range but because it just says your melee attacks deal extra damage this could be a melee spell attack as well it wouldn't have the reach but it would have the extra damage so again someone like a monk who can do potentially up to four attacks on a turn if you manage to hit with that with a range again of 15 feet you now have an extra 46 damage on each one of those hits this can work well with things like sentinel which reduce people's movement speed to zero uh i know you have a reach of 15 feet so you can just be punching people far away and now they can't move a lot of interesting benefits to this i really like this tattoo a lot it's great on uh a lot of different classes again if you want to be an unarmed fighter it could be very fun for a beast uh a beast barbarian as well we have the ghost step tattoo uh this one is shifts and wavers on the skin appearing to be blurred it has three charges you regain all charges daily at dawn as a bonus action you can expend one of the charges to uh become incorporeal until the end of your next turn and get the following benefits resistance to bludgeoning piercing slashing damage from non-magic attacks so that's pretty good uh there's not a ton of creatures that specifically state having magical attacks uh in the monster manual again doesn't do anything if you're fighting npcs or humanoids that you wield magic weapons but it's still useful uh again you're never going to say no to having that but you also can't be grappled or restrained which is really big uh this is also a rare tattoo i should say and you can move through creatures and solid objects as if they were difficult terrain if you end your turn in a solid object you take a d10 force damage if it ends while you're inside a solid jaw a solid object i'm sorry if you're injured in a solid job solid object rather you take a d10 force damage if the effect ends the whole uh the whole effect is it's the end of your next turn so if the effect is over you are then shunted to a nearby space and take a d10 force damage for every five feet traveled so again just be mindful you can use this to walk through walls sneak it to the bank vault do all that kind of stuff just be mindful where you are if you have means to increase your movement speed in some way you may want to do that if you're going to be using this to travel through walls and other things like that um but yeah no grapple and restraint is huge this is a great way to escape from a lot of you know bad situations whether you're in jail or you're captured or handcuffed or whatever i like this one a lot i think this again has a very good benefit and use for a monk especially because of their increased movement speed uh we have the illuminators tattoo i wish this one was an attunement because it's so cool and flavorful and i like it and then it kind of sucks that it's attunement so um while this tattoo is on your skin you can write with your fingertip as if it were an ink pen that never runs out of ink as an action you can touch a piece of paper a piece of writing uh sorry piece of writing up to one page in length and speak a creature's name that writing then becomes invisible to everyone other than you and the named creature for the next 24 hours either of you can dismiss the invisibility by touching the script for no action once used it can't be used until the next dawn this is such a simple flavorful tattoo and the fact that it's also a common tattoo that requires attunement i just don't like that i wish this was an uncommon or sorry a non-attunement item because i think it's really really fun and flavorful and if i'm in a situation where i can get this cool common tattoo or something else that doesn't require attunement i'm always going to go for the non-attunement item then we have the life well tattoo this is another very rare tattoo this gives you resistance to necrotic damage all the time and when you would be reduced to zero hit points you drop to one hit point instead once until the next once a sort of a resistance to chronic damage and a free death ward once a day we have the masquerade tattoo this is another common one that requires a tumor which is also a bummer this has the interesting fluid ink feature i was talking about before as a bonus action you can shape the tattoo into any color or pattern and move it to any free area of your skin whatever form it takes it's always obviously a tattoo it can range in size from no smaller than a copper piece to an intricate work of art that covers all of your skin so that's cool i wish a lot more of the tattoos had the ability to be fluid but like i said you could de-tune and then re-attune and change the form it also lets you cast the sky self as an action once until the next dawn however unfortunately the dc is permanently set at 13. then we have the shadowfell brand tattoo this one gives you dark vision out to 60 feet and advantage on stealth checks all the time which is fantastic uh that's pretty good because for being a two-minute and only being rare this is a very good magic item because it sort of replicates multiple magic items this is giving you dark vision so sort of replicating the goggles of night and it's also giving you non-stop advantage on stealth checks so about as good as a cloak of elvenkind although the cloak of alden kind does provide disadvantage for enemies trying to see you this is permanent advantage on all stealth checks sound hearing and so on as well as dark vision and when you take damage you can use your reaction to become insubstantial for a moment having the damage you take then the reaction can't be used until the next sunset it's also very worth noting that it says having the damage you take meaning immunities resistance is damage reduction of any kind all of those things go into effect first and then whatever that is left then you can have the damage so if you have uh evasion let's say and you fail and you still just take half damage and then let's say it's a fire we'll say it's a fireball and you fail and you have evasion right you're gonna take half damage if you have resistance to fire you're gonna take a quarter damage and whatever that leftover damage is this tattoo halves it even further so that's pretty cool uh because you know normally you're not you have to worry about resistances stacking and things like that uh this is just straight up half damage then lastly we have the spell rot tattoo the only tattoo in the games that are not attunement and they're sort of like a freebie spell scroll tattoo that you just have access to so it contains a spell from a cantrip all the way up to fifth level increasing from common all the way up to rare rarity uh to use the tattoo you hold the needle against your skin it becomes tuned to you or becomes part of you once the tattoo is there you can cast its spell requiring no material components folks no material components uh so let's see i don't think it says that you need to have the spell to get to create the tattoo so right to use this tattoo you must hold the needle against your skin and speak the command word whatever that is the needle turns into ink becomes the tattoo which appears on your skin in whatever design you like once the tattoo is there you can cast its spell requiring no material components so if you get a raised dead spell this bypasses the cost of all the diamonds the tattoo glows faintly while you can the tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration once the spell ends the tattoo vanishes from your skin the level of the spell determines the saving throat dc and the spell casting ability modifier as well as the rarity so you can see that the if it is an attacking spell the number is set from either being a plus three all the way up to a plus five or the save dc is set from 13 and then jumps to 15 and eventually up to 17. so it is a bummer that it's set like this this is a way to get certain access um access to certain spells that you would not typically have access to for classes that either one just don't have spells period or two don't have access to certain spells right so a uh you could basically get a second level cure wounds tattoo in this way and it would heal 2d8 plus 3 uh that's what the spell casting ability modifier is and you can use that and then it's gone but you could do it well like i said alternatively you can get revivify or raise dead not requiring material components and it doesn't really matter what the spell casting ability mod or the save dc is because that's not used in that spell so things to consider right like you could get in theory a whole bunch of tattoos of the spell shield and if you get the shield tattoo uh and you have like say you have like a bunch of little shields on your your your forum you're like six shields on here i cast shield from my tattoo that tattoo disappears and is gone but i didn't use in a two-minute slot and it doesn't matter because it's a spell that doesn't reference anything uh doesn't worry about the ability modifier because it just gives you that bonus and that my friends is all of the tattoos and tasha's cauldron of everything the biggest most interesting thing i think about this is it establishes what a magic tattoo is and that they exist which means in future endeavors and future books future campaigns things like that we might be able to see more tattoos expanded out uh i still think we're probably going to keep the current tattoo attunement as it is where it's the needle you touch to your skin boom it does the thing and then you know you have to attune to multiple ones um it is a bummer to me that like if you really wanted to play like a tattooed character you're really still hard limited to three unless you happen to play an artificer then you can get more attunement slots to attune to more tattoos but you usually can do so many cool things as an artificer i don't know if you'd want to go that route i guess you could technically get like tattooers kits as like one of your artisans tools and then go that route i guess um one of i've said it before one of my favorite monks from three five was the tattooed monk so i actually have a home brew that i used from somebody that already made one uh a tattooed monk that i sort of adapted and tweaked to fit uh more my needs for fifth edition and one of my players is actually playing one who has the benefit of sort of focusing on tattoos as part of her subclass i gave her the benefit that um basically two of the magic tattoos from these counts for one so rather than you know any magic tag who you get just counts as one a two-man slot i did it as two for one so she could have let's say the um the shadowfell brand and the illuminator's tattoo that sort of common one that gives you the ink pen she could have both of those those two and it would count as one so potentially up to a total of six tattoos if she was able to get access to them but being a tattooed monk it sort of just made sense to me that she'd have a little bit of an uh a leg up on everybody else plus that's a cool thing for me in my mind as a monk she's got tattoos from the subclass and then tattoos from the magic tattoos in tasha's cauldron and like all of her cool magical things she can do are all tied completely to tattoos also the word tattoo is starting to lose like meaning to me as i've said it so many times here so thank you all so much for watching i will be back in the next video we'll probably talk about uh the artifacts from tasha's cauldron and then going forward i want to jump back and talk about the group patrons then we'll talk about the session zero that'll be a short video but an important one uh then we'll do sidekicks people want to know about that parling with monsters i'll talk about it's a very simple thing don't get your hopes up on like some really robust section it's basically like two pages uh and then we'll go through the supernatural regions the magical phenomenon the natural hazards and i don't want to go through the puzzles in depth because i don't want to spoil it for people because dms out there probably want to use the puzzles but i'll talk to them on a high level and sort of read through them before i do the video and uh sort of give you my thoughts on which ones i think are the best how well i think they're implemented are they super difficult when they say their difficulty is hard is it hard all that kind of stuff so anyway thank you all so much for watching i hope you guys are all staying safe out there as we gear up towards the holidays uh so happy hanukkah to anyone who celebrates uh just you know it's the end of the year people can start to get depressed towards the end of the year so you know listen i appreciate you i appreciate all of you out there so just stay safe you know make smart decisions uh and we'll get through 2020 and hopefully you start 2021 off with a bang i'll see you all next time
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 32,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, nerd immersion D&D, dungeons and dragons, tashas cauldron of everything, dungeons & dragons, d&d 5e, d&d 5e tashas cauldron of everything, tashas cauldron of everything subclasses, d&d tashas cauldron of everything, tashas cauldron of everything review, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything Magic Items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D 5e new magic items, New Magic Items in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, D&D 5e magic tattoos, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything magic tattoos
Id: b3vQ7heofeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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