New Magic Items in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount! | Nerd Immersion

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it's time for more wild mount coverage this time I'm going to be discussing the magic items contained in explorers guide to wild mount I'm not going to be talking about the vestiges of the divergence or the arms of the betrayer as those are significantly more in depth magic items that will take a lot more time to discuss so there's a bunch of magic items in this in this book so if you want to see what those are and my thoughts on them stay tuned all right folks I'm Ted this is nerd immersion and let's talk to magic items so here we are in the treasure section the wild mount a treasure section as I stated before just this section your magic items a through Z we're not going to talk about horrors of the betrayer or vestige of vestiges of the divergence in this video we will do that in a separate video after the fact so first up we have the archer on layed I guess that's how you pronounce it they don't have pronunciation guides for magic items so it is any sword it is a rare magic item this black blade the black blade of the sword is crafted from a mysterious mysterious that's a new one for me mysterious arcane alloy you get a +1 bonus to attacking damage rolls while the sword is on your person you are immune to the effects that turn Undead so very rare that that will happen unless you happen to be an undead character or more than likely you're giving this to an undead villain or NPC dark blessing while holding the sword you can use an action to give yourself a 1.d4 +4 temporary hip points this can't be used again until the next dusk nice to change that up there and make it a darker blade it happens a dusk rather than dawn I believe that's like the false life spell was pretty much 1 d 4 plus for temporary hit points and that was the necromancy spell so that fits and disheartening strike when you hit a creature with an attack using this weapon you can fill the target with unsettling dread the target has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn the creature ignores this effect if it's immune to the frightened condition I won't use this property you can't use it until the next dusk well I mean this is the first weapon or first item in the book and I'm actually pretty pumped about it so what I like about this is it's as part of a hit it is not it is not like a bonus action it's when you hit it happens it does not take up any action economy and there's no saving throw it just gives them disadvantage on the next save before the end of your next turn so depending on how initiative order works out and if you're like a paladin or maybe a warlock or whatever the situation is and or even you know it's a sort of you you're you could be a cleric whatever it is you could hit and then either you or an ally could make some you know make a make a move to do something powerful while this thing has disadvantage on its next saving throw next up you have amulet of the drunkard this is uncommon here I really like this one it's a really simple one while wearing it you regain 44 plus 4 hip points whenever you drink a pint of beer ale meat or wine so it just makes alcohol kill you once the amulet has restored hitpoints can't do so again until the next dawn it's also non attunement which is nice and this could be a really good flavor item for a drunken master monk or any character or dwarf really any character who likes booze but given the the perception of a drunken master monk this could this could help out all right next up we have an arcane cannon this is a very rare item this large cam is imbued with magic it requires no ammo and does not need to be loaded takes an action to aim the cannon and one action to fire it after the cannon has fired it must be recharged for five minutes before it can be fired again when firing you can choose one of the following options acid jet it discharges an acid line in a 300-foot long line that's 5 feet wide each creature in that line was making DC 15 Dec save or take 40 10 acid damage or half on a success in addition a creature that fails takes an additional 2 d-10 acid damage at the start of each of its turns they can end this effect by using its action to wash off the acid with a pint or more of water fire Jets still 300 foot line 5 feet wide DC 15 Dec saber takes 60 10 fire damage or half on a success that ignites anything flammable that's not being carried or warned frost shot shoots a ball of frost to 1,200 feet it expands to form a 30 foot radius sphere centered on that point each creature in the area missing a DC 15 con save or take 4010 cold damage and have their speed reduced by 10 feet for 1 minute on a success they take half damage and their speed is introduced the creature whose speed is reduced by this effect can repeat to say but the enemies of its turn ending the effect on a success lightning shot the cannon should get another 1,200 feet that expands to a 20-foot radius DC 15 decks AR takes 60 10 lightning damage on a failed safer half in a success creatures wearing metal have disadvantage and lastly the poison spray a 60-foot cone of gas that must make a DC 15 Khan saver take 4d 10 poison damage and be poisoned for one minute on a success to take half damage and aren't poison if you're poisoning this way you can repeat the same at the end of your turn ending this honest success it says this large with a capital L cannon so it doesn't really give us more context than that so I'm assuming this is not something for me to wield myself this sounds like it's something you would mount on a ship of some kind we have the battering shield I think this might be what what caduceus has possibly um it's a rare shield that requires a two-minute while holding this iron tower shield you getting a +1 bonus to AC so it's a plus 1 shield but in addition it has three charges then regains one D three charges daily at dawn if you're holding the shield and push a creature with your within your reach at least 5 feet away you can expend one charge to push that creature an additional 10 feet and not get prone or both okay so this is not he's like a retributive shield this isn't what caduceus has but this is pretty cool i means a plus 1 shield which is normally an uncommon item but it's gonna give you some options if you want to use your shield to bat or somebody back to shove them again if you have the shield master feet this shield plus the shield mesh Master feet gives you a bunch of cool utility using your shield which is something we don't really see too much about in 5e so that's neat we have grog strong draws blood acts this is from what I remember from the old critical role stats and things looks to be exactly a reprint of grogs blood X so this very rare great axe requires a to mint it is a +2 great axe it deals an extra 1 d6 necrotic damage against creatures that aren't constructs or Undead and if you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with an attack using this axe you gain 10 temporary hit points it's a it specifically since it once belonged to the glide or barren Rock strong jaw so it's the the blood axe I thought the blood axe did more than this but maybe I'm our was slightly different but either way this is the official Canon version so there we go we have the breathing bubble this is a common magic item which is neat so this is gonna be like the bubble head charm as we saw sort of in Harry Potter or at least how it was described not the one we saw in the movie translucent bubble like sphere has a slightly tacky outer surface and you gain the items benefits only while wearing it over your head so it's it's like a diving helmet the bubble contains one hour of reasonable air and the bubble regains all expanded air daily at don't oh that's cool so it's not I thought it's gonna be like a one-time use and then it's gone you get that continually so that's really good and again it's not attunement and it gets stuff back so that's neat brooch of living essence this is uncommon and requires a 2 min while wearing this nondescript brooch spells and anything else that would detect or reveal your character treat type treat us humanoid and those that would reveal your alignment treated as neutral so this again obviously for someone who you know I'm not actually sure what items do this anything else that would detect or reveal your creature type treat us you and I guess so this would be like detect good and evil something like that and those that would reveal your alignment I don't even know if there's any things that in like spells or abilities indeed e5e that reveal your alignment the line that's kind of a non-issue in 5e I mean it's there it has presence but it's not like as strict and restricting as it used to be so really probably the first part maybe the alignment depending on the game you play then we have the butcher bib we have some art for this one rare attuma magic item it's perpetually covered in blood while wearing it once per turn when you roll damage for a melee attack with a weapon you can reroll the weapons damaged ice if you do so you must use the second roll so like a lesser version of savage attacker and create your weapon attacks that deal slashing damage crit on a 19 or 20 that's actually pretty sweet I like that for some reason it just it makes me immediately think of Diablo 2 which is awesome so let's keep going coin of delving another common magic item I love common magic items so I'm always pumped to see them the scintillating copper coin sheds dim light in the 5-foot radius they've dropped a distance greater than five feet the coin issues a melodious ringing sound when it hits a surface a creature that can hear the chime can determine the distance the coin dropped based on the tone that's cool this solves the issue of everybody I was like throw a stone down the well or drop a torch this actually is a magic item that that sole purpose is to do that so this is something I'm definitely gonna be adding into my campaigns for sure corpse Slayer this is a available for any weapon plus one magic weapon when you hit an undead creature with an attack using this weapon it deals an extra 1d8 web damage of the weapons type and the creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that turn on dead until the start of your next turn it is any weapon so this is obviously something that perhaps a paladin or a cleric would want to gain access to it is a rare magic item so that's something to consider because typically or rare what's called rare rare weapons are +2 and I just happen to know if that's not my head that a Sun blade is a +2 sword that does an extra da damage to undead and then it also has the fact that it's sunlight so this you know it's a cool concept because it could be anything but I there are some better like again Sun blade is a option that does more or less the same thing a dispelling stone I believe we have seen this in critical role campaign to the smooth rainbow colored egg-shaped stone can be thrown up to 30 feet and explodes in a 10-foot radius sphere of magical energy on impact destroying stone an active spell or fifth level of fifth level or lower ends sorry or lower in the sphere ends right but it is a very rare not a tomb in magic item because it's a consumable essentially but it's a ten-foot radius sphere so it says any spell of fifth level or lower so if there is someone basically like next to it like a some sort of magically buff thing but there's also an enemy there with buffs on them you could get them both as long as it's both contained within the sphere again another item I will be adding into my campaign it's just a cool concept dusk crusher is awesome I love this one I think this was Carrick Patrick Rothfuss item are similar to it from from campaign one Warhammer very rare it takes the form of a leather wrapped metal rod and blazoned with the symbol of paler the dawn the dawn father while grasping the rod you can use a bonus action to cause a hammer head of crackling radiance to spring into existence the Hammers rainy ahead emits bright light in a 15 foot radius and did light in another 15 feet the light is sunlight and you can use an action to make the head disappear so similar to a Sun blade but it is a hammer instead well a radiant hammer is active you get a +2 bonus to attack damage rolls made with it the damage becomes radiant instead of budgeting and any undead creature hit with the weapon takes an extra 1d8 radiative so again that function right there is essentially the Sun blade the only thing is assembly you can intensify the light or dim the light but that's trumped by dusk crusher having when the radiant head is active you can use an action to cast the Sunbeam spell with a safe DC of 15 from the weapon once per until the next dawn and as a reminder Sunbeam is a concentration spell that shoots a beam of light that does 68 radiant damage and it has a blind effect so you could keep that up which is cool because anybody can use this that's proficient with a warhammer so this may give you a radiant beam of energy that you did not have access to previously that spell if you're a fighter or maybe your maybe your cleric and now you have sun beam for free maybe you're a paladin and they have higher level spell you wouldn't have access to cool stuff dust of deliciousness this one we obviously saw famously used by gesture uncommon magic item this magic reddish-brown dust can be sprinkled over any edible substance to improve the flavor the dust also dulls the senses and any anyone eating food treated with this dust as disadvantage on wisdom ability checks and wisdom saving fares for one hour dust has enough use for six servings we have ersatz I this one we have seen before this common magic item was originally in Zenith ours guide but basically you can socket it into your normal eye where it's missing and then you can see out of it fine it's basically an artificial eye can't be removed by anyone other than you and you can see through this tiny or as if it were a normal eye which is cool to see some things reprinted from Zenith ours God goggles of object reading uncommon attuned items item while working these goggles you had advantage on our kana checks to reveal information about a creature object you can see in addition you can cast identify using the goggles once it's just a one time free identify again another very useful spell our item to have because you know there's a lot of times where you may want to have this advantage on our kana chicks but one free identify I mean it's not really free because you're tuning to it but when one use of identify could go a long way you have the hunters coat this is leather armor that's very rare unfortunately it's leather armor it gives you a +1 bonus to a/c while wearing it so that makes it the equivalent of studded leather armor but as three charges when he hit a creature with an attack the and that creature doesn't have all of its hit points you can expend a charge to deal an extra one D 10 necrotic damage to the target it regains one to three charges daily at dawn so there's a potential extra 3d10 damage and it's when you hit a creature with an attack you could do it not breaking action economy and you can't waste it it can only be done when you succeed if I was gonna do this I'd probably bump this up to study leather just so that this becomes a thirteen plus thirteen pleasure Dex but you know or you can keep it as it is but I basically feel like leather armor is almost pointless in 5th edition because everybody just jumps it up studded pretty much last and armor excuse me this one's pretty cool very rare any armor you've a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor so it's nice because it is a plus 1 armor that is not a two-minute but it has this cool effect if you die while wearing the armor so that is die that's not go to 0 hit points that is you are outright dead it is destroyed and each a celestial faith Fein and Fein within 30 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 charisma saving throw or be banished to its home plane of existence unless it is already there so that's cool it's like basically I'm running in and these extra planar creatures potentially it's interesting that there's only celestial Fame fee and it doesn't go beyond that considering the major effect of this armor is you having to die for it to work and it is only a DC 15 I feel like I would probably have made this a seventeen or maybe even an eighteen because the whole function of this that the other than the fact that it's plus one armor is it requires you to die in it for it to work so I thought maybe you might want to like pump it up a little bit I don't know next up we have the Luxan beacon obviously we know how important these are and if we watch the critical role campaign to you know what this is but I guess also if you haven't potential spoilers maybe this dodecahedron of faintly glowing crystal is heavier than it appears there's a set of handle affixed the size that it pulsates and thrums when touched it has a fragment of possibility a creature that touches the beacon and concentrates on it for one minute receives a fragment of possibility which looks like a tiny grayish bead of energy that follows the creature around staying within one foot of it at all times Franken will last for eight hours or until used once the beacon grants a fragment of possibility it can't grant another one until the next dawn the creature with a fragment of possibility from a Luxan beacon can't gain another fragment of possibility from any other source when a creature with a fragment of possibility makes an attack role and ability checkers saving throw it can expend its fragment to roll in additional d20 and choose which one to use alternately it's basically a lock point right alternatively when a creature makes an attack against that creature can expend a d20 role to have and then to have may they can Wow alternatively one attack is made against the creature it can expend its fragment to roll a d20 to choose which teach wanted to use the one it rolled or them when the attacker rolled the original d20 has advantage or disadvantage the creature rolls its d20 after advantage or disadvantage has been applied to the original role and the major kind of story beat for this the soul snare if a follower of the Luxan who has undergone a ritual of Constitution dies within a hundred miles of a Luxan beacon their soul is ensnared by it this soul will be reincarnated within the body of a random humanoid baby developing within a hundred miles of the beacon needle of mending this my thought was a really cool one - it's a dagger requires a tomb in this weapon is a magic dagger disguised as a sewing needle when you hold it and as a Bowman and use a bonus action to speak its command word it transforms into a dagger or back into a needle you gain a plus-one bonus to attack and damage Rose with this dagger while holding it you can use an action to guess the mending can't rip from it that's just like a really cool low-level item to give out to a party it's like a needle but it thick and you can use it to sneak around and then it also gives somebody access to mending leaving nightfall pearl a legendary item here requires a tomb in used to summon Knight this 6 inch diameter jet-black orb is Cole's of the touch you can spend 10 minutes to activate it causing the area within 10 miles of it at a moment of activation to become Knight even if it is daytime the night lasts for 24 hours until you cancel it as an action or until your attunement to the Pearl ends once used the Pearl can't be used again for 24 hours orb of the veil very rare requires a 2 minute this onyx sphere bears deep spiraling grooves and dangles from an iron chain while the orbs on your person you gain the following benefits your wisdom score increases by 2 as does your maximum for that score hey that's one of the first times we get a wisdom item getting dark vision out to 60 feet if you already have it it bumps it out another 16 we have advantage on wisdom checks to find hidden doors or paths however it comes with a curse the orb is cursed and becomes a tuned becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you as long as you remain cursed you are unwilling to part with the orbit keeping it on your person at all times all non magical flames within 30 feet of you automatically extinguish and fire damage dealt by you is halved so you can't have non magical flames so no camp fires by you unless they're made from magic and fire damage you deal is halved but I can still see several people being more than willing to accept this curse for the wisdom increase if you're not gonna be dealing fire damage you have dark vision I mean it's gonna give you dark vision anyway so I could see this being used even though it's cursed this again another really cool potion consumable that I definitely will be employing in my games as well potion of maximum power the first time you cast a ice are rare potion the first time you cast a damage dealing spell a fourth level or lower within one minute after drinking the potion instead of rolling dice to determine the damage dealt you can instead use the highest possible number for each die the glowing purple liquid smells of sugar and plum but it has a muddy taste that's a very cool concept I like that a lot then we have the potion of possibility when you drink this clear potion you gain two fragments of possibility each which look like a tiny greyish bead of energy that follows you around staying within one foot of you at all times each fragment lasts for eight hours or until used and this is essentially what we just learned about fragments of possibility it's like a luck point you have two of them well you have one or more fragments of possibility from this potion you can't get another fragment of possibility from another source we have prosthetic limbs this we saw in every on but it's an a common magic item a tomb that my creature that's missing a limb and it basically you would tune to it and you could attach and detach it as an action but it can't be removed by anybody else and if you have multiple prosthetic limbs they count as a single magic item with regard to the number of magic items you can attune to and they essentially replace the limb and everything functions as normal this is another cool you like consumable that I also want to add because I like this or reincarnation dust when this small pouch of purple dust is sprinkled on a humanoid or piece of a dead humanoid the dust is absorbed by the remains if willing the dead creature returns to life with a new body as if the reincarnate spell had been cast on them the consumables in this I've already talked about some of that like the hard you know permanent magic items and a couple of them I do really like like the ash Ron blade the the dusk whatever was the hammer and the needle the mending needle or needle of mending but the consumables I feel like a really where it's at I'm really digging them a lot ring of obscuring this uncommon a two-minute magic item looks like this cool skull with a yellow eyeball as three charges and regains one two three chargers daily at dawn as an action while wearing the ring you can expend one of its charges to cast the fog cloud spell from it but the following changes the cloud is centered on you when it first appears and the spell lasts for one minute no concentration so that's cool unfortunately it doesn't let you see through the fog cloud but it is pretty neat nonetheless that it's it's on you and it's non concentration so that's pretty sweet ring of temporal salvation this rare is a rare to magic item if you die while wearing this crystal great crystal ring you vanish and reappear in an unoccupied space within five feet of the space you left wait what if you die while wearing this great crystal ring you vanish okay you die gun and you reappear in unoccupied space okay within five feet of the space you left if you have a number of hit points or you have a number of hit points equal to 3 d6 plus your constitution modifier if your hit point maximum is lower than the number of hit points you regain weight if your hit point maximum okay is lower than their hit points you regain your hit point maximum rises to a similar amount you have any levels of exhaustion reduce your level of exhaustion by 1 once the ring is used it turns to dust and is destroyed so it's a one-time-use ring and it happens its effect takes it takes effect immediately when you die let me just read this one more time so you die you disappear and reappear and you have a number hit points equals a 3d 6 plus or con mod if your hit point maximum is lower than the number of hit points you regain your hit point maximum rises to a similar amount okay let me just let's just i'm realist I'm just getting hung up on this maybe it's cuz it's late I don't know so let's say you roll max damage and you have a plus let's say you have 20 hit points you regain with your role in your con mod 20 hit points your hit point maximum is lower than the number of hit points you regain so let's say your maximum hit points are 15 and you have 20 hit points you gain your hit point maximum rises to a similar amount I'm reading that right does that increase your maximum hit points to 20 I don't know either way it's a cool concept the wording there is a little confusing to me number yeah if the hit point maximum is lower than the number of hit points you regain your hit point maximum rises to a similar amount I don't know all right moving on route of retribution uncommon at two magic items adamantine rob is tipped with a glowing crystal I three charges that recharge daily at dawn when a creature you can see within sixty feet of you damages you while you're holding this rod you can use your reaction to spend one of the rods charges to force the creature to make a DC 13 Dec saving throw the creature takes to d-10 lightning damage on a failed save or half as much on a success so this is kind of similar to almost like a tempest clerics a1 ability but you know in a rod so anybody could use it we have this spell bottle a legendary attuma magic item this glass bottle can store one spell of the fifth level at a time when found roll a d6 and subtract one the total number the total determines the level of spell in the bottle the DM chooses a spell and zero means it's empty a swirling blue vapor fills the bottle all it contains the spell when this when the bottle is empty any creature can cast a spell a first through fifth level into it while by touching it while casting has no effect other than being stored in the bottle while holding the bottle you can cast the spell stored in it the spell uses the slot level spell save DC spell attack bonus and spell casting ability of the original caster but as otherwise treated as if you cast the spell the bottle becomes empty once the spell is cast I was gonna say this sounds like a bring up spell storing but more complicated and allowing you to have up to a fifth level spell in it if you're holding the empty bottle when you there here it is if you're holding the empty bottle when you see creature casting a spell within 60 feet of you you can open the bottle as a reaction and an attempt to interrupt the spell if the creature is casting a spell a third level or lower the spell has no effect in a distort in the bottle if it is casting a spell a fourth level or higher make it intelligence check the DC equals 10 plus the spells level on the success the spell has a snow effect so it's like a ring of spell storing but it can only store one spell at a time up to fifth level but it also has like a counterspell effect where you can suck a spell into the bottom staff of due to man see a very rare staff required a tomb it by a wizard ten charges and regains of d6 plus for daily at dawn if you're spending last charge roll a d20 on a one it disappears while holding the staff you can use an action to expend two or more of its charges to gain to cast one of the following spells using your saved DC and spell attack bonus fortune favor for two pulse wave for three or gravity sinkhole for four and new possibility if you're holding the staff and family savings are against the spell it targets only you you can turn your failed save into a successful one this property can't be used until the next dawn we have the staff of I love the ivory claw or is it unit by a spell caster while holding the staff you have a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls whenever you score a critical hit with a spell attack this target the target takes an extra 3 d6 radiant damage well hello warlocks this one's out there for you holding a snap a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls whenever you score a critical hit with a spell attack yeah an extra 3 d6 radiant damage obviously this can be used for anybody who is just spell attacks but the fact that a warlock is gonna get more access to this with eldritch blast and multiple attacks per casting the chance to do extra damage is always nice then we have the Vox seeker this is a common magic item this clockwork device resembles a metal crab the size of a dinner plate every action used to wind up the device allows it to operate for one minute to a maximum of 10 minutes so you can crank the wind up for up to 10 minutes total use while operational the item uses the accompanying Vox seeker stat block the automation is under the DMS control a Vox seeker reduced to 0 hip once is destroyed so you see it's a tiny creature 7 hit points 14 ACS got a climb speed and a walking speed means poison and psychic in most conditions it has blind sight at 260 feet the Vox seeker is his voice lock the Vox seeker must move toward and attack the source of the nearest voice within 60 feet of it to the exclusion of all targets for as long as it remains operational this Fox say he'd climb on all surfaces as a pincer attack plus two to hit does D for piercing damage plus three lightning damage it's a common magic item so that's probably why so you wind this thing up and you just kind of leave it there and it moves towards and attacks the source of the nearest voice within 60 feet of it so that's it like it's just a like I mean I guess for a low-level cuz it's common it's just like a way to deal damage to somebody I don't know I'm curious what your thoughts are is there anything you can think of clever uses for this and then lastly we have weapon of certain death this is any rare item not a 2 min when you damage a creature with an attack using this weapon that target can't regain hit points until the start of your next turn so that is very cool it's gonna shut down magical healing very neat so that covers all of the wild mount magic items again future video will cover vestiges of divergence and arms of the betrayer this is already a half an hour long and we haven't even got to those and those are significantly longer with a lot more to talk about so let me know what you all think of these magic items like I stated there's some really cool unique ones and one thing I always loved about published sources is new magic items because I'm always gonna include magic items in my games I love giving my players magic items so these are more options for me I like the concept of the spell bottle sort of a spell funnel where it's a spell storing device but also kind of a counter spell and I like I said I love the consumables I thought those are some of the coolest things out there the reincarnation dusts are the potions that give you luck points or specifically the one that's gonna maximize the damage role of the spell there and even like the delving coin really cool little things that you could just add into your campaign and have that become part of the world and that I think will go over very well yeah let me know what your favorite magic item from these new magic items are and as if you're gonna be playing in a while mail campaign or running on which number one you're most excited about to give to a player or you know to receive as a player once again thank you all so much for coming to check out the channel there are two giveaways going live they're actually not going live they are live right now there's a giveaway to win some wild mount related stuff that one just went live earlier today and there is still an ongoing 20k Youtube subscriber giveaway to win a bunch of cool products from my friends at jetpack 7 those are both going on right now you can still enter there are links in the description if you would like to enter those as well they're free and they're open to everybody internationally so good luck everyone and if you haven't taken a moment to subscribe to the channel and bring the notification belt to stay up to date on uploads because there's gonna be more wild mountain videos coming in the future well now would be a great time to do so thank you all so much for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 61,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, d&d 5e, dnd 5e campaigns, d&d 5e campaigns, explorer's guide to wildemount, critical role D&D campaign, critical role D&D book, explorers guide to wildemount, wildemount setting, critical role, matt mercer, matthew mercer, D&D, wildemount, D&D 5e magic items, Explorer's Guide to Wildemount magic items, Explorer's Guide to Wildemount new magic items, wildemount magic items, D&D 5e wildemount magic items, new magic items
Id: Z0mZC2h4KaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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