Madden 21 - Angry Rant!

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Five minutes in, and his head has already exploded 10 times.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SeaGL_Gaming πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just waiting for Arthur Morgan to come in and call joe a toxic hater.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SlurpingDiarrheacup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's absolutely tearing up the yard lol

He might have an aneurysm

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I truly don’t understand why anyone would spend actual money on MUT when it all resets the following year. It’s like you’re renting your team. Why tf would you ever want that?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ryanino πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They get better every year.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StoneColdSWAGGA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I miss back Breaker football man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/abcde123edcba πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I literally died watching this lmao one of the all time funnies joe rants ever. I loved it and agreed with everything

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RodgerThat1995 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They really should break off MUT and The Yard and make them free-to-play... although MUT would become pointless once your team is 99 ovr. But they could always implement a "Season" system like CoD that resets with new teams and cards after each football season.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/savage_ant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the first year since probably 98 that I won’t be buying Madden. I truly ONLY care about franchise mode. I would totally be down for a fictional league with fictional players too. Don’t need the NFL license

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skinsfan55 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello welcome everyone third tribe's best try i am here to play madden 21 to see whether this game has improved as they say that they have done now for those of you who don't know madden has sold over 99 million copies since its first iteration in 1988 was the first madden 99 million copies think about that how much money is 99 million copies of madden i'll tell you uh it is generated over four billion dollars for four billion dollars madden has generated and still not enough to make it a good game i can't i can't i can't do this uh i i i i don't even i don't don't want to look at it you know i don't even want to fire up the game i'm so [ __ ] sick and tired of it i'll tell you what i expect is going to happen i expect everything is going to be the [ __ ] same it's going to be recolored exactly exactly the same but you [ __ ] blue what is this is it [ __ ] the same a [ __ ] blue now but you get to see the coach it's exactly the same and just as many years before the game is going to follow in the footsteps of all the other [ __ ] sports games with a [ __ ] mode that doesn't [ __ ] matter another mode in order to [ __ ] find a way to sell us more [ __ ] micro transactions what is this most you get you could you could put you can [ __ ] put moss you can [ __ ] put moss you can [ __ ] put moss 1 300 no 137 000 credits where you're grinding and grinding and grinding or you give us 2 200 credits 18 what 18 for [ __ ] green you want to charge me 18 for [ __ ] green for are you are you [ __ ] kidding me that's what i think is going to happen i'm gonna find the same problems that madden has had for decades so these four videos are from madden 17 18 19 and 20 respectively and looking at the super bowl celebration you'll find hardly any difference between all four footage so you can see that right here once the quality of the video adjusts itself but exactly the same animations exactly the same camera shots just exactly the same almost everything with very minor cosmetic differences here and there but for the most part it's just such a completely blatant copy and paste type of scenario where they've clearly put zero effort in trying to make each new entry offer something new and we're talking about four years worth of madden where the super bowl celebration is practically identical from year to year four years and there's four years now clint responded to this and i kind of have to find a little bit of humor in the fact that clint had to watch it but he says this video was 13 months old not for madden 21 i want to thank derek knuckleman because clint this is madden 20 right i'm playing madden 20. you guys can all see on this i guess blue water bucket this is madden 20 right but i'm gonna surprise you when you zoom out here i'm not playing madden 20 guys i'm actually playing madden 21. they did not clear yet another asset tag this was a major embarrassment for them last year understand the simplicity of what we're talking about here when we talk about copy and paste and we talk about not attention to detail when we talk about a game not being finalized when it's sold to a customer this is what we talk about go right now into your practice modes look at this little bucket in the background they did not clear yet another acetate clint you can joke all you want that it's last year's video but guess what you guys did it this year too where's this where the that's the same base 50 go up look at 50 go up one more 38. oh my god it's the same it's the same [ __ ] faces in different [ __ ] orders joe it's the same [ __ ] faces [Music] are you [ __ ] kidding me four billion [ __ ] dollars you can't afford more [ __ ] faces than this [ __ ] why can i not if i could do it in the [ __ ] yard and i could do it it's [ __ ] face of the franchise and i could do it in superstar why the [ __ ] is it the same [ __ ] four faces [Music] oh but joe we added 10 faces to the white guys what about my skin what color i don't i can't [ __ ] find they deleted rfa joe this is insane this is the one this is the same [ __ ] faces they added they added four faces joe and they put in the same exact [ __ ] options year to year 46 faces and i have four 46 faces you had four last year joe and you have four this year joe because [ __ ] you hundred million dollars three faces those two in the middle don't count this is a little darker that's a little darker and one guy has a man a lighter dude ragging a darker dude rag are you telling me this is one billion dollars why have i been waiting 15 years for us to be able to customize our head none of these that's our skin color remember what there was four faces yeah this is my skin color but i wouldn't pick none of these right but but remember they saw my video joe they had to because there's there's not a section with four faces they they added the face they added some faces they're the same [ __ ] face though they're the same [ __ ] face but they added more faces and they're like there joe shut up it's the same piece it's the same 17 it was the same as the other one what wherever you were this is number 17 number 17. i think it is the same that one looks like the same [Music] just a tiny bit they changed the order of the [ __ ] faces face number nine and face number fourteen i can't i can't with this [ __ ] okay so no no let's get serious okay so now i want to create myself what would i what would i do john why are you so [ __ ] far away from me joe's smart that's why joe's so far away this is stupid his faces this is the only simulation football game it's the only simulation football game allowed madden 21 you get this and you get nothing else if you want simulation football if you want to play what you see on sunday i don't want to be copyright [ __ ] claim become an ea insider [ __ ] no email me about products no email me when you [ __ ] make the game worth it welcome back shots now we have kept your saved options from last year's and it wasn't even my settings from last time here we go here's the new stuff for this year the yard create and customize your character and then you go all out on fields across the globe as you take on dynamic challenges in madden's newest mode create your player the thing you have ignored for decades you just created a new [ __ ] mode where they're wearing shorts and tie-dye shirts and it has nothing to do with [ __ ] football you added it into your exclusive simulation football ex license the only game in town you're doing arcade football that's the new feature new colleges great we noticed that you could create your avatar a little bit better and face a franchise but it was not in the main game customize your character from head to toe with a variety of jerseys accessories and more and then keep an eye out and you want to know why because we're going to charge you for all of this [ __ ] i guarantee your ass that you're [ __ ] adding micro transactions to this because [ __ ] you give me money [Music] joe i know you've been asking for mouth guards for years you see him in the nfl you've been asking for mount guards for years well guess what your mouth guards are now going to be in the game i [ __ ] guarantee it in this mode give me money cause [ __ ] medics in the nfl they did it joe they [ __ ] did it they found a way to ruin madden even more they found another way to monetize madden as if madden isn't already overly monetized when you complete objectives across the game or in madden nfl mobile and as you build your role you'll unlock new gear for your character and earn cred to spend are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me for new challenges more [ __ ] mobile garbage tactics so that you could get addicted to your stupid [ __ ] gear and you unlock new gear new gameplay strategies not from you the same [ __ ] fluid rides this is the same [ __ ] [ __ ] x factors is the same [ __ ] [ __ ] this is really cool we got new stuff like truss oh trust you remember you remember that time don't name it yeah but trus mark star troy aikman trus trudge y'all [Music] that's they're trying to [ __ ] do call of duty they're trying to do a season pass or something this is a live service okay what the [ __ ] is this joe you know what season i want i want a season of football in franchise mode that you haven't touched in a [Music] and achieve decade greatness equally as long as you give us your money you pieces of [ __ ] okay now that you know a little bit more about the yard let's go ahead and create your avatar so we've set you up with a home and away starter uniform just to get you geared up and here's how it works is you complete objectives anywhere throughout the game you'll basically earn rep and cred and then you rank up to earn access to new vanity options to make your avatar look better spin that cred to further personalize that look on the field and if you're playing on mad nfl mobile you can actually link your account and share your progress between both games i have been asking for this customization for years and you're telling me that you're going to put this in the yard this better be available in franchise you better give you better be available in france i don't [ __ ] play this [ __ ] music is going to give me [ __ ] copyright claim on [ __ ] youtube joe so all of these [ __ ] years four billion dollars i just went through all ten faces is that what i'm seeing here there's ten faces you're gonna give me six more faces you're gonna give me six more faces after all the screaming i did you're going to give me six feet this is different though i think there's only probably four in the other one uh they're better like um is the worst character creator i have ever seen what is he doing he's like oh kill me kill me now [Music] my whole video on you youtube's now demonetized my whole [ __ ] stream is muted because this because this is the worst [ __ ] rap song i've ever heard is this even wrapped i don't even think this is rap this is this is audio diarrhea this is diarrhea they're literally injecting the mics oh my god joe this is what i've been asking for for years asking for for [ __ ] ever shut the [ __ ] up i'm gonna [ __ ] turn this [ __ ] i can't i can't y'all y'all don't get to hear no more i still have to [ __ ] hear it in my [ __ ] ears and deal with it but if i'm gonna get demonetized you're not gonna [ __ ] stop me from posting this [ __ ] video okay i've been asking for these [ __ ] options for years this is and this is bare bones [ __ ] this is the bare bones [ __ ] that we could have like saying your praises look at this is so [ __ ] cool like we could finally create our character's job we can make alex we can make you we can get a [ __ ] franchise then be on the dallas cowboys we can be on the [ __ ] saints we can just [ __ ] play and we can see who gets the most interceptions we can simulate [ __ ] nfl simulation football gillette there are [ __ ] advertisements in the mother [ __ ] car character customizer if gillette is going to [ __ ] cut sponsor this you'd think that they would have more than eight nine ten eleven right and and you look at them and they're all variations of the same [ __ ] [ __ ] joe you you you get gillette to put their name on this you you swindle gillette no you cannot kick it get out this is stuff we've been asking for forever i can't i can't [ __ ] rotate him so i can't really even see how big his cabs are getting to me his cabs look exactly the same are you [ __ ] kidding me like literally fake [ __ ] customization so all this [ __ ] is fake like i'm gonna go through this and it's all [ __ ] [ __ ] are you [ __ ] getting passive it's what this is crap this is pure crap you remember when i used to be real and i used to give my character a little bit of a belly i can't even give it a little bit of a belly anymore like you have to always look like a [ __ ] badass are you [ __ ] kidding me i liked you know what that is very offensive do you remember that quarterback on the new york giants what was his name again like jared or something he he was like this big [ __ ] dude big boy he was a thick boy you can't [ __ ] create a thick boy in this [ __ ] game not eli manning he was like a back up a big band happy lefty yeah lorenzen yeah you can't [ __ ] do lorenzen you're you are discriminating against real nfl quarterbacks lorenzen they're like no nobody would want to play as a fatty fatties are [ __ ] you know they don't deserve to play football and they they're not good what the [ __ ] i can't [ __ ] make my character have a beer belly like i do look at my calves joe aren't they so [ __ ] huge i put them on max joe they're [ __ ] massive you ain't never seen caps like this before [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] appearance z and c right so then i i press c okay that's dlc probably what the [ __ ] was that that's for the guy for the yard whoa look at your rewards here you go newbie some scraps what is this what is this 401 4000 c what is c view rewards blue madden sleeveless [ __ ] are you funny oh no are you [ __ ] getting epic legendary oh no [ __ ] you limited time ultimate look at all this [ __ ] that they shove in your face when you first start this [ __ ] game claim here see what happens it's this [ __ ] game it's i i i this is a [ __ ] pachinko machine this is a goddamn slot machine simulator it is a micro transaction platform this is no longer simulation football what does any of this [ __ ] have to do with your exclusive nfl license to make simulation for member nfl says 2k who got the nfl rights just recently but they cannot make simulation football meanwhile madden ultimate team the yard forcing people to [ __ ] claim you know what i'm going to claim i want to see what the [ __ ] people get when they [ __ ] claim pre-order now available standard edition and it goes to this screen more buying buy the [ __ ] this is get this is not football this is busting [ __ ] packs that's all you get standard edition you get packs standard deluxe edition you get more packs mvp edition you get packs champion packs and you get lamar jackson joe did you know did you know joe did you get lamar jackson if you buy the mvp did you know he's in football joe he's in football but you know what if you want him if you want the lamar jackson mvp elite item power-up it's with a power-up joke that's the only chance that's that then you get you buy this unless even though lamar jackson is in the nfl last time i [ __ ] checked welcome to ultimate team create a fantasy team of your dreams start by completing missions to earn rewards and keep improving your old and keep spending money you fat big piece of [ __ ] sports gamer who can't [ __ ] realize we're giving you the same [ __ ] every year and then we delete all your [ __ ] year after year so that you can buy the [ __ ] over and over you stupid dumb [ __ ] yes did you see that yeah it's in fine prints you see it say joe's smart this is right down the bottom you're so stupid joe's smart i'm smart y'all are smart but there are people out there that don't see that [ __ ] fine print what we don't want to do rivals i don't even want to be in this what the [ __ ] get started in the ultimate team follow these missions to learn the basics of us grabbing your money for you and start building your perfect team so as long as you're spending at least 100 every week or cycle so that you can remain on top of the leaderboards as you battle against saudi princes ultra rich dudes and and [ __ ] mega multi-millionaires who like the nfl football and don't and love to burn money meanwhile your broke ass is trying to compete with these people you're invited to this hell on earth can we say no you're invited no take on the first challenge you're invited take your first snap with ultimate team we'll show you how you can handle yourself in giving us more money take your play your first snap and give us money what is that what what is this joe i don't know joe that what is this ultimate what is this [Music] why are there three types of currencies joe are we about to play football no did you know before you get on the field you need three types of currencies what is this points just say no well no i don't want to play this at all you don't want to play i don't want to play this at all joe but i need to see what the [ __ ] these morons these absolutely brain dead [ __ ] zombies find so fun about this i have to keenan allen get him today only 5.99 if you want his ultra rare super mvp elite charged up power up coined up 50 complete 40 out of 20 stars don't have the stars yet we'll give it to you 20 stars out of 40 stars this is madden welcome to [ __ ] madden missions on your road map to earning the best more money to give us we're back to this screen he's a slot-o-matic just like our game is a slot machine nomadic he's an outside apprentice oh but you all remember this guy he's a fear-monger four six points apiece gain five yards you can do it [Applause] good starting position for the cowboys here as they come up first and 10. 50 yard line quarterback what the [ __ ] is lamar jackson last question the first man through gillespie of the fullback [Applause] [Music] that was a [ __ ] challenge that was it people find that fun i football achieved you have achieved football i can't joe this is what people do is this what people play their money on joe i can't i can't with this it's a mobile game dude i will download 15 mobile games joe and i'll show you they're exactly like that so they give you a little taste and then they give you all five stars you're the best then you gotta pick next challenge you gotta pay next challenge yeah and then it get harder and harder and harder and then you realize the stats behind every [ __ ] card means that your [ __ ] characters suck balls even though you're lamar jackson even though you're the mvp even though you're goddamn tom brady your goddamn mahomes you still cannot [ __ ] beat the challenge because you only have a [ __ ] common mahomes you don't have the elite mahomes that's powered up [ __ ] you [ __ ] you ea i [ __ ] hate madden ultimate team i've always hated madden ultimate team this has no place it has no place in simulation football you know what you know what you know what [Applause] tell you know what do you know what i challenge you i challenge you take this out of madden you know what make two separate games you want to make your [ __ ] money you want to make so much money ea i'll tell you what here's what you do you make madden ultimate team its own game it's its own mode people love it right they can't get enough of ultimate team everybody loves ultimate team here's what you do you take this mode you break it off you make it its own game and you charge people whatever the [ __ ] you want ea for your stupid packs okay because those [ __ ] idiots will pay for it the rest of us real football fans who want to play simulation football in a franchise season to season setting prizes in the stadium acting as owners our favorite owners hiring assistant coaches things that you can't do in madden now that'll be our game you make two football games you make this garbage and you make a real football game and we'll see how much money you make okay we'll see which one's the lost leader [Applause] play the next challenge well [ __ ] i joy i did so well i got so many i got i got so many coins joe what are you doing i i got so many coins i i'm i'm good thank you though wow i'm good everyone is watching no pressure okay i gotta take the lead now joe oh you can do okay now we're going to sit through another loading screen because i don't do another challenge now they're where i play uh football goddamn music ultimate it's gonna get my whole [ __ ] video and my whole stream [ __ ] muted on twitch and youtube yeah we have to get out of here hey everybody welcome it's the church today for another edition of madden ultimate team now let's hand it off to brandon and charles as we jump straight into the action we pick up this challenge in the third quarter with less than three minutes left on the clock we're all even at six and you've got the ball all the way down to the five-yard line you got this you're on first kick a field goal [Applause] that's all you got to do kick your field goal you take the lead he didn't say how okay joe it's dead okay take the lead technically that's lee coaching adjustments recent plays oh check it out don't wait i don't i don't think i can oh wait wait wait wait special teams special teams best teams first team right here big league field goal and i don't quite know what's happening we're taking the lead bob the field goal team is out on nobody's ever done that before we just proved this game is a fraud it is [ __ ] all it said was take the lead [ __ ] [ __ ] return to the challenges okay now i'm next well joe look at all these cars oh i i got the coins y'all look all your coins i'm earning i'm so good yeah yeah that's a good that's a good all right let me call my bro hey man i'm better man you you you suck at man now let's go right now bro i'm [ __ ] you i'm level two [ __ ] what that were you level 17 he paid you paid he paid you're paying i can't believe this [ __ ] man we got we got did we get did we just get two thousand coins we could get this i uh uh this is the cards y'all so like the overall rating joe you're you're mahomes is 89 because he's a [ __ ] mama homes is 99 because he is i think he is something because he's powered up and it's uh he's non-tradable because he's so exclusive and i got the foil and he signed it i can't i can't i can't actually hold it because it's digital but he told me he signed it he signed it in the game again yeah so all we have to do if we want these coins joe it's just uh i feel good and just do this over and over no i want to see if we get more coins excuse your running back that's that was the swagger celebration loading screen daily objective so you come in here you do this every day you have to log in every day you want your bonuses log it in every day sounds like a mobile game how much is it there you go 16 times the percentage that's what it is to get 80 but what is it to get 86 16 no to get 86. go to buy yeah where's buy go back to that pack wherever you were at i'm not no don't don't make me buy anything you don't have enough points to buy this pack joe would you like to purchase more points this item costs 150 points you currently have zero points because you're a [ __ ] loser oh my god so that card basically costs you two dollars but it's on sale 179. oh joe 20 cents joe i'm gonna [ __ ] my [ __ ] i'm gonna [ __ ] destroy you joe don't you why did i do you want to make this [ __ ] game okay you're right i would have made something way better it's [ __ ] [ __ ] 90 dollars best deal right now this is the [ __ ] pack this is what's in your face in the ultimate yeah this is not football this is what they spend all their time it doing this is why franchise and all of the problems with madden continue year after year after year so that they can focus on this [ __ ] 12 500 points no look at the one before it go back hold on i want to start here look up probabilities going down hardcore joe it was 16 now it's 6 percent it's gonna go down to [ __ ] zero percent and you better hurry up the deal expires in three days 500 [ __ ] points give me five dollars for digital cards that are worthless that will expire and you can end up pulling joe pulling 80s that you can pull from that other [ __ ] pack over and over i'm i'm tempted joe i'm tempted just to [ __ ] look at this one that's ninety dollars that's not what ten times legends fantasy bundle yeah buy this bundle you only have a day to buy this [ __ ] bundle it's madden twelve and what do you have for over 88 you spend all that money and you still only get you get even a lower chance of 4.4 percent you must buy this pack 12 000 ninety [ __ ] dollars this is what's destroying madden you are destroying madden when you engage in this [ __ ] you youtuber piece of [ __ ] yes i'm talking to you but joe you can buy with normal coins you do not have to spend money well how much are those coins well those coins what joe i will earn thou one time to 100 coin for every touchdown i make every day i think that was just like giving you a little teaser i will make 120 touchdowns before i open this pack joe would you like to get a gold player he's a 70 390 plus he says he's a piece of [ __ ] would you like to get a piece of [ __ ] yeah give me a dollar go to the other one no the other one i want to see how much the coins are the joe there's not the coins you get as currency from the game go up click on that one buy with coins no i'm not going to spend my coins i don't i don't have enough you don't have enough you don't have enough coins okay just seeing how long it would take you you got to train your players well guess what you can also get these dark uniform fantasy packs joe if you wonder do you want a fantasy pack well that's a different currency well that's going to cost you uh 250 in the ut training points you got to get the training you got to go go into the training it's [ __ ] touchdown pack you want to do you want do you want the touchdown pack joe well what you're going to do is you actually got to get it oh she's trying another one there's another currency so there's four that's four four [ __ ] curtains where did that [ __ ] currency come from john one that's another currency that's all my [ __ ] currencies what's in so many [ __ ] currencies oh enjoy and then we get our little item binder you know like angel used to have we got the binder for do you used to have this i used to have these little binders this this is real car you get to look at the cars up close cool ladies and gentlemen matt what do you mean this guy's the best kicker or punter ever this guy doesn't need a c you don't need no eyes got all these pictures you got the nfl license this is the picture going to choose from my man kevin he's like son of a [ __ ] of all pictures he's like oh let's go straight this is the state of madden [Music] so yes no i we're not done with the ultimate team we're not done so we've we've explored challenges okay that's challenges oh that was rivals well now you got to do legends and then you gotta do team and finish so complete these challenges to earn legend tokens and power-ups and then learn how those legends became legends so play these to earn legend tokens that can be exchanged for random boss legend bosses down the road and then the legend bosses will open up a new currency and these legends will expire on this particular time so your players expire and your tokens expire but you in this legend milestone [ __ ] you oh we gotta go uh pro play against legends to earn your legend token to cement your legacy you won't have a legacy unless you cement your legacy in legends mode and ultimate team no you realize how many [ __ ] modes and challenges this [ __ ] mode has because they're spending all their time over here don't let you do this legend challenge i think you can do it kick field it's a legend kick a field rookie so you better earn me that one star because then i'm gonna jack up the difficulty it's the worst rash music this whole time here we go win the game and welcome to this ultimate challenge what's the score martin lead score four rushing touchdowns as a bonus and here we go we're underway in madden ultimate team taking in at the three at a decent yard to take over for the first time so do you see how madden doesn't have a problem with all these fake teams like fantasy teams and creators the nfl doesn't have any problem with making up these teams right and you playing through it but yet they do not allow you to create your own team with your own logos and your own stuff fully customizable in franchise mode no you can't no we're not buying any packs i think we still have packs so we need to bust open down he's who the [ __ ] are these people on our team i have no idea why are they so [ __ ] slow i think because we need better cards oh my god and give him six yards here as he stopped near the 35 at the 34. he's tackled six yards on that last play here's second and four brings up this game oh my god look at joel they are so lazy with their [ __ ] overlays the overlays are clicking clipping the players this is an exclusive mode they've been working on this mode year after year and all this [ __ ] looks the same as if you're playing franchise you see what i'm saying joe the sidelines are exactly the same the same low polygon [ __ ] [ __ ] 12 polygon cameramen and sideline [ __ ] players that have been in the game for the past five [ __ ] years we remind you that coming up at halftime this low texture [ __ ] you know how [ __ ] high powered my [ __ ] pc is the best use your blocks joe use your [ __ ] blocks this is the presentation in ultimate team i thought that maybe maybe it would be more flashy maybe there would be better presentations because you're actually paying money for this [ __ ] to the 29. did that guy load into a thing and then it loaded the gear right here the memory in the [ __ ] game is so [ __ ] slow can't even load [ __ ] cards watch out for the rest there's watch out for the reps joe there are no reps on the field look at the guy's arms look at that guy's face this is what four billion dollars gets his job nobody says anything in this [ __ ] game because you remember in all pro 2k8 they actually talked you can hear them talking on the field you can't hear [ __ ] in this game it's muted you put it all together what am i looking at on the field here joe this is a two pip and that's a one pip [Applause] [Music] look at these players those numbers were repeating look at this low polygon [ __ ] this is a staple i swear to god joe if in [ __ ] what did i do in [ __ ] xbox series x and playstation 5 the sidelines look exactly the [ __ ] same i guarantee you it's going to look exactly the [ __ ] same thing stupid this is where all the time went so that you can upgrade your [ __ ] cars this guy looks like a clown he literally looked like a clown highlights here from this game he's nearing 100 yards parker look at the way they move so hard the animations are so bad they're so stiff what is going on with this these camera angles are [ __ ] terrible you never see any of this [ __ ] in [ __ ] broadcast football where did the espn license go did you know that madden bought the espn license you never [ __ ] know it because after they used it for a one game they dropped it in the backfield where is the espn [ __ ] where's the broadcast [ __ ] get rid of the ball oh this is ultimate team joe that's not an ultimate team you mean ultimate team they want to make as boring as [ __ ] just like vanilla standard this is what madden loves this is the darling mode of maddox oh [Laughter] [Applause] you're playing against now remember we're playing on one star we're playing on rookie i guarantee you we up this to three stars and you're gonna be fumbling the ball every [ __ ] five seconds your players are gonna feel like they're [ __ ] slow as molasses like this is the best possible scenario this is the best possible scenario halftime show are you having fun halftime halftime show halftime show this is it halftime show the same [ __ ] graphic that same [ __ ] graphic complete silence they have the espn license it's the same thing as the last couple years nothing's changed nothing there you know what joe it's not even the same as last year's you know guys they have actually not had a halftime show at turn but one [ __ ] number three highlight from a shitty camera angle repeated twice with no commentary with generic music [Applause] four billion dollars four billion dollars madden makes multi-million dollars yearly 30 million dollars this is a complete waste of time adjustments that might be made defensively he's got smith here and he takes this one down [Applause] do you know how long it took us to get celebrations back do you know how long it took us nfl 2k 5. this is a great spot nfl 2k 5. really trying to put the hammer down in 2005 2004. [Applause] it took us 15 years to get celebrations and those celebrations are [ __ ] pathetic [Applause] those celebrations are [ __ ] pathetic i bet you can't even customize them joe oh no you could customize the celebrations in 2k 5. i bet you can't even customize the celebrations no that's good who said that well they said innovation [Applause] that is the most movement i have ever seen the sideline do and it's in a a stock stock cutscene [Applause] do you remember joe in an all-pro nfl 2k8 back in 2008 that the sideline would react in real time when you got an interception right in front of them they would go whoa and there were guys running up and down the sideline with you going like this go go go like you see i bet you this game still doesn't do that if you get an interception right in front of the sideline but this is this is just this is just football this is just the vanilla [ __ ] football with shitty ass players that you slowly grind it out over and over it's franchise mode just you pay us money and you don't actually use players from the nfl unless you open a pack with the player from the nfl and they're not actually on the right team but i was in front i was in front of the [ __ ] player i was in a position corners garbage no i i i put my hand joe look are you [ __ ] not [ __ ] four plays into this [ __ ] game my hand look joe look at my hands here look at his hand how is how how is he catching the ball joe he literally destroyed my [ __ ] hand my hand just [ __ ] [ __ ] exploded this is why madden is so [ __ ] this is the [ __ ] behind the scenes joe do you not see this that is because my [ __ ] player is a 70 and his player is his 86. mine's a 61. this is [ __ ] stupid this is not football this is not physics these are pre-canned animations look at that what are you doing what is crazy i am i you are literally humping my player now okay you're stepping on my my [ __ ] achilles heel my my toes have disappeared into the world you're dead and i'm dead your arm is uh you've just chopped my head off you've literally elbowed my entire [ __ ] head clean off of my body and i'm fine i'm fine joe i'm fine he just and then he oh okay and then he disappears he goes into the shadow realm he literally goes into the shadow realm and then he comes back because he he had to give satan his soul for doing what he just did teammates are just thrusting just because guys guys simulation football simulation football the only game in town that is allowed to do it i [ __ ] knew that looked wrong this happens all the [ __ ] times what i mean that's not even i mean that's in my favor but if i was playing right now that'd be [ __ ] pissed what just happened i i don't understand what just happened so then he he grabs a ball he heard the footsteps and then he looks at the ball and then he decides i don't need the ball run faster without the ball i don't understand that that's uh the rookie yeah it's really helping us out big time the fact that it's on one star no there's no doubt about it joe you put this on three star and you'll see what ultimate team is about it's about having [ __ ] 90 [ __ ] players give me this ball that was cool i like them fighting over them i mean this franchise has been around since 1988 there's going to be a few things here and there that are nice dan marino did you know that dan marino is a 20-year-old is that dan marino i can't i can't tell it just looks nothing like dan marino i just i wasn't sure what are you doing he's gonna get it you had it you had it it's a uh yeah this [ __ ] rookie just jumping rookie no don't score don't score oh i it's i'm sorry joe it's because he's taking a knee i know joe it's a uh an involuntary reaction when you get a pick you gotta get pick six no not this but wait wait wait wait wait wait you still after all these years can't see a replay if you start the next [ __ ] play this is such a hardcore limitation of the engine they're still using the same [ __ ] engine any other football game way back in the day and [ __ ] 90s in the [ __ ] 2000s you could watch an instant replay of the last [ __ ] play but madden is the only one that will lock your ass out god damn it god damn it you want to know why i did that because i wanted to go and look at the [ __ ] sideline to see how the players reacted and now my chance is gone my chance is gone but i might have another chance i might have another chance to pick it we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna play some hard ass defense to see if we can pick it i just walked through somebody back there they'll get him down i'll pick it what the [ __ ] he's gonna let it fly [ __ ] inside that was a four-man rush where the [ __ ] were my poor man did they go home did they go home the game's over guys of course i i don't want any of you to buy this don't don't ask to play with me i would ask to play with y'all but i'm not making any of you buy it i i i i need to test that mode but i don't even want to have joe buy it i just the yard is a fun addition that feels more like early access but yet is insidious in wanting you wanting to sell you more [ __ ] [ __ ] micro transactions as if ultimate team wasn't bad enough now we have an early access mode that is barely there barely has any style so muted so boring-ish and and they want to sell you these [ __ ] moss jerseys meanwhile franchise gets nothing face of the franchise [Music] you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 1,519,757
Rating: 4.9291239 out of 5
Id: UX5_6M5LLwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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