THE DOOM MOVIES - Do NOT Smell what The Rock was Cooking...

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oh hey welcome to hell looks like you stumbled on down here with me while we're here you know boiling let's talk about the Doom movies the massively popular and influential video game Doom you've probably heard of it well they made two movies about the games how are they not that good but hey what's perfect out there you know what I mean definitely not these movies let's just say they have some problems from a severely underpowered BFG to Blue Man Group zombies to a weird firstperson Movie game sequence they're admittedly a fun time but also kind of difficult to take seriously let's start with the movie from 2005 simply titled Doom it stars Dwayne The Rock Johnson Carl Urban and rosemund Pike it was directed by this person I can't say that props to him because I read that he wanted to keep the computer effects to a minimum if there was a possible way to make a scene with practical effects he was going to do it that way and I think that's a pretty admirable way to go about making a movie like this especially one compared to today's Hollywood when we get movies like Ant-Man 3 no no no no and to be honest the Practical effects look pretty good most of the time on IMDb The Rock plays a guy named the sarge but in parenthesis it says the rock is his name in the movie The Rock as well like is that his character's nickname kind of like how Carl character in the movie has the nickname Reaper did they choose the rock as the The Rock's nickname did they decide that I don't know that's kind of stupid I don't think anybody calls him the rock in the movie I wish they did that'd be funny thank you so much to displate for sponsoring this video have you ever been watching one of my videos and thought man those posters behind him are pretty cool I wish I could get one thanks to today's sponsor displate today's your lucky day because I can tell you exactly how you can do that you're still using paper to hang art on your walls what are you from ancient Egypt get with it girl get 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five business days displate is also launching a new product line called displate Textra they have tactile textures 3D Contours and you can select matte or gloss effects and they'll be available on hundreds of best-selling displates so go to Elvis alen or click the link at the top of the description and check out designs with the new texture finish thank you so much to displate for sponsor in this video now back to the review when you think of the Doom games you probably think of one of two things the classic 1993 Doom or 2016's doom and 2020s doom Eternal you probably don't think of this which is a shame because this movie is based on this there were many different scripts written for various movie adaptations of Doom all of which were supposedly much closer to the original games than the final movie that we got Allan B mroy and Dean lay are two such writers both of their scripts were rejected I mean they could have been they were probably rejected for a reason Doom 2005 does not feel like a doom movie in the beginning I think this is mostly because it follows the release of the Xbox 360s Doom 3 which was released in 2005 and the movie bases itself off that game in many ways in that game you play as an anonymous Marine who arrives at the uac's Mars base to investigate strange disturbances it's definitely not one of the more influential Doom games out there Doom guy doesn't exist in this movie and it results in it feeling like a stereotypical sci-fi zombie movie with some Doom guns and monsters it feels more like Resident Evil or Ridley Scott's alien granted there are zombies in Doom but I don't know whenever you think of Doom monsters you never think of the dumb zombies you know at least I don't you're more likely to think of the Cod demon or the Cyber demon or the baron of Hell or the mancubus the hell Knights the imps I mean there's so much to choose from and this movie was like zombies it's not until nearly 45 minutes in until we see our first demon and it turns out that they're not actually demons they're people that have been genetically mutated but I'll be calling the monster looking ones demons anyway the intro Doom logo in this movie is pretty cheesy but I think this type of thing wasn't too uncommon back in the early 2000s maybe I'm wrong I don't remember it's been a while according to IMDb the film setting is at a dig site called Old duai on Mars Earth's old duvi Gorge was the setting for the opening scenes of 2001 A Space Odyssey so I thought that was a pretty neat little nod right away this movie reminds me of aliens we're introduced to a crew of men each with a unique personality and they're all sent on a mission to secure a facility on Mars even the sets look like they're straight out of an alien movie one of the soldiers is playing a game on a giant game boy looking thing what year is it again in this movie because they're able to fly to to Mars but this is what they're gaming on the way they get to Mars is pretty cool though they enter this reflective bubble thing that teleports them there immediately after arriving this freak named Portman starts verbally harassing a bunch of women you might recognize the guy who plays Portman Richard break he's also in Barbarian kingsman the Secret Service and the Mandalorian TV series the nicknames for all the Marines are pretty epic Reaper Destroyer Sarge The Rock Duke goat and then Portman they probably just refer to him as his last name because he's the weirdo of the group this is the guy they all suspect is probably a rapist or worse so I am just going to have to strip search you girls but they have no proof of that so they just keep him around as a meat Shield after arriving on Mars they start investigating the facility at around 15 minutes when Samantha Grim unlocks the first door using the electric keypad the key tones match the five iconic notes from Close Encounters of the Third [Music] Kind I love it when movies do that they put little Easter eggs in you know for people who catch on to them there's a scene where Jon finds out that kids eyes are dilated and they're in a near pitch black sewer he does flash a light near his face but still dude I don't think you'd be able to notice later in the movie Samantha and Duke start flirting but it's kind of kind of weird because while flirting she's operating on a literal demon corpse that no human has ever encountered before these two people are not acting like this thing was killed that same day and that there could be more of the same thing on the base with them not only that her co-workers are either dead or turned into zombies it's so weird that they're flirting the other scientists in this movie Dr Todd karmac and Dr Willets are references to Todd Holland Sheed John carac and Tim Willets who are all co-owners of ID software the company that made the Doom games I swear to God the only reason the rock took this role is so he could pretend he got to use a BFG and I mean who can blame him right that's pretty cool it's pretty funny how Destroyer tries using one of those ancient Cube computer monitors against a demon like he swings it around at them he literally attacks one of them with one of these massive computer monitors and it's so funny to think that they'd be using these huge monitors still when you know we can travel to Mars I'm on my way to Mars babe let me pack my computer puts this massive Cube into a briefcase the entire fight between destroyer and this demon makes little sense to me there are definitely moments when they're fighting when he should have been incapacitated but he kept on fighting anyway he's held up against an electric wall but he can still use his arm to stab the demon what it reminds me of that scene from The Hangover when the kid electrifies z but it doesn't work he just keeps walking for forward he's like shoot him again during this fight Destroyer flips over the demon and it's so unrealistic how did he do that he takes a giant pipe and Rams it straight through the demon and impales him onto this wall what ends up killing Destroyer is uh fall damage I'm not joking he takes too much fall damage he just plummets and oof you know de I love how this dude's name is destroyer and he carries a giant minigun around with him but earlier in the movie he [ __ ] his pants at the sight of a monkey in a event moving on so remember the creepy dude Portman he's kept alive longer than a lot of the other men and it's silly he should have been the first one to die and I think that's obvious there's a moment early on when he falls in a hole and I jumped for Joy oh boy yes get that guy out of here only for the other men to pull him out to safety why would they do that they could have easily just gotten rid of him right there let him flounder dude we don't want this guy around Portman does eventually get grabbed by a demon and killed his death is broadcast to this other guy who then laughs while he's dying so I guess that works that's actually hilarious when The Rock shoots The BFG it must actually be The BFG mini because it isn't nearly as powerful as it should be compared to video game counterpart anyway at this lab they were experimenting with the 24th chromosome that has the ability to turn people into superhumans also Carl Urban has a mole above his right eyebrow in this movie mole and it isn't there in his more recent role as Billy butcher in the show the boys where's that mole did he get that mole removed why' you get that mole removed Carl Urban huh I like that mole what' you do with it also I love this scene oh there's something behind me isn't something behind me isn't there also near the end of this movie there's a dispute among the Marines about whether or not they should Evacuate the uninfected civilians or Kill Them All to contain the infection by any means necessary zombies infiltrate in high numbers during the third act and Duke gets pulled into a vent in the floor and the CGI blood that sprays up after he's pulled in there doesn't look realistic at all now I know the director wanted to use mostly practical effect but how much of the budget do you think he spent on the CGI 50 bucks $50 I'm just joking but it looks like it you know he just found some dude on Craigslist and he's like I need you to do a job for me I think it's pretty silly that Sarge didn't have any of his men guard the Gateway back to Earth instead they all searched the facility which allows the zombies to use the portal to get back to Earth his mission was to prevent the spread of this organ ISM and he fails miserably to do so he couldn't even keep one guy near the portal just put Portman back there you know although they probably wanted him dead so yes very sad anyway all right I'm going to be honest after rewatching the first person scene it's not as bad as I remember I think I said in a previous review I think it was the Jujitsu review that Dom Nick Cage movie check me there's a first person scene in that movie that that's way worse than this one it's like that Doom movie remember when they go into like that random video game sequence it's really awful for some reason I remember it being bad but after rewatching it I thought it was pretty cool dude but it does go on for way too long it should have been this cute quick little thing but no it goes on and on and on oh my God we get it dude it was cool at first I want to see something else now I'm done I'm not playing a game you know it'd be cool if like in the middle of the movie they were like pick up your controller it's time to play can you imagine that'd be kind of cool right if in the future movies and games kind of like do this I'm sure there are already games like that maybe in the future games and movies will become so like entwined that you'll expect to be able to play certain parts of the movie you'll have your controller ready like oh my God when's it going to come but yeah I think it's cute and a pretty cool way to pay homage to the games also according to IMDb it took 14 days to shoot this part which is pretty crazy 14 days of nothing but a camera strapped to this guy's chest while he's walking around the gun through hallways near the end of this movie it feels a lot more like Doom until Sarge shoots the BMG and misses how hold on bro how you don't even have to aim that thing dude just shoot at the wall nearest your opponent and run for your life later Sarge has a goofy line that has been Meed considerably since he's says sey mother I can't swear YouTube doesn't like it when I swear they don't give me money if I swear sey mother Reaper's name is JN by the way Sergeant JN have a little fight it's not the worst thing in the world but it's far from the best they're both infected with this extra chromosome so they're both super strong Jon uses the teleporter and grenade to kill Sarge I find it strange that the tagline for this movie is no one gets that alive when technically two people make it out alive at the end and what's more during the end credits when the cast members names appear on the screen the only ones that aren't destroyed are the only two who survive in the movie I also read that a nuclear explosion sequence on Mars was filmed but not used in the Final Cut can you imagine filming a nuclear explosion and then not using it what how could you not use it I mean just throw it in there why not everybody likes when things blow up dude just blow something up overall all I think this movie fails because the people whose lives are at risk I didn't care about the movie tries to give JN and Samantha a backstory but it's lacking in substance this movie's plot felt trite and vapid to me we've all seen better movies with similar plots the acting was also pretty average nothing horrendous but nothing great either Doom Annihilation baby hell yeah let's go this time written and directed by Tony Giglio this guy has a pretty funny last name Giglio if I knew this guy I would just call him Giglio he should open like a coffee shop or a comedy club that makes sense welcome to the Giglio where you'll get the giggles I'm sorry based on reviews alone this guy doesn't have the best track record he made the movie extraction and some random swap movie I will never see either of them according to the official Doom Video Game Twitter account the video game series creators were not involved with the making of the movie despite being asked to help with the film they declined and wished them luck what a kick in the balls dude imagine making a movie based on a game but the people who made the game refused to help you with any aspect of the movie that would suck one of the actresses in this movie is Amy Manson but she's credited as Amy Mason in the opening credits but her name is spelled correctly in the end credits in the opening scenes it states UAC stands for United Aerospace Corporation but in the Doom games UAC stands for Union Aerospace Corporation huge mistake how could they get this wrong it's probably because the game de refused to help them I don't know maybe they changed it on purpose to mix things up the movie starts in a secret lab in the Nevada desert a scientist sends a man through a Hellgate and this gate looks like something from a theme park like come on dude there's clearly red LEDs in that plastic smooth shell this Hellgate looks like [ __ ] so this guy enters the beautiful CGI goopy gate and returns a demon or a zombie at least I think that's what they were going for but he really just looks like he's in a metal band about to film a music video he's transformed I guess but when I say transformed I mean his skin is slightly paler and dirtier his hair turned gray he has black lipstick on and he cries black like Billy eyh in that one music video oh and his teeth are bad going to Phobos made him British and I sh man and his scream is so goofy [Music] we're then introduced to this woman named Joan dark whose mother has died based on a memory we shown really Joan dark you guys aren't being super subtle about this are you it's a little close to Joanna dark don't you think they should have just went all out and put Joanna dark from perfect dark in this movie that'd be cool and then give her an alien friend named Elvis when the pilot of the UAC Marine ship is introduced he said says Consciousness so weird I am your pilot welcoming you back to Consciousness we get the whole alien space crew thing going on in this movie too one of the guys is playing a shitty VR shooter I guess this is a little bit better than a Game Boy from the first movie but not by much I mean just look at the game he's playing at around 16 minutes in Captain Hector mentions that it's impossible to dream while you're in hypersleep even though it's heavily implied that Joan was dreaming in her introduction scene so the crew is on their way to Phobos one of the Martian moons Captain Savage gives the crew The Rundown and he's telling them super basic stuff that they should definitely already know can you imagine training for years for a space mission you know nothing about getting on the spaceship blasting off into space getting put into cryosleep and then being told when you woke up all right this is what we're doing maybe he's just reminding them or something they arrive at the fobos research facility the base goes offline so Captain Savage tells them it's their mission to get it up and running again and one guy says why oh I don't know maybe because we're on a [ __ ] Martian moon what really dude why we don't need power the music when the team is arming themselves is so bad it sounds like generic garage band Metal riff number 12 real Rock F later this guy named Bennett tells Joan that the reserve power is at 2% and Joan replies is that bad what what do you mean is that bad why are all these people acting like toddlers huh all right Joan let me explain this to you okay two is a low number 2% that's low do you know how I know it's closer to 1% than it is to 100% what is that bad is that bad what do you mean we only have 2% power is that bad the first UAC corpse they find is is named William black owitz this is the same name of the protagonist from the game Wolfenstein also made by ID software the team enters a stereotypical yellow sci-fi hallway where Bennett tells the captain that if the structure loses power it'll result in a core meltdown which will destroy the base and the moon itself I'm unsure how losing power would cause a meltdown and destroy everything but okay okay sure let's say that losing power will cause a melt toown and blow up the station why would that blow up the Moon too like I know the Moon is Tiny but come on really I doubt that would happen Winslow the annoying Australian character reacts exactly how I did who the [ __ ] does on in this place so they make their way down a multitude of hallways each of these look like they're made for a laser gun fighting arena I'm pretty positive they use the same hallway multiple times in this movie but with different lighting eventually they find a key card that looks like it came packaged with a Nerf gun although I guess the key cards are based on the key cards from the games I'll cut them slack right now they do got some big big Goofy key cards in the games too I guess it's a cute nod okay it's fine also we get to see what they see through their visors and they have a mini map like in a video game it's very cute movie I get it it's cute it's a game movie I didn't say gay movie I said game movie this movie isn't gay okay maybe it's a little gay what did he say there's a moment when Lee aims her gun directly at another marine by accident and he just stands there that's a great way to get shot in the face by accident good job eventually they find zombies and it turns out the members of the Blue Man Group sniff some bath salts no but for real why are they blue we learned that a dead scientist is named John carac and this is in honor of John karmac one of Doom 1993's co-creators this also doubles as a reference to one of the scientist characters in the first film hey I've seen this one there's a living scientist woman on this base and she tells the Marines we have a situation we have a situation oh oh you you don't say oh really she says this then she's bit in the neck by a zombie the zombie is instantly shot dead but the scientist woman died basically immediately it's so weird I'm not sure if that would actually happen I doubt it also the Marines split up into tiny groups and the movie swaps back and forth between them but they're all in the same basic area of the facility so their surroundings look near identical to one another it makes this entire part kind of confused conf using also why is this place so blue was that a thing in the games there are blue lights everywhere the zombies are blue the steel great walkways and appliances are painted blue mixed in with yellow ladders I get the yellow ladder thing pretty funny movie there's a moment when Sergeant Logan's rifle makes a gattling gun noise when he isn't using a gun that should make that noise and it's kind of weird there's a scene when they try to make Joan into a badass she kills a ton of zombies with two pistols she uses a knife and then a chainsaw later on I guess Joan dark is Doom guy in this movie it is pretty neat to imagine Joanna dark in the Doom universe so maybe this movie is based on a mod that someone made the next scene is so funny the Marine akua says your Ultra Nightmare Mother do you guys get it he says this and then he instantly dies I'm your Ultra Nightmare Mother fool I got to say this movie has a lot of characters and practically none of them have a personality aside from Angry Aussie guy scientist guy serious captain and badass lady that everyone underestimates oh yeah and there's French girl that's her only personality trait she's French oh and her hair's blue of course it is cuz everything's blue nobody in this movie feels like a real person aside from maybe Joan but even she doesn't feel entirely developed the action in this movie is like a 6 out of 10 very average stuff the captain's action scene in particular before he's overrun by zombies was pretty cool I thought if only he didn't insist on using a double barrel shotgun what are you doing dude earlier in this movie akua even comments on how his gun choice is idiotic well he actually uses the term weak but the gun isn't really weak is it if you get shot with a double barrel shotgun you're going to know it the problem is it has Two Shots Dr betruger the scientist from the beginning of the movie comments on how the gates are 7,500 years old and they're made from an identified chemical compound Oh you mean plastic that that was that's clearly plastic also Dr bruger's name is German and means cheater or scammer which is kind of cute because it foreshadows him betraying the other characters these gates are the greatest discovery in the history of mankind I will not allow it come Dad it was just a J according to IMDb a few characters in the film including scientists incorrectly refer to Fusion reactors and nuclear power interchangeably even though they're not the same thing I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder their ship's AI turns on them somehow and then some demons find their way aboard the Marine ship these demons resemble imps from the games but not entirely they're like a new weird interpretation of an imp they throw Fireballs like an imp but in this movie they can also turn humans into zombies I'm not sure if they can do that in the games probably not I have to admit they were pretty cool looking there's this priest guy who bonds with Joan and even saves her but I didn't care about him at all and there's a scene where Winslow and the French girl Carly fight a second imp and the editing here is atrocious how many cuts are there during this part let's count them shall we cut my movie Into Pieces oh oh my God why did I do that at the end of the movie it turns out the evil scientist is in fact evil and he bamboozles the Marines and traps them of course the movie needs to implement the BFG so Joan finds it and prepares herself to use it it's so obviously a big plastic gun though it looks like a giant Nerf gun with the orange tip removed and she holds it so weird too why is she grasping the top of it like that what are you doing stop moving like that somehow the scientist Bennett survived for most of the movie well most of the movie how are the scientists surviving of course The BFG can't function like it does in the games because if it did then it would destroy everything even still the way it functions in the movie is still extremely dangerous shooting this thing in a facility on Phobos is such a bad idea dude she has no idea what it's capable of but she still uses it very smart jonov AR I just I don't know that just came out when Joan finds the evil scientist zombie version of Bennett is there and he looks so funny Dr betruger aims a gun at Joan only for Joan to take it and shoot him he wakes up and reveals that he doesn't have a heart and he has superpowers he has like psychic abilities and he uses them to push Joan into a portal yeah he can use the force now I guess I suppose he forgot that he could use it until just now she arrives in hell with her plastic BFG in hand the CGI in hell is bad but it also gives off this campy vibe that I kind of dig Joan is literally breathed on by a demon and is defeated rip Bozo the demon starts talking to Joan like it starts talking trash about humans and it even calls Joan by name which is weird and then Joan has a flashback of her mom and it gives her the strength she needs to stand up and use the BFG against the hell spawn until she runs out of ammo and pulls a Golem and jumps into a lava pit that's it that's the end of the movie she's dead not the best movie in the world I would say it's like a five four out of 10 maybe a three somewhere in there a 3 to five depending on my mood I suppose hey do you like this shirt dude it's pretty sick you can get it at a y y l download our app to get new releases and New Deals before anybody else it's on IOS and Android all right I'll see you guys in the next one bye you guys thought that was actually the end of the second movie I bet the people who watch this movie are super confused right now they're like I'm pretty sure that didn't happen at the end what actually happens at the end is this she finds a very convenient portal and throws some plasma grenades Into The Horde before arriving in the Nevada UAC experimental lab and then we find out that this lab is about to be overrun by demons and then the movie ends so yeah uh humanity is doomed and that's Doom Annihilation the movie This is the real end of the video now goodbye [Music] o [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 392,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, doom movie, the doom movies, doom game, doom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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