LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE 😅 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare #34

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[Music] [Music] that's true actually i do catch myself doing that more often now that you mentioned it i definitely do gas is closing on your position suggest you get moving [Music] um primary objective is to eliminate all targets enemies i guess we just gotta get inside and there's so many boxes hello holy [ __ ] okay i'm gonna go into the tunnel actually i might go second level here good cause of me i'm flanking on the flank of the front and behind me i'm just there both sides of me wasn't really anywhere to hide the other teammates surviving earnestly deployment that's kind of what i'm sick of in cod so far it's like you just get shot from it's like it's hide and seek simulator dude more than any other i mean it's it's whoever sees who first right yeah exactly exactly it just hurts it hurts yeah painful yeah you're back we're back where's this crate enemy soldier incoming right there i just got it right right there live oh [ __ ] dude i'm trying to come up here i'm [ __ ] climbing chairs yeah jesus oh look look look key card spot right yeah that's the one i was at yeah did the other one start going to stadium the other one looked like that like underground a lot more it was in the parking garage i think and it looks similar you can hide here hello look at this zig that was extremely hard to do all right i've been saying that more i don't know why i think it was because of the mmos i was just kind of saying it's my boys for like as like good job mm-hmm many will handle it here uh give me your money we'll get load up i'll try not to get it stuck on the roof this time stay alert mate what kind do i use i'm gonna set up snipers an ak oh boy here we go i've heard i've heard only bad things about an 8k but what is it's they're strong bullets which you know as far as i'm concerned i really like strong bullets so even if it's a little bit slower i like the odin a lot actually i think the odin would probably be a really good gun for you man to be it i hit a honest i hope i don't get shot in my back you're hoping for a lot my friend in here i'll go front door always on my thermite on my throat he's low dope out of the bathroom dude holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] am i this guy's stuck in the door and i keep hearing him look at this look at this shot this guy's body is in the door so much that when you close it his body goes when you open it his body comes look look so close the door hello see the body just kind of goes with it no not not for me it's in a different spot okay oh most water let's go get him he's right here oh is he camping up top up top he's probably got a claim might be able to just some car bombs up in that [ __ ] you know what i mean i'd be able to laser him off the road somehow has [ __ ] a team of four in there you know what i mean he might not even be in the on the roof yeah i don't think he is do you want to try to rush him or not open the door so he's not on the roof i don't think i'm going to kill his ass oh he's got a ton of stuff down here bro so he's been killing me hostile dropping into the area watch the skies all right here we go i'm breaching clear this is where we both get shotgunned still higher he probably went to the roof didn't he really one down i think it's just a one i can't believe that was what we were waiting for well that was display yeah we're waiting for yeah much more time to shoot because mp5 looks cool here we go nice word doing pretty decent money you're safe you lost the enemy jackers on the roof to your right one glow the red uh red roof one cracked armored is worth the rush what they're getting shot at by someone else no i don't think so oh someone just shot a [ __ ] rocket they just raised this guy's in a tower i just found a guy in a tower up there bro kind of running up here and i don't know if this is a good idea you shoot rocket launchers from your tower bro that's good yeah they're dead i think there's more on the roof though okay on me roof right across red two guys two guys right there one's very low i'm actually gonna rush these guys okay it's getting kind of weird i'll be honest i don't like it in a good way weird in a good way someone else shot at me from like east or something all right oh if you ping em in the map he's low he's down oh let me finish i can't there we go he's using a crossbow dude crazy bro let's buy some uh buy some stuff another load out i don't know if you're ghosting or not oh on me hello man literally one can't believe i didn't kill him [ __ ] i'm gonna buy an armor box i think i cannot afford an armor box never mind um should we get an armor box should i it's up to you i have self revive give me drop me some money for i'll drop some money get a uav i want to pop it yeah then get another one i don't think i can i'll buy another oh i can't oh my god he's dropping on the floor now he's with you i'm coming to you it's above you i think maybe he's in the sky i think he's got rest yeah he did he did i was calling this the whole time dude were you sorry i wasn't i was like i was very concerned about shooting a man in the face i killed this guy but he rest as i killed him that's kind of what happened if you want it i found this if you need it oh laser and the moaning building yeah big red yep left side peaking going his head oh i can see his little stupid head dude a little pro dude there it is i missed that character in uh in pub g my fro character i'm gonna go up and get that armor real fast because i need some armors did you buy a box uh that's a good question didn't i buy a box um i did buy a box why what the [ __ ] happened to that box did i pick it up does it not go into your inventory right away he's got a satchel thing or whatever the armor extension yeah the banger do you have one of those nope come grab it then surprised my cpu hasn't overloaded on the encoding i'm definitely pushing it right now genuinely surprised it hasn't will your spot unless i'm seeing things i'm totally oh my god there's a guy on bank well he's just looking at us there he was oh [ __ ] he's right to the left of that chopper yeah he just stood up and then he crouched as i scoped on him is he really oh he's gonna try to get in i think yeah i'm holding it spamming oh oh damn it no he just showed his head for a second and i missed i wasn't ready you know hmm of course we're not getting shot at by anyone else right now yeah this is a pretty popping building so found them nice just shooting i don't even know if you could spam that but trying he was like right i can't mark it because yeah i don't i didn't see a teammate with him if i pop uav in a sec just in case [Music] there's a couple marks over there by the loadout he got out like right around there enemy movement uav is out of fuel returning he's focused on me trying to kill him i hit him once in the body and move on back oh i'm getting laser from a different team out out in the in the forest area like over here they res he's rest i don't see him i'll see him on the back he's got to be by the truck i think i'm looking maybe spam it he might come out to me oh jesus dude what he's not here i don't know i'm just shooting at an atv i also don't know i guess we should i just missed him like i said i'm off the bank where we were shooting the helicopter i think i'm gonna buy plates i got the cop here he got the chopper mate i packed his armor real bad he's done real bad like you know track his armor gotta let you know that in yeah mm-hmm let's look at this bounty real quick careful there's people oh yeah that's right idea of the bounty target eliminate them enemy uav overhead i'm pretty sure i got lasered from this bank building i think that guy's up that chopper's still there pretty sure no no no that was that was a different chopper that chopper's still up there oh is there okay same skin jesus yeah i'm british i didn't die i don't think so i'm pretty sure he's up because i got shot at from this direction i'm gonna take a little peek i might lose my head he's up there no no careful oh he's up there 100 i heard him all right i'm going to smoke when you're ready and we can try the sandwich i could smoke on that side i hate this [ __ ] helicopter uh i mean sam is from where is there another spot yeah the stairs on the left there you can get ready to take those stairs and i'll smoke here they'll be focused on me i'm getting shot at smoke okay sounds good oh they're so focused on me they're so smart oh i missed my boat one blow down i got one down down okay we're good good job maybe they were just sitting up here hello who was shooting at us this is how people play the game bro oh in the tower the radio tower radio tower dropped off damn oh i killed that guy earlier too he had a [ __ ] he got up [ __ ] dude uh wait no no that could have been a different guy i swear that guy i killed that blood out if i remember i have a cluster strike actually he's not up there anymore no it's our spot now yeah that's our [ __ ] spot that's a really shitty they're coming up the stairs i'm watching it oh behind me as well armor back up real quick oh he's on the red building red building careful down uh the other one's up there he's gonna go rest the buddy hit him broke his arm exactly mark him exactly he's down he's down i'm gonna cluster them [ __ ] it have fun [ __ ] oh we're double clustered okay all right here we go it's not hitting up dude they sell fresh for sure they did dude this game what cluster strikes suck bro there's definitely a guy in our building i don't see i don't see or hear him on bottom floor hostile dropping into the area watch the skies where did that guy go anything snuck away after here yeah probably someone parachute somewhere i'm hoping it's not oh someone's what's on our building i think he's up here oh my god one more what the [ __ ] oh another one cowboy hat central dude those were the same guys wasn't it yeah yeah enemy uav overhead it was the cowboy hat guys coming back for their [ __ ] so late i guess they just had a goo like timer and they didn't have anyone to play against yeah honestly nobody fought him in the gulag exactly these guys just keep peaking in red and just dying let me guess he's speaking again anymore i think i think they learn our lesson get him right [Music] go back to your [ __ ] rifles little [ __ ] a guy right there right left to right right oh oh who's shot at me is i don't know i don't have a teammate somewhere i got a oh that's what you get [ __ ] yeah i see him kill him there's a guy around there too his boy on the ground he was on the ground he jumped off right there he's gonna be right there i'm gonna jump off him he's fighting someone there's two they're too careful don't get too aggressive here unless you're insane i hit the other one's armor i was just honestly just dumping the [ __ ] bag into it didn't it work i actually really like the uzi a lot not i just use head middle of the road getting a load out by big bertha crack dad that guy's getting rezzed we got to move he's getting raised on top of that building oh he's up yeah might as well move that i'm going i i got a smoker for you if you need right here damn if only we had our cluster still that's another team there's a team bottom team top so careful oh he got me dude i just ran in between both of them [ __ ] i had one too bro yeah i think we shouldn't have played like because there's so many people here camping everywhere all right that was my bad my bad my bad i just saw an opportunity to kill that guy i didn't know his teammate was they're lit like straight camping in there yeah like sitting in corners not moving i'm gonna try something this is a really bad inbound marking new safe zone really [ __ ] bad enemy uav overhead push cam right mark okay so eight players alive so seven i guess oh that's armor i thought that was ammo that's awkward you had eight armor uh i didn't know dude they looked the same it's dude nobody's out and about though they're all it's only five times all right so uh 1v1v1 [Music] of the top the building you see him up there there's 100 up there yeah yeah yeah good call good call oh oh no wait no way oh that's unreal oh you're i think so that's honestly crazy the cluster was like it was beard to the right and then it just like turned on the last one on top of me bro that is nuts he's so lucky that gas probably took him real low oh well he probably had a gas mask bro i mean talking like one more bullet i think you kill him i need to kill one more bullet dude that's crazy i've never seen it that was nothing that was not a good game a good game yo i kinda wanna yeah you've inspired me bro i don't wanna try ak it's kinda fun that's not bad yeah actually like for sure i wanna take uh you know what i kinda wanna odin to be honest all right there we go let go all right let's pretend we're good in this game i think i'm dying so fast because of my skin battle royale um well go check out stadium i've never gone there let's go let's go look at it all targets sniper shotgun combo hold on do i have an assault rifle let me kill him i'm trying to get the melee kills with an assault rifle to unlock the an on your left hello what the um the and 94 ak that's how you get it yeah you gotta err no i'm sorry not the and the uh cr or something something yeah fan 94 is pretty nasty if you haven't tried it i don't have it i don't have it i don't know how i got it that's a level though this place is kind of like a there's a card reader here there's a bunch of boxes i hear did you find a card a key card or something apparently i missed a key card so maybe it's to that room let me see oh yeah i did but it's a red card that has nothing to do with that right whatever i'll try i guess what are you even open with the uh the key cards like doors i have no clue apparently it's insane loot or something i just don't know where or how it works but chat where do we go is it different every time or is it the same bunkers people are saying red is for bunkers oh so what's what's the key is this what's the key card for the stadium i'm at a key card spot use card reader check this out come to me yeah it's the same one i have the same one i see on this side you can't do anything with it no i don't have a card grenade launcher is that good oh i think you have one i do but it's the bunker one next time let's go to the bunker i don't know where the bunker is man the stadium is kind of dope actually that's bigger than i thought it was lots of loot yeah we've got gas moving again this is cool it's cool oh dude my it's pretty crazy up in here my cpu my cpu usage is very very scary like very scary high i might i went back to what where we're main stadium droppers now yep every time i went back to trying i went back to using my cpu to stream just for fun just to see how it would perform man it's dangerously high my cpu is at 70 usage um i might need to go back to the uh gpu streaming until i get a better cpu a 9900k turns out is not very good for encoding so that's nice i might need to buy another computer there's the bounty in here if you want to try to hunt him with me i'm just chilling i have a grenade launcher i don't know how it works but i can blow him up i don't know if it blows up on impact if it's a time thing i think it's impact and hurts really op so all right let's go get him contract failed no oh can we get up another way oh yeah grenade launcher i'm up there oh is that the tower grenade on top of the top yeah he's on the yeah the front side but yeah [Laughter] yes that's so good two campers get [ __ ] dude new video on triad's youtube channel oh i didn't know it was dude i didn't know it was that good god damn i mean a gun that's only got six [ __ ] bullets it's like it's bound to do something sucks if i knew it was that good i would have rushed to myself and just kill them for the bounty time that's all good actually can buy a loadout should we pick up this this wanted thing or no [Music] the whole map will shoot yeah why not most wanted nice that was really fun actually guy one's down they're really really bad i can't believe practice armor i'll watch this grenade launch shot nope i got it now though watch oh they were good it just didn't hit him damn they were good but didn't hit him i mean he probably just moved he did he doesn't have armor he didn't armor up i get a load out real quick that means dude wait does do i get more bullets for this thing put it on the uh the ferris wheel there the [ __ ] down on top of the fair still flashing oh my god my bad i want to level up my foul so i'm going to keep this guys dude look at it it's so close just a little bit more you we shouldn't move it technically but we tried moving it yesterday and we couldn't start to walk it moved a little bit yeah remember we're crowned up so careful now wow 20 more seconds should i go loot this guy enemy uav overhead i'm gonna go loot him dude we should just buy a [ __ ] load of stuff cause we're about to be rich where'd i kill this guy contract complete but you're still alive we should probably buy self-revive yeah okay i have no idea oh there is vendor here you might have what you need we are inside the circle have a uav later let me know when i should pop in grant him requesting flyover [Music] i think it was fun dude it's good for house clearing i guess yeah oh sorry guys behind black and farther guys he tried to [ __ ] actually snipe me what a god i mean you're better i was believing them a little bit i'm definitely better all right they were looking northwest at the other team they're like sniping at them i'm thinking on this thing lots of money i'm rich ow i cracked one of these guys down the sniper okay the other guy's got low armor he went right he's in the red building on the right that we originally thank you oh no okay [Music] there's so many people here getting shot by another team i'm probably trying to land on my loop the guy that killed me was like right there around there i killed i killed these two i just i'm getting shot by this yeah i'm getting shot by somebody else i just don't know where i'm back yeah i got armor box you want it no i have eight okay let's go to a bike shop man you should buy some [ __ ] we got down down the road i think well gas is coming too so they're kind of moving towards us i also might be seeing things i don't know better sniper than my sniper the dead guy here dude out of the zone what do we do what do we do now man shots real quick while we're here for money i have one more actually maybe i shouldn't have bought that though in case you melted dead dude that was even sliding canceling trying to get over that 10 seconds we gotta go do the zone we gotta go you're losing ground i'm good gone all right [ __ ] let's see what you got now i know you're there that's what happens when we know you're there you know backpack for him nice farmers hell yeah little [ __ ] camping [ __ ] you know people laughing at me for around this box i'm glad you got them too smokes are good i don't know i don't know why anyone think they're bad what else would you do what else would you run they don't last long enough personally there's no way heartbeats meta what yeah that's crazy at least in solos i know it's that meta and solos i know someone's running in your [ __ ] squad and squads you know oh apparently stones are good too sounds good i believe that his thumbs are real good i can't believe stone still exists dude yeah that's so dumb it's like i can let him go already jesus been in your game since when you know car that's it yep gotta catch up to the building question mark no maybe not double tapping slide just doesn't reset my tax print i don't understand they had more guys to the right of the road and his teammate got out and started moving bounty target has been marked kill them oh it is a triple tap oh my god one guy on our side what you guys were telling me double this whole time [ __ ] triple gas is closing in relocating the safe zone okay i had a shot on him and then he just disappeared maybe they jumped on the other side or something he's in the uav dude i can't believe it i got him i got him i can't believe this whole time that reset tax sprint was a triple when you're not on a building [ __ ] i can't believe it to resupply all right could still be blue not sure i saw a bullet fly that's all i had i don't even want to i don't even want to fight that right towards me jumped off right in a car in the car damn this [ __ ] i'm not letting you get away he's swapping seats over and over again bro he's so bitch-made it's crazy he's moving his car constantly swapping seats what a [ __ ] piece of guard dude we got to kill that [ __ ] that's one of those guys that will do everything that they possibly [ __ ] can in every single video game known to man to get the advantage bro meta everything you can [ __ ] imagine chat that's the guy doing it right there here's the [ __ ] car guess where he went guarantee what top of stadium huh i hear him i think yeah they're fighting in here i don't like him on the stairs they have shotguns bros is so scary oh there you are resume yeah you are frisbee i think that was the guy chad was that the same jump off the building do you remember what skin it was dude another armor boxer he's probably just holding on that i haven't run out of rocks i had eight [ __ ] armors on me stuff this is really really like well designed i like it they're really well designed i think that guy was using the famas with the shotgun or whatever no way pretty sure i saw it and he [ __ ] me up hostel dropping into the area watch the skies gas is closing in we're just chilling well i guess we're just kind of kicking back why not kind of a weird spot god if this game was like a more milsim realism game holy [ __ ] i would love it like less about sprinting super fast very difficult recoil oh my god if this was a milsim it just looks so stunning like visually the mounting feature being able to just mount on anything the weight of all the weapons feels good [ __ ] me little sniping gas is closing get to the new safe zone what is it i think they're above us or something right i think we should just wait here just wait here and we'll be the laster okay we'll shoot him in the bay yeah you have a gas mask right yeah yeah we're just kicking the gas a little longer than that they'll jump off we'll just [ __ ] slide them out we're at anti-camp in the campers right now with camping oh you just jumped there he is i wasn't ready [ __ ] nice [Music] he got down from the uh from the thing there i think they're at the uh fire station nine people left careful that ended up working perfect the thing i know dude listen bro my callouts aren't exactly on point but i make it known that there's people there you know at least i don't really know if you want to move too much massive shots going on in the forest yeah i feel like we can take this it was huge right there nope there's someone in here there's two there's two in here two in this building oh i'm bad i'm bad okay i'm really lighting there at the end of the day careful right you're right all right i'm taking this fight i can doubt these guys we're good these guys are on the right side wall right here bro yep still there right around there oh my life down that guy that was shooting at you i'm moving up on that i got another team the outskirts here i messed them up we're in a pretty decent spot i don't think he's resonant i think that [ __ ] gas is gonna get that dude how how how did that just happen i'm safe though i'm getting pushed i think from my right self really how did that happen there's a guy on the right and then there's the two guys four [Music] oh there's two oh god good luck he res to that guy that you head down this guy chases me into the [ __ ] gas dude dude i'm just sitting there trying to armor he's being oh no way he's like the worst player on earth too dude i thought you uh i thought you were confident about those br's never ceased to amaze me brother what's that i thought you were confident of those guys on the sideline there that there's only one but there's two that sucks uh i guess he got one up that's my bad brother i guess he got him up i didn't he i literally didn't hear him get him up but i didn't get a finished kill either yeah i guess i should i should just push into the [ __ ] smoke when i when i could have honestly i guess i should have just paid attention to the uh that's just so shitty dude we have one little tiny door to walk out of in a [ __ ] little [ __ ] sandwich from idiots just like that kind of just sitting behind it i kind of like the foul i just don't have it leveled up myself i was using that that dude's foul and it was pretty good i kind of liked it i need to level it up some more that guy's foul felt pretty nice is [Music] is
Channel: Virb
Views: 54,739
Rating: 4.8523488 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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