LSFG Frame Gen Testing Palworld & Enshrouded

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all right today we're going to be testing lsfg with power world and enshrouded now to get some stats out of the way we're using a ryzen x3d the 5800 x3d and a 3090 the ram is oced to 3866 and my Infinity fabric on the CPU is one to one with that we're playing at 1440p 120 HZ and I've done a couple videos on the lsfg frame generation uh it said that you needed to half your refresh rate to get the op frame inter looping but theyve come up with an update that I not really going to test right now I need to kind of figure out like what it's doing this was like mid recording basically but they added vertical syn under the frame generation Tab and with that they also added uh Max refresh rate half refresh rate quarter refresh rate you know Etc so I'm not really sure what that's doing but if I had to guess maybe now I don't have to use half my refresh rate anymore I can just do a full 120 and it can work that way cuz I mean that's honestly better than the alternative uh I don't know what the you know there's no Dev notes for it there's no there's no anything there's no patch notes like the the developer didn't say anything about this update and it's already been a couple days uh so I don't know what's going on if anybody in the comments knows like you've been playing around with the uh the uh vsync option that's on the program now you know let me know down in the comments I have no idea what to do but regardless we're going to play power world we're going to test out the frame generation on this and in shrouded so first off I'm going to show you the game frame rate uh without without anything going on no thing no uh frame generation now you can clearly see I should have St this in the last video you can clearly see the frame generation when it's on because if you look in the top left hand corner of the screen you'll see a very small number and'll it'll say 240 or whatever I can't make that any bigger that is stly through the frame generation program that is the draw FPS option I can't make it any bigger I can't change the color so it's just always going to be that small I can't change where it is so just let you guys know when frame generation on you can kind of see it in the uh in the corner and I also have some text on screen as well now uh regarding the testing the goal is to test out uh how's the game look how's it feel going straight you know one to one uh no frame generation just like vsync or UNCA frames or whatever and the goal is if I turn on frame generation I have to lower some setting so it can hold the vsync option cuz the main thing is it's got to hold the FPS right so I need to be able to get to a frame rate to hold 120 regardless otherwise the inter looping is not going to be very stable all that out of the way um I guess some side notes Here is uh in shrouded does not run that well just as a heads up so uh yeah for as we kind of wrap this video up I do want to say that I could not get a a solid 120 FPS on and shrouded I would have to lower the FPS for Resolutions like 720p or something like that or 1080p it does not run very well on my rig for some reason I don't know why um it just came out it's early access so these are the best settings I can probably run with to make it you know somewhat playable um in that regard but uh yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed the video I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Ez Hardware
Views: 581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EzHardware, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld early access, palworld guide, palworld game, palworld pokemon, palworld tips, palworld release date, palworld tips and tricks, palworld trailer, palworld base, palworld boss, palworld reaction, palworld best pals, palworld multiplayer, palworld xbox, palworld funny moments, palworld steam, palworld how to, what is palworld, palworld 100 days, palworld pc, palworld impressions, Enshrouded, LSFG, FrameGen
Id: V8LsTbcK3Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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