Magic Tattoos, Pathfinder 2e

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welcome Lords and Ladies back to the realm I am your ever so humble host the goat King and today we enter the tattoo shop for some permanent Magic Magical tattoos were introduced in secrets of magic and have been expanded on both in the recent book treasure Vault and in the books of the Lost Omens line today we are focused on secrets of magic and treasure Vault but if y'all are interested we can expand on this in a later video now before we start listing off tattoos we should get an idea of how these precise works of magical art are obtained unlike the crafting of most magic items the recipient must be present for the whole process and since tattoos are permanent they must have a great deal of trust in the artist for these reasons magical tattooing is often uncommon and usually held as a cultural aspect of tight-knit groups often adventurers will need to integrate themselves into a community to gain the trust and respect required to earn a magical tattoo but when adventurers want something they can't buy or steal the next option is always crafting there are a few ways to qualify a character with the skill feeds specialty crafting for Artistry and magical crafting already has the skill to work with ink the other way is to take the tattoo artist level 2 skill feed this feat allows you to craft magical and mundane tattoos it gains you the formulas for four common second level or lower tattoos and gives you a plus one bonus to craft magical tattoos additionally when you become master in crafting the bonus becomes a plus two and you gain the formulas for four common level seven or lower tattoos it should be noted that as the feet is printed in secrets of Magic master proficiency does not give you four free formulas this was added later when the the feet was reprinted in Treasure Vault treasure Vault also added the level 15 feet legendary tattoo artist this feat gives a very small bonus to tattoos you craft that are three levels lower than yourself this doesn't much sound worth a level 15 skill feat to me but at 15th level this feat will apply to nearly every tattoo presented in these two books magical tattoos generally require time to heal before their magic takes effect while this could take up to a month magical or alchemical care can reduce this to as little as a day like many magic items tattoos require investment to function unlike other magic items this happens automatically effectively reducing the number of items you can willingly invest while the only way to remove a magical tattoo is through spells like disjunction or dispel magic which cause to be destroyed and fade you can also cover a tattoo with a new or upgraded one effectively replacing it I think that should give you a reasonable understanding of magical tattoos now we can start exploring our options unfortunately secrets of magic only provided three tattoos six if you count subtypes the level 3 familiar tattoo gives you a convenient way to carry your familiar warding tattoos are found in many cultures and for that reason come in a wide variety the basic warding tattoo is level 5 and provides a once per day reaction to help avoid or lessen damage from an enemy Hazard or attack the level 6 Trail warding tattoo gives Resistance 2 to damage from hazardous terrain and this goes up to 5 when the tattoo is activated the level 6 waveboarding tattoo can be activated when you enter an area where you can't breathe breathe and when you do this it casts air bubble on you the level 7 fiend warding tattoo is uncommon even in tattooing communities its effects are much like the trail warding tattoo except the resistances are against spells and magical attacks from fiends Rune of sin is the last tattoo in secrets of magic this level 12 tattoo is uncommon as it's strongly associated with Thessalonian Rune magic in fact this is Thessalonian Rune magic when you cast a spell whose School matches the Rune you've tattooed you are given resistance against damage from spells this resistance is greater against spells of the same school these runes and their descriptions can be found on page 243 of Secrets of magic moving on to treasure Vault I count 26 unique tattoos 39 counting variants but excluding upgrades I slash is a level one tattooed that can be upgraded to provide item bonuses to perception this scarification around the eyes common in orc Scouts allows you to see further and causes blood to show in color for those with dark vision Talons are a common design inspiration Memoir map of level 1 Tattoo is cheap enough that with your game Master's permission you could start the game with it this tattoo expands across your skin as an abstract map of your Journeys and achievements even more affordable is the Mortal Chronicle this level 1 Tattoo tracks your deaths and causes of death as well as resurrections they are common among people not only confident in their inevitable demise but also the competence of their allies to bring them back Navigator star is a simple one this level one tattoo takes on the form of a star tattooed on the back of your hand by holding it up you gain an understanding of which direction you're facing ancestral geometry a level 2 uncommon tattoo is often associated with the geometric Precision of Dwarven craftsmanship the purpose is to bind your blood to that of your ancestors this gives you Fortune you can use on a randomly selected save once per day and a plus one item bonus to a lure skill your ancestors believe will Aid you that day now this does not state that you gain proficiency with the chosen lore skill so rules is written the lore bonus will probably be irrelevant by fifth level because of this I believe it should give chain Proficiency in the lower skill chosen for the day as always when there is a gray area in the rules consult your game master bewitching Bloom has many varieties starting at second level they all have a once per day activation that aids an ally within 30 feet the level 2 lilac causes the Ally to attempt a recall knowledge check with a plus two status bonus as memories Bubble Up the third level cherry blossom causes recovery checks to be 10 rather than 10 plus their dying value the level 4 red rose causes the Ally to choose an ally of their own for whom they feel strong positive emotions this bolsters their saves and gives them temporary hit points when near their Beloved the level 4 white poppy allows you to cast calm emotions or Sanctuary on an ally the effects are unfortunately short-lived the level 6 Magnolia bestows your ally with charm giving them a status bonus to diplomacy for 10 minutes during the first turn with this bonus they can leverage this magnetism to Fascinate another creature the level 7 Bellflower bolsters your allies need for Freedom giving them a status bonus against the confused frightened grabbed paralyzed and restrained conditions as well as a reaction to make an escape attempt the ninth level Lotus gives your ally a status bonus to will saves the 11th level purple iris casts command on Targets in range of your ally causing them to drop prone and pay homage as if your ally was of Regal bearing the 15th level amaranth before your next turn the next time the Ally takes damage it cannot be reduced below one hit point bewitching Bloom took us for a ride but now we can move on to the frost Walker pattern this tattoo is level two and unfortunately seems to be missing words from its description the effect it has on severe environmental cold is garbled fortunately the rest is in working order extreme cold is reduced to severe cold the tattoo also has a once per day activation to ignore difficult and dangerous snow and Ice terrain triangular teeth a level 2 tattoo is common among seafarers as it is believed to Aid navigation it also provides a once per day reaction to avoid attacks especially those of sea life 100 Victories a level 3 tattoo features a hundred small scars that provide an intimidating display of strength and endurance the magic of these markings also bolsters the effects of a ferocity feat such as orc ferocity unbreakable heart a level 3 tattoo typically styled as a heart adorned with your beloved's name serves as your token in a heartbound ritual this tattoo allows you to gift your beloved with a small bonus after using it to learn their current state the virusian emblem this level 3 tattoo is associated with varicia and its culture and as such is weakly associated with Thessalonian Rune magic this tattoo grants its host the ability to speak and understand varician as well as a bonus to diplomacy with others who speak the language in addition each of the seven variants can cast a spell once per day avaria the transmutation Rune can cast Law longstrider avidius the observation Rune can cast past without a trace carnassia the enchantment Rune can cast liberating command idolis the conjuration Rune can cost thoughtful gift regario the evocation room can cast Cordon choir then gloris the illusion Rune can cast ventriloquism and vorotalo the necromancy Rune can cast purified food and drink the level 4 faith tattoo is as you would suspect crafted to be associated with a specific deity when uncovered it can serve as a religious symbol for spell casting it also allows you to once per day cast harm heal or the first level spell associated with the deity upgraded versions of that tattoo raise the spell level and the DC associated with the spell Uzi bottle a level 5 tattoo is a strange one but at high levels maybe Indus dispensable once per day as a reaction you replace a failed poison save or a persistent poison effect with the stage 2 effects of alcohol quite useful against powerful potions less useful if they poison you twice Homeward swallow an uncommon level 5 tattoo always points you home it must have been created at your home and if your home is ever destroyed or the place you call home changes that tattoo Fades and is lost its most important magical effect isn't its ability to act as a compass however the true power is in how it ensures that your attempts to teleport home always land on target tooth and claw tattoo a level 6 tattoo uses its animal motifs to bring you closer to the beasts it allows you to commune with its animal type transform your unarmed attack and even transform yourself upgrading the tattoo improves the power of your transformations staring skull a level 8 tattoo features a skull with two staring eyes it can protect you from death but each time it does an eye is lost when both eyes have vanished the tattoo loses its magic bound Guardian an uncommon level 9 tattoo is an interesting one it references the tattoo Guardian from bestiary 3 and allows you to summon it once per day as if by a fourth level summon construct spell Nemesis name a level 9 tattoo as you would expect is a tattoo of your enemy's name instilled in the magic of this tattoo is your hatred for the person and it fuels your attacks against your Nemesis this Reckless magic also aids your Nemesis in attacking you Additionally the tattoo gives you a potent mental attack against your Nemesis like the other bonuses this involves some backlash soaring Wings a level 9 tattoo depicts wings that when activated give you a fly speed the base version can be activated once per day but the upgrades allow more frequent activation tradecraft tattoos typically depict the tools of your trade they provide an item bonus to crafting negate critical failures to earn an income with crafting and allows you to create temporary items the level 9 version can create one of these temporary items once per day and the item lasts for an hour the upgrade to this tattoo makes the temporary item it creates last until it creates a new one worm on the wing at level 9 tattoo depicts a flying dragon and provides you with an energy resistance based on the type of dragon the tattoo also gives you the ability to once per day take on draconic features like dragon wings upgraded versions provide even stronger transformations Sun site a level 10 tattoo is placed under the eyes it improves your eyesight even to the point of combating the dazzled condition once per day it also allows you to emit rays of flame that cut through Illusions and that's going to wrap up everything I have for you today I have been your host the goat King and as always travel with loyal companions
Channel: GoatKingDice
Views: 2,903
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Id: nkGgiNttncY
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Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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