Luigi's Mansion 3 Gameplay: Let's Play Luigi's Mansion 3 - NON-STOP JUMP SCARES?! 😱👻

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all right Luigi Mario had to swipe his card at the desk so keep your ass out the minibar you're creative hey everyone we here at last it's Luke and Andy hey here it is it's motivated Game of the Year of 2019 it's not as spooky as I thought it was gonna be look it's nice about to get spooky but I have a non spooky establishing so that if it starts spooky they were you're right you've got to ratchet up the spook you're so right as you go oh wait toad doesn't look like you can see the road no this is this the bus is gonna crash and we're gonna die and this is what we're establishing in God in the seconds before Luigi's killed this takes place in his mind yeah he's not there no break Oh Oh Luigi here we killed to show all know what sit next to Luigi this is the this is the Ghost Dog from previous Luigi's and of course there's no writing on there do we do he pretty he can't read but he pretends yeah oh yeah it's that hotel I won in a contest I didn't enter come on you keep falling for this Luigi wake up oh it's pretty I'm just saying considering how many times this has happened to Luigi yep there is a zero percent chance that Luigi hasn't died and this is how he's been punished for his crimes his own personal hell yeah look at all the peaches luggage stylish yeah I mean surely not a change of clothes yeah exactly it's probably all mustache grooming equipment beard oils and things of that nature yeah just industrial beard oils and Luigi Luigi's even slightly left back behind in his own holiday everyone's rushing off without it yeah they were like we're gonna check in see you later maybe he's checking and it looks a bit like the new dog city town hall oh my gosh it does see again its core it's his dying brain is drawing subconscious okay let's just do this no pets allowed this is a classy establishment looks nice it does look nice um okay I'm looking at the guy on the desk he looks a little suspicious looks a bit ghost I kind of OH which is like hotel oh my God we're in the game they put banners of us oh my guests of honor guests a special special honored guests why is the altar pop why is the man purple halter pups pole to pop fault popping out of everything right so to set this up critics come on I saw yes good oh okay what's this sign I told you if you can't read welcome to the last resort okay nothing this is great we bought the guitar Mario oh he's only got the buffet the breakfast buffet Oh horsey is Mario kind of cake for breakfast Mario take your gloves off ha ha Larry oh you lost your cake Oh typical Mario so benign and nice about it yeah all right who else music we track the luggage hey Princess Peach I've come along and what is clearly a couple solid gonna be third wheel and I fought my dog so big Luigi we needn't see each other at all yeah I mean it's got lots of things you could be doing Luigi yeah tennis court swimming pool you could keep yourself occupied all there ok toads what's going on with you these dumb toads it's your little escapade not forgets back anything Oh Oh take several coats of - it's alright there are always more toads yeah so that we're ever gonna run out of toads yeah usual fellow is something the matter me with my normal human face yeah look at look at how normal this face is it's not attached with a bit of elastic oh ok I mean Luigi come on look at him alright let's check in let's check in hello sir I notice your face is purple I notice that everything is normal in your fine establishment you seem to be hovering say is that normal you ready to check in oh yes helen gravely come on Luigi dummy signs are there I don't want to fix him blame but yeah I know I know she's floating down the stairs oh my god she's valueless she's bright pink this is Halloween gold Helen gravely Helen gravely cosplay I can't wait to see it you all must be very tired come let me show you to all our exceptional staff so reasonable yourself for wearing human masks it's all fine that's clearly to ghosts indicating stone good Luigi scared face he's inhaling a lot of powder and all the trappings of luxury shall we get going yes let's do it Luigi Oh Mary I said it catchphrase it's like come on Mario you're on holiday yeah take it off man go lay down yeah he doesn't feel a thing this is the real personal touch those never even show chaired by the hotel Aquos it's an awkward scenario they do you tipper oh no I don't think you would tip the hotel manager no Mario Luigi impeaches rooms are over here we prepared rooms climate issues alright we go all seems normal Oh Mario and Peach separate rooms oh yeah okay go through a rough patch okay no that's fine I guess I mean the relationship statuses it's none of our business yeah okay pretty swanky I hope it's got one of those doors that lead suit oh my god alrights deluxe suite all right Luigi Mario had to swipe his card at the desk so keep your ass out the minibar no covering in star ass into the mini bars oh that's a nice personal touch horrible prank is that thumbs up spring mochi come on let's get in the minibar these are the personal touches they're talking about what is it Bob called time to rest no not yet I haven't explored the rest of the room the bathroom you the first is their own hotel you've got yes I'm gonna check out the bathroom good oh you can pet the dog get in the bus have a nice suit all right can I can't get in the bath can I use the toilets enormous screen wasted to the toilet that toilet is the height of Luigi magic it's a jump on two okay okay good - all right we'll check it out check that this room now looks nice wear your complimentary fruit basket oh yeah chow down on that over here this is it's pretty nice pretty nice room yes nice I like it not sure about that hard floor oh yeah but look there's a soft plush rugs to greet your feet first thing in the morning for us anything in here draw for the dust all sort of just good mint on the pillow have you ever stayed in a hotel I've had a mint on the pillow yes I have okay interesting it's amazing it feels like such it's such a treat time to rest yes actually that Disney hotel in california they put little jelly squirrels what oh my gosh but they won't mint said anything well did we bring with us wallet torch okay I read you what kind of holiday you thinking this they have lighting at the hotel yeah Wow this Y Luigi's never stayed anywhere with electric like have to sleep with me way myself Luigi get under the covers take off your shoes oh no you take your shoes on the bed come on man it's a hotel he's psycho I would do this at home what's this someone else's dream dream journal oh wow wow and extremely dull but yeah the pages are coated in soporific pollen and the reach is out for the count a scream peach oh good thing you went to sleep in all your clothes yeah I should say okay all right oh it's so he seems a lot less nice well there's a mist covering the floor also the fruit basket is now full of stinky fish heads Oh is everything cool machines less-than-optimal oh yes look the nice gold veneer it was reading magically away it was a trick Marie has left his mug it in the hallway we've been had fools I'm gonna push this box all the way to peach peach I bought your hat it's gonna be weird if nothing is wrong and we just like knocking on peaches do it oh wow look at Mario's luggage and the spider is this the first time we've seen Marion's luggage in a game I think so yeah if we haven't had a cannon luggage before hello Mario's been chowing down on the pizza he ordered down to room service did he drink from those cups poison so precious he's had at least three pizzas there are boxes and it doesn't seem like so Mario's hotel routine is eat three people three large cheese pizzas pass out and a big soda I think I'm beginning to see why each one to their own room [Laughter] [Music] okay well no clues in here Oh our first jump-scare spooky balloons easy yeah this place is so much spookier than I thought hi Luigi just play it cool here we go just let yourself into Peters room without knocking a creepy plant okay on the bed skull Oh what she got a balcony no we didn't she is royalty I know I probably gave her the Royal Suite isn't it really knowing when you go into hotel and you find out that someone else you're staying with has just got a better room for no reason drives me crazy just kiss you quite sleep for rage you like to change rooms about that well I think if you go in your room and it's noisy like you're next to a big event I never unpacked straightaway when I get to a hotel room I sit on the bed and I'm completely silent and just and just check out the ambient noise and if it is noisy then yeah I'll ask to change me see that's the difference between complain to anyone it's a very reasonable request that I mind so if you're in one of the noisy rooms and you call down to reception they're like yeah they're cops that is the one next to the a unless the room I'm in is on fire and even then well we're well it's your room living up to your expectations actually is full of fish heads so they walk me through how you would get your room chained in the range in this scenario well I guess I would say tell them gravely it's no big deal but if you happen to have another room that's you know similar costs to my own fish would it be all right if I moved I haven't you know haven't used the bed yet haven't you know do another turn down or anything like that seems reasonable do you think she's gonna go for it yeah I think so I'm a huge fan of his that's why it's so wonderful that I get to introduce him to you that's right the Mooji I hope you're ready now you who know my King King Oh Luigi magic bean boot is hiding behind it really just waiting waiting for the hare should have been the shape of king booth yeah that old coot to have me locked up Titan is now speaking of Professor yet yeah where is he I got out to those hello who's just dying to meet me so she busted me out could be lucky anyway I didn't think you'd actually show up here obvious trap what do I mean by vengeance well good question I'm trapping you and everyone in your little vacation party take that take that oh and there's one more frame of course I saved it especially Sarah they're putting your best terrified face to eat you jeez it oh god no we're running all this okay run avoid the Keating cuts quick Luigi jump in jump in the beaches anyway yourself up and jumping get your leg straps there we go Luigi was killed credits the endless wow look at that you just sent in to eat is it really a mansion if it's a hotel they [Music] probably yeah turns out there was a haunting are you a now are you I see oh where were you a little stuff was going down okay Luigi we're on our uppers here yeah it's time to turn this around time to make some hay to burn this hotel to the ground I think we have to all right some glowing stuff okay Luigi has recommended his defaults terrified yes he had a brief shining but who would have happiness who briefly was allowed to relax oh now it's constant state of low-grade red to eg so relatable okay shaky-shaky what are those things over on the Left there's a pile of plates and the glowing gold thing yeah I want that glowing gold thing but I can't have it I bet we need a poltergeist 9000 yeah it's a political situation okay all seems fine all seems fine [Music] holds up up why are you jump scaring us not right I know I catch a break oh my God look at that scary painting there's a figure hello pop you in there this whole thing is so nude special aesthetic get out of there okay what's in here just a pup I'm following you Poulter pup I think we're in the parking garage so oh yeah maybe maybe some kind of car we can get out of here yeah oh yeah here we go I mean I think we just have to accept that peach and toad they did take on Levi's nothing they would want us to live on [Music] [Music] ah ha ha here it is the poltergeist now we can now we can get stuff yeah now we'll see who's now now that now the suction can begin okay Luigi brief shining moments of happiness that's what it's all about yeah so the old man you know what's about to happen okay something offering all right right there unless that dog whoa pests on your dog it's a nice box nice of Paul Spong to let us practice and come from what you learned oh yes you said it multiple why you so great no don't leave me why does everyone leave money you set up with the thing paper talking paper money come on oh oh no hang on gonna tack strip to think good good got emotionally attached six pretty great was someone was in the washing up machine yeah okay Luigi what's the plan here Luigi's face simply absorb everything oh okay that's a wall but maybe now we can backtrack Oh so insert a letter eat it just probably fee hole it's the rats hole put them out yeah coin got that rats money its protection money to not get sucked up Oh rats guess what yes guess what's happening this is what's happening what about that gone bar in there come on come on yeah there we go you I'll leave some of the rats alive so that's what they saw here today okay what's in here oh yeah Luigi's cashing in mmm sweet okay where to now well well you go back in the launcher and we get that gem yes very well thing which way was the laundry room oh yeah there we go okay Luigi what's over here ah cool good oh good an elevator oh what's this some kind of egads portal oh nice whoa good access granted hey yeah that's using your noodle Luigi hello cigarette machine yeah cigarettes please well smoke with you got it all nice Oh a heart problem areas Mary we accidentally sucked Mary's vacuum okay cheer up says yeah a lot of rubbish well we can clear it with if you're holding a trash trash in the way that's blocking the way maybe we push it [Music] no I need it more powerful yeah think so about the right I mean no need you I'm just gonna be honest that seems like an obstacle you could step over hello what's this secret area treasures treasures swimming in money okay but that does make me think maybe we do want to go out there somehow doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo maybe I can maybe they don't do the ground pound pound yes there it is puzzle solved all right in we go hello hey gang I'll have all of that oh for sure yeah I got it I got it yeah I'll have all of this well oh yeah oh no they've crossed hallow faces but they were a little premature crossing out Luigi I agree well there's the front door Louise you can get out of here start a new life cheese it tell everyone that Mario died left you everything lovely sweet inherit the throne okay it might be hard it's a bold pop dragon his little ghost but what you know how we feel about jump scares okay about ghosts are you ready to fight oh yeah I'm ready I'm ready to fight fight get frozen oh the nightmare is over forever no no he saw you did please friend it's not happy hello oh no they're rolling up their ghostly sleeves alright bring it on bring it bring it you're gonna get some oh this big to you back there this seems like all right slam into that other ghost Luigi yeah yes yes combos with this crazy yeah you're in Wow yeah yeah contain simmering cauldron of rage that's right get that bit key behind this oh yeah it's beautiful ah Papa Papa Papa what are you doing can you go get the key for us all or what can we there we go nice I'll have that please come on come on come on come on just one pit around oh wait maybe I can just pick it up I mean sure right can we get in that safe gems and caches oh yeah so there are square gems there ourselves gems all sorts of collectibles look at all this money that's folding money louie gender that's how we do it precious elite searching oh my god yes literally do bring it up this way the best loot mechanics I love it great great great great great now what do we do with this key I think we put it in a big door okay that we find somewhere pretty great perhaps this peak mouse mocking us oh oh my Wow okay okay fairly effectively I'm scared no get it I mean that would be enough totally not for Ellen Caitlyn murder it look who it is is Professor yeah daddy's trapped in a to painting this is the one thing that didn't want to happen okay volt apartment away are you now we need a key hold up up going what to pop don't you ever so right for you Poulter but maybe there's a key in here yeah Oh myself oh my god at someone's head no wait this is the dressing room pretend into their costume this where the firelight oh yeah push that up the wall coats make any blowing around in there yeah blow dust on their coats oh yeah see in the mirror oh yeah see it ah ha ha good puzzling out indeed yeah yes we've electrocuted like the key beautiful it's all the way over there now now we can fulfil Poltergust slip up yeah go through that door what thanks anyway that's my hostess wanted posters yeah that's right yeah that's Luigi yeah well guess what guess what slam town yeah you'll slam you into your friend BAM there we go now you're vulnerable come on [Music] Bruce oh yeah what's going on pull down these wanted posters cuz otherwise don't know how we remain anonymous okay can't catch what you don't know that's the saying goes Luigi's world famous no okay okay I was painting of some money holder popped I made me jump like that can we get the money answered the painting negotiable bearer bonds 20 per title the stocks and bonds some kind of chromatic can we turn paintings back into real oh my god do it turn the painting back into real okay yeah that's nice thinking now you're thinking we can get professor you get out now yes we can let's go do it Oh Oh pull the sheets off this thing Oh her life is a never-ending nightmare - Luigi Luigi okay right back to the portrait then yes Volta pop we know where we're going we're gonna say professor egad right here we go here comes this evening you have hibernation sickness it's legs of atrophied no no don't help me this isn't Luigi you're precisely the last person I'd expect to find in the Haunted Mansion I find that hard to believe last person I'd expect to find alive what matters is you'll do nicely for what my experiment come on Luigi get me out of here now so tell us filth ruin coasts no no what about Mario your friends been captured you can't just abandon them here you say it's this guy this goddamn guy fsor egad or like professor a bad but I professor Elvin get him buddy can you invent me some kind of ghosts killer yeah have to get to my car get it yeah lose your car that's right what of it okay I know I remember the way yeah simple it's this way right yeah so yeah and then down says yeah joe says oh god the professor Gary s core mission they can look over there new walking style for autumn confirmed that is the best job in videogame history yes new list seven amazing seven amazing walks that will replace your regular bad walk number one professor egad number two till we agree that money is still important Agosto seem interesting grabbing it right prof I love the use of mirrors oh yes well with thanks to the mirrors I can see Oh we'll just put your finger in and press the thing that the button would push into yeah so many floors I don't know it looks nice so you mean floors so tell us got more floors than Luigi psyche didn't seem like any of your friends which happens on the second floor with me doesn't this hotel have like bonkers floors I guess it's like a pirate the theme restaurants beautiful that's the doll we went through previously stairs keep going left oh yeah jumpscared why so funny we gold up there so glad you enjoying this professor you get it we get it drop on his head it got bar to the face that running style it's amazing okay the base of it was in here wasn't it we have to get him you could have pulled to Gus smash his face in smash this ghost face off he's doing things loose teaching stuff it reduce his actions from happening stop letting him do things just loving it oh yeah that's right put it down put it down there we go no you defenseless yeah that's good where are you good they say don't wait wiggler they never said don't let me know do slab we do slam we guess you're in urine buddy urine and spark plugs or something Oh buttons all 451 yeah really bro what's your what's your better guess check out my sweet with Luigi I'll climb in the boot Oh what's this this is the hat I used to stop the government reading my thoughts see they put it in the water Luigi they put it in everything literally drinking down the lies okay well it's clearly a ghost busters ghost trap right yeah it's a house oh it's like it's a little-league it's like one those dragon ball capsule it's a pop-up tent yeah it's basically four but it's a glorified pop-up tent yeah I don't who you're trying to yeah you can get there from Argos okay can I can I come in okay I see you've closed the door behind here we go command centers across TARDIS I will be driving from this seat the portable laboratory want to know what I'm doing in this hotel I mean it's a fair question I was tricked you idiots sanitation from someone things own gullible is it the depression of ghosts connection when I got there turned out they were ghosts to me and took my precious ghost collection this includes all the ghosts you've kept cook me record you were supposed to delete those ghosts even King boo you Unleashed King will say for at least King boo all the weeds you're so put-upon no not giving you go so you clearly come be just taller goes from what goes don't worry all about them three terrible news I know [Laughter] Oh Stacy out virtual reality device the fancy red screen yeah alright Nintendo a Nintendo with the in jokes yep and despite what the critics say it needs your eyes clearly been long enough that we can make these sorts of junk sure all right there we go onto the wilderness out from the safety of this pop-up tent safety of the safe room okay I guess we mean up oh that's fun wow that's incredibly yes press the buttons to go into into virtual boom oh oh yeah that well that's how they can do you think nice a bit more recent evil now though yeah I know you took from a spider well I killed it so how about that alright get this elevator tractor assault yeah hand the new buttons where there's money on that tree so there is [Music] I'll get that last one got it have to get them all okay it's alive no just get this installed I guess by pushing it into the wall the installation has taken place he is a plumber yeah that's not so different from an electrician perhaps I guess okay here is hello ujiie now I can monitor you what are you doing what are you up to [Music] it wants to be in nice and the other one and number five it's a nice fun hotline tries to come back alive all right will do so we're going to the fifth floor now to go to Yanam dad's room and find to start our IP suites nice I get it everyone's dodgy what do you think we'll find him he gets room nothing good no there is now that is how you hide a loading screen okay a nice mountain view up here yeah that's nice I'm only on the fifth floor think we're good - he's gonna be yes there's premium sweets Luigi Oh God let's see cat on the horn what is it Yugi suction shots okay okay that's not good oh yeah rubber plunger all right that's what can we suction shop Punk and then you pull them we pull on thing Wow Wow Rex that case yeah we did okay there's a vending machine good free money thank you yep in fashion when it cashes out nice nice nice nice nice okay doesn't like isn't much going on in this corner although we can take obviously Yankee obviously some sort of cage oh it makes a window cool all right now down the other ends with cleaning carts yep it's fine okay fine a normal maybe 504 was he gets room could be oh this looks like this looks like an invented room it's got a little lamp yeah it's got headphones yep well they're broken now spooky balloons wreck everything no briefcase no briefcase oh no in the bathroom maybe go through oh here we go they'll be like The Shining [Music] just despair we go it died he died good good good good good okay nice to know about the open drain in the bathroom this yeah it probably doesn't smell great does yeah alright maybe this is 505 I mean remnants of room service I don't necessarily recognize the son of a Nygaard occupant although locked Yankee issue hey freak out freak out it kill it okay I'm panicking there's no one in here still get it get it stand behind you on the floor I see it step on it it's dying okay that's a treat yeah no briefcase that's not egads room okay oh it's just art nice art well it's mine oh there's a gem that's Jim maybe I can smudge it right off luck maybe I can blast it yeah that's right yes I square cut look at that oh yeah that's pretty so intuitive oh okay all right you got you in here maybe this your stuff gold gold is he into gold I don't think so well oh gosh I'm wrecking all these gold yeah nothing seem right does it no no no jack-in-the-box demon hit oh man egad would never do that to us and so many jumpscared next room look here we go oh my god Vic Tina ghosts this game will not let up with the freaky jump scare be killed by ghosts if you told us what room number it was yeah you could just remember your room number we should be there is always a challenge when you're gonna hotel I take a photograph of it every time I leave the room for the first time all right all dead now 5:07 let's do it okay here we go this has got to be the one oh no wait I think the next one is the one because there's a big exclamation mark on it oh yeah okay good call it's got to be 508 [Music] [Music] you better let it go maybe don't think we're not about to suction shot that bro oh shut it right out of you lady okay crazy hello quite quite the move how did that happen I wonder how did this come to come jeez these idiots again hauntings alright stinky stretch and fatso alright come on Luigi don't be scared like that credit multiplier cheese absolutely ham on those glasses it all right so next door sway this way every mirror now I expect to see a ghost aha yes yes and now no no not relinquish relinquish oh I'm going to take a tour of all the rooms we visited not now you get okay extremely but no bit of yeah system space trivia yeah doesn't she where could she be okay we tried our best to make this absolutely wrecked you know I see the bathroom now so Godzilla gone to the next room yeah absolute coward oh wait that's not that's not a door at all this is a door they 505 is right yeah unsurprisingly we found you and guess what the same things happening maybe move more than one room next time [Music] in that brief slow-mo moment she knew she was just as guilty by association [Music] yeah Luigi but if you do don't look in the briefcase I've already looked in the briefcase they don't they don't mind I was carrying them for a friend all right the elevator yeah scoot barely telephoning ya never know okay back to goes rabbit this way I mean it was roaming about do you think yeah I do everything predicted let me just okay the time so we've got the briefcase back - egad I'm too old to be out catching at least by myself small and rubbish oh my god I think I know what's in here what's what is it oh my god is this what was in the pulp fiction briefcase yeah Bujji you're probably wondering why I've made ghoulish bits shut up Luigi we correct there's no time here Luigi I'm going to attach this professor I have to say this is a philosophical nightmare startling turn of events [Music] because it supposed to be yeah yes one about the implications well where even to begin the nature of nature of personal identity consciousness what is it yeah what does it mean to be a person it does it make Luigi does it does it compromise Luigi's identity the gooey G exists I think it does I want you to use GUI G to try to escape from yourself maybe I've locked you in in prison with GUI G now Luigi is a real killer passed out yeah Luigi can they not be conscious in the same well I mean this is why is even more troubling its bodies incredibly soft and valuable it is what happens Andi when qet doesn't want to go back in GUI G is like you in every way oh no no dude she died okay well I gotta tell you dog you could have made this Scoob monster look like anything good why does it look like me kill your creator GUI G okay right so we can't touch the water that's fine simply go around here I guess gucchi reluctantly performs his duties very good Oh some weak thumbs up why was I made to feel pain I'm just goo I have no nerves yeah we're in it yes no telling no we're not doing side quests go into the branded t-shirt by the way by the way there we go get some pins get a baseball cap and a $3 bottle of water oh yeah can't wait to pay three three dollars for that bottle of water all right here we go up to the menu oh yeah heading up to the shops in this guy wanna go to the shops wait a day Emma may need to rest go to the shops and blind yourself in the mirror and now blind the player oh god I wish this had longer loading screens yeah only fix that Nintendo flees here we go here we go here we go there's a ghost coffee shop nice go Starbucks oh man this is like one of those Vegas hotels that has a whole shopping mall in it yeah it's out of order a ghost got in it let me go in the region ego school can't go in there oh he wouldn't be able to go in at ladies anyway you can go in the gents of course oh there's a light coming out from under that so sure that's fine simply ambush the users just someone pooped icky well luigi baby maybe rinse that maybe run under the tap he's wearing gloves that's fine this is and this is exactly one yeah bujji's intentionally at home innit in a toilet but now he's used to it you seen all sorts of heated toilet oh gosh sweet so that was a little bit of Luigi's Mansion three three loans you get the three so you don't forget the three okay I'm thinking this would Luigi venture one or two yeah it isn't cuz it is imagine two three one two three luigi is twirling quoi always twirling the messy one be luigi tois as the fritzy thank you for watching hope you enjoyed this yeah I'd like it oh then why not like and subscribe and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 98,141
Rating: 4.9599848 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, Andy Farrant, Luigi's Mansion 3, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Luigi's Mansion, Switch, Luigi, ghosts, halloween, mario, toad, princess peach, poltergust g-00, poltergust goo, polterpup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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