Luigi Odyssey but every MOON makes Luigi JUMP HIGHER! (Super Mario Odyssey Modded Challenge)

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hello everyone today i'm trying to beat the first three kingdoms in super luigi odyssey but every time i collect a moon my jump doubles so luigi goes from not being able to jump at all to being able to jump over the entire map so i'm inside of the cascade kingdom in super luigi odyssey but this time if you look at this if i try pass the a button i can't jump at all but i can fix this by collecting a moon because every moon i collect it means i can jump a little bit higher how am i gonna get up here maybe if i try to do a cat throw i can jump oh yes yes i can use cap froze to get up so can i make like a cap jump from here yeah oh yes yes that's what i had to do i had to use a cap jump and do a little bit of parkour because you know i'm good at parkour i can capture the chain chomp and get the first moon which will allow me to jump a little bit higher usually in this kingdom in luigi odyssey the floor and everything's covered in smoke but i thought to make this video look a bit better i'll get rid of it and there we go that's our first moon i had to do a cap jump to get up there and now i should be able to jump normally i think okay now i can oh yeah i can jump pretty much normally now which is cool i've unlocked my jump this means i can play pretty much normally until i get the next moon to be really nice i only need four more moons in this area and then we can move on to the sun kingdom the sand kingdom should be really interesting because you need a ton of moons i think i'm gonna go for this moon whilst i can the one behind the rocks which i captured this chain chomp rile him up i've unlocked that moon i can jump up normally to it wait how come some jumps are bigger than others that's really strange anyway let's take a look at my jump now it should be a little bit higher let's see yeah it's a little bit higher than before i don't know why some of my jumps were broken in the last one anyway i'm super excited to get to the sand kingdom because the sand kingdom should have some like insanely high jumps just because of the amount of moons that are there i actually haven't tested to see if it affects the 2d moon so this should be interesting or the 2d areas oh oh it does affect the 2d areas i think i'm going to have to reset my game because i can't get up so i reset my jump back to normal so i can get up this 2d area i was stuck on this for a while i didn't know how to get up i tried everything i tried doing dino skip but nothing i did work but now now i can just jump up normally which is nice and i might be able to get a higher jump because there's also a moon round here it would be nice to have like a really high jump for fighting madame brudo there we go we've got this moon so this means that my jump might yeah i'm not touching the roof that's crazy but there she is madame brutal and i might have like a giant jump now let's see oh that's big wait i'll try a long jump what that's a long jump he's just flying through the sky that's insane for a long jump that's massive i think that's like almost as big did you see the side of that bonk as well that bunkle's like higher than the actual wall what i might be able to like long jump over this let's see oh my gosh i can just long jump over those bricks and let's go fight madame brutal okay the fight should be pretty similar i might be able to like long jump over the chain chomp come on one hp i might die i need to go collect some hearts see if i got that's embarrassing but this is one of the easiest fights in the game it should still be the same with the jump being the same i'm gonna try and long jump over a long jump is so big i just long jumped and bounced on him this mod is crazier i hope that people enjoy this video because i'd quite like to do some more modded videos where i make my own mods in the future i program this mod all by myself which i think is really cool i've learned a lot from it i've learned a lot so if you want to see all the videos like that let me know there we go that was easy madame boodle you're pretty bad wait i'm going to collect the multimoon this means that my jump's going to get insanely high all right i think it's going to take me back to the odyssey so i've just been mad and brutal so i have enough moons to get onto the other kingdom but i want to test out how big the jump is after i've got the multi moon so let's see what that's giant wait can i jump up to the madden brutal fight wait the long jump might be higher so what i can just jump up from down there to up here with one long jump these jumps are crazy i wonder how big they're gonna get in the sand kingdom you see that moon up there on the island i wonder if i can get to the island from just long jumping here am i gonna be able to oh wait wait the bunk the bong the giant bomb got me back up so i can just [Music] i can get the secret moon early oh that's crazy anyway let's jump back down so i need five more moons i've got the five movements and we can move on to the sand kingdom so i'm here in the sand kingdom the sky is looking slightly different and my jumper's reset to zero so i need to go collect some moon so i can get my jump back higher my long jump is still missing like i get a little bit of height if i'm going downhill like that but that's it anyway in super luigi odyssey the sand kingdom's flooded like this and normally the cascade kingdom turns to a volcano but i removed that just because all the smoke and stuff was annoying i can plant the seed later so we can get a moon in a minute i think i can use this to get up yes i can there's a moon up here if i do a cap jump it might do yes i can do a cap jump like that so i can just use cap jumps to get up nice i could go down this pipe but i think in this pipe you have to ground pound on the floor to get a moon but i'm not sure if i can ground pound yet maybe if i do a cap jump i'm pretty sure it's here if i remember correctly it's there in the floor yeah i need to do something smart like that yeah there we go there we go i just needed to be smart with a cap jump and i can get a caption put there now my jump should have increased by a little bit okay now i have a little bit more of a jump i can jump a little bit more can i do a long jump yes i can do a little bit of a long jump now i'm gonna go swim down here to the employees only zone yeah so if i swim here i can get an easy moon behind the counter [Music] which doesn't require me to jump until i should increase my jump a little bit as well i think i'm gonna go to the temple over here i can still roll like normal [Music] oh nicer i forgot about this but it has super mario 3d world music here but i should be able to get him i can't go no no i'm not taking how did i take damage those little guys that's embarrassing but if i capture one of these i should be able to get some moons which will allow me to jump a little bit higher oh no i can do a cat bounce to get up here cuz i can't quite get up there just by jumping yeah if i capture this bullet bill here i can glide it into a brick and get another jump as well think this book here nice yeah yeah i can't quite okay i couldn't quite jump up to it so i needed you to use cappy again there's another moon there that i can get i don't want to jump yeah i want to build it up so it'll be a shock how much i can jump in a second there we go i got this one all right let's see how big my jump is now oh that's pretty big oh some of the shadows are glitching a little bit oh i can oh my long jumps giant i can just long jump along here i think i can completely skip this 2d area but just by jumping over like this i guess the problem with the long jumping is that you bonk a lot which kind of sucks there should be one down here the sun's all blue here and my game just crashed nice so apparently i can't touch the blue sand otherwise my game crashes that's good to know but i can collect this moon by just long jumping over there and i can launch them back really easily just like this oh the game is so fun to play just with the big long jumps but i'm assuming the game's going to get really insane as we start collecting some giant amount of moons oh the sub area the 2d sub area it changes the jump high is different in the 2d sub area [Music] yes like that okay that's perfect i know there's a moon up here well i know there's a moon in this little crevice here and then there's also a moon up there so the jump height should be starting to really ramp up [Music] let me out there we go then we got this story move here okay how big are my jumps going to be now let's have a look what what what wait [Music] i can just long jump over here okay this is crazy i didn't expect it to be this much what the heck the brutals hadn't even spawned i just made it over there with the brutals not even spawning the music's not playing either [Music] am i gonna be okay if i jump i'm assuming i go out of bounds yeah i go out of bounds if i jump so i don't want to jump okay this is insane and to think it gets higher as well i might be able to do a cap jump to get like a normal jump without yeah okay i just have to cap jump on to her because if i do a normal jump i'm screwed i didn't expect it to be this crazy if i take damage as well i get i get flown up really high as well so i don't want to be hit by any of these bombs [Music] because stuff like that happens okay she's gonna get hit and then i just need to do no stop okay she stop there we go i've hit her again she needs one more hit there we go oh no i've lost my multi-heart i just need to survive the long jump goes so high yeah there we go i've hit her yeah just need to get a cap jump on to her there we go wait i'll get a multi moon so the jump will get even higher that's actually scary to think about how high the jump might get if it's already that big wait i need to be in the right position so i don't jump up too high and miss the multi-moon is there a cap on how high you can jump i don't know actually oh we've got nice peaceful music now that's cool and i need five more moons to get or six more moons to get out the kingdom and i can just jump this high what it keeps on going this is insane it's quite a nice view as well though this is such a good idea i'm so glad that i've done this this is epic oh there's zombies i should be able to go that tower there yeah i'd easily be able to go up that tower there just do the one i mean that platform it's usually where you get the painting from can i do a normal jump to get it or will i have to do a long jump okay yeah i can just get it with a normal jump i can just jump up there oh i didn't mean to jump again it takes like three seconds to get down from the ground at least i know if i accidentally jump i can if i ground pound quick enough i can cancel it i can just make this jumbo oh no oh no wait why did my jump not work that's embarrassing [Music] i feel like i'm just being like launched into space each time i jump i'm gonna try collect the moon shards around here to get another moon i'm so glad i programmed this mod this might have been the coolest thing i could have done [Music] okay there's another one over there [Music] what okay okay if i hit something i just go flying so i don't want to hit something like that because the bong just shoots me up so hi why does that happen okay the last moon's there i can capture him to see where the things are okay there's bricks here i'm safe to just walk along here and i get the moon wait actually i might be able to get back in the pyramid early because of these giant jumps because usually you have to wait for a slingshot to spawn which spawns after you beat the knuckle like oh luigi has some prickles in his nose that's so funny i should be able to make it into the pyramid without the slingshot spawning which will be really cool to see wait that's the giant knuckle guy in the sand is was he always buried in the sand here i don't remember him being here meant to be up here here yeah i'm pretty sure you can get a moon by putting one of the things on jax's tail yeah yeah i'm not sure which though i'm not sure if it's spawned yet yeah this one this jackson i can put i can put if i okay if i can somehow get the like the correct height okay [Music] yeah if i can somehow get on this tail and leave it on i can get moon just by putting it on this tail nice i'm not meant to be up here yet might even be able to get back in yeah no i don't want to fall in the hole yet if i'm good enough i can jump into that hole there wait wait luigi doesn't have a mustache he's missing his mustache what okay his mustache is back i don't know what happened there but that was cursed no no i don't want to fall in please don't make me fall in oh no yeah wow oh okay okay i almost fell in but i was able to jump out easily all right i'm back my game didn't crash this time and i think i'm gonna go get these moons over here i think it's dangerous to jump around there because my game was crashing a lot around there but if i jump up here i might land soon if i dive i don't think yeah if i dive i don't think just before i land i don't think anything weird happens but there should be a moon in one of these cages oh my god okay i'm gonna do a caption just so i have the set height and i don't go up flying there we go the treasure of jackson ruins and there's one more and there's one up that pillow which just seems quite fitting to get since i can jump so high now okay let's do a long jump wait this might make me go flying like fully flying like fully giant jumps all right let's have a look at how big my jumps have became now okay [Music] i got to the point where i loaded out of bounds for the music so the music just completely stopped okay so i'm at the highest point in the map and i want to see what happens when i long jump from here see okay the music just stops wait i think i hit like a height barrier wait am i just floating it looks like i'm floating yeah i think i hit a height barrier there but yeah it looks like i'm just gliding along i'm not even falling at all i'm just gliding along okay i'm falling again now that's so weird anyway let's move on to the next kingdom that's okay i hit the height barrier as well even when i get damaged that's crazy [Music] okay let's move on to the next kingdom that is actually crazy this is blowing my mind maybe the next kingdom has different mechanics i don't know whether to go to the pink caverns or the blue canopies i think the blue canopies aka the wooden kingdom might be best because the whole kingdom is based around heights so i think that would be the most interesting pick out of all of them i also think it's flooded in this mod which is cool so i'm here in the wooden kingdoms the blue wooden kingdoms this time i still can't jump it's flooded but i'm feeling like this kingdom might be the most interesting out of all of them just because this kingdom is built on height and different layers everything's built on different layers which means i can jump up to places that i can't access normally to get them early and i feel like this is going to create some really cool scenarios okay i just want to break this so i can get my first jump easily because this boulder has a moon in it where's it gone where's the boulder gone what oh it's gone into this hidden cove there we go rolling boulder in the woods i should be able to jump a little bit now i can also catch this rabbit for another easy one there we go too easy too easy now that i've got a bit of a bigger jump i'm gonna see if i can do this it's quite simple okay yes i can do that simple particle up here then i might be able to capture an uproot to get another moon and that should allow me to do like quite big jumps after that and then we can finally start exploring so there's another moon up here which i can get quite easily just by stretching his legs which doesn't really require any jumping there's one in this note here nice okay now i have some like more respectable size jumps i might just be able to like long jump up here yeah nice and there should be another moon up here yes there we go i've got another one here if i flip the switch i should just be able to go through here into the actual wooden kingdom area i guess we should just go up and fight the brutals [Music] just feels so nice with all these big jumps i didn't mean to hit you i don't want to die here need to be one of these wait actually i can just skip this an area entirely by just doing a long jump like that you can do that in the main game anyway do i look like plant food to you yes you do kathy your plant food there we go and now that i've got this moon might just be able to jump over to the next side hopefully that would be really cool if i could all right let's see if i've unlocked the big boy jumps now let's see if i can just jump over to this next platform okay these jumps look really big but maybe my long jump i didn't mean to press that i don't need that yes wait i might be able just to long jump into the arena that's how big they are if i go there yeah one long jump up here and i'm up i can collect this moon whilst i'm here which is nice if i'm if i don't miss it the jumps are getting so big that it's like hard to control there we go and i might just be able to long jump up to the boodles here oh i think i'm going to be able to i need to do a cappy dive jump just so i get enough height and there we go i'm in the brutal arena already i'm i did such a big jump i landed there oh that's this mod okay my game's lagging a bit because it can't handle my jumps okay this might be quite difficult actually to get up oh no there we go okay i hit him once i shouldn't wait wait oh i didn't realize he could spew ink at me like that okay that's cringe oh i could have just long jumped up like that the whole time i'm gonna collect this flag down here and there's also a multi moon down here that i can collect which made them fight way easier it would stand here and just jump up i can get a moon like that i think there's a multi moon in this one yes there is not a multi moon a multi heart that's what i meant to say so any other moons here [Music] okay yes there's another moon here there we go i can just jump over it aggressively and now i can go to fight the boss spew it yeah [Music] there we go hit him once easy i didn't realize that jumping this much would make the bosses this much harder which is kind of insane i thought it would make it easier to cringe there we go yes i hit him again one more hit and he's dead and i'll have six hearts after i grab this heart there we go i have six hearts this should be really easy if i don't keep on getting hurt like that oh my god it comes to the whole arena now [Music] there we go that's him dead i had four hearts left how many more moons will i need after this oh nice we only need four more moons and my jump should be giant now so okay that's not it what [Music] okay that's actually crazy can i make it up here [Music] no i can't make it wait i might be able to if i bonk never mind oh my god the bonk the bonk that bunk was insane whoa okay i'll move at the top as part the observatory deck i want to do cap jumps just so i don't bounce as high i think there'll be a moon at the top or maybe it hasn't loaded in yet so i just skipped everything no there doesn't seem to be anything up here but there might be something down here there's canon's down here which seems promising it seems like everything's working fine whoa i just jump up so fast i can go into this 2d area oh okay no i didn't mean to do that i just go flying so much so high whenever i do anything now how am i gonna get up here i guess like this yeah like that okay only just i only just made it and let's go in this pipe see what happens if i can actually get in my movement seems to be a bit funny now okay my jumps just seems to be like instant so i just jump and i instantly go up this area will be so easy because i can just like that i just go instantly to the top way back up the mountain more like easy there we go i'm up here now if i wanted to i probably could go into this boss area i don't really feel like doing another boss because the bosses are way too difficult but i can okay that doesn't have collision apparently this whole area doesn't have collision which i didn't realize this looks so weird [Music] does this have collision no it doesn't what the heck let's explore around here for some more moons i can just giantly jump up here oh there's a moon here will i be able to get the ground pounding time i don't know there we go i got the crap everyone just loads out of you this is so funny thanks for the charge okay i need two more moons and i'm out here i'm pretty sure there's a rocket up here that i can get if i do a backflip i think my black backflips are normal it's green okay i accidentally bonked against the rocket and i'm i'm surprised i didn't go into the rocket zone i don't even need the rocket to get that high something that i might be able to do is capture this if i capture this i'm pretty sure there's a moon about here if i remember correctly from speed runs about there oh yeah there is okay i might just be able to jump up and get that [Music] oh my god the bunks just scare me so much because of how hard they put you okay how am i gonna get up here without bonking probably just like this there we go i didn't bonk there we go that was so difficult with all the bonking and stuff but we finally got this moon and we just need one more moon and i've got a perfect one that i'm thinking of to end it on so you see that platform over there i should just be able to long jump there from here oh i'd definitely be able to actually oh no i will some i'm like floating i'm not even like falling yeah okay i'm falling now the music stopped but there should be a moon here or captain toad i can't remember if it's a moon or captain toad here that we'll see is captain toad even here it's not even loaded in that i should be here that's weird but there's a nut over there that i can get [Music] [Music] there we go i should just be able to dive and get this note quickly and that's it i hope you've enjoyed this mod and if you want to see me do the other kingdoms with this mod leave a like and subscribe and if you made it this far comment jumpman luigi so i know you made it this far anyway if you've enjoyed this video you might also enjoy some of the other videos on screen right now let me know if you want me to make this a series anyway thanks for watching goodbye [Music]
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 2,036,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luigi, super luigi odyssey, luigi odyssey, Modded, mario, mod, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, Challenge, Power Moon, mario jump, jump, zxmany, manx ninja pig, super mario odyssey luigi, super mario odyssey mods, lost kingdoms, manx, mario ost, mario series, super mario, mario high jump, mario double jump, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, mario videos, Nintendo Switch, jumping, new mario game, mario youtube, mario challenge, mario mod, mario challenge runs
Id: l62gjhg7hTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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