Anthem Angry Rant! - Extended Review Discussion

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Truth hurts, but an honest truth eh!? ~Yarrow

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I do love Anthem and want it to succeed, but I think the video discusses some legitimate things e.g. cut contents, false promises, etc. Some have been discussed alot in this thread e.g. loots. But what do you think?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/uverz911 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

When you're right, you're right...and they're right.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome to the anthem extended review discussion yes there was a lot to talk about fifty minutes was not enough so it's true it's true I I had to cut several sections out of that review cuz I was like Jesus this is gonna be the first hour and 20 minute review and I didn't want that to happen but basically I want to start with what a colossal you know disaster anthem has been it's kind of kind of reminding me of fallout 76 in certain ways but honestly I think fallout 76 has more content it did one guys like nine hundred hours did you hear but right there's no way you could play this game for nine hundred hours you would literally drive yourself insane there are people already starting to you know kind of hit a wall and getting really tired of it and getting really burnt out when you could put 500 hours into destiny so you say what you want about destiny and I've said my fair share about destiny but you know at least destiny seems to have longer legs and did have longer than yes and release now are they going to fix this yes eventually let's pull up the roadmap that they have for future content since this is a live lot games as live service let's talk about that real quick before I show you the road map I think this idea EA's idea rather of games as a service has failed absolutely I mean they called it gas gas they have a serious case of gas you know what no you just need to [ __ ] and get get rid of your gas seriously you get rid of your gas it's gonna kill you but let me go ahead and pull up the the road map but do you think while I pull up the roommate do you think anyone is gonna do a Loutre shooter right I mean you know I don't know I mean a lot of it everyone has come what's the best looter shooter I already know the answer warframe was probably roller frame is damn damn good I mean that's free to play I'd rather play warframe then I play anthem unfortunately even though anthems traversal and Iron Man flight is better and the graphics are more detailed but I'd rather play warframe me personally the best looter shooter is Borderlands 2 story it has the loot every single freaking thing you get is exciting you have that chase you chase for even mundane guns you know they look cool and they do cool things and that's the one thing an anthem that they completely [ __ ] up not the one thing it's one of what I mean that is like the major thing they [ __ ] up it's a Loutre shooter and the lunar part of it is completely garbage is boring in fact there was at one point where they accidentally for 11 hours of the game they were they were doing insane drops because they did this stealth patch which kind of broke things and the drops were crazy and we were having a good time because they were gay and then they patched it out and that will they need to go back if your if your items are this crappy then at least give everybody a ton of like immense drops I was doing the the tyrant mine I was doing the farming at that point and out of nowhere I just started getting like masterworks out of every chest that bosses were dropping sounds like this is great and then like next morning woke up with to go do it it's like comments comments coming out of everything and I just could tell that they had done something they shouldn't have done and then went way too far the other direction so I don't know it's just one of those things that disappoints the crap out of me because like you said with fallout 76 it was another major company that we looked up to that had done amazing story driven games with loot and mechanical systems in the past and they just it seemed like this this felt like a first time game from a new studio yeah this does not feel like Bioware felt and it feels like Bioware had no idea what they were doing it's almost two separate games it's like all the hub stuff that kind of feels like a week Bioware then some of the you know open-world gameplay which feels like a destiny clone in many ways just with way better traversal yeah and and some interesting abilities and they could not make these two games work so let's let let me get to the road map now I pulled it up here so we've got year one step into the world of anthem first off act one echoes of reality so get this we're really the only thing that we're getting is fixes and improvements and optimizations right and then we get a weekly weekly alliance coin oh we get our coins and and daily weekly and monthly challenges which ever in the game already that's really not good and you're gonna get the Prospero Store refresh February what kind of events are they gonna have they're gonna have outlaw outrage this is already going on by the way it's obviously February so you got just the outlaw spawn more in the open world I have noticed that as they spawn right the [ __ ] in front of me you guys like over children exactly an open world is broken in certain ways where it takes the enemies forever to spawn sometimes I'll take damage and I can't I have no idea who's hitting me and then all of a sudden I am Jack slab right in the middle of like an entire enemy force I'm like what the [ __ ] and if you really notice it's real stealthy the way they spawn them in they don't come out of the gate they just materialize into the world way away from the game literally in the open in the middle of a river and we'll just keep shooting that spot and dead bodies just pour out enough blocks and so we were just like they they don't even try to hide it they don't like build little houses they come out of like Borderlands even did that where they had like those huts they'd come out of doors calm so we got there be giants as your Titans different Titans shaper surged again none of this stuff is like a new stronghold a new raid none of it in fact we have to go to March and you get stronghold caches new items oh well thank you I mean that's what it's supposed to be legendary mission phase 1 so this legendary missions will you please tell me why we cannot select missions to replay like if they're so proud of their story like why can't you be like oh that was a really cool mission I want to go back and replay that specific inkwell quick play is so [ __ ] gross like 90% of the missions right now are not working yeah III want to tend to stay away from percentages now because people will try you know there are a lot of anthem defenders out there that are blind and they're still in the honeymoon phase before they really realize they need to watch my video over again because and and I can probably do a whole video where I just go into thirty quick play matches and I'll show you how how many issues almost all of them especially during that first week like if you tried to do quick play during that first week 70% of matches you're gonna disconnect your gonna do this it was just a really bad experience we got somebody trying to level right now and he tried for three hours last night going into quick play he got into three missions yes every other mission was completely broken either it didn't it didn't work or nobody was there and and they have the gall over here to continue to put their be Giants and outlaw rage in in in March as well as if it's new content no you did that in February and then there's cortex locked cortex locked where they don't tell you what what is it we don't know it's probably going to be since it says free play event it's probably going to be instead of Giants they're gonna be earth six outrage instead of Giants and instead of outlaw outrage it's going to be scars outrage like seriously this is nothing now you have to actually skip all the way ahead to may May are you serious to get the first Ray the first Cataclysm event you have to wait although the Cataclysm starts in May why why in this release schedule does EA or Bioware think that that's a good idea to wait that long to release their first raid have they not learned from destiny have they not learned from the division and lose the division to will be out by then and not only will the division to be out but they'll probably have like new raids and stuff coming out even before anthems first raid probably especially given the they had incursions like I think it was a month yeah after the first game was their first raid and the destiny one day seven days later they released their first raid and they still haven't learned from it does this not prove to you that anthem was just completely not finished it that it's lacking content it's not finished they're they're struggling and they're really far behind on releasing content and do you honestly think that that this is gonna be a full staff of Bioware so everybody's like that is josue content he's coming like no you number one when you release a game it has to be satisfying I'm so [ __ ] tired of people coming up with excuses and these companies themselves using this as an excuse that our game will get better over time that is unacceptable they are putting out what's called and this is an actual tactic this is an executive thing minimum viable product in MVP which is quite the intention and be the opposite of an MVP for them that's the minimal Viable Product that they can put out anthem is 100% a perfect example of it what are they gonna do for this what are they doing for these all these years all they're probably do something in the future but everything you listed off I'm not enticed to play and I already lost it and was playing development Joe you there i I don't understand what they here's what I want EA to do I wanna am by where to come out and say you know what when in development we restarted development and we really we got things together and we worked about two years if this was two years I'd be like alright okay but but six years there's some provinces there has to have been something behind the scenes that we don't know about is what I'm thinking because there is this idea of anthem and what they presented is even more insulting they straight-out lied to us yep I want to point this out because I gave aliens colonial marines a lot of [ __ ] for a trailer and then it came out and was nothing like the trailer they were trying their best to live up to it this is the same situation their own marketing material straight lie what do they show they so they say this is running in real time in game in engine like if this is not confirmation that this is kind of what we're going to see and then when we get into the game the guy moves this this like little cloth and there's this massive market bustling people moving people don't move into the game the guy runs up to you dynamically that would have made them felt the world feels so much more real and you see a Strider move you see Striders move in all the videos and and cool ass cutscenes in the game but they never move in the game that's a lie they drop this legendary and people like Joel there are your the lot why did you say Bioware lied they do drop masterworks in the open world it's not what I was saying what I was saying is look at the gun doesn't exist a gun number one you can't tell what you get in the open world she knew immediately what it was whoa you know whatever that [ __ ] would have been awesome right because you're always immersed in the game you never have to go to the [ __ ] launch Bay or the [ __ ] 4 God gave Lodi screams for Tarsus and then go back just to do it again do you have to go through like three loading screens just to like equip a different weapon or see what you got and then another three loading screens to get back into the game now he'll know what the hell are you thinking and not only that the weapons she gets was an elemental weapon called a volt rifle exact and it doesn't exist and they they clearly in that trailer you're talking about they show number-18 like a fire explosive shotgun oh [ __ ] they show that volt rifle with elemental well mental weapons they just were like gone gone yep probably cut out of the game so that they can give it to us every piece or so they could give it to us in May or [ __ ] June you know what I'm saying that's what I'm feeling like and this is scandalous [ __ ] in my opinion especially if you start to and I did some research because I remember them doing a livestream of like 40 minutes of customization I didn't watch all 40 minutes when I first came out but I did afterwards but you know I kind of rested easy I didn't want you that first day I slept up like wow man 40 minutes of customization can't wait to watch this everything's gonna be fine everything's gonna be great you got this color palette you got all this really great stuff but if you really notice they kind of stay away from like the armor pieces like they showed it for like this is a forty minute video and it's up there in a small clip for like three seconds and I paused it at like this three seconds and you can see that there are a bunch of different helmet or armor designs that I have never seen before I don't know if these are in the game or these in the game I have not seen many in the game there's like three in the game and you've got like six or an eight or nine here and and I'm wondering to myself is this them all and they've locked these ones here behind paywalls that's what you're gonna see in the Prospero store that they're gonna try to sell you in a $60 game that you already paid for you expect that there's gonna be some armor variations that they give you from time to time but no there's this and and if this is all the ones they had here in this our armor customization section this is probably what we're gonna see for all of 2019 and this is unacceptable six years of development and this is what you can come up with and you also look at the the vinyls or the are the material types there looks to be rows and rows and rows and rows of [ __ ] that I never seen and they're holding all that stuff off also go to the vinyl section and look at all the the vinyls there's more vinyls there even crazier is the emotes look at all these emotes they're you you can even scroll down and see all these emotes now yeah they don't have the individual icons for the individual things but they're all there because as she's switching to them they're showing you that there are actually different emotes and I can't find half of the emotes that are there more than half I can't find 80% of those emotes and I expected those to be at release and then they add content because that's how a games as a live service works it doesn't mean you develop everything and then you cut it and you piecemeal it to us it means you give us a an amazing product filled with content you satisfy your player and then you have a staff that creates new content and say boom months later here's a bunch of new items as they're doing here in this goddamn [ __ ] roadmap which is hilariously late unacceptable and it's gonna kill the game the game is seriously this game is gonna be dead in like a week or you're probably already at the end of its thing and they expect people to play this [ __ ] all the way out till May over and oh that's the best thing they have coming out doing the same strongholds over and over Joe would you want to do those same three a stronghold del did 70 hours have any hours of tyrant mine I remind why because the heart of Rage boss was way over skilled and takes like 30 minutes to kill on grandmaster and the the scarred Dan or whatever it was called that final boss sucks yeah the fans get more health like you've achieved something no no that's why it's my lifespan right that's what people are in my opinion gonna drop off there are so many other issues with the game but this is the road map and this is the one that I wanted to focus on so that we can tell those people if you're sitting there thinking that everything's gonna be fine in a week everything's gonna be fine in a month the content is coming it's not buddy it's not you got to wait yourself all the way till May to get one Cataclysm event and you're gonna get little items sprinkled here and there that guess what already exist in the game but they're just locking it off for you and that's wrong right now especially with the lack of content in there now and they have right now they have so much stuff to worry about that's not working with like basic concepts of their game right they don't have time to develop extra content anyway they have to make sure their game works cuz the content that's there doesn't so they have to deal with that right now and the biggest thing is that the loot anthem anthem salute it's to randomize you made this point in the video tell us about why this loot doesn't work like that so everything in the entire game have every stat in the entire game you can get a flamethrower that gives you I love your flamethrower you could get like a flamethrower that gives you physical damage even though it's a flamethrower and that physical damage only works on that flamethrower and it's because that when they were developing their items they were like oh we're not gonna bother to put what type of mods can roll on certain weapons we're just still gonna let him roll anything and then you know you think oh if I get a flamethrower that's gonna make my physical damage to you more it would work on everything no it's so poorly thought-out basically that the wide range of randomness especially when you make these master works so valuable or hard to craft though nobody crafts because the crafting system is [ __ ] yeah you could just go out in the world and grab a masterwork you know what I mean but but on a whole game mechanic crafting is useless and nobody uses it that's an issue why didn't the crafting team or the master of that team say hey you've kind of made us useless and pointless can we get some different you know roll numbers and things here we and then the point you made with Diablo like if it is a certain weapon type that should have certain properties that make it cool one thing that destiny not one thing but many things destiny gets right I mean wow hindsight is you know it's great but each gun and you get in destiny looks different at least even if it's like [ __ ] tier and you're like okay I want to throw this away at least you were like oh cool that's good my character once I set my loadout I was like you know what I'm done yeah exactly and you've not only that but you find like one of those skills on your shoulder and one of the other ones that you like and you never change them because you know you like those and those are the best but it's not like there's a lot of options there's only like two more they're clearly inferior so you've got those lock down so what do you have weapons and then there are some weapons that are clearly better than others and then you have a small limited selection of weapons in the ones that are the best and then all those weapons look so similar in skin that there's no variation in them that's just there they repaint them that's your master work that's your legendary is a replay these are not not like a little cool rotating section or some [ __ ] badass you know apex legend Spartan or katana or something like none of that [ __ ] and and that's what destiny got right is that they knew that people would have an attachment to the loot that that would drive players forward and I can't the loot team is seriously the worst loot concept artists team in gaming I mean I their loot is garbage and it's and the way they present maybe there are really cool ones but the way it's presented to you and these little images static images and little are the drops when you're looking in your inventory it's just so at this point I've gotten every masterwork in the entire game yeah pretty much everything I want is there a table somewhere yeah there's a full table up there on their on their wiki or whatever and I went through and I checked and I had everything not a single one has a unique model Wow that I saw that is incompetence that is just like [ __ ] this game seriously when I learned that like it's as if you know you're supposed to have different teams you supposed to have a whole endgame team or a concept artists team in order to make these games work and it doesn't seem like that especially when you're three strongholds two of them are completely recycled and recycled in a bad way so with items two is the problem with the endgame right now and this is something that's absolutely horrible and I can't understand how they let this happen is so when you you play your javelin the coolest thing is your abilities past Grand Master one you can't use them anymore your guns are so much more powerful than your abilities no matter what you do that you're gonna be doing like 300 thousand damage with a shot on your sniper rifle but spamming like five or six of your abilities not even gonna come close not gonna come close not even one but do you see how it doesn't seem like there's a dedicated team to be like okay this is broken it's like let's just put this in see if it works okay works and let's move on to something else oh it actually didn't work oh there's actually a lot of problems with it there the development is crazy and if you think that the let's say that how many people do you think it took at Bioware to create this game over six years I would say that there's it's hundreds of jobs this generates a lot of jobs by where is big they're not a smaller studio of fifty people or something they're maybe 400 let's just say four hundred five hundred people are Bioware I don't know let's go down to two hundred to give them the benefit of the doubt do you so it takes two hundred to develop the game the game comes out do you think two hundred people are gonna continue to work on all this content in the roadmap and fix a game and develop the game as it should be and they make it seem if you look at this it's act 1 and then later on its act 2 and then it's act 3 and they have these really images that make it look like oh man and the way they tease at the end bit of a spoiler here the way they tease a new faction at the end of anthem that maybe they're gonna come do you honestly think that they're gonna be releasing anthem two for free in that kind of way he'll know what's gonna happen is this large team of 500 or let's say 200 employees is gonna get cut down to a skeleton crew they're going to get moved to other projects within EA and Bioware or Bioware if this because this is Bioware Dragon Age 4 unannounced project and you're gonna get a skeleton crew of and and these skeleton crew you're more talented what do you think well you're gonna leave all the talented people here they're gonna take the heads in the town I did I did a good job to make sure these other games are good while they leave behind a skeleton crew of people that are working their asses off trying to fix this what they left behind meanwhile dad's new content ingest new content so I discovered something last night I joined the anthem theorycrafting discord to talk with people and they showed me evidence that the game had been horribly chopped up and that a lot of things had been removed oh sure prime example so remember sev the Australian from the tyrant mind that talks to you he's a Corvis agent he's like that Australian guy the tyrant mind mission you get him on level 10 they talked to they they bring him up like you already know him they're gonna hey seven he's like a freelancer how you doing yeah I haven't met him at that point however the mission that he gets introduced to you is the the stronghold you get at the end of the game when you go into the scar one they're like hey I'm gonna introduce you to sev even though you've already met him they cut it out of order the missions are completely out of order and Fay you know the the chick that's got mental issues because she heard the anthem they see when you go into free play for the like even before you meet her she's the one talking to you yeah I know so they they chopped the story up the game has been completely broken up in this is evidence of with some kind of reassignment recycle we project reboot or something in the middle of development there says it you cannot tell me that they had a vision a perfect vision and they executed their vision perfectly because this thing feels cut up if he's piecemeal it feels untested here's the crazy part all those day one patches that the fans are like the mega well I shouldn't call them fans now there are people out there that enjoy anthem and it's false they say yeah it's got some faults but I like it too and that's perfectly fine I love you guys and you guys are the best because I too like flying around in anthem it's really probably still play a little bit more of it but at the same time I could still point out these criticisms and according to them being negative no it's called critic you know critiquing a game which is our job and still be able to play it or still want it to do well and I want it to fix itself but the point that I was making is that that day one patch this huge long list and some really critical things in there made me believe that that early access for origin members was basically a beta test like what were they doing in the beta test like they just what I'm trying to say is I feel I feel like nobody in Bioware actually played the game from start to finish before it released and nobody from finished to endgame nobody played it it doesn't matter what kind of gamer you are you would notice certain things and that's just what type of gaming you are developers playing it would notice things in their own game so and it feels like nobody played and then they released it and then a week later they realized all these things like the two missions not setting off for all your friends now they fixed that in the day one patch supposedly and then they also rolled it back back to where when you start anthem all those things are being fulfilled like from mission 2 or something you're building it up but when we got there it was a wall you had to do it all over again you're like wait 50 enemies like I killed 50 enemies already you want me to kill another and 15 chests which turns into 60 chests 15 15 15 15 because all your friends are playing with you and only one person we built 60 chests in this open world free play where once you open the chest that's it and you have no idea where these chests are there's no indications and you can't ping on the map you can't even share information on the map and your don't worry Joe you can get them from world events and then you have no idea where these world events are or they happen if you die and you have to go back to the world of it you forget where the world event because everything looks the [ __ ] same okay there's just so many problems as you can see Justin II had World omit markers on the map it's so somebody what I'm saying let me take this over now because I'm really [ __ ] mad somebody at Bioware had to play through that with their three Bioware friends at developer friends did not one person notice this no yes they had two of which means that they released it anyway which means that there they knew the incompetence and they were rushing to get it finished and it proves all my points that anthem is a completely unfinished game a rush game which makes no sense to say that after six years of development I honestly think they had a completely different game and product before EA was like how do we break this up and I feel like they had this whole thing laid out they had a dynamic story they had extra characters like the guy that got caught out of the trailer and they were like okay what are we gonna sell over the next year if the game's done they were like we want this cut out you want this cut out we want to put this later make your game without it if they started right now and they give them two more years this would be probably one of the most amazing games because I can see where they're going with it I can see what they intended and and if they had let some people into Bioware to play which is funny because I've been watching a lot of reviews I found some game changers even game changers talking [ __ ] about the game and then they'll drop every once well yeah I went to Bioware to play the game and I you know when I was playing at their house I'm fun and then and then I hate to be negative it can't be negative because they're like having this internal conflict with themselves and I can't I don't want to put anybody on blast but I watch this video and and I'm like dude you know just say this your job you say it stop trying to protect the developers yes they're good people but guess what they get paid you know it's not like you they get they're doing this for free and you're [ __ ] on their work and they just go home and cry no they get paid and and we need to make sure that management over there understands that the way they manage this game the way they manage their talented developers was incorrect because it resulted in a product that is so mismatched and you know incomplete and piecemealed and non-functional just look at the state of the end game look at the state of all I mean so they were working on this one Andromeda was being made and Andromeda is crafting system and gear system is better than what Anthem came out with like Andromeda had stats that made sense your biotic weapons are gonna give you biotic cooldown stuff like that like you could do really cool builds and I just did not like the multiplayer in in Mass Effect and it feels like that Bioware is just not strong at making multiplayer or something because you know in that multiplayer they had [ __ ] you know the consumables the drive maybe these people just do not know how to do a looter shooter this was not a social game at all cuz even I was with groups did they were leaving behind I've never talked to anybody once right and and that is points out and the things I said about the open world and trying to ping things and ping chests and ping world events so that we can get jazz and we can fill these objectives apex legends has completely revolutionized gaming yep it's I'm not I'm not joking something so derivative oh it's a battle royale oh it's the scraps leftover from titanfall 3 yeah it is all those things but it actually manages to do something that a game better than any other game before the pinging system when I ping something I can ping individual items I and that and your character says blue blue shotgun here you know and they automatically talk for you so if you're a timid shy person you don't literally have to get on the mic and say hey there's a the shotgun do you want this thing over here you could just look at it click it and the character in character says a funny line - and then you know puts that's what anthem needs very very badly and they also need to keep the players together so when you're going through the cutscenes let players come and experience the story together at bat and that way not only are you satisfying the players who want to start the game and go all the way through together cuz that's what I wanted to do with you guys yeah I wanted to fire up the game and go all the way through together and you could not do it yeah you're just you get so [ __ ] annoyed with each other you do this and that you know but if they had let allowed you to go to the hub area together we could sit through the cutscenes together alright everybody shut up now and watch the cutscene no instead I'm watching something while y'all are [ __ ] talking in the background I might shut the [ __ ] up so that I can hear the goddamn story you know it's poor design decisions it felt like they didn't want you to play together cuz even simple things like being able to do quick play with another friend to join missions to level up you know hey I want to go level hey I need to do these quick plays can't do it with friends for some reason they're matchmaking system cannot handle two people joining quick play at the same time they just won't let you do it anthem is fundamentally flawed I'm not sure that any amount of updates can go in and fix some of these things I think that I just don't think that anthem can achieve any better than a maybe a 5 or a 6 out of 10 until anthem - into a completely new game where they get new management and new design directors that to get their [ __ ] right because I mean there's just it's crazy and I think it's a result of them completing recent completely restarting work in the middle yeah because look the first hour is great I went when I was editing the review and I was going through all my footage I noticed a stark difference between the first hour of the game and then it drops hard and it's just a grind and then you hit the - mission and you want to quit most of my friends John just like after that you get no satisfaction you go in there you get some little things oh yeah you go in the tool I was expecting I was like all right fine you mean you want me to do all this [ __ ] to open this and then it opens up there's this big [ __ ] adventure a tumulus what challenge is from this guy who is the oh he was the sniper so I'm gonna have to make you sniper whether it's a potted plant no you go in there it is literally one room with the old dingy [ __ ] [ __ ] mummy any farts as you greet him or whatever look back it was it was that is it yeah architect who was known for his amazing building creations you go in there he's got like a like a countertop it's granite so nice but what I'm saying is so I went through all my footage in the first hours great if it continued like the way it does and see this kind of fools players and they they justify their purchases it was great because our first hour is amazing it really is like and then Owen is and then Owen isn't actually outside of his little area that he's always at he's waiting for you and then this lady comes up with this Sentinel and it's just so cool and then it drops off like it was like a nine out of ten opening and maybe even end at eight out of ten because in the first hour they do still do to horde missions remember protect the signal second that's the second mission in the game the third mission in the game is bring the orbs so there was already even problems in the first hour where you know everybody in this county else which work was common swinging and they still put these shitty missions in right and then the game completely drops off or gets insulting with the - mission but then it starts to pick up again at the end of the game and I was looking at the footage and it's about two hours at the end that has highly polished lots of directed cutscenes lots of tension and interesting even though they [ __ ] those missions up there's one mission I cut at this point out of my review I was like oh I'll show you here Wow this mission is also really bad I mean we've been standing in one spot the whole time that's the point of the mission sand in one spot I'm not joking you have to recreate you're the general who stood in one spot millennia ago so now you must stand in one spot riveting gameplay mechanics tied directly into the story stand in one spot everybody that mission it you know is the general mission where you're supposed to recreate what the glorious general does what is the mission stand in place and kill all these anymore no you gotta kill Titan to that you already know the end member on the oh yeah the final one yeah just stand in place as people come and you were already doing that stand in place for the radio signal stand in place for the final favorite part is when they were dialoguing they were like she fought so hard she was mortally wounded and she was overwhelming and you're just like bop bop and you're like yeah this general kind of sucks like I know the point they were trying to make isn't she's so awesome and [ __ ] and she's the best and she created all the freelancers and you're like there were four of us anyways it's just that's why I think it was cut up man because like the beginning in the end are really good and it's like I had a hot dog and then they were like let's cut the ends of the hotdog off and sell the middle again later yeah oh they put the hot dog together and we're like or they rebooted everything and then they were like okay let's make the good wheel is with a startup a really good ending really good start and we'll fill it in we're running at a time all we are totally out of time it's way too short put in the to mission an artificial roadblock that's what happened guys I feel like that anyways um just let me just start spouting off stuff and we can talk about it you pick your face and you never see it again you don't remember last beat there's supposed to be like a transition scene from the e3 demo where you see characters face and you're supposed to like when you're getting in your suit you're supposed to see your face now that you brought it up I remember that I forgot come what I look like too but that could have been it like that loading screen here's an idea let let us see because you know the storm one worries at all that looks cool I can watch that literally at all [ __ ] day but yeah give more elaborate one where I could see my face getting anymore or something like that and let me move the camera around to supposed to be cutscenes where you were out of your suit talking to people and it was supposed to show you and then they were like yeah I don't want to do that it's just everybody in that marketplace is just standing in place like why does nobody move why did they not go about their business you know they needed a dynamic day/night cycle or whatever that sometimes they're in this area sometimes they're in that area sometimes they're not around I know that would probably annoy players so they would have to be around but just not always in the same spot or you go there and they come up and they they put down some Goods like you you're helping this chick's bakery or some [ __ ] and then you're combining this bakery with the fruit thing but you never see it you never see like really she never moves like she could have come up with a bunch of like baguettes and [ __ ] in like oh thank you so much look at look at what we're about to build here but no you didn't do that [ __ ] he has multiple dialogues you literally just go into any load screen after she says I'm gonna head off and go get my stuff going to load screen for like one she's got another set of dialogues she's like I wouldn't did all this stuff and I just I hate prospero guys like this game glorifies Prospero and such an evil manipulative sinister ways like you gotta look good as you go into battle because they're really trying hard to sell that [ __ ] well that's why I do what I do I sell the Thunder in every freelancer can invoke same all I felt that day you'll win every time always fun talking to you Prospero see you later back at you I hate this Angelica yeah all you mean you mean all those cool armor pieces that were in the game that you cut out of the game so that you're gonna sell us later and these stupid featured screens that people are actually buying because I see people that I see that bumblebee one for first the storm yeah though his because I like the barnacles I want to reduce the barnacles and that paid one kind of does and I was like [ __ ] you I can't believe you made me consider that I spent $65 and I was like no if this game was the game it should have been then yeah hey did you talk to him after you saved the world if you talk to him after you save the world he's like how you been free let's see so I was saving the world he's like you should buy her something nice to celebrate yeah dude that Prospero is accesory me me Prospero is corporate commander freelancer thanks it came for your help business is already looking up selling the Thunder huh hey people laugh but the uniform makes the soldier ever seen the Dominion they know it if you want to win a war presentation is half the battle you have to inspire fear fool all in your enemies plus it's just cool flying it's done that it is you seemed pretty passionate about this I love what I do and it's important I want to help the good guys win when a freelancer shows up in their chaplain I want people to remember it your enemies will shudder your allies will salute I like the sound of that a little thunder and lightning to make an entrance you get it why do people fear a big storm rolling in probably because I can kill you that's right so you just let me know if I can fix you up with anything the javelins always got room for more Thunder will do see you around stupid but ok so there's so many combos in between missions that's how you convey the story or characters but it kind of makes you dread targeting people when you're in the groove and you want to go back out and fight they should have had more the characters out in the open world where you encounter them and they talk to you in the open world to get those contracts that's you know that Russian guy I think he's Russian his accent is very hard to nail down but he's like the protector of the lore and the contracts guy he should be out in the field and you should be known and you should meet him in out in the open world but they never do that and you could go from contractor Karl if you if you look back at it and I wanted to talk about this too if you look back at the the e3 gameplay trailer I think they intended for that to be a thing because when you're first introduced to the earth 6 and the gameplay trailer where they were playing yeah it shows an animation of an earth 6 picking up dogs and slamming them down it's all done already it's actual gameplay the earth 6 is like killing Frost dogs thrown off a bridge and it's like this is an introduction this is an ER 6 stay the [ __ ] away from it every time you see a new creature there should have been something like yeah it was done that's what I don't understand is that sort of introduction was done well I would I think that I think that's all bull shot I think that that was just solely created just to show off at a presentation in there like yeah well we'll hit that well we'll do that later soon and we'll do that later oh [ __ ] we're uh no we can still do it we'll do it don't worry about it we're not gonna be able to do that I'm just okay cut it but maybe we'll sell it later I just I just want to play whatever that demo was because like they so that was the other thing too is they didn't just you know how obese off has his reputation of like down scaling things you go back and watch that trailer and I've watched this comparison video like 13 times they didn't just down scale the graphics or the lighting they stripped like 80% of the object detail in the world all the plants in the potted I don't see I I do see that yeah I was about to disagree but then I realized it the open world is less detailed than the stronghold world there are two separate world guys if I noticed it in my footage remember when I'm flying around I'm saying oh my god this is so amazing that's actually the tyrant mind stronghold where everything is so lush so dense but then you go out into the open world and it's it's less there are good-looking areas for sure but it is less and that's because you are an it in a stronghold your instance right and you're going through the whole thing that there you know it shares some similarities but then you go in and doors closed which was ridiculous because that led to players not being able to get past door getting stuck I got stuck several times but I was just talking about the town yeah the video you look at the town comparisons there were baskets of fruit there were like Goods on tables there was like bunches of people buying stuff it was so much deck it was static objects to stuff that wouldn't lag the game that much well that's the thing they [ __ ] lied and I want to hammer this home again look at what she says here at the heart of anthem is the concept of our world my story the unique combination of a dynamic ever-changing world and a powerful personal story back within the safety of fort Tarsus is where my story begins this is your chance to develop a richly personal narrative where your choices have consequences your choices what choices have consequences in this game none there are absolutely [ __ ] none this is straight lying this is overselling and then that goes on and then before Tarsus is right for exploration as well you may even encounter shadowy figures with questionable character it all depends on the decisions you make this is real-time storytelling a reinvention of personal narrative in a multiplayer game meet people with questionable you know back shady back what what are you [ __ ] talking about that and then I was like okay let's try to be as fair as possible what the [ __ ] are they talking about it it's probably princess whatever her name is right but in that trailer you notice how they show off her city her area as if it's for Tarsus because they're talking about Fort Fort Fort cysts alright Marxist from skillet and but no it's like these aren't the same places in fact this place is way better and I wish I could have explored some of that but it's all a cutscene and I guess that's the shady thing so I guess they qualify that in a in a leak so that in court they could legally defend themselves [ __ ] matter do not matter then it was like interact with your crew and your strider and they'll help you customize your mexico it's just like the legal definition be it's an MVP it's a Minimum Viable Product because he does technically what you know in those cutscenes where they're all like hey I ain't got a good hand me that screwdriver and then they're like screw driving a tube so technically they did work honor they operated your they did customize by giving you the shield that allows you to go on the Hart rage so if they ever go to court they're legally protected but you know they oversold that I mean like you already have a mechanic she's standing next to your javelin launch in town in the in the like the old preview the III once she's got like goggles on she's working on your javelin she looks like an actual mechanics you got grease all over now you got some some chick who stands there and they just go up and talk to her and you're like what well you know one of those girls is completely pointless she's so pointless the the Tony you know and she's a mobster family the regulator chick yep her store is Prospero store there's no difference between yeah she's got a funny voice and she's kind of cute but that's that's that's it I mean what's her point well they got this voice actor so they need to use her let's create a whole separate shop floor I thought my mechanic was gonna lie and then my mechanic talks about her she's like oh my god that girl's like bringing in and she's right across the way that girl in the market Sarna she seems like quite the character if she actually brings a core ox into the fort it'll be one for the history books I don't know if people understood the joke that I made cuz I was like these are all the positives of anthem and then do I like it no and the first thing I show when I'm rage is that mechanic Zoey saying the same thing over again I don't know if this is in your way but she was talking about Jack like are you in jacking some kind of hero competition like are you in some sort of who can be the bigger hero contest that's the third Sentinel Patrol he's rescued from scars this week and that was literally like the fifth I counted him and I should have done a supercut there's a 15th time she had said that within about three hours of gameplay but when you're constantly going back to the hub area and that's the first thing she says it pissed me off does that not happen to happen to me a lot of the NPC's said the same stuff over and over again but later on it was a for Christ's sake by where you couldn't come up with like nondescript greetings like hey hey freelancer what's up you know I could listen to hey freelancer welcome back 15 times but if she goes are you and Jack and some kind of competition because just last week Jack came back with three kills the harder this game is gonna [ __ ] kill me man but now like again she I thought maybe she would have some point in the story but Zoey never talks or anything that the the mechanic shakes and it's like are you gonna upgrade my javelin are you gonna do this like no I'm just gonna say that you suck bear to Jack right but no she's fluff and supposedly when you're not looking she works on your javelin to fix it because it's all [Music] actually working on it right you know better right they didn't have the budget to record those 30 seconds extra voice lines like hey how's it going okay so now it it we've been talking having fun how do we fix anthem you don't I will I'll fix anthem for you but your bungee I can't believe it's because your MIDI is a hollow of its former self and now Bioware seems to be hollow and nowhere near its former self anyways so I'll fix it for you Bioware I you know I hope you're watching this video here's how you do anthem - okay okay what was the most fun missions in anthem well the first tiny bit which no I don't agree with because you have two of the mundane maybe the first mission was an alright opening and then a lot of the ending story missions right but what in between they're the strongholds actually Tyra I know well you know you played it to death with the first time you play a stronghold you're like well this is multifaceted look at this big boss this is great now could you imagine if instead of all these filler contract missions of looking up Salvage bringing orbs to a basketball ring orbs to literally guarding tentacles guarding rock that was a mission I know I didn't blow you and instead of those we had 15 levels 15 strongholds basically each level is a stronghold with cutscenes a boss almost like a monster hunter where hey there's like 15 unique boxes and these relics do different things so you go into stronghold number 7 and this this one has a shaper relic which makes gravity [ __ ] up so you cannot touch the ground in this one it's literally just flying in you're shooting and flying and then the next one is it messes with your memory so there's a little bit of cutscenes at the beginning and then in the middle of the mission they kind of repeat the cutscene but in a different way and you're like wait what just happened and then they you know they [ __ ] with your mind so you have like these individual little set pieces like 15 different stronghold missions and and when you do something like that then people and those little fun gameplay loops they wouldn't mind playing those on Grand Master over and over if there were more strong could have done something really cool to like could because they talked about how artifacts can manipulate time too they could have had like a Groundhog Day puzzle where every time you do the puzzle wrong you're dies and world right and then it's like do it again remember what you learned and it's like every time you just keep dying over and over again there's so many potential for the shaper stuff and they don't do it at all and there's so much potential and strong holes in the world bosses and they don't do it at all they recycle titans and the most unique looking boss in the game is the tyrant bug the spider the spider and I guess the final boss you know their monitor and it's just what the [ __ ] man and when you were leave and then and then people like I want to pay you money when you satisfy me with 20 [ __ ] stronghold missions and I can repeat those whenever I want choose the specific story missions I want to replay then you build a community do you remember that one time oh yeah how I solved that one and yeah you solved that one I did this one this one I did I did that shape a relic on Grand Master too you know that kind of stuff but here it's the same [ __ ] it's the same three strongholds over that are already recycled amongst those three and all they do is damage scaling and there's no like unique boss the boss patterns in this game suck yep like the way they attack and you know the Telegraph it's just not fun boss thinks it's there in the middle they sit there and just say that tank sits there in the middle then shoots at you with seeker missiles it doesn't even look at you a lot of the time it just uses auto tracking missiles this is the laziest thing so I you know so if you had something like 15 contract missions and then you had with the side missions that are already in the game use those as the filler stuff in between the filler contracts and the world defense in the open world and do it like and do the loading like the division because the division - we play the beta we didn't like it that much hopefully the main game will be better but at least the division - you [ __ ] load and you're playing for a long time for a long [ __ ] time you go from mission mission you open your inventory you get drops you equip your new machine guns you look at your machine in the world and I honestly right now I'd rather play the Division two and I think the division two might be a better game than anthem but it seems confident works it's more confident yeah and so I mean that's that's one of those things where we we're saying you know if they had had more strongholds those are just missions like if you look back at all the rice effects they don't i've only here begging for them and thinking it's this crazy idea that you give us 15 strongholds wacho halo halo 1 literally 15 and you can play them on legendary and they're multifaceted and they have different elements and there's cutscenes with ships and Joe they've brainwashed you they make you think that the old standard six months from now you may have won and I swear to God if at this point they recycle more assets for this content that's coming out more stars a new Titan appears and it's the same time only red he's blue like more like Mars under you see all this cool dynamic on species and everything yeah and it would have been sweet but you see animals interact eats a bunch of little animals swallows them whole then goes away and you're like I mean people have put in six hundred hours into destiny to put in six hundred hours and when I hear that I don't immediately go you're [ __ ] crazy I go okay I can see how you could put that because there is a chase there's an addictive lewd element your guy can actually look different you see how cool these designs are and you could see these things up front all the work that went into the armor and and PvP which is endless pretty much and you and you start to appreciate became like destiny and so yeah what's happening in air is Bioware and anthem is just lowering the [ __ ] bar because the game is so shed and those fans of anthem their bar is so lowered now they can literally go buy beer hold my beer I could do a worse looter oh is that is that what you're doing Bungie home up fall straight on their face like I'm not I'm last really good and we're aware of that it's a lot better what destiny 2 is way better oh yeah no I well I don't know forsaken people talk like forsaken completely changed everything it is like the best thing now it's it is better but it's not what they think this don't try to be conned into thinking is completely different game in the sense that it's like destiny 3 is like they just got [ __ ] right and they're so used to getting [ __ ] wrong and getting half-measures oh they got it right and but they're holding it up like you know it is 10 out of 10 it's not yeah but this is yeah they did a good job I think that was the biggest competitor that's why I'm hoping that away from Activision maybe we're gonna see something fantastic from from Bungie maybe for destiny 3 if they even want to keep destiny going clearly they do since they wanted the rights to it and they pull it day and they're like we still own the rights to that so we'll see I mean it was just just playing these leaders shooters before I got into anthem because I played the division 2 beta I went replayed the division ones endgame just to get familiarized I tried destiny 2 for a little bit again and I was like ok I get a good idea of what a good lunar shooter is anthem is the war solution and then I play it then I'm like did a 5 year old like what the hell this is this like it was just so I a lot of my problem is I when I was thinking about it after I get away from it for like 10 20 minutes on my start thing is it's it's incompetent but not terrible then you go back in and you notice things like no character she you know half the stats don't make sense they're the pacings all messed up you get introduced to people after and the brine the enemy I is incompetent this city the grind sucks and a lot of people think Oh Joe you're an idiot because obviously there's gonna be a grind this is a loot shooter if there is a grind yes and and don't say grind there's it's a bad because it's grinding that's know what I'm saying there are good grinds and there are bad grinds and anthem is a perfect example of a bad grind it is it's I thought about it the more you think about it the more you realize this is the most incompetent looter shooter that has ever come out ever been and it's it's so basic mistakes like the simplest stuff like a stats page gone and it's like nobody played just feels like a skeleton crew made the game yeah it feels and then and then the more talented people came in for a little bit built something that then left and then the skeleton crew had to find a way to fit it in it feels like this was made by 20 to 30 people over six years and like you said people got moved in and out all the time because this this is not Bioware proper for six years there's no [ __ ] way it is but that's the thing maybe a small total group will stop it yeah this is Bioware they released this product and they deserve the blowback that they're getting honestly if you start making if you all start [ __ ] making excuses for them like that then it's never gonna change all right so this they need to learn from this they need to be like project management was bad on this one we're sorry about that here's why and this is when this is when we're fixing it and yeah it's great and and hopefully you know we'll get this back up to speed I still want to give half the blame to he yeah but you know sometimes it's not sometimes it's not a yeah I know we want to put all the blame on Iain cuz it's fun and they're a shitty company and so it's [ __ ] Activision but you know sometimes sometimes the dev side the power you know developers [ __ ] or whatever but that's kind of what happened here so I'm hoping the fact that all the content on this roadmap comes out so late we you've got a dead game on your hands it's also gonna come out by that time exactly they're probably gonna do it better and people aren't gonna come back you're gonna be developing for a smaller and smaller audience and this is Ben business remember ei is the publisher here's where we can start blaming ei yeah it's gonna be like I need you guys to finish Dragon Age 4 I need you guys to finish unannounced project number 1 etc etc so they're pulling people off and it's gonna be harder and harder my job to go along especially in the games of service where there's no $40 expansion pack they plan to do all this stuff for free which was commendable but if really all you did was barely develop something minimal Viable Product and then you're gonna get the rest that is not how we want it that's not how we wanted this deal to work out and we have to remember they shut Andromeda studio down and dissipated it for a 7 out of 10 like that was the Metacritic score and that wasn't good enough and they destroyed that bright I actually liked Andromeda more than I liked oh by far by far that's what makes me so worried and and about if you're an anthem fan I don't know if you're gonna see an anthem - yeah I really don't know especially we need to see these sales numbers I don't know if the new story is coming out when I post this or it's gonna come out later or is gonna do their best to suppress that news story that they didn't get the you know 10 million oh they readjusted it like 6 or 7 million they want 6 or 7 million copies sold by the first they do some dress account people are doing subscriptions I have no that's what I don't understand is I didn't buy it nobody I know but rate it's like 15 bucks yeah they traded a whole game development away for a boost in subscriptions I hope that's gonna work that I was already subscribed to for everything so I essentially just kind of got this game as a freebie me too same with those days yeah so there are so many out there that buy it at 60 and for y'all guys I understand your pain and it's it's pretty bad guys yeah so anthem sucks but I I'm not one of those that gives so much praise to them fixing something that comes out broken like that's not you're not getting extra praise from me you're getting thank you you know that kind of thing cuz they're gonna have to work their ass off to bring it to destiny 1 whenever that launch because that was even better destiny was one was too much work to do yeah so and then and then they've got the new content so maybe they knew the disaster State that's why the first Cataclysm comes out may I'm all these things I talked about where nobody a Bioware seemingly went through the game themselves they didn't gain they had to so they had to know that this would be a disaster they had to know that it was this [ __ ] mangled and broken in an a mash of different things that didn't quite work they had to know that and that's why the roadmap is the way it is alright guys that's it for this extended discussion we could probably perhaps do a whole nother one but I got to cut it short here and prevent this from going way too long as well I I do hope that and some does get better but if they decide to do I'm sorry if they decide to do an anthem - it needs to be completely completely different and go in with a completely different design philosophy keep your your multiplayers people together don't separate them in the hub areas just have them go through the story together borderlands this [ __ ] make water land game with co-op like make this single player game and add co-op that's what you have to do that's what Bioware needs make make the baseline mission strongholds then add raids on top of those then add a bunch of generic free contracts and open-world [ __ ] like like what makes up this game mostly and pinging and pinging everybody in the gaming industry that has a game like this copy apex legends copy them now I know it's complicated because you have to build trees and this tree references when you're looking at this building then this character will say this line saying hey everybody go to the hospital I know it's difficult but you have to do it it worth it it's it'll be totally worth it and people will continue to play because you have that great gameplay hook over and over and that's all you need alright you know the one last thing to say about anthem is like their systems are so broken right now like the loot they couldn't fix that without [ __ ] over everybody that already grinded for it because let hell that's what I'm saying yeah they can't they basically you'd lose the rest of your players if you go and you're like we need to patch this we're adding new loot we're making all your old loot useless or we're nerfing your loot because it's too powerful or too weak or blah blah blah everyone will quit cuz you know the people that suffered through that and grind it that's why it's so important to get it right first time and that's why you can go through 20 hours of the game and not get a masterwork and not get a legendary and and you didn't think about oh maybe before the end before they ended they hit the story let's entice them you do the grind let's entice them to do the endgame by popping in one masterwork by popping in to it three and and now there's the majority of players who've already gone through this game I realized [ __ ] this I'm not playing no more Joe has never gotten a legend he's never got a mask you know never felt bad the disappointment and then and then when you get to you where you actually do get them and you see they're all [ __ ] broken that is ruined now you have to do another problem you would have to do another 70 hours once they black to get a good one or to get ones that aren't broken to get the actual experience of 71 hours of great master works but honestly they're not great because the way they're designed and I don't think they have the concept artists to make each gun look completely different and and if they actually do and they start doing that all the people that plate is like what but [ __ ] you you better give me a few of those on these drops and I spend so much time anthem is a [ __ ] mess it was a disaster everybody kind and here's the thing everybody's railing on it but when anthem was being shown there was something wrong there we felt it and you felt it the amount of excitement was never really there there was always just something there and not whether that was maybe was made by a or maybe you know this it's a Loutre shooter I don't know what it was but I never got to that level where I had complete confidence and anthem that it would be you know good coming off the back of Andromeda and coming off of the battlefront crap and we we distrusted by away we distrust it EA well what I want why I'm smiling and why I'm looking about it in a positive way I think the general gaming you know consensus kind of felt this felled a disaster coming felt like there was something wrong with anthem and it came out and there was something wrong with anthem and so I'm kind of like happy that we kind of sent something before as a gaming community as a whole because not a lot of people you know putting fourth questions about anthem in Assen and naked shout it down like diehard you know Bioware fans and and diehard looter shooter and people that just wanted to believe and and that's fine but you know it's also good too because what if some of these criticisms and questions would have come up sooner and helped by a wire make a better product and helped EA realize okay guys we're gonna delay anthem from February 15th to the end of the year we want to make the best product we possibly can and we want to give Bioware another year to work on it that would have been completely okay with me yeah what helped I mean if they would have done the play test and then realized oh [ __ ] we need a lot of work and we need is like seven more we need five more strongholds they didn't fix bugs from the freaking tech test three weeks prior yeah like the bug spawn in the tire at mine where the bugs don't spawn that's still there and and the doors closed and good luck yep that's crazy man there they must already be on a skeleton crew they have [ __ ] crazy they couldn't fix game-breaking bugs they knew about like three four weeks before the game came out and the day and and then finally the decision to not drop armor pieces to not drop vinyls to not drop wear States to not drop paint schemes to not drop what are some of the other yeah you can they're very fun rare buried in the menu if you get to loyalty three you'll get a decal or whatever but to not have those things drop in new armor new head pieces new new arms legs torso and save it for damn Prospero and a vanity store and a $60 [ __ ] game [ __ ] you you deserve a little bit of this that's happening this flaming wreck that you have released and we gotta look good when you save the world Joe yeah but how much is that gonna cost $8 by the end of May in the world so I look different from everybody else cost me $120 all right thank you guys so much for watching we'll see you on the next angry Joe show I guess [Music] [Music]
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 2,526,230
Rating: 4.8361301 out of 5
Keywords: angryjoe, angryjoeshow, anthem, extended review discussion, angry review, extended angry review discussion, bioware, EA, looter shooter, fps, destiny
Id: 3USYN8kHkG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 41sec (4241 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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