Lucky People Who Avoided VERY CLOSE CALLS

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hello friends it's me your favorite messy hair youtuber cannot come to the phone right now excuse me why check out my hair real quick what is this it's so dirty I haven't washed it it's been six days but anyways today we're gonna be checking out some people who avoided very close call with death you know when you're just chillin licking your ice cream cone then this happens and then you got to go for the fool the quick Chyna Rooney's save a Rooney when you look at a little too hard and then the whole serve is like no but they caught it ice cream was saved not today say and maybe tomorrow bra that was a shark that was a shark that shark took it it took it oh you are so lucky it's gonna take your oh yeah oh man I would ever like skirty it backup it to my boat like yeah I'm never going on the ocean again that is scary oh no no regular people they like to have the morning coffee I like to have my morning ranch dressing yes please thank you in my carry I'm very curious as to how this would brew I mean if it fits it ships and it fits pretty dang perfect I'm about a broom yeah iced ranch macchiato this isn't me when I wake up it takes me a hot minute to like get up and like actually open my eyes and be aware of what's going on in the world like I woke up the other day I was about to brush my teeth because I had some dang good morning breath no wasn't morning breath it was like you know sometimes you'd brush your teeth and go to sleep then wake up and your mouth still feels dirty like I'll hold it on my toothbrush I'm so tired and you can't tell I haven't been sleeping a lot lately there is not enough hours of the day to get eight hours of sleep and then I like squeeze the tube of toothpaste I was like oh yeah and I looked at my toothbrush I put it in my mouth and there was no toothpaste on my mouth it was in between my toes disgusting the whole day was ruined throw it away and start over Oh oh my god the snow baloise man I bet he just like did a 360 and landed right back on the ladder whoa bro you got some iron grip also you got some ball climbing up that ladder to somebody's window like it just so conveniently happens to fall as soon as he gets to the top I know you're technically not supposed to put q-tips in your ear but I think we all do it anyway it's the quickest way to get your earwax out and sometimes the q-tip is missing the other end and sometimes you don't notice and then you stab yourself with a dang q-tip but there is no cut that hurts mother was dumb enough to have done this or is this a thing you know I'm just gone for a walk outside and oh you pull up your foot oh excuse me ho my god this is the biggest splinter I have ever seen oh man it's just like one wrong move and that could've went in you don't want it to go in I mean it's in but it could be in everybody take a moment to hold your foot and appreciate that you don't have anything in it crisis averted mistakes could have been made oh man you really avoid a disaster on this one it's like one wrong move you stepped one inch in the wrong direction and I could have just went like top ten stressful situations to be in you're in the bathroom of a fast food restaurant and there is no more toilet paper what you do oh this was genius pulled it off from the stall next to him nice crisis averted I'm so lucky I haven't been in this situation yet but I feel like one day it'll happen and I won't be prepared I'm sorry I just looked at that real quick I was like guys should be illegal to make them have containers at similar on the Left we have name glue and on the right we have work in eyedrops just hurts my eyes looking at this knowing that this is a possibility that somebody could have used nail glue one of the most powerful glues to think about that always read your labels smells like so this never happens to you also this truck just parked in this spot Oh they've left a lot of space you know if they actually parked normally they could have hit that huge nail wham bam we got a flat tire ma'am that'll be 500 bucks tires are expensive bro my sister's just got a flat tire today I feel like flat tires like running my family I don't know what it is we get like hella flat tires every year like as a household combined we probably get like 20 flat tires a year I'm not even exaggerating yeah I need this luck in my life where a tire goes in like this and not into my tire to where I need to replace the entire tire I'm a cop BS on this one that's not how what happens in real life but you weren't over a nail in the road it does not just sit happily within the confines of your tires treads no sir Oh in that bad boy stabbed you'd have to buy another tire and replace the water on the other side because they need to be even people who leave nails on the street aren't annoying why don't people do that yeah you know those little plastic things that close your bread somehow made its way onto your buttered toast ah it blends so well like you could have taken a bite out of that I'd be like oh why is it so crunchy and oh when you have it soup or something with a spoon of the spoon oh just slips right in through but it's just the perfect sized bowl dad it didn't touch the liquid saved Oh No so this truck crashed and you know those legends I don't know what you call them barriers shoulders medians and that looks like it's overlooking and ocean that truck could have fallen into the ocean but by some miracle it just tipped a little bit you could probably get it out oh no that's like my worst nightmare like every time I Drive like on a road that you could like ball off of I'm like I have to be super careful that's one of my top 10 fears I think about it and I'm like okay you know what this is how I'm gonna go this is how it's gonna happen like me like not paying attention for a split second or you know what like whenever I'm doing a turn and I think about what if I take my hands off the steering wheel while I'm turning and it just looks worse and then BAM I'm dead I'm not thinking about these things a lot unless I another stupid but it's like I'm curious how am I gonna die you could have lost a toe they was gonna call you for toe actually we got lucky toes live to see another day always worried about this when I'm chopping up stuff in the kitchen like what if I drop it you know you gotta have a firm grasp on these things also this is why you don't run with scissors because I've ran with scissors and I've dropped them before and they almost cut one of my toesies off oh I wonder if they measured this or something but this boat just barely you just call that a boat I'm sorry a multi-million dollar yacht it just barely scraped by underneath that bridge I mean imagine if they made it a few feet taller oh that's scary I'm not going under that and be like okay I don't know if we're gonna fit we're just gonna take this big fat risk but they made it through safely no more Titanic's okay this guy was working with these industrial gloves trying to cut something oh they cut through the gloves but good thing goes loves dummy bag that they protected his fingers so all the piece could go to market that day that was just extremely lucky to like if you want wearing those gloves would be like goodbye from your tip it was nice having a fingerprint wait how would you unlock your phone oh this tree I can't believe this this is actually insane how the tree fell and made a bridge over the car like no anybody's car wow that is some insane luck right here why I look like you're doing a cartwheel over the car like move this guy was out drinking playing some golf and as he was taking and said I'm golf ball just comes out of nowhere and just like hmm right into his can it didn't go through all the way but oh this is a lawsuit waiting to happen it's gotta be on the lookout by flying balls you first of all why are these two together you got Reese's Pieces and you got Kitty treats they don't even look the same I mean some people are so out of this world that they will open the container of kitty trees be like oh you know what this opens up just like my Reese's Pieces and I accidentally eats the kitty food this is why y'all gotta stay away from the devil's lettuce this is what it does to you it makes you eat cat treats instead of Reese's Pieces because they both got the same Ziploc container oh that's Sookie nice oops so close to boiling over oh let me tell you does anything a boiling over onto an electric stove disgusting mess this is just like mine where it has a little like gap in between the countertop and the cooktop so once something spills over it comes on that and then it goes under and inside in between the oven that never was in your kitchen will forever have food lingering in it and crevices you'll never be able to reach me go into my kitchen at 3 a.m. trying to make up my bow to turn on the stove oh there's the baby littler what are you doing he's trying to be my midnight snack oh yeah no idea was coming with you a spare his life or be burn him to a crispy lizardy treat I'm just kidding don't require me to Peter you ever pick up your toilet paper for some reason you know I don't like blow your nose while you're standing up but thinking then you drop it oh we got so lots of falling into the toilet and ain't no fun it ain't no fun when toilet paper falls in the toilet it's like where's the ball there's a whole roll of toilet paper waste it and then it's like you got to fish it out most likely your hand you know something falls on the trail you know I just panicked grabbed it out and then I just like wash my hands multiple times until my skin starts to fall off took a shower after putting my son to bed almost stepped on him when I got out oh I mean my dogs do this all the time but what kind of child a human child sleeps on a bath mat oh it's probably wet to swervin dudes in my dams like whoa who did it better comment below I mean he just wanted a kiss well you gotta do him like that I will kiss him back Oh see this is like my dog that just lay on the carpet like that and sometimes they blend in a little too good one of the worst feelings in the world is like when you accidentally kick your dog and it's like you feel so horrible and you try to apologize to them and they don't know what our apology is and it's like you trying to tell them they don't understand but they still like jump on you and get excited for you and love you maybe they do understand I don't know use the other door the goose will attack you if you go out through this door you miss that I know regular duty for trouble entirely talking bout spoke some bread in the corner and just like run yeah I'm hungry for bread be hungry for human flesh like poison and I wake up I get my alarm set it for p.m. instead I am brah at least they notice and then that allow anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these was the worst and for good luck so that you may avoid close calls make sure that that like banana make sure he turns out notifications today Nick and subscribe John the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,752,381
Rating: 4.9503012 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, people, lucky, lucky people, who, close calls, close, avoided, calls, people who avoided close calls
Id: zbHF-eVSSck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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