Downton Abbey | Behind the Scenes

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[Music] the film is really about this huge event the king and queen are coming to visit and it's the biggest thing that has happened at downton in years the king and queen are coming to stay what during their yorkshire tour that's it just for a night i felt this was quite believable because they did make tours of the country at that time the aristocracy used to invite themselves to each other's houses if they were passing through it was a sort of familial duty to provide a place to stay it's quite an honor it is but if i know anything about royal visits we will never stop changing our clothes the family are aristocrats so they are part of that world and it's their job to host the royal family well when that letter arrives from buckingham palace to say they're coming blimey there's obviously that excitement a royal luncheon a parade and a dinner i'm going to have to sit down it creates chaos because everybody of course wants the visit to be perfect members of the royal and imperial household are coming to downton who will have visited the greatest houses in the land and then obviously then all the cogs have to start turning and this place has to become worthy of a royal visit well of course a family like the crawlies who are probably older than royalty itself want to make it appear as though this is just you know water off a duck's back but suppose it's still raining god will make it stop even for the crawlies it's a huge deal that they're coming to visit and there's this brilliant line that princess mary says just don't paint anything they're sick of the smell of new paint this is what people would do is they would redecorate for the family everyone's at the top of their game because the king and queen are coming to downtown here they come now when the king and queen arrive at downton and all the staff and all the family are there and they drive up and the footman open there's a lot of protocol to be attended to that was like a big piece of choreography your majesties welcome to downton abbey we're glad to be here lady grantham now you got to remember that in 1927 very few people would have clapped eyes on the king and queen you know there was no tv you might have heard their voice on the radio and so the idea of seeing them in person must have been intoxicating we are quite used to people behaving strangely when we are near this is what these houses are meant to do and you know it's a big thing for the family but it's a big thing for the town when they get there there is a parade where the king is inspecting the yorkshire hussars and that was a massive spectacle for us to stage more than 100 troopers and their horses meant that we had to build staples and an army camp for them all to stay in so it was a huge logistical undertaking the military parade and the ball the two big set pieces i hope people will raise their eyebrows and go wow [Music] in the series we've done some big things but it was pretty clear from the filmmaking point of view the royal visit did feel on a scale that none of us had ever seen before and that's something i'm really proud of laura and i walked around this castle saying goodbye to it at the end of the last season and we were crying and now we've come back it's a strange feeling because there was for a long time it felt like it was the end and we all feel quite silly now for getting really emotional because we came back three years later i still get a thrill driving up the driveway and kind of experiencing once again this horizon the great house sits amid acres and acres of rolling farmland this film has really the most magical shots of downton abbey that we've ever seen camera left it was very important from everyone's point of view to go back to high clear because this big house was also a character in the story and we were all very very aware that it's definitely a film it's definitely bigger we knew downton abbey's iconic high clear castle is our world but we could go even grander in this beautiful place there are a number of different set pieces through the movie and on that bigger screen we needed to raise the bar and i think we have what attracted us to high clear and what i love about it in the state rooms is they're all different it's a beautiful house from the dining room there's a french drawing room beautiful english library this sort of italianate saloon in terms of bringing it to the big screen everything was sort of scaled up cinematically and ben smithard the dop brought it to a higher level it was quite ambitious and i think benefited the film a new eye walked through that door and saw new angles and saw new opportunities to shoot something which is very familiar to a lot of people but i think you'll find that even the most familiar rooms of that house i have a new dimension to them hiker has really superb building and superbly crafted in terms of its architecture and its beauty it's quite spectacular and incredibly cinematic and looked amazing being there on the day and filming it the realization of bringing down into the big screen is a dream it's something we're so familiar with it's become almost part of our dna and to be able to take it to another level feels like an enormous privilege it's incredible you know to be actually in the real house one more time that was really quite [Music] something it's 1927. we're modern folk this film was set in the 1920s everything from the costumes to the sets it's all very authentic and incredible it's quite an honor i think julian's made a very interesting story and historically a very interesting study of a period 1927. british history has a particular set of literary visual cultural heritage that still resonates for people i think we'll enjoy it at the end of the victorian period the feudal structure is ending and i think that what downton abbey presents is the last of these safe social structures absolutely everyone from the earl lord grantham at the top down to the most junior kitchen maid has their place and downton abbey we've brought to life by bringing that knowledge into the delivery of the narrative it's about sticking rigidly to the period not thinking oh we can use this light or we use this thing because it's beautiful whatever it's actually trying to be honest to the period all the props all the set dressing had to feel so specifically correct and true the real effect of those things brought the film a historical integrity anna our amazingly talented costume designer she's just cranked it up another notch for the film and everybody looks incredible to me she looks dignified the costumes are on a much bigger scale literally they paint a picture and tell a story and get that kind of story arc for each character i mean we're 1927 so what anna's doing is bringing in a hint of the 30s the dresses for the women are getting longer every single dress just seemed to be better than the last one there's a lot of jewelry i mean at one point i was wearing four necklaces for one costume it's ridiculous the sheer beauty of it and the beauty of the costumes and the detail of that work makes a huge difference to the look of the film the costumes are stunning and the locations are cinematic so to really have that energy of making it all perfect has been very exciting [Music] thank heavens the film is taking place we're thrilled about that because we're very very tired of questions about is the film ever going to get made uh which was uh for three years since the series finished was the main talking point of everybody are you going to make a movie are you going to make a movie tell us about the movie jim when did you just go how did you find it when did you discover that i was going to be in it ah yes lady bagshaw well i'm only doing the film because i wait until things go to the cinema i think you're just in as a budgetary requirement love just to cut down on transport costs it was lovely to be able to do it and also really good to be upstairs [Music] mr mosley it's very late for you to be out is it true is what true mr mr bait once said that you'd warned him that there was to be a royal visit well now i know who not to trust with a secret that we should deserve of such honor i think it was 2012 when we were in new york doing the publicity for the second series which was about to open in january 2013 i think if i've got my dates right i'm walking through manhattan someone said i recognize those eyebrows and i thought oh that's strange and then on the same trip we went as a group to the british ambassador's residence in washington where the great and the good of washington behaved as if they were 16 year olds and the bay city rollers had rocked up but then we were whisked in shiny cars to uh for a private tour of the white house at 10 o'clock at night the situation room as well that was incredible michelle obama loved the show so we saw oh this is right this is um this is bigger than we thought really that was the first realization it was sort of a snowball effect wasn't it but it was quite it sort of did happen quite quickly and we'd hear snippets of information i don't even know whether this is true that mick jagger stopped rehearsals early to go and watch downton and stuff and i don't know whether that's true but were you hit just even in the room is really nice it's all those sort of snippets of hearing these iconic people that yeah and there was a big thing on radio one or two some some morning dj started at downton abbey man club scott mills was it wasn't it and people would men like truckers would phone up you know pool obviously until into levi and um pull over safely truckers it's not worth the risk and talk about that week's episode and they would have like a forum like a man fan forum about downton abbey people have had so much joy out of it and when people come and tell you well i had one woman uh when i was in america actually i was just i was filming something in atlanta and i was just in a stationary shop and this woman just grabbed my arm and was shaking and she just started crying i was like it's you isn't it it's you i can't believe you're here like and and she was she was like i'm crying because i'm so happy but it just she said you just don't understand how much i love watching it and just to have been a small part of anything that brings numerous people joy it's a lovely thing yeah well my son wouldn't have watched it at all if it weren't for the fact that at that time when it started he was still at school he said i'm gonna have to watch this thing tonight because all the girls and the teachers everybody's talking about it at school and i don't know what they're talking about so we used to sit and watch it on family cousin lord violet are we going to kiss i'm glad you want to kiss me it wasn't quite what you said when i last heard from you wasn't quite how i felt when i moved how i imelda i'm like my character moored well exactly exactly the same size i am quite good at keeping secrets and that's all i'll say is i'm very loyal like anna i would like to have a bit more fun than anna does poor anna she doesn't get much chance um i'm a hard worker not probably as hard working as hannah you probably have to ask him how much i'm like mr carson i don't know curmudgeonly but only on the outside um i don't know i i'm am i i don't know how you are steadfast i'm steadfast am i you are you're a lot shorter a little bit shorter i mean and that because the wig in the eyebrows take hours to put on um steadfast i believe yeah i i said you're a rock as well that's pretty good okay i'm a rock uh it uh honorable uh believe in politeness and and good manners and you're like mr carson's like the dad of the house and you're like that with all of us yeah i was gonna say he's like you can edit all my bits out of that and just have people talking about who should be lovely the godfather there you are you do look after people you look after people in the same way that mr carson looks after but not as scary as mr no no not in a scary way like mr carson in a much more funny mr carson's a cuddly big cuddly bear that's what we're trying to get around to yeah big cuddly there i think over to father of four rob collier which is why he's doing the movie i think thomas one thing i've got in common with him is he's not scared to say what he thinks uh i like that's a trait i share if someone i think's being out of order i'll call them out on it but i don't know i'd like to be a bit more like daisy she's really ambitious and she really gets what she wants um i don't know i don't know are you a devil in the kitchen at home i'm not that good in the kitchen so yeah me and leslie both have this thing where but she's actually more rubbish than me but we're both quite rubbish in the kitchen to the point where they can't really give us much to do because we can even make whisking an egg look bad we've got needing leslie just has to do this with salt all the time and she tastes things yeah she does she does rolling something if in doubt she has a kitchen towel she uses yes we fight over that towel i don't know well she talks the same way as i do mrs hughes i guess a bit although i think she's from argyll i decided i don't think anyone's going to debate that with you and like you she's always you're at home you're always sorting out sheets and blankets yeah i know your house is is busier than downton abbey well mrs hughes has a lovely warmth which you have as well really you know and she the thing about me have always having guests that has i've got nobody to delegate whereas mrs hughes delegates to all in sundry all she does is you know pass out our orders and look you know with a clipboard sometimes looks efficient because it doesn't actually physically do anything without i'm slaving away like a mad thing i guess well i can read so that's the difference um i have to be very patient with sophie and daisy so that's a similarity i felt a lot of similarity similarities to andy when he first came in to the house because he's quite nervous and daunted by characters like mr carson and having to show respect to barrow and stuff i felt like that was quite easy to connect to andy because it was like literally the same feeling as coming into this huge thing i think our dynamic with each other is probably really similar to our status dynamic in the house like i feel like the baby well we all when it started we all defer to jim to start this conversation here's to the triumph of downton and my beautiful wife oh here's to all of you who fought it off here's to mr carson for swallowing his principles oh i shouldn't sleep a wink tonight let's hear it for the king and queen i think we left the television series when there was still a desire for it to carry on but it was the right time you always leave people wanting more which i think we did so um you know as witness the the continual outcry from the media from the fans for a film i hope that they love it um you know i hope it gives them what they want and their excitement is uh you know is fulfilled for them i think we're in with a chance [Music] well i never thought it would happen i don't know how anyone else should i just didn't think it was gonna happen there was definitely a time where i thought no this isn't gonna no no way they're gonna get everybody back in this place the rumors started before we even stopped filming season six julian had mentioned it before we finished annie so we knew it was possibility but as you say getting everyone together is hard work i think people it didn't get to a point where it was like people thought it was happening anyway my dad was like were you doing the movie aren't you yeah other people yeah i was like i don't know i'm not sure yet it seemed that the rumors sort of became so big that it people just said the idea that we were doing for the audience it was happening before it was happening for the actors maybe but i remember the first scene that i had with laura i was only speaking with a british actress i actually found the reading really difficult because i've been playing american for like two years i've actually got to do remember yeah right you were american i was brilliant also you were shouting because you've been doing theater [Music] we have to mention the dance the dancing scene i think the ball scene looks rather splendid not to mention shin's being kicked underneath the frame yelling to you under my breath as we as we danced don't show them the pain turn [Applause] your favorite expression is barking out instructions the entire time which you won't be able to see in the movie well you can if you watch cafe you'll see that cora is about leaving the dance yeah yeah entirely are you excited i am a bit are you would it be common to admit it not to an american are you anything like cora not at all not at all you're british you're british [Laughter] i don't think any of us really like our characters i'm so much nicer than mary you do always go upstairs to take off your hat i do always go upstairs to take off my hat yeah so i'm just like in that sense every day i've got a slightly higher iq than robert which isn't saying much yeah larry i don't know i hope i was gonna say i hope not that's an unkind um i don't think we are like our characters really we are certainly happier than it is to me yeah just generally yeah that that actually that might surprise people how much you do it and can i say for the for the fans how much these two love each other yeah besties and and always from the very beginning yeah we've been known to uh share hotel rooms okay let's draw a line maybe not but that for production yeah just [Laughter] [Music] i just love how you can watch this show with your grandmother and your kids and your mum it's like something you can watch with all your family and everyone get something out of it and loves it together which is just very yeah it's very special cuts across all ages in all classes yeah because there's there's someone represented from every category they see us as part of their of their family and you have been in their living rooms or wherever for you know season after season um and they feel a warmth and an affection towards this world so i think that sense of wanting more of it and uh and and being you know very invested in the characters is what uh sort of did take off but none of us could have predicted that do you know when i felt it honestly the first read-through when we were all sat around that table and there was something happen i was like oh my god can't wait to tell him back in new orleans [Music] like i had come somewhere and i was like in england had you just had you just done streetcar named desire or something no but i will be as soon as they see this yeah i did well i was only i came in you guys were in full flow shooting four or five episodes when i arrived and i was just delighted to be working and then nobody had a job i know but i was only hired for three episodes and i remember saying that ever going oh so what are your plans you're like who knows see on the next one yeah so i don't think anyone really [Music] your expected welcome to downton abbey we're glad to be here lady grantham for me one of the best uh fan moments was when laura and i were in new york at the met ball and at the after party mick jagger came over to us and said hello i'm mick and told us that he was a huge downton abbey fan and i was um completely speechless i was very impressed if also slightly worried by the lady who's had mrs hughes's keys tattooed onto her head oh my god who uh who came to new york quite often and indeed the lady who dresses as you yes and edith alike there's an edith alike who makes her own costumes very impressive she came to an event wearing the wedding dress oh yeah which was very exciting though she's lovely and um and dressed up in edith through the years so that's pretty special have you had any specific sort of questions it used to be will he just ever be happy and now it's uh will she remain happy i think people see it a bit risky to do the film in case she becomes miserable again but no it that's lovely isn't it it's the amazing thing you feel they're going along with you on the story so always interested in the costumes yeah do we get to keep anything no no i used to get did you really drive those cars a lot yeah yes i did what was that like difficult i think there's such a demand from people to see more of downton that i hope that they feel that this is either a worthy bookend to the whole experience or it'll be interesting to see if after this they still want more that's a very good answer thank you very much i can see a star trek franchise i think this is the beginning we're just this is just a gentle opener to what's going to be a huge franchise of uh five or six movies oh my god [Music] well i never thought it would happen i don't know how anyone else felt i just didn't think it was gonna happen there was definitely a time where i thought no this isn't gonna no no way they're gonna get everybody back in this place the rumors started before we'd even stopped filming season six julian had mentioned it before we finished only so we knew it was possibility but as you say getting everyone together is hard work i think people it didn't get to a point where it was like people thought it was happening anyway my dad was like were you doing the movie aren't you yes other people yeah it's like i don't know i'm not sure yet it seemed that the rumors sort of became so big that it people just decided for the audience it was happening before it was happening for the actors maybe but i remember the first scene that i had with laura i was only speaking with a british actress i actually found the reading really difficult because i've been playing american for like two years i've actually got to do remember yeah right you were american i was brilliant also you were shouting because you've been doing theater [Music] we have to mention the dance the dancing scene i think the ball scene looks rather splendid not to mention shins being kicked underneath the frame rather yeah mine are recovering now thanks i kept saying yelling to you under my breath as we as we danced don't show them the pain turn your favorite expression barking out instructions the entire time which you won't be able to see in the movie well you can if you watch cafe you'll see that cora is about leading the dancer yeah entirely are you excited i am a bit are you would it be common to admit it not to an american are you anything like cora not at all not at all you're british you're british [Laughter] i don't think any of us really like our characters i'm so much nicer than mary you do always go upstairs to take off your hat i do always go upstairs to take off my hat yeah so i'm just like her in that sense every day i've got a slightly higher iq than robert yeah larry i don't know i hope i was gonna say i hope not that's an unkind um i don't think we are like our characters really we are certainly happier than ladies yeah just generally yeah that that actually that might surprise people how much you do it and can i say for the for the fans how much these two love each other yeah besties and always from the very beginning yeah we've been known to uh share hotel rooms okay let's draw a line maybe not but that production you know mistakes just to save on the budget yeah yeah yeah [Music] i just love how you can watch this show with your grandmother and your kids and your mum it's like something you can watch with all your family and everyone gets something out of it and loves it together which is just very yeah it's very specific it cuts across all ages in all classes yeah because there's there's someone represented from every category they see us as part of their of their family and you have you've been in their living rooms or whatever for you know season after season um and they feel a warmth and an affection towards this world so i think that sense of wanting more of it and uh and and being you know very invested in the characters is what uh sort of did take off but none of us could have predicted that do you know when i felt it honestly the first read-through when we were all sat around that table and there was something happen i was like oh my god um oh like i had come somewhere and i was like in england but you just had you just done streetcar named desire or something no but i will be as soon as they see this yeah it did well i was only i came in you guys were in full flow shooting four or five episodes when i arrived and i was just delighted to be working and then nobody had a job at all i know but i was only hired for three episodes and i remember saying that ever going oh so what are your plans you're like who knows see on the next one yeah so i don't think anyone really expected no [Music] your majesties welcome to downton abbey we're glad to be here lady grantham for me one of the best uh fan moments was when laura and i were in new york at the met ball and at the after party mick jagger came over to us and said hello i'm mick and told us that he was a huge downton abbey fan and i was um completely speechless i was very impressed if also slightly worried by the lady who's had mrs hughes's keys tattooed onto her head oh my god who came to new york quite often and indeed the lady who dresses as you yes and edith alike there's an edith alike who makes her own costumes which are very impressive she came to an event wearing the wedding dress oh yeah which was very exciting she's lovely and and dressed up in edith through the years so that's pretty special have you had any specific sort of questions it used to be will he just ever be happy and now uh will she remain happy i think people see it a bit risky to do the film in case she becomes miserable again but no it that's lovely isn't it it's the amazing thing you feel they're going along with you on the story so always interested in the costumes yeah do we get to keep anything no no i used to get did you really drive those cars a lot yeah yes i did what was that like difficult well i think there's such a demand from people to see more of downton that i hope that they feel that this is either a worthy bookend to the whole experience or it'll be interesting to see if after this they still want more that's a very good answer thank you very much i can see a star trek franchise i think this is the beginning we're just this is just a gentle opener to what's going to be a huge franchise of uh five or six movies oh my god oh my god [Music] [Music] thank heavens the film is taking place we're thrilled about that because we're very very tired of questions about is the film ever going to get made uh which was uh for three years since the series finished was the main talking point of everybody are you going to make a movie are you going to make a movie tell us about the movie jim when did you just go how did you find it when did you discover that melody was going to be in it ah yes well i'm only doing the film because i wait until things go to the cinema i think you're just in as a budgetary requirement love just to cut down on transport costs it was lovely to be able to do it and also really good to be upstairs oh no you oh no you didn't [Music] mr mosley it's very late for you to be out is it true is what true mr mr bakewell said that you'd warned him that there was to be a royal visit well now i know who not to trust with a secret that we should deserve of such honor i think it was 2012 when we were in new york doing the publicity for the second series which was about to open in january 2013 i think if i've got my dates right i'm walking through manhattan someone said i recognize those eyebrows and i thought oh that's strange and then on the same trip we went as a group to the british ambassador's residence in washington where the great and the good of washington behaved as if they were 16 year olds and the bay city rollers had rocked up but then we were whisked in shiny cars to for a private tour of the white house at 10 o'clock at night the situation room as well that was incredible michelle obama loved the show so we saw oh this is right this is um this is bigger than we thought really that was the first realization it was sort of a snowball effect wasn't it but it was quite it sort of did happen quite quickly and we'd hear snippets of information i don't even know whether this is true that mick jagger stopped rehearsals early to go and watch downton and stuff and i don't know whether that's true but were you here just to him in the room is really nice it's all those sort of snippets of hearing these iconic people that yeah and there was a big thing on radio one or two some some morning gg started at downton abbey man club scott mills that was was it wasn't it and people would men like truckers would phone up you know pool obviously until ebay and um pull over safely truckers it's not worth the risk and talk about that week's episode and they would have like a forum like a man fan forum about downton abbey people have had so much joy out of it and when people come and tell you well i had one woman when i was in america actually i was just i was filming something in atlanta and i was just in a stationary shop and this woman just grabbed my arm and was shaking and she just started crying and was like it's you isn't it it's you i can't believe you're here like and and she was she was like i'm crying because i'm so happy but it just she said you just don't understand how much i love watching it and just to have been a small part of anything that brings numerous people joy it's a lovely thing yeah well my son wouldn't have watched it at all if it weren't for the fact that at that time when it started he was still at school he said i'm gonna have to watch this thing tonight because all the girls and the teachers everybody's talking about it at school and i don't know what they're talking about so we used to sit and watch it on family cousin lord violet are we going to kiss i'm glad you want to kiss me it wasn't quite what you said when i last heard from you it wasn't quite how i felt when i moved how i imelda i'm like my character moored well exactly exactly the same size i am quite good at keeping secrets and that's all i'll say is i'm very loyal like anna i would like to have a bit more fun than anna does poor anna she doesn't get much chance um i'm a hard worker not probably as hard working as anna you probably have to ask imelda how much i'm like mr carson i don't know commercially but only on the outside um i don't know am i i don't know how you are steadfast i'm steadfast am i you are you're a lot shorter a little shorter because the wig and the eyebrows take hours to put on um steadfast i believe and yeah i i said you're a rock as well that's pretty good okay i'm a rock uh i believe in politeness and and good manners and you're like mr carson's like the dad of the house and you're like that with all of us yeah i was gonna say he's like you can edit all my bits out of that and just have people talking about who should be lovely the godfather there you are you do look after people you look after people in the same way that mr carson looks after but not as scary as mystic no no not in a scary way like mr castle in a mr carson's a cuddly big cuddly bear that's what we're trying to get around to yeah big cuddly bear yeah over to father of four rob collier which is why he's doing the movie um i think thomas one thing i've got in common with him is he's not scared to say what he thinks i like that's a trait i share if someone i think's being out of order i'll call them out on it but i don't know i'd like to be a bit more like daisy she's really ambitious and she really gets what she wants um i don't know i don't know are you a devil in the kitchen at home i'm not that good in the kitchen so yeah me and leslie both have this thing where we're but she's actually more rubbish than me but we're both quite rubbish in the kitchen to the point where they can't really give us much to do because we can even make whisking and egg look fast yeah needed leslie just has to do this with salt all the time and she tastes things yeah she does she does rolling something so well if in doubt she has a kitchen towel she uses yes we fight over that towel i don't know well she talks the same way as i do mrs hughes i guess a bit although i think she's from argyll i decided i don't think anyone's going to debate that with you guys and like you she's always um you're at home you're always sorting out sheets and blankets yeah i know your house is is busier than downton abbey well mrs hughes has a lovely warmth which you have as well really you know the thing about me have always having guests that has i've got nobody to delegate whereas mrs hughes delegates to all in sundry all she does is you know pass out our orders and look you know with a clipboard sometimes looks efficient because you don't actually physically do anything whereas i'm slaving away like a mad thing well i can read so that's the difference um i have to be very patient with sophie and daisy so that's a similarity i felt a lot of similarity similarities to andy when he first came in to the house because he's quite nervous and daunted by characters like mr carson and having to show respect to barrow and stuff i felt like that was quite easy to connect to andy because it was like literally the same feeling as coming into this huge thing i think our dynamic with each other is probably really similar to our status dynamic in the house like i feel like the baby well we all when it started we all deferred to jim to start this conversation here's to the triumph of downton and my beautiful wife oh here's to all of you who fought it off here's to mr carson for swallowing his principles i sure sleep a wink tonight let's hear it for the king and queen i think we left the television series when there was still a desire for it to carry on but it was the right time you always leave people wanting more which i think we did so um you know as witness the the continual outcry from the media from the fans for a film i hope that they love it um you know i hope it gives them what they want and their excitement is uh you know is fulfilled for them i think we're in with a chance [Music] you
Channel: MovieBestBits
Views: 511,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: downton abbey, downton abbey 2019, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville, Laura Carmichael, Jim Carter, Imelda Staunto, behind the scenes, movies, laura carmichael, downton abbey cast, making of, celebrity interviews, downton abbey (tv program), downton abbey movie, downton abbey theme, downton abbey 2019 behind the scenes, downton abbey 2019 extras, downton abbey 2019 movie behind the scenes, downton abbey 2019 movie interviews, downton abbey movie 2019 extras
Id: UlUr3xHatpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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