The Star Of Downton Abbey | SEASON 1 and 2 | Downton Abbey

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and very sorry about poor Patrick of course he was a nice boy we were all so fond of him but I never cared for James he was too like his mother and a nasty a woman never drew breath mama may I present Matthew Crawley and mrs. Crawley my mother lady Grantham what should we call each other well we could always start with mrs. Crawley and Lady Grantham come into the drawing we were just saying how charming this room is now hmm you'd always seem rather dark when my mother-in-law lived here then she made everything Rod's doc what will you do with your time I've got a job in Ripon I said I'll start tomorrow a job in a partnership you might have heard of it Harlan Carter they need someone who understands industrial law I'm glad to say although I'm afraid most of it will the Wills and conveyancing you do know I mean to involve you in the running of the estate don't worry there plenty of hours in the day and of course I'll have the weekend we'll discuss this later we mustn't bore the ladies what what is a weekend I thought you didn't like him pursue what I have plenty of friends I don't like should our house made be kept enslaved or forced out into the world why are you in little curious about other people's life if she wishes to leave and the law permits it then that ogre the common good so you hanker for the days of serfdom I hanker for a simpler world is that a crime Anna help me do battle with this monstrosity looks like a creature from the lost world the Dowager Countess oh my dears is it really cool I can't believe last night he looked so well of course would happen to a foreigner is typical to be ridiculous ridiculous no Englishman would dream of dying in someone else's house especially someone they didn't even know Oh granny even the English aren't in control of everything I hope we're in control of something if only ourselves mrs. Crawley tells me she's recommended nitrate of silver and tincture of steel hey you should meet in a suit of armor but he doesn't drive so I told her I could do it what I said I could drive the tractor ages you are related not toad of Toad Hall well I'm doing it I'm sorry but if dr. Clarkson needs free labor I'd prefer him not to find it in my nursery but Sybil isn't in the nursery no I think you should notice she hasn't been there for some time you know what I mean but no not really you can't pretend it's not respectable when everyday were treated to pictures of queens and princesses in Red Cross uniform Liebling suit down the throat of some unfortunate but civil won't be ladies soup to have to witness unimaginable horrors and she's an innocent her innocence will protect her yeah for once I agree with cousin Isabel simple must be allowed to do her bit like everyone else you are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement wherever you look I never knew such reforming zeal I take that as a compliment I must have said it wrong yes yes the minister what how many Marcus is a filter out there yeah well I say it's just an instrument of communication or topped with simply yes aunt violet yeah very well very yeah and Susan yeah no good good good good about the Boatshed who might we know on the board of Leeds tendril infirmary oh it's quite safe you're in a group and you knock on doors yes I know what canvassing is I think that Sybil is so you can bassoon - would you rather take in washing I was only going to say that Sybil is entitled to her opinions new free isn't do she's married then her husband will tell her what her opinions are Oh Crowley you're lucky I have a horrible feeling Simmons is about to hand in her notice she's looking very eager to lately and I saw her hurrying to meet the postman oh you poor thing is there anything worse than losing one's made I mean what could she want to leave me I've been as Cinque listen to him mister we can't know if Matthew will come through it either way I would like to see him and I want to wish him luck the trouble is Mary's back from London today as well she gets in at 5 o'clock Matthew's driving down in Lavinia's car they won't meet on the train oh that's a relief I hate Greek drama even when everything happens offstage so that's Mary's replacement well I suppose looks and everything I think she seems rather sweet I'm afraid meeting us all together must be very intimidating I do hope so I make no apology it would be a terrible thing if poor old mr. Mosley's son were killed wouldn't it Millie I'm sure it would but and then I heard William's father would be left on his own if anything happened to the boy and what would have become of Carson if the last of his staff were to go that's not the point do you want Mosley to die of course I don't well I don't want my own son to die either but this is a war and we must be in it together high and low rich and poor that can be new special cases because every man at the front is a special case to someone what about Sybil does she have anyone in her sights no but I know of are you sure she has no champion mind oh I have an endless series of crashes at her age I don't think so not even some man she doesn't care to mention what do you mean well more breaks down barriers and when peacetime reacts them it's very easy to find oneself on the wrong side really a granny how can you say that I'm too worldly but Sybil's not worldly enough you cannot be so contrary I'm a woman Mary it can be as contrary as they choose [Music] [Applause] [Music] the caller tells me Matthew has gone missing is that true there's no proof of anything yet [Applause] I'm glad you would be anxious of course I would be well used Matthew no God knows who the next heir will be the chimney sweep from sorry Matthew has proposed my mother if she said yes she hasn't said anything yet except that she's going to have to tell him about the MOOC fires and sake why she thinks to keep it secret would be dishonorable she reads too many novels I mean one way or another he'll see one goes down the aisle with half the story hidden the question is will she accept Matthew I'm not sure but if she does we'll just have to take her abroad in these moments you can normally find an Italian and wasn't too picky have you thought about Matthew of course but aren't Ross now said she's written to me I should pay no attention but granny she has got a point Mary can't be completely naive I don't need your help Thank You Mariette listen to me if you take Matthew now when his whole future is at risk he will love you to the end of his days why granny your romantic I've been called many things but never that what have I done wrong now oh please don't pretend mary's sudden reluctance can't be traced back to you well shall pretend it I told her to take him your quarrel is with my daughter Rosamund not me so put that in your pipe and smoke it well Rosamund I'm afraid your meddling has cost Mary the only decent offer she'll ever get I'm sorry mama but you know me I have to say what I think why [Music] you
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 1,265,771
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Keywords: downton abbey, episode, trailer, laura carmichael, hugh bonneville, interview, itv, jim carter, sophie mcshera, carson, edith, joanne froggatt, british, rob james-collier, lesley nicol, official, season, pbs, bates, barrow, mr. carson, season 6, downton abbey trailer, dowager countess, Best Moments Dowager Countess, Maggie Smith, Violet Crawley best moments, Violet Crawley telephone, downton abbey best lines, Maggie Smith Downton Abbey, Maggie Smith funny, Downton Abbey Movie
Id: ZG3dxv-ps1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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