Sodom & Gomorrah Location, New Archaeological Discoveries, Example of Coming Judgement, Abraham, Lot

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[Music] um [Music] welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of sodom and gomorrah i have to tell you i have been waiting a long time to do this video this is absolutely staggering we've traveled the holy land these are the believe sites of sodom and gomorrah there is some discrepancy as to where they might be but the evidence is so overwhelming that right here this is where sodom and gomorrah is i have been absolutely impacted and impressed by this it's just i mean right now i just feel just a sense of awe over me right now as we're here and as we go through this video you're going to see some amazing things you're going to see some sobering things we're going to talk about the evidences of why we're in the biblical sodom and gomorrah and you're going to see some scripture as to what god did here and how sodom gomorrah is a future looking forward to god's judgment to come so follow along uh enjoy yourself sit back this can be a little longer video than normal this is going to be a touching video so the actual location as we mentioned is a little bit disputed but there is growing evidence that these locations are sodom and gomorrah we're going to look at the evidence and then we're going to look at some scripture so josephus a jewish historian writing around the time of christ said during his time that you could still see the evidence as you can still see sodom gomorrah clearly that they were still visible now we have to understand that sodom and gomorrah existed about 4 000 years ago so 2 000 years after sodom and gomorrah were destroyed josephus writes you could still see the cities visibly so we're now we're 2 000 years beyond that but we also have to understand that when god destroyed sodom and gomorrah and it appears to be the surrounding cities in this dead sea region that he reduced them to ashes now what we can see here is a lot of brimstone here in this area so i'm going to talk about some of the evidences so josefa says he could see the cities clearly they have discovered in these areas a brimstone and they're like balls and this brimstone is totally different than any other place on the planet most other brimstone and i should mention brimstone is synonymous with sulfur so brimstone is kind of the old word for sulfur so we have found sulfur balls all over in these city areas here and it's unlike any other sulfur on the planet as i mentioned they're white and they are about 90 to almost 100 percent pure so you can light them with a match and they burn this deep blue yellowish color just burning the rocks it's just almost solid sulfur now most sulfur found around the world is greenish and runs about 40 to 50 percent in sulfur purity so we have these sulfur balls here that are unique they're round and they are almost pure sulfur and they're white like any other place on the planet as we mentioned also archaeologists have discovered in these areas around sodom and gomorrah about 1.5 to 5 million bodies in graves in these areas around sodom and gomorrah that tells us that this area was densely populated also we know when god destroyed sodom and gomorrah he sent fire so i'm sure there was a lot of tumult and buildings falling down and stuff like that i should also mention that these sulfur balls are not found in between the city so you can see these cities of sodom and gomorrah and these other places we're going to show you like zor they're whitish in color they're a high content of ash they're unlike the surrounding area unlike the surrounding uh terrain so actually this sodom and gomorrah gomorrah is more located at the base of masada sodom is a little bit farther south as we'll show you these so you can see all this white ash and you can see it just crumbles in your hands it just it's really an amazing product well here we are up close to one of these structures here and i just wanted to show you what this stuff looks like i won't touch it a whole bunch but i'm going to reach down here and just grab this loose stuff and i'm telling you it's just it's ash it looks just like ash it just clutters away like ash and it just it's just really soft and you can just see these layers up in here and this ash stuff here and it looks like right here you can't really see it looks like there's one of the holes where the sulfur bowls have been in two so anyway just wanted to show you up close here just kind of how it looks so it says in second peter 2 6 and if he condemned the cities of sodom and gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter so it says here that god reduced sodom and gomorrah to ashes and that's what you see here in these areas and i just can't imagine being here in this area and the living here when god destroyed sodom gomorrah with these sulfur balls and this fire and we'll see more in scripture how abraham looked down from up above probably up above towards the negev looked down and he could see the cities of sodom and gomorrah in the valley just a furnace and in flames so once again there's just a lot of ash right here now what we also see is we see a lot of interesting formations that just aren't normal so when you look around you drive around you see square angles you see things that looks like sphinxes things that look like pyramids you just it just looks like buildings they're they're just indescribable they just don't fit in so it just seems to be that they are ancient cities and that they were the ones that god talked about that he destroyed with fire and brimstone now interestingly the material of these formations is calcium sulfate which is what limestone and sulfur turn into when heated so the building main building product in israel was limestone so when limestone is heated up to an extreme temperature and mixed with sulfur it turns into calcium sulfate and that's exactly what these formations are made up of now also there is charcoal in the layers of these formations ashes charcoal black charcoal ash layers things like that that would talk about extreme heat and fire now all this evidence just seems to point to the fact that these were the ancient cities of sodom and gomorrah also i should mention there is no geothermal activity in these areas and that means volcanoes things like that so there's no volcanoes nothing to explain this ash there's calcium sulfate this charcoal these formations that they're just undescribable and as i mentioned there's these unexplained shapes that look like buildings sphinxes pyramids palaces it's just amazing to see now the thought of god raining down fire and brimstone upon these cities and the peoples in this area is staggering and it gives me chills up and down my spine as i think about it it was just an oven and once again god destroyed sodom and gomorrah as it says in first peter as an example for those who would come to warn us of the judgment of god god is a loving god he is a merciful god but he will met out justice he will pour out his wrath on a world and on on a person and people who reject him and turn their back to him now we're going to look at some scripture here so follow along it's absolutely breathtaking as we look at this now i should mention that before god destroyed sodom and gomorrah and the surrounding cities this area was a well-watered lush and green valley it says in genesis 13 10 lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the valley of the jordan that it was well watered everywhere this was before the lord destroyed sodom and gomorrah like the garden of the lord like the land of egypt as you go towards zors it was very lush like the garden of the lord imagery like it was the garden of eden now today because of the destruction of sodom and gomorrah this area is a wasteland where nothing grows so not only did god destroy the people here but the land as well however in ezekiel 47 7-9 god speaks of how during the millennial reign of christ on earth after christ comes back at the end of the great tribulation that god will cause a massive river from jerusalem to flow down through the dead sea area and it will return to how it was before god destroyed it now god told abraham through two angels his plan to destroy sodom and gomorrah and this and some of the surrounding cities so it says in genesis 18 and the lord said the outcry of sodom and gomorrah is indeed great and their sin is exceedingly grave i will go down now and see if they have done entirely according to this outcry which has come to me and if not i will know so god obviously knew everything that was happening but he is talking he's going to send some angels down to actually see and let them witness and and in essence allow the sodomites and and and these people to expose their sin so god's really going down to expose them and to show them his justice in destroying them now abraham pleaded with god to spare the cities because of those who might be righteous living in them so abraham tried to persuade god not to destroy these cities but it says in genesis 18 32 and he said god speaking i will not destroy it on account of the ten as soon as he had finished speaking to abraham the lord departed and abraham returned to his place so you probably remember if you don't abraham and god had a discussion and abraham kept saying if there's 50 if there's 40 if there's 30 if there's 20. finally got down to 10 god says even if there's 10 i won't destroy sodom and gomorrah and some of the surrounding cities and there were thousands if not hundreds of thousands possibly millions of people in this whole area that god destroyed and god could not find 10 righteous people so the wickedness of sodom and gomorrah is revealed so in genesis 13 it says now the men of sodom were wicked exceedingly and sinners against the lord so when god speaks of sodom and gomorrh he's going to speak more of sodom but it refers also to gomorrah and some of the other surrounding areas we believe so in genesis 19 we pick up the story and we see about these angels that come down amazing now the two angels came to sodom in the evening as lot was sitting in the gate of sodom when lot saw them he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground and he said now behold my lords please turn aside into your servant's house and spend the night and wash your feet then you may rise early and go on your way they said however no but we shall spend the night in the square yet he urged them strongly so they turned aside to him and entered his house and he prepared a feast for them and baked unleavened bread and they ate before they laid down in order to go to sleep before they lay down the men of the city and the men of sodom surrounded the house both young and old all the people from every quarter and they called to lot and said to him so we have a mass gathering of people from all over sodom and they amass and they come at lot's door and they say where are the men who came to you tonight bring them out to us that we may have relations with them talking about homosexuality talking about men lying with men a perverse sin now some people and today we're living in a day when a lot of people are trying to explain the way that homosexuality is a sin this makes it very clear that homosexuality is a grave sin and was the main reason why god destroyed sodom and gomorrah now there were other reasons as well they were wicked in other areas stealing corruption but it was the homosexuality was what brought the barometer up to a point where god decided to step in and i believe that a homosexuality in a culture is a measuring thermometer so to speak of when god has enough when sin reaches such a grave area a grave level that he just decides to step in so the main reason why god destroyed sodom and gomorrah and some of the surrounding cities was because of homosexuality so these men wanted to have sexual relations with these angels they didn't know that they were angels they just thought they were regular men these angels disguised themselves as men they wanted to have sexual relations with them homosexuality and lot says please my brothers do not act wickedly homosexuality is acting wickedly now behold i have two daughters who have not had relations with man otherwise not we're still virgins please let me bring them out to you and do to them whatever you like only do nothing to these men inasmuch as they have come under the shelter of my roof but they said this is the whole mass of people outside lot's door trying to break in to have relations homosexuality relations with these two angels but they said stand aside furthermore they said this one came in as an alien now they're gonna mock a lot for being a foreigner this one came in as an alien and already he is acting like a judge now we will treat you worse than them so you can just see the wickedness of these men it's like they're just going to barge in get lot out of the way and they're going to have sexual relations with these visitors so it appears it was just this homosexuality was just rampant so they pressed hard against lot and came near to break down the doors they were breaking in but the men two angels reached out their hands and brought lot into the house with them and shut the door they struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness both small and great so we're talking about all levels of people and appears even lower ages young young men as well involved in this so that they weary themselves trying to find the doorway so now god is going to warn lot and his family to get out and flee because god now is going to be justified in destroying sodom and gomorrah the sin is evident it's come to a fruition and so he's going to step in so in genesis 19 it says then the two men said to lot whom else do you have here a son-in-law and your sons and your daughters and whomever you have in the city bring them out of the place for we are about to destroy this place because their outcry has become so great before the lord that the lord has sent us to destroy it lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law who were to marry his daughters they were engaged and said up get out of this place for the lord will destroy the city but he appeared to his sons in law to be just jesting just joking that's how they viewed it when morning dawned the angels urged lot up take your wife and your two daughters who are here or you will be swept away in the punishment of the city but he hesitated lot hesitated he did not want to really obey he did not want to follow it appears that lot's wife they were just in love with the city lights of sodom and gomorrah and did not want to leave it says he hesitated so the men these are the angels seized his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters for the compassion of the lord was upon him and they brought them out and put him outside the city so the angels had to literally drag lot and his family out to save them and then they say escape for your life do not look behind you and do not stay anywhere in the valley escape to the mountains or you will be swept away and so now we're going to see god destroying sodom and gomorrah and it's a staggering picture in genesis 19 it continues the sun had risen over the earth when lot came to zore now zoro is south of sodom in the valley still so lot did not obey he had to be drug out of the city of sodom and then he just goes up south maybe 15 20 miles to zore and then he he stays there but now he is going to flee a little bit later you're going to see it because he's going to see what's going to happen so he changes his mind lot does and flees for the hills then it says the sun had risen over the earth when lot came to zoro just mentioned that then the lord rained on sodom and gomorrah brimstone and fire once again brimstone is another word for the modern day sulfur and he overthrew those cities and all the valley and all the inhabitants of the cities and what grew on the ground so god just wipes everything out sending down fire and brimstone raining it down upon sodom and gomorrah but his wife from behind him looked back and she became a pillar of salt now abraham arose early in the morning and went to the place where he had stood before the lord and he looked down towards sodom and gomorrah so abraham's up above probably in the negev looking down there's a steep drop as you go down into the jordan rift valley and he could see from up above sodom and gomorrah being destroyed and says the whole valley was just like a furnace of fire and he looked down towards sodom and gomorrah and toward all the land of the valley and he saw and behold the smoke of the land ascended like the smoke of a furnace thus it came about when god destroyed the cities of the valley that god remembered abraham and sent lot out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the cities in which lot lived now the destruction of sodom and gomorrah is used all throughout the bible as an example of what god is going to do to the ungodly moses used them as warnings for future generations of the israelites it says in deuteronomy 29 all this land is brimstone and salt a burning waste unsewn and unproductive and no grass grows in it like the overthrow of sodom and gomorrah abma and zeboem which the lord overthrew in his anger in his wrath so that we have two other cities now mentioned here so it appears there were five main cities around this dead sea and south wherein god destroyed the prophets also continually used sodom and gomorrah as an example of god's wrath on the ungodly in jeremiah 49 18 it says now the overthrow of sodom and gomorrah with its neighbors says the lord no one will live there nor will a son of man reside in it talking about judgment against the nation of israel lamentations 4 for the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of sodom which was overthrown as in a moment and no hands were turned towards her so the light and the knowledge that the israelites had compared to sodom and gomorrah you have to think about this sodom and gomorrah did not have a lot of revelation they don't have the scriptures like we have them in their entirety they didn't see all of that and yet they had the knowledge of god through creation it says in romans 1 that through creation we can know god and then it says in romans 2 that god writes his laws in our hearts he gives us a conscience and so depending on how we respond to that then god will treat us so these people of sodom and gomorrah did not have the revelation that the israelites had that's why god would say the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of sodom which was overthrown now jesus also used sodom and gomorrah as examples of god's judgment on the ungodly in luke 17 it says it was the same as happened in the days of lot jesus is talking about future destruction they were eating they were drinking and they were buying they were selling they were planting they were building but on the day that lot went out from sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all it will be just the same on the day that the son of man is revealed so when jesus christ comes back in power and great glory at the end of the tribulation period he is going to judge and he's going to he uses the imagery of sodom and gomorrah in the same way that he's going to come back and judge the earth now the apostles also used and the writers of the new testament also used sodom and gomorrah as an example of god's impending judgment on the ungodly it says in ii peter 2 for if god did not spare angels when they sinned but cast them into hell and committed them to the pits of darkness reserved for judgment and did not spare the ancient world but preserved noah a preacher of righteousness with seven others when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly and if he condemned the cities of sodom and gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter and if he rescued righteous lot oppressed by the sensual conduct talking about the homosexuality of unprincipled men reprobate men ungodly men for by what he saw and heard that righteous man while living among them felt his righteous soul tormented day and night by their lawless deeds talking about lot and how he felt as he lived amongst the wickedness then the lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment and especially those who indulge the flesh and its corrupt desires and despise authority so sodom and gomorrah are an example of god judging but it's also an example of god rescuing lot out of the sin in the same way that he rescues us out of sin and saves us he did that so sodom and gomorrah have two powerful messages god is going to judge but those who will follow god and follow the light he gives them and trust in christ as their lord and savior he will save them out of the wickedness it says in jude 1 now i desire to remind you though you know all these things once for all that the lord after saving a people out of the land of egypt subsequently destroyed those who did not believe and angels who did not keep their own domain but abandoned their proper abode he has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day just as sodom and gomorrah and the cities around them since they in the same way as those indulged in gross immorality homosexuality and their wickedness and went after strange flesh that's talking about men with men women with women it is same sex sex it is disgusting it is sinful it is a great sin in god's eyes are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire it also says that that the homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of god now it names other sins as well but this homosexuality was a serious grave sin now god uses the same imagery of fire and brimstone in the destruction of sodom and gomorrah as for what hell will be like so sodom and gomorrah are an example a small example of what hell is going to be like it says in revelation 20 and the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone once again brimstone and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet are also and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever and then later it says that the those whose names aren't written in the book of life those who aren't saved also will be cast into the lake of fire where the devil and the beast are and they will also be burned and tormented forever and ever so what lessons can we use from these uh cities here of sodom and gomorrah and the destruction of them well sodom and gomorrah are a foreshadow of what hell is going to be like and once again as we're here it just sends shivers up and down my spine as i think of god raining down this fire and this brimstone and just singing just scorching licking everything up and the torment and the people and the destruction that happened so it's a it's an imagery it's a foreshadow of what hell is going to be like in a small way hell will be far worse the people here died but hell is eternal interestingly in talking about destruction in hell jesus talked more in the new testament in the gospels about hell than he did about heaven it is a reality and it is eternal whether or not we want to believe it i'm certain that the people of sodom and lot's family the sons-in-law they just thought god was joking in the same way most people today mock god's judgment and many people even christians are now turning away from the reality of hell if you mention the reality of hell or talk about it they flee from that but just because it might make us uncomfortable and we might mock and reject it does not mean it's not a reality the reality of hell is the same as gravity whether you believe in it or not it exists and it is a reality now if god the prophets christ and the apostles use sodom and gomorrah as an example of eternal judgment in hell that awaits the ungodly then we should do the same today we should not flee away from it we should lovingly and kindly and respectfully talk about the reality of hell because you have two distinct realities in creation heaven and hell and each person has an eternal soul and they're going to spend eternity in one of those two places now god is a god of love and he has done everything possible to save us but if we reject his message then we are choosing to reject god and that rejection means separation from him in hell and that's our choice by the way god in essence does not send people to hell people send themselves to hell because they reject and don't want to be where god is so they separate so anyway i hope that you've enjoyed this video it's it's an amazing place i'm i'm deeply moved as we're here and we're showing you all this it's somewhat of a sobering uh video uh and it once again it just moves me to be here but anyway i thank you for watching i hope that you've enjoyed this video and god bless you
Channel: HolyLandSite
Views: 770,613
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Keywords: sodom, gomorrah, sodom and gomorrah destroyed, sodom and gomorrah location found, bible and sodom and gomorrah, dead sea, masada, homosexuality sodom and gomorrah, sodom and gomorrah discovered, sodom and gomorrah judgment to come, israel, holy land, Abraham, Lot, Jordan Valley, Doom of Sodom, Doom of Gomorrah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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