Tabernacle of Moses Replica in Timna Park

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we continue our travels in the Israeli Negev desert and today we're visiting the team in the park it is one of the largest attractions in the south what a beautiful valley I've never seen anything like this before it is full of amazing history from the time of King Solomon to the Egyptian pharaohs today we will see incredible formations that is really cool so unique visit the ancient copper mines they're mine you can see it's covered with sand climb solomon's pillars and is the best part we're going to visit a life-size replica of the tabernacle a tent that got instructed Moses to build in order to have a transportable sanctuary during the exodus from Egypt to the promised land of Israel all this and much more in today's episode of surgeon Rhoda in Israel [Music] [Music] are you excited jinda park is located just about 20 miles north of the city of Eilat and it is easily accessible from the main road oh look look at the colors of these mountains and how massive they are the dinner arc is very large so it's recommended to have a car to explore it our first stop is to check out a very uncommon stone formation called the mushroom the mushroom is an unusual formation it is made of the red sends down a very soft rock and so over centuries the wind humidity and water erosion formed this mushroom shaped formation this is really cool it's so unique a lot of beautiful valley I've never seen anything like this before no we had no idea what this bark is gonna look like but now that we're here the first impression is Wow in the vicinity of this formation archaeologists found ancient copper ore mining sites [Music] [Applause] this site serves as one of the most important archaeological windows into the history of copper mining and production so these are vertical mining shafts right now it's covered with sand but it feels deeper in there they're chisel marks they would use chisels copper chisels to get copper out here this is one of the oldest copper mines in the world telling copper gets in contact with air it starts oxidizing and goes green so it's so easy to spot copper here look you see this right here it's all green in the sides and if you walk you see green patches and that's where you know you can start mining for copper that's what we see those vertical shafts of copper lines so cool these are the ancient copper mines let's go take a look babe these are ladders no way nope Wow this looks like there would be steps and you can just scroll up oh you cannot curl up I'm sorry man you know I definitely can you can but you mean so this part has been through much controversy over its name and it's dating when Nelson glueck first excavated this place in 1930s he claimed that the date of the site goes back to the King Solomon and that brought a lot of attention to this location ironically 30 years after nelson's discoveries additional excavation projects took place and they dated aside to 300 years before King Solomon was even born they said this place does not belong to King Solomon it goes way back way earlier but just recently in 2008 renewed archeological excavations found something really cool they performed high precision radiocarbon dating on organic samples of the site and it showed that the side does date back to the time of King Solomon so we go from the 30s hey this is the King Solomon site to the 60s no it's not to today yes King Solomon was here in these copper mines a significant amount of ancient artwork can be seen in plain sight so up there on that mountain are the drawings from 12 to 14th century BC they're fighting animals oh this is bow and spear or bow and arrow sorry so what I'm touching here are actually replicas but the real ones are here on the walls in its original form from its original time it's really unbelievable they saw the hunting type excess they depict hunting eye boxes and ostriches with lasso and boomerang the hunters are native of the Negev mountains and they worked here in Timna in the copper mines back at that time incredible it blows my mind to think that the work of someone's hands left three thousand-year-old Trace and it just reminds me that what I do today and what I say today can leave an eternal impact for the good or for the bad [Applause] next we're driving to the most impressive formation in this park it's called the Salomon pillars so these are natural sandstone structures and they were formed throughout centuries by water corrosion wow so massive look at them they're incredible these pillars were named Solomon pillars by Nelson gluing who performed the initial excavations in the 1930s in this area get a hold of much longer so it's a pretty recent name you just saved the whole pillar from falling thank you for your service number two don't go running up so well Sergio's running around in the mountains I've decided to check out this ancient Egyptian temple at the bottom of the cliff according to excavations this used to be a shrine of hey Thor an Egyptian goddess of mining and then in later period it became a shrine for the Midianites their key ologists found here a large number of beautifully decorated pottery and metal jewelry these were most likely gifts brought by the Midianites for the shrine however one of the most significant finds was a copper snake with gilded head it is strikingly similar to the copper serpent described in the Book of Numbers the evidence for Midianite culture found here in this side is of extraordinary importance you see in Exodus 18 the Bible says that Moses went with jethro a high priest of Midian that means that there had been a median presence here and this site not only proves that but also paints a better picture of the median culture and their activity in this region how do you are up there so I can run up and there's so much excitement I had so much fun and you're running and you're full of energy like this is easy then you get to the top then your lungs get cut up and they get like oh what did you think who are you thinking running up there you're not trained for this for our last and final stop today we are heading to a very unique attraction when I read the book of Exodus I always imagined that because of millions of Israelites going through the desert that the tabernacle would have been very very large it would have been giant so the priest would be able to perform their Levitical duties this tent is actually built according to the exact size given by God himself to Moses as it is written in the book of Exodus the size in the Bible is given in ancient biblical cubit measurement and most scholars agree that it should be around 75 feet wide and 150 feet long and out we're here and I'm seeing the life-size tabernacle I can't believe my eyes the tabernacle is not as giant as always pictured it it's actually more of a size of an Olympic pool if you think about it it makes perfect sense of course they needed to take it down tear it in the desert and then put it back up it just wouldn't make sense to build something a size of a Herod's second temple and then keep on taking it down and putting it back up well in a desert I've just never given a proper thought and I'm so glad that I can see it now so the next time I read the text in exodus account I properly able to imagine how it looked like so the visual always gives that benefit and I'm so glad I was able to see this it's awesome walking into this tent seeing the artifacts touching them it does help me understand of the physical specifications that God instructed the Israelites to build but it doesn't explain why why is the veil there why was it blue purple and scarlet why did God instruct to have Brad on the table at all times why were there two cherubim on the ark God gave so many meticulous details and they all have very important purpose and great symbolism in Exodus chapter 40 God instructed Moses the exact order in which this tabernacle should be set up every time they take it down and move it to a new place and the order was pretty simple after the Ark of the Covenant and the veil was in place they were to put the table of showbread then the menorah then the screen door to the tent and here's what's striking in the book of John Jesus proclaimed himself in the exact same order that matches these elements I am the bread of life I am the light of the world I am the door it's an incredible match but it doesn't stop here there are seven I am proclamations and they all follow the exact same pattern as the tabernacle set up and the thing is Jesus did not say these things in one sentence between each I am there was days months and when John wrote them down it's also than the same verse that spread out through chapters and so this order was there but far as we know nobody's ever found before this is very recent this was found just a couple of years ago so this means this pattern couldn't have been contrived and it means that it could have not been there by chance so if you're interested to know more about the tabernacle its significance and the symbolism you should watch this study by Charlie Garrett the link is in the description of this video below I have heard that this place has a crafts corner where you can fill out a bottle of colorful sand and take it back home with you okay so when you come to Timna Park you get a little bottle so you could do your own sand art and get colorful sands to layer it's so cool that's what we're gonna do now now yellow yeah I think you have to hold them at like an angle I don't especially love crafts maybe some things but this thing with the sand it's pretty cool I like doing that that's enough crafts for today there you go and looks like a Jamaican flag that's awesome it's your time if you enjoyed this episode and you like this type of nature check out our other videos about this region in this area also the Dead Sea a lot the many many more and also subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you will be notified when we release a new video also comment below and tell us what you think of this one alright let's head out let's head out not by walk you should go by car right
Channel: Sergio & Rhoda in Israel
Views: 158,856
Rating: 4.9340692 out of 5
Keywords: Sergio and Rhoda, Israel, Travel, Bible, Travel in Israel, Israel Tour, Tabernacle, Timna, Timna Valley, Timna Park, The Tabernacle, Negev
Id: 0fcUVe6S4vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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