Maggie Smith's BEST quotes as The Dowager Countess | SEASON 3 | Downton Abbey

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My wife always posts stuff about the dowager with the hashtag #TheDowagerIsMyHero. The movie was great! Hope there's another!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mdruckus ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Re-watching the series (and I saw the exhibit in Boston and the movie today) - my gosh sheโ€™s hysterical. I really LOLโ€™d several times during the film today and have realized just how much she made the show whilst on the re-watch. Her delivery, timing and zingers are awesome lol.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MsLola13 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you know if you wish milady of course yep total yes milady thought you might have been walking on stilts I'm so looking forward to seeing your mother again when I'm with her I'm reminded of the virtues of the English but isn't she American exactly this is an Irish tradition what she means not changing of course it isn't granny it might have been you didn't change on the first night of a voyage tomorrow and it's also servants to come up and down with us to make it easier hello Martin can I tempt you to one of these new cocktails who don't think so you look too exciting for so early in the evening don't you think so us better of or did my lady are you going up to the house to welcome look we never see you but oh I think so hey obviously you've said hello to Grandma MA she's like a homing pigeon she finds out underbelly every time well I'm very glad you're here but it wasn't me either I'm sad to say well I love a mystery who could it be my guess his cousin Isabel she always likes to stick her or in I'm going to ask her they haven't sake it was me you but it wasn't your writing no Smithers did it like old lady's maids lips for intrigue he wanted me to come here I wanted Sybil and a husband to be here for Mary's wedding yes why keep that secret the silly it wasn't it I'm very touched telemeters how democratic makes me think maybe I have been mistaken in you I'm a woman of many powers why do we never see him Oh Harold hates to leave America curious he hates to leave America I should hate to go there you don't mean that granny when we're both so drawn to America indeed indeed we are never more than now when the bond between the chorus and the level innocence is so strong that's nice so true [Music] sweetheart [Music] we can't just give up certainty not what do you think I might have a drink sorry I still can't something happening in this house is actually about me the dress came this morning I was rather sad you've decided to get its / - I would have paid you see / safer we don't want her to look like a chorus girl how's Antony excited I hope desperately just when he thought his life would never change he's going right back to the beginning huh what an invigorating prospect I really think you should go to bed no bride wants to look tired at her wedding dad means she's anxious or been up to no good I won't sleep a wink tonight or tomorrow Sybil barbarity is no substitute for wit we started it well this is the last of them I'm glad they've hurried it so she can be married from Downton are you I should have thought a little sober reflection would not gonna miss remar let's try to be positive of all of them Anthony strallan is the most traditional choice Robert Edith is beginning her life as an old man's Drudge I should not have thought a large drawing Robin much compensation why dwell on that now because I want the pleasure of saying I told yourself Anthony it is too late for this might I suggest we all take a step back no you should go let him go you know he's right don't stop him doing the only sensible thing he's come up with him months thank you lady Grantham mrs. Hughes and Nana are taking what's left down to mr. Travis tomorrow m'lady for the poor if the poor don't want it you couldn't bring it over to me you must keep busy what with there's nothing to do at the house except when we entertain there must be something you can put your mind to thank what gardening well no you can't be versus odd then what is astera you're a woman with a brain and reasonable ability stop whining and find something to do edith few written back to your editor again what's this Edith has had an invitation to write a newspaper column when may she expect an offer to appear on the London stage but we must listen to what he has to say I quite agree I don't want to hurt so Philips feelings if there's one thing that I am quite indifferent to it's a Philip capsules feelings I must write to dr. toxin and have it sent down before dinner darling there's no need for that I should I want to I have to apologize for her behavior what why because if we'd listened to him Sybil might still be alive but Sir Philip and your father knew better and now she's dead why did you say that because there is some truth in it my dear when tragedies strike we try to find someone to blame and in the absence of a suitable candidate we usually blame ourselves you are not to play no one is to blame our darling Sybil has died during childbirth like too many women before her and all we can do now [Music] is cherished memory and I try out nevertheless there is truth in it if you mean does he approve the expansion of the Christian message then yes I think he does and so do I fool mr. Travis you're all ganging up on him what are you and granny are ganging up against Tom not me the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk is a dear friend she's more Catholic than the Pope my Terrace boy there is no test on earth greater than the one you have been put to I do not speak much of the heart since it seldom helpful to do so but I know well enough the pain when it is broken ah Ethel I was just telling lady Grantham how your cooking has come on I'm studying m'lady these days a working woman must have a skill but you seem to have so many granny feels that for Ethel sake she should move us where nonsense she couldn't give tuppence about Ethel or anyone like her you've been reading those communist newspapers again listen everyone you have a journalist in the family since we have a country solicitor and a car mechanic in a matter of time I'm meeting him for tea you're not encouraging this she doesn't agree to anything yet my MA talk to her talk to all of them say something sensible yes let's hear how a woman's place is in the home I don't think a woman's place is eventually in the home but I see no harm in her having some fun before she gets there Oh granny thank you have you changed your pills and another thing I mean Edith isn't getting any younger but perhaps she isn't cut out for domestic life are you sure about rose wouldn't it be better if she stayed here no no I'm looking forward to hit I couldn't manage an 18 arrow it's not these days I wouldn't know what she was talking about if my husband was a great traveler so I've spent many happy evenings without understanding a word the thing is to keep smiling and never look as if you disapprove granny who told you how could you have done that after you promised but Muammar said you told him I just filled in the details I never said a word have you tricked me ma'am I tricked him enough to come true I only did what was necessary to preserve the honor of the family in other words who tricked me they do say there's a wild man inside all of us if you would stay inside [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 2,271,181
Rating: 4.9186378 out of 5
Keywords: Downton Abbey Official Channel, Downton Abbey Film, Downton Abbey Trailer, Downton Abbey Movie, Downton Abbey Series, Downton Abbey Season 3, Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, ITV, Julian Fellowes, British Tv Shows, The Best Of Downton Abbey, The Dowager Countess, The Dowager Countess best quotes, Best Of Maggie Smith Downton Abbey, Savage Countess Moments, The Dowager says, Downton Abbey Film Maggie Smith
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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