Low Carb CHOCOLATE FAT BOMB BATTLE - The BEST Keto Chocolate Candy Recipe!

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y'all I'm finally making fat bombs come on welcome to highfalutin low-carb the random web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy Internet has to offer today I'm finally tackling something that you've asked me about so many times fat bombs stay tuned alright guys fat bombs I've finally given in and I'm gonna be testing two recipes for chocolate fat bombs you guys have asked so many times and fat bombs honestly are just not something that I make and we'll get into a little bit of that but today we're gonna be doing that we're concentrating on chocolate salted fat moms the first recipe comes from a website called what great-grandma eight.com great name and it's chocolate almond butter collagen fat bombs and the second recipe is from keto gasm calm and that's keto chocolates with macadamia and sea salt so we're gonna be testing those today now before we begin I want to give a huge thank you to perfect keto for sponsoring this video perfect kita was one of the most well respected manufacturers of keto foods and products on the market and as you know I've mentioned in several videos I am particularly fond of several of their products number one their whey protein which I've used as a flour substitute it makes great fluffy baked goods and probably the most important for me is their perfect keto collagen it is grass-fed beef pasture raised beef collagen and while I use it as a baking staple it provides you know a really chewy texture and things like cookies it also has a benefit for hair skin nails joints I've mentioned this before I have a bizarre like peeling splitting nails my mother had it god rest her soul her whole life and I have had it my whole life and since I've been taking collagen every morning I've just it's unflavored you throw one in your coffee there has been a great improvement in that so there is definitely scientific evidence about the hair skin and nail benefit of collagen as well as joints they claim that there is a benefit for fine lines and wrinkles as I head into 45 years I hold I sure hope that that's the case but I don't know we're gonna find out so anyway thank you so much perfect you know for sponsoring this video now normally I have a code highfalutin 15 they get you 15% off of all of their products and that will always work but right now through Valentine's Day I believe it's actually through February 15th 2020 you can buy one item and get a second item for 40% off so if you want to try the Hawaii and the collagen you can buy one item get one for 40% off there's gonna be a code down here on the screen but don't worry it's also in a link in the video description below and in the pin comment down below so you can use that to buy one item get one item for 40% off so thank you perfect keto for sponsoring this video its sponsorships like these that help keep our channels on the air and I really appreciate it so if you want to support me go check out perfect keto come and use the codes listed below all right let's make some fat bombs all right so let's start with our very first recipe this is chocolate almond butter collagen fat bombs by what great-grandma eight.com I love that name and this is pretty straightforward it's some coconut oil some coconut butter which is different than coconut oil so be sure to look at the coconut butter and then some almond butter cocoa powder and the things that you would expect in a chocolate fat mom what makes this special is the collagen addition she adds the collagen in there because it adds a protein boost but also the benefits that you get basically from drinking bone broth but you also get it in a dried product that you can add into a recipe alright so we're gonna start here and just over a medium-low heat we're gonna melt some of our ingredients and again this is these are not my recipes we're just here to test him so as you know I do not give exact ingredients I want you to go to the link down over here on the screen and in the video description below for exact measurements for all of these the people that did create these recipes that they deserve the traffic so I'm going to send you to their websites to get all the ingredients but for now what we're gonna do is just start melting all of this in a small saucepan and we're gonna start with hardened coconut oil and in that goes and it's not going to take long for this stuff to start melting second ingredient is the coconut butter coconut butter this is a print texture then coconut oil yes it has a little bit of coconut oil in it but it is a much more potent coconut flavor and I love it it is kind of difficult to find sometimes though you may have to go to a specialty food store order that online so coconut oil and coconut butter also we're going to add almond butter and this is just plain almond butter and I'm going to tell you that perfect Kido also makes nut butters that have flavorings in them they are insanely delicious I'm not even joking they come in little pouches and I'm not using this here because as you know I test recipes exactly as written that's the only way to be fair but they have nut butters that are keto nut butters that I love snickerdoodle and macadamia vanilla and some other wonderful flavors that I bet you would be fantastic in this but we're just keeping things as as fair as possible I'm following the recipes it exactly as written and I'm just using plain unsweetened almond butter so all right let's just bring this up to temperature and let this melt for a minute not gonna take long at all okay I'm gonna switch to a whisk just to make sure we're about to add all this dry ingredients into this all this oil and butters and you'd want to make sure you're getting a good mix on it I like a little get more questions about this little whisk right here it's just a little spiral whisk a super cheap thing I'll leave a link to it down below if you want to buy one and try it out but it lets you get into the corners of a small pot like this where you know a balloon whisk you couldn't really get into the corners so once it is melted we're gonna start adding in our dry ingredients we're actually going to start with a little bit of vanilla extract right into this first of all though the alcohol or not vanilla extract that bubble up real quick all right I'm gonna turn this down way down might be getting a little too hot on this now we're gonna add cocoa powder this is unsweetened cocoa powder and in that goes make sure you get it all out of there don't waste anything okay and this is going to give us our chocolate chocolate a chocolaty flavor and now in goes the collagen and this is unflavored beef grass-fed beef collagen right now perfect kita makes some really delicious flavored I mean this one here is this is what I'm using I want to keep stirring this this is what I'm using here it's the unflavored and this is the easiest to work with like it can work in savory or sweet goods because there's no flavoring there's no sweeteners or anything like that they do make like if you're just taking the collagen for in your coffee or whatever to make flavors like chocolate that is fantastic that has stevia in it I think it's stevia yeah stevia extract in it and it's chocolaty and wonderful and I'm sure you could probably omit the sweeteners in this recipe and just use the chocolate collagen but again I'm following recipe exactly as written and I'm just using unflavored collagen but I am gonna add a sweetener to this you said it's optional I want while I like dark chocolate I do like a sweetener and some dark chocolate this is just powdered erythritol this is confectioner swerve and I think it's important probably that unless you're using liquid stevia or something like that the granulated sweeteners tend to stay kind of grainy so I think it would be important to use a powdered sweetener which is what I've done here and lastly into this we're gonna add just a little bit of sea salt and her recipe calls for adding the sea salt into the chocolate the other recipe is you're gonna find out we sprinkle like flaky sea salt on top so we'll just see how those compare so we're just gonna I'm gonna take this off the heat and I think this is going into a little silicone mold right just one of these little things and look how cute that is I'll leave a link down there to that below but since it's Valentine's we're making parts out of it right I think it's gonna be easier for me to pour this mean to get off there to pour this into a measuring cup and then I can use the spout to add this into the little Park Wells so we're just gonna do this so I mean that couldn't have been any easier or faster hello easy peasy melting some oils now these are gonna set up in the freezer both of these recipes call for putting them in the freezer to set up as you know coconut oil varies and consistency based on its temperature and so you want to store these probably in the freezer or in the refrigerator now I'm just going to fill this little guy up here and in the freezer they go for 20 minutes [Music] all right so I can already tell those are going to be delicious I've used about half of what I made here half of the recipe and I've only got two of these little heart holes so I want to save the other heart mold for the other recipe what you can also do she said if you don't want to use silicone molds is to just pour this in a pan pour it in a pan a square pan and put it in the freezer and then when it's turned solid cut that into squares and pull that out so you just have a little square chocolates but it's Valentine's Day so we're using a little hearts so I put it on I forgot to put it on a baking pan I think that's just easier to many people I can get in the of it let me get it in the freezer so in the freezer this goes for 20 minutes while I'm doing that I'm gonna clean up and get ready for the next recipe so I'll meet you right back here all right all right so we're back to start on our second recipe the first recipe is in the freezer setting up I don't think they need to be stored permanently in the freezer I do think they probably would work out best stored in the fridge but you want to store it in the freezer you want to set it up in the freezer so that you can take them out of the mold fairly quickly it's about 20 minutes now our second recipe is quito chocolates with macadamia and sea salt and that is by Kido gasm calm we're family friendly around here that's just the name of the site again check out all the recipes down here using the links down here below and on the screen and in the video description below and this has even less ingredients from the first recipe so we're starting again with a small saucepan and I know a lot of you and there's some that some of you said in my last couple of videos that it sounds like there's a static in in my microphone I'm pretty sure that's the this induction burner I'm a much closer to it in my new kitchen than I was in my older kitchen so I think it's just picking up that's what you're hearing so we're gonna start with coconut oil and this is considerably more as you can tell then our other recipe and so this is just going to start melting on very low heat this just makes a month it's um it has fewer ingredients but it makes much many more like the other recipe was for 12 I'd said it makes 12 candies this makes 30 granted her mold looked like it was a little smaller it wasn't a hard there were like little gumdrop shapes but this just seems to make a lot more than the other recipe so in goes and just going to melt this down and then we're going to add in our cocoa powder we're also going to use a sweetener in this the other one said sweetener was optional but I did at it like I said I use a confectioner's powdered erythritol blend which was swerve for this one she called for granulated stevia the brand she used was actually a stevia erythritol blend but she specifically said if you don't like stevia you can also use monk fruit or erythritol so to keep things to keep the big match even here I'm gonna just stick with my confectioner swerve for this recipe as well I think it'll just blend and melt easily and we don't have the difference in this the sweeteners to have to contend with as far as comparisons so this is a fair amount of cocoa powder and then this goes oh it's powdery I'll show you again you get it all out of there this is unsweetened cocoa powder because you know these aren't like I said I don't think these are chocolates that are gonna stay shelf stable on the counter they might but both of them are mostly fat right these are fat bombs and fat can go rancid pretty quickly so I think that we want to keep them in the fridge we're gonna find out them alright so here's my sweetener and that is it I mean I don't know how much easier you can get than that yet again I think it's gonna be easiest to fill this by pouring it into the molds from a measuring cup so let me get all of this out of here I think her recipe specifically said to spoon it into your mole so if that's easier for you you do that I think it's easier for me to pour it this one is much thinner consistency it doesn't have that collagen in it it doesn't have that doesn't have that collagen it doesn't have the almond butter in it so it's a little thinner consistency and now we're going to add some chopped nuts to this so I'm just gonna roughly chop some macadamia nuts and we're not going to add them at the beginning because if you do they'll sink to the bottom of the mold so what we're gonna do I'll tell you here in a minute hold on okay I'll learn my lesson last time so these are coming out of the freezer this is um just on a little sheet pan these are not set up yet but I just want to use the same pan so let's just fill this fill it about 3/4 of the way full don't fill it all the way full otherwise you don't have room for your nuts in there right so that's going to take up some space so in these go about 3/4 full okay so I'm gonna throw this in the freezer and then in a few minutes when this becomes a jelly gel-like consistency we're just going to come back in and poke some of our roughly chopped nuts down into each one of those to fill it up and then we'll let them fully set up and come taste those I'll show you what I'm doing here but I'll meet you back here in just a few minutes all right it's tightened a few moments later all right guys we are back now these have been in the freezer for about 20 minutes so I don't know if you saw the time lapse earlier I did exactly what the recipe said not to do she said don't let these get too hard that needs to be a gel-like consistency if they get too hard you can't stick the nuts down it well doggone if I didn't do exactly that and now we're only they were only in there for ten minutes and they just got way too hard I threw the little of the whole silicone mold in the microwave for 30 45 seconds and softened them up and and tried to stick the the nuts down in there this one was missing a little bit of chocolate but so we're gonna see if that worked out now again these probably don't need to live in the freezer and but they they definitely just set up in the freezer so let's just see if we can get these out this is our other recipe here and this is cool that's not hot at all so let's see what we can do let's try to get these out of here all right oh my gosh they look great that's so cute oh no I got chocolate on every part of my body all right well I'm taking these out of here so you guys have asked about fat bombs for a while and I'll be very honest with you these are the first fat bombs official fat bombs that I have ever made in three years on this channel or in just in personal life a lot of people love fat bombs because they provide a little sweet bye to most of them weren't most fat bombs are sweet there are some savory ones but most of are sweet and they help you supplement your fat macros for the day and they sort of help you you know give you a little bit of that sweet taste and bite it scares me because fat bombs are so calorically dense and because I know that I have portion control issues and all that stuff cravings I'm scared I've always been scared the fat bombs were going to cause me to join like each one of these little boogers is high in calories and fat and that's the last thing I really need I mean you know I'm I'm living proof if you can eat too many calories on low-carb and keto and still gain weight or not lose weight and I'm just have been scared of them but for a lot of people these aren't a staple in their diet and they love fat bombs they can control themselves around it so I'm I'm excited to see how this turns out for me now this is the look how beautiful those are I mean my gosh I don't I hope that I hope that will let me try to focus on it hello you look you look you cookie that is so beautiful these have still we got to add the salt to them right so it says that after you take them out let them sit on the plate come to room temperature and kind of get sweaty they're gonna get a little bit sweaty and then you're gonna dust them with your sea salt because otherwise the salts just gonna fall off right it needs to be a little bit wet so that's what we can do with those and so my point here is that if you like cat balms let me know down below do you eat fat bombs of you I mean is that a staple in your diet and if so how does that help you I'm very curious about it I've steered clear of them because of the calories particularly so I'm just curious about it now the rest of the recipes it's kind of hard to get out the rest of these recipes you know we if you were just making one of these it would probably fill up both of these molds which are just cheap little silicon heart moles but I poured the rest of it in some little glass dishes and we'll cut those right later and make just squares out of them but for today's Valentine's recipe if you want to make some sweets for your sweetie for Valentine's um this is a great way to do it and stay on track with keto and look partner so get out the way look at how beautiful these are I'm very curious to see how this as you know this recipe was the first recipe by um what great-grandma ate and had a lot more the salt is already in there they had a lot more ingredients than the other recipe these had almond butter coconut butter the collagen some stuff to sort of fight back these are literally just pure coconut oil and some sweetener and some cocoa but it does have nuts in it so alright I'm gonna let these sit and kind of get come to tint room temperature a bit and then I'm gonna salt these and then we're gonna taste them so I will be back here look in my hands in five four three two one okay we're back it's been about ten minutes since we have cleaned up a little bit and I'm trying to stick the salt on to these obviously she said that you want to let them get a little moist so that the salt actually sticks to them and I am having to press a little bit but I gotta take it I love salted chocolate salted chocolate is one of my favorite flavors and I splurged I bought the expensive Maldon sea salt who Lord is about seven dollars for a little tiny bit of salt but it's pretty and it's good so I'm gonna stick these on there see if you just sprinkle it on there they're gonna fall off it doesn't hang on so you kind of need to press it on there then I've waited long enough I can't wait any longer to try these so as I don't know if you can tell the color difference here but these are a little bit lighter those are the ones that have the coconut butter and the almond butter and the collagen in them and these are much darker it's just Coco coconut oil and macadamia nuts and some sweetener so I'm kind of a sucker for some milk chocolate flavor but we gonna test them and see what we think about it so let's do that these if you remember are also salted chocolates but they have the salt in the in the recipe right so there are it's already included in there so let's try these first let's talk about macros because these are fat moms that's the whole reason you make them is to augment your fat macros for the day and as well give yourself a little bit of sweet sweetness and I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna give you the the macros that they have given on their printed recipes there are so many variables here I'm usually very exacting about my I want to be exact about the macros because that's important but there are so many variables here the recipes are different sizes they have both one call for 30 pieces of chocolate one call for 12 pieces of chocolate neither one of them fit my molds what size molds are you gonna use if you're gonna put it in a pan how big are you cutting them so honestly the best thing to do is just to add up all the macros for each of these recipes and divide it by how many servings you think you can get out of that but for now I'm gonna give you the macros that they have printed so this is the chocolate almond butter collagen fat balms this is by what great-grandma eight and one serving is one fat bomb and you're supposed to get 30 fat bombs out of this I didn't really get that meaning out of that but one of these if you make 30 out of the recipe is 67 calories you've got one gram of carbohydrates you've got two grams of protein and fat you've got six grams of fat and one gram of fiber now this second recipe here is keto chocolates with macadamia and sea salt and this is by Kino gasm calm she says that you're supposed to make 12 pieces out of this this is obviously more than 12 and I still had some left over that I put it in a smaller bowl so her moles that she used for hers were obviously larger than what we're using here but if you make twelve servings out of this one is a hundred and twenty calories 1 gram of carbohydrates 13 grams of fat and no protein all right so let's just see what we come up with I'm gonna try the first one we made these are the ones that had the almond butter and other things in them and they are so cute I don't think the cameras focusing on butter oh yeah sweet salty fatty those are pretty good those are really good and they're so pretty okay let's try the ones with the sea salt on top I might even put a little too much sea salt but you can't really have me that's not such thing these are much darker mmm got in there got bigger macadam they make a map on your fingers okay hold on both of those are freaking fantastic and as I as I know it's gumming hard for me not to eat more than one or two of these they are that good but doggone okay I would tie these now if it weren't for the macadamia nut in this this would be much better the macadamia nut really and the crunchy sea salt really makes this over the top however you know that I don't I usually try to fill it with some recipes after making them a few times I would make this recipe because this does have almond butter the coconut butter the collagen there's there's a gift there's something pushing back against you right it's not just fat and sweetener and cocoa that has substance to it there's something else in there if I were to do this again I would use this recipe and put and use the sea salt on top and also put the maca Dec chopped macadamia nuts in that if you took the two things that are great about this the sea salt and the macadamia nuts is what I'm saying and supplemented this recipe with that dangerous dangerously good so that's my verdict these are both fantastic I would combine the recipes I would use the collagen and the pinna of the almond butter and the coconut butter make these add the salt and the macadamia nuts to it and jeans Louise is gonna be good so there you have it folks chocolate fat bombs I finally did it just for you so I really appreciate that you've come along for the journey on this video as I say every time these videos are way for me to maintain my low-carb way of eating and looking in the in the back camera as often as I can helps keep me honest so I appreciate it you have come along for the journey I want to give another huge thank you to my sponsor perfect keto for sponsoring this video be sure to check out on the link below it's also going to be on the video description below and in the comments to get buy one get one forty percent off my 15% off coupon will always work over the next few days three valentine's 2020 you can use that code to really try out a couple of their fantastic products so be sure to check them out thank you so much perfect keno for sponsoring kind of sponsorships like yours keep all of our channels online and I really appreciate your support if you don't know what patreon is be sure to check out my patreon account think of it as a tip jar for the internet that allows people like you who enjoy what people like me do here on the Internet and you give me a dollar to a month just to sort of keep the Train on the tracks there's some personalized content over there and I'm gonna be listing all of my patreon sponsors here on the screen so otherwise I'll love you guys happy Valentine's Day give your sweetie some sweets and I will see you very soon all right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 87,410
Rating: 4.9443932 out of 5
Keywords: highfalutin low carb, wes shoemaker, chocolate fat bomb, fat bomb, low carb fat bomb, keto fat bomb, fat bomb recipe, low carb fat bomb recipe, keto fat bomb recipe, low carb chocolate, keto chocolate, low carb chocolate candy, keto chocolate candy, sugar free chocolate candy, salted chocolate candy, salted chocolate fat bomb, chocolate candy, chocolate, low carb candy, keto candy, low carb dessert, keto dessert, low carb dessert recipe, keto dessert recipe, perfect keto
Id: pP0wvfngaww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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