<i>(Sergio) I think
I found something.</i> <i>- (Rhoda) What did you find?
- (Sergio) No way!</i> <i>Wow!</i> <i>Man, 2,000 years
and this could be the thing.</i> Wait! It's something
big and it's huge. <i>It's like a square
and it's a rock.</i> <i>This could be a temple rock.</i> <i>You know, if they...
The synagogue is right there,</i> <i>so if the they took it
by the boat or something,</i> <i>they dropped it, I don't know,
used it as an anchor.</i> <i>I don't know, but this is huge!</i> <i>Wait a second.</i> <i>(Rhoda) Get it out. Get it out.</i> <i>Oh.</i> <i>(Sergio) Oh.</i> <i>That's concrete.</i> ♪ (music) ♪ ♪ (music) ♪ <i>(Rhoda) Today,
we are visiting Magdala,</i> <i>the town of Mary Magdalene.</i> <i>Archaeologists have evidence
that Magdala was, in fact,</i> <i>a town on the regularly
traveled path to Capernaum</i> <i>which Jesus and many others
would have taken.</i> A 1st century Jewish town from the times of Jesus. <i>That's right.</i> They excavated
this place in 2009, so just a few years ago. <i>We've got mikvehs,
ritual baths, rooms,</i> <i>almost a full city excavated
only a few years ago.</i> <i>This has been buried
for 2,000 years.</i> <i>Quite incredible.</i> <i>So the mikvehs,
you go down on one side,</i> <i>you bathe in the water,
you get purified,</i> <i>and then you walk out.</i> <i>Usually, for the more fancy ones,
they have two sets of stairs</i> <i>so you can walk out
and you don't touch</i> <i>a defiled person on the way out.</i> <i>Unless, it's a private one,
they you're not</i> <i>in fear of colliding
with somebody who is defiled.</i> <i>So you would go down defiled,</i> <i>get purified in the water,
come out clean.</i> <i>Here, they also found the most
ancient synagogue in Galilee.</i> <i>And take a look
at how well-preserved</i> <i>all the artifacts are.</i> <i>(Rhoda) These ruins
were actually discovered</i> <i>by the Pontifical Institute
of Notre Dame</i> <i>as a result of
a project construction</i> <i>of pilgrim accommodations
and a sanctuary.</i> <i>The sanctuary is two floors high</i> <i>and is divided into
a few spaces.</i> <i>A beautiful entrance hall
decorated with eight pillars</i> <i>devoted for the female
disciples of Jesus then and now.</i> <i>This hall is surrounded
by four smaller sanctuary rooms,</i> <i>with mosaics on the wall.</i> <i>Although on site</i> <i>there is an original
1st century synagogue,</i> <i>yet, they have built
a replica one</i> <i>on the bottom floor
that can be used.</i> <i>The main sanctuary
has a unique altar</i> <i>shaped as a 1st century
fishing boat</i> <i>with a gorgeous view
of the Sea of Galilee behind it.</i> <i>The setting takes us
back to the time</i> <i>when Jesus preached
from the boat.</i> So, according to the tradition, the most important
economic activity in Magdala, during the 1st century,
was fishing. Flavius Josephus,
the historian from that time, mentions that there was
a large fleet of boats right in the harbor of Magdala. And it's interesting
because you're saying: Well, where is the water?
Right? If this is the harbor,
where is the water? Well, today,
the level of the lake is the lowest since the 1920s. There were years when the lake
was much higher than today, and the water
would come much closer, <i>all the way up to here.</i> <i>But nowadays,</i> we have to walk quite a distance
to get to the water, which is exactly what
we're going to do right now. See that tree line? That's where the water
used to be three years ago. And today, we have to walk quite far
to get to the water, <i>which can only mean one thing:</i> <i>That potentially we could
find some excavations</i> <i>revealed by all this dry land.</i> Well, this is the Sea of Galilee at its lowest point since 1920, exposing shores that
haven't been walked upon since about a hundred years ago. <i>Pretty cool.</i> <i>(Sergio) Do you see any
archaeological findings?</i> <i>- (Rhoda) Not yet.
- (Sergio) Wait, wait. What is this?</i> <i>Babe, I found something.</i> <i>(Rhoda) What is it?</i> So, if you have
any idea what this is, leave a comment below
and tell us. It doesn't look that old because I don't see
that much corrosion. <i>So, we've got something here.</i> <i>This looks like
a shoe from the...</i> <i>(Rhoda yells)</i> <i>What?</i> <i>- (Rhoda) I found something!
- (Sergio) Where? Where?</i> <i>(Rhoda) What is it?</i> <i>- (Sergio) No way!
- (Rhoda) What is it?</i> <i>It looks pretty cool.</i> <i>(Sergio) So there is the chain.</i> <i>It's really small.</i> <i>(Rhoda) Wow.</i> So maybe it's been here
for a long time. So, we're walking in the water that Jesus walked <i>on</i>
2,000 years ago. <i>I found something!</i> <i>I think this is ancient Greek.</i> <i>It's Timberland, babe!</i> Do you see how still it is? I mean, there is not even
one single wave or... Like, the only movement
is what we are doing here. It's so still. And yet, imagine the story of this being in complete
uproar and a storm. I have a friend, Yossi,
who told me a story. He used to work in Tiberias. He never believed this lake
could have those giant waves, as in the story with Jesus, until he saw them for himself. And he described them
really, really big. And I've seen some
high waves out here as well. So, we found this rock
in the Lake of Galilee. If you would like this rock, comment below and tell us:
I want this rock, and we'll ship it to you
by the Israeli post mail. It's not that heavy,
about half a pound, so it should get there. It might take a while,
but it'll get there. Just do not include your email
or address in the comment lest you get lots of spam mail. - And stalkers.
- And stalkers. What if five people
say they want it? That's a good one. So, the first person
to make the comment "I want this rock" will get it. <i>No, this is nothing.</i> <i>You guys, tell me
what you think.</i> <i>It's not what
you think, you guys.</i> <i>This is not trespassing,
this is...</i> <i>(Rhoda) Sergio is trespassing.</i> <i>(Sergio) In Israel, signs
are merely recommendations,</i> <i>so it's more like
for goats not to go in.</i> <i>That there...</i> <i>(sighs)</i> <i>(Rhoda) What did you just do?</i> <i>Confess your actions.</i> Uh... that was a private territory,
so I had to get out. (distant metal clunk)
I did a good... thing. Elijah. Elijah? <i>(Rhoda) Babe, what if
somebody lives in there?</i> Moishe? Moishe? He's not home. We'll try him next time. <i>(Rhoda) What if we
encounter a sinkhole?</i> Keep moving. <i>Jump.</i> Good job, girl!