Cube Steak With Homemade Gravy | Cast Iron Skillet & Oven Baked

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hey everybody welcome back to my kitchen y'all if y'all hear some stuff in the background dude number one is in here but he can stay in here because he is washing [Music] dishes [Music] i'm going to make some cube steak with gravy so i wanted to share with you how i make my cube steak and we have six pieces of this beautiful cube steak i've already rinsed it off and i've patted it dry wash your hands of course i wash my hands honey we don't be in the kitchen with nasty hands because why what [Music] because they have germs we don't be in the kitchen with ass pants because that's just nasty okay now i have a very very simple seasonings that i use for my cube steak i'm going to use a little bit of seasoned salt and some garlic powder and onion powder that dynamic duo and then some black pepper and i'm going to make gravy from scratch or homemade gravy so i'll be using a little all-purpose flour you can use self-rising if you want to but after i get through uh dipping the flour in the the cube steak in the flour then some of the flour that's left i'm going to use it to make my gravy okay now i'll start by cooking my cube steak on the stove and i only cook it enough to start browning it then i take it out then i will fix my gravy because i like to finish my cube steak in the oven and most of the time i will just let it bake in the oven i'm in no hurry so sometimes it may be in the oven for two hours on maybe about 300 325 it just depends on how i'm feeling that day but i just like to let it slow cook in the oven okay so [Music] first we're going to start by seasoning our cube steak now i'll be frying it in my cast iron skillet and i just have enough bacon grease in there yes i'm using bacon grease i have just enough in there that it's gonna you know cover the bottom of the skillet once it starts to heat up and milk so right now i'm gonna turn that on so like the grease and go on and start getting hot i'm gonna turn it on about seven so that's maybe what about medium high right now i'm just gonna get these cute steak seasoned up [Music] seasoning salt and you all can add whatever kind of seasonings you like to season your meat with but today we're going to make it keep it really really simple onion powder garlic powder and then black pepper i'm gonna do these same seasonings on the other side flip it over and do the same thing okay now that i've finished seasoning my meat i'm just gonna lightly flour it on both sides and then we're gonna put her in the grease and i make sure that i shake off the excess flour [Music] i'm going to turn my burner down to about five because i don't want it cooking too fast but again i just want to brown it shake off the excess and then add it to the grease [Music] so i don't want to overcrowd my pan so i'm going to only cook three at a time and i have onions over here but after i make my gravy before i put it in the oven i like to just put the onions over top of it and then cover it up and then let it bake because that's that's what's going to cook the onions because it's going to be in the oven for at least about an hour and a half to two hours okay i turned my burner up to about seven and a half to eight because again i'm not trying to get it done i'm just trying to brown it on the outside because it's going to finish cooking in the oven i just want to get it brown so this is how it looks on both sides okay now this is how done i want it on the outside but if you look very closely you can kind of look at it and tell that it's not done so you would not be able to eat it right now because i promise you the inside of it is pink so now i'm gonna pour a little bit of this grease off out of the pan because i don't need um i don't need all of this grease okay i need just a little bit for to make my gravy and then all of those drippings you want to leave that in the pan when you're making gravy that's that's what makes some good old gravy good old gravy and be careful too when you're getting rid of that grease out of that pan okay let's start on the grate let me bring you guys up closer you can see exactly what i'm doing and you guys i do not measure so i'm sorry i can't give you any measurements but this kind of gives you an idea okay now this grease is still hot now what i'm start by doing this is the same flour that i floured my meat in i'm just gonna put some in here and you have to make sure that you keep an eye on it because you can burn it and we usually like a lot of gravy okay now let me put just a little bit more of this grease in here i need a little bit more okay because i need to be able to i guess kind of move that flower around and that way it can brown okay you see that that's better that's why i said i can't give you any measurements but it was a little too thick just a couple of seconds ago for me to be able to you know get it to brown okay so i'm not going to start adding any water until i get it the consistency or the color that i want my gravy to be we prefer that our gravy is dark we like dark gravy so i'm gonna let it keep cooking until it starts to get dark but again keep your eye on it because you can burn it let me zoom you in a little bit [Music] and right now i have my burner on high i don't know if you can tell but it is starting to get just a little bit darker and i have me a measuring cup here that it has about four cups of about three cups of water in it again i'm not sure exactly how much i'm going to use at this point when you start adding the water you need to be very careful because it's going to steam up okay you guys see how that gravy is getting darker this point it is critical it's crucial that you watch it because it will burn okay so i think that's about dark enough for us so now i'm gonna start adding the water again when you do this be very careful and once you add the water keep stirring okay see how that still thick so you know you need to add more water stir stir stir stir stir so stir stir stir okay right now i'm going to add some salt and then i'll just keep tasting it until it gets to my desired taste okay i'm going to add some this garlic powder and some onion powder and you have to keep stirring because otherwise it's going to boil over so as a matter of fact i'm going to turn this burner down right now it's on high i'm going to turn it down to about five for just just a couple of minutes and what i usually do too is i lift my spoon have a little gravy on it i taste it with my finger yes that's what i do i'm cooking at home it needs more salt so i'm going to add a little bit more salt make sure you add it gradually because once you get it in there you cannot take it out add some pepper this time i'm going to use a different finger okay now that's enough salt okay now you see this consistency it's a little loose but i usually like to have mine a little looser because as it cooks in the oven it's going to thicken up okay and again it's very important that you keep stirring it because you don't nobody won't know lumpy grape don't nobody want no lumpy gravy and you don't have to make gravy from gravy from scratch you can also buy they have little packages that you can get from the grocery store and they say brown gravy you can use that because i know some people struggle with making gravy but that's that's how you do it easy peasy the more you do it the easier it'll be for you now even now i can tell it's starting to thick up again i'm going to add a little bit more water okay so now i'm gonna take my cube steak and we're just gonna get it let me spray my pan a little bit make sure it doesn't stick okay add my cube steak to my casserole dish and i'm going to show you guys something i want you to look at this paper towel which proves that this meat is not done so you cannot eat it like this look at that see that red see that blood that has oozed out it's not done you all it's not done don't eat it like that okay don't do that all right i'm gonna turn this gravy off and you guys you know kind of see the consistency is very loose but it's okay because it's gonna thicken up as it bakes and we're just gonna put some onions in here i'm going to take this gravy and pour it over be very very careful just gonna pour it over the cube steak just like that just like that you guys take some more pepper and garnish the top of it now we're going to cover it with foil and i always put the shiny side of my foil down put the shiny side down and my oven is going 325 and we're gonna leave this in the oven for probably at least a couple of hours again no worry and it's going to be tender no hurry so we'll leave it in here and come back and check it maybe in a couple hours so again my oven is set on 325 we're in no hurry to eat so i'll check it in a couple hours and honestly the reason that i um i'm i'm not a cute steak eater really i mean i've tasted it but i could never get my cube steak to taste like my mom and my mom cooked her cube steak totally on the stove that's how she cooked it she didn't bake it at all but i don't know mine just didn't taste like my mama so i started a long long time ago just putting it in the oven and letting it do its thing and then to my people they like gravy so i just put it in the gravy and let the oven cook it and then i don't have to worry about it and it does it comes out really really tender so again we'll just let that go and then i'll check it in a couple of hours when we're ready to eat that's two hours later yeah look at that beautiful cute steak [Applause] um you guys can see too how the gravy has thickened up oh y'all just hot now i always ready to eat and like i said i like to bake it long enough to where it is like melt in your mouth tender [Music] um [Music] excuse me [Music] so they can see that it's tender although you looking like somebody getting rid of the uh look at that let me taste the tenderness you see it's done in the middle because it wasn't done let me see if it tasted [Music] [Music] and this is all i'm gonna do is taste it because it's junk real tender breakfast bacon it does it makes it tender if you make it make it lower yeah then he wanted some green beans and some mac and cheese and [Music] i need some fish y'all look at these [Music] [Music] did you burn yourself what'd you do it's hot [Music] or was that a piece of pimple [Music] you all right what did you do you did something over there [Music] [Music] it was good anyway oh i have mercy well thank you guys thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you don't give a thumbs down it don't even matter turn on your subscribe button as my husband says push the nosy and shake something turn on your notification bill okay thank you guys so much for watching we already look forward to you joining us again next time [Music] bye
Channel: BeautifulTooCreationsWithDonna
Views: 498,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cube steak, how to make cube steak, homemade gravy, tender cube steak, soul food, black couple, cast iron skillet, oven baked cube steak, cube steak with gravy and onions, country style cube steak, smothered cube steak, how to cook cube steak, gravy with onions, frying cube steak, onion powder, garlic powder, seasoning salt, slow cooked, easy recipe, home cooking, delicious, cube steak with rice, southern style cooking, ole school, ole skool, beautifultoocreationswithdonna
Id: 2gprznV0Bk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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