Candied Yams | Easy Way To Season Your Candied Yams Before Oven Baking | Southern Style

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hey everybody welcome back to my kitchen you guys thanksgiving is upon us it is just around the corner and last year i did several videos where i shared recipes that my mom would fix for us as children and even as young adults the things that she would fix for thanksgiving and i just wanted to share those recipes with you all last year but there were a few that i did not include and i've had several requests so i'm going to update that playlist to share those recipes with you now now last year when i was sharing my recipes i was really trying to kind of find my rhythm find my groove and trying to video record and cook at the same time so some of those videos are a little lengthy not to mention you know everybody don't know how to cook so i was trying to be detailed to help everybody to help the people okay but i think i've gotten a little better with my time so today we're going to do a candid yam recipe y'all this is very simple it's very easy um this is how my mom used to do her candy yams y'all that's so sweet i just love this time of year me being in the kitchen reminds me so much of my mom and it makes me feel close to her and i just really enjoy sharing our recipes with you guys okay now when you do candy yams our candy yams they pretty much mimic my sweet potato pies as it pertains to flavor but maybe not as profound maybe not as strong okay you can use we only use nutmeg that's the only thing we use in our sweet potato pies that's how my mommy used to do it so that's how i do it okay that's what we're used to y'all know how it is when you used to eating something a certain way when somebody fix it differently that's not that's not how mama used to do it okay so that's how we do it but you can certainly add some people do cinnamon cloves ginger brown sugar all of that if that's how you want to do your yams that's perfectly fine this recipe is very very simple the only thing we're going to need is of course we have our sweet potatoes and i've already sliced them my mom used to do that maybe about a half inch and i used four medium sized sweet potatoes and this is what i consider to be a medium size okay so this is a size sweet potato that i use of course i wash them and then once i cut them i rinsed them off again and i also washed my nasty hands y'all don't be in the kitchen with nasty hands because that's just nasty okay wash your hands so this is the size potatoes that i use and once i slice them cut them slice them up it yielded a little a very generous four cups okay i've got to rinse that one off again so also we have about a cup of sugar that's for now i'm going to taste it if i need more i'll add more okay then we have some heavy whipping cream and you guys i'm trying to give you guys measurements i usually don't measure but i'm trying to give you some measurements and i'll probably start with maybe maybe about a fourth cup of heavy whipping cream i'm going to add a little bit of vanilla we're going to start off with maybe about a half teaspoon of nutmeg if i need more i'll add it um a stick of salted butter butter and i'm gonna add this is about a cup of water okay now let me rinse off this potatoes that i dropped in the floor now my oven is preheated to 350 degrees and speaking of which uh let me take out my day old cornbread that's um i'm drying out even more because i have to fix some dressing next okay so that's my day oh cornbread but we'll talk about that in the next video so okay the reason i'm using i'm starting with water is because my family we like extra sauce so we don't just want a yam we want some of that saucy goodness too so that's why i'm adding water and also i failed to mention that my mom would take some all-purpose flour and just kind of sprinkle it over the yams before they bake and it's going to thicken up that syrup a little bit okay alrighty then so we're going to start with putting our butter in here in our water and i'm getting ready to bring you guys closer so you can see let me bring you guys down here so you can see what i'm doing all right those two sticks of butter have started melting i'm going to add that water i'm going to turn this up so it will get warm now in the meantime i've added some butter to my casserole dish i'm just going to put these yams in here i'm not fixing a whole lot today we're kind of having a prelude to thanksgiving dinner so i can do these videos so my dude number one aka my husband is gonna look now i'm gonna start adding the sugar so it can dissolve again right now when you're making this syrup this is where you want to taste it once you get everything added to make sure that it has the flavor that you want it to have okay now we're going to add maybe about half a cup heavy whipping cream so and at this point i'm going to add a half teaspoon of nutmeg not half teaspoon i'm starting with a fourth of a teaspoon and then i'll taste it and see if that's enough okay and i'm going to turn this uh burner off okay now i want to taste it okay and i can tell that i need more nutmeg like i said i don't normally measure so i don't want to add too much but this go around i'm going to add half teaspoon and although my butter is salted this is also where you'll determine if you need a little more salt and as for me i think i do need a little more salt so we're going to add just a little more salt you guys that salt balances out that that sugar it's just kind of hard to explain sometimes but it certainly makes a difference i'm gonna add maybe about a taste tablespoon of vanilla and again my burner is off okay let me taste it one more time and see if that's gonna do it and i think that's going to do it so now before i pour the syrup over my potatoes i'm just going to go in with a little bit of all-purpose flour and just sprinkle it over the yams and like i say it's going to cause that syrup to kind of to thicken up some okay tell y'all that's how my mama used to do it so now we're going to just pour it over the yams i'm sorry maybe i need to be pouring it so you guys can see better i'll get all of that yummy goodness out of there okay and i want to just top it off with just a little bit more sugar just a little bit not much again you don't have to use as much sugar if you don't want to and then we're going to cover it wait a minute before i do that where's my i was looking for my nutmeg i just wanted to put just a little bit where i can just see it on the top just a little bit you guys have to be real careful with this nutmeg okay and remember when you're getting your syrup together to pour over the potatoes make sure you put all the spices in it that you want and you guys it looks like i'm putting a lot but i'm not i'm tapping because i'm trying to make sure just very little is coming out okay so it's not much at all okay so now i'm going to cover [Music] we're going to place in the oven on 350 degrees for about 45 minutes and then we'll come back and uncover it and let it cook for about another 15 or 20 minutes or so okay okay so you guys see how it created this syrupy nutmeg sugary goodness and see my family they like to take this and drizzle it over their ham and so this is how we like it and it tastes so good i probably could have had definitely could have had more sweet potatoes in here but i was just trying to fix a little bit um for dinner today and that's why i did not need as much but you guys you guys get the picture look at that and as it continues to set because it's still hot it's still hot so as it continues to set it's going to thicken up even okay i put them in a smaller dish because that big old casserole dish that i had a man was just swallowing these few yams oh it is so good listen y'all making me ready for thanksgiving i declare but anyhoo and for those of you that if you're looking for my dude number one aka my husband he's at work y'all so he's not in these videos i know y'all missing but it's quiet here listen quiet i tell you but thank you guys so much for watching um again i'm going to add this recipe to my thanksgiving holiday recipe 2020 and recipes 2020 playlist and i'll just update it to read thanksgiving holiday recipes 20 20 20 21 okay thank you guys so much for watching i already look forward to you joining me or us again next time bye [Music]
Channel: BeautifulTooCreationsWithDonna
Views: 219,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make sweet potato pie, easy sweet potato pie recipe, homemade sweet potato pie, easy thanksgiving recipes, sweet potato pie, how to cook a sweet potato pie, thanksgiving desserts, how to bake a sweet potato pie, cooking for thanksgiving, how to keep my pie crust from getting soggy, simple sweet potato pie recipe, sweet potato casserole with pecans, oven baked sweet potato, beautifultoocreatonswithdonna, Soul food, how to make candid yams, southern style, nutmeg, stove top
Id: 2O2NMiee1WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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