Violet's Best Season 5 Moments | Downton Abbey

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I do love this evening light I must tell Lord Merton tease me if you will but rest assured I don't want to be pursued by him or Lord anyone that's a pity when he's asked me to help him in his culture what he doesn't want the pester you so he's asked if I could give another luncheon party oh dear oh why the lamentation you don't have to see him if you don't want but you make it sound so easy there's nothing simpler than avoiding people you don't like avoiding one's friends that's the real test but I do like him I think he's very nice it's just he wants something from me that I cannot give just once what all men want don't be ridiculous I was referring to companionship as I hope you're well Oh what is it now Spratt I'm sorry to bother your ladyship especially when you have company I'm afraid I must hand in my notice I have suffered as much as anyone can expect to so far in the course of their duties I can take no more m'lady take them all typical spread he's as touchy as a beauty losing her looks you don't think he meant it but if he did you do give him his notice quietly for a good reference in return no no that is simply a demonstration of discontent say you'll forgive his outburst anything rather than find a new Butler [Music] gracious my mom it's not like you to meet a train My dear I'm taking the street to the house we'll go back and change and return for dinner didn't know what time's left yesterday only not precisely the rest of us were at the point-to-point we heard when we got back so what are we going to say now I've been awake the whole night there's only one thing we can say we have to talk or well isn't that rather a betrayal if anything happens to eat its own core and learns later II knew she would never forgive us you see as a mother it is her right but you don't plan to tell Robert he is Eva's father she's a man men don't have rights are you sure you wouldn't rather greet her in a room by yourself we can always scoot back no it'll be easier not to be alone at first I haven't seen her for five years I want to old here the presence of strangers is our only guarantee of good behavior when you finished our team we can all be terraces if you like that sounds ideal as a matter of fact I recently read a book on the science of quarantine that I've been looking forward to discussing it with you we mustn't bore lady Grantham oh you're right you see I need your guiding hand to keep me in check mrs. Crawley is never happier than when she has a chance to use her guiding hand hiya look very serious granny do you think lord sinderby would try anything horrible to prevent the wedding well he'd certainly like it stoned but he does love Atticus my dear love is a far more dangerous motive than dislike Hong Kong a lot of the Zara's sympathizers ended up there how did they survive our servants and taxi drivers milliner's and prostitutes anything they could lay their hand to I will not suggest which of those callings the Princess Kuryakin was mere suited if you dislike her so much why are you going to all this trouble because I owe it to her why by the way susan has written to Annabel to say that she's furious that you've all taken me in Oh Jes susan has been in a rage since she was playing with her dolls I am proof against her tantrums I would rephrase that if you want to stay neutral I won't take sides it's true but I don't think I could ever be described as neutral what's the matter granny was worried about eat no I can't think why my dear a lack of compassion can be as far gasps in excess of Tears I hope you're not too tired after your exertions Oh milady I'm not tired exactly oh good I'm glad if the wedding was a success oh the wedding was a success yes sprout I have told you before I do not appreciate a man of mystery if you have something to say say it I would your leadership but it may not be quite right for me to tell if this is the case then do not say it do you have some other business oh no that it may not be mine to tell but it isn't nowhere yours you're testing me spread and I warn you being tested does not bring out the best in me Noah leadership I will not repeat myself either impart this piece of information if you can empower yourself to do so or go very well I hope Lady Mary enjoyed her time and Liverpool much I was standing outside the grand hotel this morning milady when I saw her come out with her suitcases she was accompanied by Lord Gillingham who had clearly also been staying in the hotel oh yes they were a birth staying there they were attending an informal conference of northern landowners Lord Gillingham thought Lady Mary might derive some benefit from it so you knew wasn't of course I did well what did you imagine you were witnessing well nothing vulgar I hope nothing beneath the dignity of a butler of this house oh nothing of that sort really I'm glad to hear it now if you would be good enough to let me drink my brandy and peace you leadership [Music] I hope his arrival means you intend to make it public darling granny you know how much I value your advice which means you intend to ignore it the point is I won't be hurried into anything not by you or by him if you weren't certain why on earth did you go to bed with him well in my day a lady was incapable of feeling physical attraction until she'd been instructed to do so by her mom or I don't believe that seriously my dear you have to take control of your feelings before they take control of you I'm violet if I can still call you on violent I ought to warn you about something I can guess what it is you won't approve no I drink it you may even feel the need to take science Susan is your niece but I think you're making a serious mistake but you may rest easy on that score I never take sides in a broken marriage why is that because however much the couple may strive to be honest no one is ever in possession of the facts taught I owe the pleasure of this visit I'll get straight down to it you knew her Lord Martin likes to display his interest in all things medical at least he likes to when in the company of mrs. Crawley your confidence is accountable i confide in you dr. Clarkson because I must only you can help that is more flattering still it's the family's fault really we've trained her in our ways and you're the earnest intellectual bond Rose Juarez has been replaced by a rather less definable figure are you saying that you liked her better when she was more middle-class yeah I wouldn't go that far but you understood her better the precisely no I I do not know who she is I do not know what it is she wants well there are many who wouldn't be much puzzled by the desire to marry a lord and live in a palace can I ask you a personal question I've lived through Great Falls and my share of grief I think I can manage an impertinent question from a doctor do you perhaps resent the idea of a change of position for mrs. Crawley yes sir I do not quite grasp your question it bewilders me but I will say this do you wish to see her live a life devoid of industry and moral worth I do not and when the glitter is tarnished what then a hollow existence in a large from drafty house with a man who bore such a death it's a terrible prospect so our duty is clear I say opened a nudist colony at Wickford and Essex coffee banana group what do you mean a man's open to colony in Essex not that sort of colony mama it's for people who want to take all their clothes off in day six isn't it terribly to him would that make a difference oh yes if you had milk it's awful well I think it's a bad idea I doubt they were aiming it at you [Music] you
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 1,076,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Downton Abbey Official Channel, Downton Abbey Film, Downton Abbey Trailer, Downton Abbey Movie, Downton Abbey Series, Downton Abbey Season 6, Downton Abbey Season 3, Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, Carson, Cora Crawley, ITV, Julian Fellowes, British Tv Shows, Downton Abbey full episodes, The Best Of Downton Abbey, The Dowager Countess
Id: dvFMu5XwYmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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