Dowager VS Isobel Crawley | Round 1 | Downton Abbey

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[Music] hello again it's a pleasure to meet you at last mrs. Crawley we're delighted to be here entre Matthew delighted [Music] welcome to Downton thank you you've been so kind what a reception committee yes thank you this is Carson Whittle be lost without him Lamar may I present Matthew Crawley and mrs. Crawley my mother lady Grantham what should we call each other well we could always start with mrs. Crawley and Lady Grantham come into the Troy the way I should far prefer to be a maid in a large and pleasant house and work from dawn till dusk in a cramp too gloomy office don't you agree Carson I do my lady why are we talking about this what does it matter it matters that the people that live and work here are content of course we should be helping plan if that's what she wants I agree surely we must all encourage those less fortunate to improve their lot where they can not if it isn't in their best interests isn't the maid a better judge of that than we are what do you say mr. Moog to the housemaid be kept enslaved or forced out into the world why are you initial curious about other people's life if she wishes to leave and the law permits it didn't that occur the common good so you hanker for the days of serfdom I hanker for a simpler world does that a crime this is Corey nice you're busy we can come back later Loosli are you doing here are you are you will for mr. Mosely how's it going the solution doesn't seem to make it any better my imagination is running round I've got erysipelas elidio I am sorry mrs. Crowley tells me she's recommended nitrate of silver and teacher of steel hey you should making a suit of armor but I take it there's been no improvement not really and you're sure it's syphilis that is mrs. Crawley's diagnosis what it is to have medical knowledge it has its uses hmm it's your father's been making changes suit him he has m'lady he's got no use for the herb garden now my mother's gone so he's turned into grass and you've been helping him uh-huh grabbing out the old rule hedge how does he know us because this is not a recipients this is a rue allergy if I'll say where's gardening gloves it'll be gone in a week please don't think we're ungrateful for your enthusiasm mrs. Crawley but there comes a time when things the best left to the professionals and I really I really must go okay thank you you seem well prepared there add a few more flowers before we open in the morning but I think we're nearly there do look at mr. Mosley's display he's worked so hard well the marvellous have a lovely well done mr. Mosely Thank You m'lady I think everyone is to be congratulated it's splendid but do look at these roses have you ever seen the like my dear mrs. Crawley believes and profiting from an unfair advantage oh she feels in the past I've been given the cup merely as a matter of routine rather than marriage that's rather on gallon mother I'm sure when we see cousin violence roses it'll be hard to think that could be bettered hard but not impossible you are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement wherever you look I never knew such performing's you know I take that as a compliment I must have said it wrong the first electricity no telephones sometimes I hear as if I were living in a an HG Wells novel the young also calm about change on their look at matthew i do admire do you what have I done wrong now oh please don't pretend Mary's sudden reluctance can't be traced back to you well I shall pretend it I told her to take him your quarrel is with my daughter Rosamund not me to put that in your pipe and smoke it I make no apology it would be a terrible thing if poor old mr. mole his son were killed wouldn't it Millie I'm sure it would but and then I heard William's father would be left on his own if anything happened to the boy and what would've become of Carson if the last of his staff were to go that's not point do you want Mosley to die of course I do he still dresses than them from the Prudential I see yes it's nice to have someone from the real world doesn't it are you going up to the house to welcome the queen of a few but oh I think so are you no okay I made you dinner I've always admired the way mrs. Levinson is never over awed by the whole set up at Danton was Lipari and overawed by the Bourbons ah Ethel I was just telling lady Grantham how your cooking has come on I'm studying m'lady these days a working woman must have a skill but you seem to have so many little worlds a tin know scary yeah it's quite a responsibility well I couldn't say no her mother is my niece and my godchild and she asked it as a special favor apparently she hates London and they can't get Scotland until July poor shrimpy his work keeps him nailed to his desk she hates London so she's coming to a great-aunt in Yorkshire to have a good time how original are you sure about rose wouldn't it be better if she stayed here no no looking forward to it I couldn't manage an 80 in here oh it's not these days I wouldn't know what she was talking about if my husband was a great traveler so I've spent many happy evenings without understanding your word the thing is to keep smiling and never look as if you disapprove how is Lady Flintshire incredibly busy daddy works harder than a slave and so she has to manage everything else by herself I doubt he works harder than a slave cousin Isobel is very literal no I have something for you Shalit Palmer No thank you I'll do it these the first illnesses to the advancement cousin violet is trying to find a new job for my cook that sounds rather inconvenient cousin violet has never let a matter of convenience stand in the way of a principle as the kettle sent to the pot I'm glad you're staying but one forgets about Parenthood the on and honest of it were you a very involved mother with Robert and Rosamond does it surprise you a bit I'd imagine them surrounded by nannies and governesses being starched and ironed to spend an hour with you after tea yes but it was an hour every day I see yes I'm glad everything is sex will be there so but I trust you can find another cook without too much difficulty preferably one with a blameless record so my house ceases to be a topic of gossip which is really what this is all about mm-hmm if f-full wants to be part of her son's life even a little part who are we to stand in her way of course if you had had to sell charges the butcher to be chopped up a stool to achieve the same ends you would have done so there happily it was not needed [Music] you
Channel: Downton Abbey
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Keywords: downton abbey, episode, trailer, laura carmichael, hugh bonneville, interview, itv, jim carter, sophie mcshera, carson, edith, joanne froggatt, british, rob james-collier, daisy, lesley nicol, official, maggie smith, allen leech, season, downton abbey season 6, pbs, bates, barrow, season 6, downton abbey trailer, dowager countess, best lines, Maggie Smith best lines, Dowager vs Crawley, Dowager falls, Finest burns on Downton Abbey, Downton Abbey movie, Isobel Crawley
Id: V-e8u2ITIgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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