John Gotti: Convicted | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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New York City's mafia an organizational brutal gangs to gain wealth and power members strong on businesses and kill anyone in there John Gotti was one of organized crimes fiercest members he wanted to rule New York City Madman had to stop [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] John Gotti was ambitious powerful and ruthless he ruled with flash and conspicuous style playing celebrity with the media and cat-and-mouse with the FBI they called John Gotti the Teflon Don serious charges just wouldn't stick I'm Jim Kallstrom former director of the FBI's New York office when John Gotti came to power in 1985 organized crime still had its tentacles spread into many legitimate businesses like a game of chess crime bosses were well insulated by layers of pawns the FBI's job was to penetrate their defenses and capture the king [Music] New York is the home of organized crime in America through intimidation terror and murder the five families that make up New York's mafia have corrupted labor unions run extortion rackets and infiltrated almost every major industry in the city disputes among the crime families often erupted over who controls which unit or what industry these disputes are inevitably and violently resolved by the 1970s the Gambino family had emerged as the most violent and the most powerful crime family in the nation as that decade came to an end the FBI decided it was time to stop the Mafia's reign of terror the bureau's New York office set up five squads assigned to investigate and bring down each criminal family special agent Bruce Mouw was assigned to supervise the squad responsible for bringing down the Gambino family the bureau realized that we really want to address an organized crime here in New York and so they formed squads targeting particular crime family and try to address the organized crime probably here in New York so in 1980 we formed the squad and our target was to put the Gambino family in jail the main targets of Mao's investigation were the leaders of the Gambino family the boss Paul Castellano and his underboss Neil della Croce Castellano assumed leadership of the family in 1976 when Carlos Gambino the namesake of the family died of natural causes the FBI walls of targeting the most powerful captains in the family like John Gotti the captains controlled crews of soldiers who carried out the day-to-day criminal activity for the family Castellanos Cruz would commit the actual crimes but Castellana himself did not CACI seemed impossible as the FBI soon learned the entire hierarchy of the Gambino family was well insulated the family army consisted of over 50 captains who controlled over 300 soldiers it was a large and impenetrable secret society accessible to outsiders only through the lenses of surveillance cameras but federal racketeering legislation was passed that made ordering criminal acts as much of a crime as committing the crime itself in order to successfully prosecute the hierarchy of the Gambino family the FBI had to secretly get them on tape discussing their criminal enterprise Mao and his team would have to patiently and methodically work their way into the intricate structure of the Gambino family it would take years to accomplish that bill agents tried to learn more by speaking to residents in the neighborhoods where mob activity was prevalent take a look take a good look take your time few people were willing to talk only those on the inside could tell agents who were the real our builders if our cooperating witnesses and informants had to be developed betraying the Mafia meant certain death informants would be difficult to come by but some were willing to take the risk most were low-level criminals cutting deals with the government to avoid prosecution and long prison sentences whatever their motivation they gave agents something they did not have before a backdoor into the Gambino families criminal operations Castellana ran the family like a major corporation [Music] nicknamed within the Mafia as the Pope he used unions to strengthen his grip on various industries in New York luis shil arrow head of the FBI's New York office is an expert on organized crime one of the most influential things that the Gambino family did was the control of the labor unions in New York City they exerted at one time tremendous influence in terms of the Longshoremen's Union in terms of construction industry trade unions and in terms of the Teamsters and trucking by controlling the trade unions in New York City the Gambino family was able to control construction and certainly had a great influence in the garment center and that generated tremendous amount of financial base to the family Castellano knew how to keep his interests under control castellana also realized how important it was to rule by fear and terror so we had several enforcement arms of the family he had a crew know that was famous for killing people dismembering bodies and you know sorts of horrid things so even though Castaneda was known as the businessman Don he was a tough guy yet a hair-trigger and temper and he kill you at the drop of a hat getting to Castellano directly would be very difficult his home in Staten Island was a fortress under constant supervision by armed guards he had also installed a sophisticated alarm system agents had no solid evidence to suggest that Castellano conducted criminal business in his house without such bull for the court would never authorize an FBI bug or a phone wiretap inside the home agents hit the streets they hope to find one radik link to exploit one person in the family who made himself vulnerable to electronic surveillance they learned through informants about a Gambino family crew headed by Johnny gun that operated in Queens headquartered in a private social club called the Bergen hunt and fish club a few of the FBI's well-placed informants were close to one of God his lieutenants a man named Angelo who Jerry though no long the streets is the most vicious gang in the Gambino family agents believe they found their weak link in Gotti spear and the reason we did was he had lieutenant named Angela rogério who ran the day-to-day operations for Gotti and his crew and Angela was an attractive target who's number one he's very active involved a lot of criminal activity number two he had a big mouth he talked a lot he was a gossip and a blabbermouth mal quickly established surveillance teams to identify record and log every person who entered the Bergen Club [Music] agents learned to John Gotti and his crew make money for the family primarily through hijacking car thefts extortion and illegal gambling operations [Music] informants told agents that Mooji Rio sometimes discussed family business on his daughter's phone he believed the line listed in her name to be free of FBI buggers [Music] permission to wiretap a private telephone has granted sparingly agents must convince a federal judge that the target is engaged in criminal activities and that the wiretap is likely to produce more evidence if conversations are not of a criminal nature the wiretap must be turned off [Music] the informants statements were enough to convince a federal judge in late 1981 that Rouge aéreos daughter's phone should be tapped mouthed squad had found a way to infiltrate the Gambino family [Music] the wiretapping of Nigeria's phone proved to be one of the most successful wiretaps in FBI history the conversations overheard by the FBI were damning but agents learned that was Ariel also held meetings in his home with Gambino members now and his squad had enough evidence to justify placing a microphone and Rosario's home agents slipped in installed the bugs in his dining room and left without a trace [Music] the success of the Mafia has always been its ability to stay one step ahead of law enforcement what now and his squad did not know was that a high-ranking police officer was on the Gambino payroll though the mole didn't know specific details he leaked information to family members about ongoing investigations and electronic surveillance operations Angelo Lew Jarriel became paranoid that his house was bugged he searched the house himself but found nothing unconvinced he called in a professional to conduct a thorough search or sweep for bugs [Music] yeah I need someone to come sweep my house please whose area ordered the sweep an exact time and the FBI heard the conversation they knew they had a crisis twenty-three Richmond Street the phone tap inside the home has immediately turned off avoid detection if discovered it would destroy weeks of diligent work and send the squad back to square one and there were no targets as talkative as Rouge area the sweeper arrived with the most sophisticated electronic detection equipment available after two days of searching the house top to bottom he was ready to report his findings to Rouge area two days after Rouge Aereo's house was searched for bugs agents arrested the man who conducted the sweep of his house what they learned was indeed shot he charged huge Aereo thousands of dollars for his services but none of his detection equipment worked he had swindled the mob fortunately he had told news Aereo his house was paid it was a lucky break for the FBI not only had their bugs not been discovered but now Rosario felt confident to speak freely in his house and he did so with abandon right into the FBI microphones slowly the FBI was getting closer to the Gambino family hierarchy to agents the conversations were a gold mine as Rosario met with his mob partners the FBI learned of a major heroin trafficking operation conducted by Rosario and John Gotti's younger brother Eugene over a six-month period Angelo and Eugene Gotti had distributed over 50 kilos of heroin in New York alone the FBI had every last detail on tape there was a mafia rule in effect that dealing drugs was strictly prohibited the punishment for getting caught was execution no appeal no truck Rogerio did not have the bosses permission to deal drugs and he knew the consequences the government felt it had a strong case against blue Gerry oh and Eugene Gunny in September of 1983 they were charged with running a major heroin distribution network and obstruction of justice though all of those indicted were part of John Gotti's crew his name was not mentioned in the taped conversations but with the indictment Castellano would soon find out that Gotti's men were dealing jasmine learning of the heroin operation however was not the only valuable piece of information learned by agents just prior to his heroin indictment Rogerio would meet with other soldiers and discuss how he and John Guddi would go to Paul Castellanos house every Sunday for a family meeting and then agile give him a blow-by-blow what happened in Paul's house the Pope did there's a pope that that he's mad at this guy everything's on the family we found out through Angela's big mouth and then next day other soldiers come over of course Angela to reconstruct what happened again so we thought everything was happening the Gambino family thanks to a Jew Ariel John Gotti and Paul Castellano based on the Rosario wire agents now had probable cause to bug the house of Gambino boss Paul Castellano getting into Castellanos house took detailed planning and methodical execution agents managed to get inside the house and place the bugs soon after they began taping conversations that directly implicated Paul Castellano as the boss of the Gambino family the man who oversaw a multitude of illegal records that cost taxpayers millions of dollars each year castellana would meet with his most trusted captains to discuss business the FBI identified one of those captains as Sammy the bull Gravano as his nickname implied the bull was both strong and aggressive he was a boxer and a bodybuilder he was also the family's top and force Pavano generated his money for the family in the construction industry he was adept at a number of criminal activities but his most notorious skill was murdered [Music] as the FBI continued to investigate powerful captain's in the family like John Gotti and Sammy the bull their sights remained focused on the boss in 1985 two years after new Jarriel was indicted Paul Castellano was arrested and charged along with other New York family bosses with dozens of federal racketeering and conspiracy violations out on bail Castellano continued to run the family though his attention seemed focused on how to beat the government's case against him John Gotti was also facing his own legal troubles an independent investigation led by the US Attorney's Office ended with Gotti and his mentor underboss Neel della Croce being charged with several counts of racketeering della Croce and Gotti were released on bail allowing them to continue their criminal operations [Music] months later della Croce lay dying of cancer the FBI had bugged his bedroom Gani and Rosario visited and the FBI was listening they recorded Gaudi talking about his fears that Castellano might kill him in muj area for getting caught on tape discussing their drug dealings and for leading the FBI to Castellanos house the boss wanted to hear the FBI tapes della Croce promised Gotti that he would do anything in his power to protect him Dell approaches loyalty to God he is causing a rift in the family he was stalling the boss reluctant to turn the tapes over to Castellano the Gambino family was splitting in two [Music] then in early December of 1985 Neel della Croce that Gambino family's second-in-command died of cancer in his home on December 16th two weeks after della Croce is death Castellano and his new underboss Tom Eagle I pulled up to a fashionable steakhouse in midtown Manhattan to meet some associates for dinner as they started to exit the car several men approached them and began firing Estolano and the lobbying never knew what happened they were killed instantly when the boss of the family is assassinated the FBI believes that the person responsible is usually the one who steps up and assumes leadership of the fact it was mafia tradition to pay tribute to a new boss to show him respect two weeks after the murder agents watched a parade of high-level Gambino family members enter the Bergen huntin fish club they were meeting with John guy agent Mao and his squad would have to restructure their attack Gambino hierarchy John Gotti was the new boss of the family agents pieced together his criminal history and traced his rise to power John Gotti became a Gambino family associated around 1970 he impressed the boss in 1973 by killing a man who had kidnapped and murdered a relative of Carlos Gambino gadi served two years for the hit before he was paroled upon his release and quickly gained respect within the family he began to make a great deal of money for the family through loan sharking and gambling in his neighborhood he became a heroic source throwing huge 4th of July parties every year complete with fire special agent George Gabriel was assigned a mouse squad in 1985 he quickly became an expert on John Gotti he took care of it there were old ladies that were in need if he had money in his pocket he'd give it out he was in in some respects a Robin Hood in his neighborhood and that's how he he carried himself but how did he make that money by killing by robbing by manipulating by bribing by controlling rackets that he didn't have a right to control and that's aside when when he didn't like you when you fell on the wrong side of John you died I mean there was no mercy you died there was no two ways about it God he was now the king he found himself in command of a multi-million dollar crime Network made up of scams he did not know existed he had a lot to learn with their bugs and surveillance special agent Gabriel and the rest of the FBI squad learned right along with John Gotti took over that family he had to learn what the rackets were and as he's learning them we're learning them who's got what industries who's collecting from what unions he's asking captain's to give him a list of all the soldiers in there and their crews so he could know who he's gotten his family and how many Gotti was the boss but he still had legal troubles six months after becoming the head of the family he was sent to jail to await trial on loan sharking and gambling charges jail didn't slow him down from his cell Gotti ordered a murder it was against Robert DiBernardo who had been a close associate of God be Barnardo's assassination was set up by Angelo Rosario who was still awaiting trial for his 1983 drug indictment angel is one of the few guys who's got access to John in jail and tells him that Robert DiBernardo is talking subversive behind john's back the bosses back he's saying that John isn't fit as the boss and we should appoint somebody else as the boss Angelo wants his done because Angelo Robert DiBernardo a lot of money he doesn't want to pay him back on Gandhi's behalf Jerry OS Sammy the bull Gravano to set up the hit on June 5th 1986 the DiBernardo showed up for a meeting at gravanos construction office [Music] everyone greeted him as usual DiBernardo must have suspected nothing he was shot in the head from behind his body was never found the FBI learned of his death through informants agents believed Gotti's crew was responsible for the murder but they needed proof in August of 96 two months after the DiBernardo hit Gotti went to trial for the gambling and loan sharking charges filed two years before but Gotti had not been the primary target of that indictment the case was originally designed to bring down underboss Neal della Croce the case against Gotti was never that strong but an ambitious US Attorney saw an opportunity to get a mob boss though the case did not involve Mouse squad he sent George Gabriel to observe the trial during a break in the proceedings Gabriel came face to face with his adversary I introduced myself at home I'm George Gabriel I'm at the FBI I work on Bruce Mouw squad he says you tell him I'm gonna be home in six weeks I'm gonna beat this one I said all right I'll deliver your message I said and if you do I'll be there to congratulate you because it'll be a good job on your part he says good I hope to see you on march 13th 1987 Gotti was acquitted on all counts Jorge Gabriel made good on his promise after the verdict Gabriel went to the Bergen huntin fish club in Queens where Gaudi was having an acquittal party he congratulated guide to the press the public and to prosecutors John Gunn seemed untouchable out of jail John Gotti resumed his celebrity status around town he was seen at fine restaurants and glitzy nightclubs always immaculately dressed already he was known as the dapper Don now with his acquittal he earned the title of the Teflon Don charges slid right off him to the media he was glorified as the underdog who took on and beat the government but now it was mouse turned to make a case against Gotti I get upset when they glorified guy like that to me he's just a common thug a criminal he's a terrorist he doesn't believe in our government he doesn't believe in voting doesn't leave in churches leaving family he's a mass murderer how can you glorify this guy here make him a role model for your kids it's very upsetting to me in order to make his case against Gotti now had to find out where he was conducting his business the FBI bugs planted at the Bergen huntin fish club had dried up since becoming boss thank God he wasn't spending as much time there the squad lean hard on informants to find out where God he held his high-level meetings it took 8 months but in early 1988 they finally found Gatti's new headquarters gadi turned the ravenite social club in Little Italy into his headquarters it was a symbolic gesture on Gatti's party the ravenite was his mentor Neel Geller Croce's old clothes here gari would meet with his captains to conduct family business agents rented an apartment down the street from the ravenite a high-powered camera is installed to record all those who came and went from the club in February of 1988 the FBI earned court approval to above the rating with 30 or 40 people in the room deciphering conversations was difficult cassette tape recordings of white noise were always being played in a club hearing conversations through that was impossible but the FBI had to have John Gotti's orders on tape in order to charge him with running the Gambino family so far the bugs in the ravenite had not produced much evidence Goti always suspected he was being listened to by the FBI and he found clever ways to avoid being overheard John Gotti was notorious for going on what we described as a walk talk where he and the person he had to discuss something secret if not all mob business is open to everybody in the mob there were times where a captain would have to speak with his boss John Gotti would take that person and they go outside going outside their evading the possibility of a bug no matter what agents did it seemed the mob was anticipating their every move at times even taunting them when I would sit in the van outside the ravenite they would bang on every van on the street and whisper we know you're in there you get made all the time and you try your darndest not to but it happens and you just have to stay with it [Music] John Gotti ordered another hit out of range of the FBI bucks this time it was looing the leader of Gambino soldier his loyalty to Gotti was suspect God II felt Malita was a threat to the family administration since Milito had been a close business associate of Paul Castellano and Tommy Bilotti Sammy the bull agreed to oversee it he too had little use from a leader Sammy felt he was trying to move in on the construction industry [Music] Malita was shot dead under Gravano supervision his body removed and never found the FBI learned if they head through informant rumors but again there was not enough hard evidence on Guddi to arrest him God he was ordering people killed right under the FBI's nose the cat and mouse game intensified and so did the pressure on the FBI to stop it from ordering more killings Mao knew he was overlooking something got him must be Tony but the FBI didn't know where in December 1988 Bruce Mouw decided it was time to shut down the wire and regroup the very frustrating time because we knew were so close so we had these guys on videotape because the em coming and going we saw the walk talks around the street we were so close but yet so far away from achieving our goals the bugs were shut down but the FBI's Gambino squad would not give up they developed a new informant who told them gotti would sometimes be in deep conversation with one of his men in the ravenite then abruptly they would leave the table and go into a hallway behind the club usually they were gone for 10 or 15 minutes the meetings in the hall were no doubt incriminating ones and in a quiet hallway FBI bugs could kick up more of the conversations the squad quickly took advantage of the opportunity in October of 1989 agents bugged the hall [Music] they recorded gotti meeting with several Gambino family members there [Music] the bug produced some evidence against Connie but not the evidence they needed to put him away for life never Gotti had to be meeting his men in another location within the bush somewhere where he felt comfortable and safe in the fall of 1989 agents learned from informants about another location within the building that Gotti frequented Nettie Sorelli was a little her husband Michael had been caretaker of the ravenite Club when he died she remained in the apartment they shared just two floors above the club it was believed that got a used mrs. Sara Lee's apartment to talk about sensitive family business getting into mrs. Sorel his apartment undetected was going to be a problem she rarely left as the FBI Special Operations Squad tried to figure a way in agents learned that mrs. Cirelli would be leaving town for the Thanksgiving holiday [Music] it was the opportunity they had been waiting for agents went to work they sneaked into the apartment in the middle of the night in place the Bucks [Music] on November 30th 1989 the first conversation taped in mrs. Sorel E's apartment came over the wires crisp and clear all participants talk freely they spoke directly using no code to sign language like they often did when above for weeks agents listened in on the apartment conversations on December 12 1989 they got the biggest break they could ever have hoped for that day Gotti and his underboss Frank locatio met at the apartment in a rambling conversation Gaudi left a trail of evidence that would later haunt him he explained labor union rackets and other crimes and he talked about ordering the murders of several people the agents monitoring Gotti that night could barely believe their ears more shocking to agents was what they heard Gotti say about Sammy Gravano for over an hour gadi went on a verbal rampage about Sammy he said Gravano was getting greedy taking too big of a cut from the construction racket profits he was becoming too active in the family not respecting Gotti's authority God he suggested that two murders that he himself had ordered were because Sammy was trying to protect his own interests according to Guddi Sammy had suckered him into murdering DiBernardo and Milito his very important conversation because during this long diatribe John confessed to two murders he confessed her ordering the hit on Robert DiBernardo he confessed to ordering a hit on Louie Milito both he claimed that Gravano surgeon to have murdered he also talked about a third guy named Louie de bono who was going to murder another partner of Sammy's John detailed also has control of different labor unions he also detailed how much money is making from different illegal activities because our smoking gun is the best tape of the entire electronic surveillance after recording a few more conversations the wire in the apartment was turned off in May of 1994 Mao's Gambino squad all the years of patience had finally paid off they had the best evidence they could imagine and it was John Gotti himself over the next few months agents put together their case against Gotti the case against the Gambino family hierarchy which began a decade earlier was ready to come to a close on December 12th 1990 exactly a year after Gatti's fateful conversation special agent George Gabriel and two others went to the ravenite social club their purpose was to arrest John Gotti Sammy Gravano and Frank locatio the backup officers were close behind or so Gabriel thought when I went into the club to arrest them they would they had just ordered the coffee and myself My partner and one of the police officers kind of accidentally went into the club ahead of the rest of the arrest team we were about a minute ahead of everybody so there we were in the classic you know we've got you surrounded and we're looking behind us and there was nobody there but there wasn't a problem everybody complied with what we asked for and either John or Sammy asked if they can have a cup of coffee and I said yeah go ahead we've got plenty of time before we leave on his way to be booked gadi asked agent Gabriel what he was charged with Gabriel ran down the list and told Gotti of the taped conversations especially in the hallway in the apartment at that gadi fell choir and a bail hearing a few days later the three defendants heard excerpts from the FBI's tapes they played a segment from the December 12th conversation Sammy Gravano heard Gotti bashing his character for the first time a life John Gotti was embarrassed in his training shades of blue and pink and trying to duck into the table Sammy was turning ready to be taught in a firecracker and they kept looking at each other like what's going on here but that tape planted the seeds for the first time in gravanos mind that he and got John Gotti could never coexist and one had to kill the other if they were get out of jail after hearing the tape Ravana realized Gotti's defense strategy would be to blame him for the murders Ravana was being set up as the fall on November 8 1991 Ravana decided to cooperate with the FBI and tell them everything he knew about the Gambino family he filled in all of the details that were missing from the recordings about how he and Gotti committed crimes on behalf of the Gambino family and managed to stay one step ahead of law enforcement Gravano arranged payoffs to jurors and a high-level police officer who had been supplying Gotti with classified information both the jurors and the corrupt officer were indicted and given jail sentences Gabriel finally learned why Gotti had been able to avoid successful prosecutions he's out there in everybody's face I beat the government they've got nothing on me reality was he bought the jury Sammy Gravano paid a juror $60,000 to throw that case and that's what that's how he wins his case the question most in need of an answer concerned the Castellano assassination through Gravano the FBI finally learned the truth the seeds for Castellanos assassination were planted when Angelo Rosario and Eugene Gotti were indicted in the heroin distribution wedding in 1983 the prohibited operation could no longer be kept quiet from the boss Castellano learned that the government's case was based on FBI recordings of Rosario Castellano was furious he wanted to hear the tapes for himself events began to snowball in 1984 the tapes were finally turned over the defense if the first time all the co-defendants our defense attorneys had at least tapes of Angela blabbing about heroin trafficking visa Castellanos House Commission meetings etcetera cetera so around 1984 Castellano being the basta family asked Rosario for copy of the tapes attention between Guddi and Castellano was held in check by della Croce but when della Croce died the barriers were down a few days after delacro cheese death Castellanos summoned his captains for a meeting Tommy Bilotti would replace della Croce his underboss more ominously Castellana declared that Gotti's crew would be disbanded his men absorbed into other crews Castellano had finally listened to the Ruggerio tapes they had given the government such a good case that after the trial there probably wouldn't be much of a gaudy grew anyway Gotti was furious and he knew he was a target there was grumbling among the ranks that Castellano was preoccupied with his legal problems and wasn't paying enough attention to the family some members thought he was pocketing too much money for himself not spreading it around among the soldiers and captain's Gaudi began to formulate his takeover he had Angelo rogério approached three of the four other Mafia families he wanted to know if they would look the other way if something would have happened to Castellana the family said they would not interfere Gaudi carefully picked a few soldiers to help plan the hit in particular there was one Gambino member whose support would be crucial if the hit was going to succeed Rogerio was sent to ask Sammy Gravano if he would participate in the murder of castellone Gravano agreed he was aware of the growing dissent within the family he also knew that John Gotti was powerful enough to pull off the murder of the boss and when the other families agreed to stay out of the way Sammy knew the smart plane was too back God [Music] gadi put together a team of five Gambino family members to plan Castellanos assassination they call themselves the fists of five hitting the books of the Mafia's largest family was a formidable task the fist would have to find Castellana away from his loyalists and they knew that Castellano was under constant law-enforcement scrutiny he must be hid someplace where the FBI was not apt to be following their best opportunity came in mid December 1985 Castellano had asked five of his captains to meet him for dinner at sparks steakhouse in midtown Manhattan but one of the captains was a member of the fist the night before the planned hit the fists convened at a construction office used by Gravano [Music] or shooters have been hired to for Castellano and to ver his driver and underboss Tommy Bilotti the murders had been meticulously planned on December 16th the team gathered in a park about a mile from sparks the four shooters dressed alike in Black Russian hats and light-colored trench coats if seen by witnesses they were more likely to be remembered for what they wore rather than their faces the primary shooters were to pair off just outside Sparks Angelo Ruggiero was one of four backups who would block all avenues of escape [Music] Gotti and Gravano would and down the street in it ready to shoot if necessary if something went wrong if they missed on the street they were to move into sparks firing until Castellano and Bilotti were killed no matter who got in the way Castellano and Bilotti had to die it was dusk when God and Gravano headed towards sparks steakhouse the shooters took their places Gotti and Gravano soon found their vantage point a parking space at an intersection down the street from the restaurant they waited in the car Gast Ilana was late perhaps he'd been tipped off about the plot on his life in the middle of a conversation with Donnie Gravano suddenly looked to his left and panicked and what he saw it was a black Lincoln with the lobby of the week and Castellano beside me for one moment LaVon Owen got he thought they would be soon but the light changed in the car moved on [Applause] I got brave on the radio to hit it was done as de l'année pulled the car to the curb the assassins of most Paul Castellano and Tommy Bilotti lay outside the car each shot by six box according to Gravano Valley used the car into the street and passed the butters scrawled on the pavement he had to be sure Castellano was dead Nirvana's detailed account finally put an end to the speculating as part of his plea bargain Gravano testified against his former boss he admitted to his role in 19 mob related murders he served five years in prison and voluntarily entered the witness protection program on April 2nd 1992 John Gotti was convicted of five murders including Paul Castellanos and Tommy galati's he also was found guilty of other crimes under the umbrella of obstruction of justice and racketeering they included bribery of a police officer jury ten gambling bookmaking tax evasion and attempted murder John Gotti lived out his life in federal custody stripped of his audience his expensive suits and his flamboyant style he died in a prison hospital on June 10th 2002 the FBI crackdown on organized crime is working Lois Shelley row head of the New York office is optimistic about New York's future people today I think can can build the building in New York City without being shaken down by a Cosa Nostra family I think a restaurant in New York City could have their garbage picked up without fearing that they will be shaken down if they don't pick a particular Carter people today can compete on the Fulton fish market without the necessity of paying off one of the particular New York crime families so we've come a long way there is certainly a lot of things that left to be done but but I think people generally in New York City certainly are starting to feel the effects of this effort the battle rages on in New York City Mafia families continue to plunder continue to kill but because of the ceaseless efforts of the FBI the people of New York are beginning to feel relief as more and more monsters like John Gunn are taken off history's [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 1,911,976
Rating: 4.5220566 out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail, mafia, mafia boss, convicted, john gotti, john gotti convicted, gambino, teflon don, crime family
Id: WyUzouq8ybs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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