Driving from Hermon to Dead Sea via Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea

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So here we are, we're in Mount Hermon, the northest point of Israel. We're going to start here and try to attempt to make it all the way to the Dead Sea within five hours, and drive through five different ecosystems. We're going to put a timer and I'm going to set it on five hours, and see if we can actually make it within five hours, seeing all the scenery, making stops, food, and everything. If you're up for the challenge, keep watching this video. ♪ (music) ♪ (Rhoda) <i>We will start at the snowy ski resort of Mount Hermon,</i> <i>drive through Galilee to the Mediterranean Sea,</i> <i>then take a turn southeast, drive through the Judean Hills,</i> <i>transition into the desert,</i> <i>and then end up at the lowest place on earth,</i> <i>the Dead Sea.</i> <i>A total of 250 miles.</i> (Sergio) We've been waiting for a day like this for quite a while because you see, the conditions have to be just right. It's got to be warm enough down south so we can go the beach, it's got to be freezing cold up north for the snow to stay, it's got to be a clear sunny day so we have good visibility, and there should be no traffic. (Rhoda) Yeah, and days like these are so rare, but today seems to be that day. That's awesome. Buckle up because we're going to attempt to drive through five different ecosystems, go from 30 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit within five hours. - High five. - We can do this. (Rhoda laughs) (Sergio) We got out very early in the morning because it's going to take us about two hours to get to Mount Hermon, and then another half an hour to an hour to wait in the ski resort entrance because there's usually a lot of traffic there-- all of Israel wants to go and ski-- so it's going to take us about three hours just to get to our starting point. And then, we're going to get out as early as possible from there, so we can make it on time all the way through Israel to the Dead Sea. ♪ (music) ♪ All right. Here we are. Just arrived. That took us almost an hour. - Just in line. - In line. So an hour just in the line. Not a good way to start a cross-Israel drive. (Rhoda) No. We'll see. ♪ (Ziv Moran, "Up On the Rooftop") ♪ (Rhoda) It's hard. It's like the salt crystals at the Dead Sea. ♪ (music) ♪ (laughs) (Sergio) It's beautiful, it's a nice day, it's freezing cold. (Rhoda) But it's beautiful. The last time we were here, it was foggy, we couldn't see anything, remember? Yeah. Now, it's beautiful, and what do you want to do? Just go to warmer weather. Oh, let's do it. ♪ (music) ♪ (Rhoda) Let's go far. All right. (Rhoda) Getting hot, huh? It's kind of warm in the car, and I'm going to start getting ready for warmer weather. Let's do this. It's almost freezing outside but because of the hot sun, Sergio has the air-conditioning on. It's a psychological thing. ♪ (Jay Denton, "Moving On") ♪ (Sergio) <i>Since we got to an early start,</i> <i>we decided to grab some pita at the local food truck.</i> ♪ (music) ♪ Wow, it's cinnamon tea. It's so good. Okay, this is a very special oven that has this shape, and they put the very thin dough on it, very thin pita, and then they put it on it, it bakes, and then they spread cheese, zaatar, and spice, and all kinds of things, hummus if you want, and then they wrap it up, so it's like a wrap. It's called a Druze pita. (speaking Hebrew) (Rhoda) It's so, so good. It's one of the best up here, and when you are in this area in Hermon, that's the best where you get it. (Sergio) Thank you very much. (speaking Hebrew) Oh, wow. - Mm. - (Rhoda) Wow. Oh, wow. Mm. - This is amazing. - (Sergio) This is delicious. Mm. This is really good. ♪ (music) ♪ (Sergio) We just left Mount Hermon, which is forest. In the north of Israel, you got those cliffs, mountains, rocks, it's beautiful, it's very unique to Israel. It's like nowhere else, right? Israel, it's so unique. We've driven only about an hour and the scenery is already quite different-- green fields, it's beautiful. It's like Switzerland this time of year in March, so it's gorgeous. Lots of green trees. ♪ (music) ♪ (Sergio) <i>After driving for an hour,</i> <i>we have finally made it to the Galileee Mountains.</i> Park anywhere. Go. (Sergio) Wow, look at this. So cool. It's so warm already. It's like we've just driven like an hour - and-- - Yeah. We don't need hats, we don't need gloves, and even this seems too hot. (Sergio) Wow, and it's like we're in the Galilee right now. And it's so beautiful green with flowers-- it's March. It's like rolling green fields. It's beautiful. ♪ (music) ♪ Oh, wow. Hello. (Rhoda) Wait, if that's a bull, don't go there. (Sergio) All right. I think we're at a good time here. I think we've seen enough. Yep, that's it. You want to continue? Yeah, let's go to the beach. Caesarea. Let's do it. ♪ (music) ♪ (engine revving) We're now driving in Caesarea, which is a two-hour drive from Mount Hermon up north where we've been, and it's a completely different ecosystem. It's by the sea, we're about 30 degrees Fahrenheit higher now. It's incredible. (Rhoda) We can walk on the dunes. So we're just waiting. (Sergio) All right. Wow, that's a good temperature change. Well, I came in ready. All right, let's go. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ (Sergio) Well, here we are at the beach. And it's a beautiful day. And there are even some people swimming out there, look at that. (Rhoda) One or two brave people. (waves crashing) (Sergio) Oh, absolutely marvelous. Just turquoise water. I can't believe we just came out of the snow-capped mountains of Hermon, and a few hours later, my feet are in the Mediterranean Ocean. It's warm, it's nice, it's a beautiful day. Wow. It's a sea. Ocean? (chuckles) (laughter) ♪ <i>Why would you look outside yourself</i> ♪ ♪ <i>When you have all of the world inside</i> ♪ ♪ <i>One, two, three, four</i> ♪ (Sergio) <i>Being refreshed by the Mediterranean breeze,</i> <i>warm weather and good company,</i> <i>we are ready to leave Caesarea,</i> <i>cross the heart of the country, and head to the valley rich in fig trees</i> <i>mentioned in the Bible as the Shfela, the lowlands,</i> <i>but also known as the Judean Foothills.</i> ♪ <i>(Rodello's Machine, "The World Inside")</i> ♪ ♪ <i>Your heart is a sun and it shines</i> ♪ ♪ <i>As it opens</i> ♪ ♪ <i>Your heart is a sun and it shines</i> ♪ ♪ <i>As it opens</i> ♪ Wow, these are just beautiful. Rolling green hills-- just gorgeous. ♪ <i>Your heart is a sun</i> ♪ Wow, this is just so beautiful. I'm going to try to make a stop right here. ♪ <i>Yeah, your bones are the earth</i> ♪ ♪ <i>And they sing with the mountains</i> ♪ ♪ <i>Yeah, your bones are the earth</i> ♪ ♪ <i>And they sing</i> ♪ (Sergio) Look at that. It's so beautiful. It's so different! (Rhoda) This morning, we had boots on, and now, we have flip-flops, and it's very, very nice. And you have shorts. And just like we were at the snow, at the beach, sand dune, and now we've got those beautiful, green rolling hills. I think I'm going to have to come out on to the small road, start driving on this. ♪ <i>Why would you look outside yourself</i> ♪ ♪ <i>When you have all of the world inside</i> ♪ ♪ <i>Yeah your mind is a space</i> ♪ We got the Mega America B-- Mega Big America. All right. (Rhoda) Are you ready to eat? Yes. ♪ <i>Yeah your mind is a space</i> ♪ <i>Why McDonald's?</i> Because in Israel, of all the fast foods, McDonald's was rated to be the highest quality meat. But only in Israel-- I don't know about other countries. In Israel, this is the highest quality fast food. It's right. Except shawarmas, but I don't see that in... fast food. I feel shawarmas is more of a quality meal. (Sergio) <i>Within just a few miles,</i> <i>the landscape of the green pastures turned into yellow sand and rocks.</i> <i>As we transitioned from the Judean Foothills</i> <i>to the Negev desert and the Dead Sea.</i> ♪ <i>...feel it</i> ♪ ♪ <i>It's no surprise</i> ♪ We're now at the sea level. We just saw a sign that says, "You're at the sea level," which means we've descended 1,500 feet. And we've got another 1,500 feet to go. ♪ (music) ♪ (engine revving) ♪ <i>Why would you look outside yourself</i> ♪ ♪ <i>When you have all of the world inside</i> ♪ (indicator clicking) (bird calling) (Rhoda) Let's go stand in the sun. ♪ (music) ♪ (birds calling) (Sergio) Wow, this is beautiful. Can you imagine, we were in snow this morning? Yes. Had boots on and jackets. It's like we went through different climates almost. ♪ (music) ♪ Don't go too far. Wow. Look at the Dead Sea. ♪ (music) ♪ (Sergio) By the way, down this cliff is an awesome fortress called Zohar. We made an episode about it, so if you haven't seen it, go to the description of this video and check it out-- it's really cool. (Rhoda) Come back here. ♪ (music) ♪ (Rhoda) All right, to the Dead Sea. Ready? (Sergio) Oh, I'm ready. ♪ (relaxed music) ♪ Okay, it's time to upgrade to the next level of climate. I'm ready. ♪ (music) ♪ I can't believe this. We made it. (Rhoda chuckles) We made it. What? ♪ (music) ♪ This is... (laughs) I feel like collapsing on the beach right now and just... - So tired. - Yes! Just a few hours ago, we were in the snow. (Rhoda) Yeah, it's crazy. (Sergio) And now, we are in the Dead Sea, in the salt, in the hot bay, it's like, it's so hot. Wow. (Rhoda) How does it feel? It feels refreshing. (Rhoda) Is it nice? It's very nice. I feel like I'm just going to... (laughs) - float up. - (Rhoda) Is it warm? It's not that, it's wonderful. I think we can definitely make it if it's like the middle of the day, - it's perfect. - (Rhoda) Yeah? Okay. Yeah. (Rhoda) Sounds good. ♪ <i>Oh Lord I see what brings me here</i> ♪ (Sergio) Well, there you have it, folks. We did it, and we did it in how long? (Sergio) Six hours and seven minutes. (Rhoda) That's awesome. It's not five, but we also stopped for filming, and launching drone, and all that. So for you, if you don't have to do that, it'll take much shorter, and you will enjoy a beautiful drive, wasn't it? - Wasn't it beautiful? - Incredible. I can't believe we were in the snow this morning, and now we're here. I know. (Sergio) <i>As we come to an end of our journey,</i> <i>we realize the meaning behind the beautiful geography of this land.</i> ♪ <i>It's a mother to all my wanderings</i> ♪ <i>It all starts at the highest mountain</i> <i>that seems like it's just hanging in the heavens.</i> <i>Its peak is covered with pure white snow,</i> <i>which melts, descends, and forms the Jordan river flow.</i> (water gushing) <i>Most of its activity is in the region of the Galilee,</i> <i>yet its goodness extends to the whole land,</i> <i>from the river to the sea.</i> <i>In fact, life in Israel would not be possible</i> <i>without the fresh water of this river.</i> <i>It runs through the entire country,</i> <i>a true life-giver,</i> <i>nourishing plants,</i> <i>animals,</i> <i>and man.</i> <i>But at the end of its road, the Jordan pours itself unto the Dead Sea,</i> <i>and this fresh cleansing water dies.</i> <i>It's a neat picture for us to see.</i> <i>For salt has another interesting purpose,</i> <i>it preserves the waters from decay.</i> <i>Whatever enters it, sees no corruption,</i> <i>waiting for that appointed day.</i> <i>A coming time in human history,</i> <i>when the living water that entered this salty sea,</i> <i>from the state of death, it will revive,</i> <i>and once again, living water, it will be.</i> ♪ (music fades) ♪
Channel: Sergio & Rhoda in Israel
Views: 163,283
Rating: 4.9628172 out of 5
Keywords: Sergio and Rhoda, Israel, Travel, SuperiorWord Church, Prophecy Update, Bible, Travel in Israel, Israel Tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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