How I beat the hardest game ever made (pogostuck 2)

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you might have noticed over the past month and it's almost exactly a month since the release of this game i've been doing one thing more than anything else in this channel i've gave up chess just chatting a thing of the past i've been grinding what i consider to be the hardest game ever made and this entire stream will be dedicated to how i beat the hardest game ever made again because it's the second one i don't exactly know the title how i beat the hardest game in parentheses but actually how i beat the hardest game no no no please please click this i swear to god this time i'm not lying it's actually the hardest game please i swear it all started in 2017. let me give some backstory all right because when i say the hardest game everybody gets up in arms let's be real trying to beat zayn's marth and super smash brothers melee or some terran from korea whose name i don't know in in warcraft star wars i don't know i'm sounding like a boomer but it's difficult but i'm talking about single player i think there's two types of games you can play one is how would i word it it's like progress based games think runescape obviously there's an element of skill but the longer you play the better you'll be you could buy an account and automatically have a leg up on someone who just started that day because you made progress and the game rewarded you for that progress just having spent time in game but then there's a different type of game and that is skill improving games like madden doesn't matter how many hours of madden you've put in if two people sit down and play madden the one who's more skilled will win but for single player games they're usually story based and the more you've played the better you are until one day one man changed the game with something that ruined a lot of streamers and youtubers life getting over it who remembers the 2017 days back when we could kiss each other on the lips walking into trader joe's and no one would bat an eye a simpler time where we just watched our favorite streamers and youtubers mauled bennett foddy single-handedly and admittedly if you've played the game he did rip that game off but i will say he popularized it so much that he invented a new genre of game i call it foddy in games other people call it molding games games that are one level with no checkpoints at all you know some sequel series that came from that game jump king no no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop golfing over it oh my [ __ ] god no no box man's struggle i'm not stressed i am perfectly calm and one that i consider to be the hardest of all of them pogo stuck rage with your friends now why do i consider that to be the hardest is it just because i'm telling this story and i need it to be the hardest what's the evidence here are the stats the completion percentage for getting over it four percent the average completion percentage for jump king it's between 2.5 and 3 the completion percentage for pogo stuck is 1.5 half that of jump king less than half that of getting over it the game known to make everybody mauled you are more than two times as likely to beat than pogo stuck rage with your friends it is a hard game the original game was so hard they patched it to make it a little bit easier and i'm not going to get into too many details about the original but i will say that game is near and dear to my heart when i originally started playing that game i had about 150 average viewers and then i rose to over 300 average viewers i played that game every single day maybe 5 6 7 8 9 10 hours a day just grinding at it here are the stats i started playing the game sunday march 3rd and i played it every single day till i eventually beat it which i believe was on the 11th you can look at how many hours a day i was playing it 10 hours 13 hours 8 hours nine and a half hours six seven hours eight six i played this game so [ __ ] much i would wake up and the first thing i would do is i would go live and i would play until i was just mind-numbingly [ __ ] at the game until i literally couldn't play you know that thing when you're learning something and you can't learn it anymore in that one day and you have to sleep and then you wake up and it's like you were in the time chamber in dbz and you're way better at it that's what i was doing 75 hours later i beat the game and you can see on this chart i started 142 average viewers and i rose until i was doubling my average viewership this was huge for me in fact it had one of the most popular clips that i've ever produced on this channel maybe you remember this if you're wearing headphones i would like to formally apologize right now what the [ __ ] is going on [Music] that's how you do it let's go brah yeah a lot of people say that clip is fake here's a fun fact about this clip not only was i one of the first 30 people in the world i think i was 17th in the world to beat this game not because i was good but because nobody else could [ __ ] put in the hours to do it i was also the only person in the world who died to this snake while the game was paused in fact this was a bug that got patched out because you're not supposed to die while the game is paused i'm the only [ __ ] who got tortured when my game was paused and i had to deal with losing dozens of hours of work so you're welcome to everyone who played that game after me anyway the game meant a lot to me enter pogo stuck two a year in fact over years past and super coo hits me up and he's like hey man i have an idea for a second pogo stuck in fact he wanted me to announce the second pogo stuck i was the world reveal for the trailer of it and so that on my channel i showed this exact video and it was just showing off the new map i remember watching the trailer not thinking much of it except for damn it's going to be like old days again and then i hear this noise at the end but i didn't think much of it i'm like yeah whatever but if you're watching right now keep that noise in mind it'll come up but for the time being pogo suck two and the day it comes out i hop on and i actually got a dm valmerics who if you don't know is the fourth person in the world who ever beat this game he sent me a dm the day the game came out he says map 2 is [ __ ] ridiculous and then he says it'll take you 100 hours minimum but best of luck heart first of all what psychopath says that and then goes book of luck like what do you what is this a hundred [ __ ] hours of my life but i saw this dm and i scoffed in fact this was me the first day it came out i'm not so foolish filled with folly that i believe that i can beat this in a day i'm not that crazy but i think i can guarantee i'm gonna knock this [ __ ] out by july 3rd in fact you know what i think i'll beat this game before july starts you know when you're young and you say dumb things you know and you look back on it and you're like that was weird that i said that like we all have our things you know this is mine we all know pewdiepies this one i feel like's not that bad in comparison it's not that bad that was the first day that's before i'd ever touched the map and then i jumped into it i'm just i'm just kind of testing out the map i'm trying to see if it actually is harder so far so easy super cool why would you do that quick pause that was the first time that i had ever called out super coo by name for frustrating me in his game um you know we're not gonna go over too many of the things that i might have said about him over the course of the 50 some odd hours it took me to beat this game i mean we could have a montage of it i'm sure shake if you want to bring that out but he's a [ __ ] psychopath the [ __ ] dumbass i'm playing your shitty ass [ __ ] game you know we'll just we'll just try to keep it to a minimum i might have said some things over the course of the few weeks that it took me to beat it but it wasn't that much it wasn't that bad i just said a few things here and there i just said a few things here and there we're just gonna move on here i have a complete control over my pogo stuck character every action is diligent deliberate okay that okay back at it again maybe you have to do this oh i see i see you have to do it in one fluid motion thank you my tuxedo-shaped friend for showing me the ways what the [ __ ] why is this coconut milk all slip what what what is that what is that did i sink in the [ __ ] is this what we've been talking about rather than coming in the sink i sank in the [ __ ] i broke the sacred rule but i did discover something in my first few minutes of playing the game and it's how it's designed you see the original game was kind of this winding trail like most of these games but this one was built more like jump king in that it was all vertical the idea of it is that it was a 1 000 meter climb and that every 100 meters or so would be a new obstacle so the first obstacle was like the beginning the second one was like you know it was the ants the second one's the [ __ ] the thirds the clovers and there are many obstacles you'll go through to reach the end and so the first day i end up playing for about an hour and a half and i do pretty well of the 1000 meters i beat the ants as i showed there in fact i also i'm pretty successful on the coconuts or the [ __ ] i'll show you right now no no no no you're hot [ __ ] super coo why did you have to put hot frothing [ __ ] that you fall down again occasionally i brought up super cool like it happened occasionally all right now we're gonna eat it yay oh i'm a gamer top 500 we come in the sink we step on the ants and we climb i finished the first two and even the third section on the on the first day the third section was just the clover section right here where the idea of it was that you would climb this very steep mountain it's actually incredibly difficult because if you go too far left you'll bonk your body if you go too far right you won't move forward at all so you have to find this perfect balance of left leaning to get up this entire thing i was decent at it compared to most because of pogo stuck one i kind of knew how far i could rock it for a new player this section might lock you here for 10 20 hours i got through it on my first day within my first hour and then you have this section which is kind of weird it's the flowers right after where you have to jump high on this then jump down and then jump higher on it and then jump down and then jump into the hole right there now i've never been great at getting it into the hole on my first second or even third try so it took me a little bit but i eventually got the job done and so in my first hour of playing the game i'd already beaten three sections i was already at about 250 to 300 meters three tenths of the way through i was like damn damn this [ __ ] kind of easy man this [ __ ] kind of free what was i saying about it at the time i'm curious god damn we're gonna beat this today we're beating this game today remember what i was saying about like those things that you say in your past and you like regret them you know what i mean our chariot has arrived so right there it turns out i'm brain dead now i've never played this game i hadn't watched anyone play it to this point and so the way i thought you were supposed to go was hop on to this character right here and have him fly you up so i did that assuming i would land on his head and then get flown to the top turns out it's just some background imagery and i fell to the bottom what do you mean i discovered the flowers were showing you the path so that was me beating the first three sections i got to 300 meters and honestly i played 90 minutes before i stopped playing and i stopped playing because i had some other [ __ ] to do and everything was going decently well until i discovered the bees now this might not mean much if you haven't seen any of this game before the bees are a brutal section bear in mind it took me 90 minutes to get through the first three sections i sat at the bees for a little bit longer than that now to even get to the bees you have to do an amber jump right here no come hey lot i missed the start too stop don't make it two people talking a restart for a moment i finally discovered you have to do one of those up down ups to gain extra height to get over to the honey huh how does this work go down the hole but then you have to make kind of a hard jump oh oh my god you're right what you're meant to do here is you're supposed to jump from this b to this b over here b to b and then once you finally do that you have to do the opposite of falling down the hole jumping through it and then and only then will you actually be in the b section getting into b's is harder than the first three portions of this game combined just getting into bees would take an average person maybe 15 hours 15 hours just trying to figure out how to get into them oh my god that's insane no i itched my nose it was itchy can i not have an itchy nose not only can you not have an itchy nose you also have ten thousand people in twitch chat constantly asking you to go to the beginning of the game to quote unquote show what i missed because i was busy going to the bathroom and so that's what i was dealing with the first few days of playing this game oh i [ __ ] it now you might notice there's been a bit of a time skip if you look in the top left hand of your screen five hours in 45 minutes that's because this game scales in an incredibly weird way first 90 minutes i got there the next four [ __ ] hours trying to beat this section but finally after almost six hours i do what i thought i couldn't i make it past the beast and then i discover something weird about the next level there are random teeth that will just knock your ass to the floor where most sections you beat it and then there's like this little like i don't even know what to call it a platform of safety you know like oh i beat this now i can kind of chill here and rest there is nothing in the bees in fact if you beat the bees it doesn't matter because you have to beat the teeth or else you will be knocked back down below the bees let me show you a section where for the first time ever i finally got past the teeth and i want you to look at the time in the top left we want to thank you for all your hard work okay you're the one who steps up and gets things done around you yeah you keep your word you deliver what you promised and then you go the extra mile okay okay you're doing a great job a great job [Applause] that's [ __ ] right weebs please get the [ __ ] out halfway done so again 90 minutes i beat the first three sections for the next hundred meters after that it took me over 10 hours and so i'm going to show you i'm going to show you a graph right now and it's showing the amount of hours i played in the first three days of this game i played about 90 minutes plus 10 hours was four hours i played about 16 hours in the first three days which is quite a lot and then i didn't play for a couple of days because i had to do uh some some [ __ ] for like recording youtube videos you how it is and then i started playing it every day on stream but i noticed during this period that my viewership was not performing that well and on one of the days specifically i remember i had a really bad day not only was the game molding me not only was i not making progress it was performing below average and i ended up playing the game for 45 [ __ ] minutes before i just quit i couldn't handle it the game was making me mauled it was just a bad bad experience i wasn't having fun with this game anymore and in a stretch of nine days i played it once for 45 minutes i made every excuse possible to not play the game until i had an idea pogo stuck the original video was big on my channel and i saw mizkiff was blowing up after he abandoned this game with minecraft he was getting hundreds of thousands of more viewers playing minecraft than anything else it was like his main game and one of the things he was doing was beating hardcore minecraft or gifting a thousand subs and because he was so pathetically bad at minecraft he died almost a hundred [ __ ] times everybody wanted to see him beat it this sense of community formed around this pathetic minecraft player trying to do what literal children are capable of doing in a few hours and i was like yes this is it i had this idea that i would gift 1 000 subs if i wasn't able to beat it within a week that was it that was it that's all you need to know i said all right easy let me motivate myself to beat this i will gift myself a thousand subs if i don't beat this within a week it's like stakes added to it it gets the viewers excited about it at the end of the day i'm gifting myself the money i mean i lose some to jeff bezos and i lose some to taxes and i don't get paid out for a month but whatever unfortunately i discovered something let me just show you the next section of this game oh i forgot about this so while i was climbing up this mountain i noticed something it was something in the game that literally said for ludwig the dev added something to the game that was for me and i was like that's cool let's see what it was for ludwig no no he added a fake snake to scare me super coo actually too far i am haunted by what happened in pogo suck one do not bring that up to me in another video game for [ __ ] sake what is wrong with you i'm in pogo stuck too let's get some hearts and chat for super cool who i've been tearing a [ __ ] new [ __ ] this entire week through maldness i said like a couple things maybe i finally made it back the farthest we've ever made it right here and there's a new mechanic with this pillar where if you stay on it for too long you will fall through it oh and i was progressing really fast jump after jump this isn't even the way to go he added a [ __ ] dead to the right one he's a dead end he added a [ __ ] dead end who does that what are you doing adding a dead end and so i end up at this new segment it's the pillars and the wheels i kind of like this segment at the start because it involved a lot of kind of precise platforming readjusting in place and big boost jumps and after a little bit of time and only 14 hours of playing i made it through not only the pillars but all the way through the wheels and i got to almost 700 meters i was two-thirds of the way done let's go [Music] what what no no what are you kidding me 14 hours for that do you remember the trailer with the slicing sounds from the beginning well apparently the snake was only cosmetic to throw me off guard and the real snake rather than being a visual ride through the gullet in the intestinal track was a single instance if you ever touched this tip of the axe you would die and you would get sent back to the start now i didn't keep track of how many times i got hit by that axe it happened occasionally super cute they're laughing at me they're laughing at me in the lobby super cool it's cause i laughed super cool how many times do i have to ask put me in my own [ __ ] lobby holy [ __ ] i don't want to play with them [ __ ] occasionally i would get hit by the axe and occasionally i would go from 650 meters all the way down to zero and so i had made this 1 000 sub bet and all the sudden i have to beat a section of the game where if you make even the slightest mistake you will get transported to the very beginning i finally after an hour claw my way back to the axe give me a banger to get through this part let me explain this section before we go any farther because i think it's actually insanely [ __ ] up how hard it is you have to do what i would consider four insanely hard jumps this jump the first one it's not too bad you just go a little bit right here though you have to have such precision to not bonk your head but to go straight up over it and then get your pogo stuck onto the platform and then here much like earlier in the game if you remember you have to do a flower jump but this one i've never seen before in pogo stuck you need to jump off of this with a boost bounce off of this ricochet just far enough to the left so you get to the nose of this dragon statue angle it upwards have enough aerial speed to get into this platform up here even this record run right here which i'm watching this is a 9 minute 31 run from the top 20 player in the world he didn't get it first try in fact he didn't even get it in his first two this guy's top 20 in the world at this game we're still counting this is his fifth try nope a top 20 sub 10 run in the world it's taking him a dozen tries these four jumps here including this final jump which i'll show you from my perspective will take at least at least 50 hours of your life in pogo stuck to get them consistently they're incredibly hard anyway let's take a look at me attempting this exact jump we're now at 22 and a half hours of play time [Music] and i finally kiss kiss it [Music] so and then i'm back at the [ __ ] bees [ __ ] that game yeah that was an alt-f4 that was an alt-f4 moment there were a lot of alt-f4s with this game look let's be real i can just alt f4 play ballerina have my 5 thousand viewers have a people pog time this game killed me it [ __ ] killed me man go to bed wake up have another attempt at it yeah yeah [ __ ] yeah higher than i've ever been before let's take a pb real quick after taking a pee pee i discovered that this sec next section is not easier because what you have to do after hitting that jump let me just show you yes there it is boys you have to make a perfect jump over to the ducks bill and they had to go from bottom bill to top bill and you might be thinking yourself that didn't seem too bad yeah you're right it wasn't the problem is right after you do the gravity balls this exact jump right here outside of the axe which will literally kill you is the worst jump in the game because right here if you fail to do this correctly you will fall from 800 meters all the way down past the dove past the ducts past the whatever to this wheel and because of the nature of the wheel you cannot use the power you've gained from falling so far to make a comeback the wheel will spin you and then you end up just at best case bonking your head usually just slipping off the wheel and you're all the way down at 600 meters and so every time i fall it'll take me an hour if i'm lucky usually two or three just to get back to the duck just to get back to the tulip just to get back to gravity balls and bear in mind during all of this i made the bet for a thousand gifted subs but i knew every time i closed out of that game that i'd have to [ __ ] do the same dumb ass jumps the same dumbass section that was and i'm not exaggerating destroying me from the inside it's bad it's a bad game even though i made a bet for a thousand gifted subs i didn't play the game for more than an hour every day i barely played this was me like a day before i had to gift out a thousand subs i'm not over explaining to stahl i'm super down to play pogo suck any videos though like any good videos recently maybe flight has something flights nothing new with flights okay um new donkey video yeah i don't care about rocket league what if i just played track mania holy [ __ ] man just beat the [ __ ] game should i try playing pogo suck didn't i say i would gift a thousand subs if i don't beat it by friday and that's in two days and so the journey began like a student letting his work pile up till the last minute i waited till two days before to actually start playing the game and i had a thousand gifted on the line and i put in my best effort towards beating the game you see basically all i had to do because i've actually already gotten through 80 of it is jump here have a spin so you get a boost jump off of this wall into this hole it's incredibly tight timing if you miss it as i said you will fall all the way back down to the pillars and in my last two days before i would oh chad a thousand gifted i went down to [ __ ] work [Music] there it is we did it let's keep it going [Music] what what now here i did something a little bit dumb we've already seen that fall before and you do lose 200 meters of progress unfortunately uh if you leave the game on like i was saying your guy never stops jumping and so when i was originally at about 800 meters close to the highest i've ever been i got a little mad so i walked away so [Music] so [Music] and i wasn't too happy when i came back [Music] that's [ __ ] comfortable yeah it sucked i fell all the way back down because i just stepped away from my computer for about a minute to pee on the final day of when i owed 1 000 gifted subs i kept playing until 3 a.m for about eight straight hours before finally doing this [Music] [Applause] we beat this game within a week or i'm gifting 2 000 subs now that was dumb as [ __ ] because i not only said that in the heat of the moment i then proceeded to not play the game for five [ __ ] days until two days before the debt would be owed and so not only have i gifted out 5 000 worth of subs now i am at risk of gifting 10 000 of subs and so then we enter the final day where i said i would gift out 2 000 subs if i didn't beat the game now bear in mind good old ludwig loves the skamaz but i had like 17 to 20 000 people waiting in chat half of them just saying pepe laughed waiting for my sub vultures hounding me hoping i would fail some saying i believe there was a war of believers and non-believers going on raging while i am playing through this game trying to get some amount of success and so in the final hours of the final day this is my final attempts to get it done [Music] [Music] i don't get the first jump man oh oh [ __ ] man oh it hurts dude it hurts so [ __ ] much it hurts so much man it hurts i'm in so much pain i don't want to do it anymore man i don't i want it to stop i just want to stop i just don't want to feel this way anymore i had been forcing myself to play this game six to eight hours to try to beat the bet and there's a reason i was only playing this game for 90 minutes or two hours at a time this game if you ever try to play it takes a toll on you mentally it is so frustrating so taxing and to do it while streaming while having a wall of people saying pepe laughs giving my sub non-believers or hey back here again it it it kills a man and so i had made it to 950ish meters at like 34 hours and for seven eight hours i never broke past that point i could never hit the jump that i needed and so on the last day with this i just gave it my all [Music] oh that's a bet [Music] and i pay out on time however i'm only gifting out 1 000 of the 2000 today i'll give the last thousand when we beat the game [Music] [Music] [ __ ] no 2001 subs thank god i put a question mark because the next day slime hits me up as my ceo of mogul moves incorporated he was like hey man yeah yeah that's dumb yeah no you spent fifteen thousand dollars and we don't get that money back in full and we also don't get it back for over a month you're trying to buy a house what are you doing you do not have this liquid income that you think you have you also have to say for tax and then i was like all right man all right enough of that enough of that don't don't bring up the t word and so it's friday i failed both bets and i put something else on the line i'm gonna be pogo stuck this friday or i will dye my hair the final final final day all i need to do is beat the final section and i will get it done and you need to see the speed at which i started out the day to take down this game i want you to just watch something i'm i'm gonna do something i i've yet to do while playing this game and this is gonna this is gonna blow your mind i want you to just look at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen and i want you to watch the speed because i've been down on myself for not hitting one section one jump i'm so good at everything can we actually can we restart the timer i'm sorry i'm sorry can we restart the timer can we restart let's restart the song too sorry sorry that let's just get a restart there so honestly i just got i have a cockeye you guys know this a visual audible cockeye visual video audio cockeye and somebody in chat just said some something absurd so i looked and then i fell so we're just gonna anyway i want you guys to keep your eyes peeled on the bottom left hand corner of your screen and i want you to marvel over the speed at which i'm able to accomplish every obstacle the game can throw at me and hey we're just gonna do it one more time here just one more time last one though last one obviously rule of three rule of three rule of three baby rule of three there we go there we go there we go i finally make it back to the end once again and i'm a lot faster than i was before and actually i make one of the best runs of my life i'm just gonna i'm gonna let you watch this uncommentated this is one of the best runs of my life right here so i'm gonna say it once [ __ ] you for that one super coo i don't say that a lot but that was out of pocket i went from 950 to zero meters in three seconds i went from the top of the map to the bottom literally the end to the beginning it's insane that's the worst fall i've seen of anyone but i was playing hot that day and look honestly i started off having not the best time playing the game viewers weren't having fun watching it but now i was holding 20 000 viewers well over my average well over double my average viewership because everyone wanted to see me beat the game and finally i pulled this off a little save never hurt nobody [Music] what i missed i missed okay okay we missed it all right turns out i debated you it turns out you can miss the jump i didn't know this you apparently you can miss the last jump you can also miss out on subscribing to youtube channels you like to watch all right it's a little bit of a debate but i feel debated did you know that 40 of the people who watch my videos aren't even subbed to the channel that's so weird hey if it doesn't if it's not too big of a deal if it's not okay i'll show you the last section i'll show you the last section so oh i'm so happy i'm so happy oh my god we beat the [ __ ] game you were [ __ ] here boys ludwigran i'm the monolith of perseverance you faced the most difficult trial yet and for your effort you will get one wish and one wish only never having to play this game again [Music] wait wait wait i was kidding i was kidding i was kidding and there it is that's the story of how i beat the hardest game ever made and let me tell you boys honestly just watching the clip makes me [ __ ] well up i did not do no pop off this was not ludwig beating monkey balls screaming making a show of it i felt one thing in one thing when i beat it it was bliss if anyone attempts to beat it i will say one good luck but two the reward of beating that game or any challenge is indescribable i ended up gifting the 1000 subs in fact if you look back on that day i ended up getting over 4 000 subs because i gifted myself 2 000 and then chat also subbed a bunch the moment i won i've never come close to that many subs ever but there it is i had 24 000 people who were watching me when i beat the game it's the most viewers i've ever had without a host or a raid with just me on stream a special shout outs to super coo i said a couple of mean things but he deserves a lot of credit for making a great game shout outs to all the players val merricks shout out to dan corona everybody who watch whether it's just this youtube video or you watched it live i think the more you watch the more impactful the end is but i get it we all lead busy lives
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 2,131,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, twitch, gaming, chat, stream, decides, pogostuck, rage with your friends, rage, hardest, game, ever, getting over it, bennett foddy, pogo, stuck, beating, winning, speedrun, world record holder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 33sec (2913 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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